By Tisaranee Gunasekara –
“…..at the root of the Ur-fascist psychology there is the obsession with a plot, possibly an international one. The followers must feel besieged”. –Umberto Eco (Eternal Fascism)[i]
Remember halal?
The mighty roar against halal sprang up, literally out of nowhere, and occupied the public square with lightening speed. For three months, the anti-Halal campaign raged, subsuming all other concerns and devastating everything in its path, including the decades-old amity between Buddhists and Muslims (without which the Eelam War could have taken a different trajectory). Then, as abruptly as it came into life, halal died.
Today Halal lays forgotten, in an unmarked grave, in the graveyard of bogus issues.
Before its sudden and momentary elevation to the political centre-stage, halal languished in a stagnant pool of Sinhala-Buddhist extremist slogans, the sort which are either too impractical or too divisive for any sensible government to touch. And there are plenty of slogans left in that quagmire, quite a few even more inane and insalubrious than halal.
Someone with a surfeit of power and a dearth of principles may decide to select another of those slogans, and turn it into the issue of the hour.
The alacrity and the totality with which the BBS dumped the halal ‘issue’ indicate that the organisation is merely a cat’s paw without a will of its own. Rather like Wimal Weerawansa’s fast unto death, which, too, bubbled ferociously, for a day or two, and then died, as if it has never been.
There are certain basic similarities in these non-issues. They appear and disappear suddenly, without warning. Their lives are of very short duration, but while they live they do so with unimaginable intensity. They are championed by extremist elements with official or unofficial links to the Rajapaksa government.
None of these are rice-and-curry issues; or issues to do with the well being of the populace. None of these have anything to do with the innumerable real-life problems faced by Lankans. All the issues target some real or perceived enemy/non-friend of the Rajapaksas.
Sometimes there is a slight variation in the pattern. Take, for instance, the issue of contaminated milk powder imported from New Zealand. The issue burst forth in March in a blaze of publicity. It was claimed that milk powder from NZ contained DCD, a hazardous agro-chemical. This naturally caused concern, general assumption being that responsible officials would not have echoed such a serious charge, without proof. In the following weeks, the story ebbed and flowed. Then in May, it was reported that the government will be banning the importation of certain milk powders, pronto: “The Health Ministry Food Advisory Committee headed by Director General of Health Services, Dr. Palitha Mahipala, has decided to ban the imports of tainted milk powder…… A Health Ministry official has told local media that a gazette notification regarding the ban will be published by the Director General of Health Services shortly”[ii].
Then, suddenly, the entire issue became a non-issue. The Health Ministry announced that the milk powder was as safe as houses and if there was DCD, it was in negligible – and thus non-harmful – quantities. The Ministry also declared war on anyone who continued to talk about contaminated milk: “legal action will be taken against any person or organisation which publicises false information about milk powder”[iii].
No reason was given for the about-turn.
Is the milk powder contaminated? Was a campaign about contaminated milk powder commenced without ascertaining the truth, via proper tests? Why did the government decide to ban the importation of contaminated milk powder, one week, and decide that there was no contaminated milk powder, the next week? Did money pass hands to render contaminated milk powder kosher? Was the volte face caused by the need to protect the Hambantota Commonwealth? Or was the whole ho-ha a lie, aimed at reining in the Anchor agents in Sri Lanka, the Maharaja Group of Companies, which also happens to own the MTV?
Can this government be trusted with anything? Can any dependence be placed either on its accusations or its absolutions?
Means of Control
So what will be the new halal?
Cattle-slaughtering? The 13th Amendment? Northern provincial election?
It is hard to be sure of the particulars, but the general rule is clear: there will always be a new halal, an issue which incites and stupefies, terrifies and diverts….
