3 May, 2024


Status Of Tamils, Women, And Homosexuals In Sri Lanka

By Jagath Asoka

Dr. Jagath Asoka

Every “emotion-based reaction” is a complex; all fundamentalists and racists react to comments on religion, race, or ethnicity as if their religion, race, or ethnicity is their own mother. When you combine ethnicity and religion—e.g., Sinhala Buddhist—even the psychiatrists cannot figure out how to name such combined complexes.

When I was ten-years old, I saw what this “mother complex” can do to a person. While my elder brother and I were playing, a teenager from our neighborhood insulted our mother; he just used two Sinhala words; my brother punched the guy in the nose, and the guy left with a bloody nose, weeping like a willow tree. My brother did not even have time to think; he just reacted; literally, he was faster than his own shadow; I stood there, totally transfixed; then I laughed, thinking, “How is he going to do that to my mother?” If you have a complex, it will give rise to abnormal or pathological behavior.

I was somewhat struck by the number of malevolent responses given to my previous article: A Tamil President in Sri Lanka. Contrary to what we see and hear, there are Sinhala Buddhists who would support the idea of a Tamil President in Sri Lanka, provided that he or she is a decent, honorable, erudite person who is fluent in Sinhalese. What do you want to do? Make an amendment to the Sri Lankan constitution to keep cloning Mahinda Rakapaksa and his brothers so that they can rule Sri Lanka for forever?

The schizophrenic clamor of anti-Tamil voices that we often hear—the venom of the bigoted Sinhala-Buddhists—comes from the mentally demented. I do not know a single Sinhala Christian who hates Tamils so much. Hating Tamils, is it a Sinhala Buddhist phenomenon in Sri Lanka? There is no pill for this disease of hatred which is one of the roots of evil—greed, hatred, and delusion; we have so many pharmaceuticals for people who are delusional; as far as I am aware, the major pharmaceutical companies are not working on this potential, multibillion dollar, blockbuster drug for hatred, because the psychiatrists have not labeled this as a mental disease, yet. We learn from the history of mental diseases that our psychiatrists have been always too slow to diagnose mental diseases. Hatred is a symptom of a demented soul that has not been diagnosed as a mental disease; there are other forms of undiagnosed mental diseases: schizophrenic, virulent clamor of fundamentalists of all religions, racism; anti-Semitism, homophobia, misogyny, etc. So, if you are boiling with hatred towards Tamils, or if you deny that there is no such problem in Sri Lanka, I cannot help you: there is no pill, yet.

Before we find a cure for cancer, we need to find a cure for hatred, based on race and religion, because this kind of hatred have killed more human beings than all the physical ailments known to us. If you are a bigoted, Sinhala Buddhist fundamentalist, be careful, because I know very well that you firmly believe in karma and rebirth—two central tenets of Buddhism. So, in your next life, you will be born as hapless Tamils or other minorities that you hate so much. If you choose not to believe in rebirth, in this particular case, learn from our recent history—all you need is just a modicum of imagination. I lived in the former Soviet Union for six years, while studying for my MS degree. I never thought in a million years that in 1990s, the mighty superpower would collapse and form 15 third-world countries. What guaranty do we have that this will not happen in India?  What if in 50 years Tamil Nadu becomes a sovereign country? The India that we see today is a remnant of the British Empire; In the Middle-East, the boundaries that were drawn by the British are literally disappearing as you read this article.  If Tamil Nadu becomes a powerful country, where more than 70 million Tamils reside, what will happen to Sri Lanka? If this happens, unless Sri Lankan Tamils firmly believe that Sri Lanka is their own county, your grandchildren will pay for the sins that you are committing today. Have you seen a Sri Lankan Tamil rooting for India when we play cricket, Sri Lanka versus India?  Myopia is worse than any phobia that I know.  So, do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. Think of what the Buddha had preached about the consequences of hatred—most of you repeat and regurgitate the following verse in Dhammapada, “Hatred does not appease hatred…” as a daily mantra; if it does not work for you, read what Jesus had preached about loving your neighbor. According to the non-canonical Revelation of Peter, those who insult others will be held by their tongues over the eternal fires of Hell. According to the Buddha, “He who seeking his own happiness punishes or kills beings who also long for happiness, will not find happiness after death.” Had he been alive, the Buddha would have said, “Be kind to your Tamil brothers and sisters; Muslim brothers and sisters; and share your land, wealth, and the political power with them.” I am pretty sure that the BBS Buddhist monks would drop a boulder on the Buddha for his views on minorities.

