By Gamini Dullewe –
The problem of quite a number in this country of their inability to cope with different Religions and different races in this Multicultural and Multi religious society is mainly due to the lack of knowledge of the history of origins of both the Sinhalese and also the Tamils. The Sinhalese believe, as mentioned in the Mahawamsa, authored by Priest Mahinda also not a Sinhalese, that the Sinhalese commenced occupation of the country, with the advent of Prince Vijaya and his retinue of seven hundred men. However Prince Vijaya was not a Sinhalese. Then how one could conclude that the progeny is Sinhalese is a point to ponder. Besides the Sinhalese of today are not a pure race, but a mixture of nationalities that have assimilated over a period of time to the country’s population to call themselves as the Sinhalese. More than half the number, bear Portuguese names. While the Tamils too are migrants from South India as probably the land mass would have been connected then. Therefore to determine as to who came first is like the, hen and chick situation, which came first.
Long before the advent of the Portuguese, Dutch and the English, the country was inhabited by the Tamils and the Sinhalese and both Tamil Kings and Sinhalese Kings have ruled parts of the country including the Nayakkars from India, the last King of Kandy. The majority of the Population has been this mixed race of the Sinhalese living in the South West and the Tamils Living in the NortEast have been a sizable minority. Then with trade some Moors also have settled down and married in to both the Sinhalese and the Tamils, to constitute a small segment of the county’s population as Muslims. In the early years under the Kings, a feudal system of governance has been in force, where there was no employment or unemployment in the present sense. All were vassals ruled by the Kings, assisted by a few families of the Aristocracy. There were no qualified doctors, Engineers, Accountants, Lawyers, School Principals, teachers, nurses, clerks, peons or any other employment in that system. The system had Vedamahaththayas to look after the sick, a family tradition. The Engineers were self-made individuals who were responsible for the construction of the old edifices like Sigiriya, Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa and the Irrigation network of canals for Agriculture. It was a very simple social structure where none had wealth to flaunt unlike today. The King owned all the land and doled out to the subjects to whom it was deserving according to performance of duty.
It was the British who changed everything by introducing a form of Governance. Along with the change they introduced a system of Education where the Christian Church played a significant role to churn the public to take up office to man the new system. Whereas, earlier there was only Pirivena Education that produced Sinhala Pali scholars and Buddhist Priests to propagate Buddhism. The Christian schools that were established by the British Christian Missionaries at the beginning, encouraged the Natives to convert to Christianity to enter such schools. The education enabled the natives to secure govt jobs after completing their education. Hence many Buddhists from the middle classes converted themselves to become Christians in order to receive an education and the qualification to secure employment. There were many Catholics in the coastal areas by then, who had already converted, that enabled them to get an education. However the requirement to convert was relaxed and some Buddhists too managed to secure an education and then qualify and was able to secure employment in the new system. It must be noted that none without qualification had been absorbed to the system, be they Sinhalese or Tamil as the British were handling the Management.
The reason why many Tamils constituted the Administrative Service at that time, was because they took to education in more numbers than the Sinhalese did, with an early start. The majority Sinhalese were quite content of their life styles that they preferred the Laisser-faire living to working for a salary. It was only much later the Sinhalese realized that a job and a salary provided means for a better living standard, that they also sought education. Here it must be remembered that the masses were emancipated by the British first, although the Socialists believe it was Bandaranaike who emancipated the masses, from being mere vassals in the country to become Professionals and Academics in society, long before Independence through an education system the British introduced. It was only afterwards that Henry Steel Olcott established Buddhist schools for the Buddhists of the Island, the facility to receive an education. This was the new beginning for all who enjoy today of being a somebody in society, from being nobodies then.
Systems in the country functioned smoothly up to the time of Independence and a few years afterwards. Then with the onset of winning elections from ’56 started the bluff by the Politicians, ably supported by the Vernacular Pundits in search of positions in society to climb the social ladder and started to influence the Political leaders to change everything. Their main slogan was Anti-Imperialism. They first pointed their guns at the non Sinhalese and then on the Western educated Sinhalese who were non Buddhists. Before long the Western educated Buddhists too were not spared. They started to spread canards that the British had favoured the minority Tamils over the Sinhalese, therefore promising the Sinhala Buddhists in the country of their due place in society and also a due place for Buddhism. The fact remains that the founder of the Philosophy Buddhism, Lord Buddha never fought for a due place for Buddhism when there was over sixty odd beliefs practiced in India at that time. As I have said before the British never gave employment to any without proper qualifications, be they Tamil or Sinhalese. Thus in fairness to Tamils, every Tamil who held office at that time in the govt, had the required qualifications. The next canard was that the Buddhists had been persecuted by the British. It is true that the system favoured the qualified Christians but the Sinhalese Buddhists too held high Office in the system in fair numbers. There is not a single Buddhist temple in the country that went in to closure due to British interference. On the contrary Buddhist temples started to mushroom at every nook and corner in the main cities wherever the crows had propagated the Bo-trees, even before the country gained Independence in 1948. This proves that there was no persecution as claimed by those who made use of Buddhism to climb the social ladder faster, to positions, espousing Buddhism. It is common for these Sinhalese Pundits of today, to accuse the British that they resorted to divide and rule. In reality it is the Politicians after Independence that resorted to dividing and ruling, whereas under the British there was amity and harmony between the Sinhalese and the Tamils. This amity between the Sinhalese and the Tamils started to disappear after ’56 with the introduction of the Sinhala Only Act.
