By Kumar David –
Maduluwawe Sobitha Thero gave an interview to a bright young journalist E. Jayasuriyan which received full page coverage in the Sunday Thinakural newspaper (Tamil) of 2 February.
I don’t know if I am overreacting, but to me this is the most significant political interview of the last 6 months – I will explain in a moment why it is a stunner. I rubbed my eyes and had some difficulty, so I made it a point to meet Jayasuriyan and ask him: “Even if hamuduruwo did say all this, did he agree to have it published? Is he OK about going public?” Young J assured me that Sobitha had no problem in publicising his views.
Sobitha hamuduruwo said two things, one a significant and timely intervention, but the other was a volcano. The significant intervention was when he asserted: ‘Yes I am ready to stand as a Single-Issue (SI) presidential candidate, but if a former Chief Justice or a former President is interested, no problem, I am happy to step aside. I will serve for six months only within which time I will abolish the Executive Presidency (EP) and institute a parliamentary system by constitutional methods. The roots of bribery, corruption, nepotism and bad governance lie in EP”.
Now this is what many have been suggesting, but I for one had given up hope since his recent remarks suggested he was not interested. He has now taken a position from which he cannot and I am sure he will not retreat, so what does this mean?
Throwing the challenge to CBK
First and foremost this is a challenge to CBK. Shirani Bandaranayake is a non-starter, so forget the reference to her. The challenge is out in the open and CBK must move now or forever hold her peace. If she shrinks like a mouse and hides under the bed, the campaign to elect hamuduruwo will move on and gain momentum. Once it gains endorsement from many sides and picks up strength there can be no going back. Sobitha hamuduruwo’s offer to step aside is time-limited by practicalities. No way can CBK think she can wait till the last minute and then come sailing in to declare her candidacy. Hamuduruwo’s offer to stand aside is absolutely sincere, I am sure of that, but that does not mean she can breeze in like a queen and screw up a campaign after is up and running on a winning swing. So CBK, if you are interested say so now or shut-up forever! If “no”, no problem, just throw your weight behind Sobitha hamuduruwo to be president and to carry the SI programme over a six month period.
Not only CBK and her catchers, but the Rajapakse regime and its hangers-on, are surely having fits. It is now out in the open: (a) a SI candidate has declared himself and clarified what the SI task means (unswerving dedication to abolishing EP), (b) the candidate has clarified that he wishes to be a common opposition nominee (that’s the thrust of offering to step down if another suitable person presents him/her self). This not only puts CBK on the spot it, also puts the other opposition parties on the spot. What do the UNP, JVP and the TNA have to say? Will they step forward and say that they are prepared to support Sobitha hamuduruwo on as a common-opposition SI-ticket candidate?
Let’s not waste time pussyfooting; Rains, Fonseka, Anura Kumara, Karu, Sajith, Shirani (in order of credibility), they are all non-starters. I will bet a 12-bottle case of scotch against any of them; even as a common-opposition SI candidate, Mahinda will win with a hefty majority. There are just two people who can, and will defeat him, hamuduruwo and CBK as common-opposition-SI. So now it’s up to the UNP, JVP, TNA and General Fonseka to speak up and voice an opinion. More important perhaps is for the anti-EP components of the UPFA – LSSP, CP and SLFP stalwarts – to declare their stand if Rajapakse refuses to abolish EP before presidential elections. The possibility that Rajapakse may panic and make the necessary constitutional amendments himself cannot be ruled out – that’s ok).
The bombshell
Then came what I think was the real sensation; I think it will go viral when gets to the Sinhala public and this is why the Sinhala and English media are still hiding it. He candidly declared:
“Sri Lanka is a part of the international community, we have to abide by international norms, and if there is a call for an international investigation, I have no problem in agreeing. If we have done nothing wrong we can go before an international investigation and vindicate ourselves”.
As far as I am concerned this is all that any democrat can ask for. We may each have our opinion about war-crimes and human rights, and these will differ from person to person, but the sole common ground is a demand for a credible, independent investigation. Since this regime has shown itself to be incapable of independent investigations and since presidential commissions are held in ridicule, the exercise has to have a powerful independent international component.
