17 February, 2025


Tamil Politics, Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing & Sumanthiran

By S. I. Keethaponcalan

Dr. S. I. Keethaponcalan

Dr. S. I. Keethaponcalan

Last week, I wrote an article titled Tamil Politics, Sumanthiran and Wigneswaran suggesting that there has been a tussle between Sumanthiran and Wigneswaran, which has the potential to transform into an open conflict within the Tamil National Alliance (TNA). The article was published here and was reproduced in a few other news-blogs. The article generated angry reaction from some Sumanthiran loyalists. I am not in the habit of responding to faceless online critics. However, this time around, responses were organized and emotional. It cannot be random readers. Therefore, I decided to clarify a few things and ask a few more questions.

Let’s look at the accusations first. One critic said some of my comments about Sumanthiran’s genocide speeches were “fabricated and not true.” One said, I twisted Sumanthiran’s comments. Another claimed, “for me, all the points the author has raised are showing only one point. He wants to support CV (Wigneswaran) and throw mud on Sumanthiran.” One argued that I have been listening to Tamil diaspora “propaganda” too much these days. Now, some Sumanthiran loyalists view Tamil diaspora as adversaries, which is interesting. Tamil political leaders are not accustomed to scrutiny and criticism as most of them believe in undisputed leadership and sole representation. Therefore, even a moderate analysis could not be tolerated. I understand the frustration.

Nevertheless, these views were expressed in response to two issues I raised: his recent statements on genocide resolution and the expulsion of the Muslim people from the North.


In my article, I wrote that some Tamils were upset with Sumanthiran because he “went to Switzerland and claimed that what happened during the last phase of the war, according to internationally accepted definitions, was not genocide.” Did I misrepresent Sumanthiran’s statement made in Switzerland?

I went back and listen to the tape again. This is what he said: “what is genocide? Genocide is an international crime that must be proved in a judicial form, not in a representative one… (passing the resolution) does not mean the crime of genocide is proved. The crime of genocide has certain ingredients that must be proved in an established court…even the High Commissioner of Human Rights very specifically said…it has not satisfied the act of genocide…crime of genocide is a legal issue. Not what you feel like….Unless you prove ingredients of those offences very specifically, it is not genocide.”

Interestingly, in the same speech in Switzerland and in other meetings with Tamil diaspora groups in other Western countries, Sumanthiran claimed that it was he who said what happened was genocide, “even before the Northern Provincial Council was formed.” Sumanthiran claimed that he said this even in parliament. Now, my question is why he called it a genocide when it did not have the “ingredients” of genocide. Was it not ingenious?

Also, if Sumanthiran had been calling the violence “genocide” even when it, according to his own assessment, did not have the “ingredients” of genocide, he should have used some other yardstick to reach this conclusion. I would like to know, according to what standard he called it genocide in parliament and other places.

One of the key points Sumanthiran keeps hammering among the Tamil diaspora is that time is not right to pursue the genocide claim because the “ingredients” of it cannot be proved. He also maintains that perhaps they will be able to do so in the future. It is not clear what would change in the future that would help prove the “ingredients” or intent of genocide. He also argues that the reason he opposed the Northern Provincial Council (NPC) genocide resolution was that he did not want the claim rejected by an international court or the UNHRC.

International Trial

These notions suggest that an actual genocide trial is a feasible idea. This is where I have some serious problems. A genocide investigation could take place in three venues: (1) national courts, (2) the International Criminal Court (ICC), and (3) an International Criminal Tribunal (ICT). In Sri Lanka, we know that a domestic trial on charges of “genocide” is not possible. Sri Lanka does not accept the genocide theory and will not do so in the future. Sri Lanka is not a signatory to Rome Statute. Therefore, without the UN Security Council intervention Sri Lankan nationals could not be tried in ICC. Special international criminal tribunals are set up by the Security Council. In the past, ICTs were established for, for example, Rwanda and Former Yugoslavia.

Therefore, it is clear that an “international” judicial trial against Sri Lanka requires the involvement of the UN Security Council. None of the permanent members of the Security Council would even entertain the idea of taking Sri Lanka to an international court on this issue or establishing an ICT for Sri Lanka. Even if the West proposes this idea, China and Russia will most certainly use their veto against such a proposal. Therefore, this issue would not go to an international court. It however, helps divert the attention from real issues and to hide the lackluster performance of the last six years. Therefore, the question is, whether they really believe that they would, one day, argue this case in an international court or wittingly mislead the people.

Ethnic Cleansing

The critics argued that an NPC resolution condemning the Muslim expulsion is the right thing to do. Agreed. Sumanthinran is not the first one who said the expulsion was wrong. In fact, several Tamils have already apologized. My point was bout the rationale of linking the violence of the last phase of the war with the expulsion. Sumanthiran argued that if the NPC cannot pass a resolution condemning the expulsion, the world would not take Tamil claim of genocide seriously. This was reported even in Indian media. The New Indian Express reported that “just as it (NPC) passed a resolution condemning the genocide conducted against the Tamils, the NPC should pass a resolution condemning the en masse expulsion of Muslims by the LTTE which amounts to ethnic cleansing. If the NPC does not do it, the world will not take the Tamils’ contention that they had been subjected to genocide, seriously…”

My question was, how the “world” would change its opinion about Tamil claims of genocide as soon as a resolution is passed in the NPC condemning the Muslim expulsion. Nobody is explaining and I am still curious. If anybody believes Sumanthiran’s assertion, they clearly do not understand, international realities connected to the ethnic conflict. My argument was that Sumanthiran was using this issue to take a jab at Wigneswaran.

What Sumanthiran suggests is a politically motivated condemnation. I am not sure if a politically motivated condemnation would address Tamil issues with the Muslim community. If sincere, the condemnation should be unconditional and an independent act of repentance.

A connected question is this. Is it only the NPC’s responsibility to condemn the expulsion of the Muslim people from the North? Why doesn’t the TNA do it? TNA is the political entity that represents the Tamil people. NPC is a regional body, but TNA is a party that functions at a higher level. Why should the TNA not pass a resolution apologizing for the expulsion? I believe, if sincere, Sumanthiran would get his party to pass a resolution condemning and apologizing for the Muslim expulsion. This would be a much profound gesture, which may help mend fences with the Muslim people and promote larger goals of reconciliation.

*Dr. S. I. Keethaponcalan is Chair of the Conflict Resolution Department, Salisbury University, Maryland.

Latest comments

  • 4

    Dr. S. I. Keethaponcalan

    RE: Tamil Politics, Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing & Sumanthiran

    Ethnic Cleansing

    “The critics argued that an NPC resolution condemning the Muslim expulsion is the right thing to do. Agreed. Sumanthinran is not the first one who said the expulsion was wrong. “
    “In fact, several Tamils have already apologized. My point was bout the rationale of linking the violence of the last phase of the war with the expulsion. Sumanthiran argued that if the NPC cannot pass a resolution condemning the expulsion, the world would not take Tamil claim of genocide seriously.”” This was reported even in Indian media. The New Indian Express reported that “just as it (NPC) passed a resolution condemning the genocide conducted against the Tamils, the NPC should pass a resolution condemning the en masse expulsion of Muslims by the LTTE which amounts to ethnic cleansing. “
    “If the NPC does not do it, the world will not take the Tamils’ contention that they had been subjected to genocide, seriously…”

    The Fact of the matter is most Tamils are Racists, while the Sinhala are not.

