By Colombo Telegraph –
“While the Hi-Corp case and Fonseka’s medical care are of paramount importance to the Fonseka family, the government may be using these issues to distract attention from matters of larger national consequence in the run-up to the April general elections. The government’s focus on the Fonseka family may prove a double-edged sword, keeping the Fonseka family occupied but creating a sympathetic picture of Mrs. Fonseka and engendering public disquiet over the detention without charges of Sarath Fonseka.”the US Embassy Colombo informed Washington.
The Colombo Telegraph found the related leaked cable from the WikiLeak database. The cable is classified as “CONFIDENTIAL” and written by the Ambassador Patricia A. Butenis on February 19,2010.
Ambassador Butenis wrote “Fonseka’s relatives and several opposition leaders had underscored publicly that Fonseka required regular doses of medicine and expert medical care for injuries he had sustained in an LTTE suicide bomb attack. On February 11, Charge inquired about Fonseka’s access to his own doctors during a briefing held by the Foreign Minister for the diplomatic community, and the Foreign Minister followed up the following day by calling in the Charge to update her that President Rajapaksa had affirmed that Fonseka’s personal doctors would be allowed full access to him.”
“A Post contact considered close to Fonseka told DATT that Fonseka was being seen by two physicians, Army Major General Munasinghe, the Surgeon General, and Navy Commodore Senarupa Jayawardene, both of whom had reportedly treated him in the past. Fonseka’s daughter, however, contradicted this in a telephone call to SCA and said that in conversations with her father, he told her that Munasinghe had not been visiting her.” she further wrote.
Read the cable below for further details;
Related news; WikiLeaks: US Embassy clueless about Fonseka’s sis-in-law’s bucks
VZCZCXRO7366 OO RUEHAG RUEHROV RUEHSL RUEHSR DE RUEHLM #0125/01 0500558 ZNY CCCCC ZZH O 190558Z FEB 10 FM AMEMBASSY COLOMBO TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC IMMEDIATE 1336 INFO RUCNMEM/EU MEMBER STATES COLLECTIVE PRIORITY RUEHKA/AMEMBASSY DHAKA PRIORITY 2432 RUEHIL/AMEMBASSY ISLAMABAD PRIORITY 9449 RUEHKT/AMEMBASSY KATHMANDU PRIORITY 7704 RUEHLO/AMEMBASSY LONDON PRIORITY 5451 RUEHNE/AMEMBASSY NEW DELHI PRIORITY 3871 RUEHNY/AMEMBASSY OSLO PRIORITY 0037 RUEHOT/AMEMBASSY OTTAWA PRIORITY 0237 RUEHMD/AMEMBASSY MADRID PRIORITY 0182 RUEHKO/AMEMBASSY TOKYO PRIORITY 4500 RUEHCG/AMCONSUL CHENNAI PRIORITY 0010 RUEHBI/AMCONSUL MUMBAI PRIORITY 7244 RUEHON/AMCONSUL TORONTO PRIORITY 0232 RHEFDIA/DIA WASHINGTON DC PRIORITY RUEHGV/USMISSION GENEVA PRIORITY 0144 RHHMUNA/HQ USPACOM HONOLULU HI PRIORITY RUEHBS/USEU BRUSSELS PRIORITY RHEHAAA/NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WASHINGTON DC PRIORITY RUEKJCS/SECDEF WASHDC PRIORITY C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 COLOMBO 000125 SIPDIS DEPARTMENT FOR SCA/INSB E.O. 12958: DECL: 02/18/2020 TAGS: PGOV PREL PREF PHUM PTER EAID MOPS CE SUBJECT: SRI LANKA: FOCUS ON FONSEKA FAMILY CONTINUES REF: A. COLOMBO 111 ¶B. COLOMBO 108 ¶C. COLOMBO 105 COLOMBO 00000125 001.2 OF 002 Classified By: AMBASSADOR PATRICIA A. BUTENIS. REASONS: 1.4 (B, D) ¶1. (C) SUMMARY: Sarath Fonseka lodged an election petition with the Supreme Court, alleging many violations of elections law and asking the court to overturn Rajapaksa's victory, and declare Fonseka the winner. The government issued an arrest warrant for Fonseka's son-in-law, Danuna Tillakaratne, in connection with his alleged involvement in the Hi-Corp procurement investigation. On February 17, Tillakaratne's mother was arrested for her possible involvement, but she was released that same day on bail. There are conflicting reports on whether Fonseka has access to his choice of doctors while in detention. END SUMMARY. FONSEKA FILES CASE ON ELECTIONS VIOLATIONS ----------------------- ¶2. (C) On February 17, Sarath Fonseka lodged an election petition with the Supreme Court, alleging a number of elections law violations by President Rajapaksa and several of his top campaign advisors, and calling on the court to nullify Rajapaksa's victory and instead declare Fonseka the winner. The petition cites a rather large number of specific incidents it calls violations of elections law, broken down into several types of incidents including misuse of state property, violent attacks on persons affiliated with the Fonseka campaign, false statements by President Rajapaksa or his closest advisors, and incidents of bribery and threats used to gain more voter support. Interestingly, the petition does not appear to directly address the opposition's previous allegations that there was massive computer fraud in the vote counting stage of the election. There are, however, allegations that opposition representatives were chased out of counting centers by thugs in a number of voting districts before the results could be tallied and transmitted to the Elections Commission office in Colombo. The petition asks that the Supreme Court order a complete recount of all ballots, with opposition representatives present for the entire process. DANUNA TILLAKARATNE AND THE HI-CORP INVESTIGATION ------------------------- ¶3. (C) On February 15, the Government of Sri Lanka (GSL) issued a warrant for the arrest of Danuna Tillakaratne, the son-in-law of Sarath Fonseka, as part of an investigation by the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) into his alleged role in several tenders submitted by Hi-Corp, Inc. to supply military