By Colombo Telegraph –
“Military spokesman Brigadier Prasad Samarasinghe (strictly protect) told us that the idea for the forced removals came from the police, not the Army, which was not in favor of the plan. However, Defense Secretary Gothabaya Rajapaksa gave the orders to proceed with the police plan. On June 6 and 7, the Army helped police round up Tamils from approximately 20 hostels in Colombo.” the US Embassy Colombo informed Washington.
The Colombo Telegraph found the related leaked cable from the WikiLeaks database. The cable is classified as “SECRET” and discuses the removal of non-Colombo based Tamils temporarily residing in Colombo lodges and hostels . The cable was written by the Ambassador Robert O. Blake and classified by A/DCM Robert Gabor.
The cable, dated June 8,2007, updated the Secretary of State on the eviction and asked strictly protect Military Spokesman Prasad Samarasinghe as their source.
The Ambassador wrote “Speaking before the Supreme Court stayed the Ministry of Defense’s order, Samarasinghe told us confidentially that the original plan was to suspend the action on Friday, June 8, while Parliament is in session, but pursue the removals with renewed vigor over the weekend. It is not clear what impact the Supreme Court’s stay will have on plans to continue the removals on Saturday and Sunday.”
“On June 8 the Sri Lanka Supreme Court stayed the removal of non-Colombo based Tamils temporarily residing in Colombo lodges and hostels (ref A). The Court ruled in favor of a Fundamental Rights Application filed by the NGO Center for Policy Alternatives (CPA). Military spokesman Brigadier Prasad Samarasinghe (strictly protect) told us that the idea for the forced removals came from the police. Although the Army was not in favor, Defense Secretary Gothabaya Rajapaksa gave the order to proceed. Samarasinghe said the original plan was to suspend the roundups on Friday, June 8, but pursue them with renewed vigor over the weekend. It is not clear what impact the Supreme Court’s stay will have on plans to continue the removals on Saturday and Sunday. In the meantime, at least a couple of hundred Tamils are being housed inside a school in Vavuniya without adequate water or sanitation. The Red Cross is helping to care for them. There were unconfirmed reports the GSL planned to move many Tamils across the Forward Defense Line through the Omanthai checkpoint into the Tiger-controlled Vanni. Although the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) stated that the people would be welcomed in the Vanni, they denied that there have been contacts with the GSL on this subject. Numerous members of Parliament, including several moderate members of the governing coalition, have objected to the Government’s actions. Embassy issued a press release calling for an immediate halt to further deportations.” Blake further wrote.
Related news; WikiLeaks: A Top Sri Lankan Major General Is A US Informer
Below we give the relevant part of the cable;
VZCZCXRO9615 OO RUEHBI RUEHLMC DE RUEHLM #0820/01 1591020 ZNY SSSSS ZZH O 081020Z JUN 07 FM AMEMBASSY COLOMBO TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC IMMEDIATE 6213 INFO RUEHRL/AMEMBASSY BERLIN PRIORITY 0450 RUEHKA/AMEMBASSY DHAKA PRIORITY 0171 RUEHIL/AMEMBASSY ISLAMABAD PRIORITY 7152 RUEHKT/AMEMBASSY KATHMANDU PRIORITY 5259 RUEHLO/AMEMBASSY LONDON PRIORITY 3807 RUEHNE/AMEMBASSY NEW DELHI PRIORITY 1054 RUEHNY/AMEMBASSY OSLO PRIORITY 3879 RUEHOT/AMEMBASSY OTTAWA PRIORITY 1112 RUEHKO/AMEMBASSY TOKYO PRIORITY 2964 RUEHCG/AMCONSUL CHENNAI PRIORITY 7740 RUEHBI/AMCONSUL MUMBAI PRIORITY 5402 RUEHON/AMCONSUL TORONTO PRIORITY 0230 RUEHLMC/MILLENNIUM CHALLENGE CORPORATION PRIORITY RHEFDIA/DIA WASHINGTON DC PRIORITY RUEHGV/USMISSION GENEVA PRIORITY 2102 RHEHAAA/NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WASHINGTON DC PRIORITY RHHMUNA/HQ USPACOM HONOLULU HI PRIORITY RUEHBS/USEU BRUSSELS PRIORITY S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 03 COLOMBO 000820 SIPDIS SIPDIS DEPARTMENT FOR SCA/INS MCC FOR S GROFF, D TETER, D NASSIRY AND E BURKE E.O. 12958: DECL: 06/08/2017 TAGS: PGOV PREL PTER PHUM MOPS CE SUBJECT: SRI LANKA: SUPREME COURT STAYS ORDER EXPELLING TAMILS FROM COLOMBO LODGES REF: A. COLOMBO 809 ¶B. COLOMBO 805 