Former Presidential Secretary Lalith Weeratunga and former Director General of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) Anusha Palpita have been found guilty by the Colombo High Court in the ‘Sil Cloth’ case.
Weeratunga and Palpita have each been sentenced to three years rigorous imprisonment by the Colombo High Court.
They have also been fined Rs 2 million each and ordered to pay Rs 50 million each to the TRC as compensation.
The accused have been given time until September 20 to pay the compensation to the TRC.
Anusha Palpita and Lalith Weeratunga were charged in a case filed alleging that the TRC had spent Rs.600 million to distribute Sil Cloth to the people as part of the former president Mahinda Rajapaksa’s election campaign in 2015.
Non PhD / September 7, 2017
Ajith & Rohan,
Not only people want MaRa back, but also new super power of the world wants him back as Mheta told.
Eliya and Viyath Maga are going all out to use the race, language and religion Card and revival of Tigers & Seperation cards to create chaos.
People Ven Elle Gunawana, Gnansara are waiting in wings.
nimal fernando / September 7, 2017
Lalith Weeratunga’s defence was that he had to follow Mahinda Rajapakse’s orders. Weeratunga said it on the stand plain and simple. Every man and his cat in the country knows who gave the orders. Then why Mahinda, the man who gave the orders, not charged? I suppose, the salient attribute of SL judiciary is not logic.
Good Governance / September 8, 2017
Charging is a matter for the AG. In fact it is strange for the charge sheet to contain words that they along with persons unknown committed this crime. But as far as they are concerned the law is clear. A subordinate has to carry out only legal instructions of the superior. Above all LW should have told MR that although the TRC has so many unutilized reserves, perhaps in Billions, there is no provision to spend money of it for purposes other than stated in the Act, otherwise legal provision has to be created. It is salient to note that when Rt. Hon. D. S. Senanayake did not want a passport be issued to certain people the controller at that time told point blank that it cannot be done and if it is tone done then the law must be amended, resulting in the enactment of the citizenship act. Of course that was the time of King’s Ceylon.
nimal fernando / September 8, 2017
Thanks. I get what you are trying to say.
But what I can’t gather is, where’s Mahinda the instigator’s culpability in all this?
If someone hires a hit-man to get rid of someone, isn’t the instigator as – or even more – culpable as the person who carries out the task?
Kalupahana / September 7, 2017
This is the tip of the iceberg.Question is why are The Corrupt Politicians still free? Because they have Bond Scam Ranil Wickramasinghe’s patronage, and corruption of politicians is legalised in the name of Parliamentary Privileges! Notice that Bond Scam Ranil prats about Parliamentary Privilges all the time and continues to bribe the corrupt clowns with Rs 100,000 this week for offices! Meanwhile the corrupt sons and brothers of Mahinda Jarapassa are living the high life, while Weeratunge the Chaos artist who threated to Divide, Distract and Rule the masses with Hate speach to distract them from corruption investigations will be jailed!
CT editors you need to ask: what about big ticket international networks of corruption and Overseas and Foreign Bank accounts of the Mahidna Jarapassa family in Singapore and Dubai set up by Bond scam Mahendran and reveal in Panama Papers accounts too?
Finally, Why don’t the corrupt Washington economic hit men and IMF who are Ranil’s patrons put investigations of corruption as a condition for loans rather than taxing the poor as a condition for FAKE development AID?!
Radical Ideas / September 8, 2017
Kalu, perfectly asked questions. This is the same type of thinking many of us have. The SL govts’ mercineries who are in the MOB Violence contract must be caught first. The JHU Champika is the bugger who is running the MOB Rule to punish the innocent TAX Paying people with his BBS/Ravana Balakaya/Mahasona/Sinha Le etc…… Their crimes must be investigated and punished severely for burning, arson, looting and hate speeches…. If the people can come together against the GOVI mafia and their hitmen (JHU/BBS) we wont get no where. The must go down first. The leadership of the country must be from A Non GOVI and it will only can save it from this journey towards the abyss as planned by the GOVI criminals from the 1900’s.
Silva / September 7, 2017
Non PhD, what new superpower wants the Rajapaksas Back!?
The ones who can’t keep a space station in orbit haha!?
People have fallen hook, line, and sinker for this new super power joke haha…
This new super power will crumble from within sooner rather than later.
