By S. I. Keethaponcalan –
On April 21, 2019, three Catholic churches and three high-end hotels in Colombo were blown up leading to the death of hundreds of people including several foreign nationals. As of today, more than 250 people have been killed. The explosions also maimed hundreds more. It was later revealed that all of the attackers were suicide bombers and they were from the Sri Lankan Muslim community, the second largest minority group in the country.
The attacks inherently conveyed a number of messages. First, the terrorists wanted to kill as many people as possible. It was Easter Sunday. They knew that a large number of people attend mass on that day. The churches targeted were relatively small structures. For example, Saint Anthony’s Church was small in size compared to Saint Lucia’s Cathedral located in the same area. Presumably, they were looking for small structures with a large number of people to have a high impact.
Second, the targets were “Western” in nature. According to even local perspectives, the Church and Christianity are Western inductions. They are not “local.” The high-end hotels targeted, especially the Shangri-La Hotel and Kingsbury, are frequented mostly by Western visitors and tourists, although one can find Sri Lanka’s superrich in these spots. Hence, it was an attack on the “West” undertaken in Sri Lanka. It is this factor that justifies the argument that it was an act of revenge for the Christchurch massacre of March 2019. Perhaps, Sri Lanka was considered a soft target.
Third, the local terrorists could not have done it without the assistance of international forces. The resources and manpower needed for an attack of this magnitude could be tremendous. Local organizations were not capable of independently mounting an attack like this. It was against this backdrop an ISIS connection was suggested. Within a couple of days, ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack and celebrated the “achievement.” In Sammanthurai, where many suicide bombers were located and killed, ISIS flags and other symbols were discovered. On April 29, ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi himself acclaimed the Sri Lanka operation. Al-Baghdadi’s intervention put to rest any doubts about the ISIS connection to the Sri Lankan Easter Sunday massacre.
Zahran Hashim
Despite these apparent facts, many, who were directly and indirectly affected by the attack and its effects could not understand the nature of the targets and the brutality involved. Even some expert commentators claimed that they could not understand the whole tragedy. I cannot claim that I understood either. While discussing the “Muslim issue” in my recent book entitled Post-war Dilemmas of Sri Lanka: Democracy and Reconciliation, I pointed out that,
“A parallel process of radicalization has been taking place within the Muslim community, along with the process of separate ethnic identity formation. New Muslim sects and groups which preach and, at times, force the adoption of a pure form of Islam have gained prominence. Consequently, public displays of faith, including dress code, haircut, and beard, have come to symbolize Muslim existence and power in the regions where they predominantly live. The process of radicalization has also led to internal violence within the Muslim community. Some of them have joined hands with transnational terrorist organizations, for example, ISIS, to wage jihad” (p.133).
The analysis indicated that tension and violence would escalate. I did not expect an attack of this magnitude. I wanted to understand more. I thought the best way to understand the barbarism demonstrated by attacking purely civilian targets was to understand the psyche and philosophy of Zahran Hashim, the alleged mastermind of the Easter Sunday massacre. I know he spoke Tamil, which he most likely treated as his “home-language.” Since he was often described as a “Youtuber,” I searched online for his videos. To my surprise, I could not find much. Either, social media companies have removed his videos or I was doing a wrong search.
Nevertheless, I located one video, which runs for 5.58 minutes. I was shaken by what I heard. First, I was puzzled by the question, how did we miss this? Then I was forced into a dilemma of whether to share the translation. I started to translate and transcribed intending to share with the readers. His “sermon” was extraordinarily provocative and had the potential to invite violence. Hence, I decided not to publish the entire transcript. Only relevant excerpts are used for this analysis. The reason for sharing the excerpts is that the sermon contains enough warnings. Perhaps, it will help prevent future violence.
My Takeaway
I have a number of main takeaways from Zahran Hasim’s pronouncements.
1. He was right. In his speech, Zahran promised that we would be busy picking up blown up bodies. He claimed, “You will only have time to pick up your blown-up bodies. We will continue to send you to hell in large numbers.” That came true on Easter Sunday. He was not bluffing. Therefore, we should take his other assertions seriously and treat them as early warnings. This could prevent further attacks and bloodshed. We should research his other sermons and publications, if any, to develop our understanding of the philosophy and plan.
2. Civilian targets are fair game. Some of my friends were at a loss to understand the reason why civilians were targeted. According to Zahran’s interpretation of Islam and Quran, there is no difference between civilian and military targets. He said, “my brothers, do not distinguish between army, police or general kafir (infidel). They all are the same. In Islam, there are no separate laws for those who wear police uniform or military uniform. The only difference in Islam is between Muslims and kafir. You must know that the markkam (Islam) does not distinguish between military and civilians.” Therefore, from the perspective of the terrorists, non-Muslim civilian targets are entirely legitimate. If Zahran’s followers are still active, we should expect more attacks on non-Muslim civilian targets.
3. It was against the Buddhists. Originally, Zaran’s fight was not against Christians. This is what he had to say about his jihad (holy war) against the Buddhists,
“Meanwhile, we wish to say a few things to Allah’s enemies and infidels. Infidels and enemies of Allah, your destruction has started. We have counted every mosque you have destroyed, and we remember every shop you scorched. Blood of Muslims you have killed will not be wasted. Inshallah, we will avenge this. You will feel the pain of jihad, the scale of jihad, and the weight of jihad. You will see the agonizing cry of every Buddhist…We will certainly destroy those who destroyed our mosques. Even then, our knives will not be satisfied. Buddhist extremists, we will certainly come for you. We tell the Buddhist kafir who destroyed our temples and who torched our properties that we will come for you. Your police, your military and your intelligence (services) will be useless in front of Imani strength of the mujahideen.”
Perhaps, this video was made before he became a member of ISIS. Becoming a member of ISIS forced him to turn his guns against Christians and Westerners. However, there is no reason to believe that Buddhism in Sri Lanka is not a target any more. Some of the media reports connected to discoveries from terrorist hideout could also confirm this possibility. Buddhist locations, especially Buddhist places of worship should be monitored and protected, in addition to Christian churches and Hindu temples.
4. The promise of jihad. Zahran promised to wage war in Sri Lanka. He thundered, “Inshallah, soon, we will open the market of jihad in this country. You will not only hear but see the sights of thousands of our suicide bombers destroying you with a smile on their faces. Because it is the path our liberator promised….” Perhaps, it is already here, and thousands of suicide bombers are waiting with a smile on their faces. We do not know. I do not see why this cannot be the case. His promise of suicide massacre came true.
5. Anti-Muslim violence. It is clear that the anti-Muslim riots unleashed after the end of the civil war have contributed immensely to Zahran’s anger and mobilization. He said, “if they damage your mosques, destroy their vihara. If you are killed in this journey, you will definitely be a shaheed (martyr). Based on the evidence provided by the markkam, I am telling you that this is your duty. According to (Muslim) legal scholars, there is no bigger vagib (duty) than stopping the kafir…” The recent anti-Muslim violence could have also helped radicalize and mobilize other Muslims as well. Therefore, concerned parties have a responsibility to bring under control the anti-Muslim rhetoric and violence.
change / May 3, 2019
his name is zahran not shahran please get that right
clean slate / May 3, 2019
He gives a Tamil slant to all names including his own which really is Guy de Fontgallen.
Babalathappu / May 3, 2019
What they did during their so long PATRIOTIC governance ?