    That is why the Racist Tamils cannot accept their racism, and condemn the ethnic Cleansing of Northern Muslims. Only 5% were able to get pack. The Racist Tamil Ethinic Cleansing was 95% effective.

    It must be reversed. UN are you following double standards again.

    The Fight against Tamil Separatists was a war, and the coward VP took the Tamils people hostage. Instead of condemning the coward VP and LTTE who took the Tamil people hostage, the NPC, and the Tamils are still condemning the SL State for “Liberating” them from LTTE, and completely ignore the ethnic Cleansing of Muslims. that was a WAR CRIME, PERIOD.

    Tamil and LTTE Double Standards. The Sri Lanka state is paying Lip Service to this problem, and the resettlement is going very slow.

    Forgotten People – The Evicted and Displaced North Muslims of Sri Lanka (English)


    Published on Jun 1, 2013
    The Evicted and Displaced North Muslims of Sri Lanka. The expulsion of the Muslims and other nations from the Northern province was an act of ethnic cleansing carried out by the Tamil militant Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) organization in October 1990. In order to achieve their goal of creating a mono ethnic Tamil state in the North Sri Lanka, the LTTE forcibly expelled the 72,000 strong Muslim population from the Northern Province.

    • 5

      When you say the Tamils are racist, for not condemning the eviction of the Muslims from the North and that they were all condoning the the LTTE’ s despicable act, I think you are going haywire, because if they did, they would have been in a worse position than the Muslims by getting killed first.
      At least the Muslims were only getting expelled frm the North not killed.
      There were many Tamils in the North who had expressed their abhorrence in frustrated and subdued tones about what was taking place, and that is all they could have done, considering the desperate siege circumstances they were then in with combat taking place between an ill disciplined SLG army and an armed terrorist TTTE group shooting from among their midst to cause more Tamil casualties as grist for their propaganda machine.
      What is the double standard you are on about here?

  • 7

    The Tamils to apologize to the Muslims? It should be the other way round.

    • 3

      Yes how dare these Muslims let We Thamizh barbarians rob, murder and commit genocide on them! The gall! :D

      • 4

        Siva saranankara himi

        you certainly have to be an ISIS theologist!

        • 1

          Bawww, pointing out We Thamizh heroics seems to have caused further butthurt to the LTTE terrorist sympathisers :D

  • 6

    What Keethaponcalan has said in this piece is sufficient for my comment.

    Let us look at just two specific portions of it.

    * Unless you prove ingredients of those offences very specifically, it is not genocide, – Sumanthiran.

    * Sumanthiran had been calling the violence “genocide” even when it, according to his own assessment, did not have the “ingredients” of genocide, – Keethaponcalan.

    Dr. S. I. Keethaponcalan, I hold no brief for Sumanthiran. Yet, this is insincere!

    According to Sumanthiran, acceptable to you, UNLESS you are able to prove the ingredients of those offences, it is NOT genocide.

    What Sumanthiran had said was that a case of genocide, cannot be proven until one has the evidence to establish it.

    It simply meant that time is not ripe to call for a trial.

    You are telling: It is not clear what would change in the future that would help prove the “ingredients” or intent of genocide.

    You would agree that your question itself allows ‘room’ to establish it, if and when the evidence of “ingredients” or intent of genocide is found.

  • 10

    English Dictionary Defintion of Genocide

    “the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group “

    UN Defintion of Genocide

    Article 2
    In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

    (a) Killing members of the group;
    (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
    (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
    (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
    (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

    neither Nathan or Sumanthiran or the author fails to articualte what specific evidence or ingridients are required to prove a genocide. ?

    wait till the race in question is completely obliterated?

    what we have seen in Sri Lanka is a well organised and periodic violence against Tamils by the successive Sinhala govt, but the same ruling class, with the objective of sytematic destruction of the race.

    Is this act of Genocide or not.

    Unles ofcourse Sumanthiran and Nathan wants to wait till the entire Tamil population is wiped out and take that as eveidence to the UN?

    • 2


      Why are wasting your time in writing all kind of comments in these columns.

      You are a cleaver person. Write good articles and publish them in the CT and invite comments from others. You are reducing yourself to an ambusher by putting all your knowledge and efforts in making all kinds of comments.

      Be a proud and energetic person. Your guts must overwhelm you with sheer confidence and honest leadership.

      If you are scared to use you proper full name, I am prepared to lend mine temporarily to give you the booster needed.

      I will go out of the way to help you. You are my darling.

  • 5

    It is well known that Sambanthan trio (Sambanthan. Mavai Senathirajah and Sumanthiran) are supporting Ranil Wickremasinghe’s government. Initially the fall out was between Chief Minister Wigneshwaran and Ranil Wickremasinghe and of which the Trio kept silent to be good boys in the eyes of Ranil. So the split has already begun. Sumanthiran used this opportunity to run down Mr.Wigneshwaran with the accusation that the Chief Minister openly canvassed against the TNA in the parliamentary elections and the party should take disciplinary action against him. The poison instilled in the mind of Sumanthiran was crystal clear. There may be ulterior motive behind his move. But Why did Sambanthan, the leader of the party kept silent.
    There are lot of things going on within the Tamil leadership and the party which the ordinary Tamil civilians are concerned about.They voted for these people to solve their problems and not to fight among themselves. The Tamil leadership has failed miserably from the promises they made to the Tamil people during the elections. The government is not going to do anything but procrastinate things until the next election. The Tamil people have to persuade the Tamil politicians to resign from their parliamentary seats, boycott the local elections and boycott everything that the government enforces on the Tamil people. The people have decided to boycott the Paranagama commission that is set up to investigate the missing persons. It is an eye wash by the government to dupe the Tamil people. It is good move by them but the Tamil leadership has not said anything about it. They are not worth the name they are with and their selfishness is clear.
    It has become routine for the Tamil people to discuss of the past and frictions and the Tamil leadership has utterly failed to approach what has to be done to alleviate the Tamil people from their misery.

    • 3

      Well said Selvam. There is leadership struggle going on in TNA and
      not bothered to talk to the Govt. on Tamil problems. Having won both elections, The Presidential and General with Tamil votes, the Govt. shows its back to the Tamils and has put those problems affecting the Tamils on the back burner.
      This is totally due to the weakness of TNA. They have become ‘yes’
      men to the Govt. and the Govt. knows very well that there will be no
      pressure from TNA to solve the problems due to their infighting. It
      is a shame that only Douglas Devananda talks about the Tamil problems
      in the Parliament and he had in fact taken recently,the matter of political detainees with the PM while the Opposition leader and other TNA MPs warmed their chairs. There is no sign of any action from TNA after the elections as they cannot discuss matters with the Govt. as one body due to their in fighting. This is like Nero playing the Violin
      while Rome was on fire.

  • 6

    There is no doubt about Systematic use of intentional violence against Tamils by the State of Srilanka which is interested in creating one Nation, One Language, One Race and One Religion for Sinhalese Buddhists. Sinhalese have achieved almost 60% of their goal but remaining 40% is a challenge at this point of time. For Tamil political leadership there is a great responsibility to act tactically and wisely to stop the progress of genocide with the support of international community.

    • 8

      Who cares so long as 50+% of Tamils still prefer to live among the Sinhalese.

