By Manonmany Sathasivam –
We, the Tamils of Tamil Eelam, have been constantly betrayed by the traitors in our own community. We have no tolerance and cannot suffer from these disloyal actions any longer. We call the former MP, Mr M. A. Sumanthiran, the spokesperson of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA), to respect the people’s mandate and resign from his post and leave the TNA forthwith. We call him to do so immediately if he has any dignity at all. Should he fail to do of his own accord, we hereby demand the TNA leadership to honour the wishes of the people and remove him.
Whilst we all acknowledge the freedom of expression and duly respect Mr Sumanthiran’s right to express his own personal opinion, we expect Mr Sumanthiran to mutually respect the purpose of the formation of the TNA and the political aspirations of the people who voted for the TNA. We wish to make it noticeably clear that he should not be allowed to use the TNA as the platform to peddle his own agenda. He is always free to leave the TNA and contest on his own or form his own political party. Then he can freely express his own opinion if he has the audacity to do so.
The TNA’s history has always been intricately linked to the LTTE. The TNA was first formed in October 2001, when a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between the Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF), All Ceylon Tamil Congress (ACTC), Tamil Eelam Liberation Organization (TELO) and Eelam Peoples’ Revolutionary Liberation Front (EPRLF). The then TULF Secretary General Mr R Sampanthan declared “the time has now come for all the Tamil political forces in the North and East to unite under one banner to give full political support to the militants who are involved in the freedom struggle“.
In a 2006 statement, the TNA said “it is in full recognition of this reality and the overwhelming support enjoyed by the LTTE amongst the Tamil people, both in Sri Lanka and abroad, that the TNA as a mark of solidarity sought and received a resounding mandate from the Tamil people at consecutive elections recognizing the LTTE as the authentic and sole representatives of the Tamil people at any peace process”.
In 2013, TNA MP Mr Sivagnanam Sritharan told the Sri Lankan Parliament that the majority of the Tamil people in the North-East had voted for the TNA to support the ideals of the LTTE leader Mr Vellupillai Prabhakaran and said he was “the greatest leader in history, who awoke the previously dormant defiance of the Tamils“.
In 2019, TELO leader Mr Selvam Adaikalanathan spoke on the LTTE’s participation in forming the TNA stating the alliance “was formed for the purpose of liberation of our people”. “No one can break the Tamil National Alliance which was formed as our people’s power with the LTTE’s participation” he added.
Mr Sumanthiran first became part of the TNA in 2010 when he was appointed as a national list MP. He was not democratically elected first time. We appreciate that he may not be aware of the actual history, but we urge him to learn.
Mr Sumanthiran has repeatedly proven on many occasions that he is neither a real human rights lawyer nor a genuine people’s representative. There is no evidence that he ever studied human right law or international law in any university. There is no record of him representing any political prisoners or being involved in any public interest cases. In fact, he always remained a money-minded commercial lawyer based in Colombo and never cared about the lives of the Tamils in the North and East. When Mr Sumanthiran was acting in the case filed by the TELO against the separation of the North and East in 2006, he acted without any professional ethics and withdrew the case without the knowledge of the petitioners.
It is a cheap and unprofessional tactic for any lawyer to claim that he is an expert and to attempt to provide legal advice in an area in which he has no competence at all. Mr Sumanthiran repeatedly continues to shamelessly do this by posing himself as a human rights lawyer and misleading the public by giving wrong advice in international law related issues. For example, at a function held in November 2015 to mark the 25th anniversary of the expulsion of Muslims from the North, Mr Sumanthiran, told the Express “…the en-masse expulsion of Muslims by the LTTE amounts to ethnic cleansing” and went on to compare the same with the Genocide suffered by the Tamils. This proved beyond doubt that not only he is very ignorant of international law but also sadly he has poor knowledge of history. Firstly, Mr Sumanthiran must understand the difference between Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide. Secondly, a United Nations Commission of Experts mandated to investigate the violations of international humanitarian law committed in the territory of former Yugoslavia, defined ethnic cleansing in its interim report S/25274 as “… rendering an area ethnically homogeneous by using force or intimidation to remove persons of given groups from the area.” In its final report S/1994/674, the same Commission described ethnic cleansing as “… a purposeful policy designed by one ethnic or religious group to remove by violent and terror-inspiring means the civilian population of another ethnic or religious group from certain geographic areas”. It is a well-known fact that the LTTE neither had a “plan” nor “a purposeful policy” to remove Muslims and create a homogeneous Tamil Eelam, but it was a strategic decision taken at the heat of the moment to prevent riots and following the discovery of weapons in the Muslim houses, shops and mosques in Jaffna. As rightly pointed out by Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam, the LTTE gave strict orders to leave Muslim owned properties intact. Not a single Tamil was allowed to occupy or appropriate those properties and they were safely returned to the Muslim owners who were invited by the LTTE to return during the ceasefire.
On 13th April 2002, the LTTE held a meeting in Kilinochchi presided by the Tamil National Leader Mr V Prabhakaran. The meeting was meant to make amends between the Tamil and Muslim communities and was attended by the SLMC leader Mr Rauff Hakeem, Mr Athaullah, Mr Uthumalebbe, Mr Mohideen Abdul Cader, Mr Basheer Segu Dawood, Mr Masoor Noordeen and Mr Masoor Moulana. Also present were the LTTE’s Political Advisor Mr Anton Balasingham, LTTE’s Head of Political Department Mr S.P.Thamilchelvan and District Commanders of the LTTE. Following the talks between the two sides, Mr Anton Balasingham on behalf of the LTTE expressed profound regret and apologised to the Muslims. “I made an apology to the Muslim people that what has happened in the past has to be forgotten, that we are willing to talk to them and resolve their problems,” Mr Anton Balasingham said, assuring the Muslims that they could return to their homes in the North. He stressed that the Tamil homeland and the Tamil territory in the North-East “belonged to the Muslim people also.” Mr Hakeem said that they are willing to forgive the LTTE. Isn’t it the worst third-grade strategy of Mr Sumanthiran to open the old wounds and trigger hatred between the Tamil and Muslim communities for his own selfish reasons?
Should Mr Sumanthiran have any knowledge of international law, he would have simply realised that the Muslim eviction of 1995 does not fall into the definition of “Ethnic Cleansing” in any way. Whilst even the Muslim leaders have accepted and agreed to move on, it is extremely disgusting that Mr Sumanthiran has attempted to mislead the public by wrongly defining it as an “Ethnic Cleansing” in a desperate bid to get the support from the Muslim community.
In December 2015, Dr. S. I. Keethaponcalan wrote in the Colombo Telegraph that Mr Sumanthiran went to Geneva and claimed at the UN Human Rights Council that what happened during the last phase of the war, according to internationally accepted definitions, was not Genocide. In December 1997, The Tamil Information Centre (TIC) published a report called “The International Crime of Genocide: The case of the Tamil People in Sri Lanka” and first declared that the what happens in Sri Lanka is a Genocide on the basis of the meticulous research carried out by Dr Lutz Oette, a German legal expert and a senior lecturer at SOAS, University of London. After 2009, numerous internationally acclaimed experts in international law, including Professor Francis A Boyle, Professor Ramu Manivannan, Professor M Sornaraja, Bruce Fein, Lee Rhiannon, Deirdre McConnell and many more concluded that there is more than sufficient evidence to prove Genocide without any doubt. The 12 eminent judges appointed by the Permanent People Tribunal on Sri Lanka (PPT), after hearing the testimonies and carefully analysing the vast amount of evidence for several days, unanimously delivered a verdict that what happened in Sri Lanka is Genocide. This PPT was Promoted by the Lelio Basso International Foundation for the Rights and Liberation of Peoples. The PPT was founded in June 1979 in Bologna, Italy, by a broad spectrum of legal experts, writers, and other cultural and community leaders (including five Nobel Prize laureates) from 31 countries. The PPT is rooted in the historical experiences of the Russell Tribunals on Vietnam (1966-67) and on the dictatorships in Latin America (1974-1976). The importance and strength of decisions by the PPT rest on the moral weight of the causes and arguments to which they give credibility, as well as the integrity and capability to judge of the Tribunal members. These are just few examples. Is Mr Sumanthiran even aware of any of these or does he think that he is superior in knowledge and proficiency to all of these experts? In 2014, Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr Rayappu Joseph briefed the US Diplomat Stephen Rapp, with sufficient evidence, on the structural Genocide that is going on after the end of the war. Is Sumanthiran not aware of what exactly is going on to the Tamils in Sri Lanka?
Mr Sumanthiran keeps arguing amongst the Tamil diaspora is that the time is not right to pursue the Genocide claim because the “ingredients” of it cannot be proved. He also maintains that perhaps they will be able to do so in the future. It is not clear what would change in the future that would help prove the “ingredients” or intent of Genocide. He also argues that the reason he opposed the Northern Provincial Council (NPC) Genocide resolution was that he did not want the claim to be rejected by an international court or the UNHRC. When interviewed by Mr Lathan Suntharalingam in Geneva in September 2015, Mr Sumanthiran went on record claiming that the NPC resolution was a ‘foolish’ move. He blamed Justice C.V. Wigneswaran for having shut off the door for Genocide investigation by passing that resolution against his advice.