Its billion strong will turn on her oppressive leadership…
The only people who want Rajapaksas back is India…
LittleisimonfromBerlin / September 8, 2017
live in Europe for the last few decades. Each time I happened to watch Lalith Weerathunga and the like men added only GOOD about FORMER President I felt myself why the majority remained so stupid. Today, thanks god, we get to hear critics about rulers and anyone in the country comparably with a sky-earth difference going back to the Mr Megalomaniac MR s adminstration. Nevertheless some sanga men or others to remain gummed to MR and the like is no beyond my comphrehension.
Lalith Weerathunga AND his mafia king never thought, that the very same people would get it oneday, that the manner MR led groups had been upto 8th Jan 2015.
In extra vaganza cerremonies, the manner Lalith weerathunga na dhis wife were brought by state transport services were like abusive men become swollen under the tyranny of Zimbawian Mugabe.
never thought after Premadasa, there would be one another leader would behave the very same manner. Premadasa added his remarks to the BBC then, that he killed JVPers. To that time, I was in Switzerland and the tape was with me. How come a leader could ever confess that way ? To that time, we former Pera students hated PREMADASA and prayed NEVER a like men to be reelected on this soil:
But Meeharaka Rajaakseh did it in magnified manner… WHOME to blame if not PUNNAKKU EATING majority SINHALAYAS:
For me putting the kind of men in JAIL is timeworthy action.
Next That Anurudhdha, Sarana and second son of Rajapakshe should all be ready to march to the PRISONS.
Leelawathie / September 8, 2017
I think Lalith Weerathunga has to confess more about Gotabaya and Basil in the next days.
So that our patience would not wait that long to see, Rajapakshes too would be prisoned in the months come.
Gone are the days, we waited long, but we want to see, the promises made before the 62 lacks of people becoming practical.
I believe, the current ruling is thousand times better, but we want JUSTICE being served as promised basta.
Bandula W. / September 7, 2017
At last some solace for those who voted with much hope for the Yahapalanaya Government.While he was Secretary to Rajapaksa Lalith Sil Redda Weeratunge did not behave like a Civil Servant but as a pimp .The bugger was so arrogant he used to drive his super luxury Volvo SUV on the opposite side of Galle Face Centre Road to beat the traffic and we had to make way.He prided himself not as a government servant but as a politician and was quite fond of using the phrase ” when our government came to power “
Hope the same fate awaits the pimp and murderer Sajin Vass Gonaawardene who is now carrying out a multi million dollar buissness at 29 Grenier Road, off Cotta Road,Borella (lane right next to Keels Super Market)What has happened to all his cases of robbery, including how a clerk like him had the wherewithal to pay 179 million rupees immediately after his God Father MR lost in 2015 to the petroleum Corporation for supplies obtained for his Balapitiya petrol shed remains without inquiry.Why?Meanwhile Sajin goes about freely in his luxury fleet of BMWs with Balspitiya thugs in Land Rovers as his bodyguards.
The crooked deals of PB Jayasundera another arrogant bastard should be also inquired into.He has made a massive fortune by helping to funnel commission deals to the MR Gang.
Good start any way by this government though coming very late.It should help somewhat to salvage its reputation.The people were getting frustrated by its delays.
Nimal Gomez / September 7, 2017
So Lalith weeratunga is paying for eloping with Ishini Wickramasinghe when laith was working for Ranil. He escaped to Bangkok and Podi Hamuduru had to go and bring the kid Ishini back. Ranil did not forgive lalith and now he seems to have settled the score
Sinhala_Man / September 7, 2017
Now what’s all this?
This is all that I have found on a kid by that name. Just can’t be. She’s been born in the year 2,000.
A chess champion would be too intelligent, and just too young.
Sinhala_Man / September 10, 2017
Apologies to the 17 year old chess champion from Musaeus College. I find that Ranil Wickremasinghe has a niece by the same name; the daughter of Shan Wickremasinghe.
I know little of either person having this name, but I think it necessary for me to make it quite clear to this girl who is still a minor that there can be no possible imputation about her.
Silva / September 8, 2017
Bandula W, this is the kind on inaction against these criminals that is going to lead to international intervention soon…
These criminals want to go down like Muammar Gaddafi…
Dragged through the streets and beaten to death by their own people…
What a shame we have our last chance with this Government but they too are letting these criminals roam free and are unable or unwilling to take meaningful action against them!?
