2 May, 2024


Former CJ’s Son Reminds Namal, Karma Is A Bitch

Responding to Namal Rajapaksa’s frustration, of his mother Shiranthi Rajapaksa being hauled by the FCID for questioning, the former CJ Shirani Bandaranayake‘s son reminded of the hardships his family had endure due to the harrassment of the Rajapaksa regime.

Shaveen Bandaranayake Kariyawasam

Shaveen Bandaranayake Kariyawasam

Commenting under Namal Rajapaksa’s official Facebook page status, the former CJ Shirani Banadaranayake’s son Shaveen Bandaranayake Kariyawasam said: “Mr. Rajapaksa, you tend to forget those who you’ve left in your wake. My mother, father, aunt, uncle nor I were politicians. Yet, your government moved swiftly to condemn, vilify and harass us throughout the past 2 1/2 years. How must I have felt when my parents were called before the Bribery Commission? How must I have felt seeing them being carted day after day to courts? How must I have felt seeing them being defamed by the government media that you so eloquently manipulated during your rule? Before you seek sympathy or support, ‘audi alteram partem’. You are an attorney, look that up”.

Namal’s original Facebook post read; “My Mother just received a notice to appear before the Financial Crimes Investigation Division (FCID). My Mother has always stayed away from politics. Does she deserve this harassment?! “Yahapalanaya” seems just a facade for this government. Vengeance isn’t “good governance.” Targeting my Mother proves it. President Rajapaksa and I, as politicians, are always ready to face political vengeance. But I wish they would leave my Mother & brothers alone.”


Namal Shaveen Shiranthi

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  • 101

    There is nothing wrong in the statement of the former CJ Shirani Banadaranyake’s son Shaveen Bandarainayake Katiyawasam. After all, it is a son who would have felt the agony faced by his mother who was honest and a decent lady. Still I can recollect how he reacted when goondas were almost pounded on his father. Just imagine how those unscrupulous politicians behaved in an uncivilized manner in front of her official residence. Yet he and his mother were calm.

    • 11

      Shouldn’t he be Kariyawasam-Bandaranayaka and not Bandaranayaka-Kariyawasam?

      Just a technical point.

      But the main thing is his mother was in “politics” and his father had valid accusations whereas Shiranthi R has not been directly inolved in any such activity.

      • 48


        Shiranthi R was not involved in any activity directly???

        Are u saying she is very innocent? Was she not involved in any unscrupulous activities. Is she being called to the FCID just to exchange pleasentries??? Wait and see next few days!!

      • 17

        Slayer ,
        Are you washing cloths to Siranthi R?

      • 9

        “Shouldn’t he be Kariyawasam-Bandaranayaka and not Bandaranayaka-Kariyawasam? “

        No; In this context, names matter. So, BandaraNaYakka is more prestigious even if it was pilfered from a turncoat Western bootlicker who changed his everything for political gain.

      • 7

        After colonozation we are taking the fathers name. Madam Shiranee Bandaranayke didnt follow them like our parents. She kept the Sri Lankan tradition of given her son her name.

    • 13

      Honest and decent lady :P
      NSB scandal? Madam CJ interference with the investigation? Madam CJ interference with the Magistrates and the trial?

      honest? decent? really

      • 21

        @Jangi Hora

        [Edited out]. You seem to be a paid servant of the Rajapassa’s !

      • 10

        Jangi Hora

        Find who gave orders for NSB to act that way?

        When they wanted to remove the CJ they dragged the NSB scandal.

        The CJ afterwards, he maybe your example of a good CJ I hope.

    • 27


      “Kala, Kal De, Pala, Pala De”

      Karma in the present affects one’s future in the current life, as well as the nature and quality of future lives – or, one’s saṃsāra.[6]

      Talk to Sarath Fonseka., the Hero and Patriot. He Can update you.

      He was the Sweeper at the Jail, courtesy of the Mara.


