By Colombo Telegraph –
“The UNP party is playing a dangerous game supporting General Fonseka, because the Sri Lankan Presidency is very powerful, and it is unclear what economic policies Fonseka would support as President” the US embassy Colombo wrote to Washington.
The Colombo Telegraph found the leaked US diplomatic cable from WikiLeaks database. The cable was classified as “CONFIDENTIAL” details the argument behind Fonseka’s position on corruption.
The cable written on 01, January 2010 by the ambassador Patricia A. Butenis says “The opposition presidential candidate General Fonseka is military man who has publicly admitted that he has little knowledge of economic issues, and other than clamping down on corruption, he has no apparent economic program.”
The ambassador Butenis wrote “ It will be extremely difficult for him to advance a coherent economic policy because the opposition parties supporting him have diametrically opposed economic views. Instead, Fonseka plans to focus on corruption, where President Rajapaksa is weak, and blaming corruption and government waste for voters, tough economic times. While the economy is a high – priority for many voters, both campaigns have focused on personalities and past performance rather than on a solid economic and political platform for future.”

Maitree reminded Ranil that he and Fonseka should say something about the economy, but he demurred because the political parties backing Fonseka’s candidacy had completely different economic policies
Econoff met with opposition campaign strategist Harsha de Silva, who is a prominent opposition economist, said he was in charge of writing Fonseka’s economic manifesto for his possible administration, but it was an impossible task because the UNP and JVP are diametrically opposed. Instead of a positive economic agenda, De Silva recommended attacking President Rajapaksa for corruption and waste. The ambassador Butenis further wrote “The corruption issue is a good one because while Fonseka is seen as clean, even the President’s private polling shows 80% of the people think that President Rajapksa and his family are corrupt.”
She wrote “ Fonseka himself however, prefers not to discuss future economic plans. Parliament opposition leader and potential future prime minister under a President Fonseka, Ranil Wickramesinghe, and his wife had a private lunch with the DCM and Poloff. At the lunch, his wife reminded Wickramesinghe that he and Fonseka should say something about the economy, but he demurred because the political parties backing Fonseka’s candidacy (primarily the liberal UNP and the leftist JVP) had completely different economic policies.”
“The opposition focus on corruption indicates that it believes that neo – liberal reforms, such as privatization, are too toxic to publicly advocate. Sri Lanka’s economy could indeed benefit from both a good crusade against corruption and liberal reforms” the ambassador further wrote.
Read the full cable below for further details;
VZCZCXRO3059 PP RUEHBI RUEHCI RUEHLH DE RUEHLM #0002/01 0041139 ZNY CCCCC ZZH P 041139Z JAN 10 FM AMEMBASSY COLOMBO TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC PRIORITY 1067 INFO RUEHKA/AMEMBASSY DHAKA PRIORITY 2226 RUEHIL/AMEMBASSY ISLAMABAD PRIORITY 9248 RUEHKT/AMEMBASSY KATHMANDU PRIORITY 7503 RUEHNE/AMEMBASSY NEW DELHI PRIORITY 3658 RUEHCG/AMCONSUL CHENNAI PRIORITY 9810 RUEHKP/AMCONSUL KARACHI PRIORITY 2632 RUEHCI/AMCONSUL KOLKATA PRIORITY 0492 RUEHLH/AMCONSUL LAHORE PRIORITY 0118 RUEHBI/AMCONSUL MUMBAI PRIORITY 7099 RUCPDOC/DEPT OF COMMERCE WASHDC PRIORITY RULSDMK/DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHDC PRIORITY C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 COLOMBO 000002 SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 01/04/2020 TAGS: CE ECON PGOV SUBJECT: OPPOSITION PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE HAS LITTLE ECONOMIC AGENDA; FOCUSES ON CORRUPTION REF: COLOMBO 1145 COLOMBO 00000002 001.2 OF 002 Classified By: A/DCM Rebecca Cohn for Reasons 1.4 (B.D) ¶1. (C) Summary. The opposition presidential candidate General Fonseka is a military man who has publicly admitted that he has little knowledge of economic issues, and other than clamping down on corruption, he has no apparent economic program. General Fonseka has announced some populist measures to increase government employee salaries and increase public pensions. It will be extremely difficult for him to advance a coherent economic policy because the opposition parties supporting him have diametrically opposed economic views. Instead, Fonseka plans to focus on corruption, where President Rajapaksa is weak, and blaming corruption and government waste for the voters, tough economic times. While the economy is a high-priority for many voters, both campaigns have focused on personalities and and past performance rather than on a solid economic and political platform for the future. End Summary. The Candidate Has Little Economic Experience ¶2. (C) General Fonseka is a military man who has little experience with economics or even any readily apparent views on economic issues. Fonseka has admitted publicly that he does not have any economic experience, and he has made few public statements about the economy. He has promised to increase the monthly salary of public servants by 10,000 rupees or approximately $ 90 USD per month (there are 1.2 million government employees). Fonseka also supports providing 2,000 rupee monthly pensions to senior citizens (about $18 USD). Econoff met with opposition campaign strategist and economist Harsha de Silva, who said that Fonseka plans to promise benefits