While answering questions at the DAN TV interview, he falsely claimed the international investigation into the war crimes in Sri Lanka had been fully completed and the 251 pages report published by the OISL in Geneva on 16 November 2015 is a complete and comprehensive document. Firstly, Mr Sumanthiran must understand that this report is incomplete because it covers only from February 2002 to November 2011. Secondly, he must stop cooking up a false story such as claiming that the “UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, very specifically said, even with such a report full of horrors as he himself called it, it hasn’t satisfied the test of genocide”. This is completely untruthful, and no such record is available anywhere. He further stated in the same interview that he has spoken to many legal experts who support Tamils and “all of them” advised that there are is not enough evidence to prove the Genocide. However, he is unable to name any single expert, whom he referred in his speech which causes serious doubt on this statement. These facts are more than enough to prove his dishonesty and his knack of fooling the Tamil community.
In January 2019, Mr Sumanthiran told the Parliament that he is ready to admit that the LTTE committed war crimes. He also repeatedly claims that all international reports very clearly say that both the military and the LTTE committed war crimes. However, the OISL Report concluded,
“One of the most disturbing findings of the OISL investigation has been the extent to which sexual violence was committed, often extremely brutally, by the Sri Lanka security forces, with men as likely to be victims as women. The prevalence of rape, often on repeated occasions, was particularly shocking. OISL did not find any information to suggest that the LTTE was responsible for sexual violence….”
Whilst claiming to be very familiar with this report, why did Mr Sumanthiran never quote this in any of his speeches? Is he against his own Tamil community? Isn’t this deliberate omission sufficient to prove his lack of integrity as a lawyer?
Mr Sumanthiran has also repeatedly proven himself as someone not having the qualities of leadership or capable of representing his own people. The most basic quality to be a leader or people representative is the ability to put aside his own personal views and be able to voice the aspirations of the people who voted for him. However, Mr Sumanthiran has always voiced his own misguided opinions and never bothered to give consideration to the views of his own people.
Most recently, on 8 May 2020, Mr Sumanthiran provoked widespread outrage from across the Tamil political spectrum, including condemnation from within his own party, by the comments he made in a Sinhala interview with Mr Samarawickrama, who is a former Director of Media to the President of Sri Lanka. He bluntly lied about the formation of the TNA and also vulgarised the armed liberation struggle of the Tamils. In addition, he stated that he accepts the Sri Lanka’s lion flag and national anthem which sparked widespread anger and outrage amongst Tamils across the North-East, with criticism from even normally supportive fellow lawmakers in his own party. In addition to Mr Sumanthiran’s comments in Sinhala last week, in 2015 he told the Sunday Leader in English that “his party has no allegiance to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam” and is “not committed to their ideology“, adding the TNA is not in favour of “terrorism“. Mr Sumanthiran went on to distance himself from the Tamil diaspora groups, stating he has “no connection with the Tiger diaspora” which has seriously offended the Tamil diaspora.
In 2013, TNA MP Sivaganam Sritharan told the Sri Lankan parliament that the majority of the Tamil people in the North-East had voted for the TNA to support the ideals of the LTTE leader Vellupillai Prabhakaran and said he was “the greatest leader in history, who awoke the previously dormant defiance of the Tamils“.
In 2019, TELO leader Selvam Adaikalanathan spoke on the LTTE’s participation in forming the TNA, stating that the alliance “was formed for the purpose of liberation of our people”. “No one can break the Tamil National Alliance which was formed as our people’s power with the LTTE’s participation,” he added. Is Sumantiran not aware of any of these statements of his own colleagues?
As the fierce opposition to Mr Sumanthiran began to escalate, the TNA leader Mr R Sampanthan released a Press statement to protect himself by claiming he had “not yet fully seen the views expressed by Mr Sumanthiran in the Sinhala interview. Nevertheless, it is his individual interview – his personal opinion must not be taken to be the stance of the Tamil National Alliance or the Ilankai Tamil Arasu Katchi,” he continued as he sought to distance himself, and the party, from the comments made.
In addition, senior members of Mr Sampanthan’s own party and the TNA alliance, along with leaders of other Tamil parties, who, unlike Mr Sumanthiran, have a long association with the LTTE’s armed struggle for the Tamil’s liberation and the reasons for forming the TNA, have expressed their concern and dissatisfaction against Mr Sumanthiran’s actions and comments. They have said that Mr Sumanthiran’s comments must not be discounted as his own personal opinion, while he holds such a senior position and membership of the TNA.
ITAK leader Mr Mavai Senathirajah voiced his anger and said “Mr Sumanthiran’s comments cannot be accepted. Mr Sumanthiran stated he cannot accept the armed struggle of the LTTE and the TNA is as culpable for these comments as him,” he added.
Fellow former TNA lawmaker Mr Eswarapatham Saravanapavan said that “TNA or ITAK should not be used as a platform to participate in acts against humanity or make a mockery out of the struggle for Eelam“. He also asked Mr Sampanthan to “remove Mr Sumanthiran from his position.”
Mr K.V. Thavarasa, President’s Counsel, renowned lawyer and the President of the Colombo District Branch of the ITAK said “Mr Sumanthiran has no authority to vulgarise the armed struggle. Mr Sumanthiran expressing such opinion has created unhealable wounds and caused pain in the hearts of the Tamil people”.
Mr Charles Nirmalanathan, another former lawmaker with the TNA, asked Mr Sampanthan to “remove Mr Sumanthiran as the spokesperson for TNA” and that “Mr Sumanthiran should not comment against the armed struggle carried out by the LTTE“.
Mr Selvam Adaikalanathan, leader of the Tamil Eelam Liberation Organization (TELO), a TNA constituent party, said “Mr Sumanthiran’s comments are absolutely inexcusable. Saying that the whole armed Tamil struggle is wrong is absolutely unforgivable.”
The leader of the People’s Liberation Organisation of Tamil Eelam (PLOTE) Mr Dharmalingam Siddarthan, another TNA member, said, “Mr Sumanthiran is speaking without knowing the history of the armed struggle”.
Mr Gnanamuttu Sirinesan, a former TNA MP from Batticaloa, urged “the leadership of TNA to address and take responsible action against Mr Sumanthiran for his comments. The TNA party is accountable for the comments made by their media spokesperson, Mr Sumanthiran, and for his remarks to please the Sinhala chauvinists, he must be punished,” he added.
Former ITAK youth wing leader and current head of Tamil Thesiya Valvurimai Iyakkam, Mr V Sivakaran said “Mr Sumanthiran, by telling one story in the North, another story in the South, one story in Tamil and another story in Sinhala, has commercialized the politics of the Tamil’s emancipation.” He added “from time to time opportunists have arisen in the Tamil side. Mr Sumanthiran was the cause for abandoning of many by the TNA and the ITAK. The TNA should firmly understand whether the party is for the people or the people are for the party; and if the people are for liberation or liberation is for people“.
Lawyer and the deputy leader of ITAK youth wing, Mr S Dineshan said “Tamil National Alliance (TNA) received the votes of the Tamil people in the North and East. Therefore, the media spokesperson for the TNA, making such comments is never acceptable. I fully condemn such comments and the leader of TNA should certainly take action on this“.
Former TNA Northern Provincial Council Member Mr T Ravikaran said “the Tamil people will not accept Mr Sumanthiran’s comments which dishonour the Tamil liberation struggle and the people involved in it – including the fallen LTTE cadres, disabled militants and also the LTTE leader, Mr Velupillai Prabhakaran”. He further added “Tamil leaders fought in many ways to combat the atrocities against the Tamil people. It was clearly evident that the fight against oppression of Tamils could not be solved by non-violent means. The LTTE was formed after the youths began to bear arms to fight for the rights of Tamil people. The LTTE carried out their movement in a way that was accepted by all Tamil people and helped establish the TNA. Therefore, I want to reiterate that Tamil people will not accept when anyone discredits or delegitimises the armed struggle or those involved in the armed struggle”.
Mr Pararajasingham Uthayarasa, Secretary-General of Sri-Telo, condemned “the comments that Mr Sumanthiran made rejecting the whole armed struggle” and asked, “whether the TNA will take action against Mr Sumanthiran for his comments”.
Chief Justice C V Wigneswarwan, former Chief Minister of the Northern Province said he was “astonished” by Mr Sumanthiran’s comments, rejecting the LTTE’s political and armed efforts. “How can he be a MP of TNA, which had been created by brother Prabhakaran? As a former student of mine, his comments bring me great shame. The reason behind the formation of TNA is well known by not only the Tamil people but by the Sinhala people too. The TNA formed with aspirations to gain independent democratic rights for Tamils is showing signs of instability. Does Mr Sumanthiran not know the history surrounding the party or is he pretending not to know? He should be reminded that he is a spokesperson for the party formed by the LTTE. Mr Sumanthiran may be proud of being treated like a servant, but he is not entitled to do so, when talking on behalf of the Tamils. After living cosily in the comforts of Colombo, he has no rights to return to the North and East to belittle the struggle of the Tamil people”.
The Chief Justice further added “It is important to listen to the struggles and requests of the Tamil people and voice their concerns. If not, he should stay away from politics or compete for a party that addresses the needs of the Sinhala people. We need to raise awareness and educate the Sinhala people about our liberation struggle. There are many Sinhala people who understand the need for brother Prabahakaran to pursue an armed resistance. There are Sinhala leaders in the South who talk about the struggles and need for justice of Tamil people. We need to eliminate any efforts that belittle the Tamil liberation struggle and the sacrifices made so far. If I [C V Wigneswaran] was asked the question in Sinhala, I would have clearly stated that Prabhakaran’s struggle was caused by Sinhala politicians.”
