By Mahinda Rajapaksa –
The government has tabled in Parliament, proposals for a new constitution. The constitutional reform pledges made by the yahapalana coalition at the last presidential election was restricted to changing the system of elections and abolishing the executive presidential system. This government never received a mandate to repeal and replace the existing constitution. We are completely opposed to the following proposals made in the interim report of the Steering Committee of the Constitutional Assembly.
* It has been proposed that the Sinhala word ‘ekeeya’ be retained in the Sinhala version of the proposed new constitution, while the English word ‘unitary’ will be dropped from the English version together with the conceptual framework it denotes. Thus the local population will be under the impression that Sri Lanka still remains a unitary state, but in the eyes of the international community, we will be considered a country that has relinquished unitary status. That such chicanery can even be contemplated is indicative of the mentality of the people driving this constitutional reform process.
* The intent behind these reforms is made clear by the proposal in page four that the northern and eastern provinces be considered one province. Furthermore it has been proposed that the territory of Sri Lanka which is described in Article 5 of the present Constitution as consisting of the 25 administrative districts named in the relevant Schedule, be instead described in terms of an unspecified number of provinces named in a Schedule rather than the specific number of districts – which gives an indication of the intent behind these proposals.
* It has been proposed to devolve to the provinces all powers and functions that can be carried out at the level of the province on the basis of the principle of ‘subsidiarity’. It is on the basis of a similar conceptual framework that the separatists have been agitating for an independent state in the northern and eastern provinces since 1972.
* Once powers are devolved to the provinces on the basis of ‘subsidiarity’, it has been proposed that Parliament should not have the power (even with a two thirds majority) to make any changes to that arrangement without the consent of each and every provincial unit. It has also been proposed that Parliament should not have the power to legislate into law, national standards and national policies without the consent of the proposed second chamber of parliament which would consist mostly of representatives of the provincial units. Furthermore it has been proposed that the list of concurrent powers which confers a certain leadership role on the central government be abolished and those powers also be transferred to the provinces. In addition to all that, the implementation of certain matters coming under the central government are to be assigned to the provinces, thus greatly reducing the role of the central government as befits a federal system.
* The executive powers of the provincial Governors are to be transferred to the provincial boards of ministers and the Governors are to carry out their duties on the advice of the former to the extent where the Governor will not have the authority even to inform the central government of an emergency situation that has arisen in a province without instructions from the chief minister. Furthermore the time given to the Governors and thereafter to the President to either assent to a provincial statute or refer it to the Supreme Court for a determination on its constitutionality is to be fixed at two weeks and upon the expiry of this period, the statute would automatically be considered to have received executive ascent. This will severely restrict the ability of the Central government to control the provinces. Sri Lanka’s system of devolution has been borrowed from India. According to Article 201 of the Indian Constitution, the President of India has a veto power over any law passed by a state – a power the President of Sri Lanka never had. Therefore we cannot agree to a further reduction of the powers of the central government over the provinces.
* It has been proposed that land powers which belong to the central government under the provisions of the present constitution and the relevant Supreme Court judgements, be transferred to the provinces. Thereafter if the central government makes a request to obtaina state land coming under the provincial councils and the request is turned down, the matter will be referred first to arbitration and thereafter to the proposed constitutional court. In stark contrast to this in India, if the central government requires land in a state, it can be acquired regardless of the consent or otherwise of the state government concerned. Hence no change should be made in the land powers under the present constitution as interpreted by the Supreme Court.
* It has been proposed to set up a second chamber in parliament with 45 of its 55 members being representatives of the provincial councils. The purpose of this body is to give the provincial representatives a veto power over the law making powers of parliament by making a two thirds majority in the second chamber mandatory to amend the constitution. According to Article 249 of the Indian Constitution, the Rajya Sabha can by a resolution passed with a two thirds majority, confer on Parliament the power to govern one or all of the states.Subject to its renewal each year, this arrangement can be continued for as long as is necessary. This is one of the main constitutional safeguards put in place to preserve the territorial integrity of India. Unless it is vested with powers analogous to Article 249 of the Indian Constitution, a second chamber of Parliament would not be necessary in Sri Lanka.
* Even though the number of MPs to be elected on the proportional representation system which favours minor parties has been increased to 40%, it has nevertheless been proposed to create small constituencies and multi member constituencies to ensure the representation of various communities. It has also been proposed that an additional number of seats be allocated to the northern province on the basis that those who went overseas due to the war and have not returned after the war ended are displaced people. Making changes to the system of elections so as to promote ethnic and religion based politics is counterproductive.It has also been proposed that the base for electing MPs on the proportional representation system be changed from the district to the province – which is another way of promoting federalism.
The reason why this latest set of proposals does not mention police powers even though it was mentioned in the earlier documents released by the Constitutional Assembly, could be because the provisions needed to divide the police service into nine units already exist in dormant form in Appendix I of the Ninth schedule of our Constitution due to the 13th Amendment. We believe the national police force should continue to function countrywide as it does at present. Appendix I of the Ninth Schedule of the present Constitution should therefore be amended to suit the prevailing practical reality.
There are many other unacceptable provisions in these latest constitutional reform proposals such as; the proposal to abolish the constitutional jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and to confer it on a special constitutional court,various proposals to imbue the prime minister with the characteristics of a president after the executive presidency is abolished, and restrictions on dissolving parliament for a given period following an election etcetera. However we have not commented on such matters here because they are not immediately relevant to what we see as the main objective of these constitutional proposals.
Even though a proposal has been made to amend Article 9 of the present Constitution which accords the foremost place to Buddhism, it is clear that this is not one of the yahapalana government’s actual priorities at this point in time. Analysts have opined that this proposal to amend Article 9 has been brought in so that it can be abandoned at the last moment in a seeming compromise to mislead the Maha Sangha. Another such proposal which can be abandoned in a seeming compromise so as to misled the majority community, without doing any harm to the ultimate constitutional objectives of the yahapalana government is the proposal to include in Article 7, the Tamil version of the national anthem.
The interim report thus includes several provisions which can be abandoned at the last moment as bargaining points. Everyone knows that the yahapalana government has mastered the art of constitutional and legal deception and dissimulation. The objective of the yahapalana government at this point in time, is not to change the provisions relating to Buddhism or the national anthem but to change the structure of the Sri Lankan state from unitary to federal. The purpose of these constitutional proposals is to meet commitments made to the local and international forces that helped them to capture power in January 2015. The proposed constitutional reforms if implemented will put in place the legal and conceptual framework needed to have in Sri Lanka a Kurdistan or Catalonia style referendum for independence at a future date.
The vast majority of the Tamil and Muslim people live outside the northern and eastern provinces. Therefore, the carving out of federal units based on ethnicity or religion and the conferring of sweeping powers on such units should never take place in this country. My request to the government is that they abandon this destructive proposal for a new constitution and to bring forward proposals to implement the original constitutional pledges they made.
Tennyson Cooray / October 16, 2017
Yes Sir good comment!
Some of the clauses are unacceptable
Amarasiri / October 17, 2017
Mahinda Rajapaksa,
RE: The Proposal For A New Constitution
From 2009 to 2014, you had 5 years to fix it. What dis you do? Consolidate your power and steal and commit crimes. You imprisoned the real hero Gen Sarath Fonseka.
