15 January, 2025


When None Is Above The Law: The Unexpected Lesson Of Cardinal George Pell

By Shyamon Jayasinghe

Shyamon Jayasinghe

“The peace that the supremacy of law brings….”

Cardinal George Pell was, once, Australia’s Catholic Archbishop – the Prince of the Australian Church, if you like. He was promoted as Cardinal and called to Vatican. He served as number  three in the Vatican administration and in charge of finances. The Prince of the Vatican, if you like. The breaking news about him today (Saturday,29th June) here in Australia, has sent shock waves through the Vatican in Rome. By deflection, It sends a message, to us Sri Lankans, down our spine.

Australian (Victorian) police investigations conducted over two years have had to bring the Cardinal to face Court in Melbourne at the end of July over allegations of multiple child sexual attacks by him while he had been serving in the diocese here in Ballarat.

Of course, being charged does not mean anyone is guilty. The purpose of court proceedings is to professionally examine the charges on the basis of due process. I hope the Cardinal will get every chance to prove his innocence. I am sorry for the personal plight of this venerable looking ageddignity. On the other hand, this isn’t the issue I raise here.

What the ‘Supremacy of Law’ Means

On the contrary, I relate this hot story today to illustrate in concrete terms what it means to have nobody above the law. Here, is a most eminently regarded man-on the top of Australian and Vatican elite. Cardinal George Pell is indeed next in the line of cardinals who may be picked to be Pope at the next opportunity. His appointment had been a great honour to this country. He enjoys the respect of the whole governing elite herein Australia. Politicians didn’t dare to intervene with police investigations. The police cannot be meddled about by political leaders here. And this is the result. A clinical operation.

Although I don’t like to see anyone having to go through pain of mind, I have to be happy to realise that I live in a country (Australia) where nobody is above the law. 

Our Police and Gnanasara

The dramatic Sri Lanka contrast is the case of the rowdy and riotous monk Galagoda Atte Gnanasara and his BBS goons who go about hate attacks on the Muslim community – attacking mosques and torching shops. Police in Sri Lanka have gone on record to state that, “arresting a Buddhist monk, is no easy deal.” Why should that be? I must apologise here for associating Gnanasara with Cardinal Pell. They are poles apart as human beings – at least for now. Right now, George Pell enjoys generous social repute. In contrast, most Sri Lankans seem to be ambivalent with regard to their specimen. The reason for this is the automatic honour bestowed on whoever wears a robe. Our Asgiriya Mahanayake took objection for anyone addressing the bloke as simply “Gnanasara.” It is bizarre. Are we to call this man who disgraces the religion and the Sanga and who publicly incites racial hatred,”Venerable’? Are we to genuflect before a rascal like this who has equated himself to one of the lowest behaving laymen. One’s status is one’s doing and it should not be preserved by the costume one dons. Cardinal George Pell is not protected by his very high position in the religious rung. He can be protected only by the law of the land.

It is all so funny in Sri Lanka!

Sri Lanka’s Era of The Almighty Man

We have the Pell story to offer as another lesson to our people over there in Sri Lanka. Life is peaceful when the law is free to bring alleged offenders to book. In turn, defendants are offered their opportunity to prove their innocents. We call that “due process.”

Until a few years back, we had a constitution that gave total immunity to “His Excellency the President.” All presidents with the exception of poor old DB Wijetunge abused that “above -the -law,” privilege. The ten years of Mahinda Rajapaksa had been the worst. Palpable abuse of presidential privilege was the norm over those ten years. His government even went to the extent of virtually taking over the Attorney General, the Auditor General ,the Police, and, above all, the Chief Justice, who was the bastion of justice and freedom for our people. Bathed with arrogance and impunity and an ego-sense of overarching power, the then President just went on the rampage and trampled the freedom of people. Dissenting journalists were either killed in broad daylight or sent missing under his watch.  The white van and the door-knock had many tremble. Pedestrians on the road had to rush to the nearest wall and turn their backs with arms raised up when a government VVIP was passing through in his privileged luxury vehicle. During discussions with the President, MPs of his government wouldn’t raise their hands up in protest even if a dengue mosquito bit them.  I still keep the image of the murder of Lasantha Wickrematunge. I still keep the image of our heroic war soldier, Army Commander General Sarath Fonseka thrown to jail and  in jumpers, eating from a tin plate. LTTE bomb shrapnel still inside his body. I keep the image of the Chief Justice, Shirani Bandaranayake, illegally impeached and asked to go home because she defied the Divineguma Bill of the powerful sibling.

