2 May, 2024


Ex-UN Envoy Dayan J Calls For A Permanent Office Of The High Commissioner For HR In Sri Lanka

Urges that Govt, Pillay discuss the setting up of a OHRHC with a monitoring function with a mandate for the post-war period and as an alternative to an international inquiry into alleged war crimes

Sri Lanka’s ex-UN Ambassador to Geneva, Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka yesterday called for the setting up of an Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights (OHCHR) in the island, saying such a move would be in the public interest because of the state of human rights in the country in peacetime, a newspaper in Colombo said.

Dr. Dayan

Dr Dayan Jayatilleka, former Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Sri Lanka to the UN in Geneva (2007-2009) and a former Vice President of the UN Human Rights Council (2007-2008), advised that visiting UN Human Rights Chief Navi Pillay and the Sri Lankan Government should explore the possibility of a setting up an office with a monitoring function, the Sunday Leader’s Easwaran Rutnam reports.

He said that the OHCHR should function on the strict proviso that it is an alternative to an international inquiry mechanism in to the war that will be strictly limited to the post-war period, the report said.

“While ambassador/permanent representative to the UN in Geneva I was in the forefront of the opposition to such an office being established in wartime because I felt it could be used to leverage a ceasefire and forestall our definitive liberation from the Tigers.

I still think I was right at the time, but given the human rights situation in peacetime, the impunity and immunity flaunted by state terrorism against unarmed citizens, I think that such a presence of the UN Human Rights High Commissioner’s Office would be in the public interest,” the newspaper quoted Dr. Jayatilleka as saying.

The newspaper said that Dr Jayatilleka, who has had direct dealings with Pillay during his term in Geneva, said she can be seen as independent and highly autonomous. “She is by no means a front for the West or the global North. She has criticized the USA, Israel, Libya, Syria and Iraq. The worst I can say about her contains a sincere compliment within the criticism; she is a human rights fundamentalist. The world needs such people,” the report quoted the former Ambassador as saying.

Dr Jayatilleka however told the newspaper that it would be a ‘joke’ if anyone in the Government thinks they can be tough with her when she comes. “Navi Pillay is impossible to intimidate. If the Government tries to be ‘tough’, the world’s media will relay it, and we shall lose even more votes than we have lost already in the UN Human Rights Council.

Navi Pillay is a respected world figure, known as a moral and ethical voice and a keeper of conscience. I have crossed swords with her successfully on important occasions, but have great respect for her,” the newspaper quoted Jayatillaka as saying.

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  • 0

    General Public have no trust on what Dr.Dayan Jayatila says now, our Sanwedee Nayakathuma has realized that fact more than anyone else in this country.

    Generally people used to trust in what educated, Intelligent people says and writes and follow their ideologies as long as they trust their credibility.

    Unfortunately Dr.Dayan Jayatiklaka has lost that credibility since he change tunes for regime after regime, leader after leader and Nihathamani Nayaka thuma realized that there is no use of Dr. DJ now. For him Bandula Jayasekara, Shavendra Silva, Shenuka Seneviratna etc. etc. are more important than Dr. DJ.

    Like Aadambarakara thatha discarded Gen. Sarath Fonseka, Dr. Shirani B, he discarded Dr.DJ also due to the above fact.

    There is no doubt that he is an educated person, but again Intelligent and Educated has two different meanings.

    This is my Idea about the learned Doctor. If am wrong somebody may correct me please.

  • 0

    Dear Dayan,

    You are a hypocrite.The human rights violation by the state, governments, and armed forces are not specific after the end of war. If the OHCHR was their during the war then there is no need for Navi Pillai to come to this country now. Most of the violations happened during the war with LTTE was attributed to the violation of the State. LTTE may be a terrorist or violent organization that stood against a historical terror movement of the Sinhala states and Sinhala military. You were with one of the terror group (government) that killed thousands of innocent civilians using weapons of mass destruction and used food and medicine as weapons against civilians including hospitals and schools. It is the same state that were behind the violence of 1983, 1977, and 1958.

