2 May, 2024


On Determining Our Future

By Ranil Senanayake

Ranil Senanayake

Ranil Senanayake

We have emerged, as a nation that is maturing politically and can determine its future in a participatory, democratic manner. Now that the process of lying out of our future has begun, the vision should never again be left to a few individuals, but discussed widely and embarked upon with the widest consensus. We all have to imagine, the future that we want, for us, our children and their country. For without any well-considered goals, there will be a perpetual journey with no direction. Thus, a public debate as to the direction of ‘growth’ and ‘development’ must become a national obligation.

We are told that we need to invest such that economic indices such as the GDP show growth. Development in this context is to move society to activity that increases these indices. The current paradigm would have us dependent on consumption as the driving factor. The more one consumes the better the GDP.  But to consume more, one must crave more, a particular worldview driven by a pecuniary philosophy that is replacing the more conservative spiritual philosophies the world over.  It has nothing to do with contentment, health or awareness. It is driven by greed, desire and fear, the same values that created the problems that we face, in the first place.

Economic development comes in many forms. The consumption patterns may be renewable, in which case they are sustainable or non-renewable in which case they are unsustainable. Development that relies on fossil fuel is certainly short term , unsustainable and a very dangerous path. Sadly, the growth of fossil fuel consumption has been long cherished desire among some powerful bureaucrats with vested interests in the supply of fossil fuels to Sri Lanka. They have even created a myth that development can only be achieved through the consumption of fossil fuels and sold this myth to the politicians. It is this myth of ‘development’ that has brought us to the energy-addicted state of today and it is this same myth that drives the ‘economic development’ vision for our tomorrow.

Sri LankaIt was our great hope that the ‘silly season’ of borrowing money to construct fossil profligate projects such as Coal fired power plants; roads to nowhere and pointless airports will be over with the dismissal of the poorly informed. But now rumors swirl that the new lot might not be much better. Now we hear of megapolises, giant bridges and energy guzzling urban infrastructure. We are being are asked to perceive a future, like Singapore or Dubai. Simplistic, ill-considered proposals by people who have never understood the nature of this nation. Locked away in air-conditioned cocoons in tall buildings or in chummy networks of bankers and businessmen, such proposals may seem practical and perhaps for the short-term gain of money it might be so. But they are neurotic decisions, made with no reference to reality and will wind up hurting us all. The German Psychologist Carl Jung, sums the situation well, “those who know nothing about nature” he states “ are of course neurotic, because they are not adapted to reality”. The more such decision makers move away from reality by abstracting nature, the more dangerous their decisions are to us.

For instance, let us take the fossil carbon cost of Dubai and Singapore as examples and consider what reaching for such a goal will mean to us; the current consumption of electricity in Singapore (43.23 billion kWh), Dubai (85.1 billion kWh) and Sri Lanka (8.927 billion kWh). Where will this energy come from ? Has this proposed ‘development’ scenario that seeks to make us a city-state to rival Singapore or Dubai even considered such fundamental realities?

Whatever flows of money such an urban project is supposed to attract, it looks like suicide in terms of climate change, not to mention becoming a totally irresponsible member of the global community. The fossil carbon cost of such a project attains even further staggering proportions when the fossil carbon dioxide cost of cement (fifteen times more than oil) is brought into the equation.

We have been a nation of wanabee’s for quite some time now. We wannabe like Singapore, we wannabe like Dubai, why are we not satisfied with who and what we are? The current wannabe development processes, only wants the economy to be developed, the assumption is that ‘all else will follow’, not understanding the truth of the saying “money cannot be eaten”. The cost to the individual, in terms of personal health, social health and community stability of these mad schemes are not considered.

The monetary system, as pointed out by innumerable people, is merely a creation of our imagination and there is nothing that can validate it except for a total faith in that system. Of course, the same can be said for religion, the major difference being, that while piety drives one, greed drives the other.

It is to this system then, that we are asked to place our faith in. The tragedy of today is that total faith in the values of monetary system (greed) is rapidly replacing faith in the religious (piety) and it is the handmaidens of the monetary system who seem to control the entire dialogue on ‘development’.

Is it not time to question this vision of ‘development’, so that the consequences of that we are asked to place our faith in, become clearer and we become part of the dialogue?

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  • 3

    God has bestowed Sri Lanka to pursue a resource based economy which neither Singapore or Dubai are blessed with. Dubai has a visionary leader while Singapore had a benevolent Dictator. Unfortunately, Sri Lanka lacks a Visionary Dictator who could drive the economy within it’s means. Sri Lanka’s dream of wanna be Dubai or Singapore will remain a pipe dream.

