19 September, 2024


To Whom Does Sri Lanka Belong? 

By Upatissa Pethiyagoda

Dr. Upatissa Pethiyagoda

This is not mere rhetoric. When I say that it is the youth, this is not mere cosy flattery.  It is the truth. All compounded things are impermanent, and we all have to go, sometime and then the responsibility cast on the youth is bound to be heavy. So dear youths, we have messed things up, substituting some country’s industry for our laziness. Of course there is no Free Lunch, and in importing their goods or services, we import their inflation as well. When we borrow their money to import luxury goods (cars included), we are also selling your birthright and honour, to indulge in our profligacy. We consume more than we should and produce less than we could.

We owe you the youth a profound apology, also for crippling and isolating you by the Crime of foisting our “National” Languages upon you, particularly the Sinhala medium products, because language is mainly for communication and not for pinning a badge on your sleeves. Unfortunately, the rest of the World, are the poorer for lack of foresight, to learn Sinhala and savour its unique delights!. I do not know how we could make amends for the stupidity of ranking our political exigency ahead of your future. We should prostrate ourselves at your feet and confess our sin. It is the bounden business of my generation to leave you a great country, and not a hopeless dump of garbage. It will be your duty to improve matters even further for the next batsmen to follow. 

Ours was a fortunate generation, to see a World free of “Major” Wars and have seen vast achievements in the fields of electronic magic, improved health and other comforts. Television, cars with AC and even starter buttons (we had to crank the engine manually), and when it rains, put up shutters carried in the car boot, (if it had one). The range of benefits is enormous. But then, we could buy imported potatoes and sugar at some =/08 cents per pound, newspapers at =/10 cents in the morning and =/05 cents in the evening, imported butter from New Zealand for 2/50 a half pound, a crate of Elephant Brand Ginger Beer for about 20/= and for the older generation, “Beck’s or Heineken “  beer bottle for around a rupee or so!  When we got to drinking age, it was “Guiness” Stout at 2/25 and a plate of potato French Fries at about =/50 cents at the Savoy Cinema Building.  At school, my highest fee (Science) for the University Entrance Form was 22/= per month, enough to buy two of the smartest “Arrow” Shirts. Private tuition was unheard of and even when given, was gratis! When I bore our children with these “dry stuff” stories, the retort is “Yes, but salaries are much higher now”.  True, but salaries have not increased a hundred-fold and sometimes a thousand- fold, to match these figures, and also meet greater demands of improved living conditions.

I have perhaps an unjustified aversion to Politicians. Maybe, but I have a reason, politics has insidiously crept into all aspects of our lives during the past seventy years. There are many very decent, capable, cultured and admirable persons. But, I fault them. The pithy saying that “those who lie with dogs wake up with ticks” applies in this case too. What have any of them done to reform, reject or correct this pitiable state? Exceptional rewards demand stellar performance. Is this met? They thus only generate envy and fear. It is time that the public assert themselves against this abomination. The whole system in our society have been craftily invaded, in a manner that allows a grasp of authority, detached from accountability. It is apparent that our confusion gets dispelled, by the realization that recognizes that the true contest is not between the SLFP, UNP,UPFA or TNA, Pohottuwa, Bulath Kole or Aliyah, Kola, Nil or Thamba. It is really between the Politicians (of all stripes) versus the People (of all Ethnic, Religious, Linguistic persuasions). The rest is a game of pretended rivalries. Anyone watching Wrestling Shows on TV will see fake hostility. Could Politicians really be in cahoots but displaying pretended animosity? Cordial association at social functions between those declaring their “six feet below ground” treatment for each other, kiss and forget so easily, hinting that they may creep under the same blanket?     

You were promised bell-bottom jeans, belts, beads and a million jobs. Where? Now laptops, but no playgrounds, no toilets and no water to drink. I believe that is not only the telephones that are ”Smart” and that your generation will not take this baited hook, this time round. Just see the sessions of the UK House of Commons. All sit on long benches and a single podium is used by each side. The “Front Benches “are literally so. The Speaker’s seat is equally austere. Not ours, expensive chairs, fancy mikes, water bottles, plush carpets and staff buzzing around servicing calls on blinking lights. Life is good and made better by buffet meals, surpassing those of five-star hotels. With all of these, the House adjourns often for lack of a quorum “because …… Members are abroad”. This makes sense of a proposal to raise Attendance Fees to 20,000/= per day.! Even now, an “ordinary” MP is said to cost some millions a month, and the exclusive ones in an ever increasing Cabinet considerably more. Good value for money and Rates of Return on investment?

Our youth should consider in some detail, the way the primary body which decides your futures (and ours as well), namely the Parliament functions. The “House” is said to control all Government expenditure and thereby its plans for the year. The Budget is a seminal, and authoritative part of governance. It has to be carefully drawn up and delivered by the Finance Minister, representing the whole Cabinet and the budget is a key indication of Government intent for the Year. By tradition, a solemn Budget speech is presented by the Minister of Finance promise of intent. Much ritual is followed with the Minister entering the chamber, brandishing the “Budget Box”, with a delayed Grand Entry, to the already assembled house and then proceeds to deliver his speech. As he drones on for three hours or so, uttering pompous figures of various kinds, which we cannot understand, nor he and perhaps not even those who put those magical figures together do either! This (fiction?) is presented principally to a Front Bench, whose occupants have been captured on camera, and distributed World-wide by Facebook or Twitter or whatever. All the “ Honourables” are in deep slumber, and some visibly snoring. Understandable, after a sumptuous subsidized lunch. I wonder whether their dreams flash through visions of their humbler masters (the Voters), toiling in the blazing sun, to keep the August Assembly and all of us going! Upon conclusion of the speech, The Assembly shakes off their sleep, adjusts their suits, possibly a visit to the Rest Rooms, on the way to the traditional Budget Tea Party. The day’s exhausting work done.