This puts the regime and Sinhala-Buddhist chauvinists on the defensive; are they going to be insane and the call Sobitha a LTTE agent? This is the powerful Sinhala-Buddhist voice of a respected monk, so what slander are they going to think up? It’s not only the regime but also CBK, the UNP, Anura Kumara and JVP, and General Fonseka who now have to come back down to plant earth. Any who cannot accept this stand will be shown-up as naked on the issue of accountability. If Sobitha stands firm the naysayers will all collapse like a house of cards as they have no logical ground to stand on.
Thiru / February 6, 2014
David is living in his imaginary world. Mahinda Rajapakse is riding a tiger he cannot dismount from, so are Gotha, Basila and a few others.
They will go to the devil to make sure they stay in power till they die. They may die like Gaddhafi or Saddam Hussain, I don’t know.
It’s only the international community who can bring down the Satanic regime and solve the problem of authoritarianism, and bring about the Tamil autonomy.
aratai / February 7, 2014
Agree… Rajapakse’s are gone too far to point of no return….
Dinuk / February 7, 2014
Great stuff! Sobitha Thero is one of the few honest Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka today.
I’d certainly vote Sobith hamuduruwa for President for 6 months to abolish the Executive Presidency and root out the corrupt Mahinda Rajapaksa family and cronies which have spread like a virus though all institutions in Sri Lanka and destroyed them. Today democracy is indeed a SHELL GAME.. Most institutions in Sri Lanka have unqualified, uneducated and CORRUPT JARAPASSA family members and conies running them. All governance institutions have been hollowed out and there is only the facade of democracy… So even though in principle am opposed to Buddhist monks in politics and parliament I would support Sobitha thero as a one-off single issue President for DRASTIC REFORM of Lanka’s rotten POLITICAL CULTURE, especially because the opposition UNP is also unfit to change the political culture. Just look at the UNP clown, so-called Mayor of Colombo Muzamill who is in the CORRUPT family business of politics – He is Ranil Wickramasinghe’s man and now his wife also want a post… now he will join Jarapassa’s political family business for more perks..
Haridakuma / February 7, 2014
Hi Dinuk
By approving this so called monk what you are saying is politically Sri Lankan people are so bankrupt people should hide behind the venerated yellow robe worshipped by good Buddhists.
For goodness sake he became a monk to attain “nibbana/Nivana”. Go ahead de robe, become a layman and contest, I will give my vote. What a shame. how can these people guide ordinary people.
Don Stanely / February 7, 2014
Exciting times indeed KD. Keep it coming!
As part of a phased transition strategy CBK and Sobitha Thera are not opposed or mutually exclusive: CBK can take over as PM and/or contest elections for next head of state – once Sobitha Thero steps down after 6 months.
This could be the transition-back-to-democracy and good governance strategy and for rooting out of Jarapassa corrupt family and cronies from govt. institutions for Lanka post- Jarapassa and LTTE!
Sobitha Thero seems to be like India’s Anna Hazare – leading a social movement for CLEAN AND HONEST Govt. because both the Congress and BJP parties are rife with corruption.
Lanka still needs an Aam Aadmi Party led by the Thero.. There still needs to be a VOTER EDUCATION campaign for the majority Sinhala Modayas who don’t have a clue about what DEMOCRACY is, and who think that MONEY POLITICS and Jarapassa’s feudalistic CORRUPT PATRONAGE POLITICS is democracy!
Janaki / February 7, 2014
Vasudeva Nanayakkara who is in bed with NGO Human Rights so called activist queen Nimalka Fernando is the Minister of National Languages and social DISintegration. Vasu following the Jarapassa culture of nepotism and corruption has tuned his ministry into a FAMILY BUSINESS and appointed his son to run the Ministry, so do not expect him to break ranks to abolish the executive presidency.
Now for Vasu its MONEY POLITICS all the way – NO principles or policies! Vasu’s son blocks any progress in the Ministry and prevents international donors helping with good programs and diverts funds for shows and hot air talk shops at LKRISS He is a clown like his father! These dead leftists are a curse on the country and a disgrace.. This ministry needs to be forced to present a BILL ON THE PREVENTION OF RACIAL HATRED AND HATE SPEECH in the Parliament of Clowns – and if not this Ministry of National Disintegration which is a waste of funds should be shut down.