The aim of such bogus issues is multifaceted. They intend to make Sinhala-Buddhists feel safe, under Rajapaksa rule. They also intend to make the minorities believe that the Rajapaksas are the only bulwark (however faulty) against innumerable hordes of Sinhala-Buddhist fanatics, frothing at the mouth and rearing to tear every Tamil/Muslim/Christian from limb to limb.
The other intention is to make India and the West think that only a Rajapaksa government can keep the Sinhala Buddhist fanatics at bay and ensure for the minorities a modicum of rights and protection.
For instance, the likes of Wimal Weerawansa, the JHU and the BBS would be allowed to rage and storm against the 13th Amendment, so that the Rajapaksas look moderate by comparison, a restraining influence, an indispensable part of the solution rather than the crux of the problem. (Eventually, a false quid-pro-quo may be created: postponement of the NPC election in return for the continued existence of the 13th Amendment).
It is all a show. These fanatics are nothing more than clockwork toys, wounded and unwounded, depending on the Rajapaksa need.
Rather like the phantom organisation the Tigers set up in late 2005/early 2006, Makkal Padai (Peoples’ Forces) to launch attacks on the Lankan military.
The creation of no-issues is a method of control at the macro level. At the micro level, the Rajapaksas use bribery as the main method of control. On May 9th the cabinet approved a proposal to give former provincial councillors, who had served for more than two and a half years, duty-free vehicle permits to the tune of US$40,000[iv].
This in a country with a debt burden of Rs.6 trillion!
Where bribery fails, pressure comes in. For instance, rugby referees are being pressurised to cover up the marauding deeds of a Presidential-brat. According to referee Orville Fernando, many referees are retiring: “it is because the governing body is not taking any steps that everyone is retiring. That means when the next club tournament comes there will not be enough people (referees). No one wants to become a referee”[v]. Similar tactics will be used to break the FUTA’s resistance to Colombo University’s new – and unethically-appointed – VC.
When all else fails, there are selective acts of terror, targeted repression. Such as the attempted abduction of the Janarala News Editor[vi]; or the 10-hour interrogation of Sagarica Delgoda, the Resident Representative of the Friedrich Neumann Stiftung (FNS), at the Fourth Floor. According to the ITN, Ms. Delgoda was grilled about suspected links between the FNS and the UNP. The FNS has had links with both the major parties, openly, for decades. Spinning conspiracies out of ordinary, public, democratic practices is another Rajapaksa forte[vii].
The Rajapaksa shenanigans are creating a frightened country with insecure, suspicious people. By seeking to fragment the opposition, the Rajapaksas are disuniting Sri Lanka.
[i]New York Review of Books – 22 .6.1995
[ii]Colombo Page – 13.5.2013
[iii] Daily News – 1.6.20013
[iv] The sitting members, who have been sitting for more than two and a half years, have also being given permits. “The government issues duty free vehicle permits to parliamentarians once in five years. They are also given loans of up to US $ 50,000 to import such vehicles. In most cases, the MPs sell their vehicle permits at prices ranging from Rs.120 million to Rs.150 million. Recently, the government also gave approval for the MPs to sell their vehicle permits” – Daily Mirror – 10.5.2013
[v] BBC – 31.5.2013
Maha Rawana / June 2, 2013
to Whom it may concern,
No Halal in Sri Lanka, No Shariya in Sri Lanka, No Muslims in Sri Lanka. !! that is the only thing and last word.
This is only and only a sinhala buddist country. Tamils, Hindus, Christians, can live in Sri Lanka but no muslims.! we sinhalees are ready to live with understanding with any ethnicity, religion other than Islam and Muslims.
Your Ever Loving,
Maha Rawana
True Sri Lankan / June 2, 2013
U can leave this country if u don’t like u dont have any rights to tell other what to do.. This is not anyone’s country it belong to the people, the earth belongs to the people no one can say ur nt welcome here. if u dont like u can leave
Rohan / June 2, 2013
“U can leave this country if u don’t like u dont have any rights to tell other what to do.. “
Ha ha… It is you who tells others what to do, True Sri Lankan!!!