Then follow weeks of debates and first, second and third readings and finally, the Vote. The result is a foregone conclusion, members being subject to the Party Whip and open vote. When it comes to General Elections, freedom of choice is said to be guaranteed, and elaborate arrangements are made to preserve confidentiality of citizen’s voting to determine who is to represent them. What is good for the Goose Is not so for the Gander! Then, why bother sending qualified, and high quality representatives to Parliament, when all they are called upon to do is raise their hands or “press their buttons” in the newly installed and very expensive electronics and display panels? As that celebrated Tarzie Vitachchi (of “Flybynight” fame) declared, “Communication without Transformation is gossip”. Is this not so for the Budget process? If not, why bother to vote, debate, or go through an expensive process that matters not a jot? And to cap it all, dozens of extra-budgetary “Supplementary Votes” are ritualistically passed, scandalously, even for luxury bullet-proof cars. Are we all, including the youth, being taken on a “right royal” ride? The whole affair is cynically funny. The leaders of a country should be Role Models. Are they?

It is deeply distressing to see students engaging in street processions, strikes, ragging and other unseemly behaviour. They have been through an intensive path of education and must be the “cream of the cream.” – having benefited from free education at the tax-payers expense along with family sacrifices. They should be at their lectures, reading in the Library, taking part in sports and really enjoying their youth, not taking on unnecessary “Uthgoshanayas “ on matters of little direct concern to them. Perhaps it might be significant that students of Medicine, Science and Engineering are poorly represented – being busy with learning.  I recall an occasion, when Dr PPGL. Siriwardene, on his way home, was blocked on Thurstan Road by a student protest rally. He asked a protester what this was all about. The reply was, “Ay sir, danne nedda? Lomba Marala ne !”. Patrice Lumumba had just been murdered (in Moscow). This indicates the extent to which young minds are being ruined – often by left-leaning Politicians. A contrasting case – the much feared Sir Nicholas Attygale was VC, whose office was in a corner of the main wing of the University. It was conveyed to him that the President of a student body wished to see him. “Ask him in”. He replied, in the meantime lifting his feet on to his desk, leaning back, cigar between his lips. The Student leader walked in looking menacing. “Yes” said the boss. “Sit down” “Sir, I have brought a petition from my Union.” “Read it” orders Sir N. “Sir?” This was duly done. “Yes, yes, read it”. Duly done. “Now tear it” A shocked “Sir?”. “Yes tear it.”  Also duly done. Then holding his WPB up, “Put it here”. Also done. “Now bugger off”!. Problem solved. But, could anyone do so now?

The immediate problems that will confront the youth, stem from two major factors .These are Population increase and Global Warming.

Population Increase

Population increase is a global problem but no less so for Sri Lanka as well. With our population of 21,000,000 and a Growth Rate of 2%, in actual terms this would be 420,000 per annum or 1,160 daily. This would mean so many schools the size of Royal College per day. If just half of the 1160 marry, 290 new houses are needed per day. Proportionate increases of hospital beds, railway coaches, buses, cultivated acreages etc. etc. And when today’s needs are met, we will have a similar requirement for tomorrow’s and for each following day! This might be a crude estimate, but the drift seems reasonable. Needless to say, this amounts to a huge challenge. Unfortunately, religious, political and emotional prejudices, blind us to this reality. In 1798, Rev. Robert Malthus proposed the theory that while Agricultural productivity increases linearly, population increases exponentially. Thus, when there is unchecked population growth, comes the point where resources cannot keep pace with the population. Starvation and catastrophe restores the balance. Wars, plagues and pestilence reduce the population. This is how nature moves towards sustainability. What came to be known as Malthusian Theory, angered particularly socialists, who saw it as an attempt to suppress the “Working Classes”. For small, under-developed countries like ours, population planning is imperative. There is obviously no chance of providing Government jobs to over 1,000 per day, although one million new jobs would be provided to youth in 5 years will go the same way as the many promises broken!

Employment And Leisure 

The State simply cannot take on this huge increase.  For orderly governance, there have to be regulation (Licenses, Permits, Policing, Records etc).  Development (Buildings, Roads, Farms, Hospitals, Schools, businesses etc.). The ratio is probably about 80-90 % for regulatory and 10-20% developmental. Presently, the State sector employees are said to be about 1.2 – 1.4 million. This cannot possibly absorb 420,000 more annually. Did not someone promise a million new jobs in five years. Where? An insecure Private Sector cannot either. Therefore, the content of education, as much as its goals must adjust. Were you not promised bell bottoms, chewing gum, belts and bracelets? Where, again? The encouragement of enterprise and self-employment opportunities should be actively promoted and education should adjust accordingly. The capacity for originality – “thinking outside the box “must be paramount. As Mark Twain is reported to have said, “I never allowed my schooling to interfere with my education”.  We have a long way to go towards developing a “work ethic” and pride in a “Good Job done”. A celebrated Principal of Trinity College, Rev. A.G.Frazer expressed himself, “I do not mind if our boys become Rickshaw coolies, provided they become good Rickshaw coolies”.

The spectacular progress in improved communication via the internet, opens up unbelievable access to information has transformed teaching. No long is there a need for lessons to be designed towards merely imparting of knowledge by “Rote learning”. Any information desired can be accessed electronically and rapidly. No longer should teaching cram information into young heads, but rather to directing students on where to access information, and how to discard the rubbish.   

So, youth should develop a good “Work Ethic” with pride in what they do. Punctuality, courtesy and integrity, focus and prioritization, honesty in word and deed, criticism of what is rotten and respect for what is right. This is not difficult and the cost is small, but the dividends are large. So, youngsters, break away from the past, think anew and steer our nation to greatness. You can !

Latest comments

  • 16

    This claim of land does not make sense in this modern world…
    Europe is full of migrants and yet; it’s fortune is made by many migrant communities.
    Obama is said be having Muslim connection…
    Now; Boris Johnson is said to have Muslim connection via Turkey..
    What is wrong with sinahzlee mind to go back into stone age ..
    All minority community contribute to Sri Lankan economy and ing fact; minority contribute more than sinahzlee and yet; minorities are blamed for many things.
    A kind of discrimination is still.vivid in SL?
    This is not Buddhist way of showing compassion ; love and kindness…
    Today ; sinahzlee are gone far away from Buddhist teaching and that is why all.this racissms.
    May God protect Lanka from all racists…

    • 8

      Yes, Mr. Pethiyagoda, Sri Lanka belongs to its youth, young people and the younger generation and WOMEN.
      Civil Society groups need a massive campaign to ban Politicians over the age of 60 from contesting in all elections.
      Due to advances in health care the current highly corrupt generation of politicians who have ruined Sri Lanka with their foreign backers need to get out – US puppet Bondscam Ranil , Karu,, and the US citizen Rajapaksa siblings partnership to ruin and loot Sri Lanka and turn it into a US military base and EU garbage dump must end.
      Time has come for the younger generation and particularly women even Sajiths wife, – Sajith, Dayasiri, Sunil Handunetti etc to contest the upcoming elections.

      • 1


        OK, so the US puppets, bond scammers, etc etc screwed the country. What is to say the younger generation won’t do the same? Premadasa jnr has a lot of experience watching from the sidelines as do the others, all abiding their time & who the f**K is Sajith’s wife? First of all, let’s hear their vision & how they plan to achieve it (indecently, it should be debated publicly to make sure it is not pie in the sky} As for banning over 60s, how many boards have Directors & CEOs over 60 & most senior politicians in the world are over 50. In UK, the retiring age is 65 but legally, employers cannot forcibly retire employees unless it can be proven that the age is the barrier for performing the job. So get real.

        • 4

          CT Editors: it seems that there are many US “Peace Corps” Bots hanging out here on this Website and posting racist garbage to distract everyone from the main issues, and of course ensure that US puppet Bondscam Ranil is reelected..

          A better job in weeding out irrelevant and racist comments to distract from a proper discussion of the subject matter of the main article would be welcome

      • 4

        Mr. Pethiyagoda,
        “To Whom Does Sri Lanka Belong?” – Many out of who claim, “Sri Lanka belongs to me!”, at the expense of making few feel, “Do I belong to Sri Lanka?”, are the crabs in the bucket & a barrier to move forward. You say SL belongs to the youth; unfortunately, we live in a place where it accompanies an immediate question, “Youth from which community?”

    • 5

      Dr. Upatissa Pethiygoda,

      Thanks for article.

      First things First.

      The Sinhala must be constantly reminded that they are Para-Deshis, Paras, strangers, foreigners, just like the others, Tamils, Muslims, Portuguese, Dutch, Malays, English , Chinese etc., EXCEPT the Native Veddah Aethho, per modern genetic studies and findings.

      Yes, the 2,500 Para-Civilization, after independence from the British in 1948, during the past 70 years, have handed over a heavy burden to the youth which will have to be shouldered by them. Unfortunately, the current set of political and religious leaders have made it worse, because of self-interest? Just like the politicians.

      The youth are not equipped to handle this burden. Those who demonstrate are not from the engineering, science and medical facilities. The mean national IQ is 79, and the fraction of the population who have an IQ above 109 , 2 SDs is small.

      Parliamentarian Wimal Buruwamsa says 2/2 =0, and many just accepts it, because he is politician, and the audience does not know.

      Then there is Para-Sinhala Para-Buddhist racism against. Para-Muslim Doctor on fake charges.
      The monks and Ulama want to keep their hegemony.

      They may know the Sinhala and Tamil well, but in this global economy one needs intelligence as well.

    • 5

      Lankan Tamil,
      “This is not Buddhist way of showing compassion ; love and kindness…”
      Native Sinhala Buddhists demonstrated their compassion, love and kindness by accommodating Demalu who were brought to this country by Portuguese, Dutch and British ‘Awajathakayo’. Like the way Myanmar and few African countries expelled Indians taken by colonial rulers, Sinhalayo could have expelled Demalu because they were brought to Sinhale illegally.
      If Sinhala Buddhists did not show compassion, love and kindness and allowed Muslims to settle down among Sinhalayo, Portuguese could have wiped them out. Not only allowing Muslims to settle down in Sinhala areas, Sinhala Buddhists did not object to Muslims marrying Sinhala women and converting them to Islam.

      Racism was introduced to Sinhale by British colonial bastards. Racist fascist bigot Chelvanayakam who is an Illegal immigrant jumped to racist band wagon and spread racism among ordinary Demala people depicting Sinhalayo as the arch enemy of Demala people and now it is carried forward by opportunistic racist Wellala politicians. Actually, the real enemy of ordinary Demala people is not Sinhalayo but elite Wellala Demalu who oppress ordinary Demala people based on caste. If Demala people want to live with Sinhalayo, get rid of racist fascist Wellala politicians.

      • 5

        Eagle Eye,

        Native Dravidian Tamils demonstrated their compassion, love and kindness by accommodating Kallathoni Vijay (Awajathakaya) who brought 700 thugs & criminals from Orissa/Bengal and dumped them in the Dravidian Tamil Island called Lanka (note that Kallathoni is a Tamil word for illegal immigrants). There is an old Tamil saying “Vijayan odu Vadakil irrindu vanda Paradesi Chingalam” meaning Paradesi Chingalam (Para Sinhalese) who came from North India along with Vijaya.

        Between 16th to 18th Century AD, the Portuguese and later the Dutch brought tens of thousands of South Indian slave labor and settled them in the Sinhala speaking Southern and Western provinces as menial laborers/coolies for growing/peeling cinnamon in order to expand their trade. These South Indians turned to Buddhism/Christianity and eventually got naturalized as Sinhala Buddhists and Sinhala Catholics by adopting the Sinhala language/culture. This is one main reason for the exponential increase in the Sinhala population that eventually became the majority.

        Dr. Paul E. Pieris has published extracts from the Portuguese tombo records which gives the original names of the present day Sinhalese with Portuguese surnames before their conversion to Christianity and Buddhism. Dr. Pieris states that the names deserve special attention, even though the majority appear to have been converted to Sinhalese, their native names were also mentioned among them and they all appear to be recent South Indian names.

        Professor K.M. de Silva in his book `A History of Sri Lanka`, refers to the migration of the Karawe, Salagama, and Durawe castes from Southern India to Sri Lanka between the 14th and 17th centuries AD.

        Professor Gananath Obeyesekere (in his book “Buddhism, Ethnicity, and Identity,”) states that “viewed in long term historical perspective Sinhalas have been for the most part South Indian migrants who have been sasanized (converted to Buddhism)”

        There is enough of evidence to prove that the Sinhalese became a majority only after assimilating with the South Indians who were brought by the Portuguese and the Dutch as slave labor.

      • 3

        According to Prof. Kamani Thennakoon, University of Colombo, the latest DNA studies prove a common ancestry of Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Tamils.
        “There is no clear genetic separation based on the PCA map between Sinhalese and Tamils of Sri Lanka.”
        All DNA studies comparing both the Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Tamils show no large genetic difference, suggesting that both populations have a common ancestry native to the island.

        This can only be explained historically by the large scale assimilation of Sinhalese into Tamils following centuries of South Indian rule (i.e. the Cholas ruled Jaffna for over 100 years leading to gradual language replacement and admixture) and the vice versa assimilation of Tamils into Sinhalese.

        Indeed, it is likely that Dravidian speakers who spread megalithic culture to Sri Lanka circa 1000 BC were Prakritised centuries later, along with the Vedda population.

        The following studies all support this conclusion, with some even suggesting closer genetic relationships between up country Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Tamils, than with low country Sinhalese.

        Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and within the Indian subcontinental populations. Lanka Ranaweera at al.

        • 0

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        • 1

          Thambapanni Man

          “All DNA studies comparing both the Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Tamils show no large genetic difference, suggesting that both populations have a common ancestry native to the island.”

          Of course the Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils have a common ancestry originating from South India. Para-Sinhala has about 40% Tamil and the balance Pali and Sanskrit, is an admixture of Tamil and Sanskrit.

          The Native Veddah Aethho mt DNA is different from those of the Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils.


          Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka.

          The Native Veddah Aethho walked and claimed the land between 8,000 and 40,000 years ago. All others are Paras, Pada-deshis, foreigners, strangers.

    • 1

      Dr. Upatissa Pethiyagoda

      RE: To Whom Does Sri Lanka Belong? To Native Veddah Aethho!

      The Native Veddah Aethho walked and claimed the land between 8,000 and 40,000 years ago.

      The Native Veddah Aethho discovered Lanka First. The Land belongs to the Native Veddah Aethho.,

      All others are Paras, Para-deshis, foreigners, strangers, who stole the land.


      Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka.

    • 0

      Tamils can go to their origin place where TAMIL NADU. Before Sri Lanka Ceylon and of course HELADIVA ( meaning

      Ancient Name HELADIVA ( meaning Helayan, Sinhalese) There is no nation for Tamils but in India (the United States of India given one state for Tamils, Tamil Nadu) gave Tamil Nadu for Tamils. Hands-off to Heladiva (Sri Lanka0

  • 7

    I thought this Land belongs to the Balangoda Man and Woman and their descendants..

    That is the Sinhala Buddhist rural people who make up 70 % of the total Inhabitant Population.
    Unfortunately they are the ones who own the least amount of Land which they inherited.

    Even that is on the decline after Dr Ranil and Co started selling big swathes to Chinese , Hindians and now that 120,000 Acres to Millennials from the US.
    That is in addition to the Lands which a handful own from Kottawa to Galle on both sides of the Mahinda Expressway to Matara,

    One thing though , if those descendants were forced to learn English , their Land holdings would have been even lower..

    • 8

      Balangoda Man and Woman, most of their descendants (aboriginals) were annihilated by Vijay who came with 700 thugs & criminals from Orissa/Bengal (illegal immigrants) to create the Sinhala race and the remnant (aboriginals) had been driven (escaped) into the jungles and become Veddas. Later,Vijay married a Pandyan princess of Madurai, South India and his men were given in marriage to the Pandyan maidens. The Sinhala Buddhist rural people who make up 70 % of the total Inhabitant Population are made up of half North Indian and half South Indian and the poor Veddas (Balangoda Man and Woman’s descendants) had to live in the jungle forever.

      • 3

        Thambapanni Man,
        No one has proved Sinhlayo originated in India using DNA. Amarasiri tried this and failed. By the time Vijaya came, Sinhalayo lived in this country. According to Bengali history, Vijaya landed in an island called ‘Seehol Deep’.
        Archeologists have found evidences to show that Sinhalayo lived in this country by the time Vijaya came and Vijaya myth has been discarded. Sinhalayo have evolved from Homo Sapiens that have lived in this country 125,000 years ago. Evidence supported by carbon dating were found in Hambantota area. Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo are Native people whereas Demalu, Muslims and Malays are ‘Para’ (foreign). Based on latest archeological evidences, History text books for school children have been revised.
        [edited out]

        • 2

          Eagle Eye,

          Your own Pali chronicles says very clearly that Vijay came with 700 men from Sinhapura in NorthEast India and formed/created the Sinhala race. All the DNA/genetic tests done so far very clearly shows that the Sinhala race is 28% North Indian (Bengal) and 70% South Indian (Tamil, Malabar, and Telugu). According to Bengali history, Vijaya landed in an island called ‘Sihala Deepa’ and NOT ‘Seehol Deep’ (please recheck the Bengali history).

