3 May, 2024


President Denies PM’s Son Chief Minister post; SLFP Old Guard Unhappy

President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s decision not appoint Prime Minister D.M. Jayaratne’s son Anuradha the Central Province Chief Minister after the September 21 election is irking senior SLFP members, Colombo Telegraph learns.

Anuradha Jayaratne topped the Central Province preferential votes list.

When battles were raging inside the UPFA during the elections campaigns in the Central and North Western provinces, President Rajapaksa promised that the decisions about Chief Ministers would be made based on who tops the preferential votes list.

Anuradha, DM and MR

Dayasiri Jayasekera who informed Government sources said struck a deal with the President about the Wayamba chief ministerial slot garnered a record breaking 300,000 plus preferential votes in the region.

Anuradha Jayaratne, who is the Premier’s son, also topped the Central Province list.

However the Government decided to grant the Chief Minister post to the incumbent Sarath Ekanayake on the basis that the sons of ministers in cabinet could not be made chief ministers.

The decision of the President has raised eyebrows in the SLFP given the rampant nepotistic rule of the Rajapaksa family. Prime Minister Jayaratne has publicly stated that the Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa’s son was the Chief Minister despite the Rajapaksa policy.

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    MR has cunningly avoided the Prime Minister issue. Had MR given the CM post to DM’s son, DM would have had to resign from the PM’s post resulting in Maithripala Sirisena or Simenthi Pala Silva vying for the post. See the garrulous mouth DM’s condition today. He is paying for what he did during his day. What a comic situation? Earlier there was Mrs. B occupying the PM’s post as a figurehead under CBK and she did not know whether she was coming or going till she died, where parts of her limbs were removed. Now this Bugger DM who has joined the non-alligned and what a sight for a functional PM of a country. Munta Ohomawela Madhi. Wait and see what will happen to MR in the end. Curse the whole bloody lot, trust they will suffer immensely before they die.

    • 0

      Don’t you worry about the winners. They’re fine. Tell us whatever happened to Attanayake, the guide of the losers you bugger. What say you eh.

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      I totally agree with you. Velupillai Prabhakaran thought he is the “Sun God” the everlasting light giver. He made people worship him and created suicide bombers to protect his dynasty.

      Ultimately not only the Sun God, but his whole family was wiped out from the earth.

      Very soon the “Wolf God” will follow ‘Sun God’s” destiny.

      What goes around comes around. Already have started. Have little patience.

      • 0

        [Edited out] Mahela [Edited out] , why you bring VP into this? If you want to curse you can curse the bastard who you call the President of Srilanka. Lets all curse the Rajapakka family. I swear if I get a chance I will kill the entire Rajapakka family including that ugly shite Shiranee. Is that even a human being or a smiling buddha statue? I think Rajapakka jeeps Shiranee to bring him luck when he rubs her fat belly. I hope they all suffer very soon. They were over-filling there stomach while an average family coudn’t even afford a decent meal a day.

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      These greedy guys are destroying Sri Lanka.

      And voters keep electing them.

      DM should have retired longtime ago. But hell no, greed is too powerful.

      • 0

        Are voters electing them or are voters given a genuine alternative choice?

      • 0

        Dimu gives a damn to what happens to people in his electorate.
        This rascal, struck by various ailments, including facial paralysis, should have resigned long ago and allowed another MP
        to serve the people in the electorate. But the perathaya, already
        brain dead, will continue until he is taken to be buried. Someone should go into his rackets during the time he was made Cabinet Minister and let the public know the amount he has stolen, including using Govt funds to his private expenses. This includes
        printing expensive Wedding Cards and the Hilton Hotel Reception Bill for his son’s wedding – all paid by Ministry funds.

        What a joke that goes as democracy in Sri Lanka – the Land like no other?


