15 October, 2024


Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing?

By Asoka N.I. Ekanayaka

Prof. ANI Ekanayaka

Faced with the historically radical revolutionary JVP with its fierce Marxist /Leninist antecedents nowadays covering itself with the respectable warm reassuring human face of the NPP, one can’t resist recalling the familiar metaphor about ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’. This article is not primarily intended to offer my opinion about the appropriateness of such a comparison. After all that would be only an individual opinion, and it would be fiercely contested as a misrepresentation of that party. Rather it would be fairer to see how the JVP today identifies itself in its own words and images. Accordingly I would encourage the interested reader to visit the JVP website in the English language which can be accessed here and in particular the subsidiary link describing what it calls its Programme of the proletarian socialist revolution”. No one can disclaim responsibility for this website or maintain that it is obsolete for it contains numerous contemporary news items including the JVP New Year message for 2023. So let the JVP speak for itself and explain where it stands in its own words.

What is immediately striking at the top left hand corner in the first of the above links (also the website  home page) is the prominent image of the monster Rohana Wijeweera who masterminded  the unspeakable brutalities with which the JVP tormented  the ordinary people of this country in the 1971 revolution and far more in the 1987 revolution. So Wijeweera (who according to Wikipedia admired Stalin and Mao), continues to be their hero down to the present day. By their own admission they continue to honour and revere the man who abused persecuted and slaughtered the people all those years ago.

At the top right hand corner of the home page is an image of the ‘hammer and sickle’ the well known Communist symbol which was first used in the 1917 Russian revolution and then through the initiative of Lenin became the prominent symbol in the flag of the former Soviet Union (USSR) from 1922 until 1991 when that cruel and repressive empire that enslaved many Eastern European countries collapsed. 

So in the design of its own web page the JVP (in common with Communist parties in many parts of the world), still glorifies the Communist symbol that defined the former USSR with its monstrous legacy of political tyranny and oppression, contempt for freedom and complete denial of human rights behind the “iron curtain”. The Communist hammer and sickle symbol which adorns the JVP homepage today is the same symbol which defined the Stalinist era with its brutal prison system secret police, executions and massacres.

It was under this insignia that the horrors of “Gulag”(so vividly described by the great Alexander Solzhenitsyn in his book the Gulag Archipelago) were perpetrated with its arbitrary abductions and arrests, brutal interrogations, torture,  mass transportation in unheated cattle cars to forced labour camps in Siberia, terrible destruction of families, hundreds of thousands rotting in exile for years resulting in broken lives and the premature death of many millions of innocent people. It is for the JVP to explain why its homepage carries the image of the Communist symbol under which such monstrosities were perpetrated. There is no need for this writer to speculate on the answer.

The subsidiary link in the JVP website describing what it calls its “Programme of the proletarian socialist revolution”, is self explanatory. A perceptive reader may draw his/her  own inferences from it about the real underlying Communist mindset of the JVP/NPP notwithstanding the genial exterior and alluring utterances  with which they project a saintly image of themselves on public platforms. Readers may click on the link, read the JVP “Programme of the proletarian socialist revolution” and form their own conclusions allowing the party to speak for itself. 

Without attempting to prejudice the reader my own perception was that it sounds like a Communist manifesto replete with the same old banal revolutionary verbiage that has characterised output by the 4th International over the years. A random computer word count reveals that the document contains the word “capitalist” 111 times, “class” 53 times, “Imperialist” 42 times, “socialist” 42 times, “bourgeois” 37 times, “proletariat” 15 times, and “revolutionary” 12 times – all part of the familiar Marxist/Leninist revolutionary socialist jargon! There is also at least a hint of a respectful attitude towards North Korea which is held up as a country that had followed the path of socialist development and “had deviated from the capitalist path of development by eliminating the bourgeois property system . . .”. All this of course is not inconsistent with the large pictures of the 6 party leaders displayed in an adjacent link with the infantile fetish of “Comrade” prominently prefixing each of the names.  

As for the nature of the “proletarian socialist revolution” envisaged by the JVP in its own words, those who visit the website and go through the contents at the given link may form their own conclusions. I confine myself to a single comment. Those who peruse the “programme” might be particularly interested if not perplexed alarmed or even terrified by the tone and implication of the following extracts which are herewith quoted verbatim.

The document opens  by stating “The proletariat in this neo-colony, where the capitalist production system dominates and a bourgeoisie subservient to imperialists is in power, faces the challenge to prepare for socialist revolutionary tasks and achieve them. In order to achieve them the Sri Lankan proletariat presents this programme”. The document concludes by stating “All over the world and within our country, all anti-imperialist progressive forces must be united under the leadership of the revolutionary proletarian movement”. 

In between the contents include 60 points. Point No 54 (conclusion) states The proletariat in power has to create a new economy and socialist production system while the exploitation of classes, the existence of classes, and the ownership of private property has to be eliminated. Point No 55 concludes with the words “The socialist revolution in Sri Lanka will eliminate the private ownership of property and abolish the basis of class division in society, thus putting an end to the process of exploitation of man by man, and thereby man finally liberated”. (Please note the Emphasise are mine).

So says the JVP (now clothed in the benevolent raiment of the NPP) in their own words. 