          Archeologists have NEVER found evidences to show that Sinhalayo existed in Sri Lanka till the 9th Century AD. There is no epigraphic evidence anywhere in the island with the name Sinhala till 9th century AD. Veddas and Damila (NOT Sinhalayo) have evolved from Homo Sapiens that have lived in this country 125,000 years ago. Evidence supported by carbon dating were found in many parts of the country. Sinhalayo came as immigrants from India (both North and South) and brought Buddhism from India. They are ‘Paradesi’ (foreign) to this island.

          • 2

            Eagle Eye,

            “According to Bengali history, Vijaya landed in an island called ‘Sihala Deepa’ and NOT ‘Seehol Deep’ (please recheck the Bengali history).”

            Sorry, the above statement is wrong, the Bengalis do not have a proper recorded history. Bengali history does not say anything about Vijaya but there is a painting/mural at the Ajantha (cave 17) which depicts Vijaya’s arrival in Lanka from Bengal. People who later became Sinhalese migrated from Bengal (Vijaya and his men) , they brought with them an Indo-Aryan Prakrit language which later developed into Sinhala. That is why the language experts call the Sinhala language as Indo-Aryan.

            The archaeological record dates human habitation to around 125,000 years. The last of them in Sri Lanka are the Veddas (most probably the descendants of the Balangoda man) but however, they have very little to do with the present day Sri Lankan population (Sinhalese and Tamils). In other words, the present day Sinhalese and Tamils are NOT the offsprings of the pre-historic generation of Sri Lanka. The present day population (Sinhalese and Tamils) are immigrants and their ancestry is in India (the latest genetic study on Sri Lankan population proves it). Only the Veddas are the original natives of Sri Lanka who descend from the pre-historic people of Sri Lanka.

        • 2


          Eehelepola was a Hero according to my My History book in Primary School .
          And I felt sorry for him..

          I mus revisit the History in those Books which our London Educated Boys and Girls wrote after doing their primary learning at the Anglican Schools in Colombo..

      • 1

        Thambapani Man,

        This Vijaya and Mahinda inspired Culture has left us some ancient monuments which are in the same league of great Pyramids of the Pharaohss, Amphitheaters of Aristotle and Colosseum of Claudius..

        If this Vijaya story is true , why didn’t his Daddy ‘ people leave such monuments in Hindia .at least in Orissa let alone Madrasa….

        That is why I strongly believe in Alexander the Great….

    • 5

      This stupid comment actually sounds like a comment made by a Balangoda Man…. yet to be evolved.

      This stupid man needs a lesson is science….. let’s do a Genetic test on the Medamulana clan or any other Sinhalese living in southern province and then the entire country can witness the truth !!

      • 5

        Yes True Sri Lankan:-
        Genetics may prove the Medamulana Clan are Hambayas who landed in

        • 3

          Absolutely correct.

    • 2

      KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

      “I thought this Land belongs to the Balangoda Man and Woman and their descendants..”

      It does.
      What has it got to do with Kallathonie descendants like you?

      • 2

        Dear Native,

        Why do I need a Kallathoni to come to Colombo from Balangoda?..

        My Elders tell me it is Dr Ranil’s Yahapalana Enforcer Mano Ganeshan and his Clan who came in Kallathonies.
        Wonder how did your Mates ,Sampathar , Sivajilingam and Abraham travel from Thamil Nadu?…

        BTW, From where did the Pommies bring your ancestors?. Madagaskar?…

    • 0

      Don’t you know that, despite building high-rise business headquarters & residential apartments, human culture is still land based. That means, all businesses – local & foreign – still require a plot of land. However, if Ra..kse bros could buy property in the largest “neocolonia” aka USA, why not neocolonials do the same here as long as those properties are not defined as belong to neocolonia as China (another neoclonia invisible to endangered species called Marxists) tried to do in the “Sand-City” in front of the old parliamentary building aka presidential secretariat (the office of P’naruwa scarecrow) by offering toy-car race track to the Ra..kse kids?

      By the way, the vast majority of ancestral S/B never had the fortune to own a piece of land; for they never could raise their status beyond the sharecroppers under real owners called feudal & royals. Poor sharecroppers had to be on constant vigilance to keep their wives & daughters from the eyes of the boss b’cos refusing the “wink” meant out of the homestead the next day.

      When ex-colonials came in, some sharecroppers found a new way of becoming landowning feudal themselves by providing services including women to new masters. That’s how M’mulana became the owners of vast spread of coconut estates seen in B’atta area these days.

      Therefore, despite the warning from Alexader Pope, “Little learning is a dangerous thing;… learning to utter a few English certainly had helped to become landowners, at least during the colonial days! In any case, as per BaRa right after the 2010 election, how miserable feeling it would have been not to have even singe coconut in the kitchen for the first death anniversary of the father! May not his soul suffer without coconuts for the kids now are the richest in whole island!

      But the poor sharecroppers; they still worship the M’mulana Walavauva fells like Gods. No wonder why Cardinal can’t find any fault with “white Van Culture”!

    • 1

      K.A. Sumanasekera:-
      Land does not belong to People!
      Land belongs to Planet Earth and the Universe!
      Think beyond your own Petty Identity and the Artificial Boundaries you have created for Yourself!
      The Boundaries of Birthplace, Colour, Caste, Race, Ethnicity, Religion, and anything else you have Surrounded Yourself With!
      What a Wonderful World that would Be, when Everyone works for the benefit of this Earth We call Home!!

  • 8


    Never was a truer word spoken and if only the idiots who think they own would stop and think !

  • 4

    K.A. Sumanasekera:-
    Read up the Latest Information about the origins of Humankind!
    All Humans originated in Africa and then Spread around the World!
    Even Balangoda Man originated in Africa and after a lot of Travelling, arrived in Sri Lanka through India!