John / February 7, 2014
Ven. Sobhitha’s interview says one thing clearly, even buddhist monks among others are fed up of this Regime.
It’s time govt. put stupidity, bad governance a stop or expect unexpected.
Ben Hurling / February 7, 2014
Sounds like you are worried about Ven. Sobitha’s candidature as well.
Coz’ it means Sri Lankans will go a long way to settle the matter in a civilized way at home.
Your dream of using internaional involvement as a backdoor to utopic Ealam will then be disqualified.
Thiru / February 7, 2014
I am not worried, but I want to see all those who indiscriminately killed Tamils punished.
Also this well intentioned thero will not succeed against the cunning Rajapakses. They will fix him somehow by hook or crook.
If you don’t believe me let’s wait and see.
Thiru / February 7, 2014
It all boils down to how to bell the Rajapakse cat!
Rats that we are can get together in the CT and discuss but when the cat meows every rat will be quiet in hiding.
Ben Hurling / February 7, 2014
Let us unite and get rid of the dictator first.
Native Vedda / February 7, 2014
Ben Hurling & Thiru
“Let us unite and get rid of the dictator first.”
Let us unite and get rid of the dictator first and replace him by another.
Ben Hurling / February 7, 2014
Given how stupid our electorate is risk of a new dictator is high.
We should not put our guard down in that regard.
Chamara Perera / February 7, 2014
Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.
– George Bernard Shaw
Ben Hurling / February 8, 2014
George Bernard Shaw was a clever man.
He must have forseen the Sri Lankan tragedy coming.
shankar / February 8, 2014
Good one chamara.That is why we get what we deserve.After all aren’t they the peoples representatives.They represent the qualities too.
Bruz / February 6, 2014
Interesting and a serious challenge. Let’s wait and see how others respond to Hamudurowo’s call. Will CBK hide or support the prelate. How the sinhala-Buddhist and others will react for his call for International investigation..
Thamara / February 7, 2014
I don’t think JVP or UNP will ever trust CBK, who herself was a failure. She promised to abolish the Presidency and she called it a ‘Bahubutha viyawsthawa’ but when she came into power she kept it even wanted to get it extended. Most of the people will not trust her. Former CJ herself cannot be trusted as she agreed to the 18 Amendment and so many othr injustices during her tenure. I believe we can trust Rev Sobitha to keep his word, abolish the EP and step down. If the Sri Lankans are now fed up with this family bandisam then I think we must all support Rev Sobitha to come forward. He is also a person who rspects other religions. We must not dream of supporting CBK. Time to take a correct decision to chase away this cursed family.
srilal / February 6, 2014
can we have the English Translation of the interview , please !
Anpu / February 6, 2014
Could do a translation by google (***Not perfect*** )
srilal / February 7, 2014
Thanks Anpu !
Rajash / February 7, 2014
Srilal you are right
this interview should be translated in English as well as Sinhala and posted here.
it will be also a good idea to print leaflets of the translatio in Sinhla and distribute to the Sinhala south.
Any one volunteeirng?
Thiru / February 7, 2014
You are inviting white vans without booking!
sirimal / February 7, 2014
Hi Srilal,
I believe if both would contest as separate candidates, defeating MR will become a reality.
What do you think ? Please add your view.
Has any media institute already held an opinion poll (covering all sections in the society) about the outcome ?
srilal / February 7, 2014
Hi Srimal ,
Not a good idea , it must be a common goal and a common candidate , the common goal is to get rid of MR junta first , every thing else second !
my preference is Ven Sobitha thero as well , but will Ven Sobitha thero be allowed to contest ? ,as we all know MR can’t afford to give up the reins, will he ever give up his empire voluntarily ? he would do every thing possible to stop him contesting, I mean every thing !!, he has all the power , money , media , judiciary ,police ,murder squads etc under his command , will the Ven thero be able to withstand the 24×7 onslaught from the 3 rd grade politicians and undesirable characters ??
Both Ven Sobitha and CBK is the right combination and they must come as a single candidate !
sirimal / February 7, 2014
thanks Srilal:)
Agree, it should be as separate candidates:
You failed to respond to the last part :(
srilal / February 7, 2014
not to my knowledge , even if there was one ,i wouldn’t waste my time , any data coming from Srilanka can’t be taken seriously , even it happened to be an independent one !
