18 September, 2024


TNA Blissfully Going For A Ride Again

By Kumar David

Prof. Kumar David

Tamil opinion is divided on the TNA’s expression of, let’s call a spade a spade, ‘Possible support for the government’. The Pro-Group says projecting a broad-minded approach and showing “sincerity” creates an environment which will enable “progress on the problems of the Tamils”. The Anti-Group calls the Pro-Group a bunch of ever-willing-to-be-hoodwinked suckers. Since the time of the B-C Pact successive governments have not only shown no interest in addressing Tamil concerns, but have knowingly cheated. At this moment while Mahinda holds con-chats with the TNA, brother Gota appoints a Pan-Sinhala Task Force bristling with Buddhist clergy and military-police brass, but not one Tamil or Muslim, to report on Archaeological Heritage Management in the majority Tamil and Muslim Eastern Province. If Gota revokes the Task Force as a gesture, the TNA may have a leg to stand on, otherwise it will be very strange if it ignores the regime’s majoritarian mind-set which enslaves it to Sinhala-Buddhist (SB) opinion, and negotiates.

Or, the TNA is at its wits end. That may be the truth; the TNA, the Tamils and the Muslims are all at their wits end. The ethos of the SB people is that Lanka is the land of the Sinhalese and the repository of Buddhism. Most don’t want to harm the minorities but are not inclined to accept a multi-racial/religious plural nation. Leave aside whether that’s good or bad (actually, both the unitary state in Ceylon/Sri Lanka and unified India are creations of the British) but right now it cannot be disputed that most SB people are committed to retaining the dominant Sinhala Buddhist power structure of the country. That’s one fact staring the TNA in the face.

The second fact that the TNA has to live with is that the Tamils have just lost a civil-war and any more talk of an armed struggle is a shortcut to Barney Raymond’s. The roots of the war go to the treatment of the Tamils by the Sinhala state since the mid-1950s and the racial slaughter of 1983, but in realpolitik that’s all water under the bridge. The current relationship of power between the Sinhalese and the Tamils is defined by the outcome of the war and will remain so for a generation or two. And third is the stupidity of Prabaharan who hallucinated that he could murder a past and possibly future Prime Minister of India and get away with anything less than his own extermination and the subjugation of the Tamils. The “Tamil cause” has little or no support any longer in India or the West thanks to the swing of the LTTE to terrorism, arguably to counter state terrorism, but it lost the Tamils the moral high ground they once monopolised.

Following the landslide SB vote for Gota and the pending poropaya election victory, the TNA is holding a hand without a single picture card, except maybe a knave or two! It is playing against a deck stacked with aces, kings and queens. Imagine you are the TNA, grant that there are severe shortcomings that Tamils live under, then what is the best strategy? If I were the TNA I would demand that all political prisoners (some incarcerated for decades without prosecution) be released NOW, I would demand that all military occupied private lands be returned forthwith, and I would demand a full accounting of missing persons notwithstanding Gota’s admission that he can’t bring the dead back to life. None of this requires amendments to the constitution; it’s all within the power of the Administrative Branch of the state. If the state does not acquiesce to these reasonable appeals why negotiate? Why be open to constitutional talks?

The TNA and the Tamil people should be looking elsewhere to build bridges that will serve them in the future. The SLFP/SLPP and the UNP (no matter Ranil or Sajith) cannot be trusted by the minorities. In this context the National Peoples’ Front (FPP) of which the JVP is a major constituent is the only credible alternative. It is an alliance of groups, parties and individuals with progressive views; and it engenders a robust conversation on ‘minority’ issue. The NPP policy document released for the Presidential Election calls for release of political prisoners, a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, empowering the Commission on the Disappeared to deliver justice to families of victims, release of military occupied lands to owners, terminating ethnic based colonisation anywhere in the country and economic upliftment of war affected areas. Though cautious on political concerns it calls for devolution of political and administrative power.  These proposals motivate robust dialogue and form the basis for discussion of sound constitutional reforms. Against this setting the SLPP/SLFP and UNP/SJP (Sajith) are all a motley bunch of political scoundrels in respect of Tamil and Muslim affairs. 