So we must now sing:
MaRa MaRa ChaTu MaRa
MaRa MaRa AmaNa MaRa
MaRa MaRa HoRa MaRa
MaRa MaRa DhushaNa MaRa
Amarasiri / October 19, 2017
Former Mahinda Rajapaksa,
Are you a former President or a former coward? Were you afraid of the White ans of Gota? So wanted to talk peace, but afraid of Gota?
Amarasiri / October 20, 2017
Former Mahinda Rajapaksa,
“We have decided the unsuitability of the proposed Constitution. We say that a new Constitution is not needed. The present Constitution is good for us. We decided that the Maha Sangha should oppose the proposed Constitution,” MaRa, Cronies and the Joint Opposition-
Why?Why Why?…. So that you can fool and fleece the populace again and again because their IQ’s are low and they lack common sense?
Colour Of Despotism: Saffron?
The new Mahanayake of Asgiriya who succeeded to the position after the demise of his endearingly erudite and sensible predecessor has not disguised his partisan leanings. He has already declared his outright opposition to the constitutional drafting process.
In the case of the far more self-possessed and rational prelate of the Malwatte chapter, the joint opposition suffered a decisive set back. The Mahanayake thero of Malwatte recently advised Dinesh Gunwardena who sought to enlist his support in opposing the process, that it was best to await the draft proposals. In the light of assurances given by the President and Prime minister on the unitary state, primacy of Buddhism etc. there was no need to rush in to warped opinions.
Champa / October 17, 2017
Mr. former President, why don’t you do it the right way instead of the easy way?
Why doesn’t JO withdraw from Constitutional Assembly and cease to be the lifeblood of the TNA?
What is all this about justifying JO’s active participation in the Constitutional Assembly for Federal Constitution?
If you and your JO are genuine, you will do your part first, before asking the government.
Remember, people may hear your words, but they feel your attitude.
Ajith / October 16, 2017
My dear Rajapakse (former president, prime minister, member of parliament, human rights activist) you are one of the SLFP activist and you are part and partial of SLFP policies since 1956. I would like to remind you some of the policies to resolve the ethnic problem which is running from 1956. You may not in politics at the time when former prime minister SWRD Banda (SLFP leader) signed an agreement with Federal party leader SJV Chelva. Federal party policies are well known and still this party carry on with the same principle of Federal solution. Whether this agreement signed are implemented the fact is it is about devolution of power including land powers to North East. You may not be educated or understand enough about it at the time you joined the federal party but you were a minister in the 1994 – 2004 and became prime minister in 2004 and you were the opposition leader until you became President in 2005, From 2005-2015 you were president. You may be well aware that under Chandrika govt, there was a proposals for a solution based on Federal principle and you are part and partial of SLFP. In 2002 Ranil government under Chandrika’s Presidentship went on to talk with LTTE in Oslo and agreed to find a solution based on Federal principle. Probably the original writer of this article for you Prof. GL Peries was the one who was fully support of that agreement. You also appointed an all party group to find a solution and they also submitted a proposal based on federal solution. So, the federal solution is the official policy of SLFP which you represented for many years. Even this proposal is prepared by an ally of SLFP under the leadership of President Mithiripala Senanayaka who is also an SLFP activist for long time as you. Dear Rajapakse, people did not elect you in 2015 election for one reason that is you are not honest enough to what you say and what you do. Even though you have served more than what you contributed to the nation your power greediness is not over yet. You are a greedy and dirty politician. Please leave the nation to recover from the mess you created for the benefit of future children including yours.
Ansar / October 16, 2017
Maharage, some additions with your permission, under the brute Regime of MARAYA
11. Killing Lasantha Wickramaunge
12. Killing Bharatha Lakshman
13. Killing Rathupaswela Protestors.
14. Killing FTZ Protester.
15. Killing numerous Welikada Prisoners.
16. Eliminating Ekneheliyagoa from the face of earth.
17. Killing Kurham Sha and raping his girl friend (Britisher)
18. Impeaching a sitting Chief Justice by the morons of MARA.
19. Incarcerating the valiant General who saved the motherland.
20. White vanning numerous individuals for ransom and eventually murdering them.
What crap is this Bloody Criminal talking, after overseeing all above murders and atrocities under his bloody nose.
Get the hell out and stay in Medamulana, till the wheels of justice comes to a grinding halt at Carlton.
Happy living Medamulana MARA.
Punchiburampi / October 16, 2017
He would never be able to live happily when realizing the gravity of the harm being done by his direct involvment.
People have no idea yet what a Hypocrite MR has been.
Telling something and doing totally different is his nature from the day one.
His wolf smile is to keep even CONTRACT killers close to him.
The kind of ABUSIVE men ( I mean all politicians are abusive,) but the degree of the man s abusivness does not have limits.
So long PEOPLE would NOT realize the gravity, even MINORITY will have to suffer.
His SONS are failure – How can SONS be right so long FATHER is number one CRIMINAL ?
Not even GADAFI family or IRAKi Sadam abused the state to the manner MR et al did.
He will have to pay for all the SINs sooner than laters.
Champa / October 16, 2017
Who the hell you ‘Bloody Criminal’ you think you are to tell the former President to get the hell out of politics? His future in politics will be decided by people, not by a criminal like you.
I heard that it was you, a man called Ansar, who killed Lasantha Wickrematunga, Bharatha Lakshman, FTZ protester, Welikada prisoners, Ekneligoda and Kurham Sha and collected ransom from white van abductors and eventually murdered them. The wheels of justice will come to you soon. Don’t think you can escape.
Punchiburampi / October 16, 2017
Ansar may be just a citizen who has been observing the harm being done by the megalo.
You Champawathie, would have been go on licking the balls of them, but many would not tolerate you the like minded any more.
Media mafia has painted a picture that Rajapakshes liberated the country from LTTE terror, but those who are well aware of the facts would know it really, it was collectivity did that.
By end of 2007 or so, LTTers were weakened everywhere, besides, War won army commander today s honourable minister said not once thousands of times that IT WAS THE ARMY and other two forces did the job for the sake of nation.
Like it is the case with a Cricket match winning, it shoudl have been, but ballige puthas of Madamulaa painted it in favours of their kith and kin and even domestic pets.
The harm they have done to this nation hundreds times more than their mediation in elemination of the terror.
Truths will come to surface in the future., that is like SUN rises.
Man OR wOMAN; yours is enough fo rus now.
Give us a BRAEK Champa. Even Nyork prostitutes would not become that penetrating as you have been.
Do you job with Wimal Buruwas leaving us in Peace.
Good luck.
Champa / October 17, 2017
Punchiburampi – NY red light street frequenter (by his own admission)
I learnt long time ago never to wrestle with pigs. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.
Remember to be sober when you post your next comment so that I can reply.
Punchiburampi / October 17, 2017
Not just few days ago, this Champawathie came with anti MR statements.
But the very same woman thought practising the oldest profession to defend the megalomaniac again above questions me this Champa s been a human being ?
Even if all men would have abused her, that is not a reason to twist the poor folks in this country anymore.