      There is no way Sinhalese can be punished without Tamils facing the effects of that punishment. If economic sanctions are imposed we will pass on their share. Even if you drop an atom bomb on Colombo more Tamils will die than Sinhalese.


      • 8

        Yes we know that you are a Sinhalese racist that does not care. Most of the so called 50% of the Tamils living amongst the Sinhalese are the Indian origin estate labourers who were brought in the settled there by the British and have nowhere else to go. Even when many of them tried to escape the Sinhalese racist clutches and moved to the north and east, the racist Sri Lankan armed forces with the urging of the Sri Lankan government forcibly repatriated them back to the estate areas, as they wanted these Tamil lands for their illegal Sinhalese settlements. Got it.
        The vast majority of the indigenous Sri Lankan Tamils live in the north and east and the more than 90% of the rest in the greater Colombo region. They are only living here not because they love the Sinhalese who regularly kill rape loot their belongings at various times, but out of necessity to earn a living, as successive Sri Lankan governments from the time of independence have deliberately not developed the Tamil regions so that the Tamils will always have to rely on the Sinhalese south for a living.
        Many have also come to Greater Colombo to escape the deliberate killings rape bombings and ethnic cleansing activities done by the racist Sinhalese Sri Lankan armed forces in the north and east.
        This is also another ploy and tactic that has been in operation for the past 30 or 40 years. Harass the Tamil population in the north and east, so that they are forced to leave either to the Sinhalese south or run away to the west as refugees and deliberately empty these lands of its Tamil population and then settle Sinhalese in these lands, so that the Tamils become a voiceless minority in their own lands in the north and east. The vast majority chased away to live in the Sinhalese south, in fear at the mercy of a racist Sinhalese majority.
        These ethnic cleansing activities has been successful in the east where the real owners of the east the indigenous Eelam Tamils have been reduced to a 40% voiceless minority by so called deliberated ethnic cleansing activities, large scale illegal settlement of Sinhalese and the annexation of neighbouring Sinhalese majority areas to the east to increase the Sinhalese population. Now they are trying this in the north. This is the reason they are reluctant to disband this racist Sinhalese army in the north, as they are being used for the Sinhalisation of the ancient Tamil north.
        The Greater Colombo region was until a few centuries ago part of the Tamil region.Just look at the place names of many places in and around Colombo, including the word Colombo, all of Tamil origin. Many of the so called Sinhalese along the western southern and north western coasts, were all Tamils a few centuries ago. The so called Sinhalisation of these Tamils only occurred after independence along coasts of Negombo, Chilaw and Puttalam. This is the reason many of these so called Sinhalese from these regions are still familiar with Tamil.
        Sinhalese racist now try to twist and misrepresent these facts to justify their genocide killing and ethnic cleansing of Tamils ” stating who cares as now have made 50% of the Tamils now to cower and live in fear amongst us, so they must be loving us so this justifies the genocide killing and ethnic cleansing of the other 50% that still live in the Tamil areas.Even if 95% of the Tamils live in the Sinhalese south due to racist Sinhalese government policies it does not justify genocide ethnic cleansing and discrimination of Tamils the granting of just Tamil rights and federal autonomy in the Tamil areas.
        The vast majority of the Scots and Welsh do not live in Scotland or Wales, however this did not prevent the prevent the British government granting the due rights to the Welsh and the Scots and large scale autonomy to Scotland and Wales. As this is their land irrespective of how many of them still live there. Similarly the north and east are the land of the Eelam Tamils and 70% of them still live there. No amount of ethnic cleansing and large scale illegal settlement of Sinhalese and Muslims will change this fact. Only the warped racist Sinhalese logic of trying to use the largely Indian origin Tamils living in the Sinhalese south and the 30% indigenous Tamils living in the Colombo area as pawns to deny the Tamils their language religion and land rights in their ancient lands in the north and east.
        Any person with some brains or justice will laugh at this warped logic. Shows how much this Mahavamsa myth has warped their brains.

        • 3

          What is the ‘wamsa’ that has not just warped but wiped out your thinking? Your article sounds like one of Adolf Hitler’s tantrums (a portrayed on the screen of course!).

          • 1


            Then prove that the so called 50% of Srilankan tamils from NE live outside colombo.
            Get a life!

      • 4

        soma ass

        “If economic sanctions are imposed we will pass on their share.”

        Cutting off the nose to spite the face.

        “Even if you drop an atom bomb on Colombo more Tamils will die than Sinhalese.”

        A few sacks of Parrippu drop from 5 or fewer Antonovs would be more than enough to send the boys in uniforms running to their mothers as they did in mid 1987.

        Now that VP is no more, behind whose bum are your boys going to find refuge?

        Don’t you think Atomic bomb is a luxury weapon hence no one in their right mind would waste it on Colombo?

        • 2

          It’s the uniformed boys Who sent VP and his thugs to ‘no more’ status!!

          • 1


            “It’s the uniformed boys Who sent VP and his thugs to ‘no more’ status!!”

            It was greatly facilitated by VP and Hindians, similar to the last straw that broke the camel’s back.

            No the uniformed boys who hid behind VP’s fat bum and their women folks when they heard the Mirage 2000s roaring in the skies. You should clarify this act of bravery with Black and Decker.

    • 5

      SL has been a sinhala buddhist country from the beginning. That is what SL is. It was you who were brought by Dutch who tried to change it