All we get is these fake public dramas from time to time that lead to no meaningful action at all…
Kumaran / September 7, 2017
They carried out the instructions given to them by M.R., who should be the person facing charges. Of course, M.R will pay this off, but it is a good thing as hopefully “officials” will be careful not to carry out oreders that are contrary to the FRs and A.Rs.
Ajith / September 7, 2017
He should face the charges because he failed to reveal the truth when Mahinda was thrown away by the people. The charges are negligible. I think all those civil servants who did the wrong during that period should come out with truth.
Burt / September 8, 2017
This is the same plan My3 & Ranil have for the war crimes committed. People who gave the orders will be pampered until death with diplomatic postings to some and few foot solders (village boys) will take the fall.
Sunil / September 8, 2017
Now the whole world can see why they want more time!!
Time to collect evidence to put away the criminals or time to play a “Game of Shape” (Cover up)!?
shankar / September 7, 2017
3 years RI in the prison hospital like duminda.poor chaps.
Burt / September 7, 2017
Not a bad deal for screwing-up the public for 600m.
Court fine of 50m will be peanuts compared to what they earned under the last govt. Just imagine how difficult it would be even for a professional working in Sri Lanka to pocket out this kind of money.
You got to be a businessmen, politician or his inner circle or a drug dealer.
nalmen / September 7, 2017
at last we have a judge who is not afraid of convicting crooks
he should be given a promotion and asked to take on the case against basil who gave the order at mr,s request
Anonymous / September 8, 2017
Nalmen, yes who is this wonderful judge who thinks this 3 year is enough!!?
Amarasiri / September 7, 2017
Former Presidential Secretary Lalith Weeratunga and former Director General of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) Anusha Palpita ,
Live by the sword, die by the sword!
Live by with the crooks, go to jail with the crooks!
MAHA RAJA is a CROOOK, and perhaps you knew then, and now you know.
Why is MAHA RAJA and Cronies still at large?
Anyway, while you are in prison, please recite the following Pirith every day, in the morning and at night, to be enlightened. Even Angulimala, turned around!
MaRa MaRa ChaTu MaRa
MaRa MaRa AmaNa MaRa
MaRa MaRa HoRa MaRa
MaRa MaRa DhushaNa MaRa
harry hatton / September 7, 2017
This man when he was the head of the public service set a very bad example to the other public servants.
When Weeratunga should have acted independently and with dignity he became a servile servant of not only Mahinda Rajapakse but the entire Rajapakse family. He did anything t please them. He was like an extension of the Rajapakse operation, including all his election campaigns.
It is said that he even went to US with Sajin Vaas Gunawardena to look at investments for the Rajapakse family.
No body thought he acted indepedently. So he let down the idea of an independent and proud public service.
It cannot be said that he did not benefit. Among known benefits his wife Mrs Sugathadasa got the very top job at the stock market. She may have been a senior public servant but was clueless about capital markets. She thought her main job was to make investors worship public servants !
Rajapakse didn’t mind as long as Weeeratunga worshiped him in every way.Any way he thought the stock market is a place to make money !
Weeratungas’ two children got plum jobs at our embassy in Washington and other benefits.
So no body can say he was an example of a good public servant.
Palpita is too low for us to waste words or space on.He brought a bad smell to whatever he touched .
B.Honeydew / September 8, 2017
Your opinion of LW notwithstanding, is today’s public service any different? I think the rot set in in the 1960’s and spread. We used to have one of the best civil services in the world. Withered today.
Harishchandra / September 7, 2017
With the exit of one Rajapaksa, the tide seems to have changed, to the detriment of another Rajapaksa.
Sara Nanda / September 7, 2017
What a injustice here.., a lady school principle in a school in Panaduara was send for R.I for 8 years for asking for a bribe of Rs, 25,000 from a businessman (Single Person) to admit a child.
Then here 600 Million of Public money stolen from 22 million people (22000000) send to just 3 years?
What on earth is this justice?
can a learned reader explain ?
Silva / September 8, 2017
Sara Nanda, and some fools are praising like this is a big achievement!
How these criminals are trying to fool the public with these dramas…
They should be given the death penalty…
Amarasiri / September 8, 2017
Sara Nanda
“Then here 600 Million of Public money stolen from 22 million people (22000000) send to just 3 years?”
Double Standards. One for the politicians and their cronies, and one for the populace!