Truth and its background to be exposed to the nation is a must. Just keeping the public away from the truths have let them betrayed as no other nations.
Rajapakshe did it in a fine matter but now has been doing continuing it for his come back.
That Wimal Musalaya the pig that Champawathie would not want to name, is the main headache.
We need to get him from our sights sooner than later.
I hate the bugger for ever to have made this nation blind for the moment.
300 000 from WP to have voted for him has been connected with JUST rhetrorics that may have the same effects of the early evevining TEL drama series on the lanken TV channels.
No matter even if the roofs would have been blown away, today the poor folks have been tied to Teledramas. People have no time to concentrate themselves on the EUDCATION of their lovely ones.
This culture is spread in the country by MEDIA blood suckers.
Dheraan should be taught a lession not to continue their agendas that way. And the socerry AND astro predictions are the other effect. These both almost destroy the nation.
Ballige puthas have ruined the nation as nothing can help easily.
So the current men are not to be blamed. I dont support lanken politcs but the truths.
Champa / October 17, 2017
First of all, I don’t need permission from a two-cent like you to write comments. I write what I want.
My criticism and defense both are strictly bonded with ethics and logical reasoning. I never resort to personal attacks like a bunch of small-minded people like you who know nothing else.
I have answered your baseless accusations against Wimal thousand times. Therefore, I don’t see any reason to repeat. According to B.C. Forbes, the founder of Forbes Magazine “Jealousy is a state of mental cancer in mind.” Therefore, get well soon!!!
Wimal has made two historical speeches that changed the political equation of this country. First one on February 18, 2015 and the second one on October 14, 2017. Wimal’s leadership was and is the most decisive factor of safeguarding the future of this country. His second speech shook the country even more than the first. Irrespective of party politics, Wimal’s selfless love of country and unparalleled courage are highly admired by everybody. He is the Voice of the Nation without any argument.
Punchiburampi / October 17, 2017
Why then you hang on with MOST KNOWN PIG wimal ?
He has all the qualities go beyond a WILD pig to have behaved so to date.
Or are you that hallozinated having taken his drugs as was the case met with that YOUNG boy dead found in his den ?
Was that child an crystalator to Wimal Sex life ? If that young boy would have been your son or daughter, how woul d you react ?
That alone and plus few things would have been more than enough THE PIG to be put 10 years in a jail.
If I had been an officer in law boddies, I would have speeded up that convincing the gravity of harm Wima. drag queen to have made to this society.
mike / October 18, 2017
Chimpa – Guilty conscience pricks the mind! Are you a red light street frequenter?
ansar / October 17, 2017
Champa, I heard that Maraya is unable to sleep nowadays without some dose in the night and waking in the dead of night and screaming mama newei Gota. Why not not help him alleviate his misery. You seem to be very conscious of his well being, why not give it a try. Will be rewarded richly, still left with quite a bit from Tsunami horakapu money up till Jan 8th loot of people’s blood.
Mudianse / October 17, 2017
Born rascals will die as rascals.
His association has been with rascals from the day one.
He has been in sheep cloths but things will come to surface sooner than later for sure.
JVP is silent for their political gains, but now or later all varioius folks will have to accept Rajapakshes are the unethical uncultured men that would see no mercy when standing against EVEN own folks. Revenge is on their top of the agenda.
If Sarath fonseka would have been killed, the the Rajapakshe would have been very happier today.
Much more they could go hiding if many of the current men would NOT have been in Politics.
Almost everyone corner they have a dead body hidden.
Champa / October 19, 2017
Oh, I forgot to post a reply here. My comment was not in support of MR. In principle, I am against unsubstantiated allegations. Almost all the suspects or would be suspects for the crimes listed in your first comment are Army/Intelligence Officers, not Rajapaksas. Although there are no credible evidence against Army Officers, the cases are twisted in such a way finally it is the Army Officers who will be charged. I am against it.
Amarasiri / October 22, 2017
Champa -wathie,
“I heard that it was you, a man called Ansar, who killed Lasantha Wickrematunga, Bharatha Lakshman, FTZ protester, Welikada prisoners, Ekneligoda and Kurham Sha and collected ransom from white van abductors and eventually murdered them. The wheels of justice will come to you soon. Don’t think you can escape.”
You are mixing up Gotabaya Rajapaksa, with Ansar. Do u you have an IQ or memory problem?
mike / October 16, 2017
Ansar – Let me add something that may not come within the scope of our readers expectation, namely :
appointing “Paba” as a Member of Parliament on the National List after fulfilling his biological needs!
Native Vedda / October 17, 2017
You have done a brilliant job, by compiling most unsolved crimes.
However you have completely forgotten Doctor Mahin’s, Gota’s, ………………… share of war crimes committed during and after the war.
Ansar / October 17, 2017
Thanks NV for that.
One more thing I missed out, is the carnage caused by the Balu Senas in Aluthgama and Beruwela resulting in some deaths and colossal destruction.
The list will only go on and on, but strangely Dayan the D…….y, Dinesh Gonawardane, Gemmampila, Booruwansa, Bandula Gonawardane, Gas Labu Peiris and all the JO crooks who go behind this Criminal Family will, see no evil, hear no evil.
nimal / October 17, 2017
soma / October 18, 2017
Your list pales into insignificance when
you think of
-Jaffna library
Native Vedda / October 22, 2017
soman ji
You forgot 1915, 1956, 1958, 1960, 1971, 1977,……………………………
soma / October 16, 2017
Can you comment on Rajapaksa’s statement:
“The vast majority of the Tamil and Muslim people live outside the northern and eastern provinces. Therefore, the carving out of federal units based on ethnicity or religion and the conferring of sweeping powers on such units should never take place in this country. “
What is your line of reasoning to justify that Tamils(Tamil speaking people) outside NE should be allowed to live without benefits of a federal setup.
Ajith / October 16, 2017
You don’t understand the principle of Federal. It is not calving out of units. Every one is going to be the citizen of Srilanka. It is not about Tamils allover the world moving to North East of Srilanka. It is about sharing the power. Yes the migrated recently from North East for various security reasons. They are forced to do that. Still after so much of lossess and migration tamil speaking people are the majority of the North East. It is not about race or religion. Of course those who are traditionally lived for long in the North East are welcome in the North East irrespective of race or religion. Do you think that all of your leaders including your Mahinda Rajapakse accepted the principle of Federalism to resolve this issue. Are you going to hang them for proposing or accepting those proposals based on Federalism. Can you explain me how did you give ministerial posts in your Srilanka who ran away from this country and got citizenship in USA and Australia? Don’t ask same stupid question?
wannihami / October 16, 2017
Ajith, Most do understand what federalism is (anyone can Google it!), what most people do not understand is what will happen to the Tamil speaking people who live outside of the North and East in case the North and East breakaway, do you realize the fate of Tamil speaking people living in the south in such an event, do you think they will be able to lead their lives in peace, will they want to move to the North? Leaving their beautiful Havelock City behind?
