3 May, 2024


More Unmitigated Horse Feathers Parading As ‘Principles’

By Emil van der Poorten

Emil van der Poorten

Emil van der Poorten

Let me open by apologising to readers for the words I’ve used following “unmitigated” when the commoner and more accurate colloquialism would have been far more appropriate. Ah, well… this is a publication for public consumption so I will stay with “horse feathers!”

It says something about the “Miracle of Asia” that perusal of the alleged scandal sheets on the ‘web’ is likely to yield several nuggets of knowledge, while one has to sift and sort before getting anything of even minimal interest or value out of the local print media. The reason for this is not difficult to find: all of the English print media is controlled by a) major politicians, b) their acolytes or relations or c) is under complete government control. If you don’t believe me, check the ownership information that is in the public domain and tell me where I’ve erred. As for there being any difference between those now officially in the opposition camp and those in power, let me fall back on that old phrase coined by the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna: “Unuth ekai. Munuth ekai.” Or, more politely put in English, “Six of one and half a dozen of another.”

While this is bad enough, what makes it sound like an even deeper conspiracy is the fact that they are, more often than not, “on the same page” in matters so controversial that such a feat is either miraculous or is simply a gift from above to those obsessed with conspiracy theories.

“The Avant Garde affair” is probably the best example of there being something (very) rotten in the state of Denmark.

While all the information that has leaked out to the general public suggests that there is need for an extensive and thorough investigation of the whole business of quasi-government entities trolling the high seas, armed to the gills, while not being accountable to anyone but the “management” of the company, the evidence that has arrived, primarily thanks to the “Kaley Paththaras” is that a group of the powerful in government are seeking to push the whole fetid mess under the carpet. Needless to add, leading that particular charge are those whom I’ve identified in previous columns as seeking to buy “insurance” from the previous regime’s leadership. Currently, there are allegations that there is yet another category – those who appear to be financial beneficiaries now of the very regime removed by the people of this country then.

Any dissident opinion is met with a) loud denials, b) the advancement of the most specious of “reasons” for the conduct of the accused, or c) tomb-like silence. Oh! And, I almost forgot yet another category: truly humungous claims for damage to their reputations filed by those who have taken umbrage at their very names being mentioned in the vicinity of Avant Garde.

As far as the general membership of the “Yahapālanaya” lot is concerned, except for a small minority of individuals, you’d be justified in thinking that they had applied a collective Nelsonian telescope to their collective Nelsonian eye so that there is no possibility of their seeing all of this, thereby enabling them to justify their silence.

As for that legal eagle who has, I am told, a most intriguing professional and political past, the Hon. Tilak Marapana, Minister of Low and Odour, as one wag had it, I would suggest that a politician of his substantial experience, both in and out of cabinet, should not have waited until his fat was well and truly in the fire before he observed one of the “basics” of liberal democratic practice and resigned. There appeared to be clear conflict of interest relative to his conduct in the Avant Garde affair because he had, while still holding the previously-mentioned portfolio declared a person still not exonerated by the inquiring authorities, innocent. In fact that person was, by all accounts, still under investigation by the authorities. What was even worse was that he had done so while holding a brief from that very person and while, therefore, a “client-counsel relationship,” with all that entails, existed. Apart from the statutory principle involved, does it not run contrary to every tenet of “Joint Cabinet Responsibility” to get up in the highest of political forums – the House – and say what he did for the record? I hardly believe that any dotting of “i”s and crossing of “t”s on my part is required to advance this discussion one whit. Not to mince my words and equivocate: Tilak Marapona should have been sacked and if Ranil Wickremesinghe did not do so he should be held accountable for dereliction of duty as Prime Minister.