Adikaram MyGuru / June 2, 2013
After killing ten of thousands of innocent Tamils since ‘Sri’ massacre now ready to live with them peacefully?
Cant trust the Cut-throats!.
Christians also ALRIGHT now? Not labelling them as missanaries anymore?
Cant trust the Cut-throats!
Evil Norway few years ago, is the best buddy nowadays. What a hypocrisy.
Cant trust the Cut-throats anymore!
RAWANA himself a Hindu. Vijaya (woman beater) a Hindu. Kasiappan (Patricide)a hindu. Cow is sacred to Hindu, April 13th is Dravida/Tamil new year, Thai Pongal taken as Wapmagula.
Every damn thing has been copied. al;l fake and nothing real.
Cant trust the Cut-throasts anymor!!!
Anjali / June 3, 2013
Wow you have done your homework!
Roy / June 2, 2013
Come on muslim friends ,leave this bloke alone he doesn’t know who his real father is.
Rawana / June 2, 2013
In order to antoanize, irritate and to provoke the Muslim readers people like LEELA post such comments. As Roy suggests above dont reply to this beast.
He is trying his best to deviate people from Tisaranee’s excellent article.
salmaj / June 6, 2013
I agree Muslims should not reply to Leela and the like. Sometimes I have a vague feeling that Leela writes under Muslim names too, to provoke a discussion. Muslims on this page- please do not respond to these ones.
AYMAN / June 21, 2013
Maghribi / June 2, 2013
Maha Rawana – Racism is a dying bread. Join the living and the prosperous.
In the Dhammapada (137):”He who inflicts violence on those who are unarmed, and offends those who are inoffensive, will soon come upon one of these ten states” (The reference here is to the ten woeful states of karma attainable through evil deeds) Dhammapitaka (2001) contains the following advice to all: All people are friends, as they are co-dwellers, equal and sharing, within the same system of natural laws. Being subject to common natural fears and bearing mutual responsibility to solve human problems, people should treat all other beings with love, friendliness and compassion, that is limitless, unbounded, without distinction or discrimination of any kind’
Dr. Maverick / June 2, 2013
With all respect to your opinion, I would like to request you to try changing our historical teachings since our kindergarten. We were taught that our history started from the bond of Quveni (Yaksha Tribe) and Vijayan (Hindu). Buddhism started after the interval.
Whosoever call themselves Buddhist should not forget that their blood is a cocktail of Hindu and the devil tribe. ;)
priya / June 6, 2013
Do not forget King Vijaya brought a princess from Madurai and even his followers did the same thing. So we have more Tamil blood than the northern blood.
Amarasiri / June 2, 2013
Maha Rawan,
“The alacrity and the totality with which the BBS dumped the halal ‘issue’ indicate that the organisation is merely a cat’s paw without a will of its own. Rather like Wimal Weerawansa’s fast unto death, which, too, bubbled ferociously, for a day or two, and then died, as if it has never been.”
They, BBS, are called Hired Guns, Mercenaries or Whores. Whose?
Gota is the agent of Norway and USA, and they want it that way.
Gota is their dog,and BBS Gota’s Dog, but he does run wild now and then. Unfortunately one Wild Cattle, Haraka, got himself burned to death, in a stunt gone bad at Kandy last week.
They funded and prompted BBS so that the wish of Christian Fundamentalists could be achieved, and Buddhism discredited and Muslims attacked.
So, Gota is really an extension of the Western Christian plan, but using Buddhists this time.
Listen to the, Sobitha Thero, the Good Hamuduruvo, and NOT the BAD and Mara “Hamuduru” of BBS.
Citizens! Not Subjects – Ven. Maduluwawe Sobhitha Thero
To build a nation that respects law and order, that was his dream.
Nazeer Abdul / June 3, 2013
He must be joking,,,,,,,!!!!!