Ajith / October 16, 2017
How many times you have to explain that federalism is not breakaway. It is not separation. It is about north east people elect their representatives to manage their administration. Under federalism, the security is the function of the centre, citizenship is the function of the centre (one passport only). Do you think when you get married you breakaway from your family? Once you married you look after your family but you still have a good relationship with your family. Do you think your parent should tell your wife what to wear and what to eat? Are you going to kill those tamils if they don’t go back to north east? or do you expect the north east administration will kill all the Sinhalese in the east? Have you googled about federalism? Did you find that in how many countries have federal govts? Do you think 50 USA states are separate countries?
sach / October 17, 2017
USA does not have a federalism based on ethnic differences. What is suggested in SL is based on ethnicity
wannihami / October 17, 2017
Ajith..First, why do you think I am not a Tamil speaking person from Colombo who was displaced once because of the stupidity of the then UNP government? Second, you really must read up on various types and levels of Federalism and provisions of such constitutions before you start typing nonsense.
Native Vedda / October 17, 2017
” what most people do not understand is what will happen to the Tamil speaking people who live outside of the North and East in case the North and East breakaway,”
Leave the worrying to the Hindians. Let them worry about them.
Are you worrying about the Sinhala speaking people who live within North East? Leave the worrying to Hindians. Let them worry about them.
wannihami / October 17, 2017
Ah mate we know how India loves Islam and yes they may take care of the situation, btw I know mate you are shaking in your boots, thinking of merged N and E, don’t worry it may never come to pass.
Native Vedda / October 18, 2017
“I know mate you are shaking in your boots, thinking of merged N and E, don’t worry it may never come to pass.”
I know it is completely impossible for you to see beyond your nose. Never mind, how about merging Northern and Southern Provinces?
A few years ago I asked your fellow Ghetto builder somass ji the same question and I am yet to receive his answer?
soma / October 16, 2017
When you use the word “Tamil people” does that include those who practise Islam too.? Don’t you agree that situation with regard to them is rather ambivalent as far as Sinhalese are concerned? I mean are they prepared to share one province as a federal unit? Have Sampanthan and Hakim come to any agreement over this?
Jimsofty / October 16, 2017
AJITH: What ever the principal is Tamils do not deserve a FEDERAL SET UP, A plACE in the FLAG, their languiage as national language. Those should be reversed. YOu Tamils thought you were in Sinhala since Time immeorial. Yet, your beloved british Suddha did not give you any place. It is only the Kalusuddha SWRD who gave you some place by backing off of amijg Sinhala the only official language and LSSP gve you other things on a platter. that is why LSSP is only one seat or one national list MP per party.———— Even todate Mahnda Rajapakse is not a visionary after all these. His journalists cronies just pick from here and there and publish these articles. HE doe snot understand he should retire and enjoy the victory some how that he happened to be there.
sach / October 17, 2017
Sri Lanka is already quasi federal. We have reached the limits where we can apply federalism in SLn context
Shenal / October 17, 2017
I have couple of questions to be asked from you.
1) How would fedelarism empower the people of the states?
2) Why did the Tamils and Muslims leave the so called North and East for security reasons and settled among the Sinhalese whom are acused of threatning them in first place?
Ajith / October 17, 2017
No one accuses Sinhalese people. There are good people as well as bad people like you. A number of Tamils were saved by the good people during 1958,1977 & 1983 when those Buddhist Sinhala fundamentalist hooligans with the support of govt and military enagaged in massacring Tamils. Until 1984, Tamils in the South were attacked by Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalists, Tamils who lived in Colombo and some other parts of Srilanka moved to North East. Even up country Tamils were moved to North East. I don’t know you have any knowledge about the massacre of Tamils in 1958, 1977, 1983 etc. Since 1984, there was a war in the North East, there was indiscriminate shelling, bombing and destruction of properties. It intensified later. There was abductions, murders, rapes, arrests and torture. There was encomic sanctions. So the people have to leave their homes and moved to Colombo and neighbouring area. They didn’t move to hardcore fundamentalists areas like Hambantota or Matara. IF you look at the population statistics of Srilanka most of the around the Capital Colombo which is safer than areas at least to keep their life safe. It is not the courtesy of Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalists but because of the international pressure. If there was another 1983 July in Colombo, Srilanka would have divided in to two long time ego.
Shenal / October 19, 2017
If there was so much international pressure how did the so called genocide happened in the N-E. You people are getting bogged down in your own muck. When Sinhalese coexist peacefully with Tamils it is because of the international pressure. But, when the war was raging. There was no international pressure. Just make up your mind. Was there substantial international pressure on Sri Lanka during both instances?
The 1983 pogrom was a isolated incident. Tamils continued to live and thrive in Wellawatta, Mutwal, Wattla, Negombo areas even after 1983. There are no trouble between them and the Sinhalese. Show me any single racial incidents directed at Tamils after 1983.
Amarasiri / October 22, 2017
Shenal, and Ajit,
“Until 1984, Tamils in the South were attacked by Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalists, Tamils who lived in Colombo and some other parts of Srilanka moved to North East.”
Yes. it was always, the Para-Sinhala “Buddhists” who attacked the Para-Tamils, courtesy of Mahawamsa brainwashing by Para-Monk Mahanama, instigated by Para-Sinhala “Buddhist” politicians.They all stole the Land of Native Vedda Aethho, from the Native Veddah Aethho.
The Vedda Tribe
Tamil-speaking Veddas of Vaharai await war recovery support
Kumar / October 17, 2017
The Sri Lankan Tamils of North and East choose to live in the metropolis (Colombo) due to many reasons. Not only Tamils and Muslims but everybody likes to live in Colombo or greater Colombo areas because as a unitary state with a central government/administration in Colombo (that the British established), for everything (work/economic, travel/visa/embassies/airport, etc.) one needs to come to Colombo. Further, due to decades (right from independence) of state exclusion from investment and development in the Tamil North and East, the people there had little prospect of economic life other than agriculture and limited state employment. Which is why, the period from 1977 to 1983 being described as one of incessant ethnic rioting, large numbers of Tamils remained in the south. However, their luck ran out in 1983.
Secondly, during the period of war, the areas outside the Northeastern warzone were comparatively safer places. Whilst disappearances, indefinite detention, torture, etc. were a risk in the south, the risks of these were far greater in their home towns and villages in the North & East.
If power is devolved (under a federal system) and decentralization had taken place right from independence, the Tamils would not have come to Colombo.
Shenal / October 19, 2017
The State also excluded Uva and Wellassa from investment and development until very recently. Therefore it is unjust to paint a racially biased picture of the economic imbalance of Sri Lankan state just to suite your personal agendas.
However, Tamils continued to thrive in the Southern areas even after 1983. There was no major pogrom directed at Tamils after 1983. What happened in 1983 was isolated incident which was fueled by political greed. It had nothing to do with Tamil hatred.
How ever, my earlier query still stands. How would federalism empower Tamil People?
Somapala Appuchamy / October 19, 2017
“What happened in 1983 was isolated incident which was fuelled by political greed.”