  • 1

    Two options.Looking back or Looking to the future.Sinhala Buddhist cultural legacy or economically forward looking capitalist society. Are you willing to accept anyone(including Tamil/Muslim) to start business/industry and grow or want to manage who can start a business. Sinhalese never liked the minority succeeding. The riots are not started by people but by the establishment (Politicians, police, monks..) That is why no one get charged. Couple of years back, I read an article, people were waiting by the side of the road for the signal to attack a mosque. When thinks went bad, the police came to stop the attack on these people not to protect the mosque. Capitalism does not provide answer to all problems but it is the best that we got with some regulations to control. (e.g. West, Russia, China…). It gives space to innovate. Otherwise do you want to be a state like Myanmar. Holding on to a 2000 year old myth. there is another trend trying to emerge based on religion..(IS) Do you want to be a Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu or Christian country. God does not have preference for any religion. There is not one earth and a sun but billions of galaxies each having billions of stars and planet like earth. God created all this and think he is preferring one religion.Thanks for reading my rant.

    • 2


      Looking into the future means going with post-modernism. Capitalism, even for the West, is outdated and in a precarious position.

      Post-modernism in Sri Lanka means that other minority cultures on our land, team up with the Buddhist majority. It is well known that the Buddhism has the best take on all things environmental and sustainable compared to all other cultures and religions.

      Therefore we appeal especially to the Muslims, to hold hands with the SB’s, and understand their needs and grievances.

      All elites should pay their fair taxes towards uplifting this environmentally-friendly majority, and quit making excess money out of that glitch and vacuum of two different ideologies – working on the environmental earth vs. working on the money creation away from natural Lankan masses ability, and to the degradation of the natural environment.

  • 2

    Ranil Senanayake:-
    “We have been a nation of wanabee’s for quite some time now. We wannabe like Singapore, we wannabe like Dubai, why are we not satisfied with who and what we are?”

    It is only the Johnny-Come-lately Politicians who ‘wannabe’ like Singapore and Dubai.

    All right thinking Sri Lankans want Sri Lanka to remain the unique island it is, but with good Education and Health facilities for all her People not just the New Rich Pollies.

    • 1

      What is good education? two divided by two is zero or rocket science. If it is rocket science then where do we get the funds.

      • 2

        A Good Education is not just ‘two divided by two’. A Good Education gives us Sri Lankans the ability to think clearly and act accordingly!

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    [Edited out]

  • 2

    ”fossil carbon dioxide cost of cement”:
    How many temples and Buddha statues do we need? why has the government been building more Buddhist temples in the South where there are already enough temples and crores(yes, not scores) of Buddha statues all over the North and the East in the last 7/8 years alone while INGOs are hindered from providing roofs over the heads of returnees from Menik Farm camps? The Buddha will shed tears of blood if he comes to Sri Lanka now.
    Sri Lanka’s population is growing and there are fights over sand on coastal areas and riverbeds. How much longer will our rocks last? What about the land for children’s houses? What about space for natural fauna and flora to have a healthy environment for our children?

    ”The consumption patterns may be renewable, in which case they are sustainable or non-renewable in which case they are unsustainable”:
    Poor fishermen’s livelihood beaches are converted into rich man’s luxury hotels. Where is the limit to the number of tourists expected to arrive on our island daily? How are we going to deal with worsening water problem and mounting waste?

  • 3

    It seems that UNP is focused in giving greater voter parity to elite, urban plurality, while the hinterland is scorned and ignored. The long term plan of new regime of building the hinterland into a hot-bed-urban-hub of industrial activity is an outdated plan that even the West is trying to get away from.

    As there is no escape from Ranil and his US interests, we can only hope and beg him and the US, not to destroy the heritage, and to find a better economic way forward, without compromising our heritage (of both races) and the environment.

    Nowadays, for reasons of environment and balancing of fiscal budgets, it is noted that rural villages are the imperative balancers. As everything revolves around money, the best that we can hope for is for US to send us her environmental experts (not that we need them, but we might be able to get US loans and grants from them).

    All we have to do is let the urban elite operate as they have always done, as long as they pay their taxes. If they were taxed properly, they won’t be spending their excess un-taxed dollars as they obviously do, in indulging in the Western experience. Their taxes will take care of the hinterland. Hinterland will provide the necessary goods and services to keep the elite comfortable in-country.