Well, what is the status of women and homosexuals in Sri Lanka? When it comes to choosing a woman as their leader, Sri Lankans have a better track record than the enlightened Americans: Sri Lankans have elected two women as their leader so far. Probably, Sri Lanka already had a gay Prime Minster; perhaps, one day Sri Lankans will elect a gay President, because when it comes to gays and lesbians, Sri Lankans are much more tolerant. A gay Sinhala Buddhist man has a better chance of becoming the Executive President in Sri Lanka than a heterosexual Tamil man. What are the chances of a gay Christian man becoming the President here in the USA?

In general, Sri Lankan women are much more dependable than Sri Lankan men. Both Muhammad Yunus of Grameen Bank and the Coca-Cola Company are aware of the power of women in Asian and African countries: Grameen Bank lends to women; at the Clinton Global Initiative meeting, the Coca-Cola Company announced that they are going to build 150 kiosks in 20 countries to offer water, electricity, and Internet connections; these kiosks will be managed by women, not men.

Most American and European women think that Sri Lankan women are timid and subservient. Sri Lankan women appear to be timid and subservient only in public; in Sri Lanka, women have the real power. They let Sri Lankan men act macho and talk big in public, but at home women make men kneel down like obedient dogs. Have you seen the basilisk looks that some Sri Lankan women give to their husbands when they misbehave in public? Sri Lankan women can gorgonize you with their looks. Do not mess with Sri Lankan women.

To some extent, this tolerance of gays and lesbians and the attitude towards women comes from Buddhism. Although the Buddha was reluctant at first, he allowed women to join his community. We are told that the Buddha hesitated whether to teach or not; perhaps, he had the similar reluctance of allowing women to be part of his community. Later, in certain countries, Buddhism became misogynistic. I do not know whether in Theravada Buddhist scripture it is mentioned that one day a woman will be a Buddha. I do not know any anti-homosexual statements in the Buddhist scripture. I am pretty sure that there were gays and lesbians when the Buddha was alive. The Buddha was totally against the caste system in India. I am surprised that the hatemongers did not kill the Buddha for his liberal views on women and caste system in India.

On the other hand, we find the following statement in the Bible (First Timothy): A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love, and holiness with propriety. This biblical attitude towards women probably determined the fate of women in many Christian nations.

After seeing the comments in my previous article, my friends sincerely lamented over our failure to admit this demonic, malevolent fever that is endemic within us, while some of my acquaintances used this occasion to promote their hidden hatred and bigotry, and used social media and their demented friends to spread this abominable demonic, malevolent fever. When people say that all 22 million Sri Lankans are living a happy life in Sri Lanka, it sounds like that they are living in their own la-la land. What seems like utopia to you will turn into dystopia when this suffering, lawlessness, killings, disappearances, and intimidation experienced by many hapless Sri Lankans visit your own doorsteps; so, enjoy while ignoring the sufferings of others, and soon it will be yours as well. It is just a matter of time. Even though this abominable, noxious stench of anti-Tamil hatred is so pervasive in Sri Lanka, I still have great hope because the fragrance of sincere love and compassion for minorities constantly emanates from the compassionate hearts of many Sri Lankan Sinhala Buddhists. Here is what I believe: Be a Sinhalese, a Tamil, a Muslim, or a Burgher, we cannot be separate Sri Lankans. We are brothers and sisters after all. Do not waste your precious life—you are never going to have this precious life again—by focusing only on greed, hatred, and delusion. 

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Latest comments

  • 1

    Well written. Tamils in TN grow fatser than other states in India and in next 20 years, the poulation will be doubled or tripled which will be 20 crores Tamils in world. Truly if they dont stop fanning hatredness towards Tamils, the dangers that will lead to is insurmountable.

    • 0

      Hey that’s an explosion of poverty!
      Nalli Cut!

      • 1

        Thanks for this!
        Please translate into Sinhala and publish is the Sinhala press to EDUCATE the narrow minded Sinhalaya modayas..

    • 2

      Jagath Good stuff – keep it coming machan! Enjoyed reading..