1) Let Drug kin pins like MAKANDURUE Madhush to rise up and destroy the nation
2)Let BBS and Mahasona or the like BUDDHIST racial movement become above the law and destroy minority srilankens – as a results those ultra extremist muslims had to build up
3)Let pro Rajapakshe men to loot the state (Gonthadipila, Rohitha Abeygunawardhana, Jonsten Fernando, Balligeputha Aluthgamage, Wimal Buruwanse and several others became ultra WEALTHY thanks to Rajapakshe total ignorance rule, but filling their and others pockets defining that was the PATRIOTISM
4)Now forgetting all these, Rajapakshe groups endeavour to paint the picture as ” if they had been in power, nothing like that would have been consequence” although all is proved that RAJAPAKSHEs and their rule let these MUSLIM extremists to become ultra extremists and suicidal forces.
Amarasiri / May 3, 2019
Dr. S. I. Keethaponcalan,
RE: Understanding Zahran: Sri Lanka’s Ultra Terrorist
Part 1 (297 Words)
Thanks for the article.
In order to understand Zahran: Sri Lanka’s Ultra Terrorist, you need to FIRST understand Wahhabism-Salafism and its clones such as ISIS, the so-called Tauheed (monotheism) movements such as Jamats, IDEOLOGY. Go to Islamic sources and their interpretation, and contrast with the interpretation of the other Muslims such as Sufis, Shia and Ahmedia.
1. ) Start from the Hadith of Najd. Just Google, Hadith of Najd.
“O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Shaam. O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Yemen.” The people said, “O Messenger of Allaah, and our Najd.” I think the third time the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said, “There (in Najd) will occur earthquakes, trials and tribulations, and from there appears the Horn of Satan.”
Scholar from al-Azhar: Wahhabism is a Satanic Faith, the Horn of the Devil that Muhammad Predicted
How to debate with the so-called Wahhabi Salafiyyah and clones.
What do they have in common per Islamic sources above? Inferences from Islamic sources and Islamic Theology.
1. They follow the Devil, Satan, Iblis.
2. They originated in Najd, Saudi Arabia, which is in Riyadh area, where Abdul Wahhab Originated, and preached his Satanic ideology.
The first Massacre by Wahhabi-Salafis, the Wahhabi sack of Karbala.
The Wahhabi sack of Karbala occurred on 21 April 1802 (1216 Hijri) (1801[1]), under the rule of Abdul-Aziz bin Muhammad the second ruler of the First Saudi State. Approximately 12,000 Wahhabis from Najd attacked the city of Karbala.
Plundered the tomb of Husayn ibn Ali, grandson of Prophet Muhammad and destroyed its dome, The attack lasted for eight hours, after which the Wahhabis left the city with more than 4,000 camels carrying their plunder.
Sinha / May 3, 2019
You have forgotten to mention the attack on the Church in Batticaloa? Wonder if that is intentional or unintentional?
Natashya / May 3, 2019
Isn’t the terrorists name Zaharan Hashim? Incorrect spelling in title and article
Sach / May 3, 2019
Killing with a smile on the face, that explains why the bugger was smiling like an idiot before his own death at Shangrila .
Ad / May 3, 2019
4. The promise of jihad. Shahran promised to wage war in Sri Lanka. He thundered, “Inshallah, soon, we will open the market of jihad in this country. You will not only hear but see the sights of thousands of our suicide bombers destroying you with a smile on their faces. Because it is the path our liberator promised….”
Liberator has promised? Why should he promise something which the souls cannot do? Faith cannot preach such foolish ideas? Liberator may suggest well being of humanity, not destruction. Destruction cannot be part of goo faith.
Sach / May 3, 2019
While it’s true that Muslims as a whole aren’t terrorists a significant number of them have been his supporters. It is certainly hundreds or even thousand. That’s why you find swords in most mosques. They expected a backlash and the weapons were stored to use later. So those who were involved in bringing swords distributing them and storing them had some idea about the attack.
s / May 3, 2019
Not necessary, the muslims was targeted even without a reason in Aluthgama, Ampara and kandy. The hate speeches made by BBS was sufficient for a mad idiot like Zaharan to radicalize the youths. The country as a whole missed an golden opportunity to bring all communities and different religion together after the war. The biggest culprit are the politicians who love divide and rule. We all love this country , we must try to isolate and eliminate all radicals irrespective of religion.
Sach / May 3, 2019
Agree with what you say Islamaphobia and rabid dog gnanasara antics certainly helped him. But this cannot be limited to that aspect. After all Zahran was talking about Kafirs.
Lasitha / May 3, 2019
The problem is why did isis attack syris and iraq?
Rev gnanasara has never been there.
Due to a blessing in disguise for him gnanasara is in prison.
Otherwise likes of you with tunnel vision will indict hom in easter bombing
Native Vedda / May 3, 2019
Will you now campaign/pester the state and its rulers to ban everything written in Arabic, Mosques, Islamic Traditional dress, Quran, Arabic Names, ……………… Dates, Petrol, Financial Assistance, Loan, Arab job opportunities, Tourists, ………… ?
It will teach the “”Islamic”” terrorist a lesson they will not forget.
HLD M may help you.
Sach / May 3, 2019
Why ban Arabic language and that cultural aspects? To force your Tamil in their throats?
ABCD / May 3, 2019
Because at least Tamil is local to the subcontinent.
sach / May 3, 2019
But we suffered from Tamil chauvinism as well. So No again.
Lester / May 3, 2019
Al-Baghdadi took credit for the attack. In his video, he says it is retaliation for Baghuz, the last remaining ISIS stronghold in Syria. It seems as if ISIS wanted to remind the world – especially the West- it still has the capability to carry out spectacular attacks. These attacks are also recruiting tools for future ISIS members. They show the power and reach of ISIS. ISIS are expert bomb-makers. Particularly with VBIED’s, in which a car or truck is outfitted with a large quantity of explosives and then driven into a high-security area or through a checkpoint. The impact is so large that any structures in the immediate vicinity are reduced to rubble. In the Sri Lankan attacks, ISIS did not wish to destroy the churches. The aim was simply to maximize the fatality count. As the author correctly points out, the crudest method was used -target small areas with a high population density using human suicide bombers.
It is incorrect to state that ISIS blindly kills Jews and Christians. In Islam, Jews and Christians are considered “people of the book.” This is in contrast to “pagan” worshippers such as polytheists and animists, who are the lowest on the kafir scale. That is why ISIS showed mercy to many Christians in Syria, but treated the Yazidi like animals. Historically, Jews and Christians could live in Muslim-controlled areas so long as they paid a tax (jizya). But to join the ruling class, one had to become Muslim. So in stark contrast to Christianity, Islam was able to convert large segments of a conquered population through relatively peaceful means. ISIS, for whatever reason, still follows this logic. So it is surprising that “people of the book”, as opposed to Buddhists, were deliberately targeted in these attacks, during the Mass itself. It is a new low, even for ISIS.
AConcernedCitizen / May 3, 2019
Very well written article. I’m shocked this video of his hadn’t set off any bells ringing back when it was published.
I was sad to have read one thing however:
“It was later revealed that all of the attackers were suicide bombers and they were from the Sri Lankan Muslim community, the second largest minority group in the country”
When you say ‘Sri Lankan Muslim Community’ you’re linking about 2 million Sri Lankans with these attacks. As if these terrorists were representing the Muslims of Sri Lanka. Which I think is insensitive of you as it portrays the wrong image. By no means are people who commit such horrible acts Muslims – so kindly don’t put it on the entire community. You should however highlight the extremist groups and blame it on them.
Writers such as yourself have the power to change the mindsets of people by informing them with your extensive research. So please, be responsible with it.
K A Sumanasekera / May 3, 2019
Thanks for the Translation..
When I saw that young White Clad Muslim with a beard, crying while sitting with the Cardinal , His Highness Dr Ranjith,
And saying that he and his Family lived all along among Sinhala Buddhists and Catholics in the South .