The Tamil National People’s Front (TNPF) tweeted, “A few days ago in a Sinhala interview TNA’s MP Mr M.A Sumanthiran claimed that he nor his party have ever condoned the armed Tamil liberation struggle and that he would readily accept and hoist the lion flag of Sri Lanka and sing its national anthem. This statement is particularly treacherous as it comes in the run up to the 11th year commemoration of the #Mullivaikkal #TamilGenocide on #May18.”
Mr Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam, leader of the TNPF said, “Mr Sumanthiran is oblivious to Tamil nationalism. That is why he has insisted that he never accepted the armed resistance for the Tamil struggle. He has also said that he accepts and identifies with the Sri Lanka lion flag and the national anthem and rejects the Vaddukoddai resolution. Our pain has persisted for many years. For 11 years we have insisted that their party’s political actions are deviating away from the party’s fundamental aspirations it was formed from. Mr Sumanthiran has also applauded Mr Mahinda Rajapaksa and his government for their role in the civil war.”
The Crusaders for Democracy, a party made up of former LTTE cadres, released a statement voicing their anger over Mr Sumanthiran’s comments. They warned that “they will withdraw their support from the party,” in response to these comments.
Several civil society organisations also condemned the TNA spokesperson, including the Association of the Families of the Disappeared stating “Mr Sumanthiran is loyal to Colombo and prefers Colombo. He does not care at all about the Tamil people. He is acting on the belief that the Sinhala people see him as s similar figure to Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan. He serves to protect the constitution of the Sri Lanka government.”
Families of the disappeared in Vavuniya conducted a protest on their 715th day of continuous demonstration carrying a large banner stating, “Tamils will get freedom first after removing panderers Sampanthan and Sumanthiran from Tamil politics.”
The Tamils diaspora around the world finds it extremely offensive and unforgivable that Mr Sumanthiran refers to them as “Tiger Diaspora” which clearly exposes the fact that he shares the same perception of the Sri Lankan intelligence on the Tamils living abroad. They remain outraged by his previous false accusation that his alleged murder attempt in Feb 2017 was planned abroad as this statement has placed the diaspora activists at further serious risk of persecution by the Sri Lankan authorities when they go to Sri Lanka. Reliable information is now coming to light that this alleged plot was staged by Mr Sumanthiran in a bid to seek STF protection. As a result, Mr Sumanthiran has become directly complicit in the arrest and torture of the 5 ex LTTE members who were accused of this murder attempt and remain imprisoned. These facts establish his affiliation to the Sri Lankan authorities and makes him complicit in torture of not only these 5 ex LTTE members but also the Tamils activists who were abducted, detained and tortured upon their return to Sri Lanka.
In summary, it is obvious that Mr Sumanthiran has always been acting in contravention to the wishes and expectations of the Tamil people who voted for him and his TNA party. By his recent interview, he has created an unhealable wound and pain in the hearts of the Tamil people who are already suffering from agony of loss and have been left without justice. Whilst, his freedom to express his own personal opinion is acknowledged by the Tamils, he has clearly failed to respect the views of the Tamil people he and his party (TNA) represent. By proving his inability to put aside his own views, he has proved that he is not capable of representing his own people in a democratic manner. He should not be allowed to use the TNA as a platform to sell his own agendas and views. He has every freedom to stand on his own or create his own party to promote his own views. Given he is unable to honour the mandate of the Tamils who voted for the TNA, he should immediately resign his position as the Spokesperson and leave the TNA. Should there be any self-respect and dignity left in him, he must immediately resign before the TNA removes him. Unless, the TNA should act to the mandate of the people and remove him or lose all the support from the Tamils.
*Manonmany Sathasivam, is a senior lawyer and Attorney-At-Law practicing since 1981. She is currently serving as the Acting District Judge & Magistrate in Vavuniya in Sri Lanka. She is also a human rights activist who has filed number of Heabus Corpus Petitions and also worked with the Association of the Families of the Enforced Disappeared.
chiv / May 26, 2020
Respected Madam, please try reading the article from Suren Surendiran which I believe addresses all your concerns and if possible please do comment. THANKS.
old codger / May 26, 2020
If Mr.Sumantthiran is being attacked by both the Eelamist nut-cases and the Sinhala-Buddhist nut-cases, he must be doing something right.
Native Vedda / May 27, 2020
old codger
Your selection process seems rather odd “If Mr.Sumantthiran is being attacked by both the Eelamist nut-cases and the Sinhala-Buddhist nut-cases, he must be doing something right.”
old codger / May 27, 2020
Just noticed that the lady actually lives here. Strange.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / May 27, 2020
See below. A Sinhala Buddhist nut case Pasqual is praising Sumanthiran.
RAVI PERERA / May 27, 2020
There are many nut cases in Angoda who think the others are nut cases
Rajash / May 27, 2020
you mean Angoda or the Jayawardenepura?
SJ / May 28, 2020
Angoda houses short term patients. Most of them are cured of their psychiatric condition. Mulleriyawa is a long term place.
(If you ask Dr Sivathas, a most competent psychiatrist, he will say that they can be more sane those outside. He has published some of their creative work as a book.)
The other place you mentioned is for incurable cases, and there are no means to cure.
Burt / May 28, 2020
Do you get repeat patients in Angoda? If the do then its no different to Jayawardenapura.
Burt / May 28, 2020
Is there a difference? :)
RAVI PERERA / May 29, 2020
SJ / May 27, 2020
Please guard against TIC statements because not many here understand subtlety and take things literally.
leelagemalli / May 28, 2020
I dont see any difference between the people living in northern and southern provinces of the island.
Notherners and their thoughts and minds are far from that of their representatives.
Similarly, Southerners instead easily get caught by any kind of blatant lies being spread by Buruwanse or the like political scapegoats. Please listen to the following video clip and see it right.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / May 27, 2020
Gist of concerns raised in this article is that the mandate given by Tamils to fight for their legitimate rights is being abandoned. The synopsis of what Surendran says is to forget about your past sacrifices and accept what Sinhalese are prepared to give.
Sugandh / May 28, 2020
It’s always good to hear opinions of such deeply involved individuals on such issues; we get an opportunity to evaluate our own stances.
I think this honourable acting Judge/Magistrate’s perspective is sensationally titled and rivetingly written stringing together essentially a lot of quotes of what has been said about Sumanthiran, supporting her conclusions which seemed weakly substantiated and unfair.
If this had been a piece merely pointing out Sumanthiran’s inconsistencies with supporting evidence, omitting the quotes of what others have said about Sumanthiran but just quotes of Sumenthiran himself and quotes/evidence contradicting Sumathiran’s declarations, then perhaps this would have been better received. Still a lot of good info to digest.
Good to have Suren Surendran’s perspective to weigh against this. D.B.S. Jeyaraja’s “Did the Tigers form TNA in 2001?” published on DM (16 May 2020) is a good read to go with this subject .
S. C. Pasqual / May 26, 2020
This is funny.
In this same way of thinking you murdered Rajini Thiranagama and Neelakandan Tiruchelvam.
If you have power M. A. Sumanthiran is long gone. Same like Lakshman Kadirgamar.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / May 27, 2020
“If you have power, Sumanthiran is long gone, same like Kadirgamar”. Do you mean to say that, the person having power Mahinda Rajapakse, is going to get snipers form the army on contract, to get rid of Sumanthiran “.
Native Vedda / May 27, 2020
S. C. Passqual
“If you have power M. A. Sumanthiran is long gone. Same like Lakshman Kadirgamar.”
You may be right, the men in uniform who have access to weapons cannot stand people with some skill, …. knowledge in their chosen field if popular too.
VP couldn’t stand Neelan, ….. Mahinda couldn’t stand Kathirgamar…….. Gota couldn’t stand Fonseka.
Rajash / May 27, 2020
Native – it seems Gota is also losing patience with Hoole
GATAM / May 26, 2020
Racism killed 140,000 Tamils and created 89,000 Tamil war widows. No more.
Summanthiran is a national leader. The whole country needs him. Otherwise rabid racists like the Crime Minister will have his way. Now is not the time to shake things.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / May 26, 2020
Gatam you are correct that Sinhala racism killed 140,000 Tamils and created 89,000 Tamil war widows. So it is the duty of every fair minded person to see that Sinhala racism is eradicated as otherwise more Tamils will be affected in the future. If not for Sinhala racism practicing discrimination and unleashing violence against Tamils, and pointing the gun at Tamils who peacefully stood up against it, no Tamil would have taken up arms. Now even eleven years after the Tamils were disarmed, Sinhala racism is raging, and there is no sign of it abating. So if a Tamil says that by cooperating with Sinhalese, Tamils will get their rights is a liar, just as much a Sinhalese promising that if he is returned to power he will grant the rights to Tamils.
Native Vedda / May 27, 2020
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam
“So if a Tamil says that by cooperating with Sinhalese, Tamils will get their rights is a liar, just as much a Sinhalese promising that if he is returned to power he will grant the rights to Tamils.”
Do you think VP who fought for 30 years not only with try services but also with immense Chanakiyam won the war and all what Trinco Sampandan has to do is to just seize all properties belonged to Tamils from Sinhala state and display war trophies?
Let me remind you, last time when I checked it was VP who had won the war for Mahinda.
When will you (professional Tamil Mourners) stop your lamentation (oppari) and move on building the Tamil Community in this island?
The professional mourners seem to lack planes, ideas, objectives, …. way and means of achieving them hence they constantly blame those who are actively involve themselves in activities they deem vital to the people.
With due respect have you and your fellow lamenters got a road map to begin with? Where do you want to take your people to like Mosses, how do you want to take them, how much would it cost, how are you planning to meet the costs, do you have enough human resources, … how long its going to take, ?????