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  • 23

    For a Sinhala government to offer and follow-up on it is not going to happen. There will be plenty of excuses for them to backtrack!
    The cheating did not start with the B-C pact; it started even before the Britishers left. The famous, ‘no harm will befall Tamils’ if we agreed to remain under one roof comes to mind.
    Yes, we have to negotiate, we have to reach agreements; Let us invite a guarantor.
    There is no gainsaying that VP was arrogant and stupid to have ordered the murder of Rajiv Gandhi. He shouldn’t have bit the hand that was feeding us!
    The pledges of NPP is quite attractive, but are they equally enticing to SBs as well? No chance in hell!

    • 9

      “The cheating did not start with the B-C pact;”

      Dumb Sinhala politicians made a blunder by even talking about ‘Pacts’ with racist k-thoni Jelva Nayagam who was demanding a Federal System for the descendants of laborers brought by Portuguese to Yapanaya to work in tobacco plantations. The Demala people from Malabar region in Hindusthan are occupying land where Sinhalayo had their first Kingdoms Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa.
      Why should Native Sinhalayo give Federal System/separate State/Devolution of power to ‘Paradesi’ people who were given citizenship by Sinhalayo because of their kind-heartedness when they were .abandoned by colonial parasites in Sinhale.

      • 3

        Eagle Eye, You say it best, – Dumb Sinhala politicians.
        Our country is inundated with dumb, deaf, blind politicians so much so that we are unable have a healthy political relationship.

      • 3

        Hi Eagle,
        Rama and Ravanaa happened long before Lord Buddha was in the Hindu family; definitely long before Vijaya and his people arrived in Kallathonis, and arranged hundreds of Tamil ladies from the Pandian Kingdom for founding of a beautiful group with name Lanka derived from Ramayana. Tamils have always known this beautiful land as Eezham.
        This is a derisive writing to illustrate anyone can make similar keystrokes by demeaning one or the other other thus affecting the sanity of the people.
        Tamil leadership if they would have wanted separation would have got it from colonial British in the period prior to independence, and by simply insisting on the linguistic units as they had prior to their connecting of the north and the south.
        Tamils didn’t proceed with it even when bifurcation was in progress in the British India. There wasn’t a single incident of a Sinhala-Tamil conflict prior to independence. Post-independence democracy demagogued the nation into endless spiral of violence. SWRD proposed a federal solution in a speech in Jaffna in 1926! but he did a somersault once he had mastered demagoguing capacity and we lost the Swiss of the east.

        • 3

          “Tamils have always known this beautiful land as Eezham.”
          Tamils also called this island ‘Ela Nadu’, land of Hela people. Eezham (Elam) is the country where Sinhala people lived. That is why Tamils wanted to call ‘Tamil Elam’ to the new State they wanted to create for the descendants of laborers brought to Yapanaya by Portuguese. According to Bengal history, Vijoy Singh landed in a country called ‘Seehol Deep’ (Island of Sinhala people). That confirms Sinhalayo lived in this island at the time Vijoy Singh came.

          British were not interested in dividing the country. They wanted to keep Sinhalayo and Demala people in one country to make sure that they will keep on fighting after they leave. That was part of the game they played under the name ‘Divide and Rule’. It was Brits who promoted racism among Malabar Vellala Demala people.

          If Brits gave North and East to Demala people in Yapanaya, what would have been the fate of Demala people in tea plantations in the central part of the country?

    • 1

      No Peelam, 13 A and Vaddukkodai resolution. Live and let live. Live with Helayns (HELADIVA, Sinhala Ariyans Country) country Sri Lanka. Dream of International community forget it. No one can change Sinhalese Ariyans country belongs to Sinhalese people

  • 16

    Tamils have been taken for a ride over and over again.
    Karuna and Douglas thinks they are sacrosanct..
    Their days will also come….
    Muslims thought they are sacrosanct…..