And that he is not only ashamed ,but is now worried how his Son can face his Sinhala Buddhist mates at School , I thought this Jihadism is not a National Phenomenon.
I hope I am right.
In contrast , the LTTE Tigers had 1/3 of the Country under their control
They did suicide bombings all over, focusing on Targets specially in the South to kill and main the maximum number of Buddhists…
Tamil population the majority who lived among the Sinhala Buddhists in the South, did not say things like that Young Muslim man said.
They all supported the Tiger Boss Pirahaparan, and some still support his Agenda.
This is the main difference between the Two Dark ages of our Motherland.
I am confident that Ibrahims lead suicide bombers are finished with the departure of Sahran.
That is if Sarahn has really departed.
But then With this Yahapalana Intelligence coming from the Two Leaders of the nation and their Cohorts in the Cabinet , anything is possible.
Other reason for my positive assessment is that if the Jihadhists continue to attack,
And the Muslims in the South become refugees , Canadian, Australian and European Embassies are not going to put Muslims at the front desk and give them Resident Permits as they did for the Tamils..
One more thing.
What I am really worried is whether Dr Ranil and his UNP Ministers lead by Dr Rajitha, Kiriella, Harin Fernando and Mangala who got the full wrath of the Srilankan Catholic Community will throw a few grenades at the Sinhala Buddhist Community in the South ,and make them become the Villains yet again..
Siva Sankaran Sharma / May 3, 2019
Tamils are indigenous to the land and the north east and north west coast was their land and never Sinhalese land definitely not Muslim, they only arrived from South India a few centuries ago. However thanks to the British these ancient Tamil lands including the hapless Tamils were handed on a platter to a racist Sinhalese establishment, elite and devils like you. The British indeed favoured the Tamils! They only used and damned the Tamils and always favoured the Sinhalese. From the word go, the Sinhalese , started to discriminate and commit all sorts of crimes on the Tamils , ethnic cleansing, denial of language rights, education and employment. The first act by the state, after the so called independence , was to make 1 million Indian origin estate Tamils who had lived in the island for more than 8 generations and earned most of the foreign exchange stateless. After this they started their genocidal dance on the island’s indigenous Tamils, stealing their land, denying them everything , organising state sponsored anti Tamil pogroms. This is why the LTTE came into being but Sinhalese genocidal devils like you know all this but keep on denying all this truth. Due to state sponsored Sinhalese racism . Around a million indigenous Sri Lankan Tamils were forced to flee the island and 300000 of them dead , due to the activities of the Sri Lankan state. 145000 in May 2009.
dingiri / May 3, 2019
“Tamils are indigenous to the land and the north east and north west coast was their land and never Sinhalese land definitely not Muslim, they only arrived from South India a few centuries ago.”
Ha ha. How very convenient. Are we still on this same worn out track? :-)
Mallaiyuran / May 3, 2019
” Are we still on this same worn out track? :-) ”
Wake up man. Are you left behind?
No man, nobody now on the same track; now we are on the highway to Arabian Desert. Yuan has bought the South and West. Oil Money has bought all the East Coast. Left out are only Old King, Ranil and New King Amude. This only C4 blast, if you failed to wake up, you will be evaporated to reach your heaven, if Buddha has there (22M/2)*72 virgins there. Wake up and start to walk to reach your destiny before the American’s and Chinse atomic bombs start burn the land. When you in the desert, and when Arabian masters swing their whips, let your women under Burqa to take it on their back. (Are you all have learned a word shame?)
don / May 3, 2019
Your say include lot of misleading,wrong bullshit information
soma / May 4, 2019
If you are serious about a Homeland join me in my campaign to relocate the +50% Tamils (all Tamil speaking people irrespective of their religion, caste or the date of arrival) who are presently living outside your ancestral land.
Also try to patch up with the new guys in the block . You will have to share your ancestral land with them before they declare Caliphate of Ealam. They seem to have mastered your technology.
Champa / May 4, 2019
Siva Sankaran Sharma
You are repeating the same rubbish for which I have replied umpteenth time.
Tamils tried to have a separate state by unleashing terror and failed.
Now Muslims have also unleashed terror, for what I don’t know.
In both cases, they were losers, not Sinhalese.
Native Vedda / May 3, 2019
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera
Understanding Zahran: Sri Lanka’s Ultra Terrorist
You should take issue with the title.
The title is still not decided nor reserved for any particular person. The competing names are Patabendi Don Jinadasa Nandasiri Rohana Wijeweera, Thiruvengadam Velupillai Prabhakaran, Nandasena Gotabaya Rajapaksa, and Moulvi Zahran Hashim.
How dare the author of this article misappropriate a honour to a “”Islamic”” terrorist?
You should fight tooth and nail to retain the title among the Sinhala/Buddhist fascists.
People shouldn’t be surprised if “”Islamic”” terrorist brought in a poor man’s “”Islamic”” dirty bomb and blasted it in the name of “”Islamic”” Jihad in this island. Then no one is left to blame each other.
Being fluent in finance you should know the market price of a dirty “”Islamic”” bomb. Do you know any Pakistani?
K A Sumanasekera / May 3, 2019
Dear Native,
I was right..mate,
Dr Ranil’s Buddy Kandy Kirra has already admitted that “Bush News” ( Kale Pattare ) to incite the Monks to attack poor Muslims in the South was penned in his Office.
But Kirra says he didn’t want to mail it. after getting caught with 600 Copies at the Kandy Mail Center.
One Commentator put it in a such a nice way. I couldn’t help but share it here.
“Yako Kirro, Umba Eka Post Office Ariye Mallum Hadandada”?.
For the benifit for my Tamil mates here ,
” Kirielle Did you send so many copies to the Post Office to make Salad”.
That is lowest level those bastards have reached after who cmoing to power to give us Yahapalanaya.
Now they are trying every which way to incite racial hatred and stir up the poor Sinhala Buddhists to attack the fellow Muslims. so Dr Ranil and his UNP Cabinet do not have to face Elections .
Will it work Native?.
Thank God we have a good Sinhala Person as the head of the Catholic Church.
May God give Him strength to lead the current campaign to help the great majority of the Sinhala inhabitants to get out of this Hell Hole which Dr Ranil and Sira have created demoralising the Sinhala Catholic minority, destroying their Holy Churches, and their Employment, and their Freedom..
That is what I am interested in and care about , unlike you, who goes behind anyone who wants to divide our Motherland and create a Thamil Federal Homeland..
BTW , Do your folk eat Mallum, Native ?….
Native Vedda / May 3, 2019
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera
“Now they are trying every which way to incite racial hatred and stir up the poor Sinhala Buddhists to attack the fellow Muslims.”
It’s the job of our soma, Weerawansa, Mahasangha, La loo, Eagle Blind Eye, Gota, Nalin de Silva, Champika Ranawake, (Cyril Mathew, Dutta Gamani, … dead and gone) …. Why doesn’t the government let the saffron clad thug Gnanasara loose?
This is the ideal time to hit the innocent Muslims. Haven’t you had enough time to organise the greatest mother of all riots against Muslims since the war ended?
By the way have you tried Centella asiatica (Gotu Kola, Vallarai) salad or chutney? It is good for your brain, make you think straight, …..
Please note most of the Sinhala/Buddhist noisy minority fascists and crooks (the supper smart patriots) are willing to sell the country only when the price is right. Watch out, Weerawansa, Gota, Dayan, Udhaya, Mahinda, Champika, Navin Nayakka, Mahasangha, Sarath Weerasekara (twice a year free return tickets to Geneva), ……………….
soma / May 4, 2019
I hear you are preparing to file a law suit against Moulvi Zahran Hashim for copyright imfringement of your technology.
