2 May, 2024


Sobitha Hamuduruwo’s Stunning Interview

By Kumar David

Prof Kumar David

Prof Kumar David

Maduluwawe Sobitha Thero gave an interview to a bright young journalist E. Jayasuriyan which received full page coverage in the Sunday Thinakural newspaper (Tamil) of 2 February.

I don’t know if I am overreacting, but to me this is the most significant political interview of the last 6 months – I will explain in a moment why it is a stunner. I rubbed my eyes and had some difficulty, so I made it a point to meet Jayasuriyan and ask him: “Even if hamuduruwo did say all this, did he agree to have it published? Is he OK about going public?” Young J assured me that Sobitha had no problem in publicising his views.

Sobitha hamuduruwo said two things, one a significant and timely intervention, but the other was a volcano. The significant intervention was when he asserted: ‘Yes I am ready to stand as a Single-Issue (SI) presidential candidate, but if a former Chief Justice or a former President is interested, no problem, I am happy to step aside. I will serve for six months only within which time I will abolish the Executive Presidency (EP) and institute a parliamentary system by constitutional methods. The roots of bribery, corruption, nepotism and bad governance lie in EP”.

Now this is what many have been suggesting, but I for one had given up hope since his recent remarks suggested he was not interested. He has now taken a position from which he cannot and I am sure he will not retreat, so what does this mean?

Throwing the challenge to CBK

Ven. Maduluwawe Sobitha

Ven. Maduluwawe Sobitha

First and foremost this is a challenge to CBK. Shirani Bandaranayake is a non-starter, so forget the reference to her. The challenge is out in the open and CBK must move now or forever hold her peace. If she shrinks like a mouse and hides under the bed, the campaign to elect hamuduruwo will move on and gain momentum. Once it gains endorsement from many sides and picks up strength there can be no going back. Sobitha hamuduruwo’s offer to step aside is time-limited by practicalities. No way can CBK think she can wait till the last minute and then come sailing in to declare her candidacy. Hamuduruwo’s offer to stand aside is absolutely sincere, I am sure of that, but that does not mean she can breeze in like a queen and screw up a campaign after is up and running on a winning swing. So CBK, if you are interested say so now or shut-up forever! If “no”, no problem, just throw your weight behind Sobitha hamuduruwo to be president and to carry the SI programme over a six month period.

Not only CBK and her catchers, but the Rajapakse regime and its hangers-on, are surely having fits. It is now out in the open: (a) a SI candidate has declared himself and clarified what the SI task means (unswerving dedication to abolishing EP), (b) the candidate has clarified that he wishes to be a common opposition nominee (that’s the thrust of offering to step down if another suitable person presents him/her self). This not only puts CBK on the spot it, also puts the other opposition parties on the spot. What do the UNP, JVP and the TNA have to say? Will they step forward and say that they are prepared to support Sobitha hamuduruwo on as a common-opposition SI-ticket candidate?

Let’s not waste time pussyfooting; Rains, Fonseka, Anura Kumara, Karu, Sajith, Shirani (in order of credibility), they are all non-starters. I will bet a 12-bottle case of scotch against any of them; even as a common-opposition SI candidate, Mahinda will win with a hefty majority. There are just two people who can, and will defeat him, hamuduruwo and CBK as common-opposition-SI. So now it’s up to the UNP, JVP, TNA and General Fonseka to speak up and voice an opinion. More important perhaps is for the anti-EP components of the UPFA – LSSP, CP and SLFP stalwarts – to declare their stand if Rajapakse refuses to abolish EP before presidential elections. The possibility that Rajapakse may panic and make the necessary constitutional amendments himself cannot be ruled out – that’s ok).

The bombshell

Then came what I think was the real sensation; I think it will go viral when gets to the Sinhala public and this is why the Sinhala and English media are still hiding it. He candidly declared:

“Sri Lanka is a part of the international community, we have to abide by international norms, and if there is a call for an international investigation, I have no problem in agreeing. If we have done nothing wrong we can go before an international investigation and vindicate ourselves”.

As far as I am concerned this is all that any democrat can ask for. We may each have our opinion about war-crimes and human rights, and these will differ from person to person, but the sole common ground is a demand for a credible, independent investigation. Since this regime has shown itself to be incapable of independent investigations and since presidential commissions are held in ridicule, the exercise has to have a powerful independent international component.