Finally in a recent correspondence I posed 3 simple questions to a very senior member of the NPP. The answers  reflect the embarrassing predicament of those who while projecting an image of being democratic socially sensitive liberals, nevertheless are forced to compromise their intellectual integrity by having to make excuses for the far left Marxist/Communist revolutionary character and sordid past of their coalition partners. 

The first question related to whether the JVP has any association whatsoever direct or indirect however obliquely with North Korea; whether it receives any kind of funding or other support or encouragement from North Korea; and whether it shares even marginally a common ideological perspective with Kim Un Jong’s ruthless communist regime?The answer to this question was a taciturn “The NPP nor the JVP have any link with North Korea”. 

The second question averred to the millions of common people who suffered unspeakable hardships at the hands of the JVP during the 1987 insurrection and inquired if, and if so when and where, the present generation of JVP/NPP politicians have ever extended an unqualified public apology to the people for the brutalities inflicted on them during that insurgency? The answer did not admit to any such apology being given. Instead the respondent skirted round the question by claiming that it was the JVP which was the victim of state terror during that period grumbling that people want the JVP to apologise when it is successive governments that must be held accountable for their crimes.

The third question asked why if the JVP genuinely regretted the manifold sufferings inflicted on millions of ordinary people during the 1987 insurrection, it to this day continues to hero worship and annually celebrate the memory of the monster Rohana Wijeweera who masterminded the insurrection? The NPP respondent defended the commemoration of Rohana Wijeweera saying “You have a right to your views, but so do others”!

In my final reaction to these responses by a very prominent NPP politician I conceded that consistent with the old aphorism “we must agree to disagree”! However I maintained that the sordid record of “state terrorism” of which the JVP might have been a victim does not absolve it from the obligation to confess and apologise for its own ruthless crimes against millions whom it tormented with Pol Pot style death threats if they went out to work, putting a bullet in the head of those who did and  forcing grieving relatives to carry the victim’s coffin inches off the ground as the final indignity. The stubborn pride and arrogance which far from apologising actually criticises everyone else, but glorifies the wretch who masterminded the manifold persecutions of the 1987 insurrection, reflect the hypocrisy of the holier than thou self righteous image which the JVP/NPP is projecting at this time.

Latest comments

  • 16

    Good article, though it says nothing that a person with his eyes open did not already know or suspect about the JVP. If this article doesn’t open the eyes of those morons waiting to vote for the JVP as to the folly of doing so, then nothing ever will.

    • 10

      “A perceptive reader may draw his/her own inferences from it about the real underlying Communist mindset of the JVP/NPP notwithstanding the genial exterior and alluring utterances with which they project a saintly image of themselves on public platforms.”

      The reader may also gauge the trustworthiness of the JVP from the following concrete example that I cited in a past article of mine in CT:

      They have also demonstrated that they cannot be trusted more than other politicians, for at the 2015 election, having presented to the public a list of nominees for the National List comprising distinguished persons from various professions, they reneged on their promise and nominated a defeated candidate (former MP Sunil Handuneththi) along with former Auditor General Sarathchandra Mayadunne for their two bonus seats, the latter of which resigned soon afterwards after making his first and last speech [in Parliament].

      • 25

        Leonard Jayawardene: You do not tolerate JVP nominating a defeated candidate (Sunil H) as being nominated outside the National List.

        But based on the same principle, how do you SEE or INTERPRET the nomination of Ranil W, the defeated candidate in the Parliamentary Election to occupy the only seat allocated to UNP under the National List? In addition, this “MP’ (Ranil W) being appointed to be the “PM” (not even holding more than ONE seat in the Parliament) and finally becoming the President of the country?

        Hope I have awakened your CONSCIENCE (if you have one).

        • 4

          Simon Says:
          “Hope I have awakened your CONSCIENCE (if you have one).”

          LJ Says:
          It’s a problem when people lack basic comprehension skills. The point of my comment is the TRUSTWORTHINESS of the JVP and I gave an example from their past. This example–and others known and unknown to me–demonstrate that they are no more to be trusted than other politicians whom people regularly vilify, so how are they better than these others? The JVP has never wielded big power. Given (a) their murderous past for which they are yet to apologize–which they are unlikely to do–(b) their true ideology as reflected in their website–which has failed everywhere it was tried–and (c) their proven untrustworthiness, how can they be entrusted with the government of a country? Sadly, there appear to be too many naive and ignorant folks out there who have been seduced by the JVP’s “genial exterior and alluring utterances,” as the writer has aptly put it.

          Hope this reply will “awaken” your IQ, if you have one.

          • 17

            Leonard J: Thank you. Did you not notice that mistake was never repeated by “JVP/NPP”? Haven’t they learned the lesson and corrected it in 2019 by nominating Harini H from the National List?

            I have noted your foolhardiness. Let you live in the past and enjoy history.

            • 5

              Why did they have to wait until 2019 to correct their mistake? Why couldn’t they have reversed their wrong decision immediately afterwards? Even when they “corrected” their mistake in 2019 was it because of principles or because they saw that that mistake was widely condemned and caused loss of credibility in the eyes of the people? Anyway, a truly principled party would never have made such a breach of contract in the first place with the people who voted for them.

              Foolhardiness? What do you mean?

