12 December, 2024


Treating Elderly – Two Pictures: Namal Rajapaksa And Ranil Wickremesinghe

By Colombo Telegraph

“Elderly people are now who you will one day become. Respecting their wisdom, knowledge, grace and fortitude should come second nature to younger generations but it isn’t always the case. Sometimes we need reminding of why it is so important to respect our elders for what they have to impart to us that will help ease our journey through life. They should always be respected like you want them to respect you. Finding ways to respect and honor older people is often a pathway to better understanding and acceptance of your own concerns and ideas about aging. Learning about the ways other people have coped with growing older can give you greater insight into taking better care of yourself now and realizing that with old age often comes great new opportunities and a wiser self”. – How to Respect Older People – Wiki How


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    The guy paying obeisance to Namal is Prof Nalin De Silva, if I’m not mistaken. This guy was on a TV talk show recently (wadapitiya) and said that the only hope to for Sri Lanka is to return to the Anuradapura Era. Perhaps he is practicing. Ranil on the other hand, is assuming the posture that he is most accustomed too.

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      Being respectful to older folk is a very good thing, but the fact is that many older folk, except for Madam Serasinge – in the political, government and NGO circles today, the elderly generation – is a huge part of the problem of the lack of values and ethics in public life in Lanka.
      The majority of the older political and civil society leaders are NEGATIVE ROLE MODELS for the younger generation in Sri Lanka. Just check out the dead leftists who have mortgaged all principles and are supporting the military dictatorship… What ROLE MODELS?
      Mahinda Rajapassa and goon Gota can look forward to being arrested like former Pakistan military dictator, Musharaff in old age – given the governance structures and culture that they promoted.
      Today’s elderly generation still tends to cling to power and priveledge and shut out the youth from leadership. But the future is with youth who have cleaner, less corrupt hands – hence the 2 youth uprisings in Lanka – JVP and LTTE of marginalized youth from impoverished communities.

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      Wondeful stuff, mate

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    Pictures speak louder than Words!

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    The lady in the picture looks like Iranganie Serasinghe. The lady worthy of respect and honor. It shows the true character of one leader a mature politician and the other a young punk.

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      Many of the commentators seem to attack the first family for this. But dont you think lack of respect among the youth in general in the country today is a general problem ?

      Sure the polticians should be exemplary so that young generations can follow them. But the people have voted for them and stupidity of them created the unprecedeted situ in the country today or not ?

      The main problem with youth in lanken society today: seniors seem to be dead silent whatever burning issue is there. SUCH A PASSIVE OBSERVERS WE HAVE NOT BEEN IN THE PAST: I think this one would notice in the first glance if you WOULD come and visit the country after a long time.
      I have been living on the west for the last 2 decades, whenever I visit my elderly parents each year, I GET upset seeing how the youth behave today in the country. They dont care even if their parents or family ones are attacked by anyone. No matter parents worry about their, they just continue what they think is correct. I know may be I cant generalize it, but a wide majority of youth are like that. Be they are from the village or urban areas, this has been no difference. Hand phone culture and internet may have been one of the main reasons. Parents are not educated enough to make a picture about their own children, because they are not computer literate. Parents stay dead silent even if the grown up children do whatever they want. Earlier, I thought people on the west lack manners towards their parents or seniors but the difference is remarkably changed in SL during the last three decades. This should be compared with alike countries in the region. Lanken authorities in socio and psychology depts should work on finding solutions in the areas we have lacked to improve in the last few decades. One would excuse by saying that the war held for the last 30 or more years destroy all the values. But I truly believe it is not war but religious leaders, society builders and their due tasks have been neglected and that is the main reason youngsters to behave in that way.

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    @Bedrock Barney
    Ranil is a gentleman, and not a racist sycophant like Prof Nalin De Silva.

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      I am no fan of Namal BUT……Ranil talks non stop about Westminister model and practices in UK but never follows. He has lost so many elections but hangs on without giving a chance to someone else !
      Before someone comments that there is no suitable leadership in the UNP –well take the Tory party in UK, after their election defeat in 1997 it took several leaders (who all resigned as soon as they failed to win the elections for the party) before they found David Cameron !
      Unfortunately Ranil just wants to be opposition leader (since he is treated as VIP abroad ) for personal reasons–this is not a sign of a “gentleman”

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        Dev, I agree about Ranil. But what is your view on Prof. Nalin De Silva paying obeisance to Namal and Namal accepting it?

