By Colombo Telegraph –
“Although Sarath Fonseka was quoted as accusing Gotabhaya Rajapaksa of ordering Sri Lankan troops to kill LTTE leaders attempting to surrender, he quickly backtracked after heavy criticism from the president and his allies and may avoid similar accountability issues during the presidential election campaign” US ambassador wrote to Washington.
The Colombo Telegraph found a leaked US diplomatic cable from WikiLeaks database. The cable was classified as “CONFIDENTIAL” by Ambassador Patricia A. Butenis.
The cable written on 23, December 2009 says “After the president’s announcement of the formation of the committee in October, the issue of accountability for possible war crimes received little attention in Sri Lanka. Most people appeared to think either that civilian casualties were unfortunate but unavoidable consequence of war on terrorism or that, even if crimes were committed, there was little that could be done as long as the Rajapaksas remained in power.” The cable further says “ General Fonseka trust the topic onto the national scene, however, in a December 13 interview published in the local Sunday Leader newspaper, in which he said Defense Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa had ordered troops from the 58thDivision to kill any remaining LTTE leaders, in particular Pulidevan, Nadesan and Ramesh, in spite of a reported attempt by them to surrender. This interview was immediately met by a firestorm of criticism from the government allies, accusing Fonseka of egregiously betraying his country and exposing its ‘loyal, courageous soldiers’ to war- crimes investigations and the possibility of being arrested when travelling overseas. Walking the tightrope of courting both Tamil votes and Sinhala voters, Fonseka backed off his statement two days later saying he
had been misquoted, and that he would take full responsibility for anything done by his troops at the end of the war.”
Under the subheading of “ Anti – corruption as the new accountability?” the ambassador wrote “After ten days of brutal hits on his statements about the killing of the LTTE leaders, General Fonseka may e less likely to bring up specific human rights incidents that are related to ethnic divide and instead may talk more about general political reconciliation and the way ahead.”
Responding to Secretary of the Ministry of Human Rights Rajiva Wijesinghe’s letter to Philip Alston the ambassador wrote “ Although local media has no reported this development, it is unlikely that Wijesinghe’s arguments will stop either the UN’s interest in the alleged incidents or the attacks on Fonseka by the Rajapaksa camp.
The Colombo Telegraph published another cable on 10th October which shows, the Presidential candidate General Sarath Fonseka stood by the controversial “white Flag” story published by the Sunday Leader. The cable written on 14th December 2009 at 13.50pm by the ambassador Butenis and classified as “Confidential” recount the details of a lunch meeting she had with UNP deputy leader Karu Jayasuriya and Sarath Fonseka on 14th December 2009. Read that cable here;
Read below leaked US cable for full details;
VZCZCXRO3072 OO RUEHAG RUEHROV RUEHSL RUEHSR DE RUEHLM #1180/01 3571215 ZNY CCCCC ZZH O 231215Z DEC 09 FM AMEMBASSY COLOMBO TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC IMMEDIATE 1058 INFO RUCNMEM/EU MEMBER STATES COLLECTIVE PRIORITY RUEHKA/AMEMBASSY DHAKA PRIORITY 2223 RUEHIL/AMEMBASSY ISLAMABAD PRIORITY 9245 RUEHKT/AMEMBASSY KATHMANDU PRIORITY 7500 RUEHLO/AMEMBASSY LONDON PRIORITY 5344 RUEHNE/AMEMBASSY NEW DELHI PRIORITY 3655 RUEHNY/AMEMBASSY OSLO PRIORITY 5269 RUEHOT/AMEMBASSY OTTAWA PRIORITY 0130 RUEHSM/AMEMBASSY STOCKHOLM PRIORITY 0804 RUEHKO/AMEMBASSY TOKYO PRIORITY 4391 RUEHCG/AMCONSUL CHENNAI PRIORITY 9805 RUEHBI/AMCONSUL MUMBAI PRIORITY 7096 RUEHON/AMCONSUL TORONTO PRIORITY 0125 RHEFDIA/DIA WASHINGTON DC PRIORITY RUEHGV/USMISSION GENEVA PRIORITY 3967 RHHMUNA/HQ USPACOM HONOLULU HI PRIORITY RUEHBS/USEU BRUSSELS PRIORITY RHEHAAA/NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WASHINGTON DC PRIORITY RUEKJCS/SECDEF WASHDC PRIORITY C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 COLOMBO 001180 SIPDIS DEPARTMENT FOR SCA/INSB E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/22/2019 TAGS: PGOV PREL PREF PHUM PTER EAID MOPS CE SUBJECT: ACCOUNTABILITY: FONSEKA STIRS UP HORNETS' NEST COLOMBO 00001180 001.4 OF 003 Classified By: AMBASSADOR PATRICIA A. BUTENIS. REASONS: 1.4 (B, D) ¶1. (C) SUMMARY: The committee appointed by the president to look into allegations raised in the Department's October 21 incidents report to Congress will not issue a public report but rather a recommendation memo for President Rajapaksa's consideration. Although Sarath Fonseka was quoted as accusing Gothabaya Rajapaksa of ordering Sri Lankan troops to kill LTTE leaders attempting to surrender, he quickly backtracked after heavy criticism from the president and his allies and may avoid similar accountability issues during the presidential election campaign. Tamil MP Sivajilingam broke from his TNA colleagues and submitted his own name as a presidential candidate, saying among other things, there should be an international inquiry