PS: Sirimal i ‘m in to a common candidate , not as separate candidates !
Dr. B.I. Passe / February 6, 2014
In the current politically charged atmosphere Ven. Sobita Thero might gain the nod of the majority. It will not necessarily be a vote for him but more a vote against the Rajapakses – who have clearly overstayed their welcome. But this can be followed by pyrocratic chaos
that will be set up by the Rajapakses and their cohorts in the army.
There can be an “accident” in the melee like the one that was used in getting rid of that upstar Siripathi S.
Dr. B.I.Passe
sirimal / February 6, 2014
I respect this thero´s view that much. No doubt he will have all ablities to bring peace and reconciliation to all of us. I believe significant masses would feel as I do. But those who are trying to label the country as of sinhala buddhists will further be sharpening if this thero would contest as either common or single candidate to defeat the incumbent in power. And the question is: What gurantee do we have that radical buddhist segments like BBS, RB, JHU and like minded forces would behave decently in the future.
Rajash / February 6, 2014
“I don’t know if I am overreacting, but to me this is the most significant political interview of the last 6 months –”
what is the other significant interview in the preceeding sisx months?
I thought this is the most significant interview since the end of the war?
lal / February 7, 2014
“I don’t know if I am overreacting, but to me this is the most significant political interview of the last 6 months –”
You have raised a question and given the man an excuse to present another diatribe (and you have fallen to a three card trick). Wait for it.
Rajash / February 7, 2014
oh my god…lets ignore the next significant interview article then!
Chamara Perera / February 7, 2014
Or since the Independence…..
Rajash / February 7, 2014
even better
shankar / February 8, 2014
“Or since the Independence…..’
Or since kasyappa was interviewed and asked whether he felt any remorse for burying his father alive.
Rajash / February 9, 2014
That’s going far……
punchisingho / February 6, 2014
Now it seems it is going to be the Rev. Thera or CBK who is going to challenge the President.
I have a few questions .
1 How can one abolish office of President withing six months? It can be abolished only by the Parliament.Will the present Parliament abolish it? or is the Thera going to dissolve the Parliament once he is the President and ask the new Parliament to abolish it?
2 Will people elect him only to abolish the Presidency? This is Sri lanka , not a European country. We know here people vote expecting essential items at subsidized rates, jobs, houses, pay hikes etc.
3 To win the Thera has to get votes from Tamils , Muslims and Christians too.Can he get their votes?before taking the final decision the Thera must hold discussions with TNA,Muslim Congress, Tondaman first and then with the other parties.
In case the Thera contests the Presidential election without an assurance of support of key political parties, civil organizations and prominent personalities, people will re-elect Mahinda.
Hence the Thera must understand that this is a serious game.
sirimal / February 7, 2014
Right at the moment, buddhists in SL behave as if they are non-buddhists or perhaps atheists. So do you think that they the buddhists would nevertheless vote for the Rev. Sobitha if he would contest ? There is a significant fraction of the society that would not agree with Monks becoming politicians, looking at the current scenes of some regious segments that have now become violent being active politicians. Has any media institution already held any kind of opinion poll to roughly estimate the people´s opinions ?
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / February 7, 2014
In the event the Ven. Sobitha Thero contests and is elected,
1. Would he be able to hold parliamentary elections immediately, if MR elects to hold the parliamentary elections before the Presidential elections.
2. Does the current edition of our constitution permit its own repeal?
3. If not, would mechanisms outside the parliament have to be resorted to change the constitution as in 1972?
4. Would the new constitution have provisions for provincial/ regional empowerment through extensive devolution?
5. What would be the status of Sinhalese, Tamil and English, and the different religions under the new constitution!
6. Who would be the Prime Minister to give effect and meaning to the new constitution and ensure good governance, once he resigns after six months in the presidency?
7. Would qualifications and standards be defined for those who come forward to contest for elected office under the new constitution?
8. Would he stay on as the new Prime Minister?
9. Who would be new head of state- an appointed or elected President?
10. Would the new constitution be secular and ensure a separation of state and religion?
11. What would be fate of politicians and officials who have plundered and ruined this country, yet living, once the new dispensation comes into effect?
12. Would they be punished and their ill gotten wealth confiscated?
There are many such questions that need to be answered.