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          It proves that Namal has more wisdom than Nalin.

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            Justice – your comment frankly tells more about your wisdom than about either Nalin’s or Namal’s!

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              True but I think when you are too old to do anything good politicians have to retire.
              Namal was always a write off. He cheats at exams to begin with

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      Presidunce Bean:
      Even though I am NOT any longer a Ranil W fan, I have to agree with you about him. And Iranganie Serasinghe is a credit to the human race, as someone once said, not just to Sinhala Buddhist (Kandyans)from Sabaragamuwa! CT could not have found a greater contrast even though a brother-in-law of that great lady happens to be a member of the pandam-hamudawa (cabinet)of The Punk’s father!

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      Firstly, I was referring to his posture, he appears to be bending over. That seems to be come to him quite naturally, perhaps practice has role to play.

      Secondly, he may hail from Colombo 7 and talk the talk. Yet as we all know that actions are louder than words and one’s class is defined by one’s actions.

      Thirdly, the game he is involved in, is not best suited for GENTLEMAN. It is not easy to dislike Ranil, as you say he has a gentlemanly way about him. Disliking him is an acquired taste. He forces you to dislike him. Perhaps it is because when you need him the most, he is seen in the above mentioned posture in relations to his political opponents.

      As for the Professor,…. as you say sir!

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        What kind of gentlemen hang on to power for perks?

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      Gentleman’s club! Ah the Kiwis love ringing the church bells. :)
      All that glitters is not gold though old may be.

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    I am no fan of either one. But I think the two photos are not good for comparison. Any one in SL would bow down to Mrs. Serasinghe. A classy person would have treated all old people with respect. But we don’t know what happened before or after Namal’s photo.

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      I know what happened after DR. Nalin’s bow – he and his relatives got better jobs and perks!

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        I have confirmed from Prof Nalin that it is not him who is in that photograph. Those who wrote vituperative comments on him should be ashamed of themselves. If they have the slightest decency they should apologise to Prof Nalin on the same website they chose to write.

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        Goraka that was a superb answer,the professor and his family will be well off for that bow to Namal!!

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      Exactly! one can not jump to conclusions based on a single photo. Atleast one more phote before Namal accepted betel could have some indication wether Namal was respectful or not but from the facial expression of Prof.he seems quite content. But offering betel should be the otherway around,in my opinion,the young should offer beetle to the elder.

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    If it is Nalin de S, one has to be ashamed of the levels our once decent and respected society has come to. If it was genuflecting to the President, it is a different matter. Greeting the younger man in normal levels of courtesy is welcome – going down virtually on your knees and appearing to be sycophantic – is not acceptable. And that too by a man, who tells us all what our cultural moorings are and how we should behave – as opposed to his pet nemesis of the Judeo-Christian-US conspiracy – he strongly imposes on us weekly.


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      “If it is Nalin de S, one has to be ashamed of the levels our once decent and respected society has come to”

      The revisionist has lot of other things to be ashamed of.

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      Your comment reminds me of an episode in 1973, when I was 12 years old. When visiting my father’s parents’ estate in Veyangoda I was surprised to be taken to the front verandah, where a group of “villagers” (as they were identified to me) lined up to “pay their respects”. I remember feeling rather uncomfortable when an old lady, who would have been in her seventies, lay prostrate on the ground in front of me, calling me “haamu”.

      No one in my family told me this was wrong – it was a “time-honoured tradition” where the “lower classes” were expected to be obsequious to the “land-owners”. The class structure deeply ingrained in Sri Lankan and Indian society, combined with the caste system, has allowed tyranny by the upper classes and castes. In recent times, the “professional classes” may have subverted the position of the “land-owning classes” to some extent, but the injustices continue.

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    This shows their high mindedness. Parents not teaching good value to their kids. Power and Position brought them to the gutter values. So for my fellow countrymen, people of Mother Lanka, you ask for it, you got it and enjoy it, well and good, for years to come.

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      I would say – it shows how humble seniors have been while the juniors that joined the politics through their families may know nothing but their false pride.