      • 5

        SL was a Sinhalese Buddhist country from the very beginning! Don’t make me laugh. There is not even single Sinhalese word for the island. Lanka is Austronesian Ceylon is derived from the ancient Tamil word for the Island Eelam, which means in Tamil the land of tOddy or gold. Serendib is derived from another Tamil word for the island Cherantheevu( the island of the Cheras) Taprobane orTamraparni (Sanskrit) or Tambapanni (Pali)is derived from the region of southern India corresponding to the area of a Tamraparni river, in Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, and now called the Thamirabarani River. It was mistakenly meant for the Tinnvely area of southern Tamil Nadu where the Tamaraparani river still flows into the sea. Tham or Chem in old Tamil means reddish coper coloured golden beautifu Porunai means golden laden it originally called Tamara Porunai it later became Tamaraparni in Tamil Taprobane in Greek and Tambapani in Pali. There was a time when the Gulf of Mannar did not exist and the southern part of the Indian continent took its name form the river crossing IE the Tamiraparni or Tamiraporuni.Like I stated Tham or Tam is another form for Chem , red, reddish copper coloured . Hence Thampoolam . Tham = Reddish Poolam = the beetle leaf. In Sinhalese Tham is dropped and Boolath is used to describe betel. Tampalam ( the copper tray). The Tamil Chem-Ila-Nir or Chevilanir becomes Thampili in Sinhalese for the red young coconut. Tamara Tamarai or Thamarai is the Tamil for red lotus a very common name amongst Tamil females. Parni is Sanskritised form of the Tamil Porunai. The old name for the river. Tamraparni from Tamraporunai ( the reddish river) Pani is Tambapani also is the Tamil nir e.f Pani Pannir. Even the word Sinhala has nothing to with a lion but is derived from another ancient Tamil word for the island Chingkalam. The land of red/golden/copper coloured soil. Chem/Cheppu = red copper Alam=sliver of land ( eg Cheralam/Keralam, Puttalam) Chem/Cheppu+ Alam = Chingkalam the land of the red soil the land of cooper gold. The same meaning as Eelam. The semi Tamil ELu/Tamil speaking population in the island were called Chingkalavar or Eelavar/Eezhavas. With the arrival of Buddhism and as a result of this , the large scale mixing of Pali and Sanskrit took place with the indigenous semi Tamil Elu and proper Tamil and a new language and ethnicity gradually formed in the south and they were called by the Pali version of the old Tamil word for the island. Chingkalam became Sinhala. Eezham/Eelam became Hela. The population that still retained the old language and the ancient Saivite religion or the ones who converted to Buddhism and then reconverted back to their ancient Hindu religion started to be called by the other ancient Tamil name for the island as Eelath/Eezham Thamilar and their land as Thamil Eelam/Eezham.
        Buddhism originated in North India so before it came the population was Saivite Hindu, as evidenced by the prehistoric ancient Saivite shrines in the island. Sinhalese as a language and a people only came into existence around the 9th 10th century gradually evolving from the indigenous Tamil dialects and the Pali and Sanskrit of Buddhism. Its vocabulary is still around 40% Tamil based its grammar syntax lexicon and alphabet is purely Tamil based. The so called Sinhalese people are largely of Tamil origin both Indigenous and Indian. The ancestors of around 50% of the present day Sinhalese only migrated from South India around 800-100 years ago, Many of them low caste slaves and indentured labourers imported by the Portuguese and then the Dutch from what is modern day Tamil Nadu and then Tamil Kerala. May be even your ancestors. So how can Sinhalese be the original people of the island and the island was Sinhalese Buddhist from ancient times? So before Buddhism arrived there was no religion? Before the Sinhalese language came into existence the people were deaf and dumb? The king who converted to Buddhism had a Tamil name. He was a Naga. The Nagas were Tamil speaking Dravidians. His name was Thevannai Nambiaya Theesan which means the great man or king who loved the Lord in Tamil . In Pali it became Devanambiaytissa. His father was king Mutta Siva. This is pure Tamil name which means the great or venerated Siva. Proving they were all Tamil Hindu Saivites . The so called Sinhalese hero Duttugemunu was in fact not a Sinhalese. Around 2300 years ago there was no Sinhalese language or people. He was again a Tamil Buddhist. His father was called king Kakaai Vanna Theesan again a pure Tamil name meaning the black king/great man or the king/great man the colour of the crow, most probably he was still a Saivite Hindu that is why he forbade his son to fight the Hindu Tamil kings in rulers and ruling establishment that was ruling the present day Anuradhapura area. His mother came from a Naga Buddhist family. As stated earlier the Nagas were Tamil speaking Dravidians. All the ancient Naga Buddhist and Hindu inscriptions in the island are in Tamil many around 2500 years old. Nothing in Sinhalese. Non of the ancient kings in the island ever called themselves Sinhalese or Aryans as they were not. They were all Hindu or Buddhist Dravidian Tamils or Dravidian Tamil speaking Nagas. Got it.

        • 4

          Paul, Sach the screw up will be eternally confused now.

        • 2

          A very vivid imagination. You should try writing in verse.

        • 2


          Where is the proof for your fairy tales?
          Can you show us evidence?

          • 0

            Solomon/Crimea the only fairy tale is the Mahavamsa myth.

        • 2

          Cool story, bro – but the Hilarious We Thamizh Fairy Tales and Myths convention is actually over there, where the rest of We Thamizh are :D

          • 0

            The only thing cool and hilarious is you stealing a Tamil man’s identity and posting your Tamil hating crap at all the forums. No one takes an identity stealing Sinhalese clown very seriously

            • 1

              Cool story, bro – hope to get it on Kindle soon :D

        • 3

          We Thamizh history is all contained within Tamilnet – stay away from any place that contains real historical records though, like the Dutch National Archive, or you might start thinking We Thamizh are a bit delusional :D

          • 0

            “real historical records”???

            No one takes an identity stealing clown very seriously, well said Paul!

            Ha, ha, ha…LOL!

            Is this the kind of thing that gives this creature Siva Sankaran Sarma aka Blocker stiffies these days? LOL how very sad. Is that why he is barking like a rabid animal? LMAO!

            Does anyone expect anything more from this Army deserter who ran away to UK during the war?

            Poor thing can`t handle facts, everything sounds cool to his eyes. :D

            Lying is the default state of this creature. Copying & pasting FAKE stuff is his inborn talent. Always gets caught with his pants below his knees. LOL!

            Being a CT resident clown, he never stops his daily entertainment with non-stop comedy. LMAO.

            Poor Siva Sankaran Sarma is getting it in style from We Thamizh. No wonder he is howling hysterically due to public buggering: D

            Cry blocker cry!

      • 3

        Sach the racist [Edited out]; has spoken again. Keep dreaming of your Sinhala Buddhist colony.

      • 7


        AS you say, if the Tamils were brought by Dutch, how come Prof. T. B. H. (Tikiri) Abeyasinghe who was a senior Professor of Modern History in the University of Colombo till 1985, says in his book ‘Jaffna under the Portuguese’, that in the period 1624-1626, the Franciscans alone converted 52,000 Jaffna Tamil Hindus into Catholics?

        Are you saying that Prof. Tikiri Abeysinghe (one of the very few who has done extensive research on Portuguese archives and Goa archives by living in those countries) is lying?

        By the way, the Dutch settled tens of thousands of coolies from South India in the Southern parts of Sri Lanka for cinnamon and other plantations. Today their decedents are Sinhala-Buddhists. If you read the book “The World’s Oldest Trade”: Dutch Slavery and Slave Trade in the Indian Ocean in the Seventeenth Century” you will see that the Dutch settled most of them in the South from Colombo to Galle.

        The latest genetic studies on Sri Lankan population also shows that more than 50% of the Sinhala population is having South Indian genes.

        Sach, can you please tell us from which TN tribal area (Dalit) your ancestors came to SL and got converted into Sinhala-Buddhists?

        • 3

          Thank you enlightening us on the portugese rule in Jaffna. It has been a boring exercise replying commentators such as wee thamizh journalist siva saranankara himi, sach and nuisance. I do miss the one with alluring smile and a frothy mane.

          • 2

            Ken Robert

            “such as wee thamizh journalist siva saranankara himi”

            He is not any ordinary journalist but a self proclaimed Wee Thamihz SENIOR journalist.

            I do think that this omission would have immensely offended him.

            Therefore Would you now apologise to him only if you consider him worthy of an apology?

        • 1

          LOL, The resident schizo Suresh is back with his cool stories – maybe he thinks everyone’s forgotten about the public buggering he got the last time he wheeled those out :D

          • 1

            Ha, ha, ha… LOL!

            Siva Sakaran sarma aka Dawood Blocker, the famous CLOWN on CT is back and still crying. Last time he ran away leaving his amude after getting buggered in public. :D

            Cry blocker cry, LMAO!

            • 0

              Oh look, the sad creature Suresh is projecting again :D How unexpected! LOL :D You poor thing, first you get exposed as a lying, copy pasting ignoramus, then you get busted using multiple identities to rub yourself off in desperation and end up having to drop off the face of CT for weeks hoping the humiliation will die down :D Cry baby cry :D

              • 0

                Ha, ha, ha… LOL!

