19 February, 2025


Waging Peace!

By Fr Chryso Pieris SJ –

Fr Chryso Pieris SJ

In Jaffna, Anura Kumara Dissanayake (AKD) completed the circle of waging peace in the country after starting it in the rest of the country and promoting it in the countries of the diaspora. We were waiting for this to happen. National People Power (NPP) is the space created by the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) for the Grand Alliance of Good People (GAGP) to take root, blossom and spread its fragrance throughout the country. This is what the good, decent citizens had been waiting for so long.

AKD’s logic, that peace is the foundation, sine qua non, for any just and fraternal development of the country, is incontrovertible, simple, straightforward, heart-warming and full of hope. Nobody with a shred of humanity in him can reject it.

His explanation is based on current and immediate history of the country. Previous generations sowed the seeds of communalism and of eternal suspicion of “The Other”. Our generation gathered the harvest by waging war, destroying tens of thousands of young lives and billions and billions worth of property. His direct question to his audience is: do we want to hand over this country, with these conflicts, antagonism, war-making attitudes and prejudices to the next generation; or do we want to hand over a country with people fraternally united and working together to rebuild the destroyed country in peace?

AKD explains with patience how our so-called national leaders from 1948 onwards used and abused race and religion to attain power and keep it. They divided the people and kept them divided, weakened and blind. So, they can rob the wealth of the people with impunity. They robbed the country to bankruptcy and they still keep robbing it raising the mountain of foreign debt higher and higher. Citizens of the bottom layer of our society are malnourished, starving, and dying but it is not their concern at all. It took 76 years and the Aragalaya 22 for the people to realize that ugly truth and reject it.

The Machiavellian method of “Divide and Rule” was the power grabbing strategy from time immemorial of human civilization. Kautilya’s Artha Shastra is all about divide and rule. In the old Roman Empire, BC, it was the guiding principle of empire building, “Divide et Impera” (Latin). And so, it has always been. The British without any qualms honed it to perfection all over their empire. Remember the smooth operator, John D’Oyly?  The American hegemony carries on the same ugly method in the Middle East and all over the world.

Coming to our current local history, the rulers pitted the Sinhalese against the Tamils and Muslims, Muslims against the Tamils and Sinhalese, Tamils against the rest; caste against caste, language against language, political party against political party, ideology against ideology. And the Ali Baba and the 225 thieves ruled, robbed and raped the nation with impunity. It is Ranjan Ramanayake, an Ali Baba ‘golaya’, who was the whistle-blower and dared to expose the truth. “Malli, they are all friends. They will never catch thieves. They are all thieves.” And he languished in jail.

The darkness is receding. The dawn is breaking. A birth is happening. “Divide and Rule” is dying. “Unite and Reign” is birthing. Listen to the voice of the youth of Sri Lanka. Everywhere, all over this country they are united and with one voice they proudly proclaim they are Sri Lankans and citizens and nothing else. They have no race or religion, they have no political party or ideology, they have no caste or status and they are just sisters and brothers, they are Nirpakshika Sri Lankans and citizens. The age-old political “jilmart” “divide and rule” is dying. A tectonic slide, a paradigm shift is taking place. This is the great gift of Aragalaya 22 to Mother Lanka. Yes, we shall “Unite and Reign”, we shall overcome.

When the country went bankrupt the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister said they were going to send food to the Tamils of Sri Lanka. One of our Tamil youths at the Gotagogama told him; “Mr Chief Minister either send food to Sri Lankans or don’t send at all.” What a beautiful and proud retort to the communalistic Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu.

AKD, NPP and the GAGP must realize that they are swimming against the current. Human DNA is such that it naturally forms groups, communities, castes and races. Obviously, it creates “The Other” to strengthen its own identity. That is why we need a Renascence, a new birth. AKD and the NPP are making a superhuman effort to successfully midwife this new birth. They do not give us rubbish like fake dreams of a fully developed country by 2048. Or empty words like Saubaghya which brought bankruptcy, Yahapanalaya which robbed the Central Bank or Dharmishta Samajayak which was the beginning of all the deceit, corruption, thievery and the final downfall of the country.

AKD’s and NPP’s top priority is FOOD. From the first day of their ascendency to power they will get down to the task of feeding the nation. All the people will eat and eat nourishing food. I do not know how they are going to do it. But I am sure they have a plan and they will do it. Next will be health care for all with genuine and guaranteed medicines. This may not happen immediately. It needs time to put back into operation a credible NMRA other institutions and clean up the health sector that Keheliya and his hounds exploited for blood-money. Then it will be education. That will take a longer time. But the work will start immediately. Even the youngest child in the remotest village will have his right to education assured. All the three aforesaid deeply felt needs of the people cannot be put off to another day, to another time when all the conditions are in place etc. They are red-light emergencies. They must be dealt with from Day Zero, IMF and RW can go fly a kite.

These plans of NPP remind me of Jesus’ parable of “The Last Judgement”. It is about the duties of a Nation. “Then the (Christ) King will say to those (nations) on his right. Come you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”

Then the righteous will answer him, “Lord when did we see you hungry and feed you or thirsty and gave you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invited you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?

The King will reply “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Mathew 25/34-40. This is how the seeds of peace and cooperation are sowed.

Feeding the people; this is religion. Giving all access to safe potable water; this is religion. Welcoming the stranger (The Other); this is religion. Dressing the nation; this is religion. Healing the sick; this is religion. In a country where the poor go to prison and the rich go to hospital, visiting the imprisoned; this is religion. This is according to the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ. And they say NPP and JVP are atheists!

Latest comments

  • 7

    Father Pieris, You have quite rightly summarised religion as giving food and water to the poor, welcoming the stranger,, healing the sick and visiting the imprisoned as Jesus himself commanded. Something that upsets people is when you mention his spiritual legacy to humanity. When he resurrected, the saints buried in Jerusalem also were resurrected and were recognised by people to whom they appeared. Mat.27,52 The Roman centurion who flogged Jesus seeing what happened became very fearful and said this was the Son of God. He left the military and became a missionary. What a testimony from one who watched it all happen before him.

    • 10

      I was very sad to learn about his death …… some of the things he did, at times, looked as if he lacked intelligence. …….. But no one can doubt he had a good heart.


    • 3

      Now that JVP has given in writing to Catholic church that they will conduct an inquiry on Easter bombing and bring the culprits to justice. On the same token will JVP give in writing to Tamils that they will conduct an inquiry on war crimes and bring the culprits to justice. JVP says that they only objected to north east merger for the way it was done and when they come to power, they will initiate a dialogue regarding merging of north and east. Why wait till coming to power. If they are honest, they can file action in supreme court withdrawing their earlier case and allow north east merger to continue.

  • 22

    The attraction of AKD ……. is his untested newness. Something unknown. …….. All the others, we know what to expect: nothing new.

    So far, AKD has behaved well.

    Can’t speak for others ……. but I’m waiting for him …….. like waiting for things to arrive, I buy from Amazon, EBay, Ali Baba. Most, the novelty wears off after awhile. But some HiFi accessories (clones of prohibitively expensive Western brands) from Ali Baba are truly remarkable for the money they sell for.

    Remains to be seen if AKD will offer such value. I suspect he will.

    What else can we look forward to?

    It’s like the sign some guy was carrying in Bandarawela …….. “Jesus is Coming Today.”

    That’ll be new ……. for a change.

    • 6

      Whaaaat! nimal.
      When could you have seen (metaphorically even), me carrying such a sign?
      I see another comment below, by Leonard Jayawardena, which needs a response.
      I saw it after I commenced writing out this comment.
      I feel that we are entering a crucial period in our history.
      I haven’t read Fr Chryso Pieris SJ’s article yet. How many things for an old man to be doing at the same time?
      I bet I’m much older than you. And wiser? No, I didn’t make that boast!
      Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

      • 7

        There is another metaphor there. Jesus is a metaphor for AKD.

      • 3

        Dear S-M: Haven’t you heard: Older the Bull, sharper and stronger the Horn.

        Don’t give up.

    • 9

      “It’s like the sign some guy was carrying in Bandarawela …”
      Just asking for a friend…..do you have his ID number?

  • 7

    Fr C Pieris

    Surely you might have heard these following words of Nietzche:

    “ God is dead, God remains dead, and we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? “

    Fr, having killed the almighty God, all religions have become obsolete now. Places of worship are therefore to be shut down as well. But we with good heart could see the God in the smile of a poor.

    • 1

      roynathan, Nietzche is just a believer of communism. Democracy is not dead and theocracy can never die. Almighty God cannot be killed by the wishful thinking of humans who have not experienced his power. All religions are very much alive except to those who do not visit such places. They will never be shut down and the devil in the form of anti-Christ as world renowned politician will sign a peace agreement with Israel and then break it and demand to be worshipped as god. This will finally lead to the armies from the east joining Iran to reach Megiddo in Israel and attack it where Russia failed earlier. Jesus will return to Jerusalem, protect Israel and judge her enemies with annihilation. No imaginary smile of a poor.

      • 3

        Nietzche is just a believer of communism.
        That sounds cleverer than the usual OT quotes.

        • 0

          Hello SJ,
          I always thought that Neitzsche was the opposite, but then again if a Fascist can call themselves a National Socialist, then Neitzsche, Schopenhauer and Wagner are communists. I always thought that his worst quote was “What does not kill me, makes me stronger” Even at 14 years old when I first heard it I thought “Complete Bollocks” but refrained from saying this to the Teacher, who used to play “Ride of the Valkyries” to us in his Music Lessons. Looking back it all fits with his outlook and behaviour.
          Best regards

  • 7

    … I do not know how they are going to do it … . – Fr Chryso Pieris SJ.
    Do I need to add any more thoughts!
    … peace is the foundation … . -Fr Chryso Pieris SJ.
    Alas, Even Fr Chryso Pieris SJ doesn’t tell what peace is!
    The remaining balance is another Davidthegood kathava!!