into the deaths of Tamils during the war. Rather than pushing accountability for possible war crimes and human rights violations, Fonseka may try to push anti-corruption as a major campaign theme, attempting to appeal to all ethnic groups. END SUMMARY. RESPONSE TO INCIDENTS REPORT ---------------------------- ¶2. (C) President Rajapaksa formed a committee in early November to look into the allegations of violations of international humanitarian law raised in the State Department's "Report on Incidents" of October 21, 2009. This committee is expected to issue their report on December 31, 2009, but Ambassador was recently cautioned by Foreign Minister Bogollagama not to expect too much from this initial action. Bogollagama said rather than a full-scale response that is released to the public, the committee would send an advisory memo to President Rajapaksa, making recommendations on what items in the report merit further action and what action might be best. The president would then consider those recommendations and decide how to proceed. Bogollagama appeared keenly interested in recent U.S. Appropriations language requiring a follow-up report to the State Department's October 21, 2009, report on incidents at the end of the war. FONSEKA OPENS UP PANDORA'S BOX ------------------------------ ¶3. (C) After the president's announcement of the formation of the committee in October, the issue of accountability for possible war crimes received little attention in Sri Lanka. Most people appeared to think either that civilian casualties were an unfortunate but unavoidable consequence of a war on terrorism or that, even if crimes were committed, there was little that could be done as long as the Rajapaksas remained in power. General Fonseka thrust the topic onto the national scene, however, in a December 13 interview published in the local Sunday Leader newspaper, in which he said Defense Secretary Gothabaya Rajapaksa had ordered troops from the 58th Division to kill any remaining LTTE leaders, in particular Pulidevan, Nadesan and Ramesh, in spite of a reported attempt by them to surrender. This interview was immediately met by a firestorm of criticism from the government and its allies, accusing Fonseka of egregiously betraying his country and exposing its "loyal, courageous soldiers" to war-crimes investigations and the possibility of being arrested when traveling overseas. Walking the tightrope of courting both Tamil votes and nationalist Sinhala voters, Fonseka backed off his statement two days later, saying he had been misquoted, and that he would take full responsibility for anything done by his troops at the end of the war. Criticism of him by Rajapaksa allies nevertheless continued unabated, with some saying that Fonseka had damaged Sri Lanka's reputation in the international community. Former Sri Lankan Navy Commander COLOMBO 00001180 002.4 OF 003 Wasantha Karannagoda, for example, said on December 23 on state media that Fonseka's comments jeopardized the Sri Lankan military's chances at obtaining coveted UN peacekeeping operations assignments in Haiti and elsewhere. ¶4. (C) UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions Philip Alston reportedly has sent a letter to the GSL requesting more information on the alleged incident involving the three LTTE chiefs. In the government's own backtracking exercise, Secretary of the Ministry of Disaster Management and Human Rights Rajiva Wijesinghe has reportedly sent a letter back to Alston clarifying that since Gen. Fonseka subsequently retracted his statement, there was no longer a need for Alston's request. Although local media has reported this development, it is unlikely that Wijesinghe's argument will stop either the UN's interest in this alleged incident or the attacks on Fonseka by the Rajapaksa camp. SIVAJILINGAM DEMANDS JUSTICE FOR TAMIL DEAD ------------------------------------------- ¶5. (C) TNA member of parliament M.K. Sivajilingam, who recently broke with his party to present himself as a candidate for the presidential elections, raised the need for an international inquiry into civilian deaths and injuries during the war as a primary theme of his campaign. The leadership of the TNA has not pressed either candidate on this publicly. TNA leader P. Sampanthan on the other hand told Assistant Secretary Blake and Post that while he was concerned with the accountability issue, he believed it was both unrealistic to expect the government to do anything about it and dangerous for the Tamil leadership in Sri Lanka to raise the issue publicly. Nevertheless, he believed it was important for the government eventually to take some steps towards accountability if it were to achieve meaningful national reconciliation. ANTI-CORRUPTION AS THE NEW ACCOUNTABILITY? ------------------------------------------ ¶6. (C) After ten days of brutal hits on his statements about the killing of the LTTE leaders, General Fonseka may be less likely to bring up specific human rights incidents that are related to the ethnic divide and instead may talk more about general political reconciliation and the way ahead. Fonseka appears to be hoping that anti-corruption emerges as a touchstone and has attempted to