      You are so right about the Sinhala buddhists being the most RACIST and xenophobic. Sinhala Christians are far more open minded!

  • 0

    My Friend,
    Why are you calling someone a Gay Prime Minster? Budhiam itself a Gay promoting path, and i think your article is a waste of time to read. Please readers dont read as its a waste of time. :)

    • 0

      You have not heard of Mahayana Buddhism and Rinpoche Karmapa the giant still alive I suppose so.

    • 0

      Me Muslim
      “Budhiam itself a Gay promoting path,”

      waha-be- la.

      Alla… a being whose only definition is that he is beyond man’s power to conceive.
      Gay does not mean sex only. There are several single men and women in the west living together but sex is not part of it. On the other hand you are addicted to polygamy (sic) The world record holder polygamist is a one legged man in Dubai UAE he has close to 100 wives all living with him- check it out

    • 1

      Me Muslim!
      The problem with you Muslims is you are unable to see at something from every angle.I am sorry to say 90% of the Muslims all over the world live in the 15th century.
      This is a good article. The quintessential of the article is “Don’t hate. Love everybody”.Though I am not anti Muslim and I appear for their rights including of their women whose freedom has been curtailed,I daresay Muslims are scared of truth. They are scared of giving freedom to women. They are scared of giving higher education to their children.
      With regard to the Sinhala Buddhists, a lot of them forget Buddhism when they want to attack and kill.At times particularly when they are older they engage in religious activities just because they want to enjoy a luxurious life in the next birth.A true Buddhist never ever hurts anybody.It is tragic that a section of Buddhist priests preach violence and hate against Tamils and Muslims.

    • 0

      Me Muslim, you Muslim, All Muslim, No Muslim. Got it

  • 1

    Dr Jagath Asoka,

    I enjoyed reading your enlightened article, but prejudices are endemic in many societies.

    These prejudices are inculcated during childhood. For example, many people will jump up or run away at the sight of a harmless cockroach!

    On one point I disagree with you, that is:

    “If you are a bigoted, Sinhala Buddhist fundamentalist, be careful, because I know very well that you firmly believe in karma and rebirth—two central tenets of Buddhism.”

    In any religion I don’t think most people are true believers, if they do then many problems in the world would disappear. But are they disappearing? People are only nominally religious, it is a sort of identity for them.

    • 0

      What is there to believe.Religious people say ‘don’t be selfish be selfless,be free from anger, greed, don’t tell lies etc, etc..’
      The business of the religious people is to keep their hold on ordinary folk.Otherwise they will lose their business and their livelihood will be threatened.
      They recognize the grim fate of the man on the street and direct him to a soothsayer,sage,or holy man who would tell him to fast for a number of days,tie a thread around his wrist or repeat a meaningless mantra until he falls asleep because of tiredness.Everything goes round in never ending circles,that’s all.

  • 0

    This commentary should be sent to all extreme ultra-Buddhist organisations and rabid politicians including Champika, Wimal etc for the purpose of initiating public discourse.

    • 0


      It is like telling Mara, You are Mara, you are against Buddha. Mara already knows that.

      It is like telling Satan, You are Satan, you are against God. Satan already knows that.

      It is like telling a thief who is stealing or burgling a house , You are a Thief, you are against the law. The Thief already knows that.

      So, telling is not the solution.

      Doing something about it is part of the solution.

  • 0

    Dr,JA. I too am trying to understand the causes and reasons for this inhuman attitude and behavior of some Sinhala people towards Tamils. My gut feeling is that it is due to inferiority or superiority complex or both. This may be a superficial view judging from a human perspective. As you said this attitude is not a common factor in all Sinhala Buddhists and there are also Christians who join the chorus due to political affiliations and privileges they enjoy. As a catholic my belief is based on words and teachings of Jesus where forgiveness and love for one another must be the guiding principles of one’s life, for that we must first believe in the existence of God and that he is our creator. If one accepts that credo his or her conscience will not allow such inhuman thoughts to take the better of you. I do not know if Buddhism accept the concept of the God creator though I have heard many of them invoking the help of God in their supplications.

  • 0

    Dear Dr.Jagath Asoka,

    Thank you very much for a very good article, that pits the nail on its head.

