3 May, 2024


“Don’t Engage In Cheap Political Games” TNA Slams Sri Lankan Government

The Tamil National Alliance has today condemned the statement issued by the Ministry of External Affairs.

Sampanthan - Mahinda - Colombo TelegraphIssuing a statement the TNA said; “The Tamil National Alliance reiterates firmly its denial of any involvement with the individuals referred to in the said statement pertaining to the investigation being conducted by the High Commissioner for Human Rights. The Tamil National Alliance specifically states that it has nothing whatever to do with the said individuals pertaining to the said investigation or otherwise. It is ludicrous that the Government in support of such purported involvement seeks to rely allegedly upon photographs taken at public functions on public occasions.

“The statement of the Ministry of External Affairs is indicative of the depth of the desperation to which the establishment has sunk.

“Reference to the following few events would demonstrate the extent of the Sri Lankan Government’s commitment to the protection of Human Rights.

  1. The withdrawal from their Mandate of the International Independent Group of Eminent Persons comprising of eleven reputed intellectuals and Human Rights activists from different parts of the world, granted to them to assist and guide the domestic Udalagama Commission appointed to investigate and report on certain grave violations of Human Rights, stating clearly at their final press conference that the Sri Lankan Government did not have the political will or commitment to investigate grave Human Rights violations in keeping with international norms and standards.
  2. The non publication of the report of the Udalagama Commission up to date though several years have lapsed since the submission of that report clearly establishing the lack of will on the part of the Sri Lankan Government to be transparent and make available to the public true and vital information.
  3. Failure to reveal the true status of the cases pertaining to the massacre of the five students of Trincomalee, and the seventeen aid workers at Muttur in Trincomalee, despite numerous commitments made to the International Community and though more than eight years have elapsed since the said crimes were committed.
  4. Failure to enact a Witness and Victim Protection Bill over the past seven years despite the several commitments made to the International Community in this regard, clearly indicating lack of an interest on the part of the Sri Lankan Government to provide protection to witnesses and victims who testify in judicial processes in regard to offences committed.
  5. Failure to conduct a single impartial independent investigation into several grave violations pertaining to its own citizens other than disappearances, evidence of which grave violations has been in the public domain for a considerable period of time.

“The Sri Lankan Government by denying access to international investigations to visit Sri Lanka and conduct an impartial independent investigation is violating its own obligations under conventions and treaties it has voluntarily signed and accepted and is now adding insult to injury by casting aspersions on the international investigation. If the international investigators were able to visit Sri Lanka witnesses would have been able to freely go and testify at such investigations. There would have been no need for anything as is being alleged by the Ministry of External Affairs to happen. It is also known that the Sri Lankan Government through persons in authority have issued public statements warning prospective witnesses that if they testified before or assisted the investigation in any way, they would be violating the Constitution and laws of the country and that they would be prosecuted. This was clearly intended to intimidate witnesses.

“This is indicative of extreme confusion on the part of those entrusted with the responsibility of conducting vital affairs on behalf of Sri Lanka, and protecting the larger interests of Sri Lanka.

“The Tamil National Alliance would in the larger interests of Sri Lanka urge the Sri Lankan Government, rather than engage in cheap political games, to conduct itself with a greater sense of responsibility.”

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  • 7

    What does Mr Sambandan mean by larger interests of Srilanka?…

    Wasn’t he hand picked by the late Mr Prabakaran to represent the whole Tamil inhabitant population plus the Diaspora?…

    Has the lifting of the Ban on the LTTE given Mr Samabandan an extra leg?

    Are the 5 students in Trino more important than the 300 Worshippers in Batti?…

    Our great majority of the inhabitant population has a lot to think about before they tick the Ballot paper this time…..

    • 13

      K.A Sumanasekera

      “What does Mr Sambandan mean by larger interests of Srilanka?… “

      I guess what he meant was that whoever cracks Fermat’s Last theorem (Fermat’s conjecture) should be crowned as the king of this island.

      Give it a try.

      • 3

        Dear Native,

        My elders tell me Algebra has always been the forte of the Vellalas, even in your ancestral land in Madurai..

        Do you seriously expect our Dalits to crack Fermat’s Conjecture..