That was the era of the Almighty Man. It was also the era of this man’s siblings and kids. One kid gave constant vent to his neurotic fascination for  car races so much  that he held races in the sacred area at Kandy.

Overtaken by hubris,  delusional self-confidence and a false sense of self-righteousness the then President brought in the infamous 18th Amendment to the Constitution that would have kept him in the post  for lifetime; and then to be succeeded by a son or sibling. Saman Deyyo saved our land! He was more powerful than the Deyya in the South Indian Kovil.

The Peace that the Supremacy of Law Brings

In this part of the world where I live, social and political peace is predicated on the doctrine of the Rule of Law. Individuals get about their business knowing fully well that the police will act and that judiciary will follow to restrain offenders. I may be stating a situation rather idealistically. On the other hand, we know Australia is near that.

It is important for us to occasional think of those dark  times if only for the reason we will not allow that to be repeated again. The lesson of the Vatican Cardinal should reinforce our resolve to keep the law supreme. I am praying for the abolition of the Executive Presidency.

*The writer can be contacted at sjturaus@optusnet.com.au

Latest comments

  • 6

    S.J., In most of your articles you are substituting 1989 “bheeshanaya” period to Rajapaksa era. Ask a mother who had a young boy at home in 1989 before you write next time……………

    • 8

      Very true. White vans were used by the UNP Government in the Eighties. How can anyone forget the news reader Richard de Zoysa, one among thousands, abducted and murdered by Government killer squads? The writer rightly castigates the Rajapakse regime but forgets the UNP regime that tortured and killed thousands of young men and women during the second JVP insurrection.

      • 1

        [Edited out] Please avoid typing all capitalized comments – CT

      • 10

        You talk about one single person – BUT I miss my batch mates and friends making up to hundreds, that went missing leaving victimized families mad notbeing able to find them again. Some of them were found on burnt down on tyre pyres… Had I been there, I would Not have been alive by today..
        Not just 1 dozen but about 50 000 youth across the sinhala dominated areas went missing.
        To that time only powerful defence secretary of former regime left for refugee in the US. His return to the country coicided with the election of President Rajakashe, it was then 15 long years later. None of the politicians had the guts to investigat anything. Now got heaped all kind of new crime files to the earlier piles. … now the country has to investigate lot more.

        • 3

          Buramphisincho——“Not just 1 dozen but about 50 000 youth across the sinhala dominated areas went missing.”—————-According to one body count the number of missing persons amounted to 130,000 out of which 35,000 had been investigated, victims and perpetrators identified . However investigations were abruptly brought to halt and charges against perpetrators were dropped at the instigation of Chandrika’s uncle Anuruddha Ratwatte the then deputy defence minister, whose only reason to stop investigation and legal action against the war criminals was that there was a war being fought in the North/East and didn’t want to upset the soldiers nor demoralise them. ———————————————————————————————————————————The irony was that the war in the North saved war criminals in the South.

          • 2

            QUOTE:The irony was that the war in the North saved war criminals in the South.UNQUOTEt

            The kind of ironies are common in lanken politics

            1) Wimal Weerawanse s escape saves diverse long awaiting investigatations including high crimes such as billion money launderings acts and murder level crimes
            Wimal weerawanse – is a person to have perpetrated all high crimes in the previous ZIMBABWE style tyranny of MR

            2) Rajapakshes are provable high crime doers with all PRIMA facies evidennce overflowing the drawers of investigative authorities today, but LANKEN KIND OF SO CALLED indepence of JUIDICIARY seem to be not taking actions for their own reasons

            3) If CURRENT president or PM have got balls to act, they could have done that at the beginign of this govt.