If one is to compare the majority Buddhists in the country, prior to Independence and afterwards, will realize that the Buddhists of yore, were more Buddhist, compassionate, considerate and tolerant. They allowed other faiths and all races to live side by side. Race and Religion were no issues. Mosques and Churches had been allowed to be built on Temple lands without protests by the Buddhists. Imagine the bloodshed, had the present day Buddhist’s mentality prevailed then? It is only after ’56 where it was publicly announced, what Henry Steel Olcott and Anagarika Dharmapala laid the foundation for the present day Buddhists to revive Buddhism, that the majority Buddhists of today have become militant. Not only the Buddhists of today have become militant, they were successful in creating the Tamils also to take up arms to fight a thirty year war. Had saner council prevailed when the Tamils started to ask for equal status for the Tamils after Independence, the Politicians of the day interpreted that, the Tamils were demanding for half of the country. There were no homeland theories then. It was only after the early pogroms that the demand for a homeland was born when both Bandaranayake/ Chelvanayagam and Dudley-Chelvanayakam pacts were unilaterally abrogated by the Sinhala govts of the South. Leave alone reviving Buddhism, Buddhism has degenerated today to levels that were unheard of in the past, where Buddhist priests of today are more involved with politics even entering the Parliament. Buddhist priest are seen being baton charged by the long arm of the Law, in political demonstrations, running for dear life with their robes tucked high. It is not only the Buddhist priests that have degraded Buddhism, but even the Buddhist laity is responsible and the Politicians who have been riding on their backs.
Now that the war has been announced over, all are hoping the country will revert back to normalcy. I doubt very much. We as a Nation are not heading anywhere paying only lip service to reconciliation. Unless otherwise all Sri Lankans irrespective whether one is Tamil, Sinhalese, Muslim or Burgher are recognized as equals, the Tamil’s cry for homeland and self-rule will remain. It is about time the Sinhala Buddhists took note that the failure to do so, there is a greater possibility of foreign intervention to settle for separation at some point in the future. There is no point blaming the Tamil diaspora then, as the majority Tamils have left this country due to disturbances, where their life and property has been at risk. Believe me if the Sinhalese were in similar plight they would precisely do the same what the Tamils are doing now.
The only way this country can move forward is by providing equal opportunity and equal status to all it’s citizens, creating a secular society, avoiding the current mockery of trying to provide a due place for Buddhism over others with govt backing. Continuing the current process of doing so, all can see where the Sangha has ended up? The country has moved since Independence in trying to appease the Sinhala Buddhists that has caused much of the mayhem to the detriment of all. I know there will be more brickbats than flowers for this write up, like in the case of Kumar Sangakkara where he appealed to all Sri Lankans to be one family, only to face a barrage of criticism for his effort. I of course have no qualms as I am not the loser in the end. Don’t cry for me Sri Lanka I weep for thee.
K A Sumanasekera / July 3, 2018
Why do you worry about Mahawansa.
UNP & the Yahapalanaya have Damila Amile and Gnnanassara..
Lankawe’s growth rate was 7% plus in 2014.
It is now barely touching 3% .
That is after 3 and a 1/2 of Yahapalana Development.
USD has gone up 20%
Preferential treatment for the Elite ,Anglicans and the Vellalar factions are now working even better than what the British Colonial rulers could deliver.
Need any more Indicators to work out where Lankawe is heading?……
Dr Ranil has promised another one of his Development Projects.
Apparently it is a spanking new Revolutionary Development Project?…
Native Vedda / July 3, 2018
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera
“Why do you worry about Mahawansa.”
Isn’t it the Bible of Sinhala/Buddhists, fascists, historians, politicians, state functionaries, Mudalalis, hangers on (you), journalists, ……………………………… saffron clad puppeteers, ……………
In 2011 Dr Mahinda said “Our forces carried the firearm in one hand and the human rights charter in the other. Our forces never harboured hatred towards any community or individual,”
What he meant was “…. firearm in one hand and the Mahawamsa in the other …..”
Radical Ideas / July 3, 2018
Thank you Gamini for writing a piece so important, so simple to understand and stuck to the point in identifying the real cause and the enemies for all the ills this country is facing right at this moment……………………………………
This project, that the GOVIGAMA Zionist agents are being employed in, is a 300 years old plan coming from the ALBERT PIKE’s Freemosnic Agenda designed for the establishing the ONE WORLD GOVT., (NEW WORLD ORDER). The “Three World Wars” as espoused by Pike is filled with TOTAL TERROR and MASS KILLINGS as we have been witnessing today all over the world including Sri Lanka. The Govigama Ruling Elite clan doing this job according this plan with their USUAL RACIST IDEOLOGY, the evils dumped on the poor population who are being made to foot all the bills for this mission. These criminals must be held fully responsible for their BLOOD HUNT made on the humanity as a whole, during their evil rule for the last 7 decades.
thrishu / July 3, 2018
yeah, and another wonder-woman dravidian mp wants to resurrect the terrorist organization called LTTE with the blessings of yapaalu Ranil, no see, no hear, no talk wonder-man with no memory banks in his empty head. Whither Sri Lanka? To the hell of ethnic division again, and callous murders with terrorism.!
Native Vedda / July 3, 2018
Are you talking to yourself?
Do you consider yourself a mad scientist who is by profession usually entitled to talk to oneself? Are you lost in your own inner world may be dark domain of Gota’s world?
Fathima / July 3, 2018
India is also a secular country where Muslims are killed in train loads. So you can’t stop this barbarity just by becoming secular. Islam must be recognized as a state religion along with Buddhism, Christianity and Hinduism. Sharia can fix many ills of Srilanka.
Mallaiyuran / July 3, 2018
Sharia can fix many ills of Srilanka.
Fathey how come, then, Sharia missed you?
Is that because when Sharia was looking out for you to fix you, unlike these days, you were not coughing or sneezing?