  • 6

    Mr.David right or wrong what son of velepillai did is not the matter now.it is true that after defeat of velupillai brigade tamils bargaining position has become very weak.whether it is SAMPANRHAN,VICKNESWARAN OF PONNAMPALAM junior will not have any other way than try and make a deal with who ever holding power.as you say JVP OR ANY OTHER MINOR SINGALA group may have soft corner re-tamil issues but they do not have the power base to do any thing what they intend to do.PLEASE WAIT UP TO 5TH AUGUST TO SEE WHETHER KNOWN DEVIL IS BETTER THAN UNKNOWN DEVIL.

  • 11

    A factual hard-hitting article and hopefully the representatives of the Tamil’s [ who have been always been taken for a ride by the Yakko political parties ever since 1956 ] the TNA will not blindly become suckers, especially with the rajapuka Klu Klux clan racists.?
    Sajith too is turning out to be a no better choice and he has through abject fear of losing the Sinhala Buddhist racist ballots is cowing especially to the thug monks.?
    Mahindan rajapuka the greatest of them all a habitual liar of a bull-shit artist is playing a fiddle or two with the TNA’s duo of double S’s namely Sambanthan and Sumanthiaran, the latter being the hawk in the party.
    We the Tamils ever since 1958 have gone into many a pact to resolve the cancerous ethnic issue but sad but true not a single Yakko has had the balls to honour their signatory obligations.?
    Now the rajapuks to obtain the greedily sought after 2/3rd majority will lie through their arses to endeavour to have their wily way to change the constitution and get rid of the 19th Amendment.
    As for Ranil. W’s UNP is the best out of the rotten eggs and the yet to mature mama’s little boy Sajith will be the next best choice.

  • 8

    Prof. Kumar has become the kind of person who cannot catch a rooster on the roof, but teaches how to climb on sky to go to heaven. He is critical of TNA. Understandable. Yahapalanaya simply fooled them. Not simply TNA but, the entire world. I had written earlier, after the election of Yahapalanaya, a kids’ story telling about four thieves, One Quarter, One half, three quarter and the full thief. One Quarter thief did a simple theft a clay shell. Half thief cheated a garment store, pledging an innocent passerby. Three quarter cheats royal guards and stole. But the full thief cheated the King and his guards and robbed is a large scale. This is what we showed as metaphor to Siri Ma-o, JR, Old King and Yahapalanaya did, in negotiation with TNA and world. While in 2015 Prof. Kuman was in search of CC, we had written in CT what was New King and Ranil was about to do, showing the four thieves story. It was not a warning we gave to TNA, but for UNHRC, UN, Western countries too. Ranil at very correct time had lighted his Resolution 30/1 touch by Mangala stayed ahead on the race & handed over to King, to finish it off, in March 2020. That was a five year run around of Yahapalanaya for UN, UNHRC, TNA, Western Nations, Tamils and many human rights NGOs.

  • 9

    Sampanthan and Aiya and Dr. Brian Seneviratne were youngsters in 1948 and have been in the politics in even in those ages. Dr. Seneviratne differed with Appe Aanduwa as soon as it played with Up Country Tamils’ votes. But, Sampanthan Aiya is still with Appe Aanduwa and still negotiating his Secret Solution. He has gone a long way from Banda-Chelva pact to Ranil-Suman pact. He believes a mountainous progress has been achieved in the Secret Solution, in the last five years. Mavai will be adding these victories to the new manifesto of TNA, 2020. Last time in NPC election, TNA pledged Internal Self Determination, but then Sumanthiran said Ekkiya Rajya, which is better than internal self-determination, a federalism, but without the word Federalism.
    It is not just TNA, but is all Tamil Political organizations are unable to let go their age old dolls and think something new out of box, I suggests them all keep their Barbie doll tightly in their hand. Holding to their doll everywhere they move and to the bed until they fall asleep, is their energy, is their aspiration, is their protector; so they should continue to do it. But beyond that they should unite and present a case for international inquiry in coming March 2021, at Geneva.

  • 13

    Tamils had no bargaining power before 1976 and don’t have any bargaining power after 2009. That is the reality. However, Thondaman’s party seems to have some leverage over governments.