K A Sumanasekera / May 4, 2019
Dear Native,
I don’t think Gotukola can fix your fixation with that Pirahaparana’s Dream of an Independent Thamil Nation on our beautiful Island, which the Balangoda Man left for us..
We have proved it twice by Dutta Gamimini once and now thanks to the Efforts of the Sum Total of all those whom you have mentioned .
If Dr Ranil didn’t Rob the Inhabitants Central Bank, and didn’t enrich his Elite mates Local and Overseas, and didn’t give them free land and other valuable assets which belonged to the inhabitants., your Idol Sampathar would have had a chance to at least ask the Inhabitants whether they agree for a Tamil Homeland.
Now the things are even more messed up, with Ibrahaim Boys throwing the spanner in the works.
Just imagine if our Inhabitants gave you a Thamil Homeland in the North.
And Baththudeen and his mates one in the East.
And those Inbrahim boys who have nothing to do in either Homeland blowing up our Catholic Inhabitants and their Holy Places in our Homelands in the South..
You think Mr Sampathar and Abraham would have allowed our Army Boys to Check the University Union in Jaffana ?..
‘Do you think Bathtudeen , Asath Sally and Hezbulla would have allowed them to check Samanthurai?..
BTW, it is unworthy of your mate Abraham to put the blame on us for the Suicide Attacks in Kochikade ,by saying it is all because Sampathar didn’t get his Independent Homeland…
Native Vedda / May 4, 2019
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera
“I don’t think Gotukola can fix your fixation with that Pirahaparana’s Dream of an Independent Thamil Nation on our beautiful Island, which the Balangoda Man left for us..”
You have been suffering from VP paranoia on the one hand and been secretly admiring him for his bravado on the other. After all he shared his DNA with 99.99% of the little islanders. I understand your dilemma. As a person you have the right to contemplate all kinds of conflicting ideas, desires, …
“We have proved it twice by Dutta Gamimini once and now thanks to the Efforts of the Sum Total of all those whom you have mentioned .”
You proved nothing.
In fact rogues, crooks, …. have owned this country since 1948 and continue to do so.
It was Dutta VP who saved your so called sovereignty (whatever that is) from Hindian IPKF in recent years while war criminals were hiding behind their women folks his fat bum. It was VP who with massive support from Hindians won two elections and a war for your Dutta Mahinda.
“If Dr Ranil didn’t Rob the Inhabitants Central Bank,”
PLease tell us as to how he managed to rob central bank, ………….. how much (with workings) ………… If so why clan and crooks are keeping a deafening silence on the issue? Please note this is the umpteenth time I have asked the readers in this forum.
“Just imagine if our Inhabitants gave you a Thamil Homeland in the North.”
Stupid man, why would I take just a piece called “Thamil Homeland in the North” instead I want the entire island for my people, then of course I love to kick all the descendants of Tamil, Sinhala, English, Malay, Sanskrit, Pali, Dutch, Portuguese, Arab, …………………. speaking Kallathonies out of this island.
Mallaiyuran / May 3, 2019
” Now they are trying every which way to incite racial hatred and stir up the poor Sinhala Buddhists to attack the fellow Muslims. so Dr Ranil and his UNP Cabinet do not have to face Elections .”
Don’t be too serious person, man, Dr. Batalanada(Scarecrow) is trying only to chase of USA. Didn’t you see he even pulled Vella Abrahim out of the smoke.
K A Sumanasekera / May 4, 2019
When Sampathar showed the Rude Finger to Mahinda when Mahinda called Sampathar for an amicable settlement ,after Mahaveera Prabakaran left, I knew Sampathar had a Plan A as well as a Plan B.
You will find my comments to this effect ,if you can access the CT’s Comments Data Base in the Archives.
That is why Sampathar put Plan B first , which got his mate Dr Ranil into Big Shit..
Diaspora Dosh would have got the 2/3rds in Kotte.
But can that 2/3rds plus even more Dosh from the Diaspora get over 50% from our native Inhabitants , who make up 70% for Dr Ranil to downgrade Buddhism and make his own Constitution which is written by Abraham , Mangalan , and Wijenayaka and Wickrematunga…
Which would have forced the 70 % majority in to only 2/3rd of the Land to be ruled by Seven big fat crooks ,who drive around in big black Limos .
I don’t think Sampathar is that darf not to realize it..
That is why Sampathar kept the Plan A as the default to be the the real deal.
Communal chaos with , Sinhala Buddhists killing Thamils and Muslims in the South , Burning and Looting and Raping like in Bosnia and Herzagovina., so Dr Ranil , Mangala Sampathar and Abraham can send SOS to the West with a copy to the UN Boss.
UN boss arrange everything from then on, arresting the Trouble Makers, issuing PRs for the poor Asylum seekers ,
And give a new lease of Life to Dr Ranil and his mates to keep giving Yahapalanay..
And it would have been cake walk for them , then on as Rajapaksas , Weerawansas Gammanpilas wouldn’t have seen daylight for a long time.
And Kamal Gunarathnas , Gallages, and even Shavendra Silvas would have been spending time in Geneva.
No wonder Abraham wasn’t happy about what Ibrahaims did.
where is Sampathar I wonder?….
Lester / May 4, 2019
It is rather ironic, all the churches attacked were Catholic, not a single one was Protestant. How does a Muslim know the difference and why would he care? Anyway, if our friend Ranil had been informed of an Anglican church being targeted, his reaction may have been different.
soma / May 4, 2019
When I saw the title I thought the author was Native Vedda.
Native Vedda / May 4, 2019
Are you still here?.
What about your planned riots of the decade, using rudimentary home made technology,….. ?
Siva Sankaran Sharma / May 3, 2019
Contd: The LTTE were no saints but contrary to what the Sinhalese and Muslims state is only responsible for less than 3000 Sinhalese and Muslim civilian deaths. Most of these so called civilians were no civilian at all but thugs and criminals committing atrocities on Tamils. These fake Arab South Indian origin Muslims were co partner’s with the Sinhalese in the Eelam Tamil genocide and war crimes . They did this in the name of Islam and a fake Arab origin , also for power and benefits. They politicians and elite deliberately brainwashed the Muslim Tamil masses to hate their Tamil origin and worship everything Arab and consider themselves as Arabs not Tamils. You can see how brainwashed they are , with many of the posts here abusing you and denying their actual origin , when you state the truth. The Sinhalese also encouraged Islamic extremism and Arabisation of these fake Arab Tamil Muslims , to deliberately create a rift and a new identity. Especially in the east. Even now you are protecting many powerful Muslim ministers and politicians and governors , who everyone knows are closely involved and arresting low level Muslim extremists. Many Muslims benefitted immensely at the expense of the island’s Tamils and their marginalisation , this why they are crying. Even when they targeted the Churches , they largely targeted Christian Tamils not Sinhalese. This is many feel the government ignored India’s warning , as they knew who were the targets. The west accepted around 800000-900000 Sri Lankan Tamils as they knew they will be an asset, will eventually assimilate with the local population and importantly they were fleeing persecution. Many western countries were also aware that it is due to colonial Britain’s blunder that the island’s Tamils are in this position. However why should they accept these fake Arab converted Wahhabi /Salafists originating from South India. They created trouble in the island and once established just like in Tamil eastern Sri Lanka , they will definitely create problems.
Lester / May 4, 2019
Siva Sankaran:
“The LTTE were no saints but contrary to what the Sinhalese and Muslims state is only responsible for less than 3000 Sinhalese and Muslim civilian deaths.”