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    Yes, it is the great Nalin De Silva paying obeisance to Namal. Why not? MR permitted Nalin to continue not only teaching but as Dean of the Faculty of Science at Kelaniya even after the legal retirement age of 65 years (section 73, Universities Act). Science Fac academics were furious but when a lawyer offered to appear free if they come forward to challenge Nalin continuing as Dean, none came forward. UGC was silent. The VC and Bursar should have been surcharged but the Auditor General was also silent.

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    I think the pictures are meant to compare Namal’s behaviour with that of Iranganie. My caption would be:
    “Look how the arrogant young fellow and the respectable
    lady both treat elderly men who are of no use to the country”.

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    Nalin Silva is paying obeisance to the Clown Prince of Lamborginistan who holds a special degree from Law College LLB (Air Conditioned). Maybe he will be endowed with a Mercedes and made VC of Kelania University for his servile efforts.

    Ranil is paying respects to a great lady of Theater and Cinema and well educated at University of Ceylon and London School of Speech Training and Dramatic Art.

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    How beautiful to see the son following the father’s footsteps in rubbing the heads of old ladies and holding babies. Any way son is a little different , he is poojafying a racist.

    Everybody praises the son as a lover of babies and old people like the father and he is admired for him being a total vegetarian- not even Ummbalakada. Is he vegan also. Anyway there are charming characters like Hitler who was a vegetarian and he never ate meat, I suppose he never tolerated killings but I presumed he thought Jews were lesser creaturs than animals. Former President Premadasa was also a vegetarian.

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    Having seen these two pictures, thus I reflect :
    I have not been a Ranil fan, but I am one now.
    I have been a Namal fan but I am not one now.

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    Somebody told me that MUKA LINGA PUJA ( bow to make your mouth very close to the other persons secret part) is very popular way of showing respect in SL, specially to Rajapakse family

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    This shows how arrogant Namal is. He is acknowledging Nalin’s obeisance in the same way an elder treats a younger person. Like father, like son. But Nalin! Oh! My God Vishnu!How low can even an educated man go down? This is MR’s Sri Lanka.

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    The guy worshiping Namal seems Prof.Nail.
    If that is so, what a shameful person is he?
    This slavishness shown in the picture is a disgrace
    to what he preachers and to his his intelligence.
    A downright impudence for a man succumbed such a low level.

    Chandra Seneviratne

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    Mark – You are right and your remarks appropriate.

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    Prof. Nalin De Silva is kowtowing the Crown Prince and the Crown Prince is blessing the Professor “may all sinhala Buddhists protect you in the new year”.

    The former PM Ranil Wickremasinghe is wishing Mrs. Iranganie Serasinghe the popular Queen of tele-cinema, “Subha Aluth Awruddak wewa”! and Mrs IS is “Obatath Esema wewa”.

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    The old man facing Namal is doing the opposite of what is expected of him. This young usurper apparently got used to this treatment while schooling by a few of his shameless teachers who were fishing for favours. For example, who was Ronnie Ibrahim then and now?

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      May be these both were indians in their last souls. I have met high caste indian students in Europe sitting on the table while their lower cast indian professors teachinng them being on the floor. So their behaviours are somewhat comparable to the picture in which NR and the old person exhcange their saluts.

      Anyway, Namal has to learn lot more if he has to win the hearts of the lanken people. Just because of President´s son is not qualified enough to get on with lanken average. Right at the moment – those masses knelt down the Rajapakshes seem to staty scared still – realizing what happend to them :(

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    The difference here is that the young punk does not deserve the respect afforded to him by the elderly man but the lady does deserve it. Rani l’s w wcharacter and humility is well known and commendable whereas Nalin is a shameless arselicker who will bow in front of any dog if it is of b.enefit to him

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    Is this elderly man worshiping Namal R. is Dr. Nalin de Silva, it reminds me the famous dreams of king Kosol.

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    Iam not interested in these pictures. Speaking of respect to Elders, I am a pensioner who did not have a rice meal since last New Year 12th April [And today is 19th April] while President and others were celebrating the dawn of New Year with Kiri-bath and sweets. Isn’t it time to open Soup kitchens like in US and like Mrs Obama our First Lady too served in these kitchens; or like ‘Amma Kitchens’ in Tamil Nadu for helpless old folk like me?