    • 1

      What leverage?
      Thondaman played his cards in tune with upsurges in the plantations leading to total citizenship under Premadasa. But by that time a majority had gone to India.
      He feathered his nest well. But what did he achieve for the plantation workers?
      Fair wages? Recognition as a nationality? Right to land and residence? Right to a postal address?
      CWC is now not half as strong as it was in 1990. Is it because of the leverage?

  • 9

    Leftist leaning Kumar David wants the Tamils to hitch their wagon to JVP. wagon. Tamils may consider voting for the JVP if it enjoys sizable support among the Sinhalese. Its vote base remains stuck around 5% for a long time. At the last Presidential election, JVP popular vote dipped to an all-time low at 418,553 (3.16%). During the 2015 parliamentary election, JVP polled 543,944 (4.87%) votes. This is a decline of 145,391 (1.2%) votes. So JVP is not a force to be reckoned in terms of the popular vote. Perhaps their past violent insurrections are still haunting the voters. The reality is the TNA must negotiate with the party that commands the support of the majority Sinhalese-Buddhists right or wrong. There is no other alternative. Let us also not forget in 2006 the JVP went to the Supreme Court demanding the repeal of the temporary merger of North and East provinces. A biased and racist judge ruled in favour of the petitioner. Of course, to be charitable the Judge said that the government can merge North and East but should do so by an act of parliament. This left a sour taste in the mouths of the Tamil people and created misgivings about socialist/progressive credentials of the JVP.

  • 9

    We have seen many Pacts that ended up in Demonstrations and tearing oof of the pacts. There is no HONESTY in the government. Even if they agree the Buddhist Monks will not agree

    • 2

      There were two pacts that faced demonstrations. One demonstration was crushed by SD Bandaranayake in 1957. In 1958 SWRDB surrendered to pressure not mass demonstration.
      The demonstration of 1966 January did nor lead to any result. JRJ & Co ensured that the Dudley-Chelva deal did not materialize.
      The saffron robe is only an excuse to an unwilling government.
      Saffron brigades here and in India are curtains behind with reactionaries conduct dirty business.
      If they genuinely agree, saffron brigades will be irrelevant.

  • 9

    The power structure of Sri Lanka will be always be Sinhala Buddhist dominated as they are the majority! Its not practical to have any other structure! A full accountable of missing persons is again not possible as it has to be done for Tamils as well as the Sinhalese. While most of the Sinhalese who may have committed war crimes are in Sri Lanka the Tamils who were involved in war crime live in foreign lands under the protection of foreign governments. A good example is Arjuna Mahemdran who is accused of a major financial crime can”t even be extradited to Sri Lanka. My recommendation is to look at the future without living in the past! Be a Sri Lankan first before categorizing ourselves as Tamils, Sinhalese and Muslims! That is the only way forward!

  • 6

    Kumar.. You still do not want to accept the realities. Majority in Sri Lanka is Sinhalese Buddhists. Accept it. Main political parties are SLPP and UNP. Accept it. Minority TNA cannot join another Minority like JVP and form a credible political force to control a majority government. Accept it. Only way for TNA is to join SLPP or UNP with a principled stand. Forget about the past. Nothing happened in the past would change the present and the future. Government will release all LTTE prisoners. May be prisoners of lower level carder. Government will not release brown snakes and later scream when they bite. Top level LTTE carder cannot be reformed and they will remain in prison rest of lives. Accept it. All private land occupied by forces will not be released. The remaining land are strategic positions the forces require to prevent emergence of any future arms struggle. Now minority is cornered and they themselves have to be blamed for that. From the beginning of their struggle, they chose the wrong path.