        They wouldn’t know Fermat from Hermit …

        • 6

          K.A Sumanasekera

          “They wouldn’t know Fermat from Hermit …”

          Of course they wouldn’t know the Fermat Conjecture as they are not allowed to see beyond their nose, ie Mahawamsa. As for hermit they are familiar with saffron clad thugs, child molesters, ….

          Algebra is not the forte of Vellala. Ask your stupid elders to learn, wisen up and make comments that are relevant, useful and sensible.

          • 0

            Sihala Buddhist Seeing the Hindian in China than Algebra.
            The stupid dalit elders would have a scuffle to go to Longman Loyang than study Algebra from Longmans. Dont forget they have the kotchi kattadiiyas and Vedha Mahatayas.

        • 3

          K.A Sumanasekera

          “Do you seriously expect our Dalits to crack Fermat’s Conjecture..”

          The stupid Sinhalese and stupid Tamils are not capable of aiming for the higher things in life but compete other to reach bottom of low life. Therefore they weren’t aware of the existence of Fermat’s challenge leave alone its solution.

          Being born in Dalit community is not a very good excuse not to aspire for higher things in life.

          Andrew Wiles in 1994 cracked the conjecture. Therefore Tamil/Sinhalese need not to painstakingly solve it again. Did they actually want to crack it in the first place?

          Master your Mahawamsa Mantra it will take you to the highest rank on the stupidity scale.

          Your petty mind keeps the future generation down, aspiration low, achievement none.

          • 3

            A rocket engineer is calling us Tamils stupid, funny c***. How can an idiot who come from Rodhiya race talk about accomplishment? Hold your wife’s hand and dance around the fure or else another tribesman will run away with your wife. Is it true that native vedda traded two wild boars to find him a wife? You all are sinha-lames who arrived from Orissa and cant talk about acomplisments. If you let veda talk he’d even tell u that his grand father invented the computer.

          • 0

            Dear Native,

            Not sure about yours , but our Dalits have achieved a lot during the last decade thanks to Rajapaksas.

            Come over to the South, and see for yourself how things have progressed ,, since the Dissawe clans and the Wallauwa lot have passed on.

            And it is going to get better, although most benefits including, free state of the art Gyms to give the Boys six packs and the Girls toned figures, flow to the the Elite , Anglicans and the Vellalas in Colombo.

            Because our poor Southerners have been handicapped by the British and their stooges even after independence.

            But your mates , UNP, TNA , Dioaspora Alliance may make things even better for the Elites, and the Vellalas and the Anglicans. at the expense of the Dalits for sure……..

    • 9

      We know lot about the immigrants from Orissa who couldn’t find human,So they mixed with animals (Lion) and the outcomes are towards Lion. They are carnivorous and they love blood and meat. That is why they don’t stop sucking blood of human but also their Lion born humans. For them it is the norm and Sumane has the same characteristics.
      Don’t worry Tamils have a surprise for you when they tick the boxes. This time it will definitely for Mahinda. He has already promised to TNA that he will give NORTHEAST to TNA if he gets over 50% ticks. This is what he agreed in USA.

    • 12

      “Wasn’t he hand picked by the late Mr Prabakaran to represent the whole Tamil inhabitant population plus the Diaspora?…”

      VP unlike the govt is not known to pick drug dealears and thugs which means this guy is good at what he does and has intergrity, cannot be bought.

      “Mr Samabandan an extra leg?”
      Does this tickle your fancy? :)

      “Are the 5 students in Trino more important than the 300 Worshippers in Batti?…”
      Is it not the responsibility of the state to impartially investigate and persecute the criminals whether 5 or 300? In both cases the criminals are with the govt and they have the information. Batti was under the control of Karuna and Pilliyan, Trinco it was the state military.

      “Our great majority of the inhabitant population has a lot to think about before they tick the Ballot paper this time…..”
      You mean they are going to ignore the rice packet.

    • 0


      “Don’t Engage In Cheap Political Games” TNA Slams Sri Lankan Government

      BOTH TNA and the Govt. can have a field day with a populace with an Average I Q of 79. So, they both are targeting the bottom 51% of the populace with IQ less than 80.