      Karma (Sanskrit: कर्म; IPA: [ˈkərmə] ( listen); Pali: kamma) means action, work or deed;[1] it also refers to the principle of causality where intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that individual.[2] Good intent and good deed contribute to good karma and future happiness, while bad intent and bad deed contribute to bad karma and future suffering.[3][4] Karma is closely associated with the idea of rebirth in some schools of Asian religions.[5] In these schools, karma in the present affects one’s future in the current life, as well as the nature and quality of future lives – or, one’s saṃsāra.[6]

    • 50


      • 3

        Joseph De Vazz-Mahanuwara


        Have another commission and waster everybody’s time, including Namal’s?

        Namal is already complaining that he is busy during the week going to courts.

        Make Nama take the Exam again and show that he knows, and that he did not cheat. If he passes, fine. If he fails, make him take again and again, the current rules allow. Studying for the Law Exam should keep him busy?

  • 52

    But Shaveend what you seem to have overlooked is the important fact that the Rajapaksa family are beyond reproach simply by being given the exalted status of “rulers” by your fellow sinhalelse masses. They are therefore like gods and not humanspirit. They are used to dishing out punishment and not receiving it.

    However, your response to Namal’s anguish is very appropriate.

    • 30

      Well done Shaveen !! You hit the nail right on the head and u put the fake lawyer on the spot. Hope he knows how to google and also refer to wikipedia and not ask G.L.Peiris to do it for him…. They NEVER “heard the other-side” Hats off to u Shaveen for responding in style.. You did the right thing and I bet your parents are proud of you… Take a bow ppl…

      Moreover these goons NEVER did think a day would dawn where they would be at the opposite side of the table… and also did not know..If one throws a ball at the wall it comes back twice as hard….

      I would love to see an open debate on National TV between Namal and Shaveen IN ENGLISH….

      • 22

        I Will second your motion.
        Will be fun to hear the debate on Air.
        Certainly not the vocabulary they used in his patriotic dad’s parliament during his tenure and even during last week by one of his quack uncles.

        No verbal diarrhoea please.

  • 16

    Dude your mother played politics while being the Chief Justice and had to face the wrath. So don’t equate your mother’s predicament to Shiranthi being hauled to FCID. Grow up get a life.

    • 35

      Well said, she played with fire for her own benefit and got burnt.

      Remember she was promoted into the SC with not experience and the promoted as CJ.

      She didn’t protest when politics played into her hands did it?

      I am not commenting on the Mrs. Rajapakse case, maybe she too benefited from her husbands misdeeds but let us not paint the former CJ as some divine angel, which she is not and never was.

      • 24

        She is carrying the war widows’ gold on her neck and other body parts.

  • 54

    Shaveen Bandaranayake – Appropriate response.

    By the way, who told you that Namal donkey is an Attorney- at Law, and who made him a Lawyer.

  • 61

    Son, We are all with you on this issue.
    Not only your mum, there are a plenty of sons like you
    1.SF’S SON
    4.PE’S SON

  • 45

    Namal has never denied being in a separate room with internet access from other students taking law exam?

    • 16


      … true, but will this bugger deny that he has always been in a separate room with his ‘Flying Angels’??

  • 31

    “How must I have felt when my parents were called before the Bribery Commission?”

    Did you not see it coming?

    Did you not know that your mother had accepted a “yes woman’s” position to a vile and murderous dictator?

    Did you not warn her not to become a tool in the hands of that monster?

    And what of your father?

    Did you not point out to him the knifes edge he was trying to walk?

    I put it to you my dear boy, that all of you were greedy opportunists and that had not fate sprung a cruel twist on you, you would have sat back and lived off the the spoils of dictatorship without a moments hesitation.

    You got exactly what you deserved just like that fat P– Nonis. Now the dictator is getting his desserts and what will be dished out to him will be far more than you can imagine.

  • 10

    What a shame! This used to be a nation filled with COMPASSION. Why we have fallen into this ‘hell-hole’ of corruption, terror etc is beyond me. If we continue to have so much anger and distrust then we are a failed-state, no matter how impressive our GNP, ‘quality-of-life’ etc maybe.

  • 23

    Dear Mr Shaveen,

    Your mum collaborated with the monstrous dictator. He is suffering. Future calamities will certainly torture him. Your mother’s suffering is over. Be grateful.

  • 21

    Former CJ’s son has a genuine and understandable reason to remind Namal Rajapakse of the excesses of his father and uncles. Consolation is that all these people who were insulted and humiliated are alive today.