    “Even though this abominable, noxious stench of anti-Tamil hatred (by Sinhala Buddists) is so pervasive in Sri Lanka,”

    Parentheses are mine. Buddhism is the curse of Lanka, and the Monk Hegemony is the cause of it. It is sad Lanka dis not remain Jain or Hindu. Ask why there are hardly any Tamil Buddhists in Lanka?

    The Golden nuggets of your write up.

    1. “The schizophrenic clamor of anti-Tamil voices that we often hear—the venom of the bigoted Sinhala-Buddhists—comes from the mentally demented. I do not know a single Sinhala Christian who hates Tamils so much. “

    Comment: Buddhist Monk taught hegemony.

    2. “Hating Tamils, is it a Sinhala Buddhist phenomenon in Sri Lanka?”

    Comment. Yes, Sinhala Buddhist Phenomenon. Christian Sinhalese or Tamil or Sinhala Muslims do not show this diseases.

    3. “So, if you are boiling with hatred towards Tamils, or if you deny that there is no such problem in Sri Lanka, I cannot help you: there is no pill, yet.”

    Comment. Even though the 4 Noble Truths and the 8-Fold Path specifically advises against this, the Sinhala Buddhist hate Tamils anyway. You may correctly say, the Sinhala Buddhists follow racism, inspired by the Sinhala Buddhist Monks. No wonder there are hardly any Buddhist Tamils.

    4. “Before we find a cure for cancer, we need to find a cure for hatred, based on race and religion, because this kind of hatred have killed more human beings than all the physical ailments known to us. If you are a bigoted, Sinhala Buddhist fundamentalist, be careful, because I know very well that you firmly believe in karma and rebirth—two central tenets of Buddhism”

    Comment: Yes, there is a cure. Cure Buddhism of the the self-appointed 3rd Gem, the Sangha. Call it Double Gem, and get rid of the Sangha, the Monks. Buddhism needs a Matin Luther. Keep the Priests and Monks out.

    5. ” but at home women make men kneel down like obedient dogs.”

    Comment: But the Monks are making the women and men kneel down and prostrate like obedient dogs. and this is not needed and the men and women need to be liberated from this Monk hegemony.

    6. “Even though this abominable, noxious stench of anti-Tamil hatred is so pervasive in Sri Lanka,”

    Comment: Separate the monks from Buddhism, like what Martin Luther did to Christianity, and you have solved 95% of the problem.

    7. “Here is what I believe: Be a Sinhalese, a Tamil, a Muslim, or a Burgher, we cannot be separate Sri Lankans. We are brothers and sisters after all. Do not waste your precious life—you are never going to have this precious life again—by focusing only on greed, hatred, and delusion. “

    Comment: Yes. That is an Egalitarian Society. There were two Egalitarian parties in Lanka, Ceylon. LSSP and CP. Unfortunately, they sold their Egalitarian principles for portfolios and racism.



    Later that year, the LSSP joined the coalition government of Sirimavo Bandaranaike. Three of its MPs became Ministers; Dr N. M. Perera (Finance), Cholomondely Goonewardena (Public Works) and Anil Moonesinghe (Communications). The LSSP was expelled from the Fourth International, and the membership was passed on to LSSP(R).

    • 0


      “Thank you very much for a very good article, that pits the nail on its head”

      Should read

      Thank you very much for a very good article, that hit the nail (right) on the head, on the “Sinhala” Buddhist head.

    • 0

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy

      • 0

        once again moda kolla writes drivel and gets his comments deleted anney paw…

  • 0

    “If Tamil Nadu becomes a powerful country, where more than 70 million Tamils reside, what will happen to Sri Lanka?”

    Oh my god! I never thought of that!

    No more mutton, beef and chicken…only iddly and sambar

    • 0

      Not really but Soylent Green for all except the stinking rich.

  • 0

    Jeesus Asoka!

    Whats going on here?



    • 0

      Vibushana and Dr. Jagath Asoka,

      Who was Historical Jesus?


      Published on Jul 23, 2013
      Interview on NPR’s Fresh Air with Reza Aslan, author of “Zealot – The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth”


      In his new book, “Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth,” author and scholar Reza Aslan sets out to dig through generations of interpretation to get to know Jesus, the real, historical figure and the world he lived in. Aslan sits down with Ray Suarez to discuss his research and why he wanted to write the book.

