2 May, 2024


Jesus Christ: From Nazareth To Nicaea

By Jagath Asoka

Dr. Jagath Asoka

Dr. Jagath Asoka

It would be almost impossible to find a human being who has not wondered, “Does God exist?” When you think of the biblical God, you think of the Trinity; when you think of the Trinity, you think of Jesus Christ: Jesus is the Messiah. Most of us would not wonder, “Did Jesus exist?” But most of us would wonder, “Is Jesus God? How did a man become God?” Because God cannot be a human being any more than a human being can be a rock.

During the time of Jesus, people believed that God would restore peace and justice to the world, which was governed by the evil forces because God, for some unknown reason, had relinquished control of the world to cosmic forces of evil that were wreaking havoc upon God’s creation.

Jesus was a Jewish apocalypticist, a preacher from Nazareth, who expected a catastrophic end to the world. He was crucified for his crimes against the Roman Empire. Almost after 300 years after his crucifixion, Jesus became equal with the omnipotent and omniscient Creator of the entire universe. Now, this story is worthy of our attention and rumination, as we celebrate Jesus’s birth. Virgin Birth and Resurrection are inseparable from Christian faith; Virgin Birth and Resurrection are not susceptible to any historical critical analysis any more than the Rebirth in Buddhism or Moksha in Hinduism.

JesusFaith has nothing to do with facts, nothing to do with history, and nothing to do with memories of actual events. Everybody knows that the Bible has contradictions, discrepancies, later insertions, alterations, added prophesies to justify some actual historical events, and abominable and anti-sematic statements, such as in Psalm 137, “Blessed is he who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rocks,” and in John 8:42-44, where Jesus declares that the Jews are not children of God but “children of the Devil.” Whether you think that the Bible is the inspired and inerrant word of God or just mere fantasies and errant statements of fallible human beings, faith in God and Jesus has nothing to do with some of the abominable statements found in the Bible; because when it comes to faith in God, Jesus, Rebirth, Moksha, or Hell, our psyche is what our psyche does: we cannot artificially manufacture some contents of our psyche; these contents are produced spontaneously.

How did a crucified apocalypticist become God? Of course, this idea is not a modern idea. A human being becoming god, or a god becoming a human being is not a Christian invention; you find similar ideas in Hindu, Greek, and other mythologies.

In the New Testament, Paul was the first to write about the divinity of Christ. Before Mark, Mathew, Luke, and John.

According to the Gospel of John, “In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God….And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” These statements explicitly says that even before Jesus was born, he has always been with God, a preexisting divine being who is equal with God. In other words, Jesus was the incarnation of preexistent Word of God who was both with God and was himself God. Furthermore, Jesus not only died in the flesh, he was raised in the flesh.

Soon after Jesus’s death, the view that Jesus is God was held by different Christian groups; it meant different things to different Christian groups. The Ebionites were the first century Jewish Christians who believed that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah, a human being, sent from the Jewish God to Jewish people; the adoptionists believed that Jesus was the adopted Son of God; God adopted Jesus at his baptism and was exalted to a divine status.

There was another view, known as Docetism, from Greek which means “to appear”: Jesus was not really a man but only appeared to be a human being: Jesus was completely divine, not human at all. Marcion was the best known docetist of the second century CE. Macion was a follower of the Apostle Paul and both of them believed that following the Jewish law could not make a person right with God; only faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus could make a person right with God. To Macion, the law was given by the god of the Jews; salvation was given by the God of Jesus. So, according to Marcion, these were two different gods. The God of the Old Testament is a God of wrath, and the God of the New Testament is a God of mercy.

So, adoptionists claimed Jesus was human, and docetists claimed Jesus was divine. But there was another group known as Gnostics, who held a different view: Jesus was two beings. A human Jesus was temporarily inhabited by a divine being; before Jesus died on the cross, the divine being abandoned him, and that is why Jesus said, “My God, my god, why have you forsaken me (Mark 15:34).

For Christian Gnostics, salvation came not through faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus or through following the Jewish law, but through the knowledge of the secrets Jesus revealed to his followers. This world is a cosmic catastrophe; Jesus gave the secret, esoteric knowledge, the knowledge that would help us escape from this evil world.