    • 0

      Gamini – Dimu as PM is one of the low points of Sri Lanka’s recent history. You refer to his state today for what he did all these years. Tamils in the Matale/Gampola region the crimes he committed in 1977 and 1983 – personally going on the attack and leading mobs. The Police refused to take down Entries from Tamils. As Minister of Agriculture the first thing he did was to load a large Invoice on the imports of Urea using a crook called Gangoda. Both had an expatriate Lankan arrested at the airport on false charges. The real story was the man refused to pay a large “Advance” as Dimu’s cut. When CBK was looking for another as PM Dimu threatened to commit suicide by jumping from the upstairs of Temple Trees. What a joker who became our PM.

      And the two-in-waiting? What a choice. Maitripala S knows he will be demoted in the next re-shuffle. To bolster his claim he started a con story against Ceylon Tobacco saying they offered him US$500 million as a bribe. The man does not know his arithmetics. CTC has threatened to sue him unless he retracts. Simenthi Silva, the other crooked aspirant, looks more like a comedian. Will MR create history in making Basil the PM?


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      Why couldn’t the PM be selfless and resign to pave the way for the son? How greedy can the PM get at his age?

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      this pic probably was taken while DM was seeking Medical Attention in USA. both, the President and PM are wearing sweaters over their shirts….

      OR is it the central Air Conditioned houses the Politicians have in their homes?

      Unta Lamborgini apita badagini


      Lamborgini for them while we, the masses starve….

    • 0

      The container labelled “Grease, Ceramic and Plastic Goods”, which was found to have Asia’s largest stock of 260 kg Heroin with street value of Rs 2.6 billion.had been shipped from the Port of Karachi in Pakistan on June 17, 2013 and had been unloaded at the Port of Colombo on the June 22, 2013. Upon a tip-off received by the Western Province Intelligence Bureau officers, Police Narcotic Bureau had made a request from Sri Lanka Customs to examine the container before clearing it out. It is during this time, politicians had made undue influences upon Sri Lanka Customs to get the container cleared. The drug lords who tried to smuggle in 261 Kilos of Heroin from Pakistan concealed inside grease cans, had made a desperate attempt to get the container cleared from the Port of Colombo through the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka- Disanayaka Mudiyanselage Jayaratne. The racketeers had even sent orders to Sri Lanka Customs, through secretaries, under official letterheads of the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Disanayaka Mudiyanselage Jayaratne and his son Anuraddha Jayaratne. One such order has demanded to reduce the VAT on the container from 15%. The second order had been sent to quicken the clearance of the container from the Port. These two orders have been sent in the form of letters and another order has been issued to the Petroleum Corporation under the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Disanayaka Mudiyanselage Jayaratne’s letterhead to issue a report on the grease immediately. Sri Lanka Customs officers and the Police Narcotics Bureau which are investigating on this matter are in possession of the original copies and the photocopies of these letters.
      Two racketeers who have been arrested regarding the matter, the Sri Lankan agent of this racket Mohammed Kaamil owner of Rohan Impex, of T-30, Railway Quarters, Maligawatte and the Pakistani agent Jamaal Casif Ayes Abdul had worked together for some time in Kuwait. There they had been associating with a female agency worker who had come to Kuwait. Husband of that woman had been a close associate of the Prime Minister Disanayaka Mudiyanselage Jayaratne’s son Anuraddha Jayaratne. It is in that way the racketeers had gained the the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Disanayaka Mudiyanselage Jayaratne’s connection to get this container cleared from the port. Mohammed Kaamil owner of Rohan Impex had applied for the registration at the Department of Registrar of Companies only after the container had reached the country on June 22, 2013.
      Investigation sources reveal that neither the the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Disanayaka Mudiyanselage Jayaratne nor his son Anuraddha Jayaratne had been aware of any drug racket and that they have been misled by the racketeers. However, the Pakistan drug lords had planned to start a tea exporting business by joining hands with the the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Disanayaka Mudiyanselage Jayaratne’s son Anuraddha Jayaratne, appointing him as the Sri Lankan partner in the trade.
      Secretary of the the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Disanayaka Mudiyanselage Jayaratne admitted the issuing of the letters and said that it was a mistake. He stated that as the the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Disanayaka Mudiyanselage Jayaratne was engaged in his son Anuraddha Jayaratne’s election campaign work and had signed many letters forwarded to him by his party associates and the racketeers had taken advantage of this busy nature. He further emphasized that the the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Disanayaka Mudiyanselage Jayaratne or his son Anuraddha Jayaratne have no knowledge of this narcotics container at all.
      The official of the the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Disanayaka Mudiyanselage Jayaratne’s office also said that after the incident, the the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Disanayaka Mudiyanselage Jayaratne has stopped signing for any of the letters except a few compulsory documents. However, the attention of the investigation squads who are following the trail, have been drawn into information received about this Pakistani drug Lord giving bribes of Rupees Millions to various parties, in order to get this container cleared. A senior investigation officer had said that information has been received about a bag of money which had been kept by the Pakistani suspect who had been staying in the Salmar Hotel Maradana, to be distributed among various parties. Meanwhile, a special team of the American DEA which comes under the US Department of Justice has arrived in Sri Lanka for a special investigation. These US officials have taken Samples of the Grease tins and also the fingerprints which were seen among the drugs. Pakistani Narcotics Control Unit and Indian “Q Branch” officers have arrived to Sri Lanka with regards to this matter.
      The Sri Lanka Customs said the heroin was packed into 1,592 units of hygiene and plastic equipment and 17,520 into 17,520 tins containing grease.
      Pakistani Zarder Azar who was directly involved in the smuggling of this stock of heroin, was arrested in an area close to the Kashmir border in Pakistan after Interpol and Pakistani’s AntiNarcotics Force were informed. Zarder Azar is due to be brought to Sri Lanka to face charges under an extradition treaty.