      Customer Reviews
      Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth

      By Banjo Player (New Hampshire) – See all my reviews
      This review is from: Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth (Hardcover)
      This book is a well-researched, wonderful narrative of the life & times of historical Jesus. I had read another good book on this subject (I believe it was written by a professor of Theology at DePaul) years ago, but Mr. Aslan’s book is so much more interesting and enjoyable to read. Putting Jesus’ life in perspective to the environment and politics of the time was very educational for me. The many pages of “endnotes” and reference sources included at the end of the book added much to Mr. Aslan’s credibility on the subject. I will check out other titles by this author for sure!

  • 0

    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy

  • 0

    i hv seen hindu idols are kept inside few budhist temples, all budhist drivers pray to hindu idols which they hv kept inside their bus but y still hatred against hindus or minorities??

    • 0


      The majority of the Sinhala Buddhist people are decent people with good ethics and follow Buddha and seek the blessings from the Hindu Gods as well. Besides, Buddhism came out of Hinduism. Think of them as milk.

      However, there is a fraction, who do not follow the teachings of Buddha, the 4 Noble Truths, and the 8-fold path. They are like cow dung, called “Goma”, in Sinhala. They spoil the white pristine Buddhist Milk. BBS, the Maras, are Sinhala Ravya, JHU are examples.

      So, we have cow dung contaminated Sri Lanka Buddhist Milk.

      So keep the cow dung away from the milk, if you want pure milk before all Buddhists fall sick by drinking cow-dung contaminated milk.

  • 0

    Wow, what an article – so balanced. The day of the NON-TAMIL Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu– a decent, forthright and honest man (surely there must be one in Tamil Nadu) will be welcomed in brotherly fashion to take on the position, give me a call.

    The brotherly love of the Tamils (let us not sully them with the adage terrorist) as they brought down the machetes on the dwellers of Kent and Dollar farm must have been over-whelming. The respected Tamil gentleman Prabhakaran, when he ordered the ramming of the Central bank with a lorry loaded with explosives must surely have felt the love as hundred Sinhalese and Tamils and Burger and Muslims perished in horrendous fashion, burned to death.

    Let us not pontificate – let us be realistic. As a Singhalese who associates with many Tamils here and abroad, there was never a word of negativity on old Prabha – he became the hollow idle that was venerated, despite him slaughtering so many democratically elected TAMIL politicians. Imagine for a moment if the ludicrous option of Tamil Eelam came through, and it very nearly did, such love would have been amply displayed upon a Singhalese who took a wrong turn.

    Let us be clear – majority will rule. You will never see a non-catholic Italian Prime Minister or a non-Buddhist Thai Head of State. Osama may have been blue, green or purple – had he not been a staunch Christian, he would have had no hope in hell.

    So let us be ourselves – and agree to disagree that the 76% majority Singhalese (you have even tried to divide the Buddhists and Christians among us) will rule this country. We will not allow separatism and we will never allow for any ethnic group to have precedence over another.

    • 0

      As long as you worship JRJ, Banda, MR, gota, the section of Tamils who suffered hell because these people will not blame LTTE or Prabakaran. It starts from you because it started from your leader

      • 0

        It is not worship – but of majority rule. All you speak of are corrupt – either directly or indirectly – and deserve to be punished. However, remember that they came through democratic means. Of course, the Tamils will not blame Prabha – he was the one who was going to make them the superior race – thankfully his malicious and dastardly ways were brought to an end. One day the Tamils will realise what a disservice he did to their community and race.

  • 0

    Hi ‘Dr Asoka,’

    1. Why do you single out Sinhala Buddhists as being hateful, proud and all things bad. Are you saying that Tamils, Muslims, Christians etc., are all pure and innocent ??

    2. I propose to you that given half the chance the Tamils , Muslims or anybody else will treat the Sinhala Buddhists with the same level of hate, anger and prejudice.

    3. That’s just the way nature is setup. If you are indeed a scientist as you say, you should know all about social Darwinism, tribalism and survival of the fittest theory.

    4. What you are talking about is just sentimental, theoretical bleeding heart nonsense. Nature doesn’t work that way. It is a dog eat dog world and that applies to human society too.

    5. As they say, ” trust in God but tether your goats”

    • 0

      American Mama

      Good to hear from you.