This puts the regime and Sinhala-Buddhist chauvinists on the defensive; are they going to be insane and the call Sobitha a LTTE agent? This is the powerful Sinhala-Buddhist voice of a respected monk, so what slander are they going to think up? It’s not only the regime but also CBK, the UNP, Anura Kumara and JVP, and General Fonseka who now have to come back down to plant earth. Any who cannot accept this stand will be shown-up as naked on the issue of accountability. If Sobitha stands firm the naysayers will all collapse like a house of cards as they have no logical ground to stand on.

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Latest comments

  • 13

    This is one of very positive news I heard about SL for quiet a long time. However, Sobitha Hamudurowo needs help from all of us so that he could help all in Sri Lanka and make SL a civilized and honorable country again..

  • 8

    Confused as to why this is so surprising. Has no one ever heard statements like this before? Note that these are after all, just statements, and that is it.

  • 10

    I bet my last penny that Rev Sobitha has a very good chance of winning with the support of majority True Buddhist, if he come forward as a common candidate.

  • 10

    Hats off to you, being a highly respected Buddhist clergy. You have aired a clear cut view. From my mind I have cast my first vote and the best ballot thru my conscience I had ever deposited. You, we, the country, the ruling & opposition parties; need a change. I am against toppling any govt and have no faith in it. It is not the idea. Then what would happen is from jumping or getting thrown out of the pot into the burning fire! It is the transformation what is needed, thru a smooth and painless slip into the peaceful grounds.

    It is in the hands of the people who should examine their conscience. Because it for their and their children’s future, to see a commonly adopted and implemented system, the law and order, ethic, communal harmony, impartiality and so on and on and on…….if that happen and the human values are respected and honoured… it will be irrespective of who rules, belong to which colour… the public will wake up to see a better tomorrow and get ready to exercise their franchise for sure!

  • 5

    I afraid Ven.Sobitha Thero will attained nibbana before the Presidential election.The Hon. Thero speak like he already got Sovaan, Sakurdhagami and Anagami.

  • 1

    Do Not Panic. Nothing will happen. Sobitha Hamuthuruwo is just having fun poking at MR. That’s all. But poor Thinakural’s young journalist’s days may be numbered !. Get out of Silly Lanka soon man. See what happened to Mel Gunasekera, the on line business editor ? Jayasurian , why are you so stupid man ?

    • 2


      Your advice is too late mate. He has already been disposed of in to thin air. He is on his way to Paralogam what ever that means.

  • 8

    It is extremely difficult to agree fully with Professor’s statement that”there are just two people who can, and will defeat him(Mahinda Rajapaksa), hamuduruwo and CBK as common-opposition-SI”. No there is only one person i.e. only Sobhitha Hamuduruwo because Sinhala people hate Chandrika more than Mahinda.

    Another statement need clarification is:
    “Not only CBK and her catchers, but the Rajapakse regime and its hangers-on, are surely having fits”.
    You need to add Ranil as well. The only person that people will trust who will honestly support Sobhitha Thera is Karu Jayasuriya. If one can make him a more assertive person he would be the ideal candidate for the prime Minister post in the newly constituted government. The rest of the politicians will have to be manufactured from scratch other than a handful like Anura Dissanayaka.

    • 1


      What? Karu J, the patholaya who jumped into every camp like a frog? Don’t screech like a parrot man. It seems you too are have a fit for your sugar daddy MARA is shivering in fear now. On the other hand your moronic assessment about Ranil is totally wrong. In fact what Sobitha says is the course of actions UNP under Ranil would and has been opined. Everything the Sobitha says is part and parcel of Ranil’s thinking and system. For fake patriots like you these are big news.

  • 4

    Good news, but Sobhitha hamuduruwo got the habit of engaging the reverse gear ,when he see some problem. Just a white van bumping onto his car from behind will send him running away very fast. We should all support him, if he comes forward as the challenger to get rid of this constitution. The new constitution should have the mechanism to control the sitting governments holding general elections. A caretaker government formed with opposition members should oversee the elections after the dissolution of the parliament. This will minimise the election rigging. I am sure all the people who love the country will rally round the hamuduruwo for this noble act. I am sure about Gen.Fonseka, the JVP ,UNP minus Ranil and SLFP’s Mitripala Sirisena section will join in. Subha Anagathayak

    • 3


      “I am sure about Gen.Fonseka, the JVP ,UNP minus Ranil and SLFP’s Mitripala Sirisena section will join in. Subha Anagathayak”

      So you have already decided on exclusively Sinhala/Buddhist parties to join hands and change the constitution.

      Its a good idea!!!