Jimsofty / September 7, 2017
What is the amount of wealth they had stolen ?
whywhy / September 8, 2017
Rs 600 million ! And 20+50 millions fine and compensation
plus 3 years RI . Sara Nanda raises a valid question . At this
rate even if MARA is caught , he will be back from his term
that will be about 2 years and contest for the next general
election and will get the highest votes from the PATRIOTS.
Anyone punished for plundering public wealth , should be
made to rot inside the bars for ten years and assets must
be confiscated ! YES , GROSSLY UNFAIR , 8 YEARS FOR
Burt / September 8, 2017
If its not already in the constitution it should be put into the constitution through amendments or the new constitution that anyone convicted of fraud or misappropriation of public funds ineligible of holding or contesting for public office.
Mallaiyuran / September 7, 2017
Last one or two months there are many fall outs of Yahapalanaya. Hangbangtota signing out to China can be considered as the start. Ravi, Deal, Jagath, Jeyam, all tuned out to be bad publicities to Yahapalanaya. Last year Colombo flood, this year country wide flood and landslides, Rathupuswala Dump slides…. Port workers, Schools and universities, SAITM, GMOA….many labor actions still open. Now local election, provincial election, 20A in parliament has to be done. Resolution 34/1, secret solutions are swept under carpet; but if explode, they have the capacity to lift the Yahapalanaya house and throw it away.
Recently Government had only one victory; it fooled EU to get GSP+.
Election campaign Bus bills, TV bills directly on Old Royals were remaining unpaid by the last news I read. No action.
For 10,000 Rs bribe of one incidence an ordinary officer was given 20 years. Depending on how Lalith ordered to distribute, the bribe incidences will go up to each temple the cloths were distributed. Bribes (many numbers), government money mishandling, creating Buddhist extremism by distributing to Buddhist temple only, election law violation….. That sounds like the prosecutor should have filed 150 cases against Laith. Lalith must have served on this alone beyond life time. Lalith did not stay under his servitude slavery contract. His arrogance and misuse of power many times reported here.
Now Lalith is punished with 3 years to balance all by a legal system under choke hold of Yahapalanaya.
This is only “Yaanai Pasikku Chozha Pori”. Will popcorn do for a hungry elephant? Readers may remember when everybody complained that high profile murder cases were not moving then Yahapalanaya blamed LTTE IGP and brought in Jeyam? We have to wait and see how this new Jeyam fiasco ends and what other attention misdirection Yahapalanaya will try instead of solve anything.
Champa / September 7, 2017
Justice is served one can say. Completion of 3 years – coincides with 2020 general elections. Just an observation.
Too early to make a comment about the sentence as I saw only Wimal was in remand prison for entire 3 months as a result of rejected bail applications one after another.
This is a classic example of government officials paying for the price of political transgression.
In all fairness and if they have a conscience, Mahinda, Gotabhaya, Basil and Ranil all 4 should get out of politics. Bioluminescence cannot correct the myriads of blunders or wade away the darkness in which they engulfed the government service.
Ministry Secretaries are Chief Accounting Officers too. There is no excuse to deviate from following Financial Regulations to the dot which are in place to maintain the integrity of the financial system. Being the First Public Officer, Secretary to the President should be a role model to the public service. —
As seen today, even Auditor General’s Department which is the official arm to track government finances, the “pillar of surveillance”, is not free from political interference. —
Legislative auditing/executive auditing both should be free from political interference.
I can see as to why the Auditor General is fighting so hard to get the Bill passed. I admire his grit. He places a good example to other government officials not to be intimidated by politicians or compromise the integrity of the stateservice. Stand by what is right, work according to your conscience and have a backbone to tell even the PM to go to hell, if he tries to interfere.
During the past 2 ½ years, high ranking government officials who were not ready to compromise their integrity, left the public service. I wish all the other government officials stay back and fight against political interference.
Anonymous / September 8, 2017
Champa, Yes this Government wants to throw the next election so that Gota can be in power when the international intervention starts and we become the next Libya, Egypt or Syria…
And all the citizens have to pay for the sins of a few criminals and another bunch of criminals who are protecting then!?
These criminals want to take the country down with them…
Phase Two / September 7, 2017
Phase 2 of this case: One of the best private hospitals in Colombo would be instructed to prepare for two more luxury rooms with private armed guards to server for incoming criminals.
A crook doctor and a lawyer team are already waiting to make that transition without any hiccups.