Please draft it in a piece of paper and post it here on this journal.
GATAM / May 27, 2020
Can you read English Gana?
It was Tamil racism and Sinhala racism that killed 140,000 Tamils and made another 89,000 Tamil women war widows. Both. Don’t forget IPKF, TMVP, EPDP, etc. also killed Tamils. They were Hindus.
Summanthiran is doing his best to douse racism fires. Support him or perish.
Racism is bad whatever it is. If you can, just think why Tamils live under others everywhere. Why Tamils are always servants and not masters – India, SL, Malaysia, Singapore and Canada.
SJ / May 27, 2020
How dare you say “Can you read English Gana?”
He earned a distinction in English (as second language) at GCE-OL. (His skill in compound sentences is a bit iffy though.)
You may not have to wait for long to hear a demonstration of his English vocabulary that abounds in terms like stupid, idiot, moron and imbecile.
He has not used the word nincompoop on anyone yet: with luck you may earn that distinction.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / May 27, 2020
Stupid Sivasegaram, I also got a band nine in Cambridge English test taken twenty five years ago to follow a course in UK. I have written not only essays but also poetry in English which have been published in souvenirs of Srilankan associations in UK. For your information I have used the word nincompoop before, when I wrote in CT that Sumanthiran may be a legal genius, but he is a political nincompoop.
SJ / May 27, 2020
Gee! Despite band nine in Cambridge English test you wrestle with compound sentences.
Amazing! Who was the jockey?
You took the opportunity I gave you to use the word that skipped your vocabulary. Great!
Can I give a longer list so that your followers here will not be bored:
(The list is off Miriam-Webster)
airhead, birdbrain, blockhead, bonehead, bubblehead, chowderhead, chucklehead, clodpoll (or clodpole), clot [British], cluck, clunk, cretin, cuddy (or cuddie) [British dialect], deadhead, dim bulb [slang], dimwit, dip, dodo, dolt, donkey, doofus [slang], dope, dork [slang], dullard, dumbbell, dumbhead, dum-dum, dummkopf, dummy, dunce, dunderhead, fathead, gander, golem, goof, goon, half-wit, hammerhead, hardhead, ignoramus, imbecile, jackass, know-nothing, knucklehead, lamebrain, loggerhead [chiefly dialect], loon, lump, lunkhead, meathead, mome [archaic], moron, mug [chiefly British], mutt, natural, nimrod [slang], nincompoop, ninny, ninnyhammer, nit [chiefly British], nitwit, noddy, noodle, numskull (or numbskull), oaf, pinhead, prat [British], ratbag [chiefly Australian], saphead, schlub (also shlub) [slang], schnook [slang], simpleton, stock, stupe, stupid, thickhead, turkey, woodenhead, yahoo, yo-yo.
Distribute them in your pillbox and pick one for the day (M/Tu/W/Th/F/Sat/Sun) and time (Morn/Noon/Eve/Night and Extra if you like) and use as suits your state of mind.
How are your maritime history lessons going? Still on Chaandilyan? Time you moved on.
But keep cool: It is very important for sanity.
old codger / May 27, 2020
You are allowed 300, I believe.
SJ / May 27, 2020
But this is education, and CT makes exceptions for educational exercises, especially when it is for a master of stupidity. (My English is a little scrappy these days of the Coronavirus I fear. Is it what you will call a person who has mastered the art of identifying stupid people?)
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / May 27, 2020
Do not teach me English. Tamil racism is not directly responsible for killing 140,000 Tamils. Fighting for ones denied right to equality and justice is not racism and only when you deny another community their legitimate rights is racism. Therefore what is practiced by Tamils is not racism. What LTTE practiced was extremism in refusing to see reason and act according to reality. Tamil racism only gave an opportunity to Sinhala racism to kill Tamils. Therefore it is Sinhala racism that is directly responsible. Yes LTTE and other Tamil groups killed Tamils, but that number is small. People know who killed whom and there is no point in trying to deny that. Tamils are only asking for the restoration of their lost sovereignty and appropriated land, which can be easily accommodated within a united country. When Sumanthiran knows that Sinhalese are never going to accede to genuine demands of Tamils, he is trying to demonize and douse this struggle to please them and ensure his comfortable life as a good boy among Sinhalese.
SJ / May 27, 2020
My warning came too late for you, but you were spared ‘nincompoop’.
Be thankful for small mercies.
Native Vedda / May 28, 2020
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam
“Tamil racism is not directly responsible for killing 140,000 Tamils. “
Aiyo Gnana!
Where did you pluck this figure, out of thin air?
No wonder the arrogant Tamils are unable to convince the “International Community” with such figures. Instead of finding evidence for what had happened in North East they chose the easy way out, flocking Sumanthiran, Mrs Sumanthiran, Christianity, Born Agains, Muslims, ….. Keralites, … Karunanithy, …
Please let us see a road map.
Rajash / May 26, 2020
Dear Madam
can you please do “alt F” command on your laptop a window will open. type “we tamils” and replace with “I Manonmany Sathasivam”
You are one example why we tamils are where ae are
I didn’t go pass the first paragraph of your article
SJ / May 27, 2020
It is not always that I agree with you.
But I can proudly claim that I read a little more of it than you did.
See, I am a more patient person than you.
Rajash / May 27, 2020
its great that we have found a small common ground. I am sure we can build on it and shift our perception and misunderstandings and get to a bigger common ground
SJ / May 27, 2020
Noted. Thanks.
SJ / May 27, 2020
No thumbs up for either you or me.
I think that we should socially distance!
Native Vedda / May 28, 2020
You led us believe you are responsible for maintaining higher ideal of Tamils throughout the world.
Since you are a British Citizen and ordinarily a UK residence ( I believe you are not living in one of those Tax havens, nor in Thailand) you have let the Sri Lankan High Commissioner to UK to blaber some stupid things about the word EELAM. You should have taken it upon you to put the records straight.
You could refer:
SJ might dispute the historical facts in the above article for reasons only known to him.
Ajay / May 26, 2020
Truth hurts Manonmany. Sumanthiran, as a lawyer and MP, has to do business in the real world. He cannot be a denizen of the romantic “Tamil Eelam” that you seem to inhabit. You cannot ask him to resign from the parliament, but you can always banish him from your mythic dimension.
Ajay / May 26, 2020
Manonmany, I also have a small question for you. You state at the top of your article that you’re from Tamil Eelam, but CT describes you at the bottom as “currently serving as the Acting District Judge & Magistrate in Vavuniya in Sri Lanka.” Are you a dual citizen? Please clarify, as per RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT, No. 12 OF 2016.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / May 27, 2020
Ajay are you aware that Guardian said that the ancient name for Sri Lanka is Eelam, and the letter of protest by SL High Commission was thrown into the bin. Ancient people who inhabited the land spoke Elu a Dravidian language the precursor of Tamil. That is why the land of the Elu people is called Eelam. This name was twisted by the Bengali invaders making it a Sanskrit word to Hela. So calling the part of the land that was inhabited by Tamils as Tamil Eelam is not wrong. As this is based on archaeology and demography there is no romanticism about it. Can you explain what business that Sumanthiran has to do in a real world, other than self promotion among Sinhalese. Asking to resign is a polite request, before being kicked out.
RAVI PERERA / May 28, 2020
“Ajay are you aware that Guardian said that the ancient name for Sri Lanka is Eelam, and the letter of protest by SL High Commission was thrown into the bin.”
Did not they take it off. (Confirmed by tamil net)
Native Vedda / May 28, 2020
Its you again, the Sinhala speaking Demela
The Guardian is well aware of the quote
“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” By Mark Twain
Now that Single handed general Kamal is put in charge of archaeology you might hear some fantastic Archaeological and Historical news shortly.
What are the state departments that is outside the control of this single handed general?
By the way why is Hindians are giving lot of funds (nearly 2 Billion dollars) to Gota?
Do the Hindians think they ought to protect/prevent Sinhala State of Hindia from self destructing?
Perhaps the Buddhist Advisory Council could advise Gota to stop begging from Hindians, after all Hindians are not in par with the cool Sinhala/Buddhists and much much lower than the Chinese.
Why don’t you take a walk across the street and advise Hindians to use the $2 billions to build a few toilets for its own citizens.
RAVI PERERA / May 29, 2020
Vedda macho,
Is Eelam a tamilisation of the word Sinhale. Is this according to the Tamil dictionary in Tamil Nadu
Native Vedda / May 29, 2020
“Is Eelam a tamilisation of the word Sinhale. Is this according to the Tamil dictionary in Tamil Nadu”
When and where did the word come into popular use which you believe refer to this island?
Let us have some authentic source (not Kamalika’s history for for babies, Darshanie Ratnawalli’s titillating facts about old men, Champika’s Aryan history, …) …
RAVI PERERA / May 30, 2020
Vedda Macho,
You have given an evasive answer.
I am asking again.
Is Eelam a tamilisation of the word Sinhale. Is this according to the Tamil dictionary in Tamil Nadu.
When it comes to the Tamil langauge, isn’t the Tamil dictionary in Tamil Nadu authentic enough
Native Vedda / May 31, 2020
Sinhala Speaking Demela
“You have given an evasive answer.”
Do you think people are stupid enough to accept all your sweeping claim?
When did the word Sinhale first come into use or cited in any literary work?
Are you one of the nutters who follow Patali Champika Ranawaka and his ancient history?
Don’t be inward looking stupid person who permanently sitting on your brain, read for a change:
What Do the Terms ‘Eelam’ and ‘Ilankai’ Mean?