    What about tens of thousands of Sri Lankans who were butchered and raped many in the name of war on terror and others just because of deefending human rights, speaking and writing against corruption, bribes and familial rule. Many were tortured because they followed religions different from Buddhism and spoke language different from Sinhalese. How many thousands were chased from their homes and left to languish under the trees and tents. How many thousands were incarcerated behind barbed razor fences?

    Has Namal realised they, too, had feelings, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, children and babies?

    • 22

      Yes your mother was not perfect either. She jumped at the chance for her glory when it was given on a gold plate by the corrupt past regime.
      She lost her head in the glory and did forget the rules of law and the oath she made .

      I am sure the karma caught up with her too.

  • 21

    Ms. SB is not lily white and but her son has a right to mourn about his mother as much as Namal. They could mourn but justice must be done to both. Mrs. MR’s accounts with false IDs can be proved so let her face the music. If she is innocent, then she will be acquited. So Namal need not worry

  • 13

    A good and very though provoking response from the Shiranee’s Son my only concern is that he asked Namal to look up ‘‘audi alteram partem’ since he is a lawyer,I think its better if someone gives Namal Baba a laptop with internet to look that up (ouch ouch!)

  • 18

    “‘audi alteram partem’. You are an attorney, look that up”.

    First of all he is an attorney through the back door

    Second I presume he is very good at looking things up using google, after all that’s how he got his attorney qualification.

    Third ..however having looked up I doubt he will understand the meaning.

  • 7

    We are with you son.

  • 18

    NR wait your term is coming. You remember when you ordered the lights removed from Ketharama Stadium to accommodate your night racing in Kandy and many more .Some luck to Sri-Lanka rained on 08 January 2015.
    If not it may have been another Sadam Husain or Castro in the world with some people only benifitted.

  • 13

    ” …….. Before you seek sympathy or support, ‘audi alteram partem’. You are an attorney, look that up”.

    Well, he is a fake lawyer, so may not have the intelligence to look things up. May be he will ask one of his “external input men” acting for him while he was taking the law exam in an isolated room with all IT facilities to connect up with the outside world.

    There is an explanation in “Preta Vastu” that some pretas might be living in the depth of enormous heaps of food, but they do not have the good fortune to enjoy it because they live a life of great anxiety that burns their inside. I wonder if that passage was written for Rajapakshas: despite their enormous squirrelled away public assets, they do not have the peace of mind to enjoy them. Talking about once Karma chasing one, this is really a live example of how this natural law works.

    Is Namal crying in genuine pain or trying to muster people’s sympathy. When people’s plates are full of dust while those have it all are trying to enjoy their loot, why would people pause to hear fake leaders’ mourning cries.

  • 9

    Looks like Namal does not like what is going on. Looks like they have forgotten putting decent people through this nightmare, for being obstacles to their corruption and abuse of powers. Good citizens who stood in their way were demonized and ridiculed in the media, and then were kicked out of various positions.

    Seems the Rajapaksa’s could dish out, but unable to take it. Now that their crimes have come back to bite them, big brother Namal has been whining about the world being unfair.

    Take it like a man, Namal. If your family is not guilty as you claim there is nothing to be afraid.

  • 10

    If Karma is real There is a Lot to come in SL. My instinct is that Sl is going to face large scale disaster. That is why he is making the Tamils leave the country for them to survive the disaster. what happened in the flood during Nova’s Time. The disaster may be in a different form.

  • 11

    Pradeepa Kariyawasam was definitely upto things. He was a political appointee after being a salesman for DIMO and engaging in various wheeling and dealing, he ingratiated himself to MR.[Edited out] He really had a lot of questionable issues. He was hounded because his wife refused to obey prince Basil. Royalist crooks galore. Look at the President’s wife’s relative who was appointed to CPC . Shiranthi is corrupt, and so are these chaps. Royalists are not as ethical as they claim to be.
    .but indeed Namal baba the Prince Apparent needs to SHUT UP. they destroyed and humiliated so many people :Fonseka is just one example .