              “Let you live in the past and enjoy history.”
              In English “let” is used to form imperative sentences only with the first and the third person. “Let me live,” “Let us go there,” “Let him/them live,” etc. I would high recommend a grammar such as Thomson and Martinet’s “Practical English Grammar” to improve your knowledge of English grammar.

              • 0

                Correction of typo: “I would highly recommend….”

            • 5

              Simon. I gauged you to be far more intelligent than that. I think Harini H and AKD should be sent on honeymoon to the moon with all expenses paid on a one way ticket.

              • 13

                So you seem now to be a marriage broker cum tour operator?
                Have you given up on your dog meat business? Or is it a sideline?

              • 7

                SJ. You must be the one and only literate Nut in the world having a gala time sitting on your brains.

                • 5

                  I will not ask you about your dog meat business, as it seems to upset you.
                  Let us change the subject: How is the master race faring these days?

                  • 4

                    Certainly SJ. They are faring brilliantly with you in the background. A piece of withering grass.

      • 13

        You are 70 years too late for the McCarthy era.
        Please tell us what is wrong with a ‘communist mindset’.

        • 11


          What has McCarthyism got to with my comments?

          I will respond to your request with another request: Please tell us where communism/socialism has ever worked.

          • 4

            You appear to think on similar lines but are reluctant to admit it.
            I will answer you, but after you answer me.

            • 6

              LJ: Opposes the use of Drug X to cure disease Y.

              SJ: Tell us what is wrong with Drug X.

              LJ: Tell us of any cases where Drug X has cured people of disease Y and, at least, made them better.
              SJ: I will answer you, but after you answer me.

              • 0

                Correction: “…cured people of disease Y or, at least, made them better.”

              • 5

                LJ, you are still dodging answering, and distorting the sequence of events in the process.
                You made a false claim and then tried to defect the issue with a diversionary question..
                Do you admit that you cannot state what you meant by a ‘communist mindset’?
                If you do I will oblige with a short list of what socialism achieved for a third of humanity.
                BTW, no country has so far claimed to be ‘communist’.

                • 3

                  “you are still dodging answering, and distorting the sequence of events in the process.”

                  I just didn’t want to get into a meaningless, fruitless and endless discussion of what “communist mindset” means. There are plenty of definitions of “communism” on the Web (including Wikipedia). Common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange that allocates products to everyone in the society, the absence of private property, social classes, money, and the state, etc. I don’t even even understand how the absence of money and the state could be achieved practically. What is your version?

                  The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Capitalism, with warts and all, has uplifted many a nation. Has communism/socialism ever done for that any nation? Now please don’t give me this stuff about communism/ socialism not having been applied properly yet.

                  “If you do I will oblige with a short list of what socialism achieved for a third of humanity.”

                  Okay, we now have an admission that communism hasn’t worked. I await your list of “what socialism achieved for a third of humanity.”

                  • 2


                    By the way, why do you keep using the vague phrase “communist mindset” rather than the straightforward word “communism”?

          • 5

            Both Russia that spawned Communism and China that spawned Socialism had no place for Capitalists in their systems and the Capitalists were decimated with their families. However in fairness to those Capitalists of yore, they had acquired their wealth over a few generations. Now these two countries both Russia and China that shunned Capitalism, today has the Biggest number of Capitalists who have become Neo Capitalists in just one generation. Can one explain who are ardent supporters of Communism and Socialism, how can there be Capitalists in a Country where all Business Enterprises are State controlled?

            • 5

              “Both Russia that spawned Communism and China that spawned Socialism..”
              Really, you need to check your facts….

              • 3

                OC, he may also do with a dictionary.

              • 3

                old codger,
                For your information, All Civilizations coming out of the savanna, first practiced a form of Commune living for their safety, before the Family Unit arose. This Commune living practiced by the Hebrews was known as Hebrewism. Early humans living in Communes had no wealth to speak off. Food was the prime need and the kill was shared equally as there were no my children but our children. This system changed once the Family Unit arose. First the best part of the kill was taken to the family and the rest was shared with the rest. Once the Family unit expanded, the wealth creation occurred, accumulating wealth by some and the rest providing labour in the production. Then down the line it was Carl Marx and Fredric Engels that introduced Communism, for the production of wealth to be owned by the State and the produce to be shared equally among the Community. They believed Food, Clothing and shelter, to be the prime needs of Society and the State had the responsibility to serve the basics.

      • 8

        JVPrs act like foreigners who think they were born yesterday.
        Whenever corrupt politicians tried to pervert and mislead the nation dominated by Punnakku drinkers, the JVPrs acted as a catalyst for Rajapaksa
        Today the term “Rajapaksa” has become synonymous with “highly criminal”.

        1) In 2005 the whole world stood there against the Sinhala Chauinsts led by Mahinda Rajapaksa, JVPrs were complicit. They are masters at remaining critical. No exercise, but stick to the assertion.

        2) The so-called BROAD DAY “Mahabanku Horakama – SLCB robbery” was a Rajapaksa tactic to marginalize the UNP. As of today almost everything comes to light. If former Singapore governor Mahendran was allegedly the mastermind of the MS-RW robbery, why on earth is SINGAPORE still silent?

        Is not Singapore Govt law-bound ?