In July83, it was a Sunday, full moon poya day, the Sinhala Buddhists were gathered at the Buddhist temples, they took pun sil, and while listening to the bana, the Priests in each temple, specially the Kelaniya vihara, were told about the attack on the 13 soldiers. Immediately the tune of the bana changed to Dutugemunu’s war against the Tamils, the temples changed into anti Tamil war schools, the priests gave all the necessary instructions to the Sinhala Buddhists on how to attack and kill those innocent Tamils. It was past mid night, early Monday morning, the Sinhala Buddhists came out of the temples charging like wild buffalos and killed the innocent Tamils, burning them alive, and looted all their belongings. It was not isolated incident but the whole country (South) and it was fuelled by Buddhist Monks and a few racist politicians.
Burning Issue / October 16, 2017
Many of the Catalan people live in other parts of Spain. Many Scotts live in England and Wales. This is a feeble reason to put forward to support your bigoted argument. Please grow up
Even the Smart Patriot dare to use this to support his case!
wannihami / October 16, 2017
In 200 years when Sri Lanka is in the G7 or even G20 yes you can compare the situation in Sri Lanka to UK or Spain, until that time it is more likely to be (unfortunately) similar to 1983
soma / October 17, 2017
It is THE main argument. Write down reasons 1,2,3… why the Tamils need a federal unit in NE and tell us why do the majority of the Tamils (Tamil speaking people) still desire to live outside the NE among the Sinhalese. Honestly it is plain hypocrisy.
Kumar / October 18, 2017
Stupid Sinhalese like Soma have never understood the meaning of federalism or they pretend not to understand. They think a federal state means a separate country where the Sinhalese will be sent out. Federalism is not separation and it is the rights of North & East Tamils. Only its denial will force the Tamils to seek separation. Unfortunately, even 8 years after the war ended, the Sinhalese are still not willing to give the Tamils their due rights. The Tamils cannot continue within a unitary state anymore. They need to get back to their original federal state as it was before the British united it in 1833. The Tamils may have lost the war but they have not lost their rights to federalism or self-determination. In almost all countries in the world, a minority with a separate territory is granted a federal state because only in a federal state a minority but a territorial majority can work cohesively with others. The ground reality as everybody can see is that the Sri Lankan Tamils are still having a clearly defined (Tamil speaking) territory in the North & East of Sri Lanka where they are living as a separate majority with a separate culture. However much they try, nobody can change the demography of Tamil North & East of Sri Lanka which was Tamil, is Tamil and will be Tamil forever.
Shenal / October 19, 2017
Where did this federal state sprang up from? British didn’t even acknowledged a Tamil speaking kingdom in Sri Lanka in the 1815 accession agreement. Brits even separated provinces in 1833 in their own accords. What evidence do you have to prove that Tamils had a independent kingdom before 1815?
Tamils live in a separate and exclusive Tamil speaking areas because of the racist policies of the imperialist authorities, such as the Thesawalamei law. Do not deny this plain reality. If Sinhalese have to give Tamils federal authority, then every tom, dick and harry might come up asking their own separate province based on their own ethnicity. How stupid can we get?
Amarasiri / October 22, 2017
From “Where did this federal state sprang up from?”
From where did this Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamil sprang kingdoms and states spring up from? They all are illegal kingdoms and states formed in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho from the illegally stolen land. The Para shoukd get back to theit Homeland, India.
The Vedda Tribe
Tamil-speaking Veddas of Vaharai await war recovery support
Kumar / October 18, 2017
Continued from above…
In a federal system, anybody and everybody can move from one state to another without any restrictions. Take some examples of countries with federal states like the USA, India, tiny Switzerland, etc. If an American citizen wants to go from Texas and settle in New York or an Indian wants to go from New Delhi and settle in Tamil Nadu or, a Swiss wants to go from Zurich and settle in Sion, he/she does not need any visa/passport or change in citizenship. Similarly, in a federal Sri Lanka, if a Sinhalese from Matara wants to settle in the NE or a Tamil from Jaffna wants to settle in the South, he/she does not need any passport or change in citizenship. Nobody is going to chase them out. No Tamils in the South are going to move to the NE and no Sinhalese in the NE are going to move to the South by having a federal system. A federal Southern province means the people of the South are given freedom to look after their own affairs and a federal Northern Province means the people of the North are allowed to look after our own affairs. It is a process of decentralization and sharing.
If the Sinhalese continue to deny the rights of Tamils and insist that the whole of Sri Lanka belongs to them and will remain a unitary state, it will only push the Tamil leaders to seek alternative measures like mobilizing large masses, if not all of the Tamil people, for a Non-violent campaign with Direct Action or even go further by calling for a UN sponsored referendum to be held for the North & East Tamils in Sri Lanka to establish a separate state like just like ‘Kosovo’, ‘East Timor’, ‘Montenegro’ and ‘South Sudan’ where the Tamil people of Sri Lanka will get their traditional Tamil homeland back.
Kumar / October 18, 2017
Unlike the armed struggle (militancy-cum-terrorism), the repetition of non-violent campaigns with Direct Action will have full International and UN support and sometimes direct interference. Tamil Diaspora should make sure that the International and UN interference in Sri Lanka continues until the national problem is solved and a proper federal solution is set up in the country.
soma / October 18, 2017
In short csn you list down what are the benefits of a federal system for the Tamils (Tamil speaking people) living outside NE who are the majority? .Leave aside personal vilifications and speak to the point.
Shenal / October 19, 2017
Will the federalism abolish the Thesawalamai law code?
Somapala Appuchamy / October 19, 2017
Shenal and Soma the two blind men in the dark,
“How would federalism empower Tamil People?”
“can you list down what are the benefits of a federal system for the Tamils living outside NE”
Please read the article written and published on CT today by Dayan Jayathilake “The Sinhala Alt-Right & the Tamil Question” and you will get to know the FULL answer.
Native Vedda / October 18, 2017
somass ji
“Write down reasons 1,2,3… why the Tamils need a federal unit in NE “
Stupid man/woman/it –
The Federal system of governance will be applied through out the island. As usual the Sinhla/Buddhist Fascist Ghetto builders are trying very hard to mislead the stupid masses.
Why doesn’t the people of this island need Federal system of governance?
Being a fascist sympathiser and racist who things you are too clever it is understandable as to why you hate people being empowered with more democratic, decision making, accountability, ………. rights.
The government should act and carve out a Sinhala/Buddhist/Fascist ghetto for you and your fellow racists where you could have your shrines for MR, GR, VP, Hitler, Mussolini, ………………………… and hundreds of war criminals.
soma / October 17, 2017
Burning Issue
If Catalans who plan to continue living in Spain voted for separation Spaniards should kick them out. Plain and simple.
Burning Issue / October 17, 2017
The Mainland Spanish people are not as insecure as you are! You need to deal with your insecurity pure and simple. Unfortunately, it is consuming you painfully slowly!
soma / October 17, 2017
The mainland Spaniards were not held hostage by unconciable terror like we Sinhalese had to face for 30 long years.
Burning Issue / October 18, 2017
The LTTE did not just drop out of the sky; you created it with your intransigent attitude towards the Tamils. You consciously and calculatedly marginalised them just because you are/were insecure to the core. Both communities paid dearly for their past misdeeds. It is now time to recognise and empower the Tamils. It is also time for the likes of you to deal with your inherent insecurity and bigotry!