LTTE stopped big attacks against Sinhalese civilians because the Tamil Diaspora wanted to lobby the West to pass resolutions against Sri Lanka. As I have pointed out here, the central mistake made by Prabhakaran was to assassinate Rajiv Gandhi (PM of 2nd largest democracy). With this incident, the Eelamist project was doomed as no government could recognize the LTTE as legitimate. The Gandhi’s are an important political dynasty in India and Sonia Gandhi still commands substantial influence. The other mistake made by the LTTE was to overestimate the advantage afforded by asymmetric warfare. It may have worked in the 80’s and even 90’s, but the Sri Lankan Army evolved as did its weaponry and techniques towards engaging guerillas. Whereas for the LTTE, with the large exodus of Tamils to foreign countries, manpower was an issue to the very end, and the weaponry was never sufficient to engage in protracted conventional warfare, essential to the capture of big cities like Jaffna. While the LTTE caused significant economic damage to Sri Lanka, it never induced total collapse, and the economy itself was further subsidized with foreign loans. Except for the element of suicide bombings, the war was largely confined to the North and East, with the majority of Sinhalese living in the South; therefore the political system also remained largely stable. The only real advantage, besides the jungles, the LTTE had was some help from India, in the beginning, but it blew the opportunity. Otherwise, the Eelamist project was doomed to failure.
Rohan / May 3, 2019
But did not cry or say sorry when Muslim mobs and hooligans were attacking and burning Tamil homes /businesses and killing and raping innocent Tamil civilians , during state sponsored pogroms down south . Did not cry when Muslim home guards started to burn and destroy Tamil villages and ethnically cleanse , kill and rape T thousands Tamil civilians in the east, resulting in the LTTE violence against the Muslims in the east and expulsion of Muslims in the north for anti Tamil activities. Only rejoiced with the Sinhalese and danced on the streets. despite sharing a common language, ethnicity and heritage with Tamils. Did not cry again when the then Sri Lankan government and armed forces committed war crimes and deliberately targeted and killed around 145000 Tamil civilians on the pretext of fighting the LTTE. Again rejoiced , held victory parades / parties and danced on the streets with the Sinhalese. Did not condemn when Islamic extremists were taking over the east and parts of the north with the government turning a blind eye or giving covert support to make like hell for the Tamil in these areas, and illegally taking over their lands to create Islamic enclaves , like Wilpattu . Again dancing and giving lots of support as evidenced on this forum . Only crying now as everything that was planned has failed and their illegally earned privileges will be lost. This is all.
Prashanth / May 3, 2019
Not like the people or the army you support were giving flowers to the people of the very 1/3 part of srilanka you claim ltte controlled for ltte to be quiet and merry.
Also many politicians including mahinda, sirisena and sarath have praised ltte how they never targeted civilians on purpose and never ever have killed a single foreigner.
People you led the war know about ltte more than you and with the tragic events of recent times they have nothing but praise for pirabhakarans conduct.
People of your caliber will spout the same thing over and over again, its not the hate for ltte its the hate for the tamil community and how you see them as “guests” that makes you say the things you say.
Jay Chambers / May 3, 2019
I hope the Lankan people are not moronic enough to believe that this heinous crime is just one and nothing more will happen. Lankan Moslems are ALL aware that an Islamic Republic is being established and by sheer birthrates it will be achieved by 2030. Already Lankan political parties cannot win an election without Moslems voted. ALL Moslems are waiting for it, not all are bearing arms yet. Among the youth the level of preparedness is high, it shows in their faces and their looks of disdain and menace, and the head to toe cover for women. People do not change their dress just like that, they are already aware they are winning.
The Moslems are flooding the country with the most lethal drugs and inducing the non-Moslem youth to become addicts. The first few shots are free or cheap. Then they are raping non-Moslem women, so that they can make Moslem children. Centrally organized, foreign funded, acquisition of property goes unabated and Lankans are becoming slaves to the Moslem masters. Food is being slowly poisoned with carcinogenics and in particular the chicken farming is poisoned. Large scale plans are drawn up for the Moslems returning from Syria and with ISIS training to go into the interior and demolish Lankan monuments and be prepared for Jihad. Like lily livered bastards the Lankan politicians are taking Moslem bribes and looking the other way. Those who complain even remotely are incarcerated or hounded out.
(to be continued)
Native Vedda / May 3, 2019
Jay Chambers
“I hope the Lankan people are not moronic enough to believe that this heinous crime is just one and nothing more will happen. “
It is generally understood the people of this island are by and large morons except a few otherwise they would not have elected whom they have elected to rule them. In fact they continue to remain morons for the foreseeable future as they may consider electing the former National Hangman Gota.
I confirm I have not read rest of your blabbering.
Jay Chambers / May 3, 2019
(Continuation from previous posting)
So Lanka cannot win this war on her own. By 2030 Moslems with heavy gains in brithrates can use the democratic process itself to give them what they want. Then why did they act like they did? The reason why they attacked the churches and hotels is because the leader Baghdadi’s edict came and they CANNOT refuse it. They knew that is will be problematic and would have preferred to wait for a bit longer but you cannot say no to ISIS. After all thousands of Moslems joined and trained with ISIS. Hence what happened with the attacks of Easter Sunday.
Of course, ALL Moslems are complicit, moderate Moslems is just hogwash. I would argue over 80% of those in the ages 15-45 are directly and actively involved in terrorism related activities. So, Lanka has a choice. Are you ready to put ALL Moslems in large camps starting with the younger groups and then weed out the ultra fanatics, and then take on the next level and the next level and put them in “gaol” where they will never see the light of day and perish in life imprisonment? And then the less than totally fanatic Moslems who are the minority, should be put out in the sun and toil indefinitely for the crimes committed with minimal nutrition. And then de-Islamize and detoxify 80% of the Moslems like how China handles Uighur Moslem fanatics? I don’t think so.
ghk / May 4, 2019
Jay Chambers,
Nowadays, people read only first 3 lines of your comments, move to next comment – best efforts wasted. Try keeping your narrative compressed within these lines.
You’re only showcasing how a defeated & disappointed mindset of a hard-core Eelamist can make a person so nerd and anti-social.
Jay Chambers / May 4, 2019
Feel free to move on, I have many who read, appreciate and comment on my contributions which they find thought provoking. Dont need your asinine comments, thank you.
I predicted the Moslem terror on CT before it happened, and I am predicting a Sharia enforced hellhole of an Islamic Republic of Lanka by 2040 unless Moslem terror is immediately stamped out.
Jay Chambers / May 3, 2019
(Continuation from previous posting)
Lanka has too many sloppy, naïve, docile types who believe in a very defeatist version of Buddhism and Hindoism and cannot bring themselves to be stern with Moslems and are also incapable of electing men of honor and a true martinet, a really brutal leader who can wipe out terror, as their leader. Instead, a large number of people opt to go with eunuchs and trannies who have got into politics.
So Lankans should be prepared for full barbaric, bloodthirsty, doomsday Jihad, and what we saw on Easter Sunday is just the very short trailer of the ultimate horror movie called Real Islam, in which ALL the non-believer will be massacred in the most barbaric manner possible. And every sign of its previous civilization and culture will be obliterated by the Moslems who will establish the Islamic Republic of Lanka well before 2040. There is still a small chance to prevent that, but will the Lankans be brave enough to address the issues I mentioned and finally fight back not only against Moslems but their own inept, corrupt, leaders?
Ahmed Nadvi / May 3, 2019
Oh Chambers and Siva Shakar,
it was simply a timing. Think about the atrocities leveled against Burmese Muslims by Asin Virathu (Buddhist terror Monk) , a dear friend of our terror Monk, Gnanasera, who is getting shape to have the leadership of Buddhist Caliphate of SL.