            It is sad that Rev. Sobitha Thero is no LONGER there… anyways, I now see, it was good for the theros not to allow see it further.

      • 7

        Paul ————“The writer rightly castigates the Rajapakse regime but forgets the UNP regime that tortured and killed thousands of young men and women during the second JVP insurrection.” —————What is the difference between insurrection and terrorism? State forces and police weren’t involved in war crimes nor in crimes against humanity. Aren’t you an unpatriotic traitor whom one may consider charging for treason for falsely accusing a democratically elected government? The state never killed its own people. Stop spreading rumours.

    • 8

      Saddest truth is – all mighty man’s activities have been continuing even today. May be not to the speed had been prior to 8th Jan 2015, but thanks to Derana and HIru TV senders, even a fart would have been the case in terms of all mighty highly abusive man, who looted every cent filling their pocket-buckets remains as a man whose word are above the law is being reported by them.
      As it is the case with a monk wearing a Safran robe instead of usual sarong of thug escapes it even if he would incite communal violence, Rajaakshes and even their former domestic animals have been far from being charged for even murder-level high crimes. Thadjudeen s family- the most victimized mother may be shedding her tears permanently, helplessness is governing their minds… being gone through all the high torments, not seeing the light at the end of tunnel in terms of getting served the justice she kept high hopes at the time the current rulers were elected

      • 5

        Actually the trips of all mighty should have long been cancelled.

        If the rulers would have been such as those of North Korea, that could do well why not.

        Even few days ago, all might to go and please Pakistanis should be highly controversal.
        Indians in every moment, frowning at us, but former illiterate leader to send the message, across, even if his rival politicians – who are the governing incumbent Prez and Premier are dealing with Indians cordially, MR led groups would not welcome it.
        That was the messagesent to the world.
        Ballige putha has been THE MOST POWERFUL REBELL IN THIS COUNTRY.
        Here, the law and order should come above, and save the nation, there is no other options left.
        On one hand, mahwanse led Sanga community is being decieved by Rajaakshe men, while nothing is being won towards getting the bull by his horns.

    • 5

      Reasons have been not just the deficiencies in the laws in the country, but also the culture made ready by them during the last 10 years for welcome crime doers and their escape in public. Impunity and no allow discussions on anything were the case with Rajapakhe era.
      There are larger masses in this country, that would not stand against Basil or Gota or Mahinda. For some reasons, their days, they just let illegal businesses to be taken ground. So the criminals of diverse kind could do their illegal businesses.
      MR is a top leader for a country such a Paksitan but no for srilanka. Latter has higher social indicators proving that people are no stupid. However, thugs and their rise had been improved by the direct actions of Rajaakshes rascals.

    • 4

      Only wayout to learn the state and people are lession, they the law professionals inlcuding other higher graduates, university dons and any able and understanding authoriteis start protest marches – demading “RIGOROUS ENFORCEMENT of LAW and ORDER” for which the current govt came into be being.

      We the srilanken expatriates and MOST RESPECTED Rev. Sobitha Thero and his supporters would support any genuine folks that take the lead.

      But ofcourse GMOA or any pseudo terrorists that work for former rascals should be excluded from any protests. They are no means hearted, few men in GMOA, work for MR agendas should rather be BEHEADED by imposing Sharia Law or the like minded laws. Then only this country see it further.

    • 4

      somass ji ————“Ask a mother who had a young boy at home in 1989 before you write next time……………”——————-Is there a family secret? Are you allowed to share it with rest of us? Go on.

    • 3

      Today I was awaken by a TV program telecasted by German SWR. The word – ENTNAZIFIZIERUNG- DENAZIFICATION is the bullet word that guided me to find lot more about the bits. Tremours of the WWs are still in the country. Not many would even utter a single word what their grand parents should have explained to them. These continue as social taboos in the country. Be them University professors or any other higher professionals, just slip it, and apparently make every efforts to be away from the topics. but how many years passed since the brutalities in the country.
      This particualr program revealed, even if Entnazifizierung was the main focus following brutal war, and its reconcillataory efforts, there escaped a lot of former criminals NOT being faced any kind of legal punishments. There had been countless number of court sessions on each investigation since the war war stopped, but lot more as that were called for supply evidences did not even add their honest thoughts about the war, since they thought to forget them and enjoy the life. They had hopes to life than anything else, they reported.