    • 3

      sowing myths and other fake perceptions have brainwashed the gullible people.

      As no times before , in recent times, just last 15 years, myths have grown up in the country, and many people are marching behind GURUKAM and astrology.

      There are whole lot of evidence to prove that Mahinda Rajapkashe would not leave his den, without wearing ” mantra chanted rings, necklaces, penis rings, other rings or anything”.
      That was made to believe by stupid dominated punnakku drinkers easily. Our poor villagers who are the majority of this nation (70%) – they just emulated the bugger and his acts, which was then telecasted through PACHAWAHINIS. So, the untruth became the fake perception of the majority.

      There were times, HAKGEDIYA became their fortune maker until Keerthi DIsanayaka was identified as a ultra-thief. I once listened to the bugger what he had to say…. I thought, those who followed him should have been eating ” ratathanakola” for their staple.

  • 23

    I was not aware of the still extremist internal nature of the JVP as spelt out in its website. Perhaps one could put it down to Sri Lankan lethargy. The SLFP website for example has not a single reference to Chandrika! The Pohottuwa doesn’t seem to have a website , and the UNP website still has Ranil as opposition leader.
    The JVP unions definitely are not as user-friendly as the NPP. AKD openly proclaims that he has no objection to even privatisation, which jars with the website’s policy proclamations. Or is there a virulent extremist JVP behind the civil mask?
    Only Sinhala Man knows……..

    • 16

      … Only Sinhala Man knows………
      Partially correct; Sinhala_Man gets to know a lot only in time!

      • 6

        Sinhala man s naivity is beyond bearing. The truth he cant even understand good Sinhala. Nor can he write. I wonder how he makes recommendations and judgements not knowing the language of AKD. AKD speaks only sinhala. This is called most common ‘ sadu sadu effect”.
        May our so called ” senior professionals” be blessed with brains.
        I have no doubt election of AKD and his men would be no diffent to the election of former petrol shed assistant Gota as the president.
        Good luck to folks 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔.
        Only wayout would be a new alliance with NPP plus good and young politicians from all parties.

      • 3

        I feel that SM is acting like he is the AKD-ventriloquist on the CT website….what are your thoughts on this? These days, with my work, I couldn’t read the CT articles. He repeatedly warns me about revealing my name, but not knowing the impact of it, and how stupid has he been? In those days I was helping Tamil refugees in Europe. Is it an inhuman act?
        When I go to help, I don’t care about race, religion, nationality, but I sacrifice it as a human being. For me, Sinhala man (one who does not know Sinhala) to be an interpreter for AKD is absurd.

      • 3

        Dear old codger,
        Many hours before commenting on this article what I did was I wrote to the author of this article, Emeritus Professor Asoka Ekanayake – that I have already said, and old codger has responded by saying that he imagined that all Anglicans knew one another. No. How did I suddenly get ANI’s email address?
        A well-known and totally honest person sent it to me. Why should I tell you who it was when I didn’t tell even ANI who it was, and ANI did not want to know either.
        His response to me came to me on “Wed, 15 Feb, 15:33 (2 days ago)” I’ve just copied that from my email – telling me that there is this email that was then waiting to be read. It was very cordial, and 266 words in length. ANI is an honest man, but is impossibly right-wing in his approach.
        Let me quote a little here:
        “Its very honest of you to admit that you will be voting for the NPP. I respect your openness. But ……………………”
        There’s always a “but” between two human beings, isn’t there?

    • 6

      “I was not aware of the still extremist internal nature of the JVP as spelt out in its website.”

      Haven’t you heard that a leopard can’t change its spots?

      • 12

        “Haven’t you heard that a leopard can’t change its spots?”
        That depends ……
        If you look at the UNP for example, it was easily the more chauvinist of the two main parties. Chandrika was the peacenik with her SLFP. Ranil was the one who tore up Chandrika’s package.
        The Old Left used to talk of secular socialism but have now thrown their lot in with the racists.
        The JVP HQ has giant pictures of Marx and Lenin, but not Mao. But even Sirisena had pics of Gandhi and Mandela!
        I think the JVP rank and file haven’t given up militant extremism, but the leader may have other ideas. How long will he last?

        • 4

          What is going on is theatre and costume change is no issue.

          • 5

            Not many theatre goers around I guess!

        • 4

          OC, truth is ” no political party or person has changed” but somehow the supporters want to believe in change. As long I’m concerned , from time to time, party ownership , initials, names, affiliation . . . . . . changed, not the rot.

          • 10

            Just because JVP is wolf in sheep’s clothing , does it make others any better ???? The difference is JVP killed many of their own, (obviously a concern to majority) where as others killed Tamils / minorities in equal or larger numbers. As usual Lankan political discussions are more about who killed more ???, who looted more ??? The debate is about BAD , WORSE and UGLY.

            • 5

              Logically, the Sinhalese should regard VP as better than Wijeweera, because VP wanted only part of the country, whereas Wijeweera wanted all. And VP killed more Tamils than Wijeweera. But Wijeweera is commemorated while VP is not. Why?

              • 8

                old codger,
                Wijeweera and Prabhakaran are our children.
                Isn’t it our actions that moulded them.
                They were products of their times.
                Each lost himself on his way.
                We lost our future.