                Oh dear, the sad creature Siva Sankaran Sarma aka David Blocker the Army deserter and former govt. dhobi who was licking Gota’s bottom for a few pennies and has become a vagabond now, is projecting again :D

                How unexpected! LOL :D

                He copied and pasted some FAKE maps/web sites and got exposed as a lying, copy pasting ignoramus, and then got busted using multiple identities with funny names (David, Siva, etc) and ended up having to drop off the face of CT for weeks (ran away leaving even his amude), now hoping the humiliation will die down has come again but still crying in pain for getting buggered in public last time, poor thing, the pain has still not gone but we Thamizh cannot relieve his pain in the ass even if we come with any amount of cool stories because the buggering he got last time was so severe. :D

                Please continue to come and cry here until you get buggered further. :D

                Cry blocker cry,
                Blocker baby, cry baby cry!

                • 0

                  LOL, the sad creature is copying and pasting my posts now to relay its own experience – at least it’s trying to ape its betters now, so that’s something I guess :D Cry baby cry :D

                  • 0

                    Ha, ha, ha…LOL!

                    The sad creature is still crying. :D

                    Cry blocker cry, run blocker run. LMAO!

                    • 0

                      Yawn. Time to fix the record, “Suresh”. Maybe start talking to yourself using yet another name or find some other We Thamizh blog to copy and paste here? :D

                    • 0

                      I will always come here as Suresh to haunt you Blocker the Army deserter.
                      You have no option but to stomach it.

  • 5

    Rajash, I could be wrong, but I have to guess. Are you young?

    Why I ask this question is relevant to the point in question.

    Let me take it in sequence:

    I have taken neither Mr. Sumanthiran’s stance, nor Mr. Keethaponcalan’s. My comment was in repudiation of Keethaponcalan’s line of attack. You neither have the evidence, nor a reason to know my stance, on this issue.

    Having said that, I wish to look at your line of argument.

    You have brought in the UN definition of Genocide in your defence.

    According to that definition the acts committed must reveal an intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.

    In your haste you have overlooked a vital aspect of that definition. The ‘intent’ has to be established.

    Killing, Causing harm, Deliberately inflicting physical destruction etc. could all be proven, but the legal threshold set to establish that such actions were with an ‘intent’ to destroy, may not be met. That is where the difficulty lies.

    Your abrupt remarks may not achieve a response from me, next time.

    • 2

      Dear Nathan, You are correct that it is difficult to establish the charge of genocide. This is what I said when addressing a meeting in April this year : “Legally there may or may not be genocide, but morally there is one, because there had been a clear intent on the successive governments to reduce the Tamil population in Srilanka as evidenced by the deportation of one million Tamils of recent Indian origin, forced exodus of Tamils out of Srilanka under the guise of a war with LTTE, and ethnic cleansing of Tamils from several villages in eastern province and border areas of northern province and converting them into Sinhala villages”. The present government has reduced the number of seats in Jaffna electorate from 09 to 06, which goes to prove that there is a plan to keep Tamil representation down. The government may say that the population is down and that this is the reason why the reduction, but this was not the case as regard to Kandyan electorates. In 1948,after the disenfrachisemment of Tamils of Indian origin, the number of electors in the plantation areas fell by 50%, but the government did not reduce the number of elctorates. What ever is said and done racial discrimination against Tamils in Srilanka will continue giving reasons to do so and excuses in not correcting any injustice done to Tamils by successive goverments.

      • 3

        The problem with the Tamils is the Tamil intellectuls.

        we have so many of them …all adding up to zero when it comes to the crunch.

        Tamil intellectuals going back to Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan to present day Sumanthiran, and Wiggy and old guard Sampanthan and self proclaimed intellecutals in CT…are great in debating and dissecting statues and laws and offering interpretation…they lose sight of the issue!

        The Tamil intellectulas love to be engaged in intellectual debate of “intent” and “ingridient”

        “Nero fiddled while Rome was burning” comes to mind.

      • 1

        It is not only impossible to prove in this case any intent of genocide but the facts themselves establish quit clearly in any court of the law the exact opposite. Sacrificing thousands of SL soldiers for the liberation of 30,000 human shields is hardly evidence of intent to annihilate the Tamil race.

        Those raising these issues in the world arena are no other then the LTTE supporters or former LTTE cadres themselves. There is no logic in the rants and ravings of such fools, except that it serves to distract the attention from them and the ethnic cleansing they practiced on Muslims and the war crimes they committed on their fellow Tamil brothers and sisters.

        • 0

          “Sacrificing thousands of SL soldiers for the liberation of 30,000 human shields is hardly evidence of intent to annihilate the Tamil race. “
          This is a lie the government has told you. That is a slogan used by the government to gather people around it and to win the war. Thats all.

          1. None of the governments sacrifice soldiers for people. The government is not for ordinary people. This is what you have seen (if you are old enough) in 1988-1989 and in 1971.

          2. If it is for liberation of people, at the first cry about plight of people in camps, government should have taken action. Government just denied without any inquiry. MR went on public to say that he as a lawyer, will defend any soldier against any criminal charge in Sri Lankan courts. In addition, I have reliable reports on how people were treated there.

          I also want to say few things about what you have mentioned:
          1. It is difficult to prove genocide now. But all what happened in 1956, 1958, 1977, 1981 and even in 1983 are acts of genocide.

          War crimes are committed by Sri Lankan governments too. Now the information is available in public. Most of the information have been shared by soldiers how spent their sweat and blood to win the war.

          But when I say this, as a Sinhalese you should not get angry or sad. War against VP has to be won which the soldiers did. Tamils should be protected not only from VP, but also from government sponsored thugs and psycho leaders too. Sinhala people saved many Tamils during the acts of genocide. Now the brave Sinhala soldiers are exposing the psycho leaders too.

  • 2

    now you are talking about Intent and not about ingridient.

    Nathan “Your abrupt remarks may not achieve a response from me, next time.”

    how sad …by the way who the hell are you anyway?

  • 2

    It is the same old story. Set the Tamil politicians one against the other and watch their fight and enjoy for the rest of the term.

    Ranil, you are the winner. A simple move of yours works fantastically.

  • 4

    The two experts panel appointed by the UNHRC has not even hinted that what happened to the Thamils in Ceylon is genocide. Responding to a question sent by The Hindu in this regard, Ravina Shamdasani, spokesperson for the High Commissioner, stated via email: “This [the U.N. report] does not preclude such a finding [that genocide was committed] being made as a result of further criminal investigations, including by the hybrid court that we recommend.”
    “The crime of genocide requires specific objective and subjective elements. On the basis of the information we were able to gather, we did not come to the conclusion that these elements were met,” she said.
    The spokesperson further pointed out that given the circumstances in which the investigation was carried out, the OHCHR was able to conduct “a comprehensive investigation”, with over 3,000 written submissions, interviews in 11 countries, photos, videos, and satellite imagery with expert analysis. The Secretary used the exact words Sumanfhiran used. The charge of genocide is difficult to prove in an international criminal court even by chance the Security Council passes a resolution to that effect. In act of political brinkmanship Wigneswaraan went and passed the resolution unaware of the political consequences. He was playing to gallery to steal the limelight. He never consulted the TNA leadership. He thought he is too bigger person s to talk to TNA.
    The experts panel appointed by the UNHRC has no even hinted that what happened to the Thamils in Ceylon is genocide. Responding to a question sent by The Hindu in this regard, Ravina Shamdasani, spokesperson for the High Commissioner, stated via email: “This [the U.N. report] does not preclude such a finding [that genocide was committed] being made as a result of further criminal investigations, including by the hybrid court that we recommend.”
    “The crime of genocide requires specific objective and subjective elements. On the basis of the information we were able to gather, we did not come to the conclusion that these elements were met,” she said.
    The spokesperson further pointed out that given the circumstances in which the investigation was carried out, the OHCHR was able to conduct “a comprehensive investigation”, with over 3,000 written submissions, interviews in 11 countries, photos, videos, and satellite imagery with expert analysis. The Secretary used the exact words Sumantaaafhiran used. The charge of genocide is difficult to prove in an international criminal court even by chance the Security Council passes a resolution to that effect. In act of brinkmanship Wigneswaraan went and passed the resolution unaware of the political consequences.