      “Why do you single out Sinhala Buddhists as being hateful, proud and all things bad. Are you saying that Tamils, Muslims, Christians etc., are all pure and innocent ??”

      The Sinhala/Buddhists not only hate other but they also hate themselves.

      ” I propose to you that given half the chance the Tamils , Muslims or anybody else will treat the Sinhala Buddhists with the same level of hate, anger and prejudice.”

      They do. Also they hate themselves.

      “social Darwinism, tribalism and survival of the fittest theory.”

      Could you tell us about them. What has it got to do with Sri Lankies. The way they behave soon they are going to evolve into monkeys.

      “It is a dog eat dog world and that applies to human society too”.

      Lankies are born with dog’s brain?

      • 0

        Hey Native

        Long time no see.:)

        Just trying to prove to the good ‘Dr. Asoka,’ that all humans are the same and Sinhala Buddhists are no different from anyone else. We are all evolved from animals and harbor the animal instinct of “us against them” mentality .Gays, women, tamils or whoever, if ‘different’ will be grouped and considered as ‘them’

        Social Darwinism is the Theory of Evolution applied to human society and ‘tribalism’ and ‘survival of the fittest’ follow from that. Also Nazi theory and Eugenics.

        This is why religions and all other forms of idealism has failed to prevent hate and violence in human societies.

        • 0


          “This is why religions and all other forms of idealism has failed to prevent hate and violence in human societies.”

          The reality is not who is going to let me but who is going to stop me.

          Just trying to prove to the good ‘Dr. Asoka,’ that all humans are the same and Sinhala Buddhists are no different from anyone else. We are all evolved from animals and harbor the animal instinct of “us against them” mentality .Gays, women, tamils or whoever, if ‘different’ will be grouped and considered as ‘them’”

          I am certain the beneficiary of your last will not be for animal protection as is the trend with most Americans nowadays.

      • 0

        No Foreign,

        This is the difference.

        You are born hateful ( proud is too complimentary as you should be ashamed of your past) and bad.
        I cant speak for Muslims. But we Tamils if we are any of the above my answer to it is we were not born like that but we were made and pushed into being like that because of your atrocities for the last 64 years. Thank God we are parting Company and we will be on good behaviour.

        • 0


          “Thank God we are parting Company and we will be on good behaviour.”


          When are catching your boats?

  • 0

    So Tamils = homosexuals.

    • 0

      ….Fathima Fukushima = cross dressing transvestite who gets excited and horny reading Lankaweb articles !

    • 0

      no the article was entitled “Tamils, women and Homosexuals”; obviously as Muslims are another minority in SL it referred to you and your kin. How many Buddhist/Hindu/Christian/Jewish suicide bombers do you hear of these days or frankly ever? None… probably because their religion’s are not the cancer on the face of humanity that Islam is. The evidence of this is there throughout history through to the current day.

  • 0

    I did not read the article in full yet…but the headline captured my attention
    Status of Tamils, Homosexuals and Women ….can be addressed as a single issue?

  • 0

    Ms. Fathima Fukushima aka Other Avatars,

    “So Tamils = homosexuals.”

    No. Dr. Jagath Asoka says, Tamils, Homosexuals and women are treated as second class citizens with less rights.

    Here is an example of some boys being treated differently.


    Child Abuse by a Monk in Habaraduwa

    Uploaded on May 29, 2010
    She sent her grandson to school with the idea of providing him with proper education to make him a good person. The Buddhist monk in charge of the temple asked her to send the child to the temple and she sent him there because they were poor. There was no possibility for them to pay the money for tuition fees. That was the reason why they sent the boy to the temple school.When the child began to refuse going to the temple school so adamantly, grandmother had to look for the reason. It was then only that she discovered that the child who was sent to learn good behavior, ethics and Buddha’s Dharma from the monk had in fact been abused by the monk.

  • 1

    Probably JAgath Asoka is Gay

    • 0

      Jim softy

      “Probably JAgath Asoka is Gay”

      Even if he is a gay, so what?

      Do you envy him?

  • 0

    Stupid Jagath Asoka:

    Sri Lanka had the prime minister, in the modern world. Sri Lanka, had queens who were running Sri Lanka as far back as the time of Queen Leelawathi aka Kuweni. there were so many after that.

    How many in your world ?

    Just grow up Moron.