to each economic segment of the population in order to gain votes. Fonseka himself, however, prefers not to discuss future economic plans. Parliament opposition leader and potential future prime minister under a President Fonseka, Ranil Wickramesinghe, and his wife had a private lunch with the DCM and Poloff. At the lunch, his wife reminded Wickramesinghe that he and Fonseka should say something about the economy, but he demurred because the political parties backing Fonseka's candidacy (primarily the liberal UNP and the leftist JVP) had completely different economic policies. Irreconcilable Differences Between the Opposition Parties ¶3. (C) General Fonseka is a common candidate supported by the free market UNP and the far left JVP. The UNP has supported privatization of state industries, an open economy and an increased role for the private sector. The JVP is at the opposite end of the economic spectrum, has opposed privatization and UNP reforms in the past, supports a large role of the state, opposes foreign investment, and advocates for government welfare to protect society. De Silva, who is a prominent opposition economist, said that he was in charge of writing Fonseka,s economic manifesto for his possible administration, but it was an impossible task because the UNP and JVP are diametrically opposed. Instead of a positive economic agenda, De Silva recommended attacking President Rajapaksa for corruption and government waste. Campaign Strategy Focuses on Corruption and Government Waste ¶4. (C) De Silva conducted a poll on behalf of the opposition which found that the Sri Lankan people were very upset about the cost of living, their declining ability to support their families, and corruption and government waste. The poll also found that there was a split between support for the GSL,s nationalist state-led policies and the UNP,s international trade private sector-led economic policies. The government UPFA coalition and the UNP are seen as equally capable of improving their personal economic situation. ¶5. (C) De Silva recommended that Fonseka criticize President Rajapaksa on government waste and corruption issues and blame corruption for the high cost of living and the difficult economic situation faced by many Sri Lankans. The corruption issue is a good one because while Fonseka is seen COLOMBO 00000002 002.5 OF 002 as clean, even the President,s private polling shows 80% of the people think that President Rajapaksa and his family are corrupt (see reftel). De Silva plans to use a study, produced by a prominent economist, that corruption costs Sri Lanka 2% in annual GDP growth. The opposition will try to tie President Rajapaksa,s alleged corruption to the rising cost of living and falling income for many Sri Lankans. ¶6. (C) De Silva candidly admitted to econoff that the attack on corruption is primarily a campaign strategy. De Silva said that 'as an economist' he understood that the government of Sri Lanka needed to institute many economic reforms, but for campaign purposes the opposition needed to back away from the 'neo liberal' reforms attached to the UNP. After the election, De Silva hoped that the UNP would take command of economic policy and apply a toned-down version of its traditional policies. ¶7. (C) Comment. The UNP party is playing a dangerous game supporting General Fonseka, because the Sri Lankan Presidency is very powerful, and it is unclear what economic policies Fonseka would support as President. The opposition focus on corruption indicates that it believes that neo-liberal reforms, such as privatization, are too toxic to publicly advocate. Sri Lanka,s economy could indeed benefit from both a good crusade against corruption and liberal reforms. End Comment. BUTENIS
Prarthana Kelaniya / October 20, 2011
oh, that’s why they talk MR corruption then. poor bastard .
Mahasona / October 25, 2011
my question do an ambassador has a right to involve with another country’s inner politics ? Second what is the scope of an ambassador and his duty of care in a foreign mission?
Nalliah Thayabharan / October 25, 2011
Some politicians are real murderers. Ranil Wickremesinghe was behind the burning of Jaffna Public Library in 1981. Ranil Wickremesinghe ordered and witnessed the execution of hundreds of innocent young men from Kelaniya area in his torture chamber in Batalanda in 1989 which was confirmed by the Presidential Commission of Inquiry which comprised retired judges. The courts rejected charges based on technical issues, not factual issues. Since Ranil Wickremesinghe committed these horrendous crimes in Batalanda, Ranil Wickremesinghe had to abandon not only his electorate of Biyagama, but also the Gampaha District. Since these murders Ranil Wickremesinghe is an MP without an electorate – thanks to his uncle J. R. Jayawardene’s constitution. After the 1989 Batalanda mass murder, Ranil Wickremesinghe recruited a convicted killer and multiple criminal Gonawala Sunil as his secretary. Ranil Wickremesinghe’s secretary Gonawala Sunil went around killing and intimidating people Ranil Wickremesinghe wanted to be silenced. Several dedicated armed forces personnel were also threatened by Gonawala Sunil. Ranil Wickremesinghe’s corruption in “LH Plantations” has been highlighted with excruciating details by his closest ally Mangala Samaraweera. Ranil Wickremesinghe’s very close family members own several newspapers, broadcasting and telecasting stations which promote Ranil Wickremesinghe and help to prolong his political survival.
-Nalliah Thayabharan
Elektrische Zahnbuerste / November 19, 2011
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