  • 5

    They gave an ethnic name for their problems. Their problems were common for all ethnicities. Poverty is common to all. Less educational facilities were common to all. Discrimination by the elite is common to all less powerful. This is what happens when you label is as Tamil problems and make unreasonable demands to have a separate country for resolving the problems. It was like a son demands the family to separate room of a house. Family won’t allow it. Ultimate result is the family would change locks of exit doors and open the door whenever family wants rather than giving a key to son. So, this the phase of rebuilding trusts between Minorities and the Majority. Do it properly. Openly declare and drop Ealam dream. Openly declare they reject LTTE

  • 7

    Openly declare they reject LTTE ideology. Openly declare Sri Lanka is land for all. Then start talking. Otherwise stop this rubbish writing.

  • 8

    With taking Sir P. A. for a ride 99 years ago, cheating started. Prior to that it was only dormant. Now this minority side is a doormat.

  • 13

    Dr. KD,

    ‘The “Tamil cause” has little or no support any longer in India or the West thanks to the swing of the LTTE to terrorism….’

    The answer to that is for the North-East Tamils to acknowledge the negative aspects and atrocities of the LTTE, speak out boldly about how and where they went wrong, make clear any new path will be non-violent. That is probably already being done by many, but the widespread criticism against Sumanthiran when he tries to speak along those lines shows Tamils are not yet ready to acknowledge the the ill-conceived directions that the struggle took under the LTTE. That has to change if India and the West are to re-engage.

    The strategy going forward will also be decided based on whether Tamils want to take their chances with the Sinhalese south even in the face of the fascistic tendencies shown by GR and his base.

    Whatever the FPP manifesto may say, what good will it do if they can’t muster support above a basic threshold among the Sinhalese? The TNA may be at its wits’ end, but it seems even your suggestion is a path to nowhere.

  • 7

    Kumar David,
    Northern part of the country became predominantly a Demala area due to import of Demala laborers from Hindusthan by Portuguese to work in tobacco plantations. There are no ‘Indigenous Tamils’ in this country as some Demala politicians claim. Sinhalayo gave citizenship to these ‘Aliens’ who were abandoned by colonial rulers in this country. Therefore, Demala people cannot demand anything from Sinhalayo because they had nothing to do with the decision taken by colonial parasites to bring Demala people from Hindusthan. If they have any problems/grievances in living in this country with Sinhalayo, Demala people in the North should raise them with Governments of Portugal and Netherlands and Demala people in tea plantations with the Government of the United Kingdom.

    Among Sinhala people there is a saying:
    ‘Ahaka yana nai allala odokkuwe dagena kanawa kanawa kiyala kegahanawa’
    That is exactly what has happened to Sinhalayo.

    • 5

      “Demala people in the North should raise them with Governments of Portugal and Netherlands and Demala people in tea plantations with the Government of the United Kingdom.”
      What about your own relatives with names like Silva, Fonseka, Nanayakkara, etc who also came to man cinnamon plantations? Also, are you going to repeal the colonial laws which allowed females to wear blouses? Be careful what you wish for.??

      • 3

        old codger,
        I have answered your question before. No point in repeating.
        Females wore ‘redda and hette’ before colonial parasites came.
        By the way why Brits did not bring any laws to stop caste-based discrimination in Demala society. I heard some very low caste people could not come out during daytime. Did Brits tolerate such things to please Well Ars who licked the sss of Brits?

        • 1

          You have not answered my question. If your females wore blouses before the colonial times, why are the Sigiriya females topless? For your info, some castes were not allowed to wear blouses until the missionaries came.
          Also, are you denying that the Karawe and Salagamas were not allowed Upasampada until the Dutch helped them?
          I keep repeating only because you keep parroting the same rubbish.

    • 5

      They used mercenaries to settle their quarrels. Some mercenaries settled to become Sinhalese.
      The Portuguese and the Dutch helped two major caste groups to settle, and they became Sinhalese.
      Many craftsmen communities were invited to settle and became Sinhalese.
      They invited the Portuguese to settle their quarrels, and they stayed on for long.
      To chase out the Portuguese they called in the Dutch, and they stayed on for long.
      To chase out the Dutch they called in the English, and they stayed on for long.
      Now they invite the Chinese, the Japanese, the Yankees, the Brits, the Germans, the Indians and the lot to take over the land!
      Mema nai oba soyagatte koi parenda?