  • 0

    The picture of Namal reflects the arrogant seeds of dictatorship
    built up by his father.Instead of worshiping the elderly Namal relishes the elderly person worshiping him.Roles reversed against accepted
    traditional values in our culture.
    Balachandran was said to have been killed because he carried the
    possibility of building up another terrorist war in the future like
    his father Praba.
    Like father -like son.

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    Weeraketiye Raja usnaya gahapu ,Kaju kiri Kolla and Kespahunu(gray haired) /Colombo born seven Hate Lord Ranil.Do you expect anything more things from this people.Both of them in their day today business say Ayubovan and make a kapati political smile with everyone.Our Gon Pandithayan’s waiting for use their maximum strength to write silly some thing free opportunity from this free column.


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    Namala rajapassa mala pere…tha Haththa.

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    All I could say is this is the difference between a respectable educated class and breed of people and a mere Iguana “Katussa” who lately got a crown on his head.

    these are the discendants of Game Amude gahapu, kurakkan kapu, Karatte karayas (Bullock cart riders) who ate kurukkan later came to power and now destroying our country.

    This Professor Nalin De silva is the one who said that both Science and Math are mere myths and which are not relevant to our education systems.
    Of couse these muts cannot figure out anyhing came from West although having Doctor rates, after following a blind religion which goes no where.

    What use this professor has done to Sri Lanka is anybody’s guess other than been a lecturer at a university. He has not even produced a single theorem or a single calculation or an invention….while using western I Pads, I phones, Face book, Google, TV, Video,eating Pizzas driving cars and using Aeroplanes. I wish he travels in his native Gon Karatte wearing Amude, eating Tala guli.

    It is not the ass Benders, or ass licki…r or Fake Maharajanos that people are looking for. People are looking for some leader who could give them a decent life to live without giving extra burdens by increasing prices of every available commodity and service.

    It’s enough playing fake comedy tricks on people giving full TV, media coverages. Get back to serious business and solve country’s genuine problems or get ready to be kicked our from the society.

    Army, Navy, Police,BBS will be no match when people rise against unjust crooks.

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    I don’t see anything wrong with Prof. de Silva’s greeting, a customary greeting, by slightly leaning forward with hands press together and etc. It doesn’t matter if someone is old or young for this way of greeting. But look at the way Naamal as a youngster(with too much ego)is acknowledging Nalin’s greeting. Someone should discipline the boy N.amal.

    Out of the 225 current parliamentarians , Ranil is the only one who’s a born and bred Cinnamon gardens Colombo 7 guy who’s said to be a nephew of Mrs. Serasinghe.

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    Nalin de silva type of character is very common in sri lanka.Being of a [Edited out] he has no recognizion in his own socity. It is the west which has given him an education, social mobility and the right to call himself a “dr”.But the fraud and hyypocrite that he is nalin will not recognize that. Obviously because of his unseemly ways and lack of gentlemanly behaviour he cannot go far in the west( or even in any other country) which hurts his big ego.So he can only vomit in poor sri lanka. The true nalin de silva is seen there bent before this upstart young man. What a disgusting act for a man in his 70s !

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    Agree with most of your comments. As to “Get back to serious business and solve country’s genuine problems..” They simply do not have the grey matter themselves or of those whom they have chosen as Advisers
    to get this done. We are at the starting point of sheer chaos and total disorder in the country. The CEB hike is the first inevitable step. Where is Pavithra’s brouhaha here when she took over and said there will be no further increases – following the vain boast of that fake – otherwise claiming to be from Patalipura.

    “…Or get ready to be kicked our from the society…) ??? This will take sometime, pal. Who is there to organise a national effort. The much-pampered army is in their hands – and so everything else. Looked at in hindsight, that much spoken of issue of the attempted Coup in 1962 by gentlemen-officers who thought of the country first, was the product, some claim, of visionaries who feared the country will go down the precipice. They appear to have been proven right. Those men feared if politicians try to politicise the army the country will suffer enormously. They were, Sir, not wrong entirely.


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    The professor is pleading with Namal to look after his children when he becomes the king mahinda 2 after King mahinda 1 dies.As for Ranil he is used to that pose when he meets mahinda privately and also when he receives it from his partner.

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      There lies the problem. Prof. should not feel like that NR is above law. So long professors or seniors as a whole would stay behave so – youngters would not learn it.

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