    Rajapaksa’s folly was not developing a better political culture. But it was difficult with people like CBK around who was hell bent on country division. He also did not give proper funds for environment minister Champika to develop his plans (guess Champika too was very, very, annoying…..riding his bicycles and things). Unfortunately, with Rajapaksa too, development of masses and heritage did not come with development of environment. But yet, his plan was far more environmentally viable, than UNP’s present plan ever will be.

    Compared to what UNP proposes to do, we could have rested easy a lot better with Rajapaksa’s Chinese shipping lanes. While it is true that he did the coal-powered plants and tried to develop the southern economy that luckily did not take off, he, compared to Ranil, has some concern for heritage, environment and masses.

    As we can’t chose Rajapaksa due to Western interference, it is hoped that Ranil will at least keep Rajapaksa as an economic and heritagal consultant, and together, they will work diligently to conserve Sri Lanka as the hub of a brave new post-modern world. Of course Sirisena will be presidential overseer.

  • 2

    Environment; Environment; Environment is the way to go.

    The West, Singapore, and Dubai and their ‘Development’ is so Environmentally Disastrous, that Sri Lanka has to beware of falling into the same trap.

    If Sri Lanka is looking to attracting more tourists,(who are looking for something different), it is better to concentrate on Preserving our Natural Environment, than to destroy it by Singapore & Dubai type ‘Development’!

    Mr President, please advise your Prime Minister.

  • 2

    Ramona: You seem like a Rajapakse lover who doesn’t take into account the environmental degradation that he was responsible for with his mega white-elephant projects like the Mattala airport (horrendous effects on the fauna and flora of Yala, bird migration, filling up the waterholes, etc, etc), the harbor where large ships can’t enter (messing up the maritime life), the Hambantota cricket stadium in the middle of nowhere (elephants’ territory), and a lot more.

    You talk about Ranil and his ” Western interference” but not a word about Rajapakse and his Chinese commissions.

    Do you live here or are you another armchair pontificator living abroad and trying to preach to us residents what’s good for us without experiencing the reality of the terrible effects of Rajapakse on our precious environment? If so, put a sock in it until you know what you are talking about.

    • 2


      Want part of “Compared to what UNP proposes to do, we could have rested easy a lot better with Rajapaksa’s Chinese shipping lanes,” don’t you understand?

      The 2 white elephants projects were an attempt to cleanly develop the deep south without compromising the local heritage and lifestyles with industrial-hub sites (the harbor is making modest profit).
      The stadium and airport take only a tiny portion of the overall land (though they look big), and if they had been successful, they would have given enormous benefits to the province without compromising way of life of the inhabitants too much, and opened them up to developing within their own unique parameters.

      Unfortunately, the stadium did not work because Sri Lanka was not given the Asian games for that period. However, it has the potential of being used at some other point in time. The airport was poorly planned, however, and will probably never be in use internationally, although it can be, and is used in flights for local tourism. The intentions of the then Gosl were good, and the two failing projects did not reflect in the GDP indices that showed the country doing spectacularly.

      45 industrial hubs, on the other hand, will compromise the livelihoods of many a Lankan. The only place we can sell our manufactures products will be India- all other places of the region are already saturated with their own industries and their trade within member countries. Opening up a land bridge to India (INDIA!) to enhance trade between countries will severely compromise our identity as a country.

      Rajapaksa’s Chinese commissions would not have compromised our country-identity vis-a-vis India (and the very place of India we want to avoid at all costs because of the possibility of Northern terrorism i.e. Tamil Nadu). Chinese also gave us the much need funds to get rid of the terrorist menace once and for all. The West gave us no help for thirty long years, and are now doing all in their power to divide us (the UK at least).

      If USA, on the other hand, gives us a better option in how to develop our economy minus strengthening their dollar via Sri Lanka-India bilateral trade, then Ranil will be an astounding success. At this time, I believe that he too is aware of the potential for identity-disaster in manufacturing for the Indian market,
      and is seeking alternatives away from the hot-bed of 45 industrial hubs. It seems he sees Rajapaksa’s value, and will be in close in consultation with him.

      The only hope for Sri Lanka will be Yahapalanaya, but not the type that is going to prosecute former members of the old regime, for really, all the money they are supposed to have stolen, are on roads, railways and bridges. Yahapalanaya means taking the money we have and making it work in-house for us via proper taxation and interaction and trade between the Island’s inhabitants, rather than compromising ourselves to interact between Indian’s inhabitants.