    • 3


      “Even Balangoda Man originated in Africa and after a lot of Travelling, arrived in Sri Lanka through India!”

      The difference is that those descendants of Kallathonie who came recently from South India and converted to Sinhala/Buddhism now claim to be the sole owners of this island, Sumanasekera, Johnny Boy, Champass, JD, Eagle Blind Eye, .. somass, Helass, …

      • 1


        Did they find any skeletants and skulls of Balanagoda Man’s Uncles in Hindia?..
        There must have been a heck of a lot of Balangoda People there if your theory is true..

        If that is the case why the hell that Hindian King Rama had to to pick a Monkey as his Field Mrashall to rescue his lovely Missus from the Balangoda people?…

        • 1

          KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

          “If that is the case why the hell that Hindian King Rama had to to pick a Monkey as his Field Mrashall to rescue his lovely Missus from the Balangoda people?…”

          Hanuman was the rowing ambassador of the monkey king Sugriva. Nila was his commander in chief. Under Nila the monkey army engineers build the bridge between Rameshwaram and Talaimannar.

          Now what is your problem?

          It is like Mahawamsa stories or ape stories copied from Ramayana for example,

          Planet of the Apes
          Beneath the Planet of the Apes
          Escape from the Planet of the Apes
          Conquest of the Planet of the Apes
          Battle for the Planet of the Apes
          Planet of the Apes
          Rise of the Planet of the Apes
          Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

        • 1

          K.A. Sumanasekera:-
          It is not ‘My Theory’!
          Read the Latest Scientific Journals and News!
          The Sumanasekera Ancestors came from Africa through India as Well!!

  • 4

    “So, youngsters, break away from the past, think anew and steer our nation to greatness. You can !”
    All those with a vote your chance will come soon !!

  • 6

    Dr. UP. Who owns this land? The land owns us. This is neither Buddhist country or Islamic state, but just a country. The civilized system of governance was destroyed by the British in 18th century and handed over to some ordinary clowns to administer. The rowdies made their way through and have empties the treasury. It is up to the citizens to elect a leader other than 225+1 to revive their future.

  • 13

    Right from the time SWRD Bandaranayake came to power using the ‘Sinhala Only’ racial card, the politicians in Sri Lanka use the racial card as an ace to win elections. This is what both SLFP and UNP did for the last many decades and now the SLPP is doing it shamelessly. In the meantime, secretly they negotiate and sign pacts with the minority parties. The same old rogues are coming again asking for our votes. Are we going to elect them again and again knowing very well that they will rob the country?

  • 2

    The name the island was called during it’s history tells it’s own story. The Greeks and Romans from bc 300 to ad 400 when trade ceased due upheaval in southern Europe called it taprobane . After tapasaya ravana or tapu ravan. (Refer Smith classical dictionary )The Persians and Arabs who have been coming here before Islam called it serendip after hela diva –the island of the hela. They had a problem with sh sound. In India the opposite happened. The Muslims Invaders failed to penetrate the Sindh valley. So they called the people living beyond it hind or Hindu. When the British arrived they called the North Indians Hindustani. The hela people consist of four tribes – raksaha, naga. Yakka and Deva. Ravana was raksha king that ruled over the nagas. All this information can be asserted through archives of the royal society of Briton and Ireland, Colombo branch.

    • 6


      From ancient times, Sri Lanka was known by a variety of names. Thambapanni (Prince Vijay), Heladiva (Mahavamsa), Sinhale/Sihala Dipa (Deepavamsa), Lanka (Ramayana), Eelam (Tamil Sangam), Taprobane (Greeks), Serendib (Arabs), Mummudi Cholamandalam (during Chola rule), Ceilao (Portuguese), Ceylon (British), Ilankai (Tamil), Sri Lanka (Republican constitution). Today the official name of the island is Sri Lanka. Anybody and everybody can use the above names for their busnisses, but they cannot change the official name of the country without a constitutional change.

      Throughout the entire history, right from the beginning, Sri Lanka which was known by all the above names had NEVER been mono-ethnic but was always a multi-ethnic land with many different races/tribes, and the best evidence to prove this is none other than the Pali Chronicles.

      According to the Mahavamsa, before Vijay came from India to form the Sinhala kingdom, there were four different races/tribes in Heladiva known as Yaksha, Naga, Deva and Raksha (according to the ancient Indian Hindu, Buddhist & Jain texts, these same tribes were also living in India with many others). Hela was not a mono-ethnic race but a multi-ethnic nation comprising the above four races/tribes.

      According to the archeological/epigraphic evidence, during the early historic period the races/tribes that lived in the island of Lanka were Demadas, Kabojas/kambojas, Milekas, Muridis, Merayas, Jhavakas and the ruling clan were Lambakannas and Moriyas. It was multi-ethnic. Similarly, Sinhala during early historic period was a nation (not a mono-ethnic race) comprising of multi-ethnic races/tribes (including Vijay’s people, Elara’s people, Hela tribes and many others). The early Damilas/Tamils of Lanka were also a part of the Sinhala nation.


      • 6

        However, after the long Chola rule (Mummudi Cholamandalam, AD 993 – 1070) ended in Sri Lanka in the 11th century, a large part of the Chola Tamils (Saivate Hindus) neither returned back nor assimilated with the local Sinhala nation. Instead, they moved and settled in the North and created a new Tamil identity which later spread to the East as well. By the 13th Century, they created the Jaffna Kingdom. Later, by the late 14th Century, Muslims came as traders and settled in the island and formed another separate Muslim identity. The biggest mistake our rulers did was, allowing them to create separate Tamil, Muslim identities. Otherwise, if they were made to assimilate into the Sinhala nation, today all the Sri Lankans irrespective of race/religion will be known as Sinhalayo.