  • 1

    I’m sorry to say that my comments were interupted.Stooges like you have succseeded in buying a one time well respected Buddhist leader for your dollors.His cpmments on CBK,Ranil,TNA,& JVP are absolutely correct.Can MR be defeated at this stage? Maduluwawe Hamuduruwane,we feel sorry about you.You will have to face the reppercussions.@ that time this Capital ‘F’s will not be there to safeguard you.You do not have any guarding angels,but these ‘F’s have.So be careful when you open your Dollar thirsty mouth next time.

    • 5

      Nihal Jayawardena

      What the hell are you talking about?

      • 0

        NV, The [Edited out] is sleep talking!

  • 4

    The ven. Sobitha’s declaration is indeed a pleasant surprise given that with his sincerity and purity Sri Lanka will be cleansed of the presidential system and the attendant corruption. This will also entail the conscious reformation and the restoration of the rule of law. Best wishes to the venerable monk.Bensen

  • 3

    For the first time, someone has said something sensible about the Geneva resolution. Why not we agree to an international investigation. Our armed forces fought a disciplined battle and they can certainly clear their name. I am only worried about who would be targeted with the white flag story

  • 3

    A true Buddhist and a genuine prelate among the others who involve in thuggery. Ven. Sobhitha Hamadhuruwane! we are with you! Without race,cast, creed, language and social differences to rally around you if you are nominated as a common candidate.

    A praise for the journalist. A new dimension in journalism. Well done!

  • 3

    A breath of fresh air. Any one with basic intelligence will know that the teachings of the Buddha has been rubbished beyond belief in this Buddhist country except in the eyes of the mono lingual majority.

    The future of Buddhism in Sri Lanka as faith with civilization values is hard reestablish. Its hard not to admire Ven,Sobhitha’s attempt in this context.

  • 1

    Sobita Hamudurawana, with all respect, our nation most paramount or key problems are NOT ONLY confines to President Post or position?
    It has more deep roots social challenge since 1948 Independence!
    Ours is still dominated by Old colonial corny Capitalist system that adverse effect and undermine ongoing out-dated political-economy-social structures our nation. Centuries later( Progtugese ,Dutch and British 425 years) which colonial philosophical errors and dominating political-cultural is playing vital role and still need to be correct by our political parties and leader as well.
    We are frequently surprise by ‘war crime’ and ‘human rights’ phenomena against Sri Lankan STATE that emerge from WEST and INDIA, that our inextricable connections to it. And as the power of USA,UK and India of west-civilization grows exponentially ,these surprise are becoming increasingly unpleasant manner of democratic norms.
    This anti-sovereignty and anti-democracy trend of colonial legacy that still influences the undermine nation territorial integrity our an Island not only foreign power even by local power groups. Because that Ugly head rise against our nation by SEPARATISM AND SECESSION MOVEMENT BACK BY ENDELESS DIVIDING THE OBJACTIVE EVIL FORCES OUTSIDE OUR TERRORTITY.
    Is very simple act to be remove MR by common candidate that Constitutional position and abolished President power by sixth months after elect the NEW President by your interview.
    Sobita Hamurdurawna even though is not easy task ensure independence ,Judicial corruption, Government bribery, mismanagement of whole state authority, improved growth of national economy development, back to Free education and Free health within sixth
    months period.
    These greatest challenges being ahead before our nation?
    We need used ongoing negative President system to be turn some extent remove above mention evils for our nation. So we required more time than six months.
    The ours core interest of nation is not that abolished President system time being. Who ever come to power by ballot his or her or Respect Monk of Sri Lankan carry forward stability peace won by MR ruling party in 2009 May defeated LTTE terrorist out-fit.
    His( MR) task is unfinished and incomplete. In order to win elections give promised of abolished President system is politicians in our democracy bribe the voters for short term gains.
    We never expected not to show such a road map and encourage this kind of short-sighted political behavior as responsible Monk like
    Rev. Sobitha.

  • 3


    You are living in a dream World by coming up with the following.

    Any who cannot accept this stand will be shown-up as naked on the issue of accountability. If Sobitha stands firm the naysayers will all collapse like a house of cards as they have no logical ground to stand on.

    In Sinhala Lanka any one who betrays King Mahinthas Agenda of Etnic Cleansing is a Traitor and the Sobitha is no exception. Look what happened to the decorated 4 Star General. Even he found( who was a mass murderer ) MR and Gotha too brutal and that is why he was Jailed trying to show up MR and Gotha.
    Sobitha is up against 20 Million Born Racists and neither he nor CBK are not going to change anything except outside intervention.

    • 4


      “Sobitha is up against 20 Million Born Racists and neither he nor CBK are not going to change anything except outside intervention.”