    • 2

      Nathan, Peace will come when the Prince of Peace comes..Isa.9,6-7 “Increase of his government and peace there will be no end” The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this. Humans cannot.

  • 9

    Read this article for a supreme display of naivety, gullibility and delusion.

    Author: “AKD’s logic, that peace is the foundation….”

    This from the leader of a group who every year religiously commemorate the two bloody revolutions waged by their “forebears,” which amply demonstrate their failure to denounce the violent methods of the old JVP.

    Words are cheap. The truisms and platitudes of the NPP (=JVP) mentioned in this article have been uttered a billion times by other politicians of all hues and stripes, so there is nothing new here. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

    Author: “AKD’s and NPP’s top priority is FOOD. … All the people will eat and eat nourishing food. I do not know how they are going to do it. But I am sure they have a plan and they will do it.”

    Talk about blind faith! The 301.76m rupee question is How? Didn’t we have a political party in the past that promised to bring rice from the moon if need be?

    Not surprisingly for a cleric of this ilk, the author cannot resist misapplying a biblical passage at the end of the article and thus trivializing it.

    • 6

      Even in tonight’s news I heard Harsha de Silva of SJB renewing their challenge to the NPP to a debate with their economic team, which the NPP has been dodging so far with their red herring of a debate between the leaders of the two parties. What are the NPP afraid of?

      • 3

        Dear Leonard,
        There is an excellent video,
        37 minutes in Sinhala, and then 15 minutes in English, of Harsha’s press conference. I felt that it was very sincere.
        I hope that those who cannot understand Sinhala will listen to the 15 minute English section.
        Here it is:
        I hope that all readers will understand what is significant here: there is a full English message, a little shorter in duration it is true, starting at 37 minutes.
        This is sincere talk. It probably means that Sajith will also contest.
        If so, my Number One still goes to AKD, but my Number 3 to Sajith. I don’t think much of Sajith, but Harsha and Eran Wickremaratne are indeed outstanding people.
        “Anybody but Ranil” must now be our chant.
        Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

    • 10

      “I do not know how they are going to do it. But I am sure they have a plan and they will do it.”
      Talk about blind faith! “
      Nothing personal, but what else but blind faith would one expect from a clergyman?

    • 5

      Leonard J

      Agree with you. I don’t want to sound rude to the good father but it is a load of nonsense.

      Singing hosannas to AKD instead of focusing on substance is becoming a joke to me. All well & good to feed the people, provide health care & education to all, etc which is the responsibility of any govt. but shouldn’t we question how funds are raised to do all that good work, considering the country is just rising from bankruptcy?
      Father P admits he does not know ‘how they are going to do it’ but has faith that they ‘have a plan and they will do it’. Realistically, shouldn’t we be asking about that plan? I would advise the good father not to have the the same faith in AKD & NPP as his faith in god.

      The punch line that JVP & NPP are a bunch of atheists, yet able to do all that good is hilarious. How many politicians are actually religious? Which is better. religious hypocrites or atheists who are openly non religious? Anyway, the NPP consists of a Bhikkhu front, so, although, non Christian, they can’t be considered as atheists, unless the good father believes in one god only & there being no almighty god in Buddhism.

      • 3

        Raj-UK: You say: “….the country is just rising from bankruptcy”

        Could you please provide the related data for me to understand, “just rising from bankruptcy”

        Thank you.

        • 6

          I agree with you that the artificial image created saying that the country is just rising from bankruptcy is not based on facts. According to Economists the fact is that the country’s economy has gone from 90 billion dollars to 74 billion. This is shrinking down the economy. Yes, people are getting fuel, food but hundreds of small and medium businesses have not started again, no investments are coming in, debt levels are increased, dollars have come from tourists and the money coming from those Sri Lankan escaped to richer nations but the demand for dollars are decreased because of high cost of living due to increased taxes and increased prices. No one talks about what happened to the debt payments. Rising from bankruptcy is created by IMF and sponsors of Western Economies to Ranil Wickremasingha.

        • 1


          From what I have heard, conditions have improved since the days of total bankruptcy when people were facing shortages from food to fuel. The FOREX situation seems to have improved with the rupee appreciating against other currencies, therefore, to me, its a sign of improvement. Statistics have never been my strong point, so, I am unable to prove my conclusion. However, you are welcome to enlighten me.
          I won’t say RW was singlehandedly responsible for the improvement but he has brought some stability &, if I am not mistaken, there were no takers when GR offered the top job. Maybe the FOREX situation has been largely due to the influx of tourists & not growth in the economy from exports & industrialisation, which then raises the question if tourism is sustainable. Many small Mediterranean islands which depend mainly from tourism are now concerned about the overall bad effects of mass tourism, therefore, SL too, should be cautious about the golden goose. This is why I say we are ‘just’ rising up from bankruptcy, therefore, any govt. that is coming to power should have a well thought of economic recovery strategy.

          • 4

            “Maybe the FOREX situation has been largely due to the influx of tourists & not growth in the economy from exports & industrialisation, “
            It is. Tourism was practically zero during the epidemic, and foreign remittances too. Tea exports were decimated by the stupid fertilizer policy.
            People complain of high prices, but that is due to the rupee losing half its value, which was due to Cabral.
            The country will be actually “out of bankruptcy ” ONLY when it starts paying its creditors. Until then, the IMF will help., as longas we keep to the rules.

          • 5

            “The FOREX situation seems to have improved with the rupee appreciating against other currencies,”
            We have more cash in hand, yes– but it is all borrowed money.

          • 1

            Dear Raj-UK,
            evening my daughter in Maharagama phoned, after hearing this story:
            Was I safe! I said that the story was obviously real, because when in Bandarawela town, I had seen a container-transporting-lorry carrying a Mini-Minor suitably painted up, going towards Diyatalawa. Do Rail’s “elite” imagine that humble citizens like me are going to vote for him because of stories like this?
            And this is how he intends solving the housing problems of estate labourers:
            Why not offer me your apartment in London? I’ve never been outside Asia.
            What Ranil had done two days ago.
            The cows have been so impressed with the latest technology being employed to milk them that they don’t seem to appreciate the visit by the “distinguished visitor. They know that in old age they will be butchered; if only Gota were still President! He was going to ensure “no butchering in Sri Lanka. The cows would have enjoyed a voyage to Bandladesh ere the end.
            Why not read this on-line?
            Or see one of the films.
            Good to know that you’re impressed with Ranil.
            Panini Edirisinhe

        • 4

          A bankrupt person is one who cannot pay his creditors. He will end up losing all his collateral, which may include his house and property. In the case of a country, it is the same, except that it won’t lose its sovereignty, but can’t import anything except on cash upfront. SL is negotiating with its creditors for a reduction in interest and a moratorium of up to 8 years. Only when we pay the creditors can we claim to be not bankrupt.
          But it is true that we are rising from bankruptcy, because our bank guarantees are again being accepted for imports. It is a long process.

        • 4

          Douglas mahaththayo, let me greet you first, belated happy new year to you (your exemplary leaders of Tilni de silva nature is used to call godfather of great crimes aka BP Mahendra Rajapkashe… as Mahinda Mahaththaya) , so that fits you as well.

          Please learn to respect the truths. Untruths would not bring us an inch further. Untruths have ruined this nation as of today.

          Medamulanism above anyhting else, proved it to all. Aruna paper is now slamed by entire nation with Gota turning against his condom supporter Dilith Jayaweera lately.

          .My naivity gave me the feeling Douglas woudl be unabised… no .. I am wrong… it is so pathetic to see, you are behaving like a blind today. . That is against the fundemental of true buddhism.


          • 2

            Dear LM: you are driving off the track like the first vehicle that went off the track at the “Fox Hill” in Diyathlawa.

            Seven got killed and twenty-one others got seriously injured. Why? The spectators rushed to see the accident and were run over by the following vehicle.

            To follow your comments, ever and ever condemning “Madamulana BP” but without solutions is comparable to that Fox Hill car racing at Diyathalawa yesterday.

            My friend, TRUTH will prevail and accepted, but it takes time. That is a TRUTH.

  • 14

    The country and people need a fundamental change. We all hope that this is the time for change and people will realise that they need to change their minds to change the way the country governs.

    • 3

      Everyone with some knowledge knows it but the million dollar question is if JVP LED NPP 🤔 has the power to do the miracles?
      What have JVPrs proved 😳 during the last 52 years ? .
      Gota led politics proved 👌 only promises would nt bring anything but the experiences.
      Do the AKD led NPP possess the due experiences? .
      Why do they repeatedly dodge the ethnic issue and how they would 🤔 implement the federal solutions which are the only wayout to the sustainable peace in N and E?
      How would they continue with IMF recommendations 🤔? .
      Would they stand against IMF assistance, what are other options 🤔 to face the dangerous situation with economy? .
      Can srilanka afford another 😫 term similar to that GOTA/His Thakkadiyo brothers MARA/ASIL?
      Would Sunil Handunnetti be the future minister of finance, what has he got national/ international experience to do the job? Is his qualification as the former President to COPE good enough to rely on his performance?????.
      NPP promoters over to u, please come with constructive responses to all above questions 🙏 🙂 thank u

      • 4


        You should also ask what the experienced politicians including JRJ,Chandrika,RW, MR, Sirisena, Gota did to the country? Just brought racism, fundamentalism and finally bankcruptcy.
        Who is now protecting those Rajapaksas?
        Who is the one who brought Gota into power?
        What did RW do to the Easter Bombing master minds?
        Who was behind 1983 Black July?

  • 15

    AKD promises to work for Peace. But he has less to nothing to say about striving for Justice.
    Without Justice, any talk of Peace is a delusion.

    • 10

      What steps could he take that you would regard as providing satisfactory justice?

    • 4

      Dr. Sachithanandam S: Please read page 23 – captioned “judiciary” of the NPP Policy Statement titled “Rapid Response To Overcome Current Challenges”.

      More to come as and when an Election Manifesto is put out based on the above Policy Statement.

      On many occasions, NPP has prioritized the need to make not only the Judiciary but all the Law Enforcement, including the AG’s office INDEPENDENT and devoid of Political influence. This includes the Judicial Service Commission.

  • 11

    How does one define ” good decent citizens” [GDC]? Can one who is a Sinhala Buddhist supremacist be a good decent SL Citizen? Can a Tamil who is really concerned about preserving land, culture & religion be a good decent citizen? I hate people calling such a Tamil as ‘kottiya’.
    There are GDC who are wealthy but really worried about AKD coming to power. The NPP should ALLAY their fears & apprehensions by declaring that if the wealth has been accumulated by hard work & NOT BY corrupt activities, they will be safe.

  • 7

    Hello Fr C Pieris
    I disagree fundamentally with DTG, however he is an honest Christian and believes the Bible is Gospel. Your Husserlian references to “The Other” don’t fool anyone. And neither does your fake Genetics – “Human DNA is such that it naturally forms groups, communities, castes and races” Castes are a Vedic import from the Steppe Yamnaya. Can you show me a Gene for Caste, or one for Religion? Your article is completely dishonest and doesn’t warrant any serious critique. For anyone that wishes to see the nature of the Roman Catholic Church which includes Fr C Pieris Jesuit Cult please have a listen to Stephen Fry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDOGMM9IaT0
    Best regards

    • 2

      LankaScot, Thank you for seeing that I am honest. I have never been otherwise. I believe the total picture story our creator God has revealed in the bible for our understanding, starting in Genesis and ending in the book of Revelation. It is full of truth all the way, everything happening exactly as foretold before the events which makes you gasp at how it all happens like that. The spiritual truths revealed will never be understood and accepted by those who do not believe in God and as such they are not accountable to any higher authority for their self reliance. That is the sad state of affairs in our country today for most who are not covered.

      • 8

        ” honest Christian” and “honest person” have more than subtle differences.

    • 10

      Dear LankaScot,

      Your Husserlian references to “the other” do not mislead anyone. Your Fake Genetics – “Human DNA naturally forms groups, communities, castes and nations.” Caste is a gradual Vedic importation. Are you showing me a gene for caste or is your article completely dishonest and needs no serious criticism?

      This is what happens when you don’t know what genes are. Behavioural scientists know that most of some extreme behaviours reflect to criminal acitvities of the met people.

      Genetics explains that multiple other factors besides genes play a crucial role in human behavior. It means, that Genotype and phenotype are related to several other factors.

      Immigrants in Hawaii do not behave like their native Japanese counterparts in their home country. no other examples needed but, The Tamil Sri Lankans (second generation) who immigrated to Europe after the 1983 uprising are not small-minded either.

    • 5

      ”Your article is completely dishonest and doesn’t warrant any serious critique.
      Here we go with our Old Pal LankaScot, the anti DTG propagandist.
      His so deep anti-Hindu nature is never ready to accept the true history of Veda. He is looking for DNA for Casteism. He never can accept, that is the Aryanism, the Aryan who conquered the Indus valley created the Varnam – That in Tamil- Sanskrit like languages means just the English word “Color – The American language the “Negro”. It is whites who conquered the Indus valley divided Indian Aboriginal society by casteism. The bottom line is this ultimate Sinhala Buddhist called LankaScot is not ready to let Tamils have their due sovereignty but is proposing more peace talks to keep Tamils deprived. We have been citing Singapore – Malaysia as the true peace – the countries who had willingness to be divided and thriving. Isn’t it Western culture that neighbors build compound walls and secure their properties? Then what is the problem here in Langkang, to follow that? Those who refuse to honestly recognize the Tamils Sovereignty are only Hitler’s Golaya Joseph Goebbels. Those who want to give one medicine to Palestine and another medicine to Tamils in Ceylon, who are by all historical evidence there for 3000 years and it was a part of the same group evolved into Sinhalese are nothing but dishonest theocratic preachers.

      • 2

        Mallaiyuran, You mention that LankaScot is looking for DNA for casteism. There are no castes in UK, Europe and USA. Sri Lanka has it simply because of the nikayas in Sinhala Buddhism and has nothing to do with DNA and the genetic structure of human beings. Sri Lanka will never be rid of Casteism as long as these nikayas exist here and people are grouped wrong.

    • 8

      What part of their body feels hurt when they hear that the Tamils can live as neighbors with Sinhalese when they are separated from Sinhalese. If they are not getting along, as now they are, then UN rules can be easily applied to bring justice for them both. We all saw Chandrika Bandaranaike, by waging War for peace, spending $400B, fed and brought up the Rowdy Royal Family. The result was she gave up her citizenship and ran to Britain until her arch enemy Evil Emperor came and saved her with his classical impunity for her war crimes. But in Tamils case, whether it was Don Stephen ruling or Solomon Dias ruling or Siri Ma O ruling or Junius Richard ruling or Valaiththodam ruling, or Chandrika ruling or Rowdy King ruling or Yahapalanaya ruling their life is only like “Once a naughty boy, and a naughty boy was he, Ran away to Scotland”. Their hearts and lands are in Ceylon, but their life is only in the West. Why do they have to go through this?
      We agree NPP winning is the only way Sinhalese are testing their future. It is up to them to elect him if they wish to rest the 76 years legacy of UNP-SLFP kleptocracy, culture and politics. That is not a political solution for Tamils. Why can’t Tamils have what is being proposed to Palestine now?

    • 8

      The only solution to Tamils is having restored their sovereignty which Britain handed over to the Barbarians, who are called Sinhala Buddhist intellectuals. Those who advocate one solution for Palestinian and another one for Tamils openly show their vengeance against Tamils. They are not ready to see Tamils as equal citizens to Sinhalese, but equal to any other group of citizens in the world. They want to designate Tamils as the true Pariahs of the world. There is no need for Tamils to sit down and negotiate with Kandy Ayatollah’s to enjoy their UN defined sovereignty. They need not climb the Himalaya Mountain to live in peace in their ancestral home where they have lived for 3000 years. Tamils may believe or deny in the resurrection of Jesus, that depends on individual human nature. But as a group, Tamils have no interest at all in resurrecting Bandit Queen Chandrika’s war for peace and then once more go through the Mullivaikkal. Anybody can give arms and turn any one as guardians of the Indian ocean. We are not scared of that situation, nor interested in the Indian Ocean. Anybody can have that. No problem. But we only want our North East to continue to live where we lived for more than 3000 years.

  • 11

    ” All the people will eat and eat nourishing food.”

    It is odd that someone can “starve” in a tropical country, excluding a combat zone. Recall the story of Robinson Crusoe. At the beginning he just eats fruits. Then he catches fish. Then he learns to hunt and trap animals. Then he starts cultivation. Finally he domesticates animals, which gives him milk, eggs, and meat. This is one man, on a tropical island, who survived through his own efforts. If Crusoe had waited for the government to give him food, he wouldn’t have made it past 10 days.

    • 13

      “Recall the story of Robinson Crusoe. “
      Good try, but didn’t your degree in scraper-pushing include how to distinguish fiction from autobiography?

    • 12

      Old Codger,

      Keep on showing us that “stellar” IQ. Crusoe is very popular among economists. What did you learn at the government school, besides insider trading?

      • 11

        Lester the incompetent,
        Fiction is fiction, even if an economist likes it. Pretty pissed off, aren’t we, that Deepthi didn’t include you even at 50? Try harder.🤣🤣🤣🤣

        • 11

          OC, STEM genius ????? LOL . (Now watch this space for sputtering action).

          • 11

            Okay, now we have a Crusoe popular among economists, where is Man Friday ???

            • 10

              Is Man Friday watching the stock market or tilling the garden by hand ???. Intentionally made three comments instead of one, so to keep the STEM genius occupied.

            • 10

              Looks like Man Friday now doesn’t want to get involved in Lying Lester’s shenanigans.

        • 8

          Hello OC,
          The inspiration for Crusoe is most likely Alexander Selkirk (Selcraig) although some claim Robert Knox in Kandy. Selkirk, from Fife in Scotland, was a “State Sponsored Pirate” on behalf of King George the 1st when he was stranded in a Chilean Island in 1704 for 4 years or so. He was eventually picked up and returned to England and Scotland. He couldn’t thole the life there and returned to Sea as a Privateer and died on 13th December 1721. He was Buried at Sea. Here is a good account from one of Selkirk’s brother’s descendants -https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-real-robinson-crusoe-74877644/
          Best regards

          • 11

            It couldn’t have been Robert Knox. He had a relatively cushy time here.

          • 14


            Yes, the Crusoe story is likely based on real-life events. Old Codger (IQ 50) is clueless as usual.

        • 12

          Can’t prove a negative. Anyway, it’s very funny that you bash intellectuals and one day out of the blue they call you out. She also called out that Vedda guy.

          • 3

            “Can’t prove a negative.”
            What then is the phrase “reductio ad absurdum” about in logic and mathematics?

            • 0

              Hello SJ,
              Its like QED quod erat demonstrandum. I used to get a real sense of satisfaction writing this at the end of a Maths question (until the Lecturer corrected it).
              Best regards

        • 2

          OC with IQ of 50 I missed Lester , include him in your league.

          Do you still masquerade as a casanova ? That role does not fit your kind.

          You look more natural when you act a pundit and nit pick in a small website

          • 1

            Are you listening? 🤣🤣

      • 11

        Lester, when you get caught with your foot in your mouth, it’s better to keep quiet, especially now that u-no-hoo doesn’t come running to prop you up.