      Conservative columnist Ann Coulter on Sunday accused Democrats supporting women’s rights to win the “bottom 51 percent” of voters “in terms of IQ.”

      During an interview on Fox & Friends, Coulter told host Tucker Carlson that the midterm elections should be about Obamacare.

      But Carlson pointed out that Democrats seemed to be focusing on other issues.

      “Everywhere I turn, every spot I see from the Democratic side, it’s all about birth control and abortion,” Carlson said.

      “The Democrats don’t care,” Coulter opined. “If they can get the bottom 51 percent of voters in terms of knowledge and IQ, they’re perfectly happy. I can fool 51 percent of the people, that’s enough to win. And hopefully, we’ll overcome that.”

      Of course the Democrats want low IQ voters. Liberals are importing the 3rd world to America.


      27 Kenya 80
      28 Guatemala 79
      28 Sri Lanka 79
      28 Zambia 79
      29 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 78
      29 Nepal 78
      29 Qatar 78

    • 0

      If you are not suffering from Amenesia, how come you forget the man appointed by V,Prabakaran n, KP also known as Kumara n Padmanathan Nadal as the Leader of the LTTE after him, is enjoying all the prevelegous accorded toa Minister of the Raja paksa government?
      It may be a very minor problem for anyone to consider Sambadan as a LTTE proxy, when compared with K P. There is no LTT e or Tamil Daispora working against Rajapaksa regime, they work with them. Rajapaksa regime by not objecting to lifting of restriction on the LTTE funds shows that Gota and Mahinda is trying to hand over the North to KP for the LTTE fund s worth around US $ 5 billion.

  • 5

    So TNA survived May 2009.


  • 20

    Sumane, Sumane,

    I always keep asking you whether you came out form your mother’s womb or something else and you never respond.

    Let me tell you why, not only Sambandhan the whole of the people and parties save some boot lickers of MURDEROUS MARA AND THE MARA CLAN seem to think otherwise.

    Just ask JVP, UNP, True SLFP (Not MARA’s BOOT LICKERS),JHU, True Leftists, TNA, SLMC, Coalition of Ven. Sobitha Thero and all Patriotic Civil Organizations, the BAR Association and the list will only go on and on.

    They all consider that MARA is a greater threat to all Sri Lankans except for his boot lickers and in my opinion he is now become worse than VP.

    You rightfully compare MARA’s atrocities to that of VP and try to justify that he is better of the evils. But, me and most of the Sri Lankans including all above parties and organizations think otherwise.

    You can easily judge that by the amount of thumbs down you get whenever you post some idiotic and un-related issues in support of your MURDEROUS MARA.

    Sometimes, I feel sorry for you because it seems like you make a living out of MARA’s ill gotten wealth and may be you are trying to keep the wolves at bay. Go on buddy, carry on regardless of what we all say.

    By the way where are all your bosom pals. TAMODAYA, JIMBO and the gang, might be escaping the sinking ship, get them on board, will you. Bye for now.

    • 6

      You must be a boot licking Muslim of the UNP Christian Faction from Wella Gardens, , if you are one….

      • 15

        @Ansar, you criticizing this down south low class clown Sumanasekeram is a waste of time. He never came out of his mother’s womb, he is an experiment gone wrong at the Hambantota Maha Vidyalaya. This coolie never talks sense, always with this Muslim, Jaffna Tamil, Vellala, Anglican faction…….etc garbage. Even the guy who screwed up the lab experiment has gone mad reading Sumanasekeram’s comments. He is just down right racist and stupid just like the Jarapasa regime. Ansar, you on the other hand is an intelligent man posting a sensible reply and for that Sumanasekeram gives a Hambantota answer.

      • 1

        [Edited out]

      • 7

        How can he be a Muslim in a Christian faction?
        Did someone drop you on your head as a child or just born stupid.

        • 1

          May be he was subjected to sexual torture (circumcision) which made him a Mudaya.

      • 9

        K.A Sumanasekera

        “You must be a boot licking Muslim of the UNP Christian Faction from Wella Gardens, , if you are one….”

        How cool is this?

        Calm down Sumanasekera.