Getting to Know the Sri Lankan Tamils – part 2
by Karthigesu Sivathamby, Sunday Observer, April 2, 2006
You are indeed a very stupid man.
I am not the Editor General of Thamil thesaurus to answer your very stupid question, “When it comes to the Tamil langauge, isn’t the Tamil dictionary in Tamil Nadu authentic enough”.
All those different Nikandus (especially the Pingala Nikandu of 10th CE) sort of Tamil thesaurus kept in the Jaffna Library were burnt down in joint enterprise by somass, you, Dutta Gamani, Cyril, ………………….exactly thirty nine years ago today. If you ask me to answer your stupid question I need the NIkandu do my own research.
You never said sorry for that heinous act simply because you do not value knowledge, wisdom, …. respect for books although you claimed to be literate, what a sham.
Take care.
Nathan / May 31, 2020
NV, In the 16th century Tamil literature, – ‘Pallu ilakkiyam’, our island is referred to as Ealam.
RAVI PERERA / June 1, 2020
Vedda macho,
” If you ask me to answer your stupid question I need the NIkandu do my own research.”
So indirectly you are challenging the Tamil dictionary in Tamil nadu when it comes to the term Eelam and saying you could have countered it with what ever that was there in the Jaffna Libarary. Ok this explains.
About the burning of the Jaffna Library, it has to be condemened. Dutta Gamini had nothing to do with this. This was openly stated by Kumar Ponnambalam. Cyril Mathew yes. This man should burn in hell for that.
S. C. Pasqual / May 26, 2020
Writer automatically assumes that M. A. Sumanthiran as a politician belongs to Tamil community.
I don’t agree.
Sumanthiran belongs in national political theater.
Not in community level.
All the fights he fought in the last decade were in national level. And he fought for the general public of SL.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / May 27, 2020
Pasqual for once you have stated correctly. Yes Sumanthiran for the last decade fought for the general public. Then he should have told Tamil voters that he is only going to fight on general issues and not that affect Tamils such as being held in prison without trial, army refusing to vacate their land giving false excuses, government denying the fate of those they murdered and government continuing on demographic change. In the Kalmunai upgrade issue, there was a successful campaign led by the Buddhist monk of Amparai who was sympathetic to Tamils being harassed by Muslims, and Sumanthiran goes and disrupts it saying that it will be settled in one month. Was this not a blatant lie to scuttle the legitimate rights of Tamils. I have watched Sumanthiran since the last government came to power, where his concern was to keep the government in power and not to agitate for the rights of Tamils. He is not wanted abroad and will be taught a proper lesson by Tamil voters.
Native Vedda / May 27, 2020
S. C. Passqual
“Sumanthiran belongs in national political theater.”
Isn’t precisely for that reason hardcore Tamil Speaking nutters hate him similar to the hardcore Sinhala Speaking nutters hating Mangala Samaraweera?
You should know because you too belong to such noisy nutter tendency.
kali / May 28, 2020
Sinkala Pasquali,
I dont think you know what you are talking about.
1) Writer automatically assumes that M. A. Sumanthiran as a politician belongs to Tamil community.
I don’t agree.
*** It is natural you dont agree because it suits your purpose to pretend that Sumanthiran somehow is a National Polititician. He is a TNA MP and by definiation TNA is a Regional Party representing Tamils and can you tell me how you arrive at the conclusion that Sumanthiran belongs to Sinhalese
2|) Sumanthiran belongs in national political theater.
Not in community level.
*** NO You are wrong. He is different from a Sinkala Politician who if from the ruling Party decides on a National Level. Similarly a Sinka;la opposition votes on a National Level.
3) All the fights he fought in the last decade were in national level. And he fought for the general public of SL.
*** You mean Eelam War I mean fighting for Tamil Rights . How wondeful. Come off it man.
a14455 / May 26, 2020
are we living in an alternate Eelam universe?
Native Vedda / May 27, 2020
“are we living in an alternate Eelam universe?”
I am not sure where you are living right now, maybe living in planet Seth or planet of the Apes however you seem to act just like our diplomats who run Ministry of Foreign Relation or having disconnected your hardwired network between your fingers and brain, just blabbering unwisely, uninformed, …utter nonsense, …. throughout its history entire island has been known by many names for example
Lanka, (Lankadeepa, Lakbima),
Ceylon, ..
Does it matter whether you live in Eelam or any of the above island?
By the way some Indian scholars believe the Lanka which was mentioned in Ramayana was situated near Bengal.
Native Vedda / May 27, 2020
Present-day Sri Lanka and Ramayana’s Lanka not same: Scholar
Apr 19, 2016
Times of India
Read more at:
Read more at:
soma / May 27, 2020
Forgive a14455.
He is unaware of Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam, popularly known as Cyber Ealam.
Prime Minister : Visvanathan Rudrakumaran
Population: 90 million
Official language : Tamil
Concept of Cyber Ealam is a brainchild of Rudrakumaran – an IT invention nominated for a Nobel prize. Tax free. All you need is a simple internet connection.
Tamil racist donkeys on CT are active members.
Native Vedda / May 27, 2020
Did you know TGTE declared opened its umpteenth parliamentary session only a few days ago with all the pomp and pageant, honourable guest was Stephen J Rap US Ambassador for human rights or some sort. He talked about war crimes, genocide, … etc. He also mentioned LTTE’s share of war war crimes, …. so on ..
Watch the clip:
Rapp appears between 1h 25 min and 1h.55min
Do you think like KP, Prime Minister Rudra would surrender to Gota’s Goons in USA? Why does not Gota the American use his influence to “dissolve ” Rudra’s government and his Tamil Eelam state?
Native Vedda / May 27, 2020
Prime Minister Rudra’s Parliament Inaugural Ceremony reminds me of Sri Lanka’s sovereignty, self determination, and all other crap. There isn’t much difference between Mahinda’s and Rudra’s parliaments.
soma / May 28, 2020
“Do you think like KP, Prime Minister Rudra would surrender to Gota’s Goons in USA? Why does not Gota the American use his influence to “dissolve ” Rudra’s government and his Tamil Eelam state?”
That’s the beauty of CYBER Ealam.
Worth the Nobel prize.
I propose our government to provide free internet access to all Cyber Ealam citizens.
Native Vedda / May 28, 2020
KP was cofounder of TGTE .
Why is Gota reluctant to take him to task?
What was the deal?
How much ransom did he pay Gota, his clan and his goons for his limited freedom?
If you found any evidence I suggest you make sure you retrieve it from Gota’s fort knox and return it to Rudra.
paragon / May 26, 2020
THIS LADY MAYAMOHINI SATHASAVAM looks like she has got up from her sleep suddenly .where did she go all these days and writing this shit piece for whose benefit.most of the time she is quoting from MR.VIKEY AND GAJAPONNAN and few others.she has no opinion of her own.i do not no whether she wants to join one this political party by holding candle to them.NEXT IS TAMIL DIASPORA.This so called tamil DIASPARAYA is hell bent on keeping this problem alive to for them to COLLECT SOME MORE POUNDS AND DOLLARS from unsuspecting poor tamils using the name of LTTE.Singala leaders are worried he SUMANTHIRAN IS the only person who is a problem for them in courts and in parliament.VICKEY AND PONNA AND SOME FORMER HALF BAKED TNA MPS ARE JEALOUS that he is most popular among sigaleae and among international leaders.ANY WHY SHOULD ALL ARE GETTING EXCITED .PLEASE LEAVE IT TO VOTERS IN JAFFNA TO DECIDE THE FATE OF POLITICAL FUTURE OF SUMANTHIRAN IN COMING DAYS.OVER TO YOU MRS.MATHANAMOHINI.
Native Vedda / May 27, 2020
When people of this island has nothing better to do they tend to keep family quarrel going for millennia. They wouldn’t know why they started the conflict in the first place.
By forwarding her typing what does she intent to gain/achieve?
And by the way did Manonmany Sathasivam give her own reason as to why Sumanthiran was not a good candidate/legislator/MP/Lawyer/ …/Human Being/… ?
Is Sago Manonmany Sathasivam trying to win MP’s for Gota like her late brethren VP who won 2005 election for Mahinda? What was she doing in 2005 when the psychopath prevented Vanni people from voting. Mahinda rewarded the Psychopath Rs180 Million for his service to democracy.
Seriously man what’s wrong with your people?
While accepting that the Sri Lanka Army committed various human rights violations due to lack of discipline, the LTTE should also be equally blamed for this tragedy. I had been watching the activities of the Tamil Militant Organizations since 1977. The LTTE missed many opportunities when they gained control of the North-East Province by which they could have win the hearts of the Sinhalese and the international community. LTTE should not have decimated the youths of other Tamil Organizations and other Parliamentarians, Government Officers and ordinary Tamils. LTTE commanded only about 30% of the Tamil population leaving the Tamils from Colombo & hill country. No doubt Prabaharan was a good soldier but failed to realize the reduction of man power of the Tamils. The LTTE should not have opposed the India. I was watching their behaviour and had shown lack of knowledge in international affairs when SAARC was formed and the role of India. Prabaharan did the worst thing by joining hands with Premadasa provoking India. Prabaharan did another blunder when he signed the Peace Agreement with Ranil which was a fake and was intended to divert their attention & demonstrated to the international community his ignorance of forming an EELAM at the interview.
srikrish / May 26, 2020
Why beg Sumanthiran to resign ?
TNA to expel him?
why not have faith in the people to do it?