Native Vedda / October 17, 2017
somass ji
““The vast majority of the Tamil and Muslim people live outside the northern and eastern provinces.”
Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth –
Nazi Joseph Goebbels’s law of propaganda.
“Therefore, the carving out of federal units based on ethnicity or religion and the conferring of sweeping powers on such units should never take place in this country. “
Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth –
Nazi Joseph Goebbels’s law of propaganda.
“What is your line of reasoning to justify that Tamils(Tamil speaking people) outside NE should be allowed to live without benefits of a federal setup.”
Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth –
Nazi Joseph Goebbels’s law of propaganda.
Shrikharan / October 17, 2017
Many Sinhalaese / Sri Lankans now live outside Sri Lanka and a good reason to take back Sri Lanka to Colonial rule /Chinese rule / or even North Korea or any idiots rule will be better than your people’s rule and we can see how the country has gone to the dogs irrevocably now. and you are their best excuse. If that happens I am with you.
Mallaiyuran / October 17, 2017
Soma, out of about 100 lakh Tamils estimated, only 60 lakh living in TN. It was never an argument by Indian government to deny the Federal status to TN with other states.
Because your mind is focused on ethnic cleansing of the SinhaLE Wildlife Sanctuary Lankawe, you are always writing on how to keep pure blooded the Lankawe and The Tamil Eelam. Separating Tamil Eelam is only establishing a relief region from the Mahavamsa pure blood cruel mentality.
Just because you challenge that you will kill or convert the remaining Tamils in the Sinhala Lankawe, the entire population cannot be surrendered to be killed or converted.
If Lankawe and Tamil Eelam are separated, they will become Malaysia and Singapore. The obstacle preventing the moderate Sinhalese take over the control of the political destiny of the majority is you, Thero de Silva, GLP like opportunists. Once the Tamils are left, the moderate Sinhalese whose voice, which is until now is suppressed by the Coolies, who uphold the murderous war criminals for the thrown out crumps, will be able to come out and establish a Malaysia in the Wildlife Sanctuary.
You guys ended up releasing the hidden Secret Solution only because in Brazil Jagath were being chased to be arrested for war crime. You guys had to start a Secret Solution game only to dodge Resolution 30/1. So don’t keep convulsing to create a pure blood SinhaLE sanctuary in Lankawe if Tamils get Federal Status and you get into more troubles. All Western Democracies have devolved power to people by using some kind of federalism. Don’t put the cart before the horse. Go slow, so you can benefit by Federal State by moderate getting chance to rule Lankawe and & Tamils can benefit too.
Maharage / October 16, 2017
Mara is the most corrupted leader in the history of Sri Lanka and what you have written is non-sense. People know that you pay DJ and a few others for writing things in English. How can you write in English without the ability form a couple of correct sentences in English? What you did during your 10 year reign of terror and corruption is not a secret. Here is brief snapshot of your despicable record:
1. Soliciting sex from girls of the families that lost their loved ones due to Premadasa Terror campaign in exchange of your service as a human rights lawyer in 1980s
2. Raping girls in villages from down south on the promise of jobs
3. Stealing $800 million of Tsunami funds through fake NGO called Helping Hambantota set up with assistance from Willie Gamage and depriving poor families of their right to rebuild their lives devastated by Tsunami
4. Taking 19 billion US dollars as commissions from Chinese government corporations through white elephant useless development projects such as Hambantota Harbour, Airport, and southern expressway
5. Putting Sri Lanka economy into an endless misery by taking high interest loans from China and pocketing in 40% of that money
6. Nurturing an unprecedented culture of corruption and political victimization with immunity
7. Killing and attacking journalists, judges, innocent civilians for 10 years
8. Appointing an uneducated GoTa as defence head and stealing the credit of ending the 30 year war from SF, the true hero who led the final war against LTTE
9. Making a synthetic lawyer of an idiotic son who couldn’t even pass his GCE (OL)
10. Killing the most famous rugby player on behalf of another moron son
Mudson Amarasinghe / October 16, 2017
Brilliant write up but you forgot the only astronaut in Srilanka.
nimal / October 17, 2017
soma / October 16, 2017
“The vast majority of the Tamil and Muslim people live outside the northern and eastern provinces. Therefore, the carving out of federal units based on ethnicity or religion and the conferring of sweeping powers on such units should never take place in this country. “
This is THE elephant in the room federalists choose to ignore, what I have been harping in this column from day one. It is time this is brought to the front as the main discussion point. Tamil(Tamil speaking people) must be made to realise that in the event a federal unit is established with the powers indicated in the proposals the Sinhalese will eventually demand that al Tamils be relocated into that or those who forcefully remain will be treated as second class citizens. After all who wants to see a reenactment of the Rohingya drama? An Yes in the referendum will mean Tamils(Tamil speaking people) in areas will necessarily be obligated to move out
Ajith / October 16, 2017
It is funny that you accept that Tamils who moved to Sinhala majority areas are treated as second class citizens. Even if you come to North East you will be treated as a first class citizen.
soma / October 16, 2017
List down the benefits of deviding Sri Lanka into federal units and demonstrate at least 60 % of Tamils(Tamil speaking people) in the island are benefited. My worry is majority of Tamils(Tamil speaking people) will be worse off. Even those trapped in the NE will be worse off with land rights to OTHER provinces. Remember Mavil Aru drama? What happens when each of the provinces monopolises its own water resources for example?
Ajith / October 16, 2017
You don’t need to worry about whether Tamils will worse off or better off because it is upto the people and their representatives have to worry. This is one of the benefit of federal form of govt. Let allow it to happen and if that is not working then we can talk about alternatives. The benefits are not only Tamils but also Sinhalese as well. In fact, under the current form, Sinhalese are not benefitted and they lost lot of things. There is no law & order, there is no justice system, corruption is its peak. Why because your politicians don’t allow independence of these institutions. Only excuse they have is Tamils will divide the country, Sinhalese will be killed by Tamils etc. They cheat Sinhalese masses with this false propaganda and rob the nation and people remain poor, country remain poor forever. Banda (SLFP) signed an agreement JRJ protested it (UNP), Dudley (UNP)signed an agreement, SLFP was against it. Chandrika propose, UNP oppose, Ranil propose, Chandrika oppose. What is it? You know that the current provincial system is also a form of federal system. You don’t need to have nine federal units, instead you can have three units. You can save lot of money, You can minimize the corruption, if there is no ethnic conflict, you can use all your resources for econmic development.
Shenal / October 19, 2017
How do you expect that federalism will improve law & order, justice system, and reduce corruption? Is it some kind of a magic? Providing Tamils with better ability to govern themselves and letting Sinhalese improve tools of social justice? Will the federalism import brand new politicians from somewhere else or would they somehow attain wisdom right when the federalism is granted? Please kindly explain these little queries?
Native Vedda / October 17, 2017
somass Ji
“My worry is majority of Tamils(Tamil speaking people) will be worse off. “
Leave the worrying to the Tamil speaking people.
You know somass ji, “Crocodiles Really Shed Tears While Eating, Study Says”
Ismile / October 17, 2017
Another May 2009 in the making!