Classified By: A/DCM ROBERT GABOR, FOR REASONS 1.4 (B) AND (D) ¶1. (S) SUMMARY: On June 8 the Sri Lanka Supreme Court stayed the removal of non-Colombo based Tamils temporarily residing in Colombo lodges and hostels (ref A). The Court ruled in favor of a Fundamental Rights Application filed by the NGO Center for Policy Alternatives (CPA). Military spokesman Brigadier Prasad Samarasinghe (strictly protect) told us that the idea for the forced removals came from the police. Although the Army was not in favor, Defense Secretary Gothabaya Rajapaksa gave the order to proceed. SIPDIS Samarasinghe said the original plan was to suspend the roundups on Friday, June 8, but pursue them with renewed vigor over the weekend. It is not clear what impact the Supreme Court's stay will have on plans to continue the removals on Saturday and Sunday. In the meantime, at least a couple of hundred Tamils are being housed inside a school in Vavuniya without adequate water or sanitation. The Red Cross is helping to care for them. There were unconfirmed reports the GSL planned to move many Tamils across the Forward Defense Line through the Omanthai checkpoint into the Tiger-controlled Vanni. Although the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) stated that the people would be welcomed in the Vanni, they denied that there have been contacts with the GSL on this subject. Numerous members of Parliament, including several moderate members of the governing coalition, have objected to the Government's actions. Embassy issued a press release calling for an immediate halt to further deportations. END SUMMARY. SUPREME COURT STAYS THE MINISTRY OF DEFENSE ORDER --------------------------------------------- ---- ¶2. (C) On June 8 the Sri Lanka Supreme Court stayed the Ministry of Defense (MoD) verbal directive to round up and remove non-Colombo based Tamils staying in Colombo lodges and hostels. The text of the Supreme Court order has not been released, but Attorney Mohan Balendra told us that the order does not affect those Tamils already removed, except that they may possibly be allowed to return to Colombo. It is unclear whether the Supreme Court's stay is a permanent order or a temporary stay pending further hearing. In any case, the Supreme Court has made an initial finding that that the forced removal of Tamils from Colombo violates Sri Lanka's Constitution. ¶3. (C) Supreme Court Chief Justice Sarah Nanda Silva, appointed by former President Chandra Kumaratunga in 1999, also has political ties to the Sinhalese chauvinist, Marxist Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP, or People's Liberation Front). As Chief Justice, Silva has the power to decide which three of the five Supreme Court Justices will hear any particular matter before the Court. The JVP has consistently argued that Tamils in the Tiger-held Vanni were prisoners of the LTTE, and that it was the duty of the Sri Lankan government to liberate them. The JVP joined opposition parties such as the United National Party and the Tamil National Alliance to condemn the government's forced removal of Tamils. In this case, it appears that Chief Justice Silva has aligned himself with the JVP political ideology, rather than with President Rajapaksa. MILITARY NOT ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT ENFORCING THE ORDER --------------------------------------------- ------ ¶4. (S) Military spokesman Brigadier Prasad Samarasinghe (strictly protect) told us that the idea for the forced COLOMBO 00000820 002 OF 003 removals came from the police, not the Army, which was not in favor of the plan. However, Defense Secretary Gothabaya Rajapaksa gave the orders to proceed with the police plan. On June 6 and 7, the Army helped police round up Tamils from approximately 20 hostels in Colombo. Speaking before the Supreme Court stayed the Ministry of Defense's order, Samarasinghe told us confidentially that the original plan was to suspend the action on Friday, June 8, while Parliament is in session, but pursue the removals with renewed vigor over the weekend. It is not clear what impact the Supreme Court's stay will have on plans to continue the removals on Saturday and Sunday. BLAKE
SUNIL W / February 17, 2012
Gota, Please hang this Prasad!!