  • 2

    Dear Sir

    I read your narrative with a heavy heart. It was the JVP who started a journey of violence in a Nation she was going about her normal path to empowerment with the learning curve and adopting to things as best as she could within her means. The FP complemented the whole event with the Indian connivance to create the current settings where JVP/TNA sit in the parliament (having not explained matters to each other in private as now the opportunity was granted by Hon MR in the opposition benches for them to understand each other etc..is an exceptional courtesy offer to people who had inlaid our Nation through their ignorance). If JVP wanted to identify the thugs who killed innocent Tamils ou can do so and if TNA wanted to identify all the crimes that was committed by them they can do so too including the LTTE ventures they know very well.

  • 2


    Nations blood cannot be further bled due the ignorance of the both who should have had the Nations children educated in our institutions and ready to take on the ownership of her development work??What SL looking for is the accountability/ownership part from the JVP and TNA (now the LTTE is not in the picture currently). They are both responsible also for brining the Indian boots to our land too under various disguises the Nation has forgiven only if the both work together to contribute to the Nation building positively.

    As long the current conduct from the both JVP and TNA continues they are collectively delaying the justice that is due to the “very real innocent” souls who may be behind the bars for the crimes committed by the same.

    I hope our Hon PM and Hon President will ban all the Language and Religious parties where TNA/JVP/Muslim parties can come under one banner/party manifesto that is focused on National developments they can be a real force for change and give voice to the Nation as a third largest party with Intellectual properties attached with “Democratic” values.

  • 4

    We have to think out of the box. The traditional “all Tamils should unite” is a foolish slogan”,

    Instead unite all moderate forces could be a better slogan.

    What happened in 2015. Revisit 2015 and improve. We have to think innovatively !

    A Grand Coalition of majority Tamils, majority Muslims, and majority upcountry Tamils, majority JVPers along with minority moderate Sinhalese were able to defeat a racist arrogant government of Mahinda Rajapakse decisively.

    Of course, what happened after this victory is great tragedy.

    But let us learn lessons. The 2015 could be repeated and reformulate our strategy and try to prevent any more betrayals after victory.
    It was a blunder on the part of TNA not to accept cabinet posts in 2015. Cabinet Posts are our rights.

    We are not going to accept anyone as superiors or our masters. All of us are equals. We have to be part of the process .

    These are details; we could improve on our strategy and form a grand coalition to win our rights as equal partners.

    We are not going to demand anything from anyone. We are not going to sign agreements with anyone. .

    Victory may not be immediate. It could be a protracted struggle.

  • 3


    Sinhalese/Tamils/Muslims etc etc language has to be stopped/devolutions and segregation discussions in “One Sri Lanka” is illegal.

    This is a great opportunity for this “Ghetto makers” to take advantage of the opportunity generously given by the SL people to deliver something in return if they have the capabilities to do.

    We need to have a basic check list as to who can be the Technocrat/Elected official in our Nation is the next step.

    Tamils nor Sinhalese nor Muslims are not be generalised by any as though they are owned by these parties…..they are not is why the history accounted where JVP and TNA/LTTE has killed people. If JVP want to show their strength they can bring the thugs who killed the innocent Tamils to the books and TNA want to be relevant they can bring the thugs who killed the fellow countrymen to the books and document their part/locations of the training camps in India so the SL people who lost their loved ones can get their life back. This is the Peace and Reconciliation between the perpetrators and the victims.

  • 1


    The TNA and the JVP can then go about explaining to the public who have become hardliners/haters of each other why they should not be so because it was them who created this monstrous state of affairs in the first place where they felt at ease to put a bullet into fellow countrymen as they pleased has created the current monstrous situation in a beautiful Nation like ours…..

    Yes our National parties are not perfect but none of them did then (beginning of 70’s) what JVP and TNA has done…….consequence we know today….a messed up parliament but the responsibility/punishment is for the JVP/TNA to fix it via positive contribution from whatever little they posses as Nation building knowledge. At the moment both. make a living out finger pointing only??