  • 3

    Soon every minorities will say all Rajapaksa that ‘Karma is a bitch’

  • 2

    this is what happens when you play with fire. Defending your parents who were publicly shamed is one thing, but you gotta agree that this is like the pot calling the kettle black. seriously though, why beat around the bush; we don’t need a Nuremberg sort of trial to get all the criminal tried-or do we?

  • 4

    so former CJs son has the right to mourn about her mother now ?? where was his so called mother love when things were not going her way..I never saw a single article showing his concern then not even a FB post.. Now trying to be cardboard hero shedding crocodile tears.. These ppl are typical opportunist when things work their way former regime is good & when things get tough then they are wrong.. At least Namal showed his grief when things started to happen which shows that he atleast care.
    I’m not white washing Shiranthi cos if she has done anything wrong then definitely she should also get her dues, just like your mother did !! Give it a thought !

    • 1

      You forget that folks who expressed dissenting opinions strangely disappeared in the past or were subject to all kinds of thuggery. SBK and NR have the opportunity to express their opinions freely in the present times. Lucky for the. Yes, the former CJ’s son had the right before, but did not have the liberty to exercise his right under MR regime. Citizens living under a near dictatorship live under suppression , subterfuge and fear if not total oppression. Give that a thought?

  • 7

    This is called “What goes around comes around” that is what happen to both families that mention here. We all know how she became CJ, it all began during Chandrika regime thanks to G.L peris, his father predeep K is a known failed corporate executive (screwed up big time at Brown & company motor division in year 2000 and 2008) became chairman of NSB thanks to the same people who is blaming now. You should remember that, when you reaped the benefits in a unethical way, same benefits will come back to haunt you. When that happen all you can do is just suck it up. You don’t have any moral or ethical right to blame others.

    • 4

      Yes, what this young lad’s mother underwent is a ‘divine punishment’ she received for collaborating with the Rajapakses’ giving unethical decisions in their favour while she was at the ‘helm of justice’. Now the Rajapakses are at the receiving end for their wrong doings. These are good examples for the younger generation like Shaveen to lead a life of truth and justice and not to betray peoples’ trust in them.

  • 0


    Audi Alteram Partem.You are an Attorney look that up.

    Let alone that cheat Namal,and also his father who entered Law college on a special directive from Mrs:Bandaranaike these Latin maxims are Double Dutch for them.The Rajapakses were thrust on the Political landscape for the collective sins committed by all of us.Lets hope that this is now over!

  • 0


    You type…..

    She is carrying the war-widows gold on her neck and other body parts….
    I heard this too from very reliable sources.

    But the precise location you and I WILL NEVER KNOW!

    • 3

      “But the precise location you and I WILL NEVER KNOW! “
      Of course we will. Just send her through the body scanner at the airport.

  • 2

    Mr SBK’s comment is eloquent! Thank you mr. SBK for the lucid response to the whining MP Namal Rajapaksa.
    Mr Namal obviously does not realize how fortunate they are. Simply because the white van legacy of his uncle’s era is a thing of the past. People don’t have to disappear because appropriate investigations lets them defend themselves. The alleged gold heist could be just the tip of the iceberg of a massive fraud in the past decade. Mr Namal, ending a war did not license your clan to rxxpe the country to reap benefits illegally. Your clan is not immune to the law. Trying to appeal to the emotions of the general public, shamelessly using the sympathy card won’t work. So get over it. The majority of the citizenship is wiser by 10 years. The law abiding folks of the island nation can only hope and pray that what you all deserve is coming your way.

  • 6


    I am no fan of the Rajapakse clan but your parents are not as white as the driven snow either. Your parents were also political cronies but at least your mater had some dignity in her, unlike others, to disagree with the lord & master for which she paid the price. As the saying goes, when you sleep with dogs, you wake up with fleas, so it’s all an ‘occupational hazard’

  • 0

    Hooray and four cheers to this Bandaranayake lad. Well said indeed!

  • 1

    Don’t talk cock Mr. Su siri – who stopped you putting post against on ur FB post in anybody’s regime. I have put enough post against Rajapakshas but never got disappeared .. pls don’t talk crap just accept the truth even Naveens mother had made mistakes but they knew the punishment she was getting was right so kept quite nos trying to be heros being typical opportunist. Ppl around him knows about this guys 2 side character so don’t comment on what you are not aware of !!

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