                • 5

                  Will not, by the same token, MR and his family be our children?
                  Weren’t our actions that moulded them?
                  Weren’t they the products of their times?
                  Each of them lost himself on his way.
                  We lost a fair bit of our money.

              • 5

                “VP killed more Tamils than Wijeweera”
                Not many people around here will like to hear that.

              • 1

                OC, your point is well taken.

        • 5

          OC, Thank God, their site is not hacked. A random computer word count reveals that the document contains the word “Capitalist” 111 times, “class” 53 times, “Imperialist” 42 times, “Bourgeois” 37 times and “Revolutionary” ONLY 27 times. Appears, one who we’ll are familiar here in CT, may have designed the App for so called “not so Revolutionary ” Party. Never about changes or “what we can do”, it’s always “what others did wrong , or can’t”.

          • 2

            “…it’s always “what others did wrong , or can’t”.”
            I guess that you are not protesting about this.
            I can assure you that one can write a good essay on several subjects without once naming the the subject in the text.
            Thus a word count need not mean much.

            • 0

              SJ , in that case, short list what Socialism did not achieve in two third of humanity. ( in the name of Pesudo Socialism how they were screwed ). Like Religion, it’s NOT the Political concept / system at fault, those who exploited are pretending to practice and preach.

        • 6


          “Chandrika was the peacenik with her SLFP.” It was her father’s party, so wasn’t it natural for her to join it despite political and ideological differences with the SLFP?

          “Ranil was the one who tore up Chandrika’s package.” Was that a reflection of his personal political views or pragmatic politics? The new constitution was unpopular, with the Sangha spearheading opposition to it. That was an election year (2000) and support for it could have broken up the UNP and led to a bad election result.

          “The Old Left used to talk of secular socialism but have now thrown their lot in with the racists.”

          The Old Left now has only a small voter base and it can wield any influence only in alliance with a major political party. With their deeply ingrained anti-Capitalism and anti-“Imperialism,” the natural choice for them is the SLFP (and Pohottuwa), which has traditionally espoused those political views.

          Having said that, I, too, don’t think people’s views are always rigid and unchanging but, as a general rule, the proverb I quoted does hold true. For those contemplating voting for the NPP the present rule of the Taliban should serve as a good object lesson. There is a mismatch between the promises and assurances they gave to the international community when they assumed power and their actions now.

          • 3

            “There is a mismatch between the promises and assurances they gave to the international community when they assumed power and their actions now.”
            Has the US (aka international community) lived by its pledges? It has stolen a lot of money belonging to the Afghan people.

      • 4

        Dear Friends,
        I don’t think a once criminal is a forever criminal. Even Juliyampitiya Amaraya (serial killer) can be rehabilitated. Homo sapiens depending on their education, inherited energies and other factors would behave like animals.If there are no proper systems set to control them, their behaviours are no different.
        That is in them according to the behavioiural researchers. We knew it well that we are bankrupted at the time GOTABAYA built a fake govt. Neverthless whole lot of people believed in something which would never come to reality. Can a surgeon who knows nothing about scalpel
        However, Mahinda Rajapakshe the dog of the nation, still wasted 50 mllions of state funds for his trip to Bolonge/Italy in 2021. I got to know by myself from Hotel management, that they stayed in the most expensive hotel immorally abusing the people s funds…. can you imagine, how abusive man s head should be ?


        • 5

          In today’s context, we should not allow Rajapaksa and his supporters to enjoy a day the way they have been treated so far. No pardon, they should all be jailed for the rest of their lives.They repeatedly acted wasting unestimated wealth of the state.
          On the cost of the poor, they enjoyed their life so far. that is more than enough. We must not falsely adulate them for no good reason.
          The Rajapaksas and their henchmen are the cancer of this nation and we must punish them for their deliberate wrongdoings. In the same time, we should destroy RAJAPAKSHE SANGA FRATERNITYonce for all. Those mudalalis in sanga robes should be given any chance to abuse the law and order anymore. Medagoda abhaya thissa mudlali or the like should be hung by their balls.

          Their blood-soaked necklaces and neckcovers (satakaya) are synonymous with Swatika to the majority of people in this country today. 76 years after World War II, the swastika-Hitler symbol is still frowned upon by Europeans.


          • 4

            Not that I am totally against the JVPs, but I wish they would study more about the psyche of Sri Lankan people and become moderate thinkers.

            A large population (70%) of this country are farmers or poor income earners. Also about 40% live below the poverty line. They cannot understand the message of how to crush the rampant corruption that has infiltrated the country today.

            Sooner or later, a broad coalition of fair and decent people from all walks of life in this country must be formed. The same people are known to the JVP and their ideologies for the last 50 years.
            All parties must change for the good of the nation, but under young leaders. Such an alliance could do the real change, that we have all been waitng for.

    • 8

      Dear old codger,
      First part of message to you.
      Even I have no “magic way of knowing. I was sent a link to this article two days ago and asked to look at the comment that you had made. It was at terribly odd hours, but providence seemed to be working well. The message got to me in such a way that I then had Professor ANI’s email address also since an email from Professor ANI dated “Feb 12, 2023, 7:01 PM”
      When I turned on the computer, looked at the emails and got at your article it was still before 2.00 am on the 13th. Only old codger’s comment was there, but was later joined by Nathan’s.
      I decided to write to Professor ANI, whose reputation for honesty is unsullied. By the time my longish email introducing myself got sent it was “13 Feb 2023, 05:57”. Professor Ekanayake would undoubtedly grant this although he has not yet got back to me, although all my contact details were given. I don’t think that he would earlier have been able to place me.