At the risk of being sued for more money than I’ve had in my entire life and that I’m likely to accumulate during what is left of it, let me ask our recently-anointed MR2 (Maithri/Ranil #2), what they have to say about the whole Avant Garde affair. God knows they are quick enough to mouth empty platitudes about everything else that is happening to and around us! I believe this is particularly urgent given the fact that the man designated (when last I looked) as the Official Spokesman of the government has stated, very simply, that the recent statements of two (senior) members of Cabinet on this very subject, do not constitute the official government stand on the Avant Garde business. Since Marapona has now resigned one doesn’t have to be a mathematical genius to arrive at the conclusion that there is yet another member of the Cabinet who is as guilty as he (M) was. Isn’t it incumbent on the MR2 to dismiss that individual from Cabinet?

Is this an example of mass confusion in the ranks of a hodge-podge of a government or does all of this confusion simply signal a return to the old MARA strategy of sowing confusion by having every Tom, Dick and Harry in their ranks voice opinions which varied from one to the other before His Majesty tested the wind and decided on which to place the seal of “official?”

Even if they are constrained from “coming clean” for reasons that are becoming increasingly suspicious, our MR2 owe us, at least, one of their platitudinous excretions.

The problem with all the insurance buying that seems to have taken over the national stage, with light entertainment in the form of politicians taking turns in playing “cops-and-robbers” (Hora/Polis), is that to deny that there is a fire of some magnitude behind the pretty dense smoke becomes not only untenable but inexcusable, particularly when claims of innocence are advanced before so much as completion of an inquiry.

The deafening silence of the Leader of Mr. Marapana’s party, the Hon. Ranil Wickremesinghe, on this burning issue cannot but give anyone with half a brain pause. In most democratic jurisdictions, the Prime Minister would have given Marapona, guilty, at minimum of a penchant for injudicious phraseology, the standing sack. Here he received not so much as a rap across the knuckles nor one of those pronouncements that “there was some kind of misunderstanding” in the expectation that we would all go back to bed and dream sweet dreams of Arjuna Mahendran. Instead of any of this, Mr. M is permitted the kind of exit that would usually result from the devolution of significant family responsibilities on the demise of someone near and dear to the subject.

Also, what the most recent turn of events is seen as providing is the opportunity to pretend that there are no other co-conspirators in the Avant Garde cover-up, thereby avoiding the necessity of either removing those fifth-columnists or forcing their resignations.

At this point, let me make a most serious request of President Sirisena and Prime Minister Wickremesinghe: Even at this late stage, would you please enlighten us, the great unwashed of this country, as to what the hell is going on with the investigation into Avant Garde?

I cannot resist a closing editorial comment that what we appear to be experiencing is eerily reminiscent of a return to the days of “might is right” and “apey miniha” with only the actors being changed in the same rotten “shape” play.

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  • 2

    Emil, you, me, and everyone else who voted last year and again this year must learn to hold our noses and figure out a way to hold the ‘Yahapalanayas’ to the fire!

    Ranil Wickremesinghe for all the intellect he possesses thinks we are all uneducated Yakkos who can be manipulated with drips of information when it suits his plans.

    President Sirisena has no clue of what is happening outside his house! It is so clear that he has put himself in a cocoon and is being spoon-fed bullshit by a select few. This explains his absurd appointments to the Presidential secretariat. It is the party color and not competence that is driving his thinking.

    There is definitely a wall of separation being built between the UNP and SLFP, public pronouncements and appearances aside.

    It is left to the hoi-polloi to figure out ways to disseminate information quickly and accurately so the public awareness about what is happening and NOT, can keep the spotlight on those who love the darkness, and the secrecy and anonymity it gives them.

  • 3

    “The Avant Garde affair” is probably the best example of there being something (very) rotten in the state of Denmark.

    How about looting Asia by Denmark ?

  • 3

    You dishonest, lying scoundrel, Pooten.
    eat what you have said about Mr Marapana in the light of information he has given the Sunday Island at an interview. I quote:

    Q: So this means that Avant Garde retained your services to represent them legally?