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    no comments coz no use

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    This is called “Your Amma Amma. Our Amma Summa.”

  • 0

    “However the Government decided to grant the Chief Minister post to the incumbent Sarath Ekanayake on the basis that the sons of ministers in cabinet could not be made chief ministers”

    Then is it Possible that Shashidra Rajapaksha is not the Son of President’s elder brother, Chamal Rajapaksha’s son? I am confused. Could our Aathal Sumane or Sooty could explain this please.

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      On a different note, whose son is Malaka???

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        Who must have had a hand in the accidents of Rugby player late Wasim Thajudeen?

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        kepeepp the photos of malaka, namal, yoshitha and the other son of Mara together and and have a careful look at them and decide yourself

    • 0

      Chamal is not a minister.

    • 0

      I would love to add those other three sons, I mean those three gankabara petaws also look totally different to each other. No similarities or resemblances whatsoever. Can our Athal Potta (potter) Sumane elaborate on that too please.

  • 0

    SLFP old guard is a bunch of political-family worshipping, Cry Babies.

    So called SLFP old guard only wakes up, when plum positions are denied to them by their leadership. To cry in public. Like children crying for a bottle of Fanta.

    Otherwise they are too busy feeding off poor Sri Lankan tax payers’ money in hybernation. Driving around in petrol drinking, 4W driven vehicles at state expense.

    These shameless monkeys are curse to Sri Lanka.

    What is exactly SLFP old guard’s complain?

    Horrific Rajapassa family nepotism should be replaced by SLFP old guard nepotism?

    No way! Rajapassa does not like challenges. They nip it in the bud. Rajapassa clan is jealous and calculating.

    Taste your own medicine PM DM! And please retire. You are not fit enough to be Sri Lanka’s PM. You are only there due to your greed for perks and power. And to make sure your family will succeed you.

    Sri Lankan nation is paying a heavy price for your bottomless greed.

    Dumb Sri Lankan voters who elect these despicable politicians should be ashamed of themselves.


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      Ben Hurling

      “Dumb Sri Lankan voters who elect these despicable politicians should be ashamed of themselves”

      What is the alternative, TNA with Wigneshwaran as president?

      • 0

        Hey Native, maybe you’re on to something there!

        But seriously, how much further ‘down’ could we go???

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        I have no idea why men of Wiggie’s and Sumanthiran’s calibre are with the TNA.