      • 10

        “I don’t think that he would earlier have been able to place me.”
        And here I am, thinking that all you Anglicans know each other….

    • 6

      Dear old codger,
      Second part
      of my delayed message to you.
      The first part was complete but got sent off accidentally at 2.30 am when I was trying to add punctuation.
      I have told you exactly when I got to know Professor ANI’s email. Some of these people with whom I had got contact I have known for many years, others only very recently. Simon and I had our first chat as recently as Thursday the 9th February 2023, (just last week) after he had managed to find my telephone number.
      I wrote to Simon on 14 Feb 2023, 00:02 am (about 26 hours ago) telling him that I had written to ANI and that I would respond to this article, since I could see that Simon is countering it strongly, but it would be tragic if we did so, assuming that ANI is an implacable enemy. He’s a good man, but frightfully right-wing in his prescriptions.
      So, now I’d better do so, but at the bottom of the current pile of comments, since otherwise it would get confusing. I’m claiming that we’re simple honest people, doing what we constructively can.
      Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)


    • 3

      old codger,
      ANI addresses me as “Dear Panini”, but he opens by saying, “Thanks for writing and introducing yourself.”
      So, there, you were wrong, dear, oc. He didn’t know me, and I had said that I can’t remember him although I was sure that we must have been in the same room on certain occasions. I had told him about those occasions.
      And now we respect each other. “llelagemalli” and I have exchanged about 2000 emails – yes, literally. I did do some counting, but not of what we had sent each other. My email arranges correspondence as “conversations”. Getting the email provider to count those is easy. There were roughly 850 such conversations; each such conversation consists of multiple email. I didn’t make a note at that time about six weeks ago, and I’m not going to, either. What’s the point?
      LM and I have also spoken to each other on WhatsApp, and since we both have webcams, we have seen each other
      He ought to be below the contempt of us all, given that he hasn’t yet shut up.

  • 13

    “The answers reflect the embarrassing predicament of those who while projecting an image of being democratic socially sensitive liberals, nevertheless are forced to compromise their intellectual integrity by having to make excuses for the far left Marxist/Communist revolutionary character and sordid past of their coalition partners.”
    Why should one make excuses for any form of Marxist/Communist revolutionary character?
    Whether one accepts or rejects an ideology, one can have the decency to see a point of view and respect it for what it is worth.
    What about “those who while projecting an image of being democratic socially sensitive liberals” go on to defend imperialist aggression and denounce the victims of such aggression?

  • 5

    So let the JVP speak for itself and explain where it stands in its own words.

    In history when JVP got good votes it joined Rajapaksha, Rajapakse has signed a deal with the Sinhala nationalist JVP. in 2005. from this action it is Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing?

  • 8

    I have always been sceptic about the NPP, the new face of the JVP, despite AKD’s oratory skills & NPP’s strong appeal as a relatively young, educated bunch who are able to bring economic reforms, shake up the lethargic & inefficient Govt. service & bring to justice those responsible for mismanagement & syphoning state funds. If AKD & the new face of JVP are serious about reforms & uniting & rebuilding the country, I would not be convinced until they apologise to the people of SL for their violent & destructive past, when many innocent people were murdered. Now Prof. E has confirmed my suspicions, & visiting the JVP website by the link kindly provided, it is clear the old JVP is at the forefront, the NPP being just a dressing.

    • 5

      Wimal Weerawansa also has the ability to speak. What is clear is that he was sold to the Rajapaksa clan as a street man or woman. With mouth injuries, Wimal Weerawansa or others who come from an illiterate background have to struggle for their survival. They are like spreading diseases to insects in garbage dumps.

      Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa also has an oratorical skill. what was the outcome… he made the majority fools. It is all for his harvesting model.
      But isn’t it about time our stupid domineering people finally saw the difference – politics in the field is not as easy as people think.

      • 3

        they are like disease transmitting insects being found in garbage dumps.

  • 7

    Perhaps, the JVP agenda appeals to the vote base of those directly affected by the mismanagement & corruption of recent political parties & consider the JVP as the only saviours, & statistically, being larger than the average urban vote base, which may not be impressed with the ‘socialist’ governance of the JVP, maybe the strategy behind the promotion of communist ideology & the veneration of a past murderous leader as the saviour of the peasant class in their website, although, how many of that target audience have access to digital media is questionable. Nevertheless, as Prof. E points out, the website contents give a different picture to AKD’s assurance to the business community, therefore, to me, the JVP/NPP in power would be another North Korea in the making.
    The average SL voter has a history of voting for the opposition, just as switching pillows to cure the head ache or on nationalistic sentiments but I hope this time round, would act with caution & forethought as the country is at a very precarious position.