  • 4

    Prof. Kumar,
    JVP is not an alternative because the existence of JVP itself a question. In a parliamentary system, there is no possibility for a solution for Tamils or Muslims. When British handed over Srilanka to Sinhala Buddhists that was a great opportunity for westernised Buddhist Sinhala high class political authorities. Since British left, Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalism strengthened to its peak now. It may be true that 95% of the Sinhala may not be fundamentalists but the 5% is more than with the westernised political class is sufficient to stop finding a solution to the problems. DS Senanayake to Mahinda Rajapakse are from high class westernised high class political group. JR Jeyawardena to Mahinda Rajapakse went on march to Daladha Maligawa against minorities. Not the 95% Sinhala participated in the march but that 5% was enough to massacre in 1958 or in 2009.
    No point in blame or fight each other( TNA or Federal party or Congress party or Wigneswaran or LTTE or EPDP). Whatever situation, the Sinhala political leadership will never give any rights to Tamils or Muslims. In parliament over 175 members are from Sinhala Buddhists. SLFP(SLPP) or UNP or JVP are the same in terms of Buddhist policy. Now see the status of Karuna. After benefitting from him Buddhist Sinhala is now prepared to murder him.

  • 1

    Align with the JVP .. lmao. Thats all I got to say.

  • 1

    What we need is an open debate discussion between JVP and TNA broadcasted to the Nation as to their origins and journey and deeds. We need to identify their supporter base and ask what is it they are supporting and expecting from these parties now we have become the bottom of the pile amongst the Nations.

    JVP has national policies but TNA has Ghetto policies is time they go to their constituents and have open debates North to South and East to West. We will do fact checking event in every statements made.

    This will solve most of the National issues hindering progress in our Nation. The main parties can make amends accordingly without affecting the National Security. We can also add to the debate all the religious parties too so the citizens get to here them make their case and answer their questions/question each member their credentials and qualifications too.

  • 1

    Dear David

    Kindly share articles showing where we have the FP/TULF/TNA and JVP since 1970 election onwards please. Let us discuss the each constituent number/voter base wherever they are elected please. Let us understand how many people voted for these parties since then (appreciate JVP came about much later).

    We need to start mapping each party and their deeds historically to understand the killings nags they did an dhow they have changed now? why we allow them to the parliament without any accountability?? are we all allowed to do the same?? go about killing fellow men and women for whatever we believe and we be free to go about life as nothing happened??

  • 5

    “And third is the stupidity of Prabaharan who hallucinated that he could murder a past and possibly future Prime Minister of India and get away with anything less than his own extermination and the subjugation of the Tamils.”
    I do not think that it will be wrong to say that the author himself was soft on the LTTE even close to its last desperate strikes in the South.
    The LTTE would have got away with it but for the ‘stupidity’ of filming the event, as RAW and its middleman Subramanyan Swamy swore by the LTTE until after the video was captured.
    Why was the assassination filmed? Was there money involved like in 2005 December? If it was money who was the paymaster?
    What was worse was that the by then unpopular Congress which was almost wiped out in the first phase, rode the massive sympathy wave to sweep the post-assassination second phase; and India ended up with Narasimha Rao (who later did nothing to stop the demolition of the Babri Masjid) as PM. All this was at the expense of an emerging third force, a left-secular alliance.

    • 0


      The demolition of the Babri Masjid should have galvanized the emerging left alliance in India.

      But in Sri Lanka, it is not the left alliance, but a left of right alliance with the participation of all minorities. The left is too weak.It takes time to emerge again!

      • 1

        The surge of Hindutva like that of communalism here was an electoral obstacle.
        There is much work to do, but outside parliamentary politics.
        Left politics has to engage with Dalit politics, which is now seen to be backing the cause of the indigenous people.
        The parliamentary left has to break with narrow ideas national unity at the expense of the rights of oppressed nationalities and tribes.
        We do not hear much about the alternative left active at various levels of society.
        Time is not on the side of capitalism.