Dr. Rajasingham Narendran
Chamara Perera / February 7, 2014
Dr RN,
The devil is in the details…….
To repeal the constitution and bring in a new, he would need two third of the majority of the Parliament or he will have to go for a referendum.
But according to the Interview he comes in as a SI candidate and it is to abolish the EP. The question is can that be achieved through an amendment to the existing constitution.
Rajash / February 7, 2014
it seems you are getting your CV ready.
Navin / February 9, 2014
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran:
No need to get restless. Have a break…have a Kit Kat.
Maduluwawe Sobitha like CBK most certainly will NOT get elected even if he were to contest.
manel fonseka / February 7, 2014
How I would love to welcome the Honourable monk’s stand whole-heartedly but I am restrained by faint but worrying memories of his position many years ago (in the 80s?) on the ethnic question. True, I cannot precisely recall his statements at the time, & I respect his decision to come forward as a single-issue candidate, & wish to trust his commitment to step down once he has fulfilled that task. It could well be that whatever his views 30 years ago, the terrible years of violence, tragedy & destruction have wrought a sea-change in him; & his love for this country & its long-suffering people have urged him to contribute to a solution that seems right to him.
But I also feel however strongly one may wish to abolish the abolish the EP within a brief period, for many people voting for a monk as a President will not be an easy decision to take.
Robert.R / February 7, 2014
Hi Manel,
Even if you cannot remember the exact words, I would appreciate it if you share at least the crux of it
manel fonseka / February 7, 2014
Wasn’t he a key figure in the anti Peace Accord protests? Either he or Rev. Omalpe Sobitha addressed the crowds of protesters when they assembled in the Pettah from where they marched through the city. Many monks participated, some calling for a fast until death. Things became violent & I believe a large number of people were killed. However, I must insist that I believe we are all capable of change, sincere change, not out of expediency, & we have all come a long way & had many hard lessons to learn.
Nevertheless, anyone aspiring to the Presidency may not find it so easy to stick to a single issue mandate given the complexity of our situation. I do believe Ven. Maduluwawe Sobitha has moved from a nationalist position to a moderate & more compassionate one, & this is certainly borne out by his position on an international investigation. But if he is not able to withdraw within a limited time, how will he tackle other problems which must surface very soon? The question of the military occupation & land alienation in the N & E, for instance? Can he stand back from such problems? Maybe it is possible. Maybe we should try anything.
Agnos / February 8, 2014
I do remember hearing some unpleasant ethnic rhetoric from Maduluwawe Sobitha Thero several years ago. Since there are many Theros with ‘Sobitha’ in their names, it may be hard to remember who said what, but this Thero was nowhere near the racists in the JHU, some of whom also go by ‘Sobitha.’ Anyway, if this Thero is willing to show compassion toward minorities and becomes the common opposition candidate, I am sure Tamils and Muslims will forget past concerns and support him.
My concern is that, despite Sinhala nationalist extremism in the population at large, not too many would want to see a monk as president. But if he gives an unbreakable, enforceable guarantee (not sure legally if that is possible) of contesting for the explicit purpose of abolishing the Executive Presidency, and holding on to power for only 6 months, that could lead to a groundswell as people increasingly become fed up with the Rajapaksas’ dictatorial arrogance as the memory of war success fades.
Patriot / February 7, 2014
Manel my dear friend
If you can not remember what the Monk exactly said you should not have mentioned it to mislead the people.
manel fonseka / February 7, 2014
I humbly accept your rebuke.
manel fonseka / February 7, 2014
I meant “Venerable” not “Honorable” (the latter has lost its meaning here anyway).
shankar / February 8, 2014
manel,hasn’t “venerable”also become “venereal” after BBS antics.
Justice Lanka / February 7, 2014
Was the thero referring to Sarath Silva or Shirani?
shankar / February 8, 2014
Both,as they are both eminently suitable for changing things ,he with the crossover rule and she with the 18th amendment.CBK is not suitable for changing the constitution as the only thing she changes is her saree.
Vibhushana / February 7, 2014
A Tamil bright spark somewhere thought we need to get Mahinda Rajapaske to incriminate himself in “war crimes” for killing Prabarakan. Then he thought it will become so difficult for Mahinda Rajapaske he will be forced to step down.