RajanS / October 17, 2017
Native Uncle,
you can’t leave the worries to the Tamils. After all, the Sinhalese people always looked after the interest of the Tamil people. They fought the war and killed the LTTE and their supporters only to protect the Tamil people. If the North East are separated that could affect the Tamils living in Colombo, Singapore, London and Canada. The Sinhalese always know what is good for the Tamils.
Native Vedda / October 17, 2017
” After all, the Sinhalese people always looked after the interest of the Tamil people. “
Is it so?
“They fought the war and killed the LTTE and their supporters only to protect the Tamil people.”
VP fought the war against LTTE with a huge support from Hindians.
“If the North East are separated that could affect the Tamils living in Colombo, Singapore, London and Canada. “
Finally, you have broader considerations that might follow what you would call the “falling domino” principle. You have a row of dominoes set up, you knock over the first one, and what will happen to the last one is the certainty that it will go over very quickly. So you could have a beginning of a disintegration that would have the most profound influences.”
Press conference, April 7, 1954. – Dwight D. Eisenhower.
You are saying Federalism in this island will have a domino effect in rest of the world where Tamils live. What a fantastic theory. Even Henry Kissinger would not have imagined such a strategic theory. You have clearly explained the domino principle.
Why haven’t others think about it?
James / October 17, 2017
I like your Sarcastic (tongue-in-cheek) comment! LOL!
Ajith / October 16, 2017
Dear Mahinda,
Once again me. I understand you recently visited Japan but you came back immediately to meet you favourite son( who you planned to give this country after you) was in jail for not respecting the law. Your wife Siraanthi also face the courts for corruption. One of your son who alledgely murdered Kuraham Sha also face court case. Your brother who ran white van company to abduct and murder large number of individual can any time go to the jail. Other one who is well known for his 15% deal should face the justice. Two of the secretaries are now in jail for carrying your order. I don’t know whether you believe in god or carma or Lord Buddha the things you did during the period of power has significantly influenced and affected your love ones, your associates are consequences of your actions. As a father you have not done your duty, you brought up your children as criminals and rapists, your brothers like greedy & murderous. Take a moment and think yourself think about the sufferings of the people including your love ones because of your actions. I am giving a paragrah for your thoughts from an article on King Asoka and Buddhism edited by ANURADHA SENEVIRATNA
“After he embraced the teachings of the Buddha, he transformed his polity from one of military conquest to one of Dharmavijaya — victory by righteousness and truth. By providing royal patronage for the propagation of Buddhism both within and beyond his empire,
he helped promote the metamorphosis of Buddhism into a world religion that spread peacefully across the face of Asia.”
wannihami / October 16, 2017
Dear Ajith,
None of your accusations are proven, so let us wait until the courts give their verdict and then accuse the Rajapakshas..innocent until proven guilty is still the rule of law in this island! In the meantime why don’t you bring about some substantial arguments in favor of the proposed constitution.
Ajith / October 16, 2017
I am not making accusations. These accusations are made by Sinhalese people, not Tamil people. There is no rule of law in Srilanka to prove the crimes of Rajapakse. They are above the law. Mahinda knows what he did and I am asking him to give a chance to his conscience to work.
wannihami / October 17, 2017
Well, you don’t’t have any valid arguments on the upside of the porposed constitution to all ethnic groups of Sri Lanka, because you are not literate enough to understand the current or the proposed constitution. May I suggest you first try to understand the documents and then come to this forum.
Plato. / October 16, 2017
So MaRa is now a Constitutional Lawyer eh?
Principle of subsidiarity………he says; Could he deliver a Lecture by himself on this Principle?
Jimsofty / October 16, 2017
What Sinhale needs is one govt and nine municipalities. Even though Tamils ask these things, they don’t fund. NPC has so many politicians but funded by Maids working in the Middle east. Otherwise, Tamil money earned from growing tobacco, chilli pepper, vegetables can not fund their salaries. simply speaking except the western provincial council none of the councils are are self sustaining. when it comes to money, the country is unitary. when it comes to politics it is federal. That does not go well. Sri lanka doe snot need any more new constitutions except change the corrupt electroal system which make corrupt politicians. Make the politicians accountable for voters through the universal franchise. Sri lanka doe snot need any more senates as the Sri lankan revenuw is enough for people to live. Only problem is the distribution of money. Some rich are really rich and others are still struggling. for that, move away from ‘
IMF and WB. Now, in Sri lanka even the water is very expensive. What a crooked system. cut downthe parliament only to two ministers for one municipality. PResident should hire professionals as ministers. President should not be above all and he should be accountable for corruption and the abuse of the system.
Jimsofty / October 16, 2017
This article is pathetic. According to this journalist who wrote this article, Mahinda Rajapakse is waiting to pick others crumb such as all the ideas mentioned here and Mahinda Rajapakse after all these mayhem is not a visionary and therefore, sri lanka needs new leaders and not the same old visons which pick ideas to talk and doe snot know what to do.
K.Pillai / October 16, 2017
Mahinda Rajapaksa submits (sagaciously at that!) ~ “…………This government never received a mandate to repeal and replace the existing constitution…………”.
Did MR receive a mandate for 2004Tsunami Aid Fund diversion? Set up the Mihin Lanka Airlines? Extend two-term Presidency? Introduce a “Panchayat system of governance”? And so on and so on and so on.
MR is saying “What is sauce for the goose IS NOT sauce for the gander”
Democracy works through Parliament. If and when the ‘Constitution bill comes before parliament, it will be thoroughly discussed. Then what? Watch this space MR.
Park / October 17, 2017
I question the audacity of Mahinda Rajapakse even wanting to comment on the proposed constitution! He is the person, in the middle of the night, for his own benefit amended the constitution without any public consultation. He has not allowed Yahapalana Govt to function in an orderly manner in order to save his own neck and his brothers necks and his children’s necks and his wife’s neck from the grip of the law. He is using the uneducated poor people with a buth packet and arakku bothale to support his cause. Its sad to note that he is living in a dream world to think that the masses of Sri Lanka do not recognize his actions. He proves beyond any doubt that he has no sophistication about him. He was a THUG and he is a THUG even now.
Douglas / October 17, 2017
Mr. MR: When did you become a “Constitutional Expert” to dish out this opinion on the Committee Report that has been put out for public discussion? Do you remember what you did with the “17” Amendment and the “18th” and resultant calamity that this country has gone through. Then, do you remember how you promised “13th PLUS”? That removal of the “17th” gave you the much wanted “Power” to appoint your Brother-in-Law who even could not get through GCE “O” level to manage our National Carrier and make it the “National Debt”- the heaviest burden on the people. Fortunately, you could not “survive” to implement the “18th” because you were kicked out in good time. That disappearance of the “17th” led even the present Govt. to bring in “ROUGES” like ex CB Governor and the Litro Gas Chairman and many others too many to be mentioned in this comment. Now please do not LEND your name to these observational presentations prepared for you and make a vain effort to portray yourself as an, “Intellectual” ; but in reality you have PROVED to this country of your being the most ruthless and the megalomaniac unworthy leader ever to be in power of this land. So get lost with these reports of others written for you (could even without you ever reading or seen) and let the much informed and intellects and ordinary make their presentations.