By the end of the second century, most Christians thought that the views of the adoptonists, the docetists, or the Gnostics would lead them to eternal damnation. Later, most Christians embraced the theological conundrum that Jesus was a real human being who was also really divine, yet he was not two separate beings. It took them a long time to resolve this conundrum. So, what people thought of Jesus became more nuanced, sophisticated, and paradoxical. Even the ideas held by the modalists were heretical.

According to the modalists, Jesus and God were the same person. God exists in different modes, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, similar to the situation where a human being can be a father, a son, and a brother at the same time, which gave the impression that it was the Father who was crucified. The modalists rejected the view that the Son and the Father were two separate beings. Tertullian was the first Christian to adopt the term Trinity: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit were distinct in number but the nature was the same. According to John, Jesus says, “I and the Father are one.” Jesus never said, “I am the Father,“ which would have given credence to the modalists’ view. Finally, in the Nicene Creed, Jesus is said to be “from the same substance of the Father: Homoousian, not homoiousian, is an adherent of the Nicene Creed that the Son is the same substance of the Father. Homoiousians believe that the Son is of the similar substance, not the identical substance, with the Father. To say that God and Jesus are of similar substance is blasphemy.

According to the Nicene Creed, Jesus was the only Son of God, eternally begotten from the Father, God from God…Through him all things were made…..he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary, and was made man.

So, finally human beings have recognized another human being as God the Almighty. I sometimes wonder whether Satan would have a similar story. We have been suppressing Satan’s story; each one of us denies the Satan within us a thousand times before the cock crows. When we realize the devil is also within us, when we stop projecting everything that is evil on our neighbor, perhaps we will begin to “Love our neighbors as we love God.” Merry Christmas!

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  • 2

    Well, there are many pious non-agnostics who are absolutely lovely people.

    The “God” they feel is almost always a personal God. The God seems useless when it comes to delivering on collective good. So the God does not do anything to stop wars from occurring for example.

    There is a technical reason for this.

    Its ones own consciousness that feels and believes in the goodness of God. The consciousness simply reflects what appears in the mind like a mirror. The mirror reflects “Gods grace” back onto them.

    The consciousness learns and understand when one feels and believes. This is opposite to intelligence that is purely analytical.

    Affirmations works on the same principle. Affirmations trains the consciousness by feeling and believing.

    They can replace the “God” with themselves. They can then inspire themselves to feel and believe like a fountain of goodness. They will end up with the same results.

    So its the consciousness that is the creator.

    • 5

      There are many half-wits and idiots who ask irrelevant questions and find answers that please them too! The author of this piece, unfortunately falls in to this category.

      His conclusion “So, finally human beings have recognized another human being as God the Almighty.” is utter bullshit.

      Jesus only claimed to be “Son of God” and he made the claim in reference to the instinctively clear universal human values he wasa preaching, that can only com from a creator force. He preached to a Jewish community being controlled by criminal sects known as the Pharisees and Scribes who held Jews to ransom. Jesus warned against their hypocrisy and wickedness. That is the context.

      I bet these half wits have no second thoughts about believing and promoting the so-called “theory” of Evolution as science! If slime and monkeys can turn in to humans, it is probably true in the case of writers like the author of this crap!

      Have a berry X’mas!

    • 3

      Dr. Jagath Asoka

      RE: Jesus Christ: From Nazareth To Nicaea

      Amarasiri’s “Christmas” Message for the Land of Native Veddah Aethho

      Christmas symbolizes for those who believe, the birth of Jesus Christ who assumed a powerful voice, teaching us lessons of kindness and charity that have lasted for more than 2000 years, with many ups and downs and many people being decimated by this religion. The Christian message of humanity, love to all beings and humility should be contrasted with the actions of the Church over the past 2,000 years, even though seen in the birth of Christ taking place in a stable shared by animals and his first worshipers being humble shepherds. There is still controversy as to whether Jesus was born in Bethlehem or Nazareth, or did he live at all?

      The philosophy of Jesus is both eternal and universal, for those who believe. Irrespective of one’s faith, we all have a sense of duty to ourselves and to one another to make a difference in the world that is genuine and lasting. We all should respect the right of a faithful to believe Jesus, Abraham, Zeuss, Mