12 February, 2025


When Do You Think The Other Tamil Political Prisoners Would Be Released? 

By C.V. Wigneswaran

Justice C.V. Wigneswaran MP

Hon’ Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe told us the other day when he met the relatives of the incarcerated Tamil political prisoners in my company that in consequence of the request made by me to HE the President the latter had requested the Hon’ Minister to study my letter and discuss with the AG and see if the prisoners could be released. In consequence the first group of 8 prisoners have been released. The Hon’ Minister told us publicly that the cases of the others are being gone through by the AG and soon they too would be released. He expects the release to take place before next Thai Pongal day in January 2023.

But meanwhile I got to know some distressing news. Having come to know that 8 Tamil prisoners were being released in the first instance and their identity, certain persons had informed a well to do SL Tamil person in England that certain identified prisoners (who were in any event going to be released) could be released if a certain sum could be given to them. What they intended to do with the money is anybody’s guess.

But I wish to tell the Public that this issue is handled at the highest political and legal level. May I therefore request persons not to be cheated by the deceptive words of middlemen. I have received information that some people are involved in collecting money from relatives, friends and well-wishers of political prisoners. Such persons should be identified and exposed.

*Justice C.V. Wigneswaran, Member of Parliament, Jaffna District.

Latest comments

  • 9

    Justice C.V. Wigneswaran,
    Something sticky here, Sir!
    If you have received ‘information’ that some people are involved in collecting money from relatives, friends and well-wishers, what’s the difficulty in knowing who they are.

    • 6


      “If you have received ‘information’ that some people are involved in collecting money from relatives, friends and well-wishers, what’s the difficulty in knowing who they are.”

      What if the person(s) is connected to ministers, or their lackeys, top members of armed forces, functionaries, …. ?

      • 0

        Native Vedda,
        Are you confirming my comment. When you you know who they are, you are!

  • 11

    “Hon’ Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe told us the other day when he met the relatives of the incarcerated Tamil political prisoners in my company that in consequence of the request made by me to HE the President the latter had requested the Hon’ Minister to study my letter and discuss with the AG and see if the prisoners could be released. “

    Dear former Justice C V Wigneswaran.
    The request to release the Tamil Political prisoners was a continuous one for many years by Tamil various politiucians and relatives and almost all Presidents and Justice Ministers continuously and consistently denied that “there are no political prisioners” or “we will look into it” and now wanted to release some them for a reason, that is to get the IMF loan and EU’s GSP’s etc. If they are really wants to release them they do not wait for your request. They all know that the arrest of political prisoners are fabricated to use them for such times. When Gota came to power, what did he do? He came out of all his criminal cases, and released all the murderers and corruptors and gave them ministers. What did Ranil do? He came all clean from Bond scam. It is funny that Criminals become Ministers and Ministers become Criminals depending on who is President. Protestors become Terrorists Vs Terrorists become Protestors even with the same President called Ranil.

  • 11

    Why can no action be taken against such deceptive individuals legally or be reported to the police? Since you are a retired judge and a parliamentarian, could you please help these affected individuals?

    • 7

      The most deceptive individual here is the slimy Wijedasa himself. He prosecutes Thilini the swindler on behalf of the State and provides defence lawyers for her at the same time.

      • 7

        old codger

        1) While seemingly well informed on what you describe as “Thilini the swindler”, you are worryingly silent on my ‘Colombo Telegraph’ article “Auditors Could Have Prevented Alleged ‘Thico’/Thilini Scandal”. Are you attempting to ‘PROTECT’ Auditors/Chartered Accountants who are the first and last line of defense against any form of financial corruption?

        2) https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/auditors-could-have-prevented-alleged-thico-thilini-scandal/

        3) Under cover of anonymity, you are a prolific commentator on CT. In the PUBLIC INTEREST could you please use your sources to NAME (i) the auditors of ‘Thico Group Pvt. Ltd.’? (ii) the ‘investors’ in this company?

        Amrit Muttukumaru

        • 3

          Amrit Muttukumaru

          What is the difference between Maha Viru Samaruma and Mahaveerar Naal although both are being observed in November every year?

          • 3

            “What is the difference between Maha Viru-Samaruma and Mahaveerar Naal although both are being observed in November every year?”
            None, in the significance, except that the former is in Sinhala and the latter in Tamil!!!?? The other most important difference is that former is celebrated with the support of the government and the latter derided by the government!!
            Quo vādis Sri Lanka?!!??
            Former being patriots and the latter as non-patriots, to fool the masses to obtain their support at next elections!!??

        • 5

          Accountants and lawyers are equally devious. I hear accountancy is the most boring job in the world. I find Thilini more interesting than any auditor.

      • 5

        old codger

        “The most deceptive individual here is the slimy Wijedasa himself.”

        Are you sure deepti silva is not around?

        “Thilini the swindler on behalf of the State and provides defence lawyers for her at the same time.”