  • 2

    Dear Fr Chryso Pieris SJ,


    I have now (02:45 in Bandarawela) read your entire article, and it brought tears to my eyes. Next Sunday, the 21st, will be the fifth anniversary of the Easter Bombs, 2019.
    Yesterday, the NPP legal team, sounding more compassionate than the Shark Profession are usually thought to be, held a 40-minute Press Conference. The time was used very efficiently, but unfortunately, for some of our readers, it was entirely in Sinhala:
    This is a second recording of it.
    NPP Press Conference | NPP Srilanka | 2024.04.17
    Readers, please listen to one of them, if you understand Sinhala.

    • 3

      PART TWO
      It now seems to me
      that both AKD and Sajith Premadasa will contest the Presidency in October 2024. If Sajith wins, it will be thanks to Harsha de Silva and Eran Wickremaratne. My First Preference will go to AKD, and my Third will go to Sajith. My Second? Not very important, may be to a Tamil or Muslim candidate.
      If readers are planning to use Preferential Votes, please exercise great care in filling up your ballot paper. The candidates don’t want to encourage the practice, because if they do, many of their assured votes will get spoilt.
      Panini Edirisinhe

  • 5

    It is important that this article come from clergy. It is not enough to put a religious label on yourselves and contribute to the destruction. Farther correctly say by giving food,health and education to the people you become a religion. Also this this is true to the Christianity but also true to all other religions like Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam.
    So AKD and the gang without religious label should be acceptable to all religions. Hope people understand these facts.

  • 2

    I have listened for 53 minutes in Sinhala to a six month old interview of a man I have disliked for long:
    | Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith
    I liked the interview. He acknowledges that he was duped by Gota and the other Rajapaksas. I hadn’t liked him because I thought him rather an anti-Tamil racist. He’s been appointed Archbishop of Colombo soon after Prabhakaran was killed. Incidentally the interviewer has done a good job. Far too many Sinhalese YouTubers are much too aggressive.
    It is sometimes much quicker to get facts from something printed, rather than by listening to a YouTube.

    • 12

      Being duped is one thing, but building on it to convince his flock to vote for an incompetent fathead was on another level

      • 7

        Well what else could one expect, when his appointment itself, was done as a Favour, by a HoS and his Spouse, beholden to the Priest, whispering acclaims and singing hosannah’s in getting the appointment ratified and expedited!!!??? The new appointee was indebted to the Lead Rajapakse and Spouse, to get his ‘flock’ to vote for the ‘R’ CLAN, for past Favours!!??
        This is the evident DECLINE and degeneration in character of SL community as a whole, at every single level!!??!

  • 10

    The good Father has expressed admirable sentiments. Without doubt, our present ills stem from the populist efforts of Sinhala leaders who started the rot well before 1948 as Rajan and Kirupaimalar Hoole point out in their book, Democracy Stitllborn. AKD has spoken about the need to erase the past communalism to which his party contributed most viciously. Yet, a new leaf can be turned. But, to do that, a firm plan must be announced. As with the economy, there is rhetoric without substance. How cill this be accomplished? How will the JVP accomplish this in the face of the “Maha” Sangha hich will be triggered if any concessions are made to the minorities? AKD himself, like all other chauvinist leaders,, goes with trays of flowers to bow before the saffron brigade. Let him test his firm proposals by releasing them and confronting the response of the different factions. The rhetoric of system change is not enough. AKD can bring change which we need but he needs to spell out more concretely the means by which he would effect the change. He must reveal what his approach to the IMF would be. He has said he would not ditch them. He must announce his solution to the ethnic problems.

    • 3

      There is no major ethnic problem, just economic disparities. Colombo Tamils never had a problem with the majority community, it’s just a handful of Northern Tamils (Vellalar) who were carried away by Prabhakaran. If not for Prabhakaran, there would have been no civil war. Like Hitler, the man deceived everyone around him and got them into a deep hole they couldn’t escape from. AKD, if he is elected, needs to focus on actual problems that exist, such as youth unemployment, inefficient use of energy resources, and food insecurity. If he tries to address this “ethnic issue” in any decisive way, he will go down the same path as Rajiv Gandhi and Premadasa.

      • 12

        Prior to Prabhakaran, the leaders of the Tamils were Colombo Tamil lawyers. They cheated the Tamils for their own ends. They received privileges like scholarship for their children etc and, like the Sinhala politician, rode the communal waggon to maintain power. Prabhakaran was able to channel the discontent of the Tamil youth. Violence had already begun. Against the Tamils it began early in 1956.Why blame Prabhakaran for the violence? JVP also was brutally violent well before the Tamil youth. There are unresolved problems, the schisms within the Sinhala people which the old JVP represented. and the rift with the Tamils. The schism within the Sinhalese is enhanced by the gap between the corrupt Sinhala rich and the poor. The rift with the Tamils continues until a solution is reached. Incidentally, Prabhakaran was not a “Vellalar”. He was a good Karava man.

        • 7

          Not really
          The shift towards Jaffna based politicians had started after the disastrous 1965 seven-party coalition.
          Chelvanayakam with advancing Parkinsonism was not capable of leading. The bid to push Thiruchelvam failed. Amirthalingam had manipulated himself into position within the FP, but defeat at the 1970 elections arrested his advancement.
          There was no Colombo-based lawyer or any other to succeed SJVC.
          All the youth movements benefitted from the failure of the FP, and Amirthalingam too (to lead the FP repackaged as TULF to victory in 1977).
          The gun battle between VP ans Uma M in Chennai in 1982 was a sign of what was to come.
          The LTTE was notorious fir its killing of political rivals, The killing of young boys from the TELO was a shameful deed.
          LTTE’s success was based on intimidation, which it did more successfully than some of its rivals.
          By the way, you claim that “They (the Tamil leaders) received privileges like scholarship for their children etc.”
          Can you kindly give a few instances.

          • 2


            That is the point, the TULF underestimated Prabhakaran. Some of the early Sinhalese politicians made mistakes, but things would have fixed themselves eventually. Better to negotiate with them (at that time) than play proxy with militants.

          • 4

            SJ, this is from memory. Banda, during debates, mentioned that despite his invectives, a named Tamil leader sees him regularly to seek privileges for his child. I am unable to authenticate this now.

            • 3

              Banda died in 1959.
              There were probably 7 or 8 FP Tamil MPs during his term.
              Banda’s claims apart, can you support your claim (namely that ‘they received privileges like scholarship for their children etc’) by identifying the beneficiaries.
              I am no admirer of the FP and do not hold that the FP MPs were angels, but I contest your above claim.

          • 7

            You need a TRO tell to that how did you go to London and how did you become an interpreter in Air Force. Your frozen brain now 1000 times worse than SJV’s, after he started to suffer from Parkinson. You always forget that all what you tell about others is your own history. When I was a high school boy, I heard a lot of stories about how SJV made lakhs and lakhs to spend on the Federal Party, without going to court. He did not break the country and force it to go bankrupt, by depositing $30$ in America, Britain, Germany, Middle East, Belarus, Uganda…… All SJV’s income was from the senior lawyers coming to consult him. He does do much glamours consultation. But he refer only the page of NLR or case verdict relevant to the matter. It is said he cross examined the witnesses only once. Even that one was a short one. He never knock down the witnesses. It was not in his soften blood. All road rowdies and Padeshies, when they have nothing to talk, are now talking about SLV, because of what Siri Ma O did. Everybody knows how smart these copycat Sadampies, who only carry light to VC use university letterheads to campaign for Old Rowdy.

            • 0

              The faulty medication in action again!

              • 1

                Isn’t your fault delivering Rambo’s Indian injections instead for Deva medicine for your clients.

                Absolute imbecile went to London by patronizing Siri Ma O!

      • 19

        Hello, lying Jester Kunju, how is life in London, Croydon? ” There is no major problem but just economic disparities.” Is that why you ran to the UK and your friend and Avatar the former Southern Beach Boy Svensen to Lapland with Viking Sukkar Papa to herd reindeer and get the feel of a huge Viking rod? Now from the safety and the good life in the west, you have sorted out your major economic problem and trying your best to create more ethnic problems back home with your lies and so is your sad nasty, vindictive friend and Avatar from Lapland. Lying Jester Kunju, since there is no ethnic problem, you and I should do a love dance at a London Venue. Can you please dress up in drag and dance with me like this. I warn you I can dance like this and more very well. Can you my racist Kunju. No ethnic problem just love, my little Kunju in drag.

        • 17

          We could be the rage in all the desi clubs, and we can call ourselves the Lying Jester in Drag and the pretty Fag Hag Piglet. Will make my boyfriend jealous and let him cry in a corner..

        • 6

          Hello Pandi Kutti,
          Stop winding him up 😎, your intellect can be put to better use. And by the way not all Vikings have enormous magical hammers, according to my Danish and Norwegian women friends. We built the first Saturation Diving System in Esbjerg, Denmark. We frequented the night clubs and restaurants for a few months😉. I went back a few years ago on a Training Program and re-visited Esbjerg and other places, however all the women that we knew had married and now had Grandchildren. It is a wonderful Country and you have to see the Statues on the Shoreline at Esbjerg. I don’t think that there were many Vikings from Finland, sorry.
          Best regards

          • 1

            Hello LankaScot,

            You are attempting to engage in discourse with an individual who is not sane. Newton-Raphson and decimal truncation will not work here.

            • 11

              Hello my lying racist Kunju. You do look sweet in drag. Suits you well and your personality. We can leave London and dance around in Berlin like this recreating the hedonistic 1920s Berlin. Would you love that. I am insane to cure your insane pathological hatred towards the Thamizh.

              • 4

                Pandi Kutti,
                I really don’t know why you decided to call you a “Piglet”. By the way, in Germany, piglets are a symbol of good luck (e.g. Ich habe Schwein gehabt).
                Put it aside, I tell you. Don’t attach yourself to anyone, just pursue “hatred and racism.” Racists of this type resemble the heterogeneous fauna found in garbage dumps in Vanathamulla (colombo garbage depony). Their existence is linked to the existence of landfills. Nor are they mature enough to see beyond that. These are unfortunately the real “human beasts” not “human beings”.
                We have had several of them contributed to CT in the recent past through both comments and articles (HDM, Eagleeye), all of whom are now busy in hell with their karmic retributive agendas. Best of all, that sodomist, Ghanasara, is imprisoned for 4 years a few weeks ago.
                However, we don’t need to WASTE discussing how things would turn out for Lester and his boy Ruchira in the near future.