    • 7

      The JVP had no agenda aimed at the electorate since its birth in 1965 or so until after 1980.
      If the JVP seem the saviours, the reason is the performance of every national leadership.
      “JVP/NPP in power would be another North Korea in the making.”
      I think that you have said this before.
      Have you any idea of how North Korea came into being?
      Analogies cannot be built based on newspaper snippets.

  • 5

    The author has raised threefundamental questions aboot JVPs link with North Corea, the 1971 and 1977 insurgency impact on the people and have they apologised to the people for their violence. I don’t know whether his figures are based on any evidence or it is a fabricated numbers. However, it is important that JVP should regret for their mistakes if they believe that they made mistakes.

    But for me JVP was not in power during the past 75years and we should ask the major political parties who cheated the whole country and people in the name of democracy and responsible for violence, racism and fundamentalism which resulted hundreds of massacres, destruction of the properties and brought the coountry to the bankgruptcy and the unimaginable sufferings having illegal links with the so called leftists and capitalists countries. Have they ever regreted or apologised the people of this island.

  • 10

    I must “CREDIT?” this writer for taking all the “Pain” and “Trouble” to go through the “WEB” page of the JVP and find all that “Out Dated” dictums. In the end, he wants “JVP” to “APOLOGIZE” for all the “Crimes” committed in 1971 and 1989.

    That “Demand” for “Apology” is the “HIDDEN AGENDA” of all the reactionary forces of past and present that unleashed “TERROR” during those periods and those that followed to exculpate their culpability for crimes committed in the name of maintaining “PEACE”. It is nothing but “WHITEWASHING” the “Terror Regimes” beginning from 1958, 1971, 1983, and 1989, and the “30 Years War” ending in 2009. That “TERROR” unleashed by the “Governments” and the “State” against “HUMANITY” comprising of all ethenic communities was well EXPERIENCED and RECORDED and continued to a greater degree than anyone could imagine. That is why even UNCHR found a way of categorizing that “TERROR” as an “Economic Crime”.

    The IRONY is that NONE of the “TERROR” committed and that is being committed is not found in the “WEB PAGES” of any of the Governments and those “Political Outfits”. So the BEST and the EASIEST way out is to explain what is written on a “Web” page of one Political party and get SHIELDED behind to “EXONERATE” of all those CRIMES committed. That is what this writer is doing and he has done it well in his own view. Please remember: You cannot FOOL people all the time.

  • 11

    Leonard Jayawardene: You do not tolerate JVP nominating a defeated candidate (Sunil H) as being nominated outside the National List.

    But based on the same principle, how do you SEE or INTERPRET the nomination of Ranil W, the defeated candidate in the Parliamentary Election to occupy the only seat allocated to UNP under the National List? In addition, this “MP’ (Ranil W) being appointed to be the “PM” (not even holding more than ONE seat in the Parliament) and finally becoming the President of the country?

    Hope I have awakened your CONSCIENCE (if you have one).

  • 15

    I do not think much should be made of this article or the JVP website. One must focus most on what the contesting political parties say and do, and make a decision. I for one, do not trust the UNP or SLFP or SLPP or SJB etc as they are merely taking turns sharing the bounty of poor people and progressively enslaving them as we speak. If one closely examines the social and political environment surrounding the insurrections of the 1971 and 1987, one clearly sees how unfair the regimes had been, to the poor, the educated but unemployed graduates etc. After all, we who write articles here and comment on them are a minute minority while the vast majority of the population are “ideologically” or circumstantially represented only by the JVP. (although that vast majority is always taken for a ride by the major capitalist parties acting in tandem). The author sees Wijeweera as a monster and says so regularly. To Wasantha Mudalige of the Aragalaya and the JVP he is a hero. Wijeweera’s ideology is consistent with the condition of the masses, not the less than one percent of the ruling or industrial classes.

  • 9

    That’s the blueprint of their ideology. Good, because it should not be contaminated with elements of capitalism/imperialism. In reality (and it is well known), Marxism is a far cry from the old days of its inception, where the ground work was done through much suffering, for the future generations. Global Money created via hard-work-of-the-suffering- masses has new and proper meaning. Socialist groups world over collaborate with each other, and have thus set the stage for a much evolved and successful system. Whole world incorporates it. US, the bastion of Capitalism uses 40% of it to enhance their capitalism. Communist Russia and China uses 70% of it. Only Sri Lanka is STILL attempting to go 85% Capitalism (how embarrassing)! A poor, small, country like ours needs to go 95% Marxist. But, have no fear: JVP would probably go 65%.

  • 3

    A well written insightful article on NPP/JVP political front by the erudite Prof. A N I Ekanayaka. There could be doubts and guessing on the political ideology of this political front. Nevertheless people will not totally reject JVP this time as the main political contenders UNP, SLFP and SLPP had miserably failed in putting the country in proper order and betrayed the people by resorting to mega corruptions and abuses to the worst degree. Most unpardonable blunder is the way they discredited the government administrative infrastructures, police and judiciary. Not to mention about the agriculture sector and most importantly the power supply and health sector. Therefore UNP,SLFP and SLPP should be taught a lesson where all the corrupted leaders should be punished severely. In the past we have seen they are all partners of mega crimes and protect each other.