      In the aftermath of lanken civil war, nothing was like the kind of court sessions took place even today – since 2009-, and I feel it is very very unfair . We not only focus on deLTTEfication, but also DEMAHINDARAJAAKSHEFICATION in this country, if we at all to build up a peaceful nation. Latter was very important, since MR so called regime continued brutalities of their kind – in the post war sessions. They are ample proofs on that. So just to ignore them should NOT be the case.

      For anyone that would find difficulties about the terms, I have added the definition on them below:

      let s hope the best in this regard.

  • 9

    Cardinal George Pell is implicated in child sex abuse when he had the silence of his lambs as collateral. However, he became unlucky in contrast to many in places of religious worship all over the world (including Australia) who still abuse their powers in having illegitimate sex with minors who are coerced into the act.

    The most un-venerable Gnanasara has been going around bullying people into submission, raising his robes like the village strong-man lifts his sarong and hurling abuse and filthy invective at his declared opponents, incites people to violence and aids and abets damaging property and remains free, thanks to a compliant government and its law-enforcement bodies, not to mention the judiciary which withdrew arrest warrants and annulled charges.

    I attribute the different treatments in the two cases to Sri Lanka’s political culture, which is wholly immature, driven by emotion and self-interest and patronised by a largely gullible electorate that submits to arrack and petty favours.

    • 10

      The very people like you, who keep talking about law and order need to acknowledge the ‘innocent until proven guilty’ principle that is the foundation of a fair legal system. Your hypocrisy or stupidity, or both, are seen from what you have written. The leagal process on Cardinal Pell, including a ‘committal’ hearing to test the charges and evidence is yet to start! But people like Jayasinghe and you seem to have jumped the gun and already found him guilty. SHAME ON YOU.

      Millions of families in the Catholic community of Ballarat, Victoria and Melbourne, including mine, who have associated with Rev George Pell have never had any doubts or concerns about him preying on young children. This whole campaign to discredit him with the use of ‘alleged’ sex crimes 40 or 50 years ago is part of an international conspiracy. This campaign is revenge for some 9factually based) remarks he made about Jews during the TV debate (ABC, Q&A, 10 April 2012) with the professional atheist Richard Dawkins. Pell outraged Jews by stating the truth that Jews historically, culturally and intellectually inferior to the Egyptians, further explaining that ”the poor, the little Jewish people, were originally shepherds stuck between the great powers the Egyptians and Babylonians”. The next morning, the easily ‘outraged’ Australian Jewish News paper published front page headlines ”Clerical error”, with a large picture of the cardinal. The only ‘crime’ Cardinal Pell committed was to take on a group of swollen headed people whose morals are governed by a culture of revenge. The concocted sex charges on Pell are their revenge. Hopefully the matter will be dropped at the committal hearing scheduled for end of July. Jayasinghe and Pethiyagoda will have pies on their faces then.

      • 5

        The point made was not that Pell was guilty but that even one as high was not above the law. This rant was not necessary. The allegations against Catholic priests as well as “celibate” clergy among the Buddhists is universal. The Catholic Church acknowledges the existence of these episodes. The point made by the author is that all are equal before the law and that equality is shown through the trial of Pell. I use his name without his title the same as I would use the name of Gnanasara without an ounce of respect. Why bring the Jews into this? It is becoming fashionable to blame them for the ills that others do.

        • 2

          A strange defense of the indefensible. Every one can read the author’s words and his line, and who is Mama Sinhalam to give a new version to it and to give a bullshit reinterpretation of author’s words as “all are equal before the law and that equality is shown through the trial of Pell”? Another defense of the Jews too! Why blame them etc. The reason is given . Read Rex’s comment again.

      • 5

        What is wrong with Rex Regaal? Jayasinghe is not telling the cardinal is guilty but stressing how the law is independent there and no one is above the law. Unless like the rowdy monk here the cardinal is like Asgiriya Mahanayke here or above him, still no politicians or people of higher ranks did interfere. What happened to the police whenever they try to stop Gnanasara? They were scolded in filth. This show the difference between civilized and uncivilized (now) people.