Peter Casie Chetty / February 17, 2012
Another traitor! The fact that this officer was talking to the American is mind boggling. He must have been pais as a CIA spy.
caThis is our country. and we can protect our people as we find fit. I would like all the Tamils who have moved to Colombo since 1983 to be investigated to ascertain where they got funds to buy land and houses in Colombo. The suicide bombers hid amonst the people of Colombo and we should not take any chances. If the US starts talking about Human Rights they should be asked what they did to the Japanese Americans after Pearl Harbour was hit. What are they doing investigating every coloured person with a long beard for if they are not trying to marginalise Islam?
Hettiya / February 27, 2012
The real traitor is Baya Gota who fled the SL Army to the USA during a period where the SL army took heavy casualties.
Kalu Albert / February 17, 2012
How many informers?? wow wow.
DAS / February 17, 2012
Whoever ordered the removals of – including a man recuperating after a kidney transplant operation in one of the lodges – the occupants of lodges, the Defence Secretaey did not for a moment consider whether citizens’ rights were infringed.
After the war, until now, many tamils are being prevented from returning to their homes.
This too is unjust and illegal, as are the “high security zones”.
Sultan / February 17, 2012
You mean Defence Gothaya did not understand peopls right ??? Send that bugger to US then he will learn what human right are which he enjoyed when he quit Sri Lanka for good in early 90’s. In fact do we need that FOX here in Sri Lanka??
Peter Casie Chetty / February 17, 2012
Sultan do you think Human rights can be taught by the US? leasrn about water boarding and renditioning. You will have to change you mind.
Saranapala / February 17, 2012
Peter, US may not be the best humanrights respector but they are far better than whats going on in SL. MR thinks he can cover-up anything with money. All these beggers used to seek US for their safe heaven and that fellow who worked in Libreary on computer was looked after well after his short slint on doll. The way this fool give orders to shoot and kill unarmed protesters in the eyes of masses suggests beyond doubt that this lunatic has definetly given orders to kill people surrendering in 2009 now probing by the UN. Mind you easy pray for the fellow where no sole in presence. He proves for himselfe he is good to go.
Peter Casie Chetty / February 17, 2012
Das what about the human rights of the people who were blown up by the people you are always defending?
Pinto / February 18, 2012
Mr Peter, you do really live in past ? We Sri Lankans are very cleaver when been asked a question in the present go back to the past to say something else. It’s like when the Judge ask the man in dock whether he did a crime he answers like Sir, Mr. Tom too did it before and got away so why you question me ? Jolly good my friend keeps it up..!! Go UN and back your Buffalos… Jaya wewa !!!
DAS / February 18, 2012
CHETTY, that was WAR which resulted from long massacres of tamils from 1951 onwards and which resulted in the birth of the LTTE in 1983.
Tamils were fighting for their lives. You ignore the murders of unarmed sinhala youth during 1971 & 1987/88/89.
Bodies were burned on tyre pyres by the roadside.
DAS / February 21, 2012
The blowing up – suicide bombings – were the only way that state massacres since 1951 could be retaliated to by/on behalf of, the victms’ families. Did you expect the massacre victims’ families to go to courts?