      I hate to agree with you.

      The 20 million you quoted above includes Tamils, Saivaites, Christians, Muslims,………..

      Well said.

    • 2



    • 4

      Thank you Sirimal and CT for this useful service. The Ven. monk was close to a family friend, who was a Minister, and I have run into him
      in the Minister’s personal functions. I also walked him to his car after an OPA Meeting a few years ago and in the process of our exchange of views he invited me to visit him. I somehow could not take advantage of the kind offer.

      I took time to hear the 5 files and am pleased my view that even the more activists in the Buddhist hierarchy are now thinking differently – and more positively – is vindicated. Particularly, his
      believe Tamils should be given their right to run their affairs. He did not use the controversial word Federal – but he referred to the governing systems in Australia, India and the USA. He admitted Tamils have been wronged. His appreciation of the politics of NM and Philip confirms the Ven. monk has liberal ideas. I am pleased to note his
      understanding of plural politics and believe he can play a useful role
      in regaining all that is lost in our political landscape. His views on the need to immediately abolish the Executive Presidency, to do away with the District System will find a chord with most voters in the country. I am also glad to hear his views on the role of Buddhist priests in politics and the vain efforts to convert this secular island to a Dharmarajya.


      • 1

        Thanks too.

        It is sad, a large number of great buddhist monks of today stay dead silent for unexplainable reasons in current day srilanka. So do the senior professionals in today´s enviroment in the country. I cant feel it me being away from the country. However from what I get to watch these days, the situation in the country is becoming worst hour to hour.This I did not get at the beginning. But now speaking to my aged father at length today and also the news posted on CT and the like minded platforms, people like me become well aware. I realized many in the country are in fears today not knowing what to do and how to get rid of the DEVIL -MR. Anyway, the wisdom of these monks and other religious leaders can make use of achieving sustainable peace and reconciliation in the lost paradise. We are all aware how Desmond tutu meidated in their politics bringing peace to South Africa. I truly believe the impact of the honest religious leaders towards achieving peace and reconciliation is enormous. They are not at all hate mongers. BBS, hela urumaya and other violent buddhist segments have clearly damaged the veneration toward the buddhist monks in gneeral.
        I took time to study the speeches of Dr. Sobitha thero. He owns a clear vision in restore democracy in the country. Anyone with sanity would at once agree with his arguments. He is strictly against those who support drug businesses or other abusive politics. His would not contatin anything against devolution of power into the regions. He is the only great thero who dares to say “ no need to have paranoic theories – we need to build up trust among our folks”. Nor would he share anything against other reglions. We have highly educated people within the country. But they stay shocked not being able to get on with high profile criminals in power. These kind of religious leaders are country´s assets.

        How Rev. Sobitha Thero takes part in open debates:








      • 1

        I cant get it at all why many in the country would not agree with devolution of power – to the manner it has long been practised in Germany and Switzerland. There are districts in Switzerland that function very independent (I mean within each othe cantons). I believe, through proper awareness programs, the matured politicians can win the masses in the country, it will take its time.

  • 0

    The UNP, JVP, TNA, Fonny and CBK together with dissident SLFP types uniting for a common purpose is a dream.
    Sri Lanka has a surfeit of self serving politicians who will send their closest friends or/relatives “down the river”.
    Miracles of course are possible

  • 2

    “I will serve for six months only within which time I will abolish the Executive Presidency (EP) and institute a parliamentary system by constitutional methods.”

    Now this is the point where mahinda could be in trouble.Sobitha has clearly said he will serve for only 6 months.Then he will see to it the country reverts back to the PM system abolishing the presidency.So if he does that i presume there will be a general election and the PM will be elected.So what have the people got to lose by voting for him.IN the 6 months he can do only good,no harm because he is not governing for 6 years.The 6 months vs mahinda for another 6 years is like giving sobitha a good start in a race between the two.I doubt whether mahinda will allow that to happen.He will abolish the presidency himself.Then the threat of sobitha is gone more or less for good because without the presidency the single big factor he can campaign on is taken away.

    mahinda will wait and see whether sobitha has a chance of winning and then only will make his move.IF he feels that sobitha even with the 6 month advantage over his 6 years will not win then he won’t do anything because all these buggers have got the taste of practically unlimited power to do anything they want using the presidency which JRJ said can do anything except change a man into a woman or vise versa.

