2 May, 2024


The ‘Default Option’ Is Delusion

By Malinda Seneviratne – 

Malinda Seneviratne

Malinda Seneviratne

‘We are not in the business of issuing character certificates to those who cross,’ JVP Leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake said. The past few weeks have seen a lot of politicians crossing party lines. These moves have been received with jeers and cheers, depending on whether the person left or arrived, respectively. Interestingly, if you took names of the ‘movers’ and the names of those who either praised or vilified the move out, it would be as though people are using the same script.

If rhetoric and self-righteous chest beating is all that these crossovers are about, it would be silly to take them too seriously. They do matter, however. They keep contenders and campaigns in the news. They are used to portray ‘sway’ even if they don’t exactly translate into the numbers that movers and backers toss around. On the other hand if people do get swayed by those who are up for sale what does it say about the voter?  Not much, unfortunately.

Maithripala and JVP secretary Tilvin

Maithripala and JVP secretary Tilvin

It is in this context that Anura Kumara Dissanayake’s wry observation has to be viewed. Our political culture was never really great, what with rogues, murderers, drug traffickers and common thugs seeking office and getting elected and re-elected, even when they switch loyalties. It seems to have hit rock bottom if the somersaults, pole-vaults and other gymnastic moves by people of all hues are considered. If anything is worse than the rubbish uttered at post-crossing press conferences it is the wild cheers of the fans who believe the candidate they support have gained. Even as they argue that theirs is the moral choice, they refuse to see the immorality of eleventh-hour ‘jumps’. There’s a question that’s not being asked: ‘were these people sleeping all these years?’

In all this, there’s a character being taken for a big time ride by politicians. The voter. That’s you. That’s all of us. What happened to ‘Good vs. Evil’?  What happened to ‘Honesty vs. Dishonesty’? What happens to notions such as law and order, good governance, the need to eradicate corruption, when you get the evil, the dishonest, the lawless and disorderly, wreckers of good governance and the corrupt on both sides of the principal political divide? What does it say about the political maturity of a country when all that matters is liking or disliking someone in the particular political camp? It is as though people have already decided (for whatever reason) and then say whatever is necessary to justify decision.

When this is the political culture that governs important elections, one cannot blame the JVP for keeping out of it, except of course that party arguably has not-so-noble reasons such as not wanting to be embarrassed by having their true support base revealed.  One has to keep in mind, also, that the JVP is playing a ‘For-Maithripla’ game where the thahanam vachanaya (taboo word/name) is ‘Maithripala’.

So if it’s about principles (which it is not for the vast majority, obviously and unfortunately), then the voter is fixed in mid-air, he/she is floating or has to support one of the many no-chance-in-hell candidates. At best, people have to tell themselves (if they are honest, and the jury is out on that too!) ‘lesser evil,’ although it is tough to pick, considering all the riff-raff that the front-runners have surrounded themselves with. Right now, though, the entire election is nothing more than a charade, where the vast majority of the country is happily engaged in a monumental exercise of self-delusion.

Perhaps that’s consolation and the best we can come up with right now. Sadly.

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  • 8

    Malinda Seneviratna

    You lickspittle, bootlicker, brownnose, fawner, flatterer, flunky, groveler, lackey, sycophant, toady,

    So in your considered opinion the “Right now, though, the entire election is nothing more than a charade, where the vast majority of the country is happily engaged in a monumental exercise of self-delusion.”

    I suppose you are recommending that the People should not dump Rajapaksa in the garbage. Very good you scum bag!

    Do you hope to collect any fees for writing your own garbage? Collect it now in cash, BEFORE the people hang him on Galle Face Green on the afternoon of 8th January.

    • 9

      Malinda Seneviratne – MaRa Shill and Whitewasher [Edited out]

    • 3

      Malinda Seneviratne –

      The ‘Default Option’ Is Delusion

      Did you get to ride the Mefdamulan Prince’s Horse as the Shill?



    • 1

      You lickspittle, bootlicker, brownnose, fawner, flatterer, flunky, groveler, lackey, sycophant, toady,

      Don’t think you are smart just because you access a thesaurus to express your bile, bitterness, sourness, spleen, irritability, banana in the rear syndrome you dog, mongrel, mutt canine, skhit eating four legged hyena.

      • 1

        Calm down [Edited out]

  • 7

    Malinda Seneviratne – MaRa Shill and Whitewasher

    RE: The ‘Default Option’ Is Delusion

    Malinda-Shill. don’t you have any shame? Ash your mother if she is proud of your shilling?

    Delusion of the Shills and whitewashers

    creative and widely viewed video

    ‪#‎SriLanka‬ ‪#‎Lanka‬ ‪#‎MaRa‬ ‪#‎Hitler‬ ‪#‎Election‬ ‪#‎Cricket‬ ‪#‎Sinhala‬ #mara
    Story of the modern Hitler. creative video see


    Also Watch




  • 6


    Your boss will be going home on 8th of Jan 2015.

    Now is a good time for you to start planning your next move. A change of career perhaps.

    I will applaud you should you choose to quit writing. There are many other ways to make a living. Apart from back-scratching.


  • 4

    Malinda Senevirathne:

    Do you have relatives who are doing politics in this govt ?

    Otherwise, you know that journalists have a responsibility to give the right or correct information to the country. You know pen is mightier than the sword.

    Are you doing it right ? Are you proud of yourself ?


    You think you are a weakling who waits for ill-gotten wealth. So that you can live your life ?

  • 3

    Oh Mali Mali, such cleverness.

    The topic of the speech is ostensibly about the whole election being a charade. But hidden deeper:

    1. Only a reference made to Maithreepala – not a word about Mahinda. Clear attempt at implanting an adverse subconscious response against Maithreepala in the minds of the readers.

    2. The moral equation of all cross-overs. Not a word is mentioned about the fact that the Maithreepala and co are crossing over GIVING UP privileges, power and perks. Surely that warrants mention in this little homily of Mali!

    It is a pity that after his pathetic performance at a foreign TV interview Mali boy has become scarce. These kind of pseudo-intellectuals should be taken to task live to expose their moral and intellectual bankruptcy.


  • 2

    The only person “happily engaged in a monumental exercise of self-delusion” is Malinda Seneviratne.

  • 2

    Didn’t one of the “My Threes’say they won’t take Mervyn?..

    Wonder whether Mervyn sent in a resume to one of them ?..

    Mervyn wouldn’t have sent it to Sira , after calling him a F******, something…..

  • 1

    “It is in this context that Anura Kumara Dissanayake’s wry observation has to be viewed. Our political culture was never really great, what with rogues, murderers, drug traffickers and common thugs seeking office and getting elected and re-elected, even when they switch loyalties.”
    Very interesting statement. What is most interesting, though, is the fact that YOU have CONSISTENTLY AND LOUDLY supported every one of those people.
    They say, “The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree” and that tree continues in the same jungle as the Tissa-Vaasideva forest!
    As they say in our village, Bathala doesn’t grow from Niyangala.

  • 5

    Malinda, you are such an [Edited out]

    You are the one who is delusional, and definitely one of the worst riff-raffs in the journalist trade.

    The bovine crap you write…………………..Yaaaaawn!!!!!!!!!!

    Please reserve a hole to hide in come 9 January 2105.

  • 2

    The politicians who are joining the opposition are people with some guts and conviction and doing so to show their opposition as to how the country is being ruled etc.
    The same cannot be said of the ones joining the government at this stage who are doing son to fulfil their personal needs of power, money, etc.

  • 0

    And the politicians who cross over to join Mahinda Rajapakse’s regime are immediately given Ministry posts and positions although the fate of the incumbent is at stake. And no mention about this aspect of cross-over by Melinda!–What objectivity!–And, What ‘largesse’ on the part of the incumbent President!- He can’t wait neither would the recipients!–The Santa Claus has come early.

  • 3

    Malinda, I would strongly suggest you spend time getting your CV ready because you will be out of a job on the 9th of Jan.

    Btw I heard that your boss is planning to cause calamity in the wake of his defeat. What have you to say about that?

  • 0

    Sign of the times Mr. Malinda. Your king is slowly giving-up. So should you:)

    Read on people A speech delivered by President Mahinda Rajapaksa over the weekend was cut-short following continous disruptions by the crowd. Rajapaksa, who was addressing a crowd in Dambulla, was forced to abandon his speech as members of the audience continued to disrupt him. According to eye-witnesses the President was forced to stop several times until the crowd grew silent before he continued. Finally Rajapaksa grew annoyed and announced that he could no longer continue his speech and that he would give way for them (the noisy audience members) to use the podium, he bid farewell to the crowd and left along with the rest of the contingent on the platform. Sources within the government denied that the President was forced to cut his speech short, but instead he finished early as he had another meeting to attend. Several weeks ago over 500 farmers from Dambulla protested along the main A9 road in Dambulla over the government’s decision to import big onions from India. According to P. R. Senajayakody, a local farmer, members of the government buying agencies had instructed them not to sell their produce as prices were expected to fall. However, when they went to sell their produce in the market they were told the government had imported onions and there was a surplus and so they would not be able to buy the locally grown onions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-xTpr2bpCg

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