First of all, as for as I know no court will ever punished anyone for killing a mass murderer or any of his followers armed or disarmed.
Secondly, being an astute politician you’d need to be a right royal dimwit to assume Rajapske will incriminate himself with anything.
aratai / February 7, 2014
Killing VP is not a crime….. Killing VP’s 10 year old son is the crime.
Sandy / February 7, 2014
Killing an innocent child was too sad for words..
shankar / February 8, 2014
sandy,why the spotlight on VP’s son only. Didn’t thousands of tamil children die due to VP.Nobody shed a tear for them,but when it comes to his son everyone crying to get at the rajapakshes through him.
I know you are not one of them but a sincere christian,but don’t fall for the machination of others who coudn’t care a damn for VP’s son but have ulterior motives in shedding tears for him.
I also felt sorry for the boy just like you because he looked the very antithesis of his father,practically angelic.He should have been spared if they were real bhuddhists,but we know that the sinhalese do not practice bhuddhism at all,only preach it.
Rajash / February 7, 2014
Vibushana says
“…. as for as I know ….no court will ever punished anyone for killing a mass murderer or any of his followers armed or disarmed. “
well you have dimissed your own post by saying
“as far as I know..”
the rest of your comment not worth reading
Fathima Fukushima / February 7, 2014
So BBS will be the next president of SL? Lovely!
Still some fools trust saffron robed politicians. Never learn.
Chandrika also promised to abolish the executive presidency in six months in 1994!!
What happened?
Fathima Fukushima / February 7, 2014
No sensible person will ever vote for a Buddhist monk for presidency.
Or an alliance where a Buddhist monk is part of.
truth / February 7, 2014
Thero has to watch out all the time!!
noel-jones / February 7, 2014
Although Sobitha thero showing that he is politically neutral person to the society, he is ardent supporter of UNP. If Sobitha thero’s main intention is to abolish Presidential system, why he did not request it from JRJ,Premadasa,DB,Chandrika when they were at the helm. If a monk put his trust on a whisky sodden woman like Chandrika, your mind should be examine.
I did not know that he made this request from the SF when he was contest the Presidential election?
Rev. Sobitha, Finally I must tell you that you only want to remove MR because you have a personnel grudge against him. Or otherwise you intentionally forget what MR did so far to protect Buddhism and the Sinhala nation because of that grudge. It is not about the abolish of Presidency.
Rev. Sobitha you,Chandrika,Shiranee,SF or if you give life back to any other demised Leaders like SWRD, Sirima or JRJ, it is only a pipe dream to send MR back home. You can witness it on 29th March. At least after that please make up your mind.
As I once told you please mind your own business rev.Sobitha. There are so many threats against Buddhism and the Sinhala nation in common. Protest and Fight against these threats and we are behind you. Otherwise you soon lose your unblemished name as a respectable monk.
Hadi Sheriff / February 7, 2014
Sobitha has no grudge against M.R. but he dont like thieves who rob the country & ruin our youth with heroin & rape.
noel-jones / February 7, 2014
Hadi Sheriff, Ven.Sobitha has a grudge against MR. Because MR no more pay attention to his views and not patronizing his temple Naga Viharaya at Kotte. MR patronizing neglected,poor temples and monks for the last three or four decades.That’s the grudge he has with MR.
And as an ardent supporter of UNP, Ven. Sobitha doesn’t like this country prospers under MR.[Not only him Catholic church,Tamil Diaspora,TNA,UNP some MP’s, Mangala and the gay Clan,Chandrika among them]. Ven.Sobitha wants to change the MR regime anyhow. That’s why he supported SF at last Presidential election. Request for Abolish Presidency is just a cover up. Ven. thero was in SL for the last five decades or so. Did he appeal from any of the previous leaders to abolish Presidency.