    Since the court did not confirm genocide charges against al-Bashir, does that mean that it has ruled that there was no genocide in Darfur?
    In the case of Al-Bashir charged with genocide was tossed out by the ICC. The pre-trial chamber ruled only on whether the evidence put forward by the prosecutor established that there are “reasonable grounds to believe” that al-Bashir committed the crime of genocide under the Rome Statute, not whether genocide occurred.
    Genocide charges are difficult to prove. The prosecutor must show that certain acts (namely killing, causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of a group, deliberately inflicting conditions meant to destroy the group in whole or in part, imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group, or forcibly transferring children from their community) were committed with the specific intent “to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such” on the basis of their identity. While there is extensive evidence of atrocities in Darfur, it is more difficult to prove specific “genocidal intent.” The prosecutor may, however, request the pre-trial chamber to amend the warrant later on if it finds additional evidence to support charges of genocide.
    This is exactly what Sumanthiran is saying. For Keethaponcalan and others this is an academic subject for debate. But for the affected Thamils we have resettle the IDPs, rehabilitate the 89 war widows, retake several thousands of acres of land grabbed by the army. Learned people like Keethaponcalan can go on nitpicking during his leisure time.
    For his information Wigneswaran is engaged in shadow boxing against Sumanthiran and he will be shown the door sooner than later. The charge against Wigneswaran is he supported the TNA adversaries after getting elected on the TNA. An unkind cut of betrayal.

  • 2

    On Friday 5th December 2015, the BASL and the OPA jointly held a seminar on ” Making a new constitution through inclusiveness”. The speakers were Hon. Dr. Jayampathy Wicktemaratne PC MP, Prof. GL Pieris, Dr. Deepika Udagama and Hon. MA Sumanthiran MP. During the question time Capt. Ranjith Weerasinghe, President of Company of Master Mariners and a Vice President of OPA posed the last question of the day to Hon. Sumanthiran.

    “Hon. Sumanthiran, if I give up my Sinhalese identity, will you give up your Tamil identity?”

    The response of Hon. Sumanthiran was “In this globalized era individual identities do not matter”.

    So genocide is not an issue anymore.

    • 4

      The Professional

      ““Hon. Sumanthiran, if I give up my Sinhalese identity, will you give up your Tamil identity?”

      Could Capt. Ranjith Weerasinghe clarify what he thinks what Sinhalese identity is/was?

      If he is not free could you enlighten us with what you believe Sinhala/Tamil identities are.

      • 0

        Good question. No different to the Australoid identity of Maha Huraa of Native Veddah Clan.

        • 2

          The Professional

          “No different to the Australoid identity of Maha Huraa of Native Veddah Clan.”

          Sorry I didn’t get the joke.

          Glad the clan is completely opposite to Maha Hora clan that rules this island.

          • 0

            Why should I crack jokes at an erudite scholar of the Native Veddah clan of the country? Like the Australoid, Sinhalese and Tamils are visitors who opted to settle down. Problem is in determining who came first and marked the territorial boundaries before naturalization.

            • 1

              The Professional

              “Problem is in determining who came first and marked the territorial boundaries before naturalization.”


              What we are interested in is, whether those monkey engineers who helped Rama built the bridge had returned whence they came or remained here to cause more destruction in this island.

              It seems most of them stayed here and converted to Sinhala/Buddhism and Tamil/Saivam.

              Hanuman was a bachelor however his descendant made a strenuous effort to keep his legacy by burning down a library in the north.

  • 2

    Is this a shit fight among Eelamists and Tiger supporters?.

    Or just a Storm in a Palm Toddy Cup?.

    Whisky Madam says 68 % SBs have given her the OK to give Vellala Sambandan his Homeland.

    Madam did the Polling all in secrecy and even her fellow members of National Unity and Reconciliation didn’t know abut it ,according to her own words.

    How cool..

    No wonder she did all the Polling in French. Sorry did it using French NGOs.

    She is the sort of Ayotolla of Yahapalanaya. And Sira does what the Madam says.

    So what is to fight about.

    Looks like Abraham is a bit of a softy . Or is he a moderate Tamil who likes to live in peace with the fellow Lankans as equals after the Vellalas get their Eelaam.

    Abraham perhaps thinks it is not fair to try Rajapaksas and the Army boys for Genocide after 68 % Sinhala Buddhists give him and his mates their Eelaam.

    Unlike Pirahaparan, Ssambandan didn’t have to sacrifice even one Vellala boy to get it..

    • 0

      Sumane, For all what you know, you shouldn’t be asking, ‘Or just a Storm in a Palm Toddy Cup?’. Nobody drinks toddy in a cup!

      Toddy is best in a பிளா, – a boat-shaped container made out of palm leaf.

      Oh, You must see the froth freshly tapped toddy forms. If you don’t have one already, grow a moustache, and visit me, to enjoy the froth it leaves behind on your moustache. Heavenly!

  • 2

    Both the TNA and NPC should condemn the ethnic cleaning of the North by eject Muslims (and also Sinhalese, though in Smaller number). The TNA was the official spokesman of the LTTE for many years, and they is an added burden on them to condemn these inhuman events. The Tamils can move forward only by taking moral high road at all times.
    That was why Gandhi succeeded, while Vaddukoddai transformed into Prabhakaran’s politics and failed.
    The current leadership needs to reject all the abuses of the past and formulate a new path. Wigneswaran had a golden chance but he did not measure up to it. If Sumanthiran affirmed, earlier on, that there was genocide, he has NOW clearly taken a different stand. Let Wigneswaran also do the same.

  • 4

    A few thoughts on genocide as discussed in the article and subsequent responses.

    Based on my very little understanding (I am only an engineer/scientist by profession), we are mixing too many issues under one umbrella ‘genocide’ and that is the cause of most confusion. Then, there is opportunistic politics, where a few Tamil activists mistakenly believe that if genocide is accepted it will open up unrealistic political possibilities.

    To me, there are two separate issues here – (1) the marginalization/discrimination of Tamils after 1948 and this includes official language act, colonization, standardization, ethnic riots, etc. This in fact was cleverly done by the successive Sri Lankan governments to weaken and marginalize Tamils as a community/political entity, with possible long-term view of reducing any separatist threat. Such steps were commonly practiced in a few Asian countries, and to my knowledge, legally, this is not defined/considered as genocide (though some Tamil activists have coined names such as structural genocide, slow genocide, etc). In fact, the Northern Provincial Council (NPC) resolution also heavily dealt with these issues, and a statement by Vickneswaran, calling for new considerations for the term genocide, indicated he understood this reality.