K A Sumanasekera / July 3, 2018
Mally , You are funny……Although Fathima got a point.
Plus official Hinduism will be a nice fit to go along with Mr Sampathar’s Eelaam.
As Fathima says Secularism has done nothing to Hindians.
Did you read what the UNP State Minister Maheshwaran said in Jaffan the other day?.
Looks like She has realized that Dr Ranil and his close buddies’ arrogant attacks on Sinhala Buddhists and their Monks have spoiled any chance that was there for Sampathar to please the Diaspora.
Plus my mate NV always calling the Sinhala Buddhists “Fascists ” don’t help either.
But what amazed me is Maheshwaran’s open appeal to Jaffna Inhabitants to resurrect Pirahapran.
She must be really desperate .
Wonder what the UNP Yahapalana Mob will now say after they went to town flaying Gota when Asgiriya Monk told Gota to be a Hitler like figure,
“Pirahaparan Vs Hitler”..
What do you reckon Mally….
Native Vedda / July 3, 2018
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera
“Plus my mate NV always calling the Sinhala Buddhists “Fascists ” don’t help either.”
Who said I was going to help the Sinhala/Buddhist fascist noisy minority?
I have said this many times in the past and I will say it again and will not hesitate tell it tomorrow, day after tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, next decade, next Century, …….. It is my intention to liberate Buddhism from Sinhala/Buddhist fascism and Sinhalese from Sinhala/Buddhist fascists.
Do you have any problem with that? If you have please tell me why? The Aryan Angarika admiring fascists have hijacked a section of people and Buddhism and concocted a new political identity Sinhala/Buddhist for their own selfish reason by which the crooks, war criminals, racists, bigots, ……………………… dimwits, mask their illegal criminal activities.
If you call yourself a Sinhala/Buddhist it means you are covering up your involvement in major criminal activity, maybe a grand theft, rape, child molestation, war crimes, …………………………….. Is Bandula Jayasekere a racist?
K A Sumanasekera / July 4, 2018
Dear Native,
Are you a member of the GMOA, Professional associations of Lankawe, Sinhala Business Council , University Teachers Aassociation, Secondary Teachers Association, Labour Council?.
Or just a member of the Private Bus Owners association?.
Did Dr Ranil pick you for his “Revise Thervada Sinhala Buddha and Thripitaka” Project which he announced with all the Bells and Whistles, when Dr Ranil so proudly took the PM gig to give us Yahapalanaya..
Native Vedda / July 4, 2018
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera
“Did Dr Ranil pick you for his “Revise Thervada Sinhala Buddha and Thripitaka” Project which he announced with all the Bells and Whistles, when Dr Ranil so proudly took the PM gig to give us Yahapalanaya..”
When exactly did you switch from Gal to toddy/kassippu and a spliff?
K A Sumanasekera / July 4, 2018
Dear Native,
So you are into “Joints” too, besides Kassippu..
And still barrack for Dr Ranil, Colombo Elite , Anglicans and and the Vellalars Amazing……
You must be on Kerala stuff to show allegiance to the Motherland.
I used to grow my own mate .
I will give you a good tip.
They grow really well in Manioc Patches…
Now Don’t ask me why…
Mallaiyuran / July 3, 2018
I do not know her exact speech. The part I got was she rightfully asked Tigers to provide security. While In the South Colombo Media kept up its campaign in the North, that time, Schools Girls were out on the roads for combined studies, tuition and other things even after 11:00 PM. That was a security situation women and parents had never experienced under any rule, whether it was British Whites or anybody.
Last week alone three rape and murder cases were suspected as done by Rapist Army or aided and abated by Rapist Army. Sinhala Police, working Rapist Army, is just cooking up evidences and framing on innocents. In one case of next army camp family, they entered into the house twice in the same night (12:00 PM & 1:30 AM) tied the 70 years old husband. Raped and toured the 60 years old wife for more than three hours to know where about of the entire valuable they had. Practically they were in the house without any fear entire night. People are fearing to talk about these even to NGOs because all they have their head office in Colombo and working for Aanduwa. HRCSL are, like Paramilitaries, work very closely with Aanduwa.
Vijeyakala is a UNPyer, one, with other ant-Tamil parties, experienced vote surge in the last LG election, when TNA lost its attraction for not having its promise of controlling the army in fulfilled. Paramilitary murdered her husband though he was a (Tamil) minister in the Sinhala government. Her point is Rapist Army is not going to leave the free sex and properties it is enjoying there. There has to a way to get it out, at least by getting UN Peacekeepers.
Cassim / July 4, 2018
Let us face the truth. All Sinhalese are not Buddhist and all Buddhists are not Sinhalese. Under Dutch, Portuguese, British large number of Buddhists became Christians, similarly much respected Olcott and Anagarika Dharmapala are not Sinhalese. Selfserving, political elements reduced this global philosophy to imaginary geographical boundaries. In the end Buddhism is the looser.
Sadly we are living in an era where faith and philosophies prostituted to gain political power. As much as Sri Lanka India is a living example where, faith has overtaken all principles of law and order.
K A Sumanasekera / July 4, 2018
No wonder you don’t have time to listen to what Vijekalani says.
You seem to be so busy collating and reporting Dirty deeds of Dr Ranil & My3 Sira’s Yahapalana Army.
Did you send a copy of this to Dr Ranil’s Cousin a tleast, who is in charge of the new Commander mahesh, whom Dr Ranil & Sira have hand picked.
BTW way what Vijekalani said is nothing new.
All she has repeated is what Siva and Ponna have been telling their loyal buddies in Jaffna after Sampathar tried to take over the Peninsula with his buddy Vellala Wiggy from Kurunduwatta.
But now it has become bit complicated.