paint the Rajapaksas as a family-based kleptocracy, giving out hundreds of jobs to distant family members, building grand houses for themselves, extorting vast sums of money from the country, and fostering a culture of corruption throughout the government. The president, however, may be relying on his own internal polling, which we understand from sources in the president's office indicates that while a majority of voters know the Rajapaksa family is corrupt, they still would vote for him as the more experienced politician who does what he says he will do. COMMENT ------- ¶7. (C) As Sri Lanka tries to move beyond the war, accountability for possible crimes remains a significant, though secondary, issue in Sri Lanka. Whether speaking of accountability for ongoing human rights abuses or for incidents occurring during the final stages of the war, the issue had not received much attention from either the government or the public before the recent flurry of activity following Fonseka's statement. Given their possible involvement in most if not all incidents investigated, top COLOMBO 00001180 003.4 OF 003 government leaders, in particular the Rajapaksa brothers, have not pushed for greater accountability. Indeed, given the risk of exposing his own involvement, it was surprising to many that Fonseka attempted to raise this as a campaign issue, and he will probably not do so again. We are unaware of any cases in which a sitting government has undertaken wholesale investigations of its own troops or leadership for alleged war crimes, and it is probably unrealistic to expect the current Sri Lankan government to do so. Nevertheless, at some point Sri Lankans will need to find a way to deal with the accountability issue to achieve national reconciliation and lasting peace. BUTENIS
Jaliya Silva / October 15, 2011
Traitor , its great they put him jail.
Mudali / October 15, 2011
what said to Sunday Leader it true. people who talking truth is not consider as traitors. but now betraying the journalist who wrote what he said to her. its clear that he told it to the Sunday Leader. according to these cables he didn’t deny it even after the interview. so, why his lawyer Nalin Ladduvahetti throwing mud to Jans? because he is paid to do it. court arguments cant take as the truth.
Tara K / October 15, 2011
Now we see that General Fonseka’s credibility is very low.
Kulathunga / October 15, 2011
it was a joint conspiracy between the President Rajapakse and the Sunday Leader to secure victory for the President , he is not a traitor.
chetty / October 15, 2011
Mr/Ms Kulatunga,So are you going to drop all allegations against the Rajapaksha family levelled by the Leader. And those were the allegations SF campaign used against MR. And are we to believe now the government allegation that Sunday Leader is bought by the UNP (before the Rajapakshas bought them)?? The sinhala saying for all this is “kanna oni unama kabaragoyath thalagoya wenanwa”
General / October 15, 2011
When Truth comes out you label them “Traitors” for your own benefit. What was done is done its the truth.. Be a responsible citizen.
Edwin / October 15, 2011
I can’t hear aynthnig over the sound of how awesome this article is.
Lala / October 15, 2011
there are 3 questions
1) whether SF statement is true , if so he is honest or selfish
2) why SL government give that much publicity for this.
3) allegation is true and SF’S purpose is that , why SF not directly complaining to UN
SL Lankens know who are politicians and what they are doing
Sonali W / October 15, 2011
As we all know, not to accept all news items. Lets investigate the truth of this news item. I feel Sarath Fonseka would not say any thing like what the without froof. So lets get to the bottom of the matter. thank you Colombo Telegraph for this cable investigation.
Rathnapala - France / October 15, 2011
hello sarath fonseka,
i would like to advice you that,if you belive god you have to follow what budda said did budda said chalange with person who helped you. look we have gojest excelent precident mahinda stay with him follow him then only you will go to heven if you follow ranil defnetley you will go to hell this is every one knows ranil part of LTTE ‘s best and close friend ranil following what LTTE saying and after that ranil poling to your ear so ypou follen on that this mean you also modaya like ranil did you? ranil ,hakeem,and mangala are number one modayo tika in srilaka.
Karu Abesinga / October 15, 2011
please note it was not Ranil who is friendly with LTTE it was MR, Basil….because they paid lot of money to LTTE to stop the tamil people vote in last presidential election …. that;s how MR won the election … may be you don’t know about it because you sounds like a kid.
Palawatta - kandy / October 15, 2011
Basil should have given money to the LTTE, Do you say “it is wrong” they gave money prior to the election, but not after the came to the power, our nation get real interest what they have given to the Prabakaran.
Derana / October 15, 2011
Ms. Fedrica Janz speaking to electronic media said that, what Gen. (Rtd) Fonseka told was accurately published. Readers have to carefully think about who is lieing and what was the purpose for lieing.