equipment to the Sri Lankan Army, tenders which the government says were fraudulent. Danuna had not been located as of February 18, and government spokespersons suggested he had fled the country. CID Chief Inspector Mohan Siriwardena reportedly told court officials involved in the case that he was seeking assistance from Interpol to investigate Tillakaratne's U.S. bank account. Tillakaratne's mother, Asoka Tillakaratne, was questioned by CID personnel on February 15 about her son's involvement with Hi-Corp, and was then arrested on February 17, with the government alleging a connection between the Hi-Corp case and a sum of money found in several of Ms. Tillakaratne's safe deposit boxes, reported by different media outlets to be either approximately 70,000 USD or 700,000 USD in a combination of U.S. dollars, Sri Lankan rupees and British pounds. Ms. Tillakaratne claimed through relatives that it was leftover campaign money. The magistrate handling her case granted her bail that same COLOMBO 00000125 002.2 OF 002 afternoon. FONSEKA'S MEDICAL CARE ---------------------- ¶4. (C) Fonseka's relatives and several opposition leaders had underscored publicly that Fonseka required regular doses of medicine and expert medical care for injuries he had sustained in an LTTE suicide bomb attack. On February 11, Charge inquired about Fonseka's access to his own doctors during a briefing held by the Foreign Minister for the diplomatic community, and the Foreign Minister followed up the following day by calling in the Charge to update her that President Rajapaksa had affirmed that Fonseka's personal doctors would be allowed full access to him. (Ref. A) A Post contact considered close to Fonseka told DATT that Fonseka was being seen by two physicians, Army Major General Munasinghe, the Surgeon General, and Navy Commodore Senarupa Jayawardene, both of whom had reportedly treated him in the past. Fonseka's daughter, however, contradicted this in a telephone call to SCA and said that in conversations with her father, he told her that Munasinghe had not been visiting her. COMMENT: -------- ¶5. (C) Opposition leaders have told Post they intend to make the allegations of gross elections law violations by the Rajapaksas a campaign theme during the upcoming general election. The filing of the election petition represents a public step in that process and keeps public and media attention on the election process and results. While the Hi-Corp case and Fonseka's medical care are of paramount importance to the Fonseka family, the government may be using these issues to distract attention from matters of larger national consequence in the run-up to the April general elections. The government's focus on the Fonseka family may prove a double-edged sword, keeping the Fonseka family occupied but creating a sympathetic picture of Mrs. Fonseka and engendering public disquiet over the detention without charges of Sarath Fonseka. BUTENIS
Hingurana Kamal / December 30, 2011
we bless you will be released soon sir!
Kugan / December 30, 2011
We too, we need to give him a fair trial in US. bloody killer.
Kugan / December 31, 2011
Last time he came to US as Sri Lankan Chief of Defense , next time as nobody. we can easily try him, we are ready for it. We promise US will give him a fair trial, not like Rajapaksas. :)
Bodinayaka / December 31, 2011
I don’t know why. But is this our same General told once this is not a football game to stop by a whistle wile the war on terror was happening? Of cause he deserve credit for defeating the Tamil terrorist , but we know every Sri Lankan wants to kill those retard terrorist group including me if I had the chance. I mean if I had the chance to be there when those retard terrorist leaders surrendering to the army after all the 30 years of distraction I would have F@%#$%%@@!$% K them personally. General was carried away by some-sort of a international influence or he lost his marbles after seen the way how they cut the cake. I mean he got a small slice. sumting like that. I’m not sure.
Lucky / December 31, 2011
He should be punish in a fair way. that is what we all want!
Aspen Hearth / December 31, 2011
US govt should offer citizenship to General Fonseka and make him a US citizen.
That would make SL govt to allow SF to leave the country.
Sivalingam / December 31, 2011
Already he is, he is a green card holder. He will be face war crime charges there.
Neil / December 31, 2011
you are wrong though his family got the green card, General Fonseka didn’t applied for that, he is not a green card holder.
kudahetti -cli / December 31, 2011
Hello Neil, dont talk what you don’t know. read this: Fonseka is a
Legal Permanent Resident (LPR) in the United States and has
family and property in Oklahoma. He currently is in the U.S.
visiting family and re-establishing his LPR status.
KP Karuna-Pilayan / January 1, 2012
He automatically qualifies when the wife was given
He was sent to Budhagaya while the unnecessary cull of Tamils
Majority normal citizens, women and children
Paksas fear US trials, hence prison
Paksa crimes overshadow any Fonseka crime
Any purchase over 3 million need Gota backing
Now we are stuck with corrupt thug family rule for the next 40 years
Unpatriotic means wishing for an alternative
Monks fearful of Ruhunu nikaya, opposition can make better money joining government, the credible leader of the opposition with a spine in prison
Because we don’t sincerely believe Tamil is equal and want to give more power to all powerful Paksas, refusing greater power to our local province the situation can’t change