UNP back benches think Vishy gave them a Free Kick.
But One of them that son of Jayalath Jayawardana has gone too far to say UNP Vishy is working with President Mahinda.
Dr Ranilis is totally confused.
What do you reckon your mates, Sampathar, Abraham and Wigneswaran think about Vishy’s plea to Jaffna Youth?….
rbh / July 3, 2018
Where should Buddhist in India, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan
go to.
Al-faqurlah / July 4, 2018
Do not worry, Buddhists need not go anywhere. Very soon China is going to take over those countries and bring back glorious Buddhist past there.
rbh / July 4, 2018
How can china take over india
Radical Ideas / July 3, 2018
@ Fatima, Here is a bugger, a coward, a psychopathic racist slut, commenting under a Muslim name deliberately writing against the Muslims thinking that no one would notice his tricks. The Sinhala Buddhist Mahinda supporter racist can stoop to any levels just like the Jews to create clashes among the populace. ………………..The Article BTW, is a Masterpiece!!!!
Nosharia / July 3, 2018
yes, like marrying you off at six years of age! Bloody worshipers of the false prophet. We don’t want any Sharia in our Buddhist land. Go to Arabians take your sharia with you.
yusuf / July 3, 2018
” like marrying you off at six years of age!”
Definitely not as bad as being dumped in the temple at five to be Loku Hamuduruwo’s toy boy.
“Go to Arabians take your sharia with you.”
Yes, and get your women back from the Arabians.
Radical Ideas / July 4, 2018
This comment was removed by edwin rodrigo because it abides by CT Comment policy. For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/
old codger / July 4, 2018
“This comment was removed by edwin rodrigo”
Edwin rodrigo has turned into a virus and hacked CT???????
edwin rodrigo / July 4, 2018
Old Codger, the Virus is only the beginning. The 10 plagues, Water into blood, Frogs, Lice,Mixture of wild animals (read as the Kalaveddas, Hothambuwas, Urulevas) will follow. Shutdown your computers and run. The assault of the Rajapakses led by the Virus assault of ER has begun.
Rajash / July 3, 2018
Unfortunately Sinhala politicians have taken Sri Lanka to point of no return.
My nieces and nephews in Sri Lanka have Sinhala friends , young and liberal.
Only Sanagkara’s and Dullewe’s can bring some sense to this country.
The civil society is burning their energy to try and stop Dayan going to Russia. why cant these people take to the streets and protests against the Ganasara’s and Gota’s
Whither Sri Lanka as Sri Lanka has a reached a point of no return!
Native Vedda / July 3, 2018
“why cant these people take to the streets and protests against the Ganasara’s and Gota’s”
Beware Sirisena was the acting Defense Minister many times during the war so he claims, Ranil would not hesitate to use force, never thought twice before sending STF to deal with protesters.
In case if you have forgotten the national Anthem of this island I thought I better jog your memory. Please read the ultimate and penultimate paragraph:
Thou Mother Lanka,
Oh Mother Lanka we salute, salute, salute, salute Thee!
Plenteous in prosperity, Thou,
Beauteous in grace and love,
Laden with grain and luscious fruit,
And fragrant flowers of radiant hue,
Giver of life and all good things,
Our land of joy and victory,
Receive our grateful praise sublime, we worship, worship Thee.
Oh Mother Lanka! We salute, salute, salute, salute Thee!
Thou gavest us Knowledge and Truth,
Thou art our strength and inward faith,
Our light divine and sentient being,
Breath of life and liberation.
Grant us, bondage free, inspiration.
Inspire us for ever.
In wisdom and strength renewed,
Ill-will, hatred, strife all ended,
In love enfolded, a mighty nation
Marching onward, all as one,
Lead us, Mother, to fullest freedom, we worship, worship Thee
Oh Mother Lanka! We salute, salute, salute, salute Thee!
Rajash / July 3, 2018
Native Vedda
are you sure the words are same in Sinhala?
Native Vedda / July 3, 2018
“are you sure the words are same in Sinhala?”
Words are not same. However the Tamil and English translation broadly capture the essence of Ananda Samarakoon’s original work.
Literal translation would have ruined the richness of the Ananda Samarakoon’s beautiful poem/song/anthem/work…………….
Hamlet / July 3, 2018
I don’t know whether you are old enough to remember the Sri Lankan Composer, who composed the SL National Anthem?
His version, started with the Words, “Namo, Namo, Matha”.
Sirimavo changed it to “Ape Sri..i..I..i..I Lanka” to reflect the Name of Her Party, the ‘Sri Lanka Nidhahas Pakshaya’.
It was reported at the Time, that the Composer was so Upset at the desecration of His Anthem, that he committed Suicide!
Native Vedda / July 3, 2018
Please read the following article in its entirety:
History of Sri Lanka’s National Anthem mired in controversy
By D.B.S.Jeyaraj
In order to answer your question please read last 11 paragraphs of the article.
John / July 3, 2018
What load of nonsense and bulls1t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s evident that you’ve never touch a history book.
Let’s correct your lies:
>The book of historical facts- Mahawanshaya was authored by Mahanama thero.
>REMEMBER, Vijaya arrived in a country where sophisticated tribes already occupied. The written history started from Vijaya’s arrival and he ruled mainly Puttalama, Mannarama and parts of Anuradhapura.
>Ethnic Sinhala community was formed by the unification of the then scattered tribes all over the island.
>According to scientists and historians, Sinhalese’ paternal line genetics may be heterogeneous (mixed) but their maternal line genetics are 100% homogeneous (pure). Meaning, there had only been male immigrants and migrants to the island, while females had been the locals.
>Colonialists (especially the Portuguese) destroyed Buddhists temples in maritime districts, looted their wealth, and forced people to convert to Christianity at gun point.