        Justice Must Not Only be Done, but Must be Seen to be Done

        • 4

          Native, Mahila,
          “Justice Must Not Only be Done, but Must be Seen to be Done”
          This guy has the nerve to try and get parliament to prosecute the reporter who exposed it!
          Even while he is the Law Minister, I am sure he is already plotting with the Rajapaksas.

      • 6

        The maestro is following the age old adage, “run with the hare and hunt with the hounds”!!
        Prosecuted Avant Grade Security Services and went on leisure trip to advice and comfort Major Nissanka Senadhipathi and family on boat trip with his family!!
        Most suited Law makers and administrators that Sri Lanka deserves!!
        What alternative???

  • 5

    LTTE gone and the champions of eradicate …….
    But keeping in the cells without the charges,there is no record of who is. in the cell or perished
    Some of the prisoners served over their actual prison term instead of compensation they being in the name.of pardoned.
    Wijeweera concept is “up rising” where as VP ‘s terrorism, JVP is recognised political party, but sadly …
    Hard core buddisam what a thick blooded
    Rather than selling as Ceylon tea, better put it as Sinhale tea

  • 7

    They are not political prisoners. They are freedom fighters!!

  • 6

    Unfortunately my experiences of racism during my short stay in sinhala land including from the sinhala armed forces have influenced my attitude towards sinhalas including by anti tamil comments on the web by sinhalas.

    • 0

      What a pity that racists can demonise a whole race by the actions of individuals. But that is what racists do. Tamils compromise the majority of posters on CT but my attitude towards them is not influenced by their racism. There are some really exemplary unbiased human beings such as SJ posting here.

  • 10

    “When Do You Think The Other Tamil Political Prisoners Would Be Released?”

    When Ranil is next contesting an election ……… and want the Tamil vote.

    Am I being cynical ………. or do you believe Ranil is a man of pure genuine intentions? :))

    • 10

      nimal fernando, people like you should be in politics. If I was still living in SL, I will cast the first vote for a lovely neutral human like you. But then again you need to hire thousand bodyguards as the corrupt will get rid of you quickly. You are truly a decent human. Thanks man.

      • 7

        Tamil from the north

        “nimal fernando, people like you should be in politics.”

        Come on, the population of good people is dwindling rapidly. There are only a few people who remain rational and honest. Politics will transform them into thieving morons.

        Therefore nimal fernando is not for president.

        • 3

          NV, that is why I said a good man like him will be assassinated as he will stand in the way of the corrupt.

          • 2

            Tamil from the north

            nimal fernando is too busy doing other things

      • 1

        Dear Tamil from the north, perhaps you can tell yr friends & associates who ARE still living in SL, specifically, Jaffna, about this event there tomorrow:

        DEMOCRACY STILLBORN: Lanka’s Rejection of Equal Rights at Independence” by Kirupaimalar & Rajan Hoole, 2022, 730 pp.

        Book launch + discussion, TOMORROW at Trimmer Hall, Vembadi Rd, Jaffna (near the Clock Tower), Fri, 11 Nov, 4pm.
        Speakers: Devanesan Nesiah, Swasthika Arulinganm,  Ahilan Kadirgamar,  Kirupa + Rajan Hoole. 


    • 8

      nimal fernando

      This morning I have found two most pressing problems:

      Army says no LTTE fighters surrendered during war’s end
      NOVEMBER 7, 2022

      Brigadier N.K.N.K. Nagahawatte stated that LTTE fighters did not surrender to the Army, but that Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) did.

      How does the Sri Lankan state train/motivate its armed forces, functionaries, ministers, … etc to come up blatant lies? Do you think its is something to do with the water?

      My second problem is:

      Defence Ministry not yet asked to relax security clearance for marriage
      NOVEMBER 7, 2022

      Now it seems no end to military poking its nose into every nook and corner which do you think will lead to militarization of private parts?

      Thanks for listening to today’s two most important problems.

      • 2

        “Now it seems no end to military poking its nose into every nook and corner which do you think will lead to militarization of private parts?”
        You reckon that female army members are issued khaki underwear………..?

      • 0

        Native, that answers to CVW’s previous article “what problems the Tamils are having in Immoral Lanka”??. It is like a patient who suffered a massive heart attack / MI and family members casually questioning their cardiologist after years ” what the doctor means by heart attack / MI?? Fortunately patient happens to be alive but treatment never started. There were hundreds of civilians mostly men surrendered to army, witnessed by many including their family members, were later taken to an undisclosed location and murdered by army, following orders from high command. Recently a ex war commander, now refugee in a foreign country told, the orders came from Gotha and was executed by SHAVENDRA. To make things worse not just the perpetrators but the whole country including governments denied it. Session after session in Geneva they lied, pretended to create “truth finding “commissions, staged sham dramas and went to the extent of calling it as collateral damage??? The people who surrendered are fleeing civilians and not LTTE. They were instructed by RC / U.N agencies to do so for their safety. This is exactly the problem Tamils have since independence.(now Muslims)

        • 4


          A friend of mine who checked a family’s details against “List of Missing and
          Disappeared Persons” DETAILS OF MISSING / DISAPPEARED PERSONS AND WHEREABOUT RECIVED TO OMP FROM 2000 TO 30TH OF APRIL 2021 (issued by OMP (http://www.omp.gov.lk/missing-persons).