  • 5

    Ranil and the gang is never going to learn the past mistakes committed during the period 2001-2004.
    So UNP was kicked out, then we elected an autocratic regime.
    Thajudeen, Ekneligoda, Lasantha, Rathupaswela, Raviraj, Prarajasingham, Sivaram etc etc etc! when will justice will ever take place for the innocent families.

    Jan 9 2015 former opposition leader went to temple trees early in the morning with thiru nadesan what is the deal!!!!!!

  • 3

    “keep the law supreme. “
    “keep the law created by those who are above the law, supreme.’
    Also The law must be worthy of being supreme.

  • 2

    Where there is justice, there will be peace and prosperity regardless of corruption and other minor wrongs, no justice means you keep going “down the pallam”

    The result is ample proof to what’s happening to this country, and what’s worse is there doesn’t seems to be any light at the end of the tunnel for us.

  • 6

    Sira,you have only one choice remove this corrupt Justice Minister immediately,the entire country knows that this filthy Dealdasa Rajafucksa is corrupt,you and Ranil knows it well the integrity of the Government is now failing very very quickly,people have lost faith in the Justice minister remove him immediately.

  • 0

    [Edited out] Comments should not exceed 300 words.

  • 2

    This is particularly true where ever Hebrew religions were powerful. With the waning of religion in the west, and the rise of secularism, justice systems have become more meaningful. But the punishment of this Cardinal, and many such cases prove the failure of the Australian justice system that Shymon is trying to claim is so great. Nonsense based ion primitive thinking.

    Low crime is associated with high education and good standards of living. If people commit crimes even when they are educated and even when they have a good standard of living, that indicates problems with the hormone balance in the brain (psychiatric and genetic problems). Sexual predation is linked to such problems, and is a form of addiction that has to be treated just as one treats alcoholism or any other addiction.

    The justice systems in most parts of the world were put in place by the powerful to safe guard their property and control women, underprivileged people who had no land, and to keep them in subservience. Why should the Rockefellers have millions of hectares of land, while many blacks (children of slaves) who lost their shanties during the Katrina hurricane a decade ago are still not settled? In comparison Sri lanka has humanely dealt with its IDPs. That is justice.
    Why should the Ramanathan family have large acres of prime land in Minpey when many displaced Tamils have no where to go? What would happen if a poor Tamil were to pitch a tent in an extensive property owned by a high-caste tamil? Why was it necessary for a low-caste tamil to travel standing up in the Colombo-Jaffna (from Vavnia upwards) up till about the 1970s? The high caste tamils will assault any such uppity low-caste! The same sort of discrimination existed against the Australian aboriginals.

    • 3

      Buddhism teaches to look within but for Sinhala Buddhist all their crooked behavior it is someone else’s fault. LOL

  • 3

    Why did the UN name Australia for mistreating its aboriginal people? Why did the Australian government ignore the Royal Commissions report of aboriginal peoples rights?
    Even today, little has been done and there is a ground-swell of an Idle no more movement. If we take the yardstick of Australia, the Royal commission into deaths of Australian aboriginals in custody [see Elena Marchetti Macquarie Law Journal, Vol 5, p. 103 (2005) ], appointed under pressure from the UN, is claimed to have achieved nothing even after 10 years. John Pilger is testimony to this in his documentary films.

    So, Shymon’s concept of justice is as primitive as those who ran the witch hunts and the inquisition in medieval times. Justice should be based on modern psychiatry and neuroscience, and not beastly retribution.

    Priests and even cardinals are now being challenged only because the church is no longer a part of the power structure of the world, except in third world countries. The catholic church in Sri Lanka successfully prevented the showing of the movie “The Da Vinci Code”, while the Anglican church also colluded to prevented the screening of the Monty Python movies in Sri Lanka, while these were all shown in the west with acclaim. Australia is some what less in the grip of the Church than Sri lanka where the churches have been the vanguard of the anti-national movement. Most of the liquior and Kissippu is found in the hands of Catholics, while the big liquor and drug business is in have been in the hands of Tamil Catholics and post-LTTE cabals , but now they are moving to Sinhalese catholics and moved to friends of the Chandrika clan when she was in power. Those are the crimes to go at.