                The roles of the two are similar to those of a beach boy who is called to the west coast of Sri Lanka (Hikkaduwa and Bentota – a gay paradise in the eyes of Westerners). They are merely hired lackeys of promoters of racism in the Rajapakshe clan.


                • 4


                  Racism and constant strife within the nation have truly destroyed our nation and brought us to the brink. THIS IS NOW RECOGNIZED AS A FACT.
                  Unfortunately, the majority are not yet able to recognize the impact. So it goes around in circles and the same mistake is repeated more or less.

                  If you continue to argue with such idiots who cannot foresee the consequences, you are contributing to the spread of hatred and further destruction of our wicked society. Do you want it?

                  I don’t mind now they brand me Tamil diaspora funding my life: these buggers are not open to criticism. That is why we are stagnating LIKE colombo Baira Lake.
                  It is obvious that. I am one of the few who do not respect the term “minority” in the Lankan context. Authorities should promptly remove such name information from passports and all identification features. Paradoxically, “Pseudo Clean Next Force-NPP” doesn’t even seem to talk about it… ??? They dodge it as usual, by being scared to have less votes.

                  When talking about Sri Lanka, we need to remove it from our Sinhala/Tamil and English vocabulary. Our media is more racist and biased than appeared to be, that is why they dont take the side of the public yet today. , it should have started a long time ago. I hate lanken MAIN STREAM media deceiters

            • 2

              Yes Lester, that is true. He is an insane person.
              You, the Sadampi clown like the ones, are better candidates than the Sinhala Buddhist Appe Aanduwa Sinhala Jury only court system’s judges declare who is insane and who is sane. Because the frozen heads of yours can’t tell anything other than labeling the commentators. It is because the Sinhala Buddhist Modayas have selected the Kleptocracy UNP-SLFP vandalist to take the authority in their hand and run the government recruiting 450,000 Rapist Army & police rowdies. That is why anybody asking for justice is an insane one in the Wildlife Sanctuary, the Sinhala Buddhist SinhaLE Lankawe!!

              • 2


                Please accept my belated New Year greetings. If we tolerate or promote hatred and revenge, our society will never be modernized/improved. It is an indisputable fact.
                Hope you had a Happy New Year.. Please ignore Lester, Deepti and Ruchira. Don’t waste your precious time on low lives. We need to see beyond that. Ignorance is the best weapon as I know from my life experience.
                The Rajapaksa clan secretly instigated them to protect their Chinthanaya in CT. Even today there are their minions in every European city. Shameless Rajapakshe supporters have sunk in so deep now that there is no turning back.

                Even our house pets cant learn something from what Lester or similar self-proclaimed nitwits adding to CT.
                Check out LankaScot or similar, later joined to CT, – how his thoughts polarise today.. .. We need fact based information promoters of LANKA SCONT nature to help opening the eyes of totally hibernated stupid nation.
                I’m glad LS has been a part of CT reviewers of late.
                He always gives information to many blind thinkers. He is now becoming one of the cult commenter to this website.. It is all because he is well experienced in many areas. and He is a universal person.

          • 12

            Lanka Scott Amava it is working and now his friend/Avatar Svenson, comes here to attack me. Svenson is an old Norse name meaning son of Sven/Svend and not a Finnish name, should actually be Svensson but the Anglicized version is Svenson. It is a Swedish name. Therefore, Svenson and his Viking Sukkar Papa Sven are living in Swedish Lapland herding reindeers Very soon fake Viking Chingkalla Svenson and Sukkar Papa Sven are sailing to England on a Viking Long boat and will sail up the Thames River to Jester’s little hovel raid it and kidnap him and take him back to Lapland to work as one of Santa’s little slaves and to herd reindeer with his friend. If they do not work hard, and please Father Sven, they will feel the wrath of Sukkar pappa’s Viking hotrod.

          • 4

            Dear LankaScot,
            I really dont know where it was, you had lately raised why some ancestral srilankens used to have french names. That was of my greater interest to share you the following.
            I had paternal reltatives that wore english and scotish names ( Andrew, Peter, Arthur, Simon, Milton, Johannes etc).May be I also had ones that wore french names too. And they were then standing out in srilankan society.
            Even if some would not respect it today, many living in colombo are proud secretly to have their english names, though they call them sinhalaya. My cousins scattered around the globe (north america, Australia, Newzealand, England) dont seem to know good sinhala-langague going back to the days that srilanken schools were not equipped with sinhala teachers immediately after independence from the brites (1948). This is why our good SINHALA_MAN (Bandarawella) does not seem to know Sinhala Langauge properly going beyond the level of “uruwarige thisahamy”.
            We cant blame to the persons, but it was the systems that did not allow them to learn sinhala or tamil. I have met cameronians that only speak french being discriminated by their main tribes in that country. Last week, I got to know a swiss national in my hotel, he could not speak “swiss german”, which made me upset, becuase i speak Swiss german and German fluently.

            • 4

              That are being helpful in my job across europe. This particular swiss national told me, that he had no chance to learn German during his schooling, but spoke only English.

              Traveling around Europe/Globe for my job, I met some Sri Lankan St. Bridgetians, Royalists and Peterites, sometimes in London or Zurich, who didn’t even want to speak Sinhala.

              Then there was a Peterite (whose name appeared in some local tabloids) known then as a dishwasher-turned-millionaire. This man lived in Mainz/Germany at the time (2014). He boasted that he had gone to St. Peter’s as the only qualification to show. Some of the Beach Boys later migrated to Europe (Switzerland, France and other tourist areas) were proud to introduce me as ex-Peterites. I think English knowledge was the only tool them to move out of the country. In my experience most people who have touched academia are not from private schools.
              Once I was traveling from Berlin to Frankfurt by TGV, and suddenly I met an old monk (75 or so) from Sri Lanka. He spoke a lot about Bandaranayakas and Jayawardhanas. I spoke to him respectfully as a true Buddhist would do.
              However, I got the impression that he liked the Upland Sinhalese (very proud to be an upper caste Sinhalese) who though lived his whole life somewhere in England, but behaved more British than the average Sinhalese-Buddhist.

            • 1

              Hello Leelagemalli,
              There is a Scottish Sinhala family in Gelioya.I won’t give their Family name but they also have Scottish personal names and are the same colour (if not lighter) as me. They are quite proud of their Scottish Heritage but are also proud of their Sri Lankan ancestry.
              James Taylor and some of the early Tea Planters in Sri Lanka are reputed to have Sri Lankan children. I did some research into one of James Taylor’s relations and I am pretty certain that he had a Sri Lankan wife and children and the same in Scotland.
              Being a German speaker you will be aware of Platt (Low German). I spent some time in Limburg, Netherlands, around Geleen, Beek and Sittard. My friends there were quite taken aback because I could understand quite a bit of their local dialect Limburgs. It was very familiar to me a Doric speaker from Aberdeen.
              My attitude has always been to try to learn at least a little of the basics whichever country you are visiting (or more if you live there).
              Best regards

      • 14

        “Colombo Tamils never had a problem with the majority community”!!
        Bl___y Load of Bull!!??? Even when you pass out “excreta” as unwanted element, the sanctified would be more respectable to in spelling out such NONSENSE, the element of truth in such statement is respected and supported by facts and evidence to support such claims!!!???
        If as you say, “………. Majority in Colombo, had no issue with the Tamils”, could some NINCOMPOOP, make an effort to EXPLAIN 1956, 1958, 1960, 1967 etc.!!!??? Is it because the Colombo Sinhalese went ‘BOKERS’, BCAUSE OD A LUNAR OR SOLAR ECLISPSE!!!??? Or is it the NORMAL Psychic, outcome of consulting Occult, like Gnanakka and ancestors thereof!!!???
        The best story be related to the “Marines”!!!??? Or SL style narration, TO THE CROWS!!???

        • 13

          The guy keeps repeating this same crap to waste our time. He knows it’s rubbish.

          • 3

            Old Codger,

            Only your intellect is rubbish.

          • 1

            Be fair. He is not the only one.
            Name a few more, and red thumbs will suffocate you.

            • 0

              So sad your Anjanam, which is a pathetic one. There are 13 Green Thumbs I see for Old’s comment. He keeps always earning handfuls of green thumbs by throwing his Munthanai for you to hide but you always comment on his earnings with jealousy. Those are your smallness and cheapness learned from Siri Ma O and Vasanthi. One Time an IndianScot (White Ruler) bragged to his friend that the Indians are fools, and he could prove it in one single question to an Indian. One Indian walked to them. The IndianScot asked the peasant to tell IndianScot’s age. Without any pause the peasant said. “50”. The IndianScot was stunned but recollected himself and said his friend, who the knows the bagger’s age was 50, “Watch the climax now” and turned to the peasants and asked, “how did you arrived it?”. He very politely replied “my daughter is only 25, she is half mad (Arai Paithiyam”), enough is enough with her”. Here Old had said one name whose intellect is rubbish and earned 13 Green thumbs. You arrived at a calculation that if he says more, he would be bombarded with read thumbs. Is that some kind of math people being taught in London’s Karl Marx College of Mechanics? Honestly answer, pls don’t jump into cursing the Rambo medicine you exported to me, cheating it as the high-quality Deva medicine.

              • 1

                ” There are 13 Green Thumbs”
                But he has yet to name the others (you for example) to raise the red count.

        • 2

          What is this broken keyboard gobbledegook? I am going to spare my eyesight. I will just say, the seminal event was 1983 (all other prior dates are irrelevant) and that was initiated by Prabhakaran.

