By Colombo Telegraph –
“Samaraweera confirmed for the first time that special cells have been established within military intelligence to abduct LTTE sympathizers.” the US Embassy Colombo informed Washington.
“Samaraweera confirmed that the Government uses a group called the “Lion Cubs” to engage in these extrajudicial activities. It is widely rumored in Sri Lanka that Army Commander Fonseka, with the knowledge and approval of Defense Secretary Gothabaya Rajapaksa, has set up special cells within military intelligence to go after suspected LTTE cadres and sympathizers in Colombo, Jaffna and other places.” US Embassy further wrote.
The Colombo Telegraph found the related leaked cable from the WikiLeaks database. The cable is classified as “SECRET” and recounts details of a meeting US Ambassador to Colombo has had with then Sri Lankan government MP , the SLFP Treasurer and Leader and District Organizer of Matara District Mangala Samaraweera on February 26, 2007. The cable was written on February 28, 2007 by the US Ambassador to Colombo, Robert O. Blake.
Under the subject “SRI LANKA:EX-FOREIGN MINISTER COMPLAINS OF HARASSMENT BY GOVERNMENT” ambassador Blake wrote “Ambassador commented that the President and the Defense Secretary reportedly believe that their military strategy, including abductions and harassment of suspected LTTE sympathizers, is working to make Colombo more secure and to degrade LTTE networks. Samaraweera confirmed that the Government uses a group called the ‘Lion Cubs’ to engage in these extrajudicial activities. It is widely rumored in Sri Lanka that Army Commander Fonseka, with the knowledge and approval of Defense Secretary Gothabaya Rajapaksa, has set up special cells within military intelligence to go after suspected LTTE cadres and sympathizers in Colombo, Jaffna and other places. We have also heard reports of a similar shadowy group called the ‘Hambantota Cats.’ The recently-appointed Cabinet Minister for Environment has publicly called for the use of extralegal means to root out LTTE sympathizers. Samaraweera lent credibility to these reports by relating grisly details about the methods these groups use to dispose of the bodies of their victims at sea.”
Below we give the relevant part of the cable;
VZCZCXRO0109 OO RUEHBI RUEHLMC DE RUEHLM #0337/01 0591217 ZNY SSSSS ZZH O 281217Z FEB 07 FM AMEMBASSY COLOMBO TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC IMMEDIATE 5538 INFO RUEHRL/AMEMBASSY BERLIN PRIORITY 0245 RUEHKA/AMEMBASSY DHAKA PRIORITY 9929 RUEHIL/AMEMBASSY ISLAMABAD PRIORITY 6889 RUEHKT/AMEMBASSY KATHMANDU PRIORITY 4962 RUEHLO/AMEMBASSY LONDON PRIORITY 3572 RUEHNE/AMEMBASSY NEW DELHI PRIORITY 0694 RUEHNY/AMEMBASSY OSLO PRIORITY 3660 RUEHKO/AMEMBASSY TOKYO PRIORITY 2740 RUEHCG/AMCONSUL CHENNAI PRIORITY 7461 RUEHBI/AMCONSUL MUMBAI PRIORITY 5176 RUEHGV/USMISSION GENEVA PRIORITY 1847 RHHMUNA/HQ USPACOM HONOLULU HI PRIORITY RHEFDIA/DIA WASHINGTON DC PRIORITY RHEHAAA/NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WASHINGTON DC PRIORITY RUEHBS/USEU BRUSSELS PRIORITY RUEHLMC/MILLENNIUM CHALLENGE CORPORATION PRIORITY S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 03 COLOMBO 000337 SIPDIS SIPDIS DEPARTMENT FOR SCA/INS MCC FOR S GROFF, D NASSIRY, E BURKE AND F REID E.O. 12958: DECL: 02/28/2017 TAGS: PGOV PREL PTER PHUM MOPS CE SUBJECT: SRI LANKA:EX-FOREIGN MINISTER COMPLAINS OF HARASSMENT BY GOVERNMENT REF: A) COLOMBO 324 B) COLOMBO 292 C) COLOMBO 264 D) COLOMBO 263 E) COLOMBO 230 F) COLOMBO 186 G) COLOMBO 170 Classified By: Ambassador Robert O. Blake, Jr., for reasons 1.4(b, d). ¶9. (S) Ambassador commented that the President and the Defense Secretary reportedly believe that their military strategy, including abductions and harassment of suspected LTTE sympathizers, is working to make Colombo more secure and to degrade LTTE networks. Samaraweera confirmed that the Government uses a group called the "Lion Cubs" to engage in these extrajudicial activities. It is widely rumored in Sri Lanka that Army Commander Fonseka, with the knowledge and approval of Defense Secretary Gothabaya Rajapaksa, has set up special cells within military intelligence to go after suspected LTTE cadres and sympathizers in Colombo, Jaffna and COLOMBO 00000337 003 OF 003 other places. We have also heard reports of a similar shadowy group called the "Hambantota Cats." The recently-appointed Cabinet Minister for Environment has publicly called for the use of extralegal means to root out LTTE sympathizers. Samaraweera lent credibility to these reports by relating grisly details about the methods these groups use to dispose of the bodies of their victims at sea. BLAKE
raymond / January 26, 2012
The picture depicts “an officer and a dumb ass” ….