Gnanasara has been trying since 2012 to establish first ever Buddhist Caliphate, but Zharan, the Muslim terrorist, was fast enough to get the dirty bomb blown and warn the rival Buddhist Caliphate gang of Gnanasara, sorry mate your are slow.
If Ganasara is not put under scrutiny then he will get support from Indian Hindu Caliphate leaders of RRS and make Sri Lanka to current status of Syria making only people like high cast(Tamil) Rohan and high cast Siva Shakar to feel sort of a mental satisfaction that the Gnanasara lot has taught a lesson to the low cast Tamil nadu converted Muslims of Sri Lanka for their denial of Tamil ethnic identity.
By the way Siva Shankar your answer is still due. I remind you the question. Who decided that you were a HIGH CAST SUPPER TAMIL. May be a good credential to make High Cast Tmail Caliphate in so called Tamil Homeland.
Lasitha / May 3, 2019
Is it only my imagination that jay chambers sound like hitler.
Sri lankan muslims are nice people. Only terrorists are crazy
Mallaiyuran / May 3, 2019
Navy Gaol Chambers,
” And every sign of its previous civilization and culture will be obliterated by the Moslems who will establish the Islamic Republic of Lanka well before 2040. “
Everybody has dozed while Wolf coming because Udaya, Communist Pakaya, Lemon Puff Weeraya & others in the Joint Comedy Club was daily crying “Wolf Wolf” for fun & made everybody tired. Now no point in crying over the bolted horse or spilled milked. When Buddha comes on 4040, unlike your lousy job on Wataraka Thero, on grass bed with lot of bruise and cut until he bled and fainted under the culvert, my friend Mullah is a superclass surgeon, can deal with it on a German Built Stiegel Meyer Surgical Operation Bed. My commission is only minimal. Let me know. No worry or Sorry!
Real Revolutionist / May 3, 2019
Dr. S. I. Keethaponcalan
Terrorism must be eradicated from the world @ any expense.
It shouldn’t be used to reason any kind of social issue.
Terrorists must be given death penalty after a single attempt to rehabilitate or no attempt to rehabilitate according to the gravity of their intentions.
Humanity must be able to scrutinize all the religions that come as words of heavenly beings before put into practice anywhere in the world.
All the human beings must be made aware of, that they’re blessed with a brain that can understand what’s right & what’s wrong without the help of such heavenly beings.
In the present context, all those caught with destructive weapons like arms & explosives and seemingly less destructive sabers should be charged & prosecuted for attempted/intending mass murder, in case provisions are weak for that, required legal provisions must be made.
Native Vedda / May 3, 2019
Real Revolutionist
“Terrorists must be given death penalty after a single attempt to rehabilitate or no attempt to rehabilitate according to the gravity of their intentions.”
How do you punish suicide bombers?
Real Revolutionist / May 3, 2019
Native Vedda
Mmmm ……..
… embarrassed!
Probably … through a process of undoing the stitches of brainwashing.
Mallaiyuran / May 4, 2019
” Terrorism must be eradicated from the world @ any expense.”
Inexpensive way is to withdraw the visa to return to Lanakwe. Then, you need not to clean the jungle or forest for his massive body to land. .
Ranjith(SPRRW) / May 3, 2019
Muslims who follow Islamism are encouraged by religion they followed to use terrorist tactics to make whole world adhere to their so called Almighty Allah. That is the truth. Tactics to be used as per their basic religion instruction book called Koran is terrorism.Some Muslims may not follow those tactics as they may think those tactics are terrorism. But others willingly follow them.To avoid Islamic terrorism we should ban Islamism and declare its literature as promotion materials of terrorism. That is the only way out of it.
hancho pancha / May 3, 2019
The trouble with the correspondents/contributors especially to CT; they are dictated by their personal egos more than the down to earth material facts directly connected with the topic they are writing about.
Actually, it is nothing to do with religious bias or prejudice or Islamophobia but blindfolding those who are at an intellectual or monetary disadvantage the Muslim fanatics (Mullahs) take advantage of. Therefore, all those entities disguised as Madrasas etc., must be banned and outlawed.
Eagle Eye / May 3, 2019
I am wondering why he has not uttered a single word against Demala people and Hindus. In fact, LTTE inflicted bigger blows to Muslims than Buddhists. Muslims were given 24 hours to leave Yapanaya and they were not allowed to return after the conflict ended. Demala politicians keep on talking merger of North and East and creating Elam while Muslims are trying to carve out Eastern Province for them. There is something fishy about the whole thing.
If one look at recent anti-Muslim riots, they were a reaction to some provocative act of Muslims. The irony is at the end no one talks about what the Muslims did to provoke Sinhala Buddhists. Whole blame is passed on to Sinhala Buddhists to carry a message to the international community that Buddhists are a violent lot. Are there invisible hands behind these events?
shankar / May 3, 2019
eagle eye
“If one look at recent anti-Muslim riots, they were a reaction to some provocative act of Muslims.”
what are these so called provocative acts that they did that warranted riots against them?Can you list it out please. Gananasera was the bugger who was the provocateur.
sach / May 3, 2019
Though not reported in media, it becomes impossible for non Muslims to live in Muslim neighbourhood once Muslim becomes a majority. Many temples have been threatened not to conduct pereharas. These things did not come from no where. They learn about Islamophobic material from west and realise they too undergo the same. So they react
Eagle Eye / May 3, 2019
Aluthgama, few Muslim youths probably belong to this extremist group dragged a Buddhist monk to a house and beat him. This is the first time such a thing happened in this country. Despite several requests to hold an independent investigation no such investigation conducted.
Digana, a Sinhala three wheel driver did not allow a vehicle driven by a Muslim with few other Muslims in the vehicle to overtake despite non-stop honking. Eventually, they overtook, blocked the road, pulled the driver out and beat him to death.
Nathan / May 3, 2019
inhala Buddhist extremism is one of the important causes of this calamity and have no doubt about that. From the word go they exploited, attacked, oppressed them by various means including killing them. This led to minorities feeling that they are not part of the system. When the majority killing the minority there had never been such soul search. JR told the survivors in 1983 that it was the anger of the Sinhala Buddhists and that was his consolation to them. He went on to say “if you want let us have war”. When opposition leader Amirthasingam was slapped by a police constable in Jaffna in front of the SP, JR promoted that goon and then transferred him. What they did to political prisoners are unimaginable. These same racists pampered Muslims to attack Tamils. They gave them positions everywhere. But presto after 2009 Muslims realised their mistakes finally. During all anti-tami. Riots Muslims took a lead role in looting and then acquiring all the Tamils properties. They were moles as well as looters. But sadly when Muslims realised they were not getting their promised rewards then they thought of Islamic terror. Sadly the Muslim terror and Buddhist terror were funded by the same racists to be in power. Now Allah, the only god, had given them permission to kill the innocents as a reward. It appears too late, their extremism has gone too deep and they publicly declare their stand and even challenge. Arab money also pouring into the pockets of unpatriotic Sinhala politicians and others that further compromise the tragedy. The Shariya eastern university and its creation is a clear example of how bribes have worked. Today Muslims are the most aggressive and arrogant people in SL and they know that money can just buy the morons.
Champa / May 3, 2019
A very short reply to your first 2 lines.
Sinhalese Buddhists are the majority. Therefore, they dominate. Whether you like it or not, it is what it is.
When there were natural calamities, it is the Sinhalese Buddhists who came for the rescue of minorities, not their own clans.
Local businesses of minorities mostly depended on the majority.
The basic truth here is Tamils and Muslims both are descendants of South Indian, Indonesian, Malaysian and Malabar migrants never think that they are part of the country.
They both have already attacked the very country which gave them shelter.