May be he would have made this comment , soon after he left the Arracku tavern !!
Or he may be belongs to that Neo Nazi -Mossad combine groups,,like Balu senas. who are hell bent to create problems in our peaceful Sri Lanka,,remember what these arms sellers were doing during the War period,,,,,The Isra-hell was training Ltte and our forces, simultaneously,,,,,in Isra-hell.
So wake up my friend,,,,,,,,,,,,,,come to this world and face the reality.
Do not consume alcohol even if you get free of charge,,,be a real Buddhist…
If everyone follow their religions: pure teachings,,,there won’t be any wars,,,
only the weapons industry will suffer,,,,,
Maghribi / June 2, 2013
Good business sense to encash on Halaal products and services. The projected growth can ease the economic burden Sri Lanka faces through exports.
We do live in a perfect universe. Scientist say there is such perfection in the way the earth, the sun, and the stars all fit together, that if one planet had been placed in the sky just a teeny bit differently, we wouldn’t be here today. That’s perfection.
Staying with the big picture, think about how almost all of life on earth is sustained by the perfect harmony of the seasons, the sun, and the cycles of life. Now, zooming from the expanse of space, letting your mind’s eye focus in on the image of a newborn child, see those five little fingers and five tiny toes. Add five amazing senses, and you are looking at the creation of harmonious perfection. That little person is you.
So listen to this: if perfection exists in that which is as large as the universe and as miniature as a baby’s toe, why wouldn’t it also be likely that Allah has created the Islamic Shariah as a perfect design for our life?
Kuda rawana / June 2, 2013
Did u mean Allah Created the world ? Do u believe such ?
Maghribi / June 2, 2013
The truth will emerge, a fraction of a second before our soul departs to the one who created the Universe.
Kuda rawana / June 4, 2013
No body created the universe u stupid. There is no such god as Alhlha
Ghouth / June 5, 2013
@Kuda rawana, how can you be so sure that nobody created this universe? Are you having nightmares these days?? One day you will come to know “why I am here in this world” without any reason?
True Sri Lankan / June 2, 2013
Let me rephrase what u said Maha Rawana
to Whom it may concern,
No Racists in Sri Lanka, No fascists in Sri Lanka, No hatred in Sri Lanka. !! that is the only thing and last word.
Maha Rawana u just said that other ethnicity’s are welcome im sure then u have a blind eye. maybe ur eyes is in ur a**. Christians, muslims, and tamils are all subjected to buddist hate. We don’t want racists like u .. please leave this country u have no rights to say others to eave if u dont like it u can leave.
Lord buddha didnt say to hate other people even at hard times ur not a true buddist or belong to any other religion. all religions preach peace not war or hate. I think ur the one who is preaching hate ur the devil. In government terms whoever incites hate or violence within society is called a Home grown radical terrorist. I think ur one of them.
Rohan / June 2, 2013
//Lord buddha didnt say to hate other people //
Who listens to Lord Buddha in Sri Lanka. He said not to bother bringing flowers to him, let alone any statues…. We are praying trees and concrete structures in Sri Lanka.
Roy / June 2, 2013
I think the halal issue along with other muslim issues which was staged by the BBS was to create another july 83. It didn’t happen they lost because the muslims were sensible. There would have been a lot of people waiting to buy shares when the trouble erupted ,bad luck for them.
Pandukabaya / June 2, 2013
Roy, They made these issues (you know halal issue is nothing and the majority non muslims are least bothered about Halal thing, by the way I like halal food because I know I am buying clean stuff doesnt matter what method or which religion is followed but its clean) purticularly against the Moslems to divert the people’s attentions from forming an anti-regime unity. Everyday this regime losing its popularity.