          • 12

            (Part I)
            “I will just say, the SEMINAL EVENT WAS 1983 (all other PRIOR DATES ARE IRRELEVANT) and that was INITIATED BY PRABHAKARAN.”
            That’s Great for a great mind to accept as an irrefutable occurrence – 1983 – which in other words, were symbolically, imbecilic then Majoritarian Leaders – JRJ, in cahoots with ‘Cyril’, ‘Mudali’ and et all, commit, “ATTEMPTED 1983, premeditated GENOCIDE, equipped with ELECTORAL LISTS, details thereof to ACCESS targets, commit dastardly Offence”!? Is it NOT very Intelligent, or only “Cunning Invention”, such as, HYBRID OFFPRING – “Lion mating Humans” – Story, widely used, trace heritage of Sinha-Le!!! Surprisingly, NOT used anymore!!?? Realising such unsustainable claims, due 20th century, scientific advancement, now advocating different “SING-SONG”!!?? AS Even Buddha was born in Part of ELU or HELA – what is present day Sri Lanka!!??? What ‘TOM-FOOLERY’, trying to make one’s ILL-FOUND BELIEF STAND-UP!!!??? COOK-UP, STORIES, then, CLAIM ONLY PART of EVIDENCE, as EVIDENCE, to suit ‘COOK-UP of the SOUP’ – What “A Heritage”!? Similarly, comes the present ignorance and/or disclaimer!!?
            “Intelligence or Cunningness”, that’s a moot point, SEEMS LATTER as per ‘Robert Blake’, mistaken – for higher “echelons” of intelligence!!??
            Hereditary congenital disorder!!??? No wonder, country – ‘STUFFED’!!?? BROKEN, BANKRUPT, ECONOMICALLY!!?? NIL Accountability!!??

          • 12

            (Part II)
            FYI – your 2nd and most brilliant innovation, factually incorrect inference, conclusion, at the best in my view BORDASH, is,
            1. VP born 26 November 1954!??
            2. Infant/Toddler, barely able to stand or walk in July 1956 and unable to speak!!??
            3. Is asinine to advert events in 1956 or even 1958, 1960, 1966, 1975 and 1977 to VP
            4. Your theory lacks Factual coherence and doesn’t STACK-UP!!???
            Same story, as HYBRID Reproductive, regeneration!!?? Pursuing INSATIABLE FUTILITY???

          • 11

            The manner of scavenging facts to support your case study, you are Proven Leader, who would lead the Majority to SALVATION!!! Rest my case!!!???
            One could fool, some all the time, ALL sometimes!!?? But not ALL all the time!!??
            Even those with 7 Brains cannot cope well!!!???
            Whither Sri Lanka!!!???

            • 0

              What language is this? Have you heard of an editor?

      • 13


        “Colombo Tamils never had a problem with the majority community…. “

        You are not serious are you?
        If not for Anagarika, …… Banda, Weeping Widow, Cyril, Dutta Gamani, JR, ….. there would not have been 1948, 1958, 1961, ……. 1970, 1972, 1974, 1977, …1981, 1983, …… Rajapaksas, ….. 2009, …. Gota, Aragalaya, Bankruptcy, 14 July 2022, Ranil, …… old codger, nimal fernando, SJ, chiv, leelagemalli, Mahila, Sinhala_Man , Cicero, Jack the Ripper, LankaScot, Nathan, Lester, ….. etc

        • 7

          my belated new year greetings to you.
          The social fabric of Sri Lanka is full of their self-expressions and over estimations about the nation. Song texts in sinhala are all about how proud we should be and how powerful we are etc. These are in the conditioned mindset of the people like a bark of a tree.
          Saddest reality is that the fourth pillar of the island nation, which is mainstream media is not yet mature enough to change that either. They dont make efforts genuinely to change the public perception.
          In those days, the television dramas portrayed the true form of Sri Lankan society, which I think has not changed much even today.

          Our people love and respect overate our people but that alone misleads the nation for worst.

          And some of our CT reviewers talk a lot about quantum theory, darwinism, Newtonian theories, DNA research, genealogical studies, Meta analyses, most of them know only the surface. They do not focus deeply on them. In order to stand out like “Coffee Shop Dayavati”, they think everyone is as stupid as they are and add their evasive thoughts.. It is time for our people to look back and correct us.

          • 8


            Thanks for your thoughts.
            Many people who think like you don’t put their thoughts on paper.
            It is a sad fact of life we may have to put up with.
            Some people do not want to face reality.
            Some live in their own mythic world.

            • 5

              Dear NV,
              Recently, I had a whatsup chat with a good older female cousin of mine in Australia. It was very unpleasant for me because she behaved patronizingly and looked down on others for no good reason. Some similar to them behave as if they are colonial masters not trying to see them in a mirror.
              I think we have degraded our living patterns and traditions that misguide us from any kind of progressive movement to the future.

              Public ideologies are formed mostly based on false and untrue statements.Myths and mystics take the precedence in the rural society more than urban cultures.
              This incident with afore mentioned cousin suddenly reminded me of our Sinhalese man from Bandarawella. People by and large (mostly if they belong to the boomer generation) make no effort to consider things in terms of facts and figures. Pretending to know so many things, when it comes to discussions, they don’t even know the basics of schooling (science, history, math, civics, geometry, health science and social studies etc.).

              I then said, if she was in a general state full of malice and malice, what would have helped her stay out of the country longer. There she shouted at me that I had forgotten my life in Sri Lanka. I lived in Sri Lanka only for the first two decades.

            • 4

              Finally we have found two star intellectuals, Vedda And Leela ! Good combination-intelligent, refined and cultured.

              • 1

                old codger, We all belong here.

              • 2

                old codger

                “It seems some of your ancestors also walked over from India”

                However I have been telling the converts, the racists, … crooks we walked, and walked and walked ……..for many years, came here first unlike the Kallathonie converts who believe …. all sorts of stupid things about their right to rule and ruine this island.
                By the way when we came there was no island, until about 12,000 years ago, …. and there was no Sinhala/Buddhist nor Sinhala/Buddhism, no Tamil/Saivite, nor any Tamil/Saivam, … Latin/Christians, Islam, ……

                Here is the link to the original paper:
                The genetic identity of the Vedda: A language isolate of South Asia

                • 1

                  Hello OC and Native,
                  There are times when you read something and think this doesn’t add up. It has puzzled me as to why the oldest South Asian Homo Sapiens are found in Sri Lanka. Genetics has demonstrated (fairly conclusively) that the Vedda are descended from the Paleolithic Balangoda Man. This latest Report that you give links the Vedda to various South Indian Tribal Groups. In the early migrations of Human populations they would normally use a Coastal Route. So it is quite possible that the Common Ancestors of the Vedda, Balangoda Man and Indian Tribal Groups arrived in Sri Lanka before moving inland to South India.
                  So Native as your ancestors were the first to enter India you have a claim over the whole sub-continent 😉.
                  Best regards

                  • 2

                    “It has puzzled me as to why the oldest South Asian Homo Sapiens are found in Sri Lanka. “
                    Some theories sound good, but turn out to have holes on closer inspection. Take the Dinosaurs , said to have been wiped out by a comet. How come the cockroaches, crocodiles, and even our early mammal ancestors survived? That puzzles me .

                    • 1

                      Hello OC,
                      I don’t think that the Comet in Central America ( Chicxulub must have had a large local affect) wiped out the Dinosaurs. Their survivors are still here on Earth, they are called Birds. I am more convinced that the huge lava flows that produced the Deccan Traps were responsible for the demise of the Dinosaurs as well as pterosaurs, large marine reptiles, and ammonites. Even our early mammal ancestors were devastated. The causes of most Extinction Events are poorly understood. World-wide temperature changes can have a differential effect on the Flora and Fauna – why some survive and others don’t is a bit of a mystery. I am sure that DTG has an answer😎.
                      Best regards

                    • 2

                      Are not the larger species are more vulnerable than smaller ones to major events, be it earth quakes, floods, extreme weather etc.?
                      The Comet Theory will not explain global extinction, unless it links to severe climate/environmental impact as well.

                    • 1

                      If the smaller-sized species were less vulnerable, how did chameleons and iguanas survive, while small dinosaurs disappeared?

                  • 1


                    “So Native as your ancestors were the first to enter India you have a claim over the whole sub-continent “

                    Thanks, you are right.
                    That is one reason I am opposed to BJP’s (Hindutva/RSS) Akhand Bharat.
                    We cannot and should not allow the stupid political hierarchy to enforce (one way or another) their very centralising, bigoted policies of Fascists, one law, one country, one language, one leader, …….. .

                    Fascistic tendencies Dinesh Gunawardena, Vidura Wickramanayake, Chana Jeyasumana, Wimal Sangili Karuppan, Champika, ……… , and their fellow Sinhala/Buddhists under Asgiria and Gota do not appreciate (in fact opposed to) “Unity in Diversity”.

                    Smart Nationalists, Patriots, …. believe for some stupid reason this island exclusively belongs to them. Similarly you see Hindian nationalists behave exactly like their counter parts in this island.

                    We must devise a grand strategy to send all such stupid nationalists beyond Khyber Pass. Please note SJ to Yang Pass in China.

          • 2

            Hello leelagemalli,
            South Asia (maybe most of Asia) had Ancient Civilisations, as have Europe and the Americas. The mindset that South Asians are, and always have been, backward stems from the Colonial outlook of the European Empire building countries. This gave the prosetylising religions the excuse to replace the religions of the colonised countries.
            Many European countries went through the Reformation, Civil Wars and Revolutions that replaced the Monarchies. Coupled with Democratic Parliaments and the Ideology of the Renaissance this gave them stability and strength. Education and the Industrial Revolution took many out of Agriculture and into the expanding Cities. The working-class in many of these Imperial Countries grew in strength on the back of the wealth from the Colonies. However conflict between Empires led to many wars in Europe. The worst the 1st World War led to many changes and anti-war sentiments. “Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori” a poem by Wilfrid Owen (originally Horace) illustrates this feeling and anger. Both my Grandfather’s came back from this war saying “never again”. However the rise of Fascism in Germany (partly due to poverty and the cost of Reparations) led to the 2nd World War.