    A: Yes. I gave them legal advice. I was neither a minister nor a Member of Parliament at the time. Mr Senadhipathi was one of many who sought my professional services. Consequent to my representations, Mr Senadhipathi was able to leave for Nigeria. The second time when he wanted to go abroad there were other issues that came up. These too I sorted out. I never represented him in court. He heads many institutions and they have their own lawyers. All I did was offer him legal advice.

    Q: It is alleged that you are still working as a legal advisor to Avant Garde.

    A: I reject all such allegations. I am no longer retained as a legal advisor by Avant Garde.

    Q: If that is the case why did you make a controversial statement regarding Avant Garde in Parliament during which you also referred to the Attorney-General? Whose interests were you serving?

    A: I did not serve anyone’s interests. I only did my duty towards the people of this country.

    Q: Duty?

    A: The Attorney-General had stated that all arms in the possession of Avant Garde were legal and that as such it was not possible to prosecute Avant Garde for any wrongdoing. I did justice to that statement. I also have a duty as a Member of Parliament and a minister to reveal the truth. This too I did. I had studied all the relevant documents. It was armed with documented proof that I made the statement.

    We know of your personal views on ethics, probably of your type, and the reputed English language media have gauged your scoundrel nature right. That is the reason why they dont give you the time of day, not because they are owned by politicians or their relatives.

    You and your dubiod ethics stink of foreign conspiracy, from galalgedera to Baddegama.

    • 3

      Baddegama Winter:
      You probably deserve the description that begins with a “b” and ends with a “d” given what SOME of the “Baddegama Winters” left in their wake in that southern neck of the woods!

      You can quote your saints, Wijeyadasa Rajapaksha and Marapona, come to deliver Sri Lanka from anything resembling decency and honesty and murder and mayhem, till the cows come home but the fact is that NOBODY believes either of them and the defence of an unmentionable like you is not going to make the difference that even a drop of coon-s..t would. Much like having Judas’s identical twin speak of his virtues!

      • 1

        [Edited out]

  • 3

    Emil, excellent exposition on the current MORE than “something is rotten in the state…”. And you could well have used “horseshit’ instead of its substitute, as there are far worse ‘expletives’ that pass the CT’s censor’s
    often myopic or selective view!

    What you express so very succinctly is what most of us ‘informed’ citizens (as opposed to those of us who have no access to the electronic media – mostly in English) are thinking and wondering. So much for our print media!!!

    It sure don’t look like either one of the MR2 combo is going to sweep out the ‘horse feathers’ from under that smelly “carpet”, which leaves us with the abject conclusion that, in spite of a reduction in impunity and abductions and worse evils perpetrated by their predecessors, they are only marginally less harmful as far as truth and good governance is concerned.

    Heading up shit creek is where we are, so hopefully we don’t lose that irreplaceable paddle!

  • 10

    When you cast aside all the longwinded analysis paralysis hoopla, this is a classic Rajapakse deal.

    I forget the name of the TV program where two gents came on and talked about the beginnings of this business. The initial suggestion for the business was made by an UN supervisor to a SL army guy who was seconded to the UN by the SL forces. He came back and set-up the business as suggested; his wasn’t the only business, there were few others doing the same thing. But when Gota (through someone; I suspect it’s this Senadeera guy, the top honcho of Avant Garde) learned how lucrative the business was, using government power and authority, sidelined all the others and set-up the monopoly; of course for a cut from the profits. If “Yahapalanaya” is serious (ha, ha ,ha) they should follow the money trail. As Friedrico Nietzschellini would say money makes all men moral.