    Buddhism, or the ALmighty – Lord Buddha does not discriminate against people who have different sexual orientations, whether it is the same sex, animals, or anything else. All those are in your hemisphere.

    In Asia, Gays are considered differently.

    If you have a different sexual orientation other than your opposite sex or the same sex, even then we don’t care as long as you keep it in your bed room.

    Grow up Bozo.

  • 0

    We have had homosexuals as well as bisexuals as PMs according to my elders.

    And we are the first in the whole world to give a woman the PM job.

    What is wrong with this dude?.

    • 0

      dude dr jagath didnt say it was wrong did he? perhaps you need to go to anoma opticians to get the eyes tested

  • 0

    Dear Jagath;

    As you said,
    “in Sri Lanka, women have the real power. They let Sri Lankan men act macho and talk big in public, but at home women make men kneel down like obedient dogs. Have you seen the basilisk looks that some Sri Lankan women give to their husbands when they misbehave in public? Sri Lankan women can gorgonize you with their looks. Do not mess with Sri Lankan women”.

    In Si Lanka, I have never heard of that, at homes women make men kneel down like obedient dogs.
    May be at Your Home.
    I am Afraid that,{ if } you got a kick on your Ass and groin,
    from your Sri Lanka Woman,[ I mean your wife, I have respect for that proud lady,]
    And Forced you to write this article [in the C T web site],
    I also advise to you,
    ” Do not mess with Sri Lankan women”.
    “If you are afraid of your Sri Lankan woman”.

    By the way;
    You mingle your essay elaborating with eloquence of Tamils, Hinduism Buddhism and Homosexuality, which is pleasing to Buddhism haters and Sinhalese haters.
    With you, they have found a rope to hang and float in the hate campaign,
    Like Rajapassa and clan, on piggy back of BUDDHISM, hanging to power, showing and yelling all over the world, spending our tax money,
    that LTTE is not destroyed.
    To my little knowledge,
    And as you all Academics know, in Buddhist philosophy,
    The teachings are for human beings to FOLLOW and LIVE a meaning full life.
    And not expecting any returns for your faithful beliefs.
    And did not/do not preach that inequality of Races, Casts, Nationalities, or genders.
    Women have a special place in Buddhism.
    As an example,” MOTHER is the noble in humanity.
    Buddhism is for all living beings who can inquire, understand and practise.
    And Where is that Sinhala Buddhism,and Sinhala Buddhists.
    there only a belief those who are on Piggy back on Buddhism for their personnel gains,

    There is a another group of Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Converted Christians,other fundamentalists,and Egalitarians cornering other Buddhists and Hindus to convert to their own beliefs.
    hiding their Swords and guns,
    and offering Money and other perks for easy luring.

    Any Religion, If you wants to believe you can believe, or leave it.
    But regarding Buddhist philosophy,
    It was and is not forced into believe,
    Like Judaism, Christianity,or Islam with the help Swords And Guns.
    All those Isms are forced fed, forced imposed on people unlike Buddhism.
    there is nothing mentioned of Gay or Lesbian hoods as it was not necessary at that time and
    those are against the human behavioural and ethics.
    Even animal do not practise.

    But Commentator,Egalitarian Amrasiri do know that
    there are Tamil Buddhists in sri lanka India, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, etc.
    And In Buddhism it not a rule or obligation to worship Monks or any statues and
    The Buddhism or the Monks are/ were not making the women and men kneel down and prostrate like obedient dogs as Islam, Christianity, or Hinduism teach.
    It is the People who are self-centred have done those misinterpretation of Buddhism and misusing the Philosophy.
    and those rituals are/were not needed and the men and women are need to be liberated from any Monks hegemony.

    After reading your two Essays in the Colombo Telegraph,
    And I have a doubt!.
    !If you are a bigoted, Sinhalese, Converted Christian fundamentalist or, Egalitarian?????.

    However It is, my duty and obligation as a Buddhist [forget about the Sinhalese racial ties],
    to wish you the blessings of Triple gems.
    to get enlighten with Wisdom.
    and to get away from sufferings.

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    Look here Jagath

    I have a few minutes I can waste hence this reponse.

    Gautama Buddha’s teachings operate at a higher level. It operates at a level known as the “conscience”. If you examine closely conscience is the common denomicator of men, women, animals and even gods.