SJ / May 27, 2020
He can still be made MP without the votes.
Sampanthan is getting too feeble for frequent debates, press meets etc.
Thus, the FP and TNA cannot do without Sumanthiran right now, at least until they find someone who can add four and six to get approximately ten in less than 15 minutes.
Singar A. Velan / May 28, 2020
// TNA cannot do without Sumanthiran right now, at least until they find someone who can add four and six to get approximately ten //
Similar to a comment from Old Codger a few days ago, this is wicked. But accurate.
srikrish / May 28, 2020
I have developed a mathematical formula;
TNA- Sumanthiran= Zero
SJ / May 28, 2020
One little snag:
What is the TNA’s current political worth?
Asaipillai@hotmail.com / May 27, 2020
When did this lady become the flag bearer for the Tamil people of Sri Lanka? I do not mind her voicing her own opinion – however lop sided it maybe – I would welcome it. But when she imposes herself as the voice of the Tamil people and demands the resignation of Mr. Sumanthiran that is extreme absurdity. Madam, do not take on the mantle as the spokesperson for the Tamils – based on your sheer stupidity.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / May 27, 2020
Asaipillai, no one can be the flag bearer for Tamil people but everyone has the right to their opinion. Similarly Sumanthiran cannot take on the mantle as the spokesperson forTamils. He was elected on a mandate given to TNA and if he does not want to go with it, he must resign his seat, put forward his policies and get the approval of the people. To remain there and try to impose his will on Tamils cannot be accepted. Sumanthiran lately had tried to force his way by nominating his yes men, which due to opposition by other members he did not succeed. Are you aware that Sumanthiran who had never appeared for a Tamil held in custody even for a fee, was prepared to appear for brother of Badiudeen for a large sum. In the interview he had said that he is a civil lawyer and that is why he did not appear for Tamil youths. Is the case against Badiudeen a civil one. This proves that he is a liar. Not only her but there are several people who want Sumanthiran out, because they have now realized what his agenda is. People will do the needful like what they did to Ponnambalam and Amirthalingam.
Asaipillai / May 28, 2020
Now, it is quite clear what your platform is. Your last sentence “People will do the needful like what they did to Ponnambalam and Amirthalingam.” what do you mean by that sentence? Messrs. Ponnambalam and Amirthalingam were murdered. Are saying that Sumanthiran would also will be murdered? Are threatening? You are the scum of the Tamil people of Sri Lanka.
I agree with you. You can ask this question also. How can Siddharthan, Suresh Premachandran, even Douglas Devananda and others criticize Sumanthiran when they themselves were hiding and especially when their leaders were murdered by the LTTE. I also like to mention some critics approached the CID and filled their pockets for releasing the Tamils. Moreover, Had these critics ever advised on the economic development of the Northern Province? Or do they have sufficient knowledge on international affairs. Some of these critics have been banned and cannot even step into foreign countries. What right has these people to criticize Sumanthiran and ask to resign. Why can’t they think that Sumanthiran is carefully navigating the so-called Tamil Community Boat?
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / May 27, 2020
Rajasingham, everyone has the right to criticize another, irrespective of whether or not they had committed offences in the past. Has Sumanthiran ever advised on the economic development of northern province. Knowledge of international laws does not mean expertise in international affairs. All what he did in the last five years was to prop up the UNP government and got nothing in return. In the past we were told that Amirthalingam was carefully navigating the so called Tamil community boat, when he surrendered to JR and was prepared to accept powerless district councils. It is the same now as Sumanthiran wants to surrender to the Sinhalese and accept powerless provincial councils. Remember his deception about Orumitha in Tamil, Ekeeya in Sinhala and nothing in English versions of the constitution.
kali / May 28, 2020
Dr. Sankaralingam
*** There is something wrong with you.
1) Rajasingham, everyone has the right to criticize another, irrespective of whether or not they had committed offences in the past.
*** I agree so put up or shut up Sankara
2) Has Sumanthiran ever advised on the economic development of northern province.
*** What is there to develop when no money and no power.
3)Knowledge of international laws does not mean expertise in international affairs.
*** Not true
4) All what he did in the last five years was to prop up the UNP government and got nothing in return.
*** Did they have any other choice.
5)It is the same now as Sumanthiran wants to surrender to the Sinhalese and accept powerless provincial councils. Remember his deception about Orumitha in Tamil, Ekeeya in Sinhala and nothing in English versions of the constitution.
*** Sankara just go through one by one and you contradict every word you have written. You really are an IDIOT.
If the Provincial Councils are powerless which was what I said and you challenged and compared Wiggy with CBK. Frankly you are talking a lot of Rubbish.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / May 28, 2020
Kali, first of all you are a coward not revealing your identity. Secondly your inability to understand English and low intelligence is preventing you to think wisely. If you want to see a real idiot, just stand in front of a mirror.
kali / May 28, 2020
You havent grasped anything. It is a pitty.
SJ / May 28, 2020
GS, the Master of Stupidity
You make your abuse more spicy with new words.
I posted a list on CT.
I can add more from other sources (excluding those relating to excrement which is the preserve of some others).
soma / May 28, 2020
Mr. A.R
“Why can’t they think that Sumanthiran is carefully navigating the so-called Tamil Community Boat?
Is he taking ALL Tamils (Tamil speaking people scattered across the island irrespective of their religion, caste or the date of arrival) in
his boat or only the Vellala crowd?
I agree with you. But I have suggested that Northern Province is a flat region and I requested the late Lalith Athulathmudali and the late Gamini Dissanayake and therefore readily agreed to construct a High-Line Canal System in order to regulate the water and distribute it entirely. But unfortunately they were assassinated. They were the people who really knew what is required for the country. Even some Sinhalese highly qualified officers accepted my view for a united Sri Lanka and for the economic development of the entire country. But what to do. This is Sri Lanka’s fate.
soma / May 27, 2020
“currently serving as the Acting District Judge & Magistrate in Vavuniya in Sri Lanka.”
Can Judges and Magistrates do politics?
I never knew. Seriously.
Could someone please be kind enough to clarify?
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / May 27, 2020
Soma in lower courts in out stations, when the sitting judge goes on leave, a senior member of the bar practicing in that court is asked to stand in. This is what happened in Vavuniya courts. There are limitations for such acting judges. So this lady is not a government servant per se, and has a right to get involved in politics.
SJ / May 28, 2020
Dear stupidity specialist,
A solicitor who acts for a judge cannot claim to be “currently serving as the Acting District Judge & Magistrate”.
It is as misleading as a lecturer who stands in for a professor in a lecture room, however regularly, calling himself/herself Acting Professor.
BTW, “out stations” is one word in this context may I say. (What will the Cambridge Examinations Board have to say about this?)
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / May 28, 2020
Stupid Sivasegaram, she may still be standing in for regular judge or magistrate and has correctly claimed it. When a doctor with suitable qualifications stands in for a consultant in a hospital, he is designated locum consultant and has every right to call him so. Whenever late surgeon Dr. Anthonis was standing in for Prof. Navaratne, he was designated acting professor of surgery and has signed documents as such. You need to get your English upgraded and head examined by psychiatrist.
SJ / May 29, 2020
An acting person cannot claim the acting position as one’s designation. The acting designation is confined to the duration of such posting and the purpose specified. I am sure that Dr Anthonis would not have gone around calling himself Acting Professor of Surgery for purposes outside the specific duty.
Claiming such in one’s detailed CV is acceptable. To use it as one’s designation to announce one’s self in other contexts is improper for a decent professional.
Your kind advice is so selfless when your own needs in those areas seem more dire.
soma / May 28, 2020
Thanks a lot Dr.G.S.
SJ / May 28, 2020
Our Master of Stupidity thinks that any thought endorsed by a Sinhalese, especially a Sinhala racist, reflects badly on the thinker.
Any way, we are quite used to strange bedfellows.
soma / May 27, 2020
TNA and LTTE are the same.
Sumathitharan should be kicked out.
So do you justify the lamp post killings. Do you know that it takes about 25 years to bring up a child for serving the country and its people. AND it takes only a few seconds to take away one’s life. Do you also support tying cyanide capsules around their neck. Will you allow some one to tie the cyanide capsule around your daughter’s neck? Do you know that Anton Balasingam’s wife was tying cyanide capsules to so many Tamil girls and when he husband died she didn’t even allow the EELAM FLAG to cover her husband’s body. Thereafter she vanished with the Commission earned from arms and ammunition to Australia and joined her children. Had she ever tied these Cyanide capsules to her childre? So what made you to mention that Sumanthiran should be kicked out.
soma / May 28, 2020
Dear A.R.
Native Vedda can answer to your query.
Native Vedda / May 28, 2020
““Sumathitharan should be kicked out.”
I have had this suspicion about you for a long long time.
Aren’t you a secret admirer and a loyal follower of VP? Did you promise him to destroy the remaining people who have some technical, legal, ….. skills?
Native Vedda / May 27, 2020
“Sumathitharan should be kicked out.”
You got a point there however once Sumanthiran is kicked out whom are you going to rely on for scrutinizing legislation and legislative process?
Do you have Wimal Sangili Karuppan Weerawansa and Channa Masala Jayasumana in mind?
By the way why do your Ministry of External Affairs and its functionaries believe EELAM was coined by LTTE? Don’t they have any informed persons to academically advise on historical matters?
Take care.
soma / May 28, 2020
Native Vedda / May 28, 2020
I am bored I am going to do some work.
soma / May 29, 2020
For the first time?