Jaliya Silva / October 15, 2011
SF will be the first President elect who serve both a jail term and Presidency from Welikada
Sunanda / October 15, 2011
Ponseka did the biggeet ever bitravel in the SL histrory… shame on you
Kalyana / October 15, 2011
If Gotaya had ordered to kill the terrorist, that is okay but if he had ordered to kill the entire family including wives and children, he should be hanged. Revealing a brutality of this magnitude to not betrayal but patriotism. By ordering to annihilate an entire family, he brought bad reputation to a country that is otherwise in the good books.
Rthne / October 15, 2011
Sarath F. has a personal hatred towards Rajapakshas. So he is uttering all sorts of noncense . He is a Amarican stooge
Alas / October 15, 2011
SF said those, after he realised he was doing campaign for Mahinda Rajapaksha
Shall we give him to second chance? :) :) ;)
Bheeshana / October 15, 2011
this conspiracy hatched by the Govt. along with the Sunday leader Editor has come to light according to reports reaching ‘Lanka e news’. This conspiracy has been entrusted to the Editor by a top notch officer of the Defense Ministry.. This Officer has given instructions to the Editor to conduct an interview with Major General Shavindra Silva in a manner that would dent Gen. Fonseka’s image
/ / October 16, 2011
this chee site is AN ANTI SRI LANKA,trash site funded by foreign and local clowns.
Weere / October 15, 2011
I am thankful to JVP for coming up with the idea to have SF as the only potetial candidate against MR. I previously had problems with JVP. hahahhahha
Sisil - Toronto / October 15, 2011
Sarath embarked on this process only to take revenge on MR for not giving him the credit he was asking for himself only for the end of the war. How can he claim that? Just imagine, these cases. If the Navy did not sink 10 ships and put a naval blockade around the country, if the Air force did not bomb the targets and kill LTTE cadres and their resource and MR did not give the forces to eliminate the LTTE, could SF have finished the war. Why is this collective action not clear to him. It cannot be his intelligence because he is an educated man. It only can be the grudge towards Rajapaksas and personal greed and egotism in him. When the forces were winning the war the SL population inadvertently hailed the Army, totally ignoring the importance of the said other forces and MR. That probably gave SF this belief that he is the main actor.
Jagath Dias / October 15, 2011
Fonseka has been made three different statements on the article published by the Sunday Leader on 13.12.2009. First made on the same day(13.12.2009) evening. Second made on the following day (14.12.2009) Now he says another story. He is a BIG LIER. (keling katha karanna bari minihek). Managala Samaraweera said He is not suitable even for Salvation Army. So now Sarath Fonseka is with Mangala
Vidura / October 15, 2011
If Gota has ordered to kill all the surrending LTTE ers, he should be thanked. Can’t you people see that now we don’t have to worry about court cases and releasing murderers back to the society.
Muheed - Panadura / October 15, 2011
If Fredrica has published what Sarath Fonseka did not say, it’s upto him to sue the newspaper. but he didnt sue the paper.
Kalyana / October 15, 2011
Whatever happened between the Defence Secretary and General Fonseka is a matter that happens everywhere which should not have come in public, General Fonseka should not have entered as a presidential candidate
General / October 15, 2011
The truth.. Sri lanka army killed all LTTE leaders who came forward with white flags…Move on..
Punchirala / October 15, 2011
sf was betrayed by many- first by giving high hopes to contest by JVP and UNP. as they could not portray any good leadership to contest MR they deliberately put forward innocent SF and got lost in the election. today he is no where. serving a jail term. today they are not backing SF. SF was betrayed by editor FJ too. Knowing that he is loosing SF betrayed his own colleagues
by Punchirala.
tissa / October 15, 2011
/ / October 16, 2011
dream on my friend,its the blessings of the country this FOOL did not become the pres.
there are gods who looks after our MOTHER LANKA
JAYANTHA / October 16, 2011
MR is the worst corrupt president in Sri LANKA IN OUR LIVING MEMORY All his advises are come from various backgrounds some of them are child rapists, murders, INTERNATIONAL drug dealers, brothel owners, international money launders, extortionists you name it every one of them be in his ministry or in his advisory panel. Recently one of his security advises was seriously wounded and hospitalise in A gun battle with a another member of his party who supported Chandrika when she was president because of that they wanted to get rid off him at any cost now this raja karumakaraya is telling he is not a suspect of that murder case who was shot dead at the seen by his own underworld gang .. where is the law and order in this stupid country it is the law of jungle now prevailing in this hell. if people of SRI LANKA don.’t get rid off this hora samagama like GADAFI it is the end SRI LANKA. God bless SRILANKA.
Pingback: WikiLeaks: ‘white flag’ accusation particularly was egregious – Gota to US « Colombo Telegraph / November 18, 2011
Pingback: Two New Witnesses Claim They Independently Saw “The White Flag Incident” | Colombo Telegraph / February 28, 2013