They knew the best way to keep people busy is to scare them that our faith is in danger. Let it be Sinhalese, Tamils or Moslems & Catholics, we all are very sensitive on this one issue. So the regime made a plan to have a Shiv-sena here. Gota happily fathered this ‘awajathaka’ handicapped (both Phisically and Mentally) baby and Champika was conceived. The baby was born as BBS. They are temporarily success for the time being but the disabled child wont last long. Cant fool the people with hatred and cant auction the war victory any longer. There is an end for everything.
AYMAN / June 21, 2013
K.A Sumanasekera / June 2, 2013
BBS has realized that giving Police Powers to the LTTE proxy Sambandan and ex militant Premachandran should be Haram…
That is why they let go of Halal.
Bensen Burner / June 2, 2013
Human beings were created to be vegetarians.Bensen
PresiDunce Bean / June 4, 2013
@Bensen Burner
Bullshit. Human beings are omnivores. They can digest both meat and plants.
JimSofty / June 2, 2013
Tisaranee is Anti-buddhist, anti-Rajapakse.
Read this article and see.
Aney Apochchi! / June 2, 2013
Your half-baked “authorities” have very little to do with the absolute truth that Tisaranee documents. Every detail is fact and pandankarayas like you need to go sit in a corner and suck your thumbs in contemplation! Considering where your tongues have already been even a dirty thumb would be caviar.
I thought that CT had a policy about second hand links to third rate “authorities” by Ist rate pandankarayas. But I’ve obviously been mistaken.
disappointed / June 3, 2013
what am i supposed to look for in that article, to conclude “Tisaranee is anti-buddhist, anti-rajapakse”? :D
mike / June 5, 2013
It concludes that Jimsofty is a pompous ass!!
Crazyoldmansl / June 2, 2013
This dance is called the “armtwist” and it is a distant relative of the “raindance”. The raindance is a dance that one dances when no rain has been forthcoming for a while. When the raindance is danced then it is said that rain falls abundantly and hungry stomachs are soon fulfilled.
The “armtwist” is performed when no moolah has been forthcoming for a while. When the armtwist is performed moolah falls in abundance and hungry stomachs are soon fulfilled.
Muliyawaikkal / June 2, 2013
Halal or haram?
Marwan / June 3, 2013
No, it is Makruh, that is something in-between. Confusion compounded?
asif / June 2, 2013
Maha Rawana; “No Halal in Sri Lanka, No Shariya in Sri Lanka, No Muslims in Sri Lanka”.
Wow! I like the last part; “No Muslims in Sri lanka”. My friend, why only Sri lanka, let there be no Muslims on the face of the earth; we have no problem with that. Obliterate every single one of the 1.5 billion Muslims, happy?! And then go on national television and tell the whole world that there are no Muslims on this earth. Then what? I guess you expect to live forever and ever in this teeny tiny world of yours? And even tinier Sri Lanka? Well, I wish you all the best. Smart guy, go ahead and pull the trigger. We would be glad to die on our feet then to live on our knees! Know that, there is no place in this whole universe a Muslim would rather be than with his or her Creator, period!
Kuda rawana / June 4, 2013
yes pls. die and let the world be peaceful. it is muslims ( terrorists) who create all the problems on earth.
haid / June 2, 2013
At least we studied what is haram and whats halal.
salmaj / June 2, 2013
I wish Muslims will not reply this idiot as some writers above had advised, Ignore
Point of View / June 2, 2013
Dogs bark, Caravan moves on !
Sumith N / June 2, 2013
Maha Rawana
You need a lot of Bhavana
May the triple gem save you
from insanity and physical
MNZ / June 2, 2013
Tisaranee’s commentary had nothing to do with “halaal”. The word was clearly used as an euphemism for fictitious issues.
Sadly, most of the commentators have missed the crux of TG’s excellent piece and gone on a religious tirade against each other.
In summary, to quote TG herself:
“The aim of such bogus issues is multifaceted. They intend to make Sinhala-Buddhists feel safe, under Rajapaksa rule. They also intend to make the minorities believe that the Rajapaksas are the only bulwark (however faulty) against innumerable hordes of Sinhala-Buddhist fanatics, frothing at the mouth and rearing to tear every Tamil/Muslim/Christian from limb to limb.