            • 2

              The UK was left impoverished by this war and could no longer sustain the Colonies. The United States helped to re-build the devastated European Economies through the Marshall Plan and the Lend Lease Act. The UK was still left with its pre-war old and outdated Manufacturing Industry. Productivity in the defeated countries increased rapidly as new Industrial Manufacturing Industries were furnished with much more productive equipment and methods.
              Some of the Colonial Countries had civil Wars against their Imperial Masters. However most of the British Colonies were transferred peacefully (with exceptions) to Nationalist Governments.
              The United Nations and other International bodies were set-up at this time to secure all countries from aggression by another. This may seem Idealistic now but in the main it worked
              The role of Religion declined in many Western Countries (Roman Catholic Countries not so much) and Humanist/Human Rights Ideology increased.
              This was the background to the influences on the British Post War Generation (Baby Boomers). Very soon they will ditch Sunak and his squad (and hopefully Keir Starmer), stop supplying weapons to Israel and reverse the decline of the National Health Service.
              Hopefully Sri Lanka can rebuild for all the people here.
              Best regards

              • 2

                Dear LS,
                Really appreciate your comments for taking the time to reply to my comments. Your thoughts is full of non-arguments as usual, especially about things related to colonial history between Asia and Europe, which some, including myself, will see as logical.

                It’s really interesting when you get polarizing stuff across the CT web space. For unexlainable reasons, my former friend SM is silent about them. As you know, if the JVP comes to power at the most critical juncture in this country, it will surely be turning to a Haiti.
                . Either sinhala_man or ones like that have no idea, or he is sleeplessly busy trying to drag us to fascist promoters (JVPrs similar to venesulian counterparts) in the future.

                We Diaspora Sri Lankans don’t want to waste our time if only gossip, Sinhala-Buddhism, Rajapaksa politics, Sinhala racism continue to debate on this valuable web site provided by our real journalist – Uvindu.


                • 1

                  “As you know, if the JVP comes to power at the most critical juncture in this country, it will surely be turning to a Haiti.”
                  Not Haiti. More likely this place:

      • 10


        “Colombo Tamils never had a problem with the majority community…. “

        You are not serious are you?
        If not for Anagarika, …… Banda, Weeping Widow, Cyril, Dutta Gamani, JR, ….. there would not have been 1948, 1958, 1961, ……. 1970, 1972, 1974, 1977, …1981, 1983, …… Rajapaksas, ….. 2009, …. Gota, Aragalaya, Bankruptcy, 14 July 2022, Ranil, …… old codger, nimal fernando, SJ, chiv, leelagemalli, Mahila, Sinhala_Man , Cicero, Jack the Ripper, LankaScot, Nathan, Lester, …..and others

        • 2

          You believe the minority is always right and the majority is wrong, so it’s a waste of time arguing. DS said you have an IQ of 40, I agree.

          • 10


            “DS said you have an IQ of 40, I agree.”

            I have always said I am bit thick and our fellow forum sharers know this for a fact.
            Even if I have an IQ of 40, what about DS and yourself. Aren’t you both pathetic?

            “You believe the minority is always right and the majority is wrong, so it’s a waste of time arguing.”

            Being part of majority you should have known by now the majority have more stupid people than the many minorities put together. Out of the majority you have a small virulent strain of born racists and you also have another active strain of opportunistic competitive racists.

            Rest of the Sinhala/Buddhists are simply following the racist agenda of the above. We have seen how the racist agenda led to country’s bankruptcy and even Bangladesh has to intervene to help bailout the country. By the way you ought to remember one of your greatest leader the weeping widow (SJ’s …..) aided and abetted Pakistan commit genocide in Bangladesh.

            Sinhalese and Buddhists have no choice but to keep their mouth shut and just get along with their own life, ….. .

            “Stupid is as stupid does” – Forrest Gump.
            Which means that a person should be judged by their actions, not by how they look.

            • 0


              I know you aren’t objective, but some of the commentary written here from you and your minority friends resembles Nazi propaganda. Long paragraphs of ranting and raving about “Sinhala-Buddhists.”

          • 9

            “DS said you have an IQ of 40, I agree.”
            DS didn’t think your IQ was even worth mentioning. She probably thinks you don’t have one.

            • 6

              Dear Logical Thinkers,
              It is clear to those of us who are thoughtful that DS suffers from a “Delusion de Grandeur”.
              So she doesn’t seem to have any space left in his little brain to focus on facts. She dares to boast about her white neighbors, not knowing what those neighbors think of her or of such refugees living off their state welfare funds
              -. According to my information, the UK economy is not much better compared to Portugal. Most of the colleagues and their aquaintance I know prefer to go back to Germany and continue their work (pharma industry).
              A lonely poor woman being isolated in the UK tries to become a coconut. She doe snot know what she is talking about. Boomer types fall on the nose but never look right.

              • 1

                in her little brain …. sorry for the typo.

            • 1


              Did you miss Deepthi’s character analysis?

              “Genetically this kind of guy cannot be attractive- repulsive avaricious and utterly stingy.

              That is my picture of OC,NV ,Leela and Co”

              Wow, she saw right through you, man. Women in general are good judges of character. When they go to your beloved India, they automatically get creeped out by the men because the latter are super duper predatory.

              • 2

                Did you miss Deepthi’s analysis of you?
                “deepthi silva / April 20, 2024
                2 1
                OC with IQ of 50 I missed Lester , include him in your league.”

                • 0

                  Old Codger,

                  She didn’t say that. The thread was opened on April 11th and closed on April 15th: https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/with-a-view-to-a-kill-master-spy-james-bond/. At least if you are going to lie, make it sound believable, like your hero Ranil.

                  • 1

                    Lester the dim,
                    It is in THIS thread. Go up and look.
                    Can’t take it, eh?

                • 3

                  Please enlighten me as to why you compare anything comes from Deepthi De silva whose gender was once upon a time not clear.

                  How dare Lester (just jokers) compare her thoughts as coming from an intelligent woman ?
                  This is clear to even 10 year olds but not to many on this forum why ? First things first, she should first be clear about her gender, … then she should start teaching us world norms and IQ stuff … basta.

                  And If we further discuss what she adds as ” norms”, why not we give that ” Dhammika Paniya maker ” a chance ?Dhammika Paniya maker is a patient suffered by Schizoprenia.. DS is obvioulsy suffering from ” Delusion de Grandeuer”. Both are mental sick persons that should be rehabilitated soon.

                  The vicious woman is filled with some sort of hatreds being dreamt to be seen as a coconut, unitl she would ever stand before a mirror.. believe me, the kind of pompous women and men live in ghettos in europe.They just make every efforts to score above srilanken migrants int hat part of the europe.

                  . I can only wish her a good luck.. ! The kind of hateful spreaders would not deserve any respect. Can you please give me one single comment of her, which contained not personal attacks to anyone ?

            • 2

              Native, as you have maintained, a recent study by both Indian and Lankan scientists show SriLanka’s Vedda tribe, believed to be the island’s earliest human inhabitants, share close genetic bonds with five Indian tribes, bolstering evidence for their roots in Indian subcontinent’s earliest modern human population. They share strong genetic similarity with the Austroasiatic Munda speaking, Santhal and Juang tribes in Odisha, Dravidian speaking Irula (Karnataka ), Paniya ( Kerala ) and Pallar ( Tamil Nadu ), compared to island’s Tamils or Sinhalese. This recent study was published this week in scientific journal Mitochondrion, For more information see Telegraph India , republished on DM. (all these states celebrated their new year last week, along with Punjab, Assam, Bengal . . . . . . .)

              • 2

                “Pallar ( Tamil Nadu )”
                Pallar a tribe of Tamilnadu?
                Perhaps Thodar of the Nilgiri region?

              • 2

                This is what I wrote in my article, that Veddhas have genetic resemblance with Adhivasis of India, which some pundits ridiculed it.

                • 1

                  The “Adhivasis of India” are a diverse lot.

          • 4

            Hello Lester,
            One of my friends used to say “10 million flies can’t be wrong” when talking about majority opinion. Those with an IQ over 40 will be able to work out what he meant.
            Best regards

            • 0


              Another good expression: a picture says a thousand words.

              This is the Sinhalese New Year (we call it Avurudu): https://www.foodietrails.com.au/events/sri-lankan-festival-2023

              This is the Maaveerar Naal (Hero’s Day) held every Nov.27th: https://www.tamilguardian.com/sites/default/files/Image/pictures/2018/Maaveerar%20Naal/181127%20Tamil%20Nadu%20Puducherry%202.jpg

              I will let you draw your own conclusions.

              Since emigrating, I have attended Avurudu for more than four decades, all over the world (US, UK, Australia, SL) and never saw any overt displays of racism. No one expressed much concern about the military, which I think is unfortunate. There was no fundraiser to support them. Where you see the real “nationalism” is with the cricket. People like to wave the flag.

              This website does not accurately portray the sentiments of the majority community, which are mild, not extreme. However, the same cannot be said of the other communities.

              I could be wrong, but where is the evidence to prove otherwise?

              • 0

                Hello Lester,
                New Year in our area was very downbeat this year. My wife’s Family were telling me about how they used to re-decorate their houses and looked forward to getting new clothes and visiting relations and friends.
                Strangely enough my Family back in Scotland were saying pretty much the same thing.
                The other common thing is that New Year Celebrations have never been about Nationalism – more about having a good time and visiting Family and Friends. Only recently have Fireworks been used in the UK at New Year. Most European countries have good Fireworks displays at New Year.
                Best regards

              • 1


                The ladies in dance costumes resemble princes of Madurai Nayak dynasty, Chola Pandya empires, and Thai/Khmer classical dancers.