They both tried to destroy the country where they reside.
They both have showed their inner violence and malice against the majority.
Despite extremism and terrorism unleashed by minorities, Sri Lanka will remain as a Buddhist country.
Now Sinhalese should find a way to protect THEIR COUNTRY from extremist minorities.
We have solutions.
Very peaceful solutions.
You will see them in the future.
Champa / May 3, 2019
Whatever the trust Sinhalese had on Muslims is lost.
The findings of ultra sharp swords (the kinds we have never seen), imported wide blade knives, other short and long knives in Mosques and even in ordinary Muslim households tell us a chilling story that would have been hard to believe prior to April 21.
Both the minority communities in Sri Lanka have taken up arms and unleashed terror against our country FOR NO VALID REASON. This is no joke!
We, Sinhalese are patient. Very patient. We have to be, as we fully understand and even feel the underlying danger of the extremely violent Islamic terrorism that converted extremist Thawheed Jamaath into suicide bombers and ordinary Muslims into possible slayers.
The extensive raids conducted by our Army and the Police give some consolation to Sinhalese. However, there are certain areas which need pre-raid planning and may be second and third raids.
We have full faith in our Army.
Even breathless panicky TNA MPs now have the full faith in “war criminals.” They have urged the government to deploy “war criminals” to protect the North. Army should REFUSE TO PROTECT THEM.
Anyways, there is no way Sinhalese go for any type of race-riots over the brutal killings which were carried out with the full knowledge of the murderous government.
It is the murderous government which is fully responsible for 3 “mass graves.”
As ordinary Sinhalese citizens, we can address the issue peacefully.
However, this isn’t the time to talk about it. I shall wait until this period of uncertainty is passed.
We, Sinhalese are a strong nation.
We will not allow anyone to take control of our country through extremism or terrorism.
We made our country immune to terrorism once.
We shall do it the second time, too!. No big deal.
Jay Chambers / May 3, 2019
Champa, you say the Sinhalese are a strong nation. I love to hear this. But so were the ancient Gandhara, (today Afghanistan) and Moslems struck them with repeated barbaric blows and they finally fell and were wiped out. The ancient seats of learning at Nalanda were also protected by strong people, but they thought that Moslems were only going to exploit trade and commerce and as you know when the barbaric Moslem onslaught began, Buddhist monks at Nalanda could only bow down to the murdering Moslems and have themselves decapitated. Ancient Iran which is today a crazy Shia Moslem hellhole was a strong and peaceful place, and they worshiped Zoroastra, Ahura Mazda (fire god) and when Islam entered with barbaric force they lost.
So if you tell me Sinhalese are strong, I am sorry then you are just going to lose eventually. BUT if you tell me Sinhalese can be strong and BRUTAL and can with no remorse wipe out terrorists, then I will say you have a chance.
Remember, you are not dealing with human per se, these are Devil, utterly ruthless, barbaric, fanatic Devils who should be absolutely wiped off the face of Lanka with all the brutal, annihilating, lethal, force Lanka can muster. Just get the utterings of Zahran the killer translated and you will see the evil intent. ALL the Moslems knew about it and they were fine with it and slowly started to arm themselves. Nothing else but the most brutal, lethal forces can unfortunately help Lanka. Even then it will be too late by 2030.
Champa / May 4, 2019
Jay Chambers
What rubbish are you talking about?
Muslim terrorists attacked unarmed church attendees and tourists for no reason.
I have no intention to listen to some utterances of a suicide killer.
And as you say there is no need for Sinhalese to be brutal to wipe out Muslim terrorists as all hardcore terrorists have blown up themselves already. And some of them, along with their own children.
As I said, Sinhalese have a peaceful way to address the issue.
Jay Chambers / May 4, 2019
There is never a peaceful way to wipe out Moslem terror. Total annihilation is the only way. You are insane to think that there are no suicide bombers left among Lankan Moslems. There are thousands of them and they will attack soon. You only saw the short trailer of the horror movie called Suicide bomber Islam.
Those who have their women cover head to toe and wear radical Moslem garb are all ready for suicide martyrdom. It’s a matter of time.
cholan / May 3, 2019
Modays are scared hiding under bed How can they come out and retaliate?
SL Sinhala Card Board Army coudn`t save these bombing even with advance warning.
This jokers defeated LTTE he he he-?????
Mususlim who were cultivated by ,against Tamils by Modaya politicians now paying for this.
Bring US Commandos and MOSSAD to clean this pests.
Tamils just sit and watch the comedy.It is our turn now .
taraki / May 3, 2019
Cholan, yes you sit and watch. Its your turn. You will find the Muslims exterminating the Tamils in the East for revenge over the past. You fools will be driven into the sea. The Sinhala military will not differentiate between Tamil speaking Muslims and Tamils. You will see what awaits you. Enjoy pariahs!
Native Vedda / May 4, 2019
” You will find the Muslims exterminating the Tamils in the East for revenge over the past.”
Are you suggesting to Cholan that following Muslims practices he should deal with Sinhala/Buddhist noisy minority for their share of past atrocities which were committed between 1956 and 2015? He is going to take you seriously.
” The Sinhala military will not differentiate between Tamil speaking Muslims and Tamils.”
Nor Sinhalese.
“You will see what awaits you.”
Have you finally decided to part with his cherished Tamil Eelam?
Mallaiyuran / May 4, 2019
You can write anything you like Champawati. But the reality is, if Hezbollah asks for Thani Alaku, Ranil must give it to him.
Sampanthar negotiated with Ranil to upgrade the Tamil area in Kalmunai. This is not acceptable to Hakeem and Rishard. So they said if Ranil not cancelling that agreement they will walk out. Then Ranil told Sampanthar if he could not vote for Budget, he could leave, but he cannot hold the agreement. Another Banda-Chelva pact!
When police arrested Hezbollah, Colombo called the Judge and Hezbollah was released. Otherwise Bati Churches would have been left for last, but might have been out last year. Rishard beat up the Mannar Christian Judge. Nothing could be done by the judge, though he filed a case with CoA. Gnanam went in to Rishard Ministry, but Ranil put him in prison, but faked like it was for verbal abuse of Sandhya. But Old Royals killed Sandhya’s husband Ranil did not even arrest one of them for that.
Your usual big mouth doesn’t matter, but Ranil should prove he has the control on the government.
Sunil Dahanayake / May 3, 2019
I agree with the previous comments by the Jay Chambers. In order to resolve this issue we need a very strong minded leader to govern Sri Lanka. We need to have short term policies and long term policies.
One such policy will be to implement a population policy and monitoring that policy very closely for next 10 to 20 years. We need strong military and governnace policies to control the security and financial mesures of these ethinic community. But the Dr. Ranil, MY 3 , Awamangala and other people like Rajitha can not and do not think about those short and long term polcies and actions. What they are thinking is how to get elected with minority votes. We need the people like Sarath Fonseka and Gotabaya to get together at this stage.
Analyst / May 3, 2019
Sunil D
What nonsense are you uttering ? through your back side.
Don’t ever mention that family to join force to rule the country. Goat man has a lot of tails and hangers on.
There are hundreds of unresolved treacherous cases pending against the family &co
We know that when one gets into the saddle no way back.
So stop your nonsense , we know who you are and what your intentions are. Fool trying to Fool others in a cunning way.