The other intention is to make India and the West think that only a Rajapaksa government can keep the Sinhala Buddhist fanatics at bay and ensure for the minorities a modicum of rights and protection.”
Commentators should have focused on the above contentions of TG.
Perhaps CT should stop publishing irrelevant and irreverent comments from its readers in future,
Well said Tisaranee!
Lasantha Pethiyagoda / June 2, 2013
It would be worthwhile to know if powdered milk imported from New Zealand by local agents in Sri Lanka are really contaminated or clean. In the absence of transparency in these deals, it would be hard to know the truth, wouldn’t it?
Senguttuvan / June 3, 2013
Continue to educate the public, dear Tisaranee. The nuances and rackets, like the threat to ban the importation of NZ Milk Powder, are all set loose in the interest of Bakshi. The health of the nation has nothing to do in this venal configuration.
No big business or businessman, not in cohort with the regime, is safe. They know this and are already sharing their fears. The message is join us or perish.
nandana / June 3, 2013
Rajo / June 3, 2013
Nandana you are a real Vindana
AYMAN / June 3, 2013
“Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”
Anura / June 6, 2013
Poor Nandana,
I am certain you are tree worshiping type Buddhists. Unfortunately I couldn’t advise you to read because whatever you read will subject to your conditioning of your brain, so what you see in your reading is what you want to believe.
Your writing does NOT hurt intelligent Muslims, but it hurts Buddhists. So please don’t write…
Leon / June 3, 2013
Tisaraneee, be careful. We need people like you to expose this regime.
Kamal / June 3, 2013
Good Article TG. I believe all these are Trojan Horses some small some big, planted along the way so they can be activated as and when required by MR regime. Unfortunately majority of the Lankans fall prey to such trickery.
This is our curse come any election we forget all the hardship and vote for the fierce speaker or the party which musters most people for meetings or most good looking guy and most of all the person making the best promises. Can we really say we have elected 10 MP’s who are worthy of serving the people in current parliament?
A mass education is required to educate our communities on how to pick a honest, straight forward and patriotic candidates when come election time. This has to start now in the main stream Singhala media. We are getting fooled by every one all the time.
hashini / June 3, 2013
we must resect other religion with as our king,same things is contains not special who follow and what religions follows.the important is humanity.this is one country.we all live in this.be together.
Rod Atkins / June 3, 2013
Well Look who is Talking … after alll killing almost 100,000 now they need unity with Tamils , Christians and rest? we need you man, keep it up then soon MR will be effected as he is behind all
weeray / June 3, 2013
It makes sense , yes when we delve into what the writer has put on display quite factually taken from the as yet unforgotten recent weeks and months. No week has passed without some new sensationalism over a non-issue as far as the man in the street (who nevertheless is the voter/kingmaker and ever suffering subject of the King’s court) is concerned.These disturbed the subjects’ troubled yet slowly self-consoling minds preoccupied with ‘shocking’occurances like electricity hikes etc, etc, etc. and deviated public concern away towards a vacuum or void they soon discovered it to be. When the reality was dawning and electric ‘shocks’ again charging up the next deviation came around and the King’s subjects obliged passively for the anaesthesia which somehow was comforting in the absence of better hope anywhere specially with no Opposition to raise a shield not to mention the sword which they seem to have dumped in the burgled National Museum by now . The newest item in the agenda is most hilarious but no occasion for grinning or smiling here as the whole nation is now advised to pray forgivance from king Mahasen for the Met department’s bungling by nicknaming a cyclonic storm after the great Minneriya Deviyo who is very devotedly venerated in every household in Sri Lanka morning and evening as we are all aware by now! I feel really ashamed that I was so negligent of this noble rite for over half a century of living in here. Anyway though not forgiving myself for such cardinal a sin I hope very nobly that before the upcoming poson full moon when the most venerated Arhath Mahinda’s historic arrival at Mihintale with the blessed gift of Buddha Dhamma for Lanka will be celebrated we as a poeple must plead forgivance for yet another cardinal sin. We named a certain ill-stricken budget airline after Him. Forgive our innocent ignorance, Oh the Arhath !
