By Nihal Jayawickrama –

Dr Nihal Jayawickrama
It has been reported that the Government proposes to introduce a Bill to amend the Constitution for the purpose of bringing Article 83 into conformity with the amendments made by the 19th Amendment to Articles 30(2) and 62(2). Since this proposal is wholly unnecessary, and makes no sense whatsoever in constitutional terms, it may be necessary to look beyond the obvious for some less discernible, perhaps more sinister or Machiavellian objective.
The 1978 Constitution provided in Article 30(2) that the President of the Republic shall hold office for a term of six years. It provided in Article 62(2) that unless sooner dissolved, every Parliament shall continue for six years from its first meeting. Article 83 contains a list of 13 Articles (including it) which can be amended only if, following a vote in favour of not less than two-thirds of the whole membership of Parliament, the Bill is also approved by the people at a Referendum. Among these entrenched Articles are 30(2) and 62(2), but Article 83 becomes operative only if an amendment seeks to extend the term of office of the President, or the duration of Parliament, to over six years.
Following the presidential election of 2015, Parliament enacted the 19th Amendment to the Constitution. The Bill that was presented by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, following approval by the Supreme Court, sought to amend Article 30(2) to reduce the term of office of the President to five years, and to amend Article 62(2) to reduce the duration of Parliament to five years. That Bill received the support of all the Members of Parliament except one. Article 83 was not sought to be amended since the Bill’s objective was to reduce, not extend, the President’s term of office or the duration of Parliament beyond six years.
Nine years later, without any issue having been raised by the Supreme Court or by any other court or tribunal, or in Parliament, or in any other forum, the Government proposes to amend the Constitution for the sole purpose of replacing the words “six years” in Article 83 with the words “five years”. WHY?
The Supreme Court has thrice affirmed (the third being only last week) the legitimacy of the 19th Amendment. Why then is the Government attempting to set in motion a parliamentary debate followed by a national referendum (the latter at a cost of at least ten million rupees and a massive disruption of public services) a few weeks before the equally expensive and equally disruptive presidential election scheduled for September or October this year?
In the absence of any rational explanation, one is entitled to speculate on whether there could be some devious, deceitful or self-serving objective. Could it be the expectation that at the committee stage, an amendment would be moved to achieve linguistic uniformity not by replacing the words “six years” with “five years” in Article 83, but by replacing the words “five years” with “six years” in Articles 30(2) and 62(2), thereby restoring the 1978 Constitution to its original form? That will not require to be approved by the people at a referendum, but only the affirmative votes of two-third of the parliamentary membership.
If that is the hidden agenda, it will not only save the government the enormous cost of a referendum but may also provide the Members of Parliament elected in 2020 with an additional year in office. Whether it will provide the President, who was elected by Parliament to “hold office only for the unexpired period of the term of office of the President vacating office” (Article 40) to continue in office for an additional year may need to be determined by the Supreme Court, having regard to the fact that his predecessor who fled the country in 2022 was elected in 2019 to serve a term of only five years.
Ajith / July 14, 2024
“If that is the hidden agenda,”
The hidden agenda’s of Ranil.
In June 2020 Parliamentary election Ranil UNP lost with out any seats to the Parliament except an MP by National List. This post kept vacant for nearly a year and in June 2021 he rejoined Parliament as an MP. In March 2022 Aragalaya starts against Gota and Gota remove Rajapaksa and appoint Ranil as PM. In July 2022 Gota run away from the country and he become acting President. Aragalaya removed and contest election of President and he started to divide the SLPP. SLPP select him as President and he divide SLPP, SLFP and SJB by buying MPs as ministers. All this happened with the help of USA and IMF. In other words all that happened according to the master plan by Ranil (USA).
Ratnam Nadarajah / July 15, 2024
Dear CT readers
It is indeed pathetic how power mad politicians grab power and hold on to power in fancy the name of “protecting democracy “
It’s a big joke and the way they manipulate the situation and facts to suit their ulterior motive ;that is hold on to power at all and any cost.
RW Unfortunately is no exception.Thats the potency of power ; the most powerful drug known to man kind! History illustrates this salient fact
“Amendment 21, 22 +++or whatever the suffix it carries to the constitution is a biggest joke!
What a Waste of costly and precious parliamentary time , in my view . ,It’s a cunning ploy to hold onto power as long they can;; the whole government -MPs, Ministers etc etc
I rest my case!😂
davidthegood / July 15, 2024
Ratnam Nadarajah, recognizing the cunning ploy as you say, why don’t you encourage and develop the next aragalaya which will throw off this robber family like last time to hide off the coast of Trincomalee for the time till the election is over.