>Sri Lanka is the country of Sinhala-Buddhists. Tamil Nadu should have been the country of Tamils and Tamil Muslims. Sri Lanka’s minorities have been given so many things that they are no entitled to. If Sinhalese happened to be the minority community in Sri Lanka, majority Tamils or Muslims would not give so many things they enjoy right now to Sinhalese, e.g; religious holidays, Tamil as an official language and medium of education, FREE education, FREE health care, Shariya laws, etc, etc, etc.
> There were no Tamil kings in Sri Lanka, so called Tamil kings were Keralites, e.g; Elara, Aryachakrawarti, etc. Nayakkars were Telugu people from Madras.
>British educated SOME Tamils for divide and conquer’, to do their clerical and supervision work, also to keep keep an eye on native Sinhalese who may rebel against their barbaric rule.
Shrikharan / July 3, 2018
“British educated SOME Tamils for divide and conquer”
Why do you have a ‘English’ name? Is that also for divide and conquer?
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / July 3, 2018
What a lovely article. Only nonsense is you. When did Tamil place names like Mannar and Puttalam got Sinhalised to Mannarama Puttalama? I know many ancient Tamil place names along the coast , including Colombo , the north east north west, western and north central areas have now been Sinhalised but so far not Mannar and Puttalam. There was some migration from North East India and both the Sinhalese and the Sri Lankan Tamils carry their genes. In fact the Sri Lankan Tamils marginally higher but the Vijaya story is a myth. It was hatched by the authors of Mahavamsa to provide a different ancestry and origin for the island’s Sinhalese and the arrival of this so called Prince Vijaya to the island strangely coinciding with the year Lord Budda died. What a surprise! The Mahavamsa was written around the 7AD and written in Pali and not in Sinhalese , as the so called Sinhalese language at that time was not fully evolved or developed. It was not the arrival of these North Indian migrants that triggered the birth of the Sinhalese , people but the arrival of Buddhism 2300 years and the large scale conversion of population down south to Buddhism. largely the Yakka. These people gradually started to corrupt their native Tamil dialect with the Prakrit Pali and Sanskrit of Buddhist and this gradually evolved as Sinhalese by 7AD or later. In the Naga predominating areas the population largely remained Saivite. Both the Naga and the Yakka were Dravidian and the native language of the island was Elu it was a form of old Tamil or a dialect of old Tamil. If North Indian migration triggered the birth of the Sinhalese , how come the Sri Lankan Tamils with a 28% Bengali DNA. compared to the 25% Bengali DNA of the Sinhalese, did not become Sinhalese?
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / July 3, 2018
contd: The present day Sinhalese share a 70% DNA with Indian Tamils compared to the Sri Lankan Tamils who only share 17% DNA with Indian Tamils. proving most of the so called Sinhalese are descended from South Indian migrants( largely from what is modern day Tamil Nadu, then Tamil Kerala, and parts of southern Andhra) ancient to modern , who migrated to the island as conquerors, hired mercenaries, immigrants skilled and unskilled , over the centuries converted to Buddhism and Catholicism in some instances and gradually assimilated into the Sinhalese identity. It makes sense as most of the so called Sinhalese kings have South Indian origin not Tamil Chera( Kerala) but Pandian ( hence the titles Pandu or Bahu denoting their Pandian Tamil ancestry) some Chola and few Kalinga. Therefore they imported everything from South India , wives courtiers, courtesans, manpower, also all these South Indian invasions were concentrated towards the Sinhalese areas and not the Tamil North East. The Sri Lankan Tamils have largely remained isolated for around 1000 years and their spoken dialects of Tamil are evidence of this. They are archaic , conservative and much closer to old Tamil, than the Tamil dialects spoken in South India. They share a 55% DNA with the original Sinhalese , proving that both people originated from the same ancient native Semi Tamil Elu speaking Dravidian stock, the Naga and the Yakka. Sri Lankan Tamils largely from the Naga and the Sinhalese largely from the Yakka. Various South Indian invasions hardly affected them , this is why despite sharing the same language they only share a 17% DNA with Indian Tamils. Despite assimilating marginally more North Indian immigrants than the Sinhalese , it has not affected them in anyway , other than absorbing certain Prakrit words into their dialect.
Eagle Eye / July 3, 2018
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma,
It was Chelvanayakam who started the project to distort history of Sinhale. Keep on writing and see whether Goebbles’ theory will work.
John / July 3, 2018
>It was JVP of 1971 who encouraged Eelamists for terrorism. Those Eelamists were ex-members of the then JVP. Also, it’s the JVP who has been using monks as front line rebels in street protests.
>Sri Lanka is a Buddhists country, so what’s wrong in mushrooming Buddhists temples all over the island? Do you know how many Buddhist temples had been destroyed by the European colonialists, South Indian invaders, and now Muslims?????? Sri Lanka is not a Muslim country, but go and see how many mosques are being mushroomed!!!!
So you have issues with ‘Sinhala only act’. Do you know administration and courts proceeding were done in English which was not the language of native Sinhalese? Those day innocent Sinhalese did not know what they were accused of and punished for. SOME JUSTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For the then Tamils, Sinhala only act wasn’t an issue, in fact they spoke English as first language and Tamils parents encourage their children to learn Sinhla, so they would have better job prospects. At the Time, 4 or 5 Tamils really vocal about separate Tamils country. The animosity started between the two communities when Sinhla Marxist-Communists-Socialists tried to mess with Tamil caste hierarchy. Also, British made sure once they left there would be infighting between communities in their ex-colonies.