  • 0

    /* http://www.dailymirror.lk/caption-story/34386-ravana-balaya-against-pillai-visit.html */

    MR invites Navi Pillai to Sri Lanka and he takes a trip to overseas avoiding meeting her.
    And he let’s his Ravana balaya shout against his invitation of Pillai.

    Why can’t he be a real leader and face the issues rather hiding and running away.

  • 0

    /* Ex-UN Envoy Dayan J Calls For A Permanent Office Of The High Commissioner For HR In Sri Lanka */
    Dayan has the courage to call a spade a spade.
    Hope they won’t unleash the senas, Weerawansas, Mervins, thugs against Dayan.

    • 0


      Premadasa had two Rottweilers, one was Dyan and the other was Douglas. He unleashed both on foreign dignitaries when they raised human rights violations in this island.

      MR had two Rottweilers, one was Dyan and the other was Douglas. He unleashed both on foreign dignitaries when they raised human rights violations in this island.

      A note about Rottweilers:

      As with most old breeds, their prey drives require much training to dampen.

      – Curiosityaroused.com

      Here is what he wrote in his comment above:

      “If I were on a time machine back in 2009, I would do exactly the same thing as I did then.”

      His comment amply demonstrate his “prey drive”.

      • 0

        Native Vedda,

        People may have different positions on different period of time. Even buddha had a normal family life at a younger age. You may agree or not agree DJ position in 2009. For me I would agree his position on 2009 (knowing what we all suffered from LTTE) but I don’t have much details to comment about his role in Premadasa era.

        Sometimes comparison info in different era doesn’t have a uniform scale.

        What is important is how we look at what crisis we go through today and what is good for the country and people. It is very clear MR is driving the country in wrong direction in foreign policy, reconciliation, multi culturism.

        Who is there to give best advice for him?

        • 0


          “Sometimes comparison info in different era doesn’t have a uniform scale.”

          The same Dyan was with EPRLF which also fought for Eelam committed war crimes and crime against humanity. His Rottweiler days with RP & MR cannot erased from contemporary history.

          The pattern of his behaviour is more important than what he says now.

          So far he has not apologised to the victims of state terrorism nor their families. While he was supposed to be key adviser (responsible for more war mongering)to two presidents, large scale war crimes and crimes against humanity were committed by armed forces, in North and South of the island.

          Since 1987 I have spoken to Sinhala/Tamil/Muslims victims of the war through out the island.

          For this man to deny war crimes in the international forums and elsewhere, he is intellectually dishonest or plain stupid. I don’t believe what he says, underneath he is a self seeking, war mongering intellectual humbug.

          I don’t believe you should demand readers of this forum to trust his words.

  • 0

    The old wily fox is at it again to sway the opinion away from having an independent international inquiry into alleged war crimes. When Dayan writes about something this important the usual two frontal eyes are insufficient, you need two at the back, too. It is a well known fact that the Rajapaksa regime has mastered the art of deceit to its finest form. Commission this and commission that and now a committee to investigate disappearances and the police now severed from the defence ministry but lo and behold headed by a former senior military man are all the perfection of the art of deceit and duplicity. Dayan, you are not needed by the Rajapakse regime, at least not now. Have you still not realised how MR used you to the hilt. Unfortunately for them, the sticky issues have become so sticky that the Rajapaksas have become very frustrated at not having everything their way.

  • 0

    Dear Sir,

    Please stop this rediculous suggestion.
    Another white washed Office? Forget it.
    it will be headed by a brigadier wanted for war crimes
    or you sir?
    Well,4 out of 5 on the committee/office will be government stooges.Would the public dare go to see them in this office you suggest should be open in Sri Lanka.?

    You are encouraging the violence to go on.are you suggesting that none can bring this government down?

    Kindly refrain from such melodramatic suggestion.
    You have fallen from grace a long time ago.I see the struggle you are having to get back on the black horse you were riding before.