Your other suggestions are just myths spread out by Mangala and the gay clan together with bankrupt UNP’ers and TNA and some Islamic parties.
sirimal / February 7, 2014
what an idiot you should be. MR is not worth an inch of Rev. Sobitha. JuST listen to his speech and get it right man. Every right thinking regardless of reglion would rally round to go against the bugger MR – that has ruined the nation to this day. Besides, Rev. Sobitha´s contest would only be to defeat him and restore democracy to the nation. That is a golden task:)
gamini / February 7, 2014
This bugger Noel Jones is already pissing in his pants fearing that Rev. Sobitha will contest. When Rev. Sobitha wins all these Rajapaksa apologists will commit suicide unable to face the consequences of the crimes committed by them.
noel-jones / February 7, 2014
Gamini, Shut your bloody mouth bugger. I’m not talking to you. I’m talking to Rev. Sobitha. I’m glad he contest and understand the reality in politics and then we can witness, both politically and religious wise how he ruin himself.
Native Vedda / February 7, 2014
” When Rev. Sobitha wins all these Rajapaksa apologists will commit suicide unable to face the consequences of the crimes committed by them.”
You know very well, they usually switch sides or start their own foreign funded NGOs to champion human rights.
punchinilame / February 7, 2014
To start with, the journalist and the Editor will face partial-white
van treatment for sure, followed by media counter-attack on such
daring moves!! History of dictatorship the world-over points to this
Regime digging-in ferociously. Major “accidents” can occur – ask Basil
for tips.
Ivor Biggun / February 7, 2014
I was unable to obtain the text (or video) of this interview from the web page of the newspaper in question. Does this exist anywhere, and if so, will CT kindly post it for benefit of its readers?
chandra / February 7, 2014
Fathima (aka Lorenzo)
comment on LW
Lorenzo Says:
February 6th, 2014 at 12:56 pm
Sobitha Thero is the new Sarath Gonzeka.
Burt / February 7, 2014
““Sri Lanka is a part of the international community, we have to abide by international norms, and if there is a call for an international investigation, I have no problem in agreeing. If we have done nothing wrong we can go before an international investigation and vindicate ourselves”.”
The above is in line with the stated thinking of the CM of NPC and many law abiding citizens of the country.
Dushy Ranetunge / February 7, 2014
If This monk runs for the Precidency as the common candidate, he has a good chance of winning. As a common candidate Sarath Fonseka will support him, and if the monk wins Fonseka will be empowered and what will he do to Gota? The mind boggles.
gamini / February 7, 2014
Hang the Western and the Southern PC elections. MR, Gota and the supporters must be having sleepless nights from now on.
Gota in the hands of SF would be like how Rohana Wijeyweera was in the hands of Ranjan Wijeyratne. Gota fully deserve an agonising death as meted to Rohana Wijeyweera and Lawyer Liyanarachi who approved burning Udugampola’s old mother and family.
Native Vedda / February 7, 2014
“Gota fully deserve an agonising death as meted to Rohana Wijeyweera and Lawyer Liyanarachi who approved burning Udugampola’s old mother and family.”
How long do you think the celebrations would go on?
Revenge is not the alternative to dictatorship.
manisekaran / February 7, 2014
Gota will run to US for resuming his 24*7 job, whatelse? From there he will be taken to a place where he rightly belongs to! Hell!!
Patriot / February 7, 2014
This is a dream come true news for the helpless people of Sri Lanka. There is no human being in this world other than Maduluwawe Sobhitha Thera who can surely beat Mahinda Rajapaksa at the next Presidential elections to make all Sri Lankan people, Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, etc happy as one race, that is Human Race, as said by E. W. Adhikaram in the late 1940s.
Now that the main hurdle of getting the Theras approval to stand as a Single-Issue (SI) presidential candidate is achieved it is the duty of all Sri Lankans to protect the Thera which will be a herculean task. People should remember the tragic removal of Gamini Dissanayake’s life during the presidential electionsmany years ago who was a great threat to Chandrika Kumarathunga Banadaranaike . People should not trust the Rajapaksas as they too are hell-bent to destroy eminent opponents.
Finally, people should be grateful to Prof Kumar David the intelligent professor for trying to promote Sobhitha Thera as the common candidate for the last year or so.
srilal / February 7, 2014
couldn’t agree more Patriot .
Don Quixote / February 7, 2014
How can Chandrika do it ? She had two terms and she failed ! I hope she chickens out of this.
Her sister (Sunethra) can and so can Premadasa’s Daughter ( Dulanjalee) !
A Thero cannot contest an election.
Make sure the former CJ is not Sarath Silva !