According to the latest medical reports on those 2 criminals, they are now experience elevated heart beats, couldn’t eat or sleep. As usual, they will be taken care to reinstate their physical/mental/social and economic welfare. One outstanding issue they are still finalizing is who is going to pay the bills to take care of these 2 criminals in a luxury hospital.
Perhaps this is how SL’s economy should get an extra boost by coming up with a business plan to service thousands of more criminals to serve their jail terms in a private rooms of a luxury hospital (/hotel)!
Since they came from elite(/crook) families and graduated from elite (!) schools they should have access to private rooms to chill out in luxury hospitals instead of state run prisons.
Burt / September 7, 2017
I did not quit. I was fired.”
Who could have said that?
K.Pillai / September 7, 2017
Spectacular drama.
The silent sequels: (1) Bail refused (2) Bail granted with travel restrictions (3) Travel restrictions lifted (4) Australia grants visa (5) Life in Aus boring (5) The Return
Plato. / September 7, 2017
Poor Lalith Weeratunga,like Icarus in Greek Mythology ignored good sense and dared to fly too near the Sun on wings of feather and wax; when the wax in the wings melted he tumbled out of the sky fell into the sea where he drowned!
Sanjeewa / September 8, 2017
This is a lesson to all wrong doers. Some Sri Lankans have to go to middle east and migrate to west to uplift them economically, whereas some upift them through corrupt means and easy ways. This is the beginning of the journey for a fair and true sri lanka. All the rogues should be prosecuted. No exceptions. Public must voice their request for a corrupt free lanka thorugh speedy and fair judicial process.
Jim softy / September 8, 2017
This is a good precedent. Stea Rs 600 million and pay back Rs 100 million and escape. That is a good way to make your family a good life. YOu have to go to jail only for three years Better everybody follow this strategy. Because, when the Next they will recollect several times the value with interest what ever they lost. Sri lanka is a paradise for VVIP thieves. Now Ranil is leaving with billions.so, he and his UNP will live for ever with stolen money. The next govt comes do the same. then these people will have their party time.
RP / September 8, 2017
This judicial decision is logical and acceptable only from a judicial point of view; it won’t be accepted by the majority of the general public since the alleged wrong doers intention was not to rob, steal, or launder money. It won’t be a ‘misuse of funds’ either since the funds has been fully utilized to give something to a segment of the poor. (In other words, it is not like the Central Bank Bond scam where the public money in billions was stolen, robbed and laundered; used for personal use like RaviK’s Monarch residence).
The only ‘wrong’ in this ‘Sil Redi Case’ would be the’ time’ that this ‘offence’ was committed: i.e. the election time. Since this ‘alleged wrong act’ did not favor the intended candidate as it had been expected the ‘offence’ committed was obviously weak to lead to a harsh punishment. For instance, it will be like an ‘attempted misconduct’!
I’m sure there will be a strong appeal and certain hitherto unused clauses of the Constitution will come to the fore and they will lead to give a different decision in favor of the two. There will be re-interpretation of the law that governs this type of issues even during election time. It will be interesting to see how legal luminaries argue on it. Only time can say the ultimate judgment!
wannihami / September 11, 2017
RP, thank you, one voice of reason among the hate and vitriol bubbling over in this forum. What is evident more and more from the Colombo Telegraph comment forums is the deep seated bitterness, discontent and hate, that seem to eat away at these wretched folks. One sincerely wonders why?
gundubanda / September 8, 2017
Paying for the sins of the former king.
What a shame ! a crying shame that the other sharks are still roaming free looking for more kills.
Anyway this is Siri Lanka.
K A Sumanasekera / September 8, 2017
This is no big deal……Weeratunga and Palipta done a meritorious deed which has no comparison in post Buddha land of Therawada Buddhism………… They donated brand new prayer Clothing to 5 Million Sil Ammes. ( Women Devotees) , most of whom wouldn’t have had a new Sil Cloth for years………It must be the mother of all Danas ( Alms )………..Even if they spend the 3 years in the UNP slammer , it will accrue lot of merits for their after life………Budu Sarani…………..In contrast , Galleon Ravi was seen with a Gold Plated Atapirikara ( special Alms ) to traditional care takers of the Elite UNP . Malwatta Chapter……….That was just before Galleon got the ass for taking Santhosams ( Bribes) from the money stolen from the EPF by Dr Ranil’s mate, Dr Mahendran’s Son in Law……….Jesus was put on a Cross , Nails were driven in to his Palms, and the Shins and hung out to suffer in pain and in in hot sun….All for helping the poor ……I f Jesus had the money he would have given them prayer clothes too…….