                What do they got to do with Sinhalese New Year?
                On that same day people from other parts of the world too celebrate new year. Why do you think it is exclusively Sinhala New Year.
                The people who celebrate the same day are found in
                Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam and Yunnan, China, Yunan, South India, North India,….

                Do you think the new years day was first invented by Sinhala/Buddhists?

              • 1


                The ladies in dance costumes resemble princes of Madurai Nayak dynasty, Chola Pandya empires, and Thai/Khmer classical dancers.

                What do they got to do with Sinhalese New Year?
                On that same day people from other parts of the world too celebrate new year. Why do you think it is exclusively Sinhala New Year.
                The people who celebrate the same day are found in
                Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam and Yunnan, China, Yunan, South India, North India,….

                Do you think the new years day was first invented by Sinhala/Buddhists?

                “I could be wrong, but where is the evidence to prove otherwise?”

                You do not need to prove you are wrong as you are wrong anyway and you are wrong all the time.
                Whether you like it or not you have a jaundiced world view.

      • 5

        Lester, most of the Tamils who are commenting on this forum are the so-called Colombo Tamils, and this includes me and does this does not say a lot?

      • 3


        “AKD, if he is elected, needs to focus on actual problems that exist, such as youth unemployment, inefficient use of energy resources, and food insecurity.”

        How do you know when fascism starts?
        “First, they fascinate the fools. Then, they muzzle the intelligent.”
        – Bertrand Russell

        • 1


          Looks like you are in the fascination stage.

          “In extreme cases there can be little doubt of the superiority of one race to another[…] It seems on the whole fair to regard Negroes as on the average inferior to white men, although for work in the tropics they are indispensable, so that their extermination (apart from the question of humanity) would be highly undesirables.”
          — Bertrand Russell, Marriage and Morals, pg. 266 (1929)

          • 3


            That is why before the so called majority exterminate the good people of this island I want them to be deported back to their ancestral homeland, South India so as to completely put an end to Tyranny of Majority.

            • 0


              Have you considered the possibility that war is necessary for human progress? The philosopher Hegel said, ““Wars are terrible, but necessary, for they save the state from social petrification and stagnation.” War has also lead to the invention of a lot of new technology.

              • 2

                Lester the war monger

                “Have you considered the possibility that war is necessary for human progress?”

                War is necessary for crooks to make some unearned income, the Military Industrial Complex needs good wars, Politicians need wars, Military men need wars, Local Suppliers need wars, Analysts need wars, ……… but not the innocent people who are numerically the majority, ….

                I do not know whether the country would be enriched or people are impoverished, …. the recent experience shows and the country is bankrupt, … … and you believe it is a good thing.

                Over the past 40 years do you know how many people have become multi billionaires because of the war including you and your mates?

                • 0


                  Most of these people whining about Rajapakse corruption would do the same thing if they were in Raja’s place. Another observation: people are drawn to “strong men”, regardless of intellect. Ex: Donald Trump. This guy is stupider than f, but 25K people show up to his rallies. Are his followers stupider than him? It doesn’t matter. The point is, you cannot change the world. Therefore, exploit it when you have the opportunity.

                  • 2


                    “Are his followers stupider than him? It doesn’t matter.”

                    You should know as you too admire stupid people, corrupt leaders, ….. and who carry their ……

                    “Most of these people whining about Rajapakse corruption would do the same thing if they were in Raja’s place.”

                    If it is the case why do we need laws, parliament, regulations, police, Law colleges, Lawyers, Legal Draftsman, 225, courts, prisons, …. let us expunche all the state institutions, ….. Let Rajapaksas and their b***s carriers grab everything they want, ….

                    “Therefore, exploit it when you have the opportunity.”

                    I love it, therefore I love to deport all the Kallthonie converts, people like you back to your ancestral land, south India.

          • 0

            Thanks, Lester,
            you have obviously added an extra letter to the last word in the quote.
            It should have been, “highly undesirable,” NOT “highly undesirables.”
            Be that as it may, what you had said set me off on a long series of googlings. It consumed many hours. It took me where I expected (sic) – to a consideration of the influence which Russel had on the writing of T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land.
            I don’t think that all this was known at the time I studied, up to about 1985. Now I’ve found lots of recordings and the like which throw light on the ménage à trois involving Russel, Eliot and Eliot’s first wife, Vivienne. And this article
            that I am linking you to has been written between the death of his second wife, and her funeral.
            Will I be tolerated if I say more?
            I had imagined that the life and novels of Thomas Hardy had exhausted the possibilities.
            Panini Edirisinhe

  • 5

    The Good Decent Citizens [GDC] should be worried whether RW will use his unenviable position as the President of SL, will use his powers to sabotage the opponents in the forthcoming Elections.
    Those who brought the Economic Downturn has got lots of ILLGOTTEN money to be spent during the elections to provide[1] “bribes” to the voters [2] misinformations in the media [3] money to lobbyists’ firms [like the Cambridge Analytics]
    Election Commission should be vigilant to make sure that elections are FREE & FAIR.
    The Gota Go Home campaign has NOT achieved its goal, as he has been provided luxury residence in the heart of the capital with full security at TAX payers expense! What a joke. All the Ex Presidents are really PARASITES to the isle.

  • 4

    It is commedable, the positivity with which Fr Chryso Pieris SJ writes. The message of hope is inspirational and infectious.

  • 5

    NPP is not dodging the debate but it wants to have meaningful debate between the two leaders one of whom will be the head of the Govt. Also the SJB has nothing different from the failed UNP Economic policies.

    • 3

      Mohamed Marzook UK

      “Also the SJB has nothing different from the failed UNP Economic policies.”

      Hence what is different between SJP and NPP?

      He hasn’t told the voters how he is going to decentralise the state and state machinery.
      With the same old corrupt, crooked, thieving, racist, lazy, …… 1.6 million, 360000, 75000, … how is NPP going to restore democracy to all people? Further he has another 75,000 ready and willing to take the party and country back to stone age leave alone the party’s old guards.

  • 2

    Helping Sri Lanka move in the right direction would be Waging Peace.

    • 7

      AKD wants the support of the Tamil people now?
      Let me ask you all this; how many Tamil seniors does JVP have?
      Are Tamils well represented within the JVP leadership?
      If I were a Tamil person I would not waste 1 vote on a party that is dominated by a set of people who don’t actually have Tamil interests at heart.

  • 7

    To quote:
    “AKD’s logic, that peace is the foundation, sine qua non, for any just and fraternal development of the country, is incontrovertible, simple, straightforward, heart-warming and full of hope.”
    All the way with him and anyone else supporting him in this

    • 1

      Like all the way with Chandrika ans Mahinda I hope not!

    • 1

      Jaffna Man,
      I too would be with you when you tell me your idea of what peace is.
      Thank you.

    • 0

      It’s great of you to say that, Jeevan.
      I wonder if you heard him in Jaffna. I linked CT readers to YouTubes of both his meetings there. The first for women, and the next for teachers.
      Also, I’m beginning to respect the SJB more.
      I hope that you will educate both Tamil and English speakers about about how to cast Preferences for the the Presidential Election. The political parties dare not do it; there could be a backlash from Sinhala voters, whatever way they do it, plus, of course, the probability of lots of spoilt ballots.
      I now realise that Mahinda Deshapriya is an outstanding guy. He clowns for fewer than 5 minutes in Sinhala to explain this:
      This is something really useful that you could do, Jeevan. We may have to wait for the nominations to be in before instructing people how to mark their ballots.
      Panini Edirisinhe

      • 3

        Sinhala man, let us kindly know why you boomeranged with AKD theories today, that Samanala Wijeratne as the number one promoters of AKD. Please don’t mislead us…. It will be a temporary wave going forward today.


        It is your right to clear our doubts. I hope you know more about it. If you put it on FB, it’s very interesting.

        • 2

          Apologies for the previous message. just passed before being checked.. . please read below
          Sinhala man, let us kindly know why Samanala wijeratne criticised AKD theories today, that Samanala Wijeratne as the number one promoters of AKD (in ausstralia).
          . Please don’t mislead us…. It will be a temporary wave going forward today.


          It is your right to clear our doubts. I hope you know more about it. If you put it on FB, it’s very interesting..

        • 1

          Dear “leelagemalli”,
          I don’t understand
          what all this is about. I have never heard of a person called “Samanala Wijeratne.” I clicked on the link that you had given me, and it took me to some 5 minute 47 second video which also I cannot understand.
          I have a FaceBook page, but I don’t maintain it. You have given the same video-link in a comment directed at Douglas. Today is the 21st, a whole week after the Sinhala New Year, but you start by ceremoniously sending “belated New Year greetings“. Why can’t you get on with saying what you want to, especially because you then become rude, calling him a blind? Not a blind man, mind you. And what is a “condom supporter”?
          Further you greet Douglas as “Douglas mahaththayo“. I remember you saying, in the days when you used to send me multiple emails every day, that there is some profound difference between between “mahaththaya” and “mahathmaya”. I see none. Now you will start telling me that I don’t know my “mother tongue“.
          To be continued

          • 0

            I know what a “boomerang” is; it could be used as a verb, I guess, but what does this entire comment of yours mean? I also am guilty of occasional typos, but they seem to abound in your writing. There seem to be more. Ask, and I shall identify them.
            Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

          • 2

            “And what is a “condom supporter”?
            I’m sure you are aware of the straps that were used to hold up socks about a hundred years ago…….
            Now don’t call me vulgar, just answering your query.

  • 1

    I am floating my thoughts for confirmation.
    I see a guy, on the picture at the top, receiving AKD.
    AKD is all smiles!
    Who is ‘that’ guy. When Anura has no qualms about promoting some non-entity in the society, would I be wrong to think that Anura is just another of our politicians.

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