      • 1

        You truly are a mighty stalwart of the powers that be indeed if you can go on with your vellala rigamarole in the midst of this many people calling you an idiot and laughing at you. I only hope that you’ll be around when your masters come knocking with rifle butts. Remember, the muslims watched the tamils being ‘taught a lesson’ and felt safe. then the sinhalese watched the muslims being ‘taught a lesson’ and felt safe. and then weliweriya happened, and people like you felt safe :)

  • 7

    Mahinda Jarapassa is a real bastard who came alongside a generation of inglorious [Edited out] (his brothers, father, an great grand fathers) they all made a living by deception and begging. K.A Sumanasekara and Singala Modaya’ are both sons of Jarapassa’s housemaids, and they get angry if u talk bad of Jarapassa. I’l shove these two rat face singa-lame sobs inside Jarapassa’s [Edited out]

    • 5

      The great shame is not your foul mouth. The great shame is that CT allows your posts. I always knew Elle Kolla had a Tamil doppelgagnger.

      • 5

        Well done CT. Now that ‘rat face singa-lame sobs’ is allowed may I please refer to ‘rat faced demalame sons of bitches’ too?

        • 3

          Yayyy Taraki, well done for getting your post aproved by CT. Hurray to you girl. And btw who is demalame? Is it your great sinhala grandfather? Lol

      • 4


        ” I always knew Elle Kolla had a Tamil doppelgagnger.”

        Maveeran and ella Kolla share the same stupid gene.

  • 6

    Will the LTTE proxy Vellala, Sambandan get on stage with the Christian Faction leader Ranil and slam the Government to get our great majority to back the UNP TNA Diaspora Alliance?.

    I sincerely hope they do because I have made a colourful power point presentation to give them free of charge.

    It details their past deeds in Full HD ,the likes of Aranthalawa, Athuraliya, Anuradhapura, Kathankaddy and even Mahabankuwa to give more oomph to their speeches. to the Dalits in the South…



    • 2

      Power point slides with UN logo?

    • 1

      Stick to the backwards rubbish that you’re good at, like naming two hindu castes every time you open your mouth, and leave the more complicated matters to people who can prevent themselves masturbating every time they hear the word “vellala”.

    • 4

      @Sumanasekeram, you creating a power point presentation is like Jarapasa giving up all his stolen wealth. What did you use to create your power point presentation? bristle board from the local book depot. Bloody codger, go and get a damn life, what a loser and 3rd class clown. Idiot if you want to do a Power point presentation you need more than a bristle board. Maybe ask your master to send you back to school and learn a thing called MS Power Point. That maybe the right tool for you when you spend time at Angoda.

  • 8

    What can we expect of a government that has lost its marbles, is drowning in the muck it has produced and is desperately trying not to drown? The more it tries not to drown by flaying its hands and legs, and wagging its long, loose tongue, the faster it will drown. What it is doing defies any logic. Reminds me Ravana’s state of mind during the period preceding and during the great battle against Rama.

    Aro hara!

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

    • 2

      Dear Native,

      My elders tell me Algebra has always been the forte of the Vellalas, even in your ancestral land in Madurai..

      Do you seriously expect our Dalits to crack Fermat’s Conjecture..

      They wouldn’t know Fermat from Hermit …

    • 2

      Dr Narendran,

      You must be a fan of our Lord Kataragaman … Right.

      Otherwise how do you know to dance Kavadi and chant Haro Hara….

      How did you allow Mr Saymon Jayasinghe to get away with that cheap attack on Lord Kataragaman…

  • 5

    “Don’t Engage In Cheap Political Games”

    Trade mark of Percy Mahendra Rajapaksha Cheap Political Games.

  • 2

    Hello Hello Sammanthan!Are you preaching not to engage in cheap politics?How dare you can say this?From day one,you and your party members are involved in cheap politics to gain political mileage.In the TNA election platforms you and your party comrades thundered “we will teach a lesson to the Sinhalese”,”we will give pain to those who gave us pain”,”let us(tamils)unite and show our strength to the Sinhalese”.How do you categorize these?Is this not cheap politics?Dont think that you casn cheat the people all the time.

  • 8

    Well said Mr. Sambandan, once again you have put Gon Pieris on his place. Here again Gon Pieris has proved that he does not know how to lie. This is the state of our Foreign Services.

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