    You are off this saddle and off with the public who remember you of yester year.
    Are you reading this thread and the ‘come back’ you recieve from these readers.
    Take a rest it will do you good.

    • 0

      hannah rajaratnam,

      I don’t agree with you. Dr.Dayan along with the true patriots should not allow a Villege Gamarala became President now abusing his 18th Amendment powers to supress citizens.

      The absolute Swolen Head false Pride Nut head has to be taught how to govern the country on a Democratic, equal justice, freedom and equal rights for everybody path…….or to face Hague criminal courts. There are no Dictators in Democratic countries. Everybody is equal.

      The sooner the true patriots teach these basic Governing principles to the absolute Moron the better for the country and it’s people.

  • 0

    Dr Dayan Jayathillake’s spruiking is understandable.

    But some comments carry a lot of importance and relevance.

    For example Mr Sengutuan reckons there will be a need for UN Troops unless Rajapaksa bend over to Sambandan..

    Being a close associate of Vellalas in Colombo and a sort of “politbureau member” of the LTTE proxy TNA, does he know something whch the ordinary punters are not up to speed with?.

    • 0

      K A Sumanasekera you always talk of ‘bending over’ tell me are you gay hahahahahahahaah!

  • 0

    Such an office is useless to protect human rights.

    PLENTY of examples from around the world! :)

    There were no war crimes against humans so no reason to fear non existent war crimes.

    Like the chickens that ran into fox’s cave fearing the falling sky.

  • 0

    It looks like Dayan Jayathilake is looking for UN job while operating from Sri Lanka OR he wants to be an NGO too.

    He is looking for avenues.

    • 0

      No patriot would like to see the country been screwed by an absolute uneducated moron with his bunch of cronic Game Nades.

      What does a Kangetta, Alibaba, Julampitiya Amare and Atha Kota know about governing a country except ruining it. Look at the Parliament….a bunch of crackows.

      There should be more of Dr.Dayan like minded people to come foreward to rescue Sri Lanka from Alibabas.

  • 0

    Mr. Sumanasekera, my friend

    “For example Mr Sengutuan reckons there will be a need for UN Troops unless Rajapaksa bend over to Sambandan..” That is not what I said.
    Please refrain from mischief and read my comments in this page again.

    I think you have more savvy than the Brothers or those “advisors” that crowd them 24×7. The Indian PM sending our Postman without an yes or no; Karunanidhi and JJ on the war-path; University students in Tamilnadu and the Balachandran Movement grabbing the limelight are
    dangerous signs. The local media appears to be under instructions
    to get Mrs Pillay to make a wrong move. Already there are inspired Reports she told Hakeem the Police Dept. should be under the Justice Ministry???? She far too astute to fall for such tricks. GR’s anger and MRs false grin are not going to help check the oncoming tidal waves. Dayan J openly jettisoning the sinking ship is a further sign it can be the Ides of March from late September to December for The Royal Family. There is always the possibility the Bros will miscalculate and sabotage the Sept 21 NPC elections – blaming the Indians for the fallout.

    Let’s wait and see as interesting times are ahead.


    • 0


      Yes…..Let’s wait and see the Interesting times ahead, and hope the Adambara Thatha will read your comment.

      Only a Kasippu drunkared with the brains not in the head but between the legs will only pay no attention to what truly happening outside Sri Lanka.

      The time the drunkared Moron wake up……it will be too late then.

  • 0

    Jayantha- I understand what you are saying.Unfortunately that is not the way to solve this problem.As I said the office/committee will be manned by the cohorts of the GOSL.Un experts -from where? The GOSL kicked out the NGO’s during the last weeks of the war.someone shot 14 workers travelling in their coach.
    An white washed office will not solve the HR issue.

  • 0

    Jaynatha – I was in SL.Will it be Parripu or ? that will be dropped on the Araliya master bedroom.Looks like you know whats happening in the araliya compound.

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