Jimsofty / October 17, 2017
We should make a Deal with Mr. Mahinda Rajapakse to say whether he was TANGO and, if so, hand over all the loot that you and your family is holding. then we will let you reture pezacefully as the political leader who united Sinhale. If not, if he is TANGO, if he is not giving the loot, there should be retroactive laws to get those back.
Jimsofty / October 17, 2017
Certain introductions in the constitution looks very stupid and the desire is to draw the country into anarchy in the parliament which exists right now. for examples when major three wheeler parties are there, the major party always try to accomodate them by addresssing thier concerns and making then a not essentail party in the political theatre. Yet, Sinhale constitution is allowing more three wheeler parties which is abused by politicans for their own benefit. A good leader would discourage that by accomodating wishes of the major three wheler parties and not the onely member and the secretaty type parties whose member is from national list.—————– anyone can see examples from Britian, Canada and the USA etc., the terriroty are for the govt is so lanrge and the territory for municiaplies are larger than those of in sinhale. Similarly, no of politicians are not many as in Sinhale. That should be stopped. Because, as soon as middle east go to austerity measures, Sri lanka will go bankrupt and won’t be able to maintain this parliaments, senates and all these expensive political systems.
Mallaiyuran / October 17, 2017
There are three type of people get into politics, who are different from ordinary politicians by profession.
1. Those who want do their services to Humanity. Lincoln, Gandhi, SJV…
2. Those who want to enjoy the servitude, power, looting, ruling, … Marcos, Old King, Fidel Castro ……
3.Then there some to prove the religions like Hinduism, Buddhism are true. These guys, to undertake and discharge their past birth’s Karmas, get into politics. The Author is one classic example of that. He is in politics because of his past Karma!
If Sinhala Buddhists read this essay(thank (or no thank) god, they don’t read it in English) will be voting for UNP in the next election. God only knows what he is trying to tell!
“Making changes to the system of elections so as to promote ethnic and religion based politics is counterproductive.” Is he advising this to Old King or New King or Ranil or Sampanthar or Hakeem or Udaya Gammanpila or Wimal or who is supposed to read this and act?
Sirisena Yatawara / October 17, 2017
Former President Mahinda Rajapakese comments of by proposed New Constitutional reform must taken into consideration is voice of Majority of People of Sri lanka. Needless to say MR has received 5.7 millions of voters of citizens of that last voted during 2015 January defeated candidate.
I have notice that instead of taken into reconsideration of his comments few of them make certain allegation against MR is not relevant here with.
The crux of an issues we have challenges by future of Unitary Character State of Sri lanka.
The proposed New Constitution by ” Rainbow Revolution” led of Three “Revolutionist” Leaders of MS, UNP Ranil Wicks and CBK of Tamil Feudal Federalist want to be Replace Republic are Not that suited our an Island survival of one of oldest civilization of World.
The People of Islanders had been not Divided or Partition of Land of Sri lanka on the Racial or Religion basis.
By and large that we were local demarcation of good for ruling purposed and ancient system Feudal rules vested interest regional power, those are have noting do with or that has not for other roots of Ethnic division.?
The regional of Tamil Administration was temporary basis, it was regain by Parakarama Bahu V1th who united an Island ?
Sinhalese-Buddhist civilization was key to civilization of History of Sri lanka.
But were having Indian roots and influences great Indian civilization, which is that we are not going denied at all.
Buddhism was key to ours civilization has been enrich on Sinhalese race.It was disappear of Buddhist followers in land of born Buddhism Indian was infortune of tragic History of World ?
Muthal Ganesan / October 17, 2017
I am mainly concerned about human rights on the island. The new constitution should make sure that neither the police nor the government can overreach brutality into overt policing. I am also advocating the reform of laws to support sexual minorities.
I prefer for the Northern and Eastern province to remain two separate regions, namely Jaffna Kingdom and Batticola Kingdom. The Jaffna Kingdom should be able to share politicians and media with Tamil Nadu, I propose some sort of constitutional veto too.
I actually think that the island SHOULD give protections to Buddhism and Sinhalese culture, mainly because this island is the only place where Sinhalese can receive help. Tamils have Tamil Nadu.
Spring Koha / October 17, 2017
We remember wistfully the great home grown constitutions of ‘Mathinee’ and our beloved ‘old Fox’. But this one looks to be coming along a right old achcharu – there will be something for everyone! The Sinhalese will have their own in neat cursive, the Tamil will have theirs suitable decorated with many words and phrases that mean nothing in practice, and, best of all the English version with bells and whistles, for foreigners mostly, to let them see that everything in the garden is lovely – blazing bouganvilla and blooming lotus’s. Fun times are here again for the liyanamaththaya’s!
Upali / October 17, 2017
Minorities do not have to demand but being majority Buddhists country we have to give according Buddhas preaching s.Buddha gave away everything including his wife and children on his way to emancipation.Regarding Mahinda s contention that there is no mandate did he get a mandate to do away with the limitation of two four year terms for presidency. No. On the contrary he promised to abolish the presidential system. This is sheer hypocrisy. Driven by personal greed he committed the heinous crime of abolishing the limitation so that he could die in office. Mahinda should be educated on the four noble truths Lord Buddha enunciated ie Suffering , Reasons for suffering, Cessation of Suffering, The way to end suffering. If MR knew this he would not have contested a third time to be ignominiously chased away by the people.What probably MR wants is a constituition to suit him and the family.
K.Pillai / October 17, 2017
The Lankcoin (similar to Bitcoin) is the currency used in Lankan politics. The strength is based on the infamous language/religion divide. MR’s defeat on 08 January 2015 was in fact a blessing in disguise – it took MR off the UNHRC radar.
Mission accomplished. MR is trying a comeback. He will use Lankcoin unashamedly. He is not worried as to what happens to SLR.
Sirisena Yatawara / October 18, 2017
All in all SLFP members has know that SWRD has no mandate grant 1956 Federal Region for Tamils .
Banadaranayake of Solomon West Ridgeway was founder of SLFP an apply wrong policy of Federalism by that betray to be partition of Island for Tamils in North-east?
Who gave a mandate to him ?
Is that in 1956 Political declaration was appear before General Election or that included that so-called Federal Stats to Tamils?
Weather his proposal of Federalist status for North, that SWRD as leader had asked from Party policy making body?
Why was that Son of Sir Solomon has come to compromised with Federal Party of SJV–on issues of Federalist Power to Tamils in North-east?
Why was that he sing accord with SWRD-SJV-Federal statues Tamils without publically an educated majority of Sinhalese Buddhist people of Sri lanka?
There was historical reasons for that? SWRD was Tamil blood decedent by generation of Tamils-origin?
In fact his children of two daughters are now carry forward of New Federalism in SLFP policies.
The Current the SLFP moribund policies of Federalism has been advocated by SLFP ex-leadership of his daughters? Ongoing Federalism an undermined unitary character of Sri Lankan state.
There was political tragedy of our modern history that under the leadership of SWRD want partition of Island for Tamil Nation by hook or crook?
We as nation has responsibility to rectify of historical mistakes of SWRD – SLFP leadership by that current generation of majority people of Sri lanka?