Native Vedda / September 8, 2017
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekere
Could you answer the following queries with utter most honesty:
How did they divide the loot?
What percentage did the clan get?
What percentage did the Basil get?
What percentage did you get?
What was the Buddha Sasana minister doing when the theft was being carried out?
Did he get a percentage as well?
“I f Jesus had the money he would have given them prayer clothes too…….”
Are you saying the thieves who looted 600 million rupees are reincarnation of Jesus? I know Sinhala/Buddhist mother in laws issuing white clothes to their daughter in laws just before their first night.
K A Sumanasekera / September 10, 2017
Dear Native………………You must have got a used one……,……Don’t worry mate……..Cherry Popping is old secret womens’ business………Ask your mates in the UNP ……Their offsprings pop them well before the legal age…………And some even put it on Desi tube, because the Service Providers think they are all Hindians…….And your Buddies Mangale, Sagale, Akile, Mallika and the leader of the pack Dr Ranil couldn’t care two hoots about them Secret Business anyway………………………
Desapremiya / September 8, 2017
I am already getting palpitation after reading about it. Just wait for Christmas or Vesak! Mark my words that they will both walk free for goodwill with an amnesty for “good behaviour”. I regret being in the wrong profession than becoming a Kumba Horra like these criminals. Not bad if one could steal 600 million of which the robber gets to keep 500 million with 5 lakhs actually spent on sill reddhi, another 50 million compensation to the TRC and the rest of the 49.5 million as a Sinhala Avuruddu bonus for Marru Sirra and Thalatha Akka. “Rigorous Imprisonment”. “Reddha wenna athi!!!”
Jim softy / September 8, 2017
It is Mahinda Rajapakse who should be ashamed as a Leader. One Army man helped him, Mahinda Rajapakse jaield him and humiliated. He humiliated a woman – CJ because she did now dowhat he wanted. Now, two of his obidient doggies used for sinister use of the religion for political purposes. Some may say these two guys go to heavene and ameritorisu act. but, nothing with Sraddhawa. It is all political and for power. But, Mahinda Rajapske does not seem to get it. Except, gota, all Rajapakses are vultures waiting for the opportunity.
Samalka / September 8, 2017
It is strange why MR was excluded from this case. He is the real beneficiary who expected to obtain more votes in the last presidential election by distributing “sil redi” through Buddhist temples. MR and his campaign managers should also be punished for compelling Lalith AND Anusha to use people’s money for this event. Lalith and Anusha did not get any personal benefit from this event which is believed to have been instigated by high-ranking politicos in last government.
shankar / September 8, 2017
Previously the AG had decided to drop the charges.Now he should explain why he did that or resign.People will not have confidence in the independence of the AG anymore.A new AG should be appointed immediately.
nalmen / September 8, 2017
there was no doubt they will appeal but bail should should not be granted till the case is next heard otherwise it will be a joke
Ukusssa / September 8, 2017
Rules Changed!! Always “No Results” according to Old Rules of the “Corruption Game”
Park / September 8, 2017
There are pictures and news all over the internet showing Mahinda Rajapakse and his thug gang of JO members have met Prime Minister and through him these two convicts have been moved to prison hospital. First of all they were sentenced for rigorous imprisonment. Its Mahinda and his gang of JO members who were complaining that the Yahapalana Govt is trying to manipulate the courts. The same gang is now asking favors for their convicts. Its time the media brings this illegal activity to the knowledge of the public. Its time President Sirisena and Prime Minister show they are honest people, not manipulators, and they will deliver the justice they promised and not give favors to convicts. Its also time that JO and Mahinda’s actions are brought before the masses.
Dionysius / September 8, 2017
Will MR and Gota visit these two jailbirds? They will be looking forward to such a visit.
whywhy / September 9, 2017
Good governance is a bonus even for thieves ! Pre-budget bonus ,
3 years RI starting at the hospital with the minimum amount of
theft being 600 million ! Another twist , stolen money can still
remain stolen , the police doesn’t have to bother to track them
down as opposed to other day light robberies where stolen
money get recovered ! This can even boost investor confidence.
Any criminal investor can now escape with minimum
punishment for up to 600 million ! Wow , super luxury escape .