Ratnam Nadarajah / July 16, 2024
Yes, the country needs a change of regime for the betterment of all citizenry
We can only live in hope
old codger / July 17, 2024
Whatever devious reason Ranil might have to introduce this legislation, it shows that his brain is still capable of being devious, unlike poor Biden.
That said, it must be noted that Ranil is showing signs of senility. Like other old men, he keeps repeating stories, like the one about Sajit running away when he was offered the Presidency. He doesn’t need to tell this story every chance he gets.
whywhy / July 19, 2024
Ajith ,
” All this happened with the help of USA and IMF . ” Israel is fighting
Hamas with whose help ? Who has the power to influence a ceasefire
there ? If you say USA helped Ranil then who will help someone defeat
Ranil ? Every time a leader is elected by us , an outside force is said to
be active behind the victory and loss . Honestly , are we independent
or still colonised remotely with ” Independent ” label ?
Nathan / July 15, 2024
… All this happened with the help of USA and IMF.
I have heard this before, many a times.
Now, from you, as well.
Any evidence; proof; Or, at least a hint.
Ajith / July 15, 2024
“Any evidence; proof; Or, at least a hint.”
Have any one got legal evidence to prove it in a court of Sri Lanka to the murders or corruption happened in daylight? But actions, inactions, behaviour are enough to prove them. Just think about the behaviour of US Ambassador “July Sung” during Aragalaya and after Aragalaya or Ranil coming to power? Just also look at the behaviour of Ranil during Aragalaya and after Aragalaya.
Nathan / July 15, 2024
I am not smart at guessing, Ajith.
nimal fernando / July 15, 2024
Wouldn’t it have been easier for Ranil to direct all his efforts/energies towards ……… to try and win an election ……… once in his life?
Pundit / July 15, 2024
The man is the ultimate charlatan. He will be long remembered for his guile and divisiveness.
davidthegood / July 15, 2024
Dr. Nihal Jayawickrama, could you please move to change these power stuck mentalities. The last aragalaya chased off the offenders. Now so much greedy robbing, they fear a future jail home. Want to be kings forever.
nimal fernando / July 17, 2024
See, You talk a lot of sense when you talk on behalf of yourself! ……… shows, God and you don’t go together. :))
davidthegood / July 17, 2024
nimal fernando, don’t talk rubbish. God will not promote greedy robbers of a nation.
nimal fernando / July 17, 2024
Why punishment always after the crime? Cant the crime be stopped before it happens? ……… We wouldn’t have had all the crimes for 76 years! Lanka would’ve been the Promised Land ……… paradise!
Looks like the God you know …….. and the God I know …… are not the same. :))
Paul / July 17, 2024
‘Want to be kings forever.’ You mean like Jesus?
Buddhist1 / July 16, 2024
This amendment is put forward because Ranil is a master white colar CROOK! Kick him out of politics again for good.
Nathan / July 17, 2024
So, you prefer another crook!
Douglas / July 16, 2024
This President Ranil W is not a man to underestimate in his efforts to retain power at any cost.
Now he has reached his point of no return and has gone completely out of balance, in that, he sees no other path to take other than to resort to tame the only left-out Independent Authority – The Judiciary.
Two days back, in addressing a public rally in Mahiyanganaya, he said: ” The Judiciary must understand, the Judicial Power is not with them, but with the Parliament. If that is not understood by them, I will only work with the Parliament”.
What does he convey to the people of this country? That was the path taken by Hitler after winning the elections in Germany. Is Ranil W about to follow in the footsteps of Hitler? If so, it shows to what dangerous levels he has lowered himself and how frustrated he is. Beware Mr. Ranil W. It will be too dangerous and the bad effects of “Karma” will answer you.
davidthegood / July 17, 2024
Douglas, Ranil is power crazy as he could not win by the votes of the public, except with chaos.
Native Vedda / July 17, 2024
“Douglas, Ranil is power crazy as …………………………..”
So are many others, …..
Tell us why all those crooks, murderers, stupids, racists, ……. still desperately want to hold on to what they have and would continue to want to hold?
Is it in their benevolent nature that they want to serve the people?
Ratnam Nadarajah / July 17, 2024
You are spot on Douglas
Yes he is very cunning. Make no mistake He is a cunning fox of a man. Yes people might say he saved the nation from bankruptcy. What is is the big deal. SriLanka is still in a very bad shape; both politically and economically
We need a change. May be NPP and AKD. I am not fully aware of ground realities to make worthwhile comments
Yes Karma will haunt us all