    I don’t think anyone sees that Marvil Aru was also a classic Rajapakse deal gone wrong. After fighting the SL forces for a few decades Prabakaran knew his strengths and weaknesses; he wasn’t mad to start an all out war. Prabakaran wouldn’t have accepted the deal solely for monetary inducements, there were other – in the political spear – things promised. Solheim’s admission now that Mahinda was prepared to hand over North-East to Prabakaran should shed some insight – for rational beings who can think outside the subjective Singhalese/Tamil modes. The monetary payments to Prbakaran was the easiest thing to do for the Rajapakses. Fulfilling the political promises without raising the ire of the Singhalese was a little more trickier. When the political promises were not forthcoming, the selective claymore-ing and Marvil Aru was just to force Rajapakse’s hand; not to start an all-out war. But Fonseka and other Hawks (few countries too) had other ideas. The whole shindig came and bit Prabakarnan in the behind and Mahinda was elevated to the savoir and the king of the Singhalese.

    Oh boy, I just love the Rajapakses; they are the best at what they do!

    But all these harp back to the question I asked some time ago. How would have we arrived at the 21st century if we were left to our own resources, and not colonised by the Portuguese/Dutch/English? Would we have had parliaments to sit in? Courts of law? Elections? Roads? Hospitals? ……….. Schools to turn out quintessential Uncle-Toms? Casting aside foolish pride, these are the questions one should ask if one wants to be true to oneself. That’s the only basis for intellectual honesty and the only path to insight into our problems.

    To put it crudely, when we were kids there was a Chimpanzee show before the Elephant show in the Dehiwala Zoo. The Chimps were forced to do human things. They sat at tables and ate with forks and spoons from plates; rode bicycles …….. There were almost one trainer for one ape; that’s how difficult it was to train them. Then in time, the funds was lacking, the trainers were got rid of and the Chimp-show died a natural death. The Chimps went back to their natural traits, but one could still see a Chimp walking around with a spoon, a plate, a bicycle wheel, a torn off shirt ….. a reminder to the times they were forced to act as humans. This is what happened to us. When the trainers left we reverted back to our true nature. Do any analyst in their right mind expect any of the SL politicians in the parliament to do “modern parliamentary-things?” It’s no different to expecting Chimps to do human things. Analysts should cut the crap and get to the root cause of our problem. Any analyses at the topmost surface level is just a waste of time.

    The unfortunate cultural cringe (due to colonization) we are left with makes most Lankan analysts incapable of getting to the basic root cause of our problem. Most analyses end up being a display of one’s learning, qualifications, language-skills, and creating an image of the analyst “out-there” than an honest “look-in” to a problem.

    • 6

      Awkward as they seem, you have raised the most pertinent questions.

      WE Sri Lankans are collectively not know for our gratitude. It amazes me to see the numbers of times that friendly countries continue to tolerate the regular ungrateful utterances that many of those in public life continue to spew, unchecked.

      Maybe one day the penny will drop and we will come to our senses. But don’t hold your breath!

  • 1

    Just like that Elite Thamil Oldie Rajasingham, you also try to portray your beloved Yahapalanaya as the Mebournian Weather.

    Beautiful one day.. .. F****ed U* the next..

    What are we supposed to do. We didn’t want it in the first place.

    Because even a quarter brain (not half) would have realized that this is all about getting rid of the rulers who did something good for country.

    In essence it is a no Brainer to realize that it is all Bullshit…

    It was all about to get the Neocolonialists into power through the back door.

    With the primary aim of punishing the Prabakran killers to please the Diaspora and give Vellala TNA total control of the North and East if the Wahabis can be duped..

    Sira who has over 40 years of Politics in his blood And he ain’t no fool.

    Now that he got the reins, he ain’t going to give it away too soon.

    He is already grooming Baby Sira and soon will shoe horn him into Parliament.

    That is the tradition of the whole lot, who ruled the country since Independence.

    Fortunately for us Ranil or his Buddy Mangalan have no kids.

    Otherwise it would have been a 4 way fight, with the Madam’s Babies who have been sidelined at the moment with Dahama Sira and Chattu Sira on the scene.

    Marapona is the most honest, most educated and clean as a whistle Politician in the UNP who calls a spade exactly what it is.