Torture was – even now – widespread.
GM / February 18, 2012
”Truth crushed to earth will rise again. How long? Not long! Because no lie can live forever. How long? Not long! Truth forever on the scaffold, wrong forever on the throne. Yet that scaffold sways the future and behind the dim unknown standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch over [God’s] own. How long? Not long! Because the arc of the mortal universe is long but it bends toward justice.”
– Martin Luther King Jr.
asiriu / February 18, 2012
Pingback: WikiLeaks: Dilan Perera Refused To Defend GSL Action In Parliament « Colombo Telegraph / February 18, 2012
Bodinayaka / February 19, 2012
You all guys are lucky because I’m not the head to give orders. If i had the authority I’ll make sure to load them in CTB buses and drive to Sapugaskanda oil refinery and burn like Mr.Hitlor did to Jews or Ranil to JVPers.. I’ll ask them to drive over the INGO media guys by the way. There were bombs blasting whenever the LTTE wants in colombo remember? Why you guys forget the past soon? These lodges were heaven for terrorist and Tamils knows it. This is not a secret for us or US. I do not care US is getting information about my “Amudea erila” . That is because US is interested in our politics so they can influence the system and make a profit of it. Yes that’s the only thing they are into. Make a profit of the resources of Sri Lanka. That’s what everybody is after. So please give us some real news.
Pingback: Crimes, Wikileaks WikiLeaks: Forced Removals Of Tamils Is A Police Plan – Brigadier Prasad Samarasinghe to US / February 19, 2012
sena / February 19, 2012
Thanks Pvt Bradly Manning for exposing the traitors of our nation. You deserve the most distinguished prize on this earth for the service you did for humanity.
sena / February 19, 2012
The same plan was implemented during Chandrika’s presidency under SDIG Kotakadeniya’s tenure as the Colombo DIG. During that time terrorist activities drastically reduced and we were safe not to see a single bomb in Colombo. But with the intervention of Tamil politicians, Chandrika called off the security plan. We then started seeing ruthless attacks. There is no surprise that Police had advocated for such an effective plan again during the war in order to make us safe from ruthless LTTE terrorists.
It’s laughable and disgusting to see the U.S.A was intervening on this matter by helping ruthless LTTE to carry out attacks in Colombo. These are the same criminals that selectively check all with Muslim names in the U.S. air ports. And these are the same hypocrites that implements a similar plan in New York city by the NYDP.
Brian / February 20, 2012
You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.
Abraham Lincoln, (attributed)
16th president of US (1809 – 1865)
Bodinayaka / February 20, 2012
Also Ebrheem Lincon said, I never lied . while Telling another lie. check uncyclopedia. USA is into business. they will threaten us using whatever trump cards they can buy/use. They will loot our last remaining resources like they are doing in everywhere i mean like they looted oil in daylight robbery in Iraq. Since we don;t have oil yet they will threaten us with war crimes and under the table ask for a big peace of cake, They already had planted the men in position in our government to do this transactions. This is not human rights they are after. The US kill thousands in bode daylight in Afghanistan , Iraq and support Libya, Syria and lot of countries bloodshed and I forgot Pakistan resonantly. Keep your eyes open. may be Ebrahhem lincon is right about his people. We will see soon. Killing Osama in Pakistan soil is no crime but our troops killing terrorist in our soil is crime? wtf
banda / February 20, 2012
Don’t blame the informers or people like “Das” who work or live for just miserable selfish existance without thinking of how we lived in this country like one nation or fought togeter against western invaders. There are millions & millions of Tamils around the globe although few like Das support LTTE & EEllam but to make us isolated as a small nation is not a difficult task for the westerners. Just blame & hate US for their tactics to destabalize peaceful countries by spying / intimidating / interfering internal affairs without shame.
Pingback: Rajapaksa must be thinking twice before letting her set a foot into the sessions « / February 22, 2012
shanthi / March 3, 2013