  • 7

    The link between N Korea and the JVP is much imagined.
    I like this anecdote from an old colleague “The people to blame for the 1971c insurrection are Ossie Corea, Gamini Corea and North Korea.”
    The only link was that at the time N Korea was promoting the works of Kim Il Sung and wanted translators. Premlal Kumaeasiri a former partner of N Sanmugathasan was working at the NK embassy and assibneed the task to various people, including JVP members.
    The accusations of NK involvement (and for a shorter while Chinese involvement) wore groundless and the SL government restored diplomatic relations with NK.
    Some pathetic anti-left ‘intellectuals’ cynically harp on such unfounded charges in their tireless anti-left crusades.

    • 5

      “Premlal Kumaeasiri … assigned the task to various people, including JVP members.”

      • 3

        If needed Lankan politicians can even make imaginary links with Aliens. Soon N. Korea will become economically better (if not already) and Lankans may have to find someone worse than us. Quite a difficult task, indeed. I still have a good laugh, about our politicians stereotyped / stupid answers ” they are jealous of our bankruptcy” (country), “they want to tarnish our failed nation / great success in bankrupting country”.

        • 6

          N Korea has survived decades of sanctions and blockades.
          So have several others.
          Do you not think that US sanctions against us will inspire the people to achieve? What is worrying therefore is that the US is warming up to this government.

          • 5

            In my opinion North Korea didn’t have much to do with JVP ( unless Rohana .W had some personal deals with Kim family , which many are unaware). Kim is definitely not working for the U.S.. Kim family survived decades of sanctions and blockade, but not the starving NK masses. Personally I do not think anything can inspire retarded people to achieve, not even U.S sanctions. I am equally worried with China warming up with any government.

  • 2

    The Electors must extract a firm undertaking from the JVP-NPP Clique how they will restitute the precious lives and properties they destroyed in the very unlikely scenario; if they secure enough votes to govern.

    • 10

      “JVP-NPP Clique”
      May I know how they become a clique? I thought that they have many members and have a substantial following.
      Can the same not be asked of the UNP and its scion or for that matter the SLFP and its scion and others (some are mere cliques I will agree) on which some pin their hopes?

  • 7

    ChatGPT gave me this poem when I asked it a question on Capitalism.
    Take it for what it is worth —

    Capitalism, a system so praised,
    Built on profits, wealth, and trade,
    It promises a better life,
    For all, free from want and strife.

    But in its core, it’s fundamentally flawed,
    With greed and wealth as its main applaud,
    The rich get richer, the poor stay poor,
    While the earth and its people suffer more.

    In this race for money and power,
    The value of human life does cower,
    Workers overworked, underpaid,
    Their rights and dignity often frayed.

    Capitalism seeks constant growth,
    With no regard for the consequences, both,
    The environment and future’s cost,
    As profit is all that is truly sought.

    It’s time to re-evaluate our ways,
    And embrace a system that truly pays,
    Where justice, equality, and fairness reign,
    And all can live a life without pain.

    So let us strive for a better world,
    Where greed and profit are not uncurled,
    Where everyone has the right to thrive,
    In a society that is truly alive.

  • 7

    And here is another ChatGPT poem, the other side of capitalism:

    Capitalism, oh mighty force,
    A system that inspires discourse.
    A way of life that’s here to stay,
    And leads us to a brighter day.

    It’s all about the freedom to choose,
    To earn your bread and to pay your dues.
    The market decides what we need,
    And from that, it takes the lead.

    The forces of supply and demand,
    Create a balance that is grand.
    With competition driving innovation,
    We see the fruits of cooperation.

    Capitalism rewards hard work,
    And encourages creativity to lurk.
    It helps us rise up to our dreams,
    And makes us strong, like a well-built team.

    The system has its flaws, it’s true,
    But it’s the best we have, it pulls us through.
    And with each new day, we can see,
    That capitalism will always be.

    A champion of growth and prosperity,
    A system that brings equality.
    A shining example for all to see,
    Capitalism, the best it can be.

    • 0

      It seems that ChatGPT can’t make up its mind.

      • 4

        Another interesting conversation with AI:
        “Who was Shiranthi Rajapaksa’s mother?
        Shiranthi Rajapaksa is a Sri Lankan politician and the wife of former Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa. Her mother’s name was Daisy Achchihami Jayawardena. She was the daughter of Tikiri Banda Jayawardena, a wealthy businessman from the Southern Province of Sri Lanka. Daisy Jayawardena was the second wife of Don Mathew Rajapaksa, Mahinda Rajapaksa’s father.”
        So Shiranthi and MR are guilty of incest.
        Obviously, something is very mixed up.

        • 5

          “Obviously , something is very mixed up”. May be not OC, with Rajapaksas anything is possible, after all they are decaying decadent of Mahavamsa ancestry.

      • 0

        OC, every system/concept has it’s pros and cons, isn’t it ? We also need to take into consideration the people who are implementing such concept. We cannot find fault with concept when the person or people are at fault. Now lets here about communism and socialism in it’s true forms and their pros and cons. ( not what is written but implemented).

    • 4

      Agnos, agree with both poems. (depends who said what). If you don’t mind please ask ChatGPT about communism and socialism, and in which part of the world, it has succeeded in it’s true form ???? For me, if ChatGPT can ace medical licensing board exams ( not all intelligent human can do on their first attempt) it sure can be more reliable than biased human.

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