    Allowing that Poo Mouth from the the Holy City of Kaluthara to rubbish him and try to finish him off is disgusting.

    How low can Ranil go to keep his job,

  • 4

    Did you, Mr Poorten, honestly believe that with the ousting of the Rajapakse, good governance will dawn in Sri Lanka – like magic? I am sure you didn’t – for you know too well the ways of the world (as it applies to our country).

    All what we achieved was ridding ourselves of the “patrimonial” state. Max Weber, the sociologist, describes, the “patrimonial” state as a polity that is considered by the ruler as his personal property and that the state administration is an extension of the ruler’s household and with a heavy reliance on family and friends. The fact that Mr Rajapakse was recreating a patrimonial state, with dynastic ambitions, was in no doubt.

    The six million people who voted for Mr Sirisena wanted to reinstate the semblance of a modern state, an impersonal one, where our (the citizens’) relationship to the ruler does not depend on personal ties, but on our status as citizens. And that state administration is determined on the basis of merit, education and technical knowledge of its administrators. This was our hope but which is sadly not happening.

    So Mr Poorten, take comfort in the fact that we stopped Mr Rajapakse’s rule, a rapid regression to a despotic rule. The only fear I have is at the rate the present mob is messing it up, the balance may tilt back to Rajapakse and plunge the country to a resumption of the despised patrimonial state and a dynastical continuation of it.

  • 1

    More Unmitigated Horse Feathers Parading As ‘Principles’

    Emil van der Poorten

    “I cannot resist a closing editorial comment that what we appear to be experiencing is eerily reminiscent of a return to the days of “might is right” and “apey miniha” with only the actors being changed in the same rotten “shape” play”

    “might is right” and “apey miniha” with only the actors being changed in the same rotten “shape” play” from the outset itself, it is not return as you described,
    because Wijeyathasa Rajapaksha is one of the 3 ministers first appointed, along with Foreign Affairs and Resettlement along with Prime Minister. For others it took more than two weeks and Wijeyathasa Rajapaksha was conferred additional Buddha Sasana. Here comes the “enlightenment” for the readers of Article – exactly of the editorial note above, that is Love for Buddhism and and Patriotism is preached for Day Light Robbery, and as has been revealed by Sarath Fonsekan other day, it is more likely is that UNP is funded through Wijeyathasa Rajapaksha for electioneering of August 17th for august assembly.

    So that you cannot expect an inquiry of any fairness from MR 2 Maithri/Ranil!
    Soon Patali/Rajitha will shut off the shutters!!

    • 2

      Correction off Typo,

      Emil van der Poorten
      More Unmitigated Horse Feathers Parading As ‘Principles’
      “I cannot resist a closing editorial comment that what we appear to be experiencing is eerily reminiscent of a return to the days of “might is right” and “apey miniha” with only the actors being changed in the same rotten “shape” play”
      It is the case from the outset itself, it is not return as you described, because Wijeyathasa Rajapaksha is one of the 3 ministers appointed first hand, with Foreign Affairs and Resettlement along with Prime Minister. For others it took more than two weeks and Wijeyathasa Rajapaksha was conferred additional Buddhasasana. Here comes the “enlightenment” for the readers of Article – exactly of the editorial note above, that is Love for Buddhism and Patriotism is preached for Great Day Light Robbery and as has been revealed by Sarath Fonsekan other day, it is more likely is that UNP funded through Wijeyathasa Rajapaksha for electioneering purposes.
      So that you cannot expect an inquiry of any fairness from MR 2 Maithri/Ranil too! Soon Patali/Rajitha as well will shut off the shutters!!

      Sorry for the inconvenience caused, due to an urgent distraction.

  • 3

    Emil van der Poorten,

    I keep saying that: This is appe aanduwa: actors come and go; the stage remains the same and the play continues.

    Name of the game is: Stay in power in the Sinhala Buddhist racist state by any means or with any label.