Peter Casie Chetty / January 26, 2012
This is a “very intelligent comment? I wonder.
Peter Casie Chetty / January 26, 2012
Samaraweera was referred to as “my testicles” because evryone in the Rajapakse camp were certain that he was the Bandaranaike “trojan horse” in the Rajapakse campaign. This is ample proof that he really was.
There were times when he as Media Minister packed Lake House with his yes men to the point that it became obvious that the UNP su[pporters were targetted and hounded. One man was forced to leave. Clifford Hiller was an ardent UNPer accused of having insulted the President Kumaratunga. This was false but his punishment was to be sent to Anuradhapura but the proud man joined the Island instead. Samaraweera and Kumaratunga waged a war of words against the LTTE prtending to be doing what they could and convincing Sri Lanka that they had only a political solution. Rajapakse proved otherwise. Now why would any patriotic Sinhalese Buddhist be crying on his knees about harrassment to the American Ambassador?
K. C. John / March 31, 2012
“Very intelligent” comment?
Punchinilame / January 26, 2012
Kalyana / January 26, 2012
NOW ITS IS “Gajabha Clubs”
Lutronman / January 26, 2012
Thank you!
Sinhaya / January 26, 2012
This sort of low life politicos will not hesitate to sell even their mother to achieve their ends.
banda / January 26, 2012
Please think twice that what sort of a man this Mangala Samaraweera is and from whom US gather their information. It really doesn’t matter that Samaraweera came to Matara by bus but in no time became a rich & powerful man of politics; the way he can sell his own party/partymen/Army & foremost country is disgusting. Shame is that under JR’s system it’s hard to get rid of this kind of parasites by vote. My only wish is that his version of Lion cubs are real & still active and help us to get rid of this (man? = is he really a man??)!
Dr Dulip Perera / January 26, 2012
Samaraweera is a mentally sick individual. This political vidictiveness is prevelent in Srilanka. Samaraweera has no hope of making a political comeback now. When you are sinking, throw everything out.
mohamed wadood / January 26, 2012
Mangala a coward, Never had kahunas to take up matters to President Rajapaksha, The she man had been the right hand man of alcoholic chandrika. a dominant power under her regime. He couldnt stand the real man Rajapaksha.So he falsely accused the govt of President rajapaksha to the foreign intelligence with malacious allegations.
Mangala ,ranil ,JJ AND WIKREMABA HU had to indicted for treason. So in future these as well as the future political oppourtunist will not betray the nation.
GOd bless the president and the gajabha regiment.