        Those South Indian agricultural labour/slaves brought by the Portuguese and the Dutch for cinnamon and tobacco plantation later assimilated with the local population and became Sinhalese (in the South) and Tamils (in the North). Only those brought by the British for Tea/Rubber plantation still remain as a separate group known as upcountry/estate Tamils. Several other new ethnic identities came into existance after that, such as Burghers, Malays, Estate Tamils and so on. Today, the multi-ethnic Sinhala nation is reduced to a mono ethnic Sinhala race along with many other races (Tamils, Muslims, Burghers, Malays, etc.). Therefore, today we cannot talk about a Sinhala Nation or a Sihala Dipa that existed once upon a time, it is now a Sri Lankan Nation and Sri Lanka. Before the 11th century AD, even the South Indian Invaders ruled the island as a Sinhala nation. It was only after the 11th century Chola rule ended, the Sinhala nation was reduced to a Sinhala race along with a Tamil race and our own rulers should be blamed for this.

        • 1

          Lots of incorrect history. Tamil invaders and immigrants from South India who did not return , were hardly assimilated into the Sri Lankan Tamil identity. but were largely assimilated into the Sinhalese identity. Most of these invasions were centered towards the Sinhalese areas and not the north and east. From the 12th century onwards immigration from South India towards the Tamil north and east was just a trickle but was the opposite in the south of the island. This is the reason the present day Sinhalese share 70% DNA with Indian Tamils , compared to the 17% DNA shared by Sri Lankan Tamils with the Indian Tamils ,. if the Sri Lankan Tamils were descended from these so called Chola invaders who did not return they will be sharing 100% DNA with Indian Tamils and not 17% %. Sri Lankan Tamils are largely descended from the indigenous Dravidian Naga tribes also known as Chera in classical Tamil who had adopted the Tamil language and assimilated into the Tamil identity around 3000 years ago
          Please read.
          The original Sinhalese( not the present ones , especially the so called low country variety are largely descended from assimilated South Indians( Tamils) invaders and immigrants) and the Sri Lankan Tamils share a 55% DNA, also the Sri Lankan Tamils are more closely related to the Kandyan Sinhalese , that to the low country Sinhalese. This is because they are largely descended from the indigenous Dravidian Naga and Yakka tribes . All these so called ancient names for the island , other than Lanka ( which is Austronesian ) are of Tamil/Dravidian origin. Taprobane or Thambapani is derived from the river Thamaraparani that flows in South Tamil Nadu and empties in to the Gulf of Mannar. The ancient Greeks who traded with the ancient Tamil got their geography wrong and called the island Taprobane

    • 3


      The archives of the royal society of Briton and Ireland, Colombo branch does not have any of this bull crap. Please do not lie.

      Do you know how to google?

      Why don’t you google and find out about the tribes of ancient India as mentioned in the ancient Indian texts (Hindu, Buddhist & Jain)?

      Out of the many ancient Indian tribes you will also find Yaksha, Rakshasa, Naga, and Deva. Yaksha, Naga, Rakshasa, and Deva tribes living in SL from ancient time is a mystery because there is NO archaeological/epigraphic evidence what so ever to prove it. Only the Mahavamsa says so and it is very clear from where the Mahavamsa has picked up these names/tribes.

      Other than what is said in the Mahavamsa, can you find any archaeological/epigraphic evidence to prove that such tribes existed in Sri Lanka?
      Even the Indians are saying Ramayana is a mythology. Ravana story is only found in the Ramayana. People can name certain things as Ravana ella and so on but there is no archaeological/epigraphic evidence what so ever to prove Ravana actually lived.

      • 2

        Thamba Man,

        ” No archaeology/ epigraphic evidence what so ever to prove it.”

        There are epigraphic records made by Yakksha & Naga people in Sri Lanka.

        • 2

          “There are epigraphic records made by Yakksha & Naga people in Sri Lanka”

          Where? Can you show us the link or any research articles or any books by an authentic archeologist to prove it?

          There is no archaeological/epigraphic records what so ever…

          • 0

            Thamba Man

            In epigraphic records words Yaka= yakksha, Naka= Naga. In some of them they have used these words before their names to be identified as they belong to these tribes.

            • 2


              Everything happened due to the Indian oceanic trade and migrations. Tradition came over the Indian Ocean to this country. ‘yaksha’, ‘naga’, ‘deva’, ‘raksha’, etc are Indo-Aryan mythology which was adopted to the island history. They are not indigenous to the island. In the Pali Chronicles, they are clearly depicted as mythical creatures. The concept of yaksha-naga-deva-raksha mythology is a widespread phenomenon that was shared across south Asia. It was part of the package we got when the Indian Tradition came over the Ocean. Even the terminologies, ‘yaksha’, ‘naga’, ‘deva’, ‘raksha’ are derived from Sanskrit. ‘yaksha’, ‘naga’, ‘deva’, ‘raksha’ tribes were also mentioned in the Indian Hindu, Buddhist and Jain texts. The Sri Lankan Pali chronicles have done a copy and paste job from the Mahabaratha. The adoption of Naga names during the early period was a fashion among local people (including kings) who had adopted the Indian Tradition. Yaksha, Naga, Raksha and Deva Place names and people names does not prove that thses tribes existed in Sri Lanka-South India region. People around the world always adopt names for self and places from their religious texts.

    • 2


      Ravana is not mentioned anywhere in the Pali chronicles Dipavamsa or Mahavamsa (please mention the chapter if you had seen it). Neither was it mentioned in any archaeological/epigraphic records. It is only found in the ancient Indian epic Ramayana. The Indian Epic Ramayana (420 B. C. Valmiki) in describing Rama and his people as Aryans, projects king Ravana and the inhabitants of Lanka as Dravidians and devotees of Lord Siva.

      It should be noted that Ramayana is another Indo-Aryan mythology that talks of the story of ‘Rama’ and ‘Ravana’ that happened very much before the Buddha. The Mahayana Buddhist text (not very old) has also adopted the same story from the Ramayana myth and calls it Lankavatara Sutta. Also, another very recent text is the Rajavaliya.