    It is possible, however, that we could bring in relevant sociological/psychological aspects into this debate. Most Tamils feel that the Sri Lankan government’s actions over the last 60 years (the same issues I mentioned above) were intended to get rid of Tamils as a community (or the eradication Tamil identity altogether) and therefore, they call it genocide. For those who truly feel like that, this is nothing, but genocide. This is really a ‘feeling’ issue at individual and community level (sociological/psychological, but not legal). I think when Sumanthiran had a positive statement about the NPC resolution initially, he possibly referred to this aspect, which was clear when his statement referred that the facts articulated in the resolution were nothing but true (implying that whatever name you call it by).

    There is also possibly a language issue here. In Tamil, genocide is referred as ‘ina allipu, and colloquially Tamils use the word ‘allipu’ quite lightly (for example,they may say ‘ellam alliyuthu’, ‘payir alliyuthu’, etc). So, Tamils may lightly say ‘ina allipu’ in Tamil (but ‘genocide, in legal terms, is a very serious business).

    In my opinion, it is very difficult to argue that the intention of the Sri Lankan government was to get rid of the Tamil identity completely. Just a few observations such as ‘until recent times, the medium of instruction for Tamil children, by law, could only be in Tamil’ and ‘the Hindu temples were highly supported through government grants’ and ‘most information including those in the currency notes have Tamil in it’ would suffice to convey the point. In fact, the way the Tamil identity was/is treated in Sri Lanka, though deplorable in many ways, is not much worse than what happens to a lot of non-majority communities in other parts of Asia.

    Overall, no doubt, efforts were made to systematically marginalize and weaken Tamils in Sri Lanka, with particular target on the North-East Province. But, to argue that this is genocide, in the accepted legal framework, to my understanding, is extremely difficult. It is pragmatic to describe what happened in simple English, rather than invoking or hiding behind highly controversial legal terms.

    This brings us to the other aspect -(2) did genocide occur during the last stages of the war (I think this should be treated separately from the other, though one may argue there is a continuity of intent). Again the arguments go like this – e.g., killing of 6000 Muslims in Bosnia was judged in the international tribunal as genocide (they were rounded up, taken to different place and starved and shot to death); but why not 40000 Tamils during the last stage – here again, the arguments are too simplistic. It is very important to note that neither the UN expert panel nor the OHCHR investigation referred to genocide in their reports. These two reports are extremely powerful, and obviously they did not find convincing case for genocide up to that point.

    One of the key difference between the Tamil case and the Bosnia case could be the fact that there is a general acceptance that Tamils were prevented from leaving the war zone (by the Tamil militants) and quite possibly, without that interference, the case for genocide would have been stronger. However, during the investigations in the future, for example, if an order from the top political/military leadership to the field commanders that says ‘don’t worry about killing as many Tamils as possible, as these people will be troublesome even after the end of the war’, is uncovered, then that will clearly show the intent for genocide during the final stages of the war.

    The order does not need to be that specific, there could be other subtle ways of ordering to the same effect. Obviously no such information exists, but one never know what will be unearthed if certain officers started to cooperate with any investigation. In fact, it is quite possible unexpected surprises (which could be favorable or unfavorable for either side) could come out of a genuine and thorough investigation. These could be the points Sumanthiran was referring to when he talked about the possibility of evidence for genocide coming out in the future.

    Truly, ‘crime against humanity’ and ‘system crimes’ are just so horrible, should we keep on arguing about genocide, rather than be focused on getting the best possible investigation, with acceptable international involvement, so that all affected people (irrespective of ethnicity) will get the justice they deserve, out of the terrible mess we all have jointly created in Sri Lanka. Is it decent to play politics in such tragic reality?

    Just a few more observations to complete this note:

    1) Genocide in legal terms is very difficult to prove and in sociological/psychological terms so controversial. According to some purists, there are only 3 genocides that have occurred in the last 100 years (Jews, Armenians, which itself some people challenge, and Tutsis). According to some other scholars, there are hundreds of genocides in the same period (almost any systematic discrimination and violence that fundamentally affects the sustainability of a community). Possibly the reality is somewhere in between. The risk is when the ‘hundreds of genocide’ view is accepted, the seriousness of the whole genocidal crime could be trivialized.

    2) I have yet to see any serious genocide scholar (there are so many such scholars, and conferences and books on genocide appear almost every year) referring to Tamil genocide. It is possible that this could be an area of investigation for a reputed genocide scholar if suitable grants can be arranged.

    3) Politically, especially the advocacy efforts in western countries, would not move an inch if the advocacy is solely based on the genocide argument. So, at the least for pragmatic reasons, one should not get bogged down with the genocide argument, unless fresh evidence supports the case for genocide occurring during the final stages of the war.

    4) There is something interesting about Tamil politics, where terms such as nation, self-determination, genocide, ethnic cleansing, can make or break political careers. Everyone has strong opinion on all these terms, though most people exactly don’t understand what each term means (no doubt, these are difficult terms, with many possible interpretations, even for scholars). Why not start using simple language (English or Tamil) and honest description of reality, rather than high-sounding, difficult-to-understand, technical terms and jargon.


    • 0

      Man than,

      Thanks for your objective and non-emotive analysis. I agree with you totally. Unfortunately, we Tamils are yet revel in poetic expressions, despite having adopted the prose form of righting in the 1800’s. We exaggerate, embellish and emotionalise every issue and in that process lose sight of the core truth/ facts. As a result we create our own delutionary images. The story of Ravana and his ten heads come to mind!


  • 7

    Dr. S. I. Keethaponcalan

    Tamil Politics, Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing & Sumanthiran

    *** First of all let me share the contempt of many when Sumanthiran called for the removal of the CM.

    There is a difference between Mr.Wigneswaran and Sumanthiran.

    One is elected by Popular Mandate and the other one appointed by a dodgy and tainted system.
    The only two who can remove the CM is president Sriseana or the people who elected him at the next ballot box.
    The CM cant be blamed for the ills of the past or present. The past in which he had no part in and the present in which he has no power.
    Passing a resolution is only a token Gesture. When power is devolved and we have the power to resettle the displaced which Includes Muslims I have no problem with that. What about Minister Hakeem. Why didnt he do something when he was a Minister under MR.

    As for the rest let me give you my analysis.

    1) Last week, I wrote an article titled Tamil Politics, Sumanthiran and Wigneswaran suggesting that there has been a tussle between Sumanthiran and Wigneswaran, which has the potential to transform into an open conflict within the Tamil National Alliance (TNA).

    *** I think you are worrying too much and I have already explained above. It is up to MS or the People to remove the CM.

    2) The article was published here and was reproduced in a few other news-blogs.
    Let’s look at the accusations first. One critic said some of my comments about Sumanthiran’s genocide speeches were “fabricated and not true.” One said, I twisted Sumanthiran’s comments. Another claimed, “for me, all the points the author has raised are showing only one point. He wants to support CV (Wigneswaran) and throw mud on Sumanthiran.” One argued that I have been listening to Tamil diaspora “propaganda” too much these days. Now, some Sumanthiran loyalists view Tamil diaspora as adversaries, which is interesting.