Let us forget every thing and hereafter address ourselves as Sri Lanka while retaining our cultures like in Federal countries. Pay more attention on economic development and allow the Provinces to integrate and have mutual understandings. Every one should have positive thoughts.
soma / May 29, 2020
You are a good hearted man. If you have been following my comments my main theme is begging the Tamils to retain the right to live anywhere in this beautiful island in preference to a separate Homeland which option requires physical relocation of Tamil speaking people in view of their distribution across the island.
I am being constantly vilified as a racist for holding the above opinion.
Racist donkeys will soon start hounding you.
Federalism does not mean to have a Separate Homeland. It only means a right to self-determination. Even the Sinhalese can come to Northern Province and live happily. There will be integration when Provinces meet together. Federalism strengthens the unity of the country. This stupid Srimavo began a slogan that Federalism is separation and even educated Sinhalese are believing it. The Bandaranayakas are a curse to this country.
Terrorists from the LTTE and Muslim politicians tried including the late R.Premadasa tried, but ended in a utter failure.
kali / May 28, 2020
You mean just like your lover GOTHA & CRIMINALITY which has put him at the feet of Modi. with no friends in the World. COVID cases everywhere in the Worl are coming down but in Gotha Land shootinG up.
Native Vedda / May 29, 2020
“TNA and LTTE are the same.”
Did you say JVP (DJVP) and Mahinda Rajapaksa (SLFP) were same between 1986 and 2008? Did you also say JVP and UPFA are same? Our Mathematician MP former pistol wielding Wimal Sangili Karuppan Weerawansa and Mahinda Rajapakse are same?
Did you say Gota and Gota’s B***s author “Thadi Priyantha” are same?
soma / May 29, 2020
My dear Native
“TNA and LTTE are the same.
Sumathitharan should be kicked out.”
That is what Madam Manonmany Sathasivam says, not me.
I just put it in a nutshell for the benefit of the readers.
Rohaan / May 27, 2020
//Secondly, he must stop cooking up a false story such as claiming that the “UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, very specifically said, even with such a report full of horrors as he himself called it, it hasn’t satisfied the test of genocide”. This is completely untruthful, and no such record is available anywhere. //
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / May 27, 2020
Rohan, the concept of genocide has changed after the case of Rohingyas where less than 1000 of them were killed, when Mali an insignificant Muslim country in Africa took Myanmar to international court of justice on charge of genocide. On that basis Sri Lanka is culpable. Moreover intention of genocide was there in the minds of Sinhalese after independence, though not committed. Repatriation of one million Tamils of recent Indian origin under Srima-Shastri agreement, and forced relocation of indigenous Tamils to various parts of the world are part and parcel of this master plan to reduce political strength of Tamils. Unfortunately Tamils do not have a country to move that charge. That does not mean that it will not happen in the future.
SJ / May 27, 2020
“…Mali an insignificant Muslim country in Africa took Myanmar to….”
Are you absolutely sure that it was not Bangladesh as you insisted several times?
Old Codger could be pulling your leg!
SJ / May 27, 2020
Seems like the doctor of stupidity is not that sure.
old codger / May 28, 2020
You shouldn’t try to teach geography to senior doctors.
SJ / May 29, 2020
But he has learning difficulties in history and language as well.
Someone should help the poor guy.
Native Vedda / May 29, 2020
old codger
Many of your female mates have been missing for a long long time.
Do you remember where you last dropped ramona therese gransma fernando , Shenali, Champa, ……. ?
old codger / May 29, 2020
I think Champa is still around, but more reasonable and not as excitable as before. I think the other girls are a bit long in the tooth and have forgotten their passwords or where they put their glasses.
chiv / May 27, 2020
SJ, you must be a happy person to see people not being abusive or condescending here yet wondering how as a community or country did we reach this state.
SJ / May 27, 2020
Children tend to use much foul language during adolescence. Most grow out of it.
Any fool can be abusive and keep calling people names.
A mature person is sensitive to the feelings of others and thus guarded in his/her reference to others.
It is for one to decide where one belongs.
Despite the sad state of political and economic affairs, I can confidently say that the people of this land as a whole are admirably warm and hospitable. They deserve respect from any decent human being.
If you want to know what went wrong politically and economically here, go back a little over four decades, that is if you are serious. (That was also when things began to go awfully wrong in many lands.)
It is for people to pull themselves out of their problems.
I have enduring faith in humanity.
leelagemalli / May 29, 2020
Despite the sad state of political and economic affairs, I can confidently say that the people of this land as a whole are admirably warm and hospitable. They deserve respect from any decent human being
cant agree with you Mr. SJ. I got to know it from european tourists keep travelling to the country. According to them, srilankens are not the only people that are seen admirably hospital. One video clip of a traveller has made it very clear, srilankens dont have such qualities today if one would compare it with earlier times. Even if many are born BUDDHAGAMA followers – most of them would not respect ethical and moral values as had been in the past. Recent curfew breakers and their records are the latest source for you. This has lot to do with the politics being played by rascal politicians today. Just imagine how MR went on shouting on the stage about the little price hike of a kg of onions .. remember.. today, almost everything is sky high expsensive and lost being unable to keep them under control..
Good Sense / May 28, 2020
The author is described as an Attorney and functions as the Acting District Judge and Magistrate. Is the author telling us that she never subscribed to the oath under the 6th amendment of the Constitution? If not how can she function as an acting judge? If she has subscribed how can she write the first few paragraphs as they are? I wonder why such a good loyalist towards Eelam was never given the pride of place while the “Tigers” were really in control of the area where she is in. She quotes Sampanthan on the extent of support towards Tigers but it was Sampanthan who has defended the speech of Sumanthiran. .The author has done considerable references before writing this article, a scholarly approach although one may disagree with her stand. Certainly under the Tigers such scholarship is of no value, otherwise a person of such a caliber should have been selected as a Judge of Eelam under the Tigers. What therefore mattered then was the ability to use a gun and carry the cyanide capsule in person. Whatever she writes she definitely did not fit into bill under the leadership she admires.
Jack / May 28, 2020
Lot of vexation in the letter. Decent Tamil person will be ashamed of what she writes after more than 10 years from ealam war. Tamil are distributed everywhere in the world but they are abused only in Sri Lanka. Were they treated equally in India, UK. Figi and Canada etc? Is it not the reaction by Sri Lankan goverment for their actions? Will writer be happy if Sinhalese , Muslim or Burger family want to settle in Jaffna? Do Tamil people only live in Jaffna without traveling to the south of the country? Where is the sincere concern for poor Muslim chased away from North just because they belong to different ethnic group? How do they justify death of Mr Amirthalingam, Neelam Tiruchelwam, Rajani Tiranagama and lot of prominent Tamil people? There is no rational discussion but to suppress Tamil politician who has capability to have professional dialogue with the goverment. I wonder how the editor of the Telegraph let her publish extreme venomous article like this.
SJ / May 28, 2020
Muslims are returning. The public is generally welcoming.
Sinhalese are there in places. It is the armed forces that are resented. The police stations can do with Tamil-speaking cops. It will be good if there are a few Jaffna Tamils there.
I think that we have to import Burghers who were scared away to Australia by Sinhala Only.
The problem in the North–East is planned colonization, military occupation of excessive territory including private lands, and expulsion of Tamils from their lands.
Some study of demography since Independence will make you wiser on the subject.
CT publishes all manner of things. The lady is no worse than some whose comments in this space are full of anti-Muslim, anti-Sinhala and anti-Tamil venom.
It will be good if vile attacks on any people, including abusive name calling, are strongly discouraged by CT.
chiv / May 28, 2020
SJ, according to you things went wrong in the last four decades ???? Were you born then ????? In that case answer is to look for what was right in the prior four four decades before you were born ???? Sounds like “know it all is the issue here. Let me ask a question, to all those here which Sumanthiran once addressed to another individual which I overheard. When confronted about wrong policies , he retorted by saying “politicians and leaders do not fallout of sky, and why is that people in community do not get involved and try to make that change. Most here admit there is dearth of leaders People talk about all what went wrong with leaders and parties but What impact did the community have or what productive role did they play in making a political/policy change other than voting on election day.?????? Dude Lankans are warm and hospitable people and I am for sure not denying the fact , but you prefer to use that as an excuse . In medicine when a person is critically ill , the patient may prefer talking about how healthy he was years ago but doctors should be focusing on prognosis.
SJ / May 28, 2020
Yes, it was then that this country got severely messed.
Native Vedda / May 28, 2020
Sorry to barge in.
SJ can remember only the part that UNP, FP, TULF, TNA …. played in the destruction of this island. According to him SLFP never played a destructive role since early 1950s or he doesn’t want to discuss it either in public or private.
He is one of Siri Mao’s admirers and believe she did no wrong just like Mao.
Did you hear or see SJ condemning LTTE for its share of war crimes, ethnic cleansing, extortion, kidnapping, conscription, deploying child soldiers, …….. suicide bombing, murder, mass murder, ……………………..?
Those who follow his literary work confirm that they never saw or hear SJ being critical of LTTE. I guess SJ didn’t have the b***s to challenge LTTE, perhaps he agreed with LTTE or probably condoned what LTTE did.
This is the best place for him to confess.
Plato / May 29, 2020
You ask whether SJ was born then……..