    This is why most of the third world countries stay third world countries.

    They don’t learn from the first world countries as to how to progress.

    • 0

      Thiru or thakathiru:

      Why don’t you talk about your motherland govt, Tamil NAdu politicians.

  • 4

    Wijedasa Jarapassa must resign. Only then will there be any JUSTICE in the Miracle of Modayas!

  • 3

    Wijedasa Rajapakse, you have brought shame to you, your party, your Government and to your country, please resign now without being sacked.

    Hon Maithripala Sirisena President of Sri Lanka and Hon Ranil Wickremasinghe Prime Minister, if you want the public to still have confidence in your Government which is at a very low status, please see justice is done and justice is appeared to all to have been done, and so sack this Minister whose conduct is of a grave shame. Otherwise, I do not see the Government will sustain it for long and the end is near, if the Government collapses just blame yourself for it. Then do not apologize to the public you made a terrible mistake!

  • 1

    DO not knowingly lie.

    Read today’s Sunday Times and Sunday Island to read Marapana’s explanation.

    He has been a legal advisor to Avant Garde before he won the seat and became a minister. His resignation was not necessary as you corruptly suggest.

    Look up the meaning of the word SHAME if you can find a dictionary.

    • 2

      Marapana had to resign when ‘you-know-who’ finally blurted ” Well , here’s another fine mess you’ve gotten us into “

      True, Marapana did not want to resign, but when he surveyed the pile of stinking steaming horse shit around him, there was only one option.

      But, watch, he’ll be back.

    • 0

      Baddegama Winter:

      This really is great! You seem to be determined to prove that you personify “confusion confounded” (if you know what that means!)

      Marapana didn’t “win” ANYTHING, except perhaps a first prize for his unmentionable behaviour and ability to ride two horses in the circus at the same time.

      The fact that you take M’s responses to questions at interviews with two newspapers to be akin to something from the Gospel (or Koran or whatever) says it all! What’s next? A quotation from Hitler saying he wasn’t responsible for the killing of millions of “lesser” people?

      You sound suspiciously like the other pea in the pod out of which Marapana has emerged!

      Were you one of the “Baddegama Winters” whose father didn’t give you his last name?

  • 5

    Mr Wickremasinghe selected his ministers. Dint he know that Marapana was working for Avant Garde?. Obviously he is incapable of making a responsible judgement in the selection of ministers. This will apply to the other minister he appointed namely Wijeyadasa Rajapakse.

  • 0

    Avant guard was a successful business venture. It iwas elling weapons that Sri lanka did not need and probably govt took all that foreign exchange they earned too.

    All over the world, countries are selling weapons to destroy innocent people.

    It is the stupid politicians who destroy srilanka that destroyed that company.

    It is the foreign countries who wanted that venture in place in the indian ocean.

    Wijedasa rajapakse got money probably, that is why he was talking. RAjitha Senarathna did not get money but he has some grudge with gota for some reason that interests him, So rajitha is pushing gota to be arrested.

    finally because of politicians, a govt loses money as well as one profitable company go bust too.

    How about so many business scandles come in the developed world. Multinationals are infamous for corruptions.

    Denmark is a bankrupt country. Denmark is living well with the loot they from Asia.

    Even there is a Pooten in Sri lanka because of left over Dutch in Sri lanka.

    • 2

      Jim softy

      “It is the foreign countries who wanted that venture in place in the indian ocean.”

      Did you mean Christians wanted the Sinhala/Buddhists tribes to be part of their killing business. Hence Sinhala/Buddhists tribes agreed to be the merchant of death in the Indian Ocean.

      • 0

        As you are muslims should be from puttlam, lot of donkeys there.

        • 2

          Jim softy

          “As you are muslims should be from puttlam, lot of donkeys there”

          Are you a Tamil/Saivan or Latin/Christian from Mannar as feral donkeys roam the streets at free will?

          I am sure you are not from a donkey tribe?

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