    *** I am at a loss to understand that we are wasting our time and energy trying to define “Genocide”. What happened was mass murder and call it whatever you like and that is not going to change what needs to be done which is the Guilty should be punished.
    I know Sumanthiran has a soft spot for MR which goes back to the Dinner at Temple Trees. Sumnthiran is an aspiring politician and you offer his a Cabinet Post and he will sell you down the river.

    3) Nevertheless, these views were expressed in response to two issues I raised: his recent statements on genocide resolution and the expulsion of the Muslim people from the North.


    In my article, I wrote that some Tamils were upset with Sumanthiran because he “went to Switzerland and claimed that what happened during the last phase of the war, according to internationally accepted definitions, was not genocide.” Did I misrepresent Sumanthiran’s statement made in Switzerland.

    *** Sumanthiran is trying to be modern day ” Shakespere”. What does he know about Genocide when he wouldnt allow his children to visit Jaffna fearing for their safety and he talks about Tamil issues.

    4) I went back and listen to the tape again. This is what he said: “what is genocide? Genocide is an international crime that must be proved in a judicial form, not in a representative one… (passing the resolution) does not mean the crime of genocide is proved. The crime of genocide has certain ingredients that must be proved in an established court…even the High Commissioner of Human Rights very specifically said…it has not satisfied the act of genocide…crime of genocide is a legal issue. Not what you feel like….Unless you prove ingredients of those offences very specifically, it is not genocide.

    *** He is a High Profile Lawyer but he doesnt know the difference between Charging Someone and having the forum ( ICC) to prove the Guilt. This is what we tried to set up with over a million Signatures but we failed because GOSL lied giving false promises and the UN fell for the trick.

    5) Interestingly, in the same speech in Switzerland and in other meetings with Tamil diaspora groups in other Western countries, Sumanthiran claimed that it was he who said what happened was genocide, “even before the Northern Provincial Council was formed.” Sumanthiran claimed that he said this even in parliament. Now, my question is why he called it a genocide when it did not have the “ingredients” of genocide. Was it not ingenious.

    *** Dont you understand . a) One was prior to election b) The other one was after the election and he has to protect his position as an appointed MP so that he doesnt loose the Perks.

    6) International Trial

    These notions suggest that an actual genocide trial is a feasible idea. This is where I have some serious problems. A genocide investigation could take place in three venues: (1) national courts, (2) the International Criminal Court (ICC), and (3) an International Criminal Tribunal (ICT). In Sri Lanka, we know that a domestic trial on charges of “genocide” is not possible. Sri Lanka does not accept the genocide theory and will not do so in the future. Sri Lanka is not a signatory to Rome Statute. Therefore, without the UN Security Council intervention Sri Lankan nationals could not be tried in ICC. Special international criminal tribunals are set up by the Security Council. In the past, ICTs were established for, for example, Rwanda and Former Yugoslavia.

    *** The only Forum is the ICC to address the Scale and Seriousness.

    7) Ethnic Cleansing:

    *** Passing a resolution by NPC is not going to change anything on the Ground. The only thing that will make any difference is devolution of power giving the NPC the Power to stop Colonisation and resettle the Displaced. If after Devolution NPC fails in its duty then any Criticism will be justified.

    8) A connected question is this. Is it only the NPC’s responsibility to condemn the expulsion of the Muslim people from the North? Why doesn’t the TNA do it? TNA is the political entity that represents the Tamil people. NPC is a regional body, but TNA is a party that functions at a higher level. Why should the TNA not pass a resolution apologizing for the expulsion.

    *** You have failed to include one further request.
    An admission of Guilt by the Muslim Community for Spying on behalf of the Occupying force which brought the untold misery to thousands of Muslims. For the LTTE it was a question of Survival. Let us be Proportionate in our condemnation.If Muslims consider themselves Tamils first and then Sri Lankans then they must be part of the Struggle.

  • 0

    Good questions are raised to Mr. Sumanthiran. If Sumanthiran had ever held a position the acts committed against Tamils in 2009 amounts to genocide that personal view must be upheld in integrity publicly and legally, given that he is a legal professional and a politician representing Tamil people. He cannot have a personal view and public view and legal view on atrocities committed against a people he represents.

    Again, good point that it seems apology for the expulsion of Muslims and genocide claim are mixed with political intent rather than a sincere call to repentance from a community he represents.

  • 0

    Dear Suresh,

    Why are you wasting your time with this joker with a fake name? No one on CT takes him very seriously. I have read your comments and replies to others, I like them. Weather you copy & paste or paste & copy or do whatever, who cares as long as the message is put through. Plagiarism is not an offence in blogs/forums. Just because someone gets a pain in the ass when you copy & paste, why bother? My suggestion to you is to completely ignore this stupid Siva Sankaran Sarma or whatever and concentrate on some valuable stuff. By ignoring him, you will save your valuable time and cyber space as well. Please think about it.

    K Srinivasan

    • 0

      Keep trying “Suresh” :D Since no We Thamizh is coming to your rescue I hope your alter egos can soothe your bruised you know what :D

  • 0

    Interesting to know that the author has in fact read my comments, did not answer many comments raised by me.
    1. In the last article, he wrote this: “… Wigneswaran probably was the most moderate Tamil chief ministerial candidate the South could yearn for in 2013…. why did Wigneswaran transform into a radical warrior suddenly? Perhaps, there are several reasons including the fact that the government is slow in finding solutions to Tamil issues. “
    This is completely misleading. First of all CVW did not “transform” into a radical warrier “suddenly” in connection with any “slow” process. If you take his position on genocide you can see the difference. Actual truth which the author could not hide was “a notable feature is that he [Wigneswaran] became really tough after the collapse of the Rajapaksa government”. yes, he behavior changed because Rajapakse lost the presidential election. For MR to come back to power, CVW needs to make tough statements which can create an environment for MR and his people to make use of.

    Currently the issue related to C.V. Wigneswaran is two fold: first, Rajapakse wants to break the leadership of TNA. Then, other parties like ACTC and TULF want to lead the Tamils. Wigneswaran is used by both parties.

    Sumanthiran’s statements were not fully accepted by all. In fact, many are not happy with his statement about the eviction of Muslims. But it is the truth. The question is why the author was not balanced when analyzing the statement. He just went on one side, asking how it will help the Tamils and how it will guide the international community. At least in this article, the author has accepted that it is a morally wrong thing.

    Let me explain how it will help the Tamils: People will listen to you if they think that you are genuine. When you started accepting your mistakes, and talk about the things committed against your people may believe you. It is easy to create public opinion. That will pressurize the governments to some extend.
    If you also try to play the same game MR and other previous governments played they will beat you by their power relationship with countries and experience. This is where Tamils lost the propaganda war.

    I too agree that Sumanthiran should ask TNA or ITAK to accept his position and pass a resolution on eviction of Tamils. But it is NPC which passed the resolution on genocide; it is good if that passes this resolution too. in fact, NPC resolution talked about things happened at national level. But eviction of Muslims happened within the boundaries of NPC.

    I think people have many reasons to say Maithri government is slow in delivering what they have promised. Many people are frustrated too. But Political leaders should think beyond people and find the reasons and push to remove the reasons and pressurize the government in delivering the promises.

    CVW is merely a person. We need political leaders.

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