      As a person abroad that cares much for the Motherland, I see the situation with a very clear and objective view. Another person in Sri Lanka, and especially one living away from masses of the natural heritage, and living the boundaries of the Western-desire, will be too subjective too see the necessities of Sri Lanka in true light.

      • 1

        *What part of…..

      • 2

        Ramona Therese, you don’t know what you are talking about until you actually experience living in an environment such as what Rajapakse created during his tenure as president. Have you experienced (or even heard of) loved ones or family being abducted, abused, assaulted and sometimes murdered for exercising their rights of the freedom of speech? If not, how can you claim to be “objective”?

        Have you any idea of the amounts of taxpayers’ funds that have been siphoned off to the coffers of the ex-rulers? If not, wait till the cases are heard and then revise what you claim to be your ‘objective’ views.

        You say you care very much for the country, yet you don’t love it enough to live here.

        We have many of your type who have residency abroad but have the audacity to preach about what is good for us residents (and a lot of us have lived for many years abroad but returned to do what we can for our country) but refuse to ‘walk the talk’. You haven’t a clue about what it is to experience real life here, so stop being such a bullshitter and give us a break from your long harangues that is more smelly gas than substance.

        • 0


          I heard about over 100,000 rural youth being tortured and killed during the time the UNP was trying to uplift up the Urban- Pluralistic-Elite class to Western standards.

          That 10-20 Urban-Pluralistic-Elite were probably abducted and never heard of again during Rajapaks’s tenure was because Rajapaksa would have been probably securing the rights of the struggling masses against the severe imbalance of Urban-Pluralistic-Elite.

          Coffers of ex-rulers built roads, railways, power-plants, city-cleaning, housing for disadvantaged, and got rid of terrorists.

          I have said it many times to persons like you. I will say it again: I left Sri Lanka when I was very young. I did not take any money from Sri Lanka that I got off the backs of the common man.

          I am quite unlike the Urban-Pluralistic-Elite whose whole reason is to live for the Western experience, and hence migrate and/or study in the West with the money they created for themselves off the backs of the common man, and which they did not pay any taxes for.

          Here in the US, I live modestly and pay my taxes. Coming back to Sri Lanka at this time (and times before), is not easy, as I have many obligations that I am proud to possess, that go towards securing the rights of the majority of the persons that dwell in the country . I am quite unlike the Lankan elite who come here with the wealth of Sri Lankan, ill-gotten off the backs of the struggling masses.

          In the meantime, I will look on at the Sri Lankan situation in appall, and know that in the many other place I have lived in, there is none like the fallacy and hypocrisy of the parasitic Lankan Urban-Pluralistic-Elite.

          And when confronted with the truth, in the absence of substantive argument, they, like you, usually resort to lewdness and vulgarity, to hide the shame they live by.

          • 0

            *substantiative argument

          • 0

            RTF – Another long harangue, mostly about yourself, but not addressing the questions I asked. Typical copout, as usual.

            Anyway, this is not about ‘party politics’, as I notice you tend to compare MR with the UNP – it’s about the most insidious and corrupt administration in the history of this country, but I don’t expect folk with your mentality (ego-tripper, ignorant of what real life in Sri Lanka is about, preaching about what is good for us) to comprehend the conditions that you have never experienced!

            And who knows what you mean with your cliched “Lankan Urban-Pluralistic-Elite”, “struggling masses”, etc?

            We know you are also a bigot when you exposed yourself with your “too many Indians around” (if the bridge is built) remark.

            All in all you seem to be someone with nothing of value to contribute to this forum, except for your inane and ignorant remarks which have been ridiculed by many commentators.

            I won’t be responding to any more of your comments, as it a waste of time – like pouring water on that proverbial duck’s back. But do yourself a favour and stop displaying your monumental ignorance on CT, as most of the readers have no time for such puerile drivel.

            • 0


              Typical of your set…with your own clichés like, harangue, puerile drivel, etc. (duh!). The harangue actually belongs to you, if you are able to look carefully. You give no substantiative argument, but resort to disgusting and perverse acerbity.

              Your set is typical in that way. You are too stupid and self-centered to think beyond your own niche which you want to safeguard and pamper away from any true decency of wider and more benevolent society.

              You can’t think beyond your own money-making and profits, and individual progress. Do you realize there is a whole authentic race of people out there who are struggling by, while you make money off their backs? When corned by truth and reason, you start spitting.

              No, there was no cop-out by me. I address the question most aptly. You go round in circles because you don’t want to face the truth of what I say, and then attempt to bluff with words like cop-out, and another haranguing set of insults – typical of the spitting set, maddened by their commitment to their own progress beyond the greater good.