REMEMBER, those who have no admiration and respect for their motherland, heritage, language, people, etc have no admiration and respect their very own mother. They are booing their own mom while praising ‘next door mom’. Traitors are scavengers, live off some else hard work, they are losers.
And, it’s doesn’t matter how hard traitors suck up to their ex-colonial masters, they the ex-colonial masters never accept the traitors as their own.
Raman / July 3, 2018
Johnny boy,
“REMEMBER, those who have no admiration and respect for their motherland, heritage, language,”
What exactly have you got to admire and rspect in this “2500 year old ” culture?
1 Even your Mahavamsa says that most of the kings took power by killing their fathers/ brothers/ uncles.
2 What durable civilian monuments have you got? Not a single pre- colonial house even! Anything even close to the Taj Mahal? Zilch!
3 The ancient ancient temples are just piles of earth, with no internal structure .
4 Is there any “Sinhala” music ? Even South Africa has indigenous music that is popular worldwide.
5 Are there any scientic inventions from ancient Sri Lanka? Don’t give us that bull about “bisokotuwas”. The Romans had better devices. The Sinhalese never used water-wheels as in India.
6. It is doubtful whether the Sinhalese used wheeled vehicles. The word for “Cart” is Portuguese.
It is time to throw out this useless “culture” . Go look at the Chinese, Koreans and Japanese. They all use western dress and culture, don’t mix religion with politics, and are centuries ahead of us.
Native Vedda / July 3, 2018
“Are there any scientic inventions from ancient Sri Lanka?”
Achchige Patali Champika Ranawaka believes the number Zero was invented by his ancestors and the first ape spoke Sinhala.
What do you have to say to him?
Please remember he is a Sinhala/Buddist who has every right to say whatever comes out of his mouth and no need for evidence. This has been the case since 1956.
rbh / July 3, 2018
Prophet stated: To perform the prayer in congregation is twenty seven times more beneficial than to pray alone. If you knew the reward of performing the night and morning prayers in congregation, they would rush to the mosques crawling.
Even in america mosque are built.
Native Vedda / July 3, 2018
Johnny Baby
Wait until Real Siva Sankaran Sharma returns from his holiday.
Nimal / July 3, 2018
I don’t agree with you.
Agnos / July 3, 2018
Mr. Dullewe,
I read some speculative news item that Sangakkara might be drafted as a presidential candidate. Is there any truth to it?
The unfortunate truth is that things will probably get worse in Sri Lanka before they get better; it takes a few generations to see fundamental changes in the mindset of a large population.
Kavi / July 3, 2018
Mr.Sangakkara is a decent gentleman, both in his action and words. Do you think he would join the rotten, stinking garbage of politics?
Rajash / July 3, 2018
I don’t think Sangakara wants to get soiled in the dirty corrupt Sri Lankan politics
Sri / July 3, 2018
A wonderful article to those fostering a liberal mind. This country needs more writers to write like this often. The history pundits would disagree only because race and religion have blinded them and have left them bereft of logic, reasoning and understanding.
diogenes / July 3, 2018
All right. To satisfy Fathima`s fancy make Islam the state religion of Sri Lanka!Convert all the Buddhists by cutting off the tips of the tools of all the males, and make all the women folk `gonibillaas!. ! Demolish all Buddhist temples and erect more and more mosques! But remember that Mohammed was not only a war monger but a whore monger as well! Uneducated uncivilized inhuman parasites who created problems to any country in which they ever landed!
Skeptic / July 3, 2018
Interesting to find out who this new Gamini Dullewa is. Is he from the inbred Dullewa clan, or is it a pseudonym? Idiotic writing conforms the former!
Sheriff / July 3, 2018
Brilliant write up Gamini ! I am amazed how our people (not ours but Indians and the rest) still fighting each other and humiliating and insulting. My take here is very simple if you see Bengalis they look similar, Pakistanis got same facial looks, Indians it’s difficult but one could differentiate a Bombay wala from a Thamilian or a Saradaji from Amritsar or Punjab. A Saudi is so different to a UAE National it’s just so easy. Or with the dialect one will know from which part the human is. Look at ours, some are like Malabaris, some looks like Bengalis some looks just like Tamils even Some Sinhala men look like Prabhaharan. Then we have British looking up country cross breed some looks like Spanish Brazilian( look at the drug peddler who was nabbed this week) chap looks like a Sinhalalese or a Kandyan Sinhalese. Even our former President looks like a Malay even his white van brother! Another Minister from Kandyan kingdom is just like an Indian “ wadigaya” and acts like one. Jumps from a balcony and dance like one. If you see me I look like an Arab and most locals think I am a foreigner and I am shocked at the way they speak in filth especially at the airport. The main reason why our people are eternally fighting, backstabbing and stealing from each other, bitter fighting in families for simple things and for properties, abusing each other’s beliefs and faiths, competition with each other is because of our beginnings. That’s why our leaders rob the people. Because they know they do not belong here and the masses are looking for migration and boat rides to down under. Most burgers left early as they knew this place is full of messed up crossbreed vagabonds. No one is from here even Lord Buddha or Mihindu thero.
Ajith / July 3, 2018
Dear Gamini Dulewe,
Thank you for this enlightening article. There is no surprise that people like John cannot accept the truth about the history of origin of Sinhala and Buddhism. For example John who thinks Lord Buddha is a Sinhala and his name(John) is a Sinhala name. I sypathasize with him because he was influenced by politicians like Mahinda Percy Rajapakse (Percy is not a Sinhalese name) feed them with race and religious venom day and night inorder to get the power and then destroy this country. King Asoka gave up his power after realising the suffering and death of large scale people due to war but here everyone thought Mahinda will bring peace but the greediness of power made him to continue with race and religious venom. The problem is how to liberate the people out of this race and religious venom within the politics? It can be done but who and how?