Safa / February 7, 2014
All patriotic Sri Lankans should support Ven Sobhitha who has come forward to free the country of the scourge of the Executive Presidiency. The opposition parties should unite to support him or appoint a suitable candidate as suggested by him.
Ven Sobhitha who has renounced the world has nothing to lose or gain. He has come forward to save this country and people, nothing more. This is a supreme sacrifice since it will earn him the ire of the racist and facist segment. All right thinking people should strongly support him.
Shyamon Jayasinghe / February 7, 2014
Kumar David, you have pointed out the possibility of MR making a last-moment move with the support of the “sensitive” Mohan Peiris and the captive MPs to amend the constitution. This may well happen if the candidature is announced too much in advance. Leave the move to Ranil, who I know will not be coming forward. Ranil will use his cunning to checkmate the High King. Remember how Anton Balasingham described Ranil as a ‘cunning fox’? Don’t underestimate the UNP Leader’s capability. See how well he manages the MR-programmed revolt within his party. Thavarapperuma is the latest; but Ranil is calm, but thinking
Patriot / February 7, 2014
SJ who is a supporter of Ranil is day dreaming. Yes Ranil is a cunning person who knows that he can not win and does not want anybody else to win either except Mahinda Rajapaksa. As such, Sobhitha Thera need to be cautious about Ranil than Mahinda. If Mahinda Rajapaksa is going to abolish the EP himself bcause of this announcement then it is so much the better. Sobhitha Thera can relax since he has achieved what he wanted.
srilal / February 7, 2014
you have said what i wanted to write , Ranil will covertly support MR and will secure his permanent opposition leader position for another term.
sirimal / February 7, 2014
If MR himself would abolish EP intending to stay in power, people will have to decide it. The worst thing is to extend the EP again and again.
Raju / February 7, 2014
I cannot understand this so called speech and the comments made. All seems to be hell bent to destroy MR government by every other means contrary to democracy. None of these people believe in ballot box. They want international agencies to intervene to do this task as done in Libya, Iraq and other Arab Countries. This is venom and personal anger on the government. Has any of these people look back and understand where all these countries stay now. Utter chaos, normal life has perished where once most affluent countries. People are suffering, no food, medical care, and security. Even the countries like Serbia where American’s attach under the guise of freedom has turned into hell hole. People who make these comments first should remove themselves from Anger and speak. International community can do nothing if the opposition cannot win an election.
shankar / February 7, 2014
“Stunning Interview” Can someone tell me what is the similarity between sobitha and alexis texas, one of my favourites.
Sobitha showing a cunning stunt while alexis showing a stunning c—.
PS.Since sobitha has entered into public life he has to go through the mill just like other politicians.No harm in monks entering politics as it is their democratic right to do so,but they can’t expect any special treatment if they do.
Sinhaya / February 7, 2014
It is wishful thinking to have Ven.Sobhitha as our president. As noel said, there are so many imminent issues that Buddhists face in our society and a monk is talking about abolishing presidency. Does that make any sense?
batangala / February 7, 2014
Whether you are a monk or civilian anyone has his own ambitions. How Ven Sobitha assure the people of SL that he will only be there as the President just until he abolish the Presidency and the constitution. has he attained Nibbana? That is where the problem starts? People know about CB, Fonseka and other so called leaders as well.They all are useless stupid leaders. Although we do not think of the JVP input in this process actually they are the only people who still work to their own conscience. Unfortunately people of SL not giving them a chance to come up as young leaders mainly due to their past undesired memories.
Upul / February 7, 2014
Who is protecting Sobitha Thero now????
Does he have any deals the Rajapakses might have files on?
If not, go for it sir! Sri Lanka needs a break and if it must come from an honest clergyman, so be it.
sara / February 7, 2014
1.killing VP in a battle front -not a crime
2.killing the kid in the battle front-??? child soldier-No crime, accident- collateral damage.
3.Killing VP after surrendered -A crime
4.Killing the kid after captured him- ????? i don’t know you guess
Dhana / February 7, 2014
Kumar David states` There are just two people who can, and will defeat him, hamuduruwo and CBK as common-opposition-SI’
Can he explain how people could trust CBK, who was elected in 1996 promising to abolish the Executive Presidency, to honor that pledge again and defeat the present President.