John of Arc / January 26, 2012
Mangala is very very intelligent guy. He is almost as intelligent as Upeksha Swarnamali and has two PhDs hanging between his legs (oops I forgot his sexual orientation). Maybe Sagala Ratnayake from Deniyaya can kneel down in front of Mangala Samaraweera and fondle Mangalas testicles.
hakka patas / January 26, 2012
go to hell Idiotic Mongal Samaraweera. He can even sell his mother for gready of power
rw / January 26, 2012
Who were or are these people who were/are deemed to be LTTE sympathizers? Were they simply those of a sympathetic political view who would themselves never take up arms? Were they those who were deemed to be apologists? Or were they anyone the regime wished to bump off? The dead tell no tales…
Eric / January 26, 2012
If any mother’s son tries to harm my country I too definetley dump them in the sea. This so call Ambassodors doing thier filthy work of spying. Its OK. I dont mind. But those blody terrorists and their sympathisers must be killed sooner than late rweather it is Judicila or extrajudicial. USA and western powers are so innocent. They dont do such things. For an eye opener just wacht the movie or the documentry labled as JFK. If the Rajapakses did not have the spuine to take this step strongly second it. What I wonder is why did they spare this uncapable Mangala (though his name Mangala, he never can marry a girl. Its a fact) without dumping him too in the sea.
manori alagoda / January 26, 2012
I respected MS as a intelligent politician respect integrity. This has entirely changed my opinion of him. LTTE was interested in political settlement. Even if Prapakaren wanted “which he never did?”
Nobody could tame the hard core extremist elements which is the very basis of LTTE’s success.
One East Ham boy from London, uk told me. How frustrated the tigers were even when the campaign was successful in 90’s. Whoever spoke against would be immediately transferred & will never see them again! So Mr. Smaraweera should know better before lobbying uncle Sam.
MR was only leader who could do that & RW,CBK,SA,,,no body could do what he has done. Only other leader who has the capacity to run the country is in Jail “SF & he did not have the political maturity at the time of the election” Even with the corruption the country is progressing at 8-9%
vis8 / January 26, 2012
These people have been fed hook, line and sinker by the moron Mangala Samaraweera
kalawedda / January 26, 2012
what’s wrong with this awamangala guy? XXXXXXXXXXXXX Anyway all these coolies are doing a GREAT SERVICE to M.R. :) Any sri lankan who read this crap will keep supporting Mahinda just to protect our great country from these criminals who spit on their own motherland just for a few dollars.
Lasantha Perera / January 27, 2012
Hey folks,
Please let miss mangalaa earn a few dollars. It is his job and has always been. Robert Blake has already proved that he is a perfect match for mangalaa. Who takes these seriously ? They throw mud on Mahinda and good part of it has finished on Sarath F.
Abimanasingham Sitthawatthai Uthayakumar / January 27, 2012
What about ‘Tamil Lion cubs’ operating in the North?
Silva / January 27, 2012
What use is there criticizing Mangala because the 1st traitor to do this type of thing and also in a much more wider and mass scale is Mahinda Rajapaksha who went to Geneeva against Sri Lanka?
DAS / March 30, 2012
Silva, you are spot on. In sri lanka only, human rights activists beome oppressers – for the sake of power,perks and wealth.
Now MR has gone one step further – by esconsing himself as eternal
ruler of the nation – by clever manipulation of elections and the constitution. The 18th amendment, passed by his sycophants and his brother/speaker – without even knowing the details of same, has consolidated his ‘reign’.
John of Arc / January 27, 2012
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Pingback: WikiLeaks: Rajapaksas use a group called the “Lion Cubs” to abductions and dispose bodies at sea « Sri Lanka / January 28, 2012
Latte sipper / January 28, 2012
It wouldn’t surprise me if this story is true. So it’s thanks to these “Lion Cubs” that the LTTE couldn’t send Black Tigers to Colombo. A true tragedy, isn’t it, Colombo Telegraph? Thopila wagey ponna kalu suddo.
Pingback: Human Rights Groups Condemn Proposed Appointment of Alleged War Criminal Silva to U.N. Peacekeeping Group « Sri Lanka / January 28, 2012
Pingback: The King Is Naked And Fonseka’s “Lion Cubs” « Colombo Telegraph / January 28, 2012
Pingback: The King Is Naked And Fonseka’s “Lion Cubs” « Sri Lanka / January 29, 2012
Pingback: The King Is Naked And Fonseka’s “Lion Cubs” « Sri Lanka / January 29, 2012
Pingback: Ein nackter König und Fonsekas „junge Löwen“ « LTTEwatch Deutschland / January 30, 2012
Max Silva / March 30, 2012
I wouldn’t want to comment on this cause it’s a bloody waste of time.Mangy,CBK,Paki,Sanath,the party is over.