      Domesticated winged dinosaurs were used by ancient Sri Lankan kings as virtual spy planes (launched from the huge cave at Ella) to fight off an army of gigantic dinosaur gorillas from Indian invaders — which led to the whole ‘Ravana’ myth.

  • 5

    Dear Dr. Upatissa Petiyagoda,
    You are asking the youth to own this land now after it was destroyed to the level that cannot be recoverable. Today, majority of youth are slavery to drugs, robbery, alchoholism, racism and politicians. This is the way we brought up them. We taught them money and luxury life through bribe, robbery, lie cheat is necessary to live in the world and it has now become norm. Nobody is worried about rule of law and judiciary. They know you can simply buy even judges these days. They know well they can murder anyone and you can live freely lead a luxary life. This is the way we brought up this nation and our religions.
    It is too late!

  • 1

    It is all highly amusing. The LTTE diaspora are quoting the Mahavamsa which they previously claimed was a comic book. Morons.

    • 1

      Another July83 victim of my own shadow

      “The LTTE diaspora are quoting the Mahavamsa which they previously claimed was a comic book.”.

      It is.
      A lion raping a beauty, and she giving birth to a new race, ….. parricides, incests, … you, …. Weerawansa, …

  • 2

    This country belongs to all its’ inhabitants and they must be governed by one rule of law .

  • 0

    Writer’s referrence to his ‘good old days’, and names he drops are indicative of the glaring contradictions of haves and havenots. The residue of emulators of Li Kwan Yu who cited ‘Ceylon’ as an example to follow do not even pause to think what the hell he saw in the country. At the time of his visit the country was grappling with abject powerty, malnutrition and illiteracy, 10 Years after the exit of the British. With all said and done the gap between the haves and havenots has been narrowed since 1956. Guiness Stout at Savoy Building mentality is gone for good. Not even the working class would seek that venue for a drink to-day, one would suppose.

  • 0

    To whom does Sri Lanka belong to? It belongs to West, China, and India.

  • 0

    Malthus presented his population theory at a time when the concept of “progress” was barely beginning to be taken as a measure of human affairs. The idea of planned parenthood was not heard of then. Therefore, Malthus expressed his theory in terms natural laws common to all organism in a natural setting: Increase of population will be balanced by natural causes such as famines, plagues, wars etc. Even though socialist and Marxist found this very offensive, Darwin found a gem in it to base his theory of natural selection.

    Today, we are immersed in the concept of progress without ever bothering to think that it has no absolute natural meaning but instead it can be defined only within limited criteria. Usually, in almost all cases, progressive measure bring own set of new problems with it. For example, increase public health creates an explosion of population; increase family income help to own a personal vehicle which i turn create traffic jams & air pollution; and so on. What we encounter as depressive problems today are nothing but by-product of solutions which were adopted with great fanfare as progressive measures in the past.

    However, there is a way to limit the amount of harm. That is the assuring the expertise of the decision makers. This is true both at micro level (Gvt & companies) and micro level (families & individuals). When it comes to politics, these two extremes become highly interrelated b’cos it is my/your vote that decide who will run the Gvt. How many of us ever bothered to ask oneself why our own color-blindness helps inept (and corrupt) representatives stay in elected bodies which must take crucial decisions affecting our own future?

    Therefore, if we expect our kids to grow up loving the country, then we as adults must create the environment of educated decision making today or else, they also will chose whatever available for them as right!

  • 0

    Sonia gandhi is italian origin Born in a small village near Vicenza, Italy, was the President of the Indian National Congress (INC) from March 1998 to December 2017. They did not think where they belong. There theory is all from india but how this happened and accepted by india.

    • 1

      I go along with your argument up to the corrupt and gutless aging politicians from all fronts. We need to go back in time to reintroduce a merit-based education system and naturally the employment opportunities too. Affirmative actions can be taken where it is needed like improved education facilities etc.

      Mr. Sumanasekera,
      Our country is in the downward spiral because of narrow-minded people like yourself. A typical product of suya basa education with tunnel vision. Wake up and start smelling the roses.

      I could not agree with you more Mr. Fernando!!! That Bandaranaiake family ruined the country and idiots who followed them subsequently are and were gutless goons.

      In conclusion, all I can say is that even now our thinking is going back to the past identities and religious origins. We simply got to break away from it. Put religion in its proper place and it should not interfere in the matters of state. We should follow the Singapore model and build a nation of true patriots and stop playing emotional cheep politics.

  • 0

    I go along with your argument up to the corrupt and gutless aging politicians from all fronts. We need to go back in time to reintroduce a merit-based education system and naturally the employment opportunities too. Affirmative actions can be taken where it is needed like improved education facilities etc.

    Mr. Sumanasekera,
    Our country is in the downward spiral because of narrow-minded people like yourself. A typical product of suya basa education with tunnel vision. Wake up and start smelling the roses.

    I could not agree with you more Mr. Fernando!!! That Bandaranaiake family ruined the country and idiots who followed them subsequently are and were gutless goons.

    In conclusion, all I can say is that even now our thinking is going back to the past identities and religious origins. We simply got to break away from it. Put religion in its proper place and it should not interfere in the matters of state. We should follow the Singapore model and build a nation of true patriots and stop playing emotional cheep politics.

  • 0

    The good Doctor, is trying hard to say that the youth of Sri Lanka should take control of their future. There is no racism as the comments seem to bring out, as it is a fact – that the facts stated are glaringly true. Many dont want to hear the truth, but as usual – rest on now withered laurels. Sri Lanka will never be Singapore – but if the ship is righted, it may start growing to be one. Remember it is said, that Sri Lanka (Ceylon) was an example – used to build Singapore. That sadly was a good 50 odd years ago. The time has come for everyone to look in the mirror, and ask where the Island should be in the next 25 years and not fifty.

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