              I have explained with great detail why I do not believe that MR’s administration was corrupt as compared to what the UNP did. By MR’s adimn., I obviously mean the whole of the UPFA. By the then UNP, I mean JR and also Ranil who as part-in on the atrocities against the over 100,000 poor people who were tortured and killed. If that is not corruption and abandonment of the Lankan masses(of both races), then corruption must be a different word in your hollow world.

              I spoke about myself in great detail, because you have a wrong idea of me, and goaded me into it. It is not myself I spoke of so much, but an attempt to give you some understating of your set that can’t think beyond the greater populous of the masses. I took my chance to point these out.

              What part of what I write that you call “clichés” offends you so much. It is pure and good truth and reason, and that makes you very uncomfortable, and shamefully crouched up in anger against your own inability to open up to loyalty, decency and patriotism towards your own countrymen.

              I cannot be called bigoted in speaking about Indians. They are of the same race as Lankans. Being bigoted means demeaning another race e.g. blacks against whites, or Sinhalese and Tamils. Indians and Sri Lankans are national terms, and need to be divided nationally for the sake of securing our Lankan identity.

              What you call monumental ignorance, is my patriotism and loyalty towards my fellow countrymen, love for the Motherland and the masses of Sinhalese (and Tamils) that inhabit our shores. I do not mind being ridiculed on this forum, and am proud to be one of the few who can articulate some support for the struggling people of Sri Lanka who have little voice in a forum such as this.

              • 0

                Here’s something for you to mull over:

                Corruption at its peak during MRs Regime as summarized hereunder:

                1. Case No. 474/2015 at Fort M.C. dealing with Hedging Fund and involving A.N.Cabraal, PB Jayasuendra, A de Mel, L.Karunaratne (Rs.200-700 Million )
                2. Case No. 24327/2015 at Chief M.C.(3) In the matter of Lanka Hospital shares and connected to G. Rajapakse, Roshini ,Cabraal, N.Godahewa, D.Jayaweera, M. Medihewa, W.Amunugamuwa, D.P.Y. Wijesinghe. (Rs. 600 million)
                3. B26907/3/15 at Colombo M.C re Housing deals connected with W.Weerasena,B.K.J.K.Perera.
                4. B/40/2015 at Kaduwella M.C. re Land purchases, involving Mrs. W.Weerasena, C.S.Ranasinhe.
                5. B323/15 in Tangalle M.C. about Carlton Pre-school construction involving State Eng. Corporation Staff (Rs. 35 million)
                6. 8674/15 in Pugoda M.C. re Development works, involving B.Rajapakse, N. Thirukumar
                7. B22467/1/15 at Colombo Chief M.C. re Money Laundering by M. Aluthgamage (Rs. 3 – 27 million)
                8. B22468/1/15 in Colombo Chief M.C. on Wealth acquired of Dr.P.B. Wickrema.
                9. B25389/1/15 at Colombo C.M.Court re Money Laundering by G.Senarath.
                10. B25166/3/15 at Colombo Ch M.C. Teleshan TV Network with A.Pilapita S.Wickremasinghe, and Sil Reddi with L.Weeratunga and Ven.V.Somananda Thero.
                11. B9825/15 at Kaduwela M.C. re CSN Channel involving ITN Directorate & Staff.
                12. B35/15 at Kaduwela M.C. re ownership of Marriot Hotel in Dubai with N.Lokuwitharne and M.Rajapakse ( Rs. 48 to 190 million)
                13. B27453/1/15 at Hultsdorf M.C. about Lanka Logistics Arms importing connected to G.Rajapakse, P.B.Jayasundera, Mohan Peiris, J.Wickremasinghe.
                14. B/663/15 at Fort M.C. on Bank of Ceylon, Seychelles by M. Rajapakse & family
                15. Greek Bonds purchase with names of Cabraal & Rajapakse in Petition Colombo M.C of 15.8.15 involving Rs. 1257 million
                16. Sajin Vass Gunewardena in abuse of Public property, at Fort Magistrate Court, remanded since May, 2015. Also at Bribery Com. for questionable Assets.
                17. Petition accepted in Supreme Court on 6.8.15 re Vehicle Permits abuse
                18. Case No. 50/10 at High Courts, Kandy: Captain Wickremasinghe`s activity in Giritale Army Camp re Torture Chambers – under G. Rajapakse`s directions?

                • 0


                  Nothing that the US Federal Reserve is not already doing…..it’s all to do with money creation.