  • 4

    Those who worship cheap whisky in comfortable environment in far away places, have forgotten Sri Lanka is a Buddhist Country and our religion Buddhism and Buddhist institutions are above the judicial system enacted by corrupt politicians under influence of alcohol, womanizing, thievery and murder.

    The judicial system is corrupt and its operatives and their pay masters are “LEGAL ABUSERS”. Those who write this type of articles article are offshoots of corruption and hedonism that prevail in Sri Lanka. They may be residing within or outside the country.

  • 2

    No one should be above the law and that is how it is in all countries other than kangaroo states that is corrupted to the core.

    Sri Lanka was called a paradise for a different reason many moons ago but today it is a paradise for crooks, criminals of the worst kind which includes war criminals and bigots.

    The Cardinal has said he is innocent and I take him at his word unless proven otherwise .

    Even the president of the USA is not above the law. The President has the authority to fire public servants but today a portion of the investigation is the motive behind firing Comey whether it was to obstruct justice the other serious charge is trying to influence the investigation. In Sri Lanka we have cold blooded murders Thajudeen, Rajvir, Trinco Students, Mannar aid workers to name a few being covered-up from the top and even after change of govt no one held accountable.

    We had a journalist writing two articles which very few read but got 20 years rigorous imprisonment where as you got a bunch of thugs in yellow led by a moron abusing people, religions and the police and is all on record. Police does charge him and he decides that he is above the law and does not show-up in court. Court issues the warrants but are forced to cancel the warrant and let the thug go free.

    This is “Sinhala Baudha State” its unique and cannot be compared to any other kangaroo state. Hope you can come-up with a term as calling this a kangaroo state is an insult to kangaroo states.

  • 2

    Well said!

    Rule of Law is a prerequisite.

    If satisfactorily established others will follow.

    When it comes to minorities law is silent.

    The war crime allegations and the actions or non actions against Rev Gnanasara amply demonstrates!

    • 1

      Donald Trump will disagree with you.
      Power overrules the rule of law.
      SL and USA are not that different.
      Get it.

  • 2

    It is welcome news that the Cardinal George Pell issue is public at last. Unfortunately the political-stink is overwhelming. Why at this juncture? Will this have happened under the former Aus PM Tony Abbott? Remember Tony at the 2013CHOGM held in Colombo sagaciously said ” A bit of torture is permissible” or something to the effect. He buggered the case for MR! In the Pell case, he might say “A bit of sexual assault is OK”.
    Hope truth will prevail at the Cardinal George Bell trial.
    The lesson for Lankans is to observe how well or badly the prosecution present the case.

  • 3

    The difference between Australia and Sri Lanka is very simple, they are progressing in every area and in our case we are going the opposite direction.

    in the 80s ghettos in Sri Lanka were referred to as Korea, today we can see how Korea has progressed and how we have deteroriated from the 80s to now.

    Unfortunately for us, there is massive brain drain as well, all the smart ones are migrating, that means things will only get worst in the future.

  • 0

    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

  • 4

    When your a Citizen of a country you should also have the opportunity as everyone else and also feel that your equal.

    “British Columbia Supreme Court judge of Indian-origin, Parbinder Kaur Shergill, has become first turbaned Sikh woman Supreme Court judge of Canada.”

    “Shergill migrated from Punjab to Canada with her family when she was four-years-old. Her appointment was announced along with two other judges by Jody Wilson-Raybould, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, under the new judicial application process. The new process emphasises transparency, merit, and diversity, and will continue to ensure the appointment of jurists who meet the highest standards of excellence and integrity.”

    Hats off to Canada and Trudeau. First Defense Minister and now a Supreme Court Judge on Trudeau’s watch.

    • 1

      “Parbinder Kaur Shergill, has become first turbaned Sikh woman Supreme Court judge of Canada.”
      This is a bit odd. Usually only males wear turbans, but she does too.