Jay Chambers / May 3, 2019
Sunil, if you agree with me, please share my thoughts with other people as much as possible and if you can find a translator, please have them translated and shared with the ordinary, non-English speaking Sinhalese and Tamil. Remember, you are not dealing with regular humans, these are utterly ruthless, totally barbaric, bloodthirsty maniacs, the Devil himself, manifesting in human form. Do you know that Palestinians celebrated loudly the massacres in Lanka. And Lankan communities world over are still celebrating the beginning of the end for Lanka and the eventual establishment of an Islamic Republic. If you live in Lanka and want to save Lanka, there is not a minute to waste. Throw away the utterly immoral, totally servile leaders in your government, and elect a strong leader at the next opportunity and fight the Devil with barbaric force. Your usual Buddhist ethos cannot stop the Devil. It did not work in ancient Nalanda, or Ghandhara (today Afghanistan) nor in modern day Bamyan. Again, remember this is Devil incarnate in human form, not normal humans.
K.Pillai / May 3, 2019
Prof S I Keethaponcalan has looked at one youtube and claims ‘Understanding Zahran’. He has not, in a generic sense.
Keethaponcalan sees “Sri Lanka’s Ultra Terrorist”. There is an angry person betrayed by successive governments and very recently by a political carpet-bagger. Independent journalists have suggested that for a price, one can contract or subcontract vest wearers.
In the mid-forties the then Ceylonese leaders decided to disempower the minorities. This started in earnest with independence in 1948. The infamous “Sinhala Only” came in 1956 and to entice the Lankan Muslims it was decreed that Tamils must study in Tamil medium but Lankan Muslims may choose any medium.
During the civil war Lankan Muslims were loyal to the GoSL of the time.
When the war ended the GoSL encouraged/patronised BBS. Everyone will agree that the 2014 Aluthgama pogrom was frustrating and the rest is history.
To cut a long story short, Keethaponcalan has not been evenhanded here.
chiv / May 3, 2019
Understanding ultra terrorist is difficult but understanding our crooked politicians are impossible
Chitra / May 3, 2019
This man was evil. No sane human being will want to harm innocent people, and take his anger out of them. Those who went along with evil, have been brainwashed and made to believe the gates of heaven will open for them if they resorted to such a brutal crime. How stupid can that be? However, this is what terrorism in the name of any religion is. The government MUST stop this madness, flush out all the criminals, and pull the plug on this madness. Our Island must NOT turn into another terrorist infested place.
There are deliberate efforts to keep the nation in fear, and hatred and false rumors, are being spread, like wildfire. The government must warn those who start this that they will be severely punished if caught doing this. So far our investigators, clergy, and many people, have responded very impressively, and make this country proud.
There is strength in unity.
Gulsiri Lal Nanda / May 3, 2019
Inshalla Bukura Mumkin that called IBM,very popular politics on Arab world ?
Its apply too for politics of Islam Terrorist in world wide.
hancho pancha / May 3, 2019
There is a striking difference in the Buddhist and Muslim Teachings: If a naked angelic female stands in front of the Lord Buddha, through the Enlightened eyes He only sees a foul object excreting filth from nine orifices and millions of pores oozing out fat and sweat. A skeleton of bones plastered with flesh, sinews and blood cloaked in a permeable membrane called the skin. It is like a lump of perishing rotting matter covered in a nicely decorated thin plastic, a horrible repulsive sight.
Whereas, in the eyes of the Prophet exposure of bit of female skin arouses and sexcites Him with ravaging carnal desires making Him go crazy. Therefore, the need for the edict that all females must cover themselves 100% of their body from head to toe. His sexual appetite is so great that He allowed males to have as many wives as they can afford to have.
Shyam / May 3, 2019
A well written article.
Thank you.
Cholan / May 3, 2019
Spain was ruled by Musulims for 800 (Eight Hundred) years but couldn’t convert one village .
Because people were educated.
Who the hell on earth accept a fanatic sect claims :
World is Flat.
No contaminated disease.
Woman is not equal to Man
Except brain damaged clowns.?
Now a 25 yrs old Arab girl is flying A 380 Plane so blaff about woman is not true..lots of holes in the comedy Buk.
Musulims in Million are marching towards IDOL Worshiping Western countries and beg for asylum.
Their Isukamic God couldn’t save them .Pity.
When LTTE was active Thoppies were hiding inside holes shivering
How come now?
taraki / May 3, 2019
Cholan, please translate into English.
Analyst / May 3, 2019
Oh the Goat and all his fleas and maggots too will join force to destroy the country once more.
What Nonsense??
Do you think the true patriots are fools to take up your scheme?? Sunil Ddddonkey??
BornAgain / May 3, 2019
LTTE targeted Sinhalese. Pettah Bus Bomb is a great example. But you are too cowardly to talk about those from the USA. But yes ISIS must be destroyed, burnt and blown away. They hate everyone because they are just Wahabi Saudi inspired animals. NAY not Animals just Satan’s spawn
Mallaiyuran / May 3, 2019
This is guy is fake, and the essay flavored with Paramilitary partnership. May be Rajitha can read the list more carefully, who else are paid from the special military account beyond the 26 NTJ Jihadists paid by Aanduwa. Have anyone ever seen this guy was struggling to understand the 150,000 Tamils killer, War Criminal, Defense Minister, White Flag murderer, who declared it can be only on his dead body the Tamils can get Federal Solution? Did he ever struggle to understand why the White Flag Murderer, a Sinhala Buddhist Racist, when India warned about the impending attacks, he shut off the defense Ministry and went to TN & was hiding in Hindu Temple? Has ever this guy explained when Hezbollah was arrested for stealing the Jihadi University Heavy Machinery, who released him? But he is struggling to understand the ISIS mercenary who carried the Appe Aanduwa contract deal, why they did it. Additionally, he wants to understand the incident on the Paramilitary angle; i.e, the terrorist were looking for Buddhists, gathered in small spaces (that is multimillion Dollar multi story Hotels) so their bombs effect will be maximum. How many million of Amude clad Sinhala Buddhists are packing in small parlors of steal reinforced concrete statured Five Stars to eat their breakfast in Shangri La or Grand Cinnamon or Taj Samudra in Sunday Morning? Why is he bending the incident to his Paramilitary taste?
The guy is saying Zahren Cassim was searching on Easter, large Buddhists gatherings in small Churches allowing passing Sinhala Tamil New Year’s small gatherings in large Buddhist and Hindu temples with Buddhist and Hindu crowds. Who confers PHDs for these convolutions? How do these guys get it?
Mallaiyuran / May 3, 2019
He waited to Google and Facebook to remove all the internet contents and ran few more checks to ensure Zahren clips are removed. Then safely, he is pretending that there are no clips but only one, which is proving his theory. Then he avoided to give link to YouTube, but brought the out of context interpretations calling it transcription of Zahren lectures. He wrote the essay without reading the #Srilankaattacks & Tamil media who published a much longer clip of Zahren Cassim. They are giving a detail account of his Facebook preaching. The Guy is gimmicking. His stand with one single clip & his own theory is based on a Tamil Proverb. “One pebble of rice is the sample for entire pot “.(May be the Japanese Zojirushi company has to take a look at that wise word before they advertise their $350 Nero Fuzzy Logic- spiracle heating- guaranteed even cooking – Rice Cookers – an excessively exaggerated redundant invention, like this guy’s cook up, but only comparable to $5 Aluminum pan which gives the same result).
America has discounted Al Baghdadi’s clip as fake and morphed (at least the Sri Lankan Part – Indian hackers released picture Al selling Pork with that Photo). New Zeeland PM Jacinda Ardern denies any connection of Easter Sunday with her country’s Skin Head shooting. We don’t want to get into those because that will be too lengthy. But Tamil Media and all North East Politicians, including Karuna Blaming TTH, Presidential House, Old Royal palace and Kathankuddy Calipha the Eastern Province Janadhipathi for this, not Zahren. If Zahren is responsible, why did he die without achieving anything he preached? Too tempted to see in a hurry his adorable 72 prizes?