                  If all these hedge funds and money laundering schemes were let to mature, Sri Lankan would have had an even higher GDP than previous years. It’s all a matter of perception.

                  Nothing is clean in a capitalistic society. That is why I have showing support for a socialist/communist society, where one cannot create money out of thin air, at the expense of another place or country, but out of true value of country-worth – tough, but honorable.

                  Guess with the US alliance, UNP can rest easy as the US feds will take care of all those gritty details at the expense of China and allies.

                  Guess it’s good that UNP and Ranil took over, otherwise we would have had the US and allies circling our heads. But it’s good if Rajapaksa was let in a bit too (deputy PM?), to handle some trade with China. Best that we don’t go with too much with any one side, but form national government and do what is best for the country (minus an Indian land-bridge).

  • 1

    We need a strong leader to look after Sri Lankan interests. If the leader of our country does not do that, what is the use?

    You can negotiate with the West, it is give and take, but they must be made to understand that we have to be friends and collaborators rather than puppets.

    The right to self-determination applies to Sri Lanka as well.

  • 2

    The scrimmage for National List slots, and portfolios is not yet over. Alliances are being reshaped and negated to achieve individual & personal prosperity as politicians.
    In this maelstrom how can a righteous government be born?
    This avarice for power and privileges will be the downfall of democracy as we know it.
    We breathed a sigh of relief when MR lost the presidency and his party lost the majority.
    But now it appears that sensible, people-friendly government will only be a distant dream.
    The FCID has still not achieved any major breakthrough – are there MR acolytes in it undermining its efforts?

  • 0

    Here’s something for you to mull over:

    Corruption at its peak during MRs Regime as summarized hereunder:

    1. Case No. 474/2015 at Fort M.C. dealing with Hedging Fund and involving A.N.Cabraal, PB Jayasuendra, A de Mel, L.Karunaratne (Rs.200-700 Million ) 2. Case No. 24327/2015 at Chief M.C.(3) In the matter of Lanka Hospital shares and connected to G. Rajapakse, Roshini ,Cabraal, N.Godahewa, D.Jayaweera, M. Medihewa, W.Amunugamuwa, D.P.Y. Wijesinghe. (Rs. 600 million)
    3. B26907/3/15 at Colombo M.C re Housing deals connected with W.Weerasena,B.K.J.K.Perera.
    4. B/40/2015 at Kaduwella M.C. re Land purchases, involving Mrs. W.Weerasena, C.S.Ranasinhe.
    5. B323/15 in Tangalle M.C. about Carlton Pre-school construction involving State Eng. Corporation Staff (Rs. 35 million)
    6. 8674/15 in Pugoda M.C. re Development works, involving B.Rajapakse, N. Thirukumar
    7. B22467/1/15 at Colombo Chief M.C. re Money Laundering by M. Aluthgamage (Rs. 3 – 27 million)
    8. B22468/1/15 in Colombo Chief M.C. on Wealth acquired of Dr.P.B. Wickrema.
    9. B25389/1/15 at Colombo C.M.Court re Money Laundering by G.Senarath.
    10. B25166/3/15 at Colombo Ch M.C. Teleshan TV Network with A.Pilapita S.Wickremasinghe, and Sil Reddi with L.Weeratunga and Ven.V.Somananda Thero.
    11. B9825/15 at Kaduwela M.C. re CSN Channel involving ITN Directorate & Staff.
    12. B35/15 at Kaduwela M.C. re ownership of Marriot Hotel in Dubai with N.Lokuwitharne and M.Rajapakse ( Rs. 48 to 190 million)
    13. B27453/1/15 at Hultsdorf M.C. about Lanka Logistics Arms importing connected to G.Rajapakse, P.B.Jayasundera, Mohan Peiris, J.Wickremasinghe. 14. B/663/15 at Fort M.C. on Bank of Ceylon, Seychelles by M. Rajapakse & family
    15. Greek Bonds purchase with names of Cabraal & Rajapakse in Petition Colombo M.C of 15.8.15 involving Rs. 1257 million
    16. Sajin Vass Gunewardena in abuse of Public property, at Fort Magistrate Court, remanded since May, 2015. Also at Bribery Com. for questionable Assets.
    17. Petition accepted in Supreme Court on 6.8.15 re Vehicle Permits abuse 18. Case No. 50/10 at High Courts, Kandy: Captain Wickremasinghe`s activity in Giritale Army Camp re Torture Chambers – under G. Rajapakse`s directions?

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