Jim Hardy / June 4, 2013
Hats off to Tissaranee the brave women coming up with superlogic.
Lionel / June 4, 2013
What fun being a dictator with lifelong power is. Hurrah for the fools.
milly / June 6, 2013
maha kuda ravana….ancestors of demonking of lanka…you go to hell..pls burn youself…you ll feel happy with muslims…burn…2 nd burn..3rd burn nonstop…you cruel idiots must know who antogonise muslims….root causes nowadays wars in muslimlands….9-11 was not muslim…it was done by illumanaties …zionists….first you ..we like sinhalese…..those who spread hatred dishormony between muslims and sihalease will perish….lightning wil strike them and kill them for sure…you two ravanas will taste very soon…
gonbella / June 6, 2013
Tissaranee Gunasekera – excellent article and great English language skills. Well done and keep it up.
Maha Ravana – You are carrying a hatred of Muslims that you were not born with. Somewhere down the line the powers that be succeeded in placing that seed of Muslim hatred in your brain – quite sad really.
MNZ – Equally sad heh, how easily the reader missed the most important points in TG’s article.
Muslims – pipe down. Allah could not envisage that all hell will be let loose on Muslims and more importantly Muslims will rise against fellow Muslims. Allah could not envisage that the so called great religion he supposedly gave to the last messiah Mohammad would one day ravage its followers. Forget the mass killing of Muslims by the Jews and their hired US hands – how about yourselves. The favourite time for killing of Muslims by Muslims, is by placing a bomb towards the end of the Friday prayers, in the holiest of places – the mosque. Hmm this Allah could not envisage that his Muslim followers will cause havoc among themselves by indentifying either as Sunnis or Sheas?
All take note anyway – 1. Muslims are sitting on top of the most important world commodity – OIL. Remember how they drummed the world into believing in WMDs and Muslims as terrorists. Hateful Muslim Iraq was invaded, secretive concessions were given to the oil companies and lo and behold all stopped talking about weapons of mass destruction – there were none to start with. 2. And only now and very slowly at that is the news emerging that Afghanistan is sitting on top of 1/3 of all world gas reserves – surprise surprise? So Maha Ravana’s and Kuda Ravana’s go on, continue to be sucked in by the rhetoric of the powers that be – just as being sucked in by MR’s designer conflicts (so aptly put in writing by TG).
Yours truly
Mahadenumutta / June 6, 2013
Please educate the innocent people who have been brain washed to believe it is only Rajapakse family who will protect Sinhalese culture and Budhism from Muslims and Christians.
Please continue with your enlightened work.
klee / June 6, 2013
We are sorry, the comment language is English – CT
Sithy Hussain / June 6, 2013
I suppose this is the only way journalists earn their keep – by stirring things up so that they have something to write about..
Halal died down because there is no halal authority anymore. Doesn’t take a genius to figure that out does it?
As for the DCD – if the writer had done some research – she would have found out that DCD is an unknown entity, in that there is nothing conclusive regarding its effect on human beings. As such everyone ALL OVER THE WORLD is nonplussed about it – not just the Sri Lankan government.
In as much as the writer gripes about good governance, we should gripe about responsible journalism – it is exactly this kind of journalism that has caused turmoil all over the world – creating schisms & upheavals. I think that if we want to safeguard our niche in this world we shouldn’t tolerate such journalism.
Truth / June 7, 2013
What is the fastest growing religion in the world? Try to find out why majority of the western world think this way. Try to look at the big picture which may help us to understand the reality.
Good Luck.