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / July 3, 2018
It is not Mahinda Percy Rajapakse but Mahendra Percy Rajapakse. He changed it to Mahinda ( the Pali version for Mahendra) as it sounds Buddhist , whereas Mahendra sounds very Hindu.
max / July 3, 2018
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Native Vedda / July 3, 2018
“Are there any scientic inventions from ancient Sri Lanka?”
Achchige Patali Champika Ranawaka believes the number Zero was invented by his ancestors and the first ape spoke Sinhala.
What do you have to say to him?
Please remember he is a Sinhala/Buddist who has every right to say whatever comes out of his mouth and no need for evidence. This has been the case since 1956.
Lansi Vedds / July 3, 2018
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Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera / July 3, 2018
Whether you like it or not, that’s the way it is and that’s how it will be for the next 1000 years.
If you are unhappy with that, why don’t you get the hell out of SL and rest assured no one is going to miss you.
Native Vedda / July 4, 2018
Retarded Loony ………………… Shameless Pe
“Whether you like it or not, that’s the way it is and that’s how it will be for the next 1000 years.”
No problem, you stay wherever you want to no one gives you two hood about it.
However, Hindian may be looking for cowherds, cleaners, cook’s assistant, shoe polishers, stone breakers, ………………………….
Steve / July 4, 2018
R.L. RS Perera,
Looking at the state of Sri Lanka it may be a graveyard before a 1000 years. Thank God you got the hell out of Sri Lanka. No one ever missed you.
Raj / July 3, 2018
My congrats to Mr Dullewe for having the guts to comment on the uncomfortable truth.
I am not a historian but I am not sure if the Mahawansa has ever been authenticated, instead, been interpreted to suit the objectives of a few with nationalistic ideology. I can vaguely remember being taught by our Sinhala teacher, as a boy of not more than 10 years old, about the Mahawansa &, particularly, of the heroism of Anagarika Dharmapla, who, to me now, is a founder patron of the militant & racist sect of monks that have evolved into thugs & yobs, disgracing the religion.
It is my understanding that, according to the teaching of the Buddha, by becoming a Buddhist monk, one gives up materialistic wealth to seek Nirwana, the ultimate bliss & this can be seen by the simple life style & behaviour of foreign monks, in my opinion, the true guardians of Buddhism. Instead, we see in SL, the high priests & those with political patronage living comfortable lives, travelling in duty free luxury vehicles & dabbling in politics, even going as far as to initiate & staging violent protests, contrary to the Buddhist teachings. It seems that SL Buddhist monks have their own interpretation of Buddhism, & certainly, the level of education of some of these priests can be understood by the recent utterances of a high priest at a private ceremony with his reference to Hitler. No doubt, the high priest meant a ‘benevolent’ dictatorship but his ignorance of facts displays his general stupidity & proves that Buddhism has been abused by politicians &, at least, some leading monks, unashamedly kissing the feet of their political & powerful patrons.
Steve / July 3, 2018
Notwithstanding documented history, the origins of the various Races in Sri Lanka will be interpreted and debated for centuries to come. This is an excellent article highlighting the need for ethnic and religious harmony in Sri Lanka for the sake of future generations. However, realistically we could only dream. The hate, corruption, breakdown of human and social values, has reached cancerous proportions. God save Sri Lanka.
Buwa / July 3, 2018
there is nothing to debate. Genetics reveal who’s related to whom. As per the most recent results 72% of Sinhala genes are from bengal.
Andrew Sivakumaran / July 5, 2018
Hi Buwa,
Your lopsided statement about Sinhalese people being closer to Bengalese is flawed. You seem to selectively quote genetic evidence to substantiate what you wish to belief. However, Science and facts cannot be bent to suit your beliefs. I suggest you have a good read of the following paper on the genetics of Srilankan ethnic groups.
Lanka Ranaweera, Supannee Kaewsutthi, Aung Win Tun, Hathaichanoke Boonyarit, Samerchai Poolsuwan, and Patcharee Lertrit. “Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations.” Journal of Human Genetics 59 (2014): pages 28-36.
Excerpts from the body of the paper:
“[…] The majority of Sinhalese and Tamil subgroups form close genetic proximities among themselves on both PC [principal component] axes. […] It was evident that Up-country Sinhalese are genetically closer to Sri Lankan Tamils. On the other hand, Sri Lankan Tamil subgroups were closer to each other when compared with Indian Tamils. […] Haplogroup M was the most common haplogroup in Indian Tamils (70.18%), which was contributed mainly by sub-haplogroups M5a (14.03%) and M2a (12.28%). These sub-haplogroups were rarely found in other populations. Up-country Sinhalese, Low-country Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Tamils exhibited similar frequencies of haplogroup M (41.67–43.59%) […]”
Happy reading!
Down Under
Mrs Udubaddewa / July 3, 2018
Your tiger tail is showing mate under the sarong
Desperate Sinhalaya / July 3, 2018
Why you search it inhis sarong lady ? Cheeya…
You gave me the feeling you may also be related to Champawathie ?
I am kidding…. anyways, noway people will ever allow LTTers to rise up … we should teach our former rascals, no tto create disharmony withn lanken communities. We are all the same, we all flow the blood of homo sapiens.
For a short period like 100 years, why to fight again and again? If lanken buddhism would REALLY have been based on TEACHINGs of LORD BUDDHA, people would have thought in the line of NON-VIOLENCE.
May all be blessed with LORD BUDDHAs real teachings..
Mallaiyuran / July 3, 2018
Mrs Udubaddewa,
You wish Vijayakala should have been watching and enjoying the 60 years old woman living next to Army Camp being raped and tortured for more than three hours. They made the first entry to her house by 12:00 midnight.