    The conscience is the energy that drives us all thus resulting in endless suffering. Therefore the aim of the Buddhist doctorine is to neurtralise this energy so as not to carry on taking differenent forms.

    Franky, compared to discussion that really matters, Hetro vs Homo discussion is a “non-event” really. i.e. does not make one wiser one iota. This is for TV shows like Opera and Dr Phill. Although you may find it discussed in the New-Testamant for example. Hence, why you rate it so highly.

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      You are right you have wasted your time.It would have been better spent doing te things you normally do.
      You lot dont have any conscience and you dont understand the meaaning ot it. So donr bring Lord Buddha into this.

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    In any relationship we have to give and take. The president is giving high priority to development in the north and east. The tamil diaspora are free to invest in the development or the north and east. They can invest in the Sri Lankan stock market. Guarantees for their investments can be requested. We must mutually forgive each other. Public request for forgiveness is difficult but necessary. Christian Tamils and Sinhalese can lead the way. The opposition which is shedding crocodile tears must remember July 83 and request forgiveness. Equal opportunities Act especially for government and services provided to Sri Lankans should be in the national languages. Learning Tamil and Sinhala should be a top priority. The President certainly leads the way. I am a sinhalese and request the tamil leaders to forget some issues and request for others which will benefit the tamil grassroots the most. Care should be taken to build on the Pradesiya Sabha and mechanisms to make the thoughts of the grassroots be converted in a practical way. There should be a large scale education on the prejudices of the sinhala and tamil people. People should be encouraged to make constructive ideas to bring peace to the motherland. Both sides must not stick to dogmatic stances. His Excellency the President make real Peace and go down worldwide as a person who sacrificed a lot to make peace in this country. Delegate power to the youth especially Hon. Namal to think Peace in Sri Lanka.

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      Every body in sri lanka knows about how honourable are those
      RAJAPASSA Looters are.

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    Dr jagath
    while I was reading your article I realized what a anger you have against sinhala buddhist people, let me apologize behalf of Sinhala Buddhist people to all tamil people in sri lanka.

    Now dr j can I explain why most Sinhala Buddhist people mistreat tamils for good example tamils in sri lanka do not want to speak singala , either they are shy to accept main language in srilanka is sinhagalese, or they pretend they don’t speak or understand singala. Now the same tamil person goes to france with in six months he or she will be speaking French.mmmmmmm tamil people can speak another language other than tamil, what a surprise,Language is like exotic food, if tamils learn to speak Sinhalese as well as ssinhalese learn to speak tamil i’m sure in future sri lanaka will be john lennon’s ” imagine” land.

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    Jagath and the clan,

    You seem to express your own dogmatic opinion that the Sinhala Buddhist are racist. Half the Tamil population lived and worked in Colombo and the South during 20/30 years of Tamil terrorism safeguarded by the armed force of Sri Lanka where 90% are Sinhala Buddhists!
    What did the Christian Tamil Bishops like Rayappu, Saundranayagam do during 20/30 years of LTTE terrorism? Here confessions and pardon suicide bombing murderers. Who wants mono ethnic homelands in Sri Lanka!Around 40% of Tamils live in Colombo as such why not ask for a separate enclave.
    Unfortunately it is not the fault of anyone except the Tamils. They must learn that pride goes before the fall and their reaped what they sowed. Until and unless they accept the fact that integration and not separatism be their goal they will never achieve peace as Sri Lankans.

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    Dr Jagath

    Everyone one knows you are a well educated person , what you are writing is feelings from bottom of your hart , we know you are not working for anti Rajapakse campaign , you have no intention of regime change , you are not attacking buddism and Sinhala culture but you are trying hard to explain why we should not accept buddism and Sinhala culture ,thanks for that , we think you are doing very good social work to SL community as pay back for the free education you received from SL

    Long live Dr Jagath Asoka

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    Was Sir John Kothalawala bi/gay and Christian??

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    Wwas Sir John Kothalawala bi/gay and Christian?

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    Dr. JA. good article. but as far as I know, now the hatred is not towards the general Tamil population. It was, in the early days. but now it is towards the terrorist group and towards those who are still trying to put their propaganda to action. speaking about the values of an ethnic group is not a crime. But in this unfortunate country speaking about Sinhalese, speaking about Buddhism is racist and appears to a lot as a crime. It’s not so for other minorities.

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