        They should be in the national game. Leading all Sri Lankans to a better place. Not just narrrow minded Tamil tribalists of TNA.

        Wiggie is a bit tarnished now by TNA’s terrible reputation in the south.

        Yet, he is a man of honour. He would be a better President of SL than most others in the SLFP or UNP. At least, he will respect our country’s constitution. That alone is enough for me. Compared to the incumbant clan, ruining this nation’s fragile institutions.


    • 0

      You never cried for Milk then? Only cried for a bottle of fanta while your dada drank all the milk. Did your dada drink all the milk or the next door neighbour lol.

  • 0

    Why does CT waste our time quoting governing principles that do not exist??? We have long left the group of nations governed by principled well meaning politicians, who make mistakes, but their intent is always to do their best. That is just dreams for the Mahavamsa!!

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    There needs to be a legal mechanism where those achieving the highest number of votes challenge in the highest courts, any appointments that do not recognise these merit-based criteria.

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      Beg to disagree.I think the preferential votes system should be scrapped altogether.Creates too much infighting and chaos.The westminister system brought in infighting between parties and peoples and the preferential system brought in fighting within parties.See china and compare with india.China is progressing relentlessly flattening countries one by one.

  • 0

    kapuwa kapothi !

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      [Edited out]

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    Akamathi thuma’s son is knocked out by Rajapase scheming. There is one policy for Rajas and another for Pandam karayas.

  • 0

    Dear Anuradha
    Don’t worry. you only son of D.M. you are not son of MR family or not jumped from U.N.P.

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    i hope K A Sumanasekera does not come in and say its another Vellala conspiracy here too ;-)

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      No sweat, Peace Lover. Justice CVW will drink tea and consume non-veg snacks at TT. Vellalas consider the Goigama (I believe MR is one) as coming close to them – caste wise. By Gad, Sir, not equal. Will be nice if KAS is sent an invitation. The man is so obsessed with the Vellalars and would do anything to get near one – the original commodity, that is. He’ll give an arm and a leg for a Photo-Op to be seen with a Tamil V and a Sinhala G coming together.


      • 0

        Correction – I meant veg. Not non-veg. Apologies.

        If the Indian Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid “accidentally”
        shows up at the swearing in on Monday (Oct 07) it will add to the lustre of the occasion and may make both sides happy. Besides,
        JJ and Muna Kana plus the lot in Tamilnadu too. Add to that the Delhi-walas Dr.MM, Sonia, Palaniappan and the rest. To borrow from the old English Bull-Dog “never has one single occasion, pleased so many in as many different places” That sadly might not include the permanently angry Wansa. But for sure, he might not rush in with the Letter of Resignation although, once again, he shot his uncontrollable tongue too fast.


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    It is time President Rajapakse gets advice from Chief Minister Justice Wigneswaran before he makes any decisions. Once again by giving a free seat to a Muslim Justice Wigneswaran has proven beyond doubt that he is superior to the President in governing. President Rajapakse when it came to his own kith and kin acted differently.

  • 0

    Hi- My friend MR make Namal Rajapakse Esqr the Prime Minister of Democratic Sri Lanka. None of the socalled SLFP seniors will go against that proposal of HE the President. One reason is both of the contenders are involved in corrupt practices etc. etc. nurses etc. I do not want to name the person. One of my friends wanted to open a nursing school in Sri Lanka.First the minister said was “deposit 50 lakhs” in my son’s account. That is the end of the Nursing School. Naml Esquire is the best person to become the Prime Minister. See North Korea – the young fellow (president) with a biggest arsenal in the Asia running the country.bye-nihalg

  • 0

    Hi- Rajapaksa’s like vellalas. our MR and Anura B used to visit Jaffna very often when they were young – Alfred Duraiappah was the host. He is a real Brown Sahib.Not a thala thel jaffna gent. Unfortunately he was gunned down by VP, therefore our MR is not an enemy of the Jaffna people – he has a soft heart for them. bye-nihalg

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