You wish Upali, the Podi Ayatollah to crown the Hitler to rule the country so the minorities can be wiped out. If it is Racist Sinhala Buddhist Priest, you feel he can do that. But the Tamils’ elected MP Vijeyakala, after seeing that she could not do anything to stop Rapist Army raping the innocents, she wants the Tiger to show its teeth to this Rapist Army. Dirty Crook Ranil is expanding Rapist Army bases in North while attempting to shut the Tamils UNP MPs mouth tightly. That is why we asked Sampanthar not to save this Ranil, many times. But he would not listen.
The only elected Sinhala Party Tamil MP cum Minister is ending her carrier like this for opposing Rapist Army raping anybody not showing any difference for the age even.
Rapist Army has made North (Jaffna) as hub of Kerala Kanga, forcefully using ex Rebels as mules. For all these, until Sirimavo turned it around by using Rapist Police to create internal quarrels, North has been receiving the first prize for most crime free province in the entire country, every year, consecutively.
Steve / July 4, 2018
Mrs. Udubaddewa
Appears you love watching what is under the sarong especially when you see a tail !!
Shiromani Manage / July 3, 2018
A top article. Congrats.
K.Pillai / July 3, 2018
We, the silent majority say, “Thank you for your thoughts Gamini Dullewe”. Very well sequenced and argued.
The comments illustrate the adversarial mindsets. Unfortunate but there is this silver lining. After decades we see moderation being taken note of.
Eagle Eye / July 3, 2018
“mainly due to the lack of knowledge of the history”.
“as mentioned in the Mahawamsa, authored by Priest Mahinda also not a Sinhalese”
This shows your lack of knowledge on history of Sinhale. Mahawamsa was written by Mahanama Thera. He gathered information from Sinhala Buddhist monks and wrote Mahawamsa in Pali. Buddha’s teachings were documented in Sinhale using Sinhala alphabet because Pali does not have an alphabet. Our Prime Minister once said even Indians learnt their history from Mahawamsa.
Demalu are jealous of Mahawamsa because as Jane Russel said “The Ceylon Tamils had no written document on the lines of the Mahavamsa to authenticate their singular and separate historical authority in Sri Lanka, a fact which Ceylon Tamil communalists found very irksome”. (Russel, Jane: Communal Politics under the Donoughmore Constitution, Tisara Prakasakayo, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka, 1982. p.131)
Eagle Eye / July 3, 2018
Ceylon got independence from British but Sinhalayo did not get independence from Demalu who controlled the government machinery. Almost all the top positions in the administration were held by Demalu. In Medical College, Engineering and Science Faculties over 60% were Demalu. This situation arose not because Demalu were bright or hard working but due to establishment of English medium schools in Yapanaya by missionaries to convert Demalu to Christianity. We had doctors and engineers who could not communicate with ordinary Sinhala folks. The only bank, Bank of Ceylon which was also called Loganathan’s Bank was controlled by Demalu. Sinhalayo were denied loans to start business enterprises. Railway was owned by Kanakasabe. He came out with a rule to give priority to the children of railway employees when recruiting new staff denying jobs for Sinhalayo. SWRD and Sirima Bandaranayake introduced some changes which were termed as ‘Discrimination against Demalu. Problems after independence started because high caste Demalu wanted to maintain more than equal status they enjoyed during British rule.
Native Vedda / July 4, 2018
Eagle Blind Eye
World’s first head transplant to be performed in China soon, says ‘radical’ US surgeon. Please contact Sergio Canavero for your much needed head transplant surgery in China.
We will support you right from the beginning to the end.
We are right behind you,
edwin rodrigo / July 4, 2018
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Mallaiyuran / July 3, 2018
Anbirkum Undo Adaikkuntaal Arrvalar
Punkaneer Pusal Tharum.
That is the 71st couplet, appearing under the Chapter “Love” , though which is not what the point I came here to write. But let me put the meaning of it, anyway. Valluar is saying “No dam strong enough to hold the love can be built, because the one or two drops fall out of their eyes, blast all those walls go broken. “
Translation in English:
And is there bar that can even love restrain?
The tiny tear shall make the lover’s secret plain.
Is there any fastening that can shut in love? Tears of the affectionate will publish the love that is within
edwin rodrigo / July 4, 2018
You stupid Malle Urine. I should never have taught you Hypertext. It was like giving a machine gun to a Kalavedda.
Nimal / July 4, 2018
Article with lack of knowledge about the country and the nations in there. Bette go for further studies and write a column. A writing a article about country is a no the simple as writing recipe for grilled chicken
Native Vedda / July 5, 2018
Are you sure you want to teach others how to write?
The Sinopian / July 9, 2018
First teach them how to urinate
Mrs Udubaddewa / July 7, 2018
Your comment to me.
People in this forum not read you but me. They know you write Tamil racist bullshit and often you are under dope especially your night time comments.
Mallaiyuran, you only cry for Tamils when Tamils do not have a problem and are the most privileged lot in this country.
Vijayakala Maheswaran had to go becuase she is UNP. If she was SLFP Mahinda mama Gota mama would have escalated her to a senior ministership. Such stupid are those 4 Rajapakse brothers.
Thiranagama / July 7, 2018
Udubaddawa/Mallaiyuren tussell is fascinating. Currently Mallaiyuren is winning, and I’m on his side. Udubaddawa isa Kandyan aristrocratic woman who tries to show her power to us like what Sirima did to us in 1970s. Mallaiyuren is like JR who crushed Sirima in 1977
Jothi / July 7, 2018
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Mrs Udubaddewa / July 7, 2018
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meenachchi / July 8, 2018
his comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/