  • 5

    Is the author annoyed that the TNA has rather said ‘Let’s think about’ instead of a blunt “No, we are backing the JVP for a change” or “Sorry, we are still wedded to the UNP”?
    The TNA knows well that whatever it says even its most ardent supporter outside N-E will not vote for the SLPP alliance. Very probably one will vote for the UNP, by habit perhaps.
    The author conveniently forgets the active role of the JVP in the separation of N&E and wrecking of PTOMS.
    In politics, a good memory can be a handicap.

    • 2


      This is why we need to have an OPEN debate to give JVP and TNA the opportunity to exchange thoughts/explain their deeds & policies relevant to the Nation/what do they plan to do with power per say if they are elected to run the country tomorrow??

      This open debate is well overdue?? After this we need to go back to 1970 and start all over where we left once these 2 groupings have rectified all they have done and give the Nation in the same state as she was back then?

      We can not put our National development plans on hold for ever whilst she is being chipped away by all the crooks in the world?? We need to give the elected governments the backings and full support they need by deliver development work to the constituents…….not devolutions and separations and mergers nor 20 000 year history but to formulate a Nation Development Strategy as One Nation.

      • 2

        It seems you don’t have a tree to creep. You are spreading on a dead tree. Lefts were flushed through the commode in last century. This is an essay Prof. Kumar wrote to spend his undeclared Corona curfew in Australia. It seems he opened his windows in the morning. It was shinny in Australia. He assumed it was raining in the wilderness of Moscow jungles. So he opened his umbrella to Anura and wrote this essay. When the Covid-Social Isolation is faded in the streets of Colombo, theaters will open for shows of “Brawl in Night Club Clique”. Soon many a drivers are going to hit their cars with light posts, after their death. You can happily watch it over. Because there is no tree, if you lean on pimps, you only can become a political prostitute. KD writes essays purported to baby sit Covid-19 curfew refugee. That is not for all.

        • 3

          Seriously, EITHER start CT-M** very soon OR sack your team of moderators.

          • 0

            How about a Covid-19 Curfew, back to work?

    • 4


      TNA, like UNP and SLFP is a spent force.

      The forthcoming General election will confirm

  • 4

    Prof. Kum! I may not agree with you or any one of the TNA with respect to their politics or political opinion. But does anyone think that the TNA consists of such dumb-muts to be taken for a ride by anyone? Whatever said and done they are seasoned politicians in their own right. They do have an electoral backing, the quantum varying from time to time. Like every mortal being one or two of any human collection can make mistakes or even blunders. Still do we think that the entire lot of them as a set of stupid fools who do not know even ABC of politics to be taken for a ride by another set of politicians?” Prof. Kum anyone might misunderstand that you take self-satisfaction in castigating individuals and in the process putting yourself in the highest pedestal. Does that border to the mental condition of megalomania requiring psychiatric treatment? I respect your freedom of speech but I am deeply saddened by the devaluation of your status of a learned person, a teacher to many a student in Electrical Engineering, by your own pronouncements. TNA as a whole is not divinity but it is not foolish either.

  • 2

    Dear Professor
    When you write next would you replace “Tamil political prisoners” with ” LTTE suspects under long detention without trial” so that I too can join forces with you.
    These ” LTTE suspects under long detention without trial” must be released without delay and Tamil political masters should not use them as pawns in their political agenda.


    • 3

      Why wait for the Professor?
      Why don’t you initiate a campaign demanding release of “LTTE suspects under long detention without trial”.
      I am sure that the Professor will back you.

    • 1

      So is this arrest is to make Tamils to confess that they are terrorists. But not to prove it even after 25 years?
      So after the release where can they go?

  • 3

    Most of the so-called LTTE prisoners,most people understand, are anything but hard-core LTTErs.
    They did odd jobs for the LTTE like running on errands, preparing Tea and refreshments and the like.
    The hard-core types are the darlings of those in government. Karuna, KP et al.
    Even the prisoners would not know whether to laugh or to cry!

    The suggestion that the TNA should throw in their weight [They are weightless these days!] with the JVP HAS CAUSED ME SO MUCH ANGUISH.
    Has age caught up at last with our Teacher?

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