          He says he could not find the details of 5 members of the particular family in the above lists.

          Do the previous 2 commissions have any other records of missing persons? If so where can we get them?

          This is what Hindu reported on JANUARY 20, 2020:
          “Thousands of persons reported missing since the time of Sri Lanka’s civil war are “actually dead”, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has said.”

          Ranil also said in an interview with John Snow that missing persons were probably dead.

          A week ago an Army Designated Officer under the Right to Information (RTI) Act told the Right to Information Commission of Sri Lanka (RTICSL) last week that no LTTE fighters had surrendered in this manner. “Army says no LTTE fighters surrendered during war’s end – NOVEMBER 7 the morning “

          The question is how long the state is going to maintain its untenable position that since it won the war it has no obligation to account for the missing?

    • 3

      “Am I being cynical ………. or do you believe Ranil is a man of pure genuine intentions? :))”
      Agree totally and absolutely, all politicians in Sri Lanka are BASE DECEPTIONIST!! The degree of deception may vary!!??
      No doubt as to that!!??

  • 6

    I never even knew I was a different person to others around me until I lived in sinhala land. Sinhalas you did a good job in formatting my attitude of contempt towards sinhalas and sinhala land now further reinforced by Sri Lankan international cricketer Danushka Gunathilaka has been charged with the alleged sexual assault of a woman in Sydney’s eastern suburbs. Dont accuse me of what you deliberately made me into by your actions!

    • 2

      Mr Gus you should consult Stinkie on such important matters. but my understanding is that the lady and this cricketer’s disagreement was only regarding the protection that should be used in the sexual act, not the act itself. So maybe a presumption of innocence may be in order.

      • 5

        Friend abcd1234,

        So, your logic is that the Sinhala Buddhist Rapist Army would have kept it in their pants if they have been provided condoms in time and would not have earned the name of one in the 22 of the world armies use Rape as weapon? Come on man! Why do these Sinhala Buddhists always come out with Zero Causality defense after doing heaps and heaps of murder and rapes? Are defending two Sinhala Buddhist sex freaks as sages and saints, only if there were some condoms? Are you telling all others that she went to hotel to pick him up home to find an auspicious place for sex? Why did he leave the hotel, his auspicious place? There are few cases of this type: “he called a call girl for sex, she came; the deal went good; they went for more; extended deal failed; case filed as rape fearing not be caught in prostitution.” His first defense is accepting that he called a prostitute and getting out of that part. Don’t whitewash the Sinhala Buddhist Rapist Army’s sex freak nature. And don’t use the “Zero Casualty” defense too many times. Remember the Bald Head raped three of his disciples. Did you read the drug gang, gang-raped the client’s girlfriend in front of him and blackmailed mother for ransom? Go ahead and defend those ball swinging stars too.

      • 2

        Not at all!! The intent was always there to commit the culpable deed!!?? May advance further and adduce, that he had ulterior motive, to have a progeny, in which even, he may seek help in the future for a citizenship claim to become naturalised Australian!!!?? May have been a long shot, went “pear shaped”!!

  • 4

    IMF’s learned experts should understand that the poor, innocent Tamils’ pain should not be allowed to be pledged for IMF loan. The IMF should not release even a penny based on tricky behaviors of the government. The Evil Emperor has promised his partner political parties to expand the cabinet with many dozens of unwanted, uneducated, in-prosecuted and protected criminal personalities, right after the voting for the budget. The evil Emperor has no party support in the parliament, so his survivability depends only on pure political gymnastics and tug of war. The budgets formulated with this type of political gymnastics is one of the causes of this country going bankrupt. Sampanthan Aiya and Sumanthiran PC. voting for all Evil Emperor’s military budgets to boost northern surveillance but no proper developments, with the ego of Secret Solution only completely wiped out the UNP in the last election.

  • 4

    The Evil Emperor, the master in Foxy’s political somersaults, is playing too much bait for the IMF. The IMF should have policy and should not be a partner to Appe Aanduwa in alluring the people of Ceylon further and further in debt. The IMF should read the history of Langkang in UNHRC. For 15 Years 47 countries could not make Appe Aanduwa to move an Inch. The IMF should not dream foolishly that in three months’ time they have corrected the 2000 years stagnation of Sinhala Buddhism.

    The IMF should learn from China (a progressive Buddhist Country), the only friendly country of Langkang. They know well who the Langkang politicians are or what the Sinhala Buddhism is about. So, they did not easily give up on the loan restructuring negotiations. The responsibility of political loan lending done by IMF executives, without any merits for Langkang to receive loans (but to pay for the new 8th grade criminal ministers). must be borne by IMF staff, it should not be a burden to Ceylon people. We cannot accept this Tamil prisoners’ pain of political negotiation for loan,

  • 4

    Raja back on the scene, he will be the PM soon,they tested the water ,Dinesh is very loyal as well as the orthers like Ranatunga Wanniarrachi Soira

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