SJ was never born. Even HE does not know his antiquity!
chiv / May 28, 2020
“I have enduring faith in humanity”, most of us too. But I do not have any hope for Lanka, that is just my opinion. Let people express there opinions, thoughts or even frustrations and emotions here without abusing each other. We are not here to master a foreign Language. I feel today the world is aware of Tamils issues, which was lacking in past. Yearly having a Geneva session and intermittently our governments being reminded that they being closely watched are evidence (which was missing prior to 2000 ). Since the arms struggle came to an end, the only protection Tamils have now is the international involvement. The post Easter violence against Muslims is a clear reminder it is still possible against Tamils too, if not for such international involvement. Hope for Tamils lies in how shrewdly they use this opportunity instead of continuing with their internal disputes and frustrate those whom try to help them. But I do not see that happening in near future. Also Tamils should not take this for granted, because right now there are hundreds of such struggles are taking place where the world is not even aware of it.
kali / May 28, 2020
TNA Spokesperson Sumanthiran Should Resign From The TNA Immediately
*** Despite my reservations about TNA under Sampanthan and Sumanthiran Iam not sure if I I agree with the above as I have some sympathy for both. They live in Gotha-Land and even Judges deliver Judgment to please Gotha with the Motto COMPLY OR DIE.
This is in the backdrop of the World famous theoretician Dr.Sankaralingam ( sadly no knowledge of Politics) who once theorized that the Tamils problems are to do with lack of Tamil Politicians in the Calibre of CBK ( A Daughter of SWRD with everything at her disposal) with Organisational and Leadership qualities except SJV.
In my view the solution to Tamil problem is not going to come from within under Gotha but post COVID with Gotha turning to Modi that and is where our salvation lies.
Maligawatte is just the start while Racist Sinkalams go round slitting the Throats.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / May 28, 2020
Kali you are repeating what I have said and say that I have no knowledge in politics. I have written in these columns for past several years, that justice to Tamils has to come from outside like in Bangladesh, Bosnia, East Timor and South Sudan. Lack of political leaders among Tamils is due to Prabaharan who did not want anyone of that vintage to come up. He similarly decimated UNP who are also now without leaders. Ever since Covid pandemic started causing havoc, I have said that new world order will emerge after pandemic settles down and Tamils have to make use of it wisely. I have advised Tamils not to install a government which will be friendly to west and India, as you will not get anything. Despite Tamils voting for UNP candidate, desired result has emerged with government friendly to China in place. Salvation for Tamils is to put Sri Lanka against India and west and reap benefits. Prabaharan due to lack of political acumen, instead of joining hands with India and fighting Sri Lanka, joined hands with Sri Lanka to fight India with disastrous results. I always maintained that Tamils will not get justice as judicial mechanism in Sri Lanka institutionally racist.
kali / May 29, 2020
*** You say you have been writng in these column for years and no one has challenged you . That is beause either no one read your comments or borher to undestand it. Frankly you dont have a clue about politics.
For example take the following
Lack of political leaders among Tamils is due to Prabaharan who did not want anyone of that vintage to come up.
*** You must be DAFT to say the above. Prabakaran as was a creation of Sinhalese Brutality and Intransigence since independence and Prabakaran came on the scene in 1976 ( 26 years afer Independence ) due to the failure by the Tamil Leaders such as SJV to achieve anything by peaceful means . So your theory falls by the way side. If you have got any sons or daiughters or even friends who have brains ask them to explain to you . You write for FUN.
kali / May 28, 2020
Sr.Siva Siva Sankara
*** You have already posted eleven comments. What time do you set your alarm for and Shakespere from the standard of your English do you suffer from hangover .By the ime you have sobered up it is time for the next round. Sad alcoholism destoyes the train of thought and and it is even worse if you dont have any in the firtst place . You claim you were a poet. What a treat. Can you just semd me a few as I would like to Cherish them I write songs such as ” Sindhu Nadhiyin misai ” my famous one.
chiv / May 28, 2020
To conclude my above opinion, I will use the comment which I recently read “If Tamils are still expecting solutions from our governments /leaders then they are daydreaming and if any Sinhalese government or leader is promising such solutions then they must be blatantly lying”. Though I disagree mostly , this I believe is prophetic. So the answer is look elsewhere.
chiv / May 28, 2020
What you mean by severely messed ??? You mean Lanka was messed from the time of independence or even before ??? Dude, Lanka went from Bad, Worse to now Ugly. You being the master in foreign Languages can try again .
SJ / May 29, 2020
What are you now agitated about now?
Has someone touched a raw nerve somewhere?
SJ / May 29, 2020
By the way,
Como está o seu presidente Jair Bolsonaro?
SJ / May 29, 2020
It just occurred to me.
You gave up on your addiction to excrement too suddenly.
This could be a withdrawal symptom.
You will be all right some day and get over other problems too.
Until then, bye………………………………………………………………………………..
leelagemalli / May 29, 2020
I dont think CHIVE is currently living in Brazil I really dont think as a medical professional could he have this much of time for CT posts.. … the situation in Brazil is worsening day by day with rapidly increaing numbers of COVID 19 patients, as I read below
May 28 (GMT)
24,151 new cases and 1,067 new deaths in Brazil [source]
22,301 new cases and 1,148 new deaths in Brazil [source]
22,301 new cases and 1,148 new deaths in Brazil [source]
chiv / May 29, 2020
SJ, try as much you can to look smart but not by trying to make others fools. A new fable for master of foreign languages, try again buddy. Agitated ???, dude I have lived too long in Lanka to get agitated just by your comment. You decide on the time period whether it is before or after you were born and once you figure , let us know. By the way how is Covid control going on ?????? Is it up to your satisfaction.(your Jair comment is too childish). Many including SCP seems to have got it but not you.
SJ / May 29, 2020
See this from LM (not a hostile force!):
“Chive, how your nonagenarian mother doing ? Is she also living with you in Brazil or in the UK ?”
If he could be misled, what is wrong with my amusement?
A person with a sense of humor may have even turned table on me.
But humor is in short supply in these parts and what passes for humor to some are nasty personal barbs and name-calling.
Watch out for withdrawal symptoms!
(Should I mark this as ‘joke’ in case you take this too seriously?)
chiv / May 29, 2020
Thanks Native and Plato. Looks like I am still a learner.
leelagemalli / May 29, 2020
how your nonagenarian mother doing ? Is she also living with you in Brazil or in the UK ?
Paramanathan / May 29, 2020
It had been a tradition that fate of Tamil politics had been mainly handled by lawyers since the independence. Starting from G G Ponnampalam, SJV Chelvanayagam and the whole lot trying to work out a political solutions but still Tamil people are left in pitch dark. It is important to mentioned here that quite number of Tamil people found their own solutions to move forward without the help of these lawyers. Lawyers want always somebody’s back side on fire to hit a deal. Let that Lawyer Manaonmany Sathasivam or M A Sumanthiran thrash it out among themselves in a good old fashion of disputes and we don’t give a damn. But Tamil lawyers involved in politics are fast coming redundant as the ethnic issue is gradually taking a sharp turn from political rights to life threatening issues that would eventually deplete the existence of Tamil people from North & East owing to multiples of reasons.
chiv / May 29, 2020
Leelagemalli, right now she is in Lanka and doing well. Thanks for asking ???
chiv / May 29, 2020
SJ, it is you who seems to be agitated, I gave up on “shit hole” addiction just for you buddy , because it was offending you. See , you cannot say I didnt try. But then you kept saying you were offended by anything and every thing I say here. That is when it struck me it has nothing to do with me, you just trying to hide behind a facade of excuses. Relax buddy. All of us are grieving but at different stages. If time permits try reading on TRANSFERENCE and COUNTER transference. Explains why people get offended by a word or an act.
SJ / May 30, 2020
Sorry to say that I am not flattered. One does the right thing because it is right not to please another.
What you did was decent and appreciated, but your language still has some way to go towards being respectful towards a people. Derisive terms worsen matters.
I am not offended by your utterances. You can revert to excrement and I will not care two hoots.
But it is not nice to use uncalled for offensive terms of address: it harms the user more than it would any sensitive person.
It seems that you know enough about why people get offended, so you will appreciate a Sinhalese who is offended by a racist SB utterance. That is commendable sensibility.
I do not want to see you like another doctor here, to whom anyone that disagrees with him is a … (You may have seen a list of terms I posted in CT).
Please check whether I expressed disagreement OR offence (certainly no personal offence) in the instances you have in mind. Daft personally provocative comments and those who use them are best ignored.
We seem to be poles apart in the way we look at most matters. You once stated your reluctance to listen to leftist interpretations, although you seem to make some sort of exception of me.
Punchi Point / May 31, 2020
Just because you add Tamil in front of Eelam, no part of Eelam becomes Tamil.
Eelam is the island of the Sinhalese.
Contrary to the Tamil claim of being native, Tamil settlements here was made after the Pandyan occupation that started with the invasion by Aryachakravarti, a general in the Pandyan king Kulasekara’s army, in 1284 A.D. Tamil history records the subsequent colonisation of the north by Tamils and the conflicts the new colonists had with native Sinhalese. A detailed narrative is given in Yaalpanam Vaipava Malai. It also records the ethnic cleansing of the last of the Sinhalese from Jaffna by the Tamil invader Sankili in 1544 AD, that was after he massacred some 600 Christians in Mannar:
“After the massacre of the Christians Sankili’s insane fury longed for more victims and he fell upon the Buddhists of Jaffna who were all Sinhalese. He expelled them beyond the limits of the country and destroyed their numerous places of worship. Most of them betook themselves to the Vannis and the Kandyan territories”.
Tamils accuse Sinhalese of genocide and ethnic cleansing, while it is the Tamils who have come and taken Sinhalese land by massacring and ethnic cleansing the Sinhalese.