      • 2

        old codger————Photo available on http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/ under “Indian-origin Sikh woman first turbaned judge in Canada Supreme Court”……………..

  • 2

    Or a bit of pregnancy is good

  • 2

    Shaymon, thanks to the enormous multitude of errors by the “yahapalanaya”, corruption, indecisiveness, failure to act on promises etc etc etc etc there is a chance that, out of sheer anger within the voter base, HE may get a new life. We can be sure that we will then be another N.Korea. And we all know who backs them!!

  • 0


    I fail to understand your comparison . One is a saffron clad thug who has been unleashed on the public with obvious political patronage -for what purpose we do not yet know .
    The other is a very highly placed official of the Vatican who is facing charges for sexual abuse . Bear in mind , he is not the first Australian clergyman facing such charges .
    Being a “first world’ nation , one would expect law enforcement to be streets ahead of Sri Lanka , where known thugs, crooks, and and other criminal elements sit in parliament and carry out their nefarious deeds with total impunity .

  • 2

    sri lanka never had justice, ask the tamils 1983.

  • 1

    SJ, you are right as far as SL Police is concerned. The politicians has voluntarily taken over the ‘management’ aspects of statutory bodies as well. If the powers were correctly vested in police and other regulatory bodies the miseries faced by people would not be there. Even now the politicians are well aware that they are abusing laws and cheating the citizens. They don’t want to let go these powers as this is the only way they can enjoy robbing the treasury. People on the other hand believe that god is spelling magic over them and expect divine intervention via religious dignitaries. They (clergy/monks) too are enjoying luxuries due to the foolishness of the believers. They don’t seem to realize that god will not come to rescue them, they will have to depend on their intelligence to come out of the present situation.

  • 2

    The police in Sri Lanka are absolutely no comparison to that obtaining in Australia.The police in Australia are by and large above board. It is great that the cardinal will be tried before he makes his claim to be the Holy Father. It is generally the view in Australia that Pell will not return to the Vatican after his trial in Australia. Let us hope that this would be a lesson to those paedophiles in the various religious persuasions. Bensen

  • 0

    The core problem with some of the religions are “imposed celibacy” of the religious heads. The catholic & Buddhist priests are compelled to practice celibacy, which is against the nature of human beings.

    look at the other religions where celibacy is not at all an imposed thing to be observed ! Those religious heads have not faced any allegations of this nature. The sexual abuses were a pandemic among the catholic church, schools & institutions in many countries. Canada was a good example where boarding schools run by catholic churches, especially for the aboriginal people, faced many scandals and court cases. The church has to sell their properties to pay for the victims of sexual abuses of the past.

    Sri Lankan Buddhist practice of keeping the monks strictly away from enjoying the natural marital bliss is a crime against humanity. Why can’t they all be allowed to marry and be monks while practicing a normal life like Hindu priests and Islamic mullahs ?! Very bad man made laws for some religions…where no one is reaching the state of ‘nirvana’. It’s all just humbug !

  • 0

    The writer says: “The lessons of the Vatican Cardinal should reinforce to keep the law supreme”. Yes, yes,.. we are doing it all the time. For example, we carried on a murder trail beginning from 1st June 1990 (i.e. was the day AG indicted the accused) to 30 June 2017(yesterday) i.e. 27 years and delivered a judgement, imposing the death penalty on five Policemen. Any more “REINFORCEMENT” you suggest us to keep our law supreme? This Judgement was delivered in Panadura Courts.

  • 1

    How can Ganasara is above law in SL? How many time he broke the law ?.SL justice system, police and politicians all are joke today ?
    Who is responsible for this eroding of legal system and who degraded it?.

  • 0

    “Who is responsible for this eroding of legal system and who degraded it?.”

    The Rajapaksa family.

  • 1

    Allow them to marry then this won’t happen.

  • 0

    Where did gnanasara come from 4 years ago we had not heard of him? Whois funding him?regarding Australia they have 4000 people on an island .thats a crime.after all they helped to destabilize the Middle East they should take all middle eastern refugees. Every country is guilty of something.

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