    • 2

      Are you speaking from Egypt. May be on a holiday from Canada. It sounds very much like Sharia Law.
      President Morsi signs into law new constitution drafted by his Muslim … critics say has effectively placed Egypt under strict Sharia Law. … “There isn’t a single article in the draft constitution that mentions the rights of women

  • 0

    [Edited out] Kumar! Not Sarath Silva no? And Mervyn and Sarath and every single sinhala buddhist thug will fall in line so that the party can continue. So the good monk will be carried to hell by these monkeys. This WILL NOT WORK. The remedy is of another sort and is made in another place as you will soon see.

  • 0

    Coming PC elections (if not rigged) should gauge the strength of Gen Sarath Fonseka. If “swell” & he joined hands with hamuduruwos – Sobhitha or JHU – he would not be an ‘also ran’.Else, the next Presidential will be the beginning of the end to democracy as well as nationalism%%%

  • 1

    I am there to risk my vote… and i hope 65 percent of the voters will be with the likes like me…!…………………………Jayaweva .

  • 0

    The Ven Sobitha may be sincere in his effort to get rid of the corruption & lawlessness in the country but will he have the same support if he left the robes & contested? Getting rid of the Executive Presidency? now where have I hear that before? The choice between MR & CBK is like bullshit or horseshit, both crap. As for SF, SB (??) etc., none have any credentials whatsoever, apart from Ranil but he has to get his act together by kicking out the snakes & other undesirable in the party.

    Religion is a private matter, depending on one’s belief, therefore, religion & politics should not mix. I will have more respect for Ven. Sobitha if he did not contest on a Buddhist ticket. A religious person, even a moderate, as head of state will only bring in extremism to the forefront eventually.

  • 1

    If Sobitha Hamuduruwa is a single issue (SI) candidate – he should limit his commentary to that issue ie. the abolition of the Executive Presidency (EP). The Sinhala south will certainly support him.

    He has now brought forth a second issue – the international investigation. The Rajapakses will be cunning enough to pounce on his stance here, claiming that that is exactly what the Tamils want. The TNA has already passed a resolution in the NPC on the matter – and the Diaspora (the LTTE rump) has been braying out loud for the last 5 years on the same subject .That line of attack will most certainly alienate the Sinhala south.

    The controlled press will ensure that the election is fought on the second issue.
    Without the Sinhala south support, he possibly cannot win.

  • 4

    I was just analyzing the comments, what’s different about the comments on this topic is

    * This has attracted far less comments than it it deserves
    * known racists commentators are missing in action – ie no comments from them
    * New racist commentators have had a calculated blast
    * Usual moderate commentators have commended the contents
    * All moderate pro Sobitha hamuduruwo comments has been voted down

    To me this shows the cowardliness of racist elements (commentators). They are caught in a quagmire since it is a reputed venerable thero they are unable to attack him and expose themselves.

    The most notable and I would say one of the key point to come out in all comments so far is the comments by “kali” and seconded by “Native Vedda”
    about 20 million racist, which is hard to swallow but it’s the bitter truth.

    What we need is Leader to take us out from this pit hole (or rather like shit hole) we are all in.

    Surely there is non in the current political leadership who can do that. If they were they all had their opportunists. Sobitha hamuduruwo is one alternative if not the only alternative available as of now.

    Let’s give him all the support he needs !

  • 4

    I will vote for Sobitha Thero. Let him also give us an assurance he will immediately have the 18A abolished and 17A activated!


  • 2

    I am a Catholic. But I have a great respect for Most Ven Sobhitha Hamuduruwo. I am sure all non-Buddhists will vote for him overwhelmigly. I will campeign for him. We need someone of Sbhitha Hamuduruwo’s personality to clean our dirty political system. But BE Aware!. The Rajapaksa “minimaruwas” might harm him.

    • 2

      Agree with you fully. Most ven. Sobitha Hamuduruwo respect all other reglions equally. He clearly says that his mediation would be to do the great job- which is abolition of EP within 6 months.

      Rather MR will take every action to misguide the nation by abolishing it shortly before the next E. MR is unpredictable within his family cirles too. This I read somewhere one of his cousins may have added it.

  • 0


  • 0

    Sobitha is a one-trick pony. He wont even get the candidacy, let alone winning the presidency.
    Kumar David, have you forgotten his chauvinistic rants in the 1980s, as the convenor of the Sinhala Bala Mandalaya.
    Remember the cover of SJ Tambiah’s Buddhism Betrayed?

  • 0

    Hamuduruwane, Thank you for being open and fair. However Hamuduruwane the problems will not stop with changing the EP one need to bring the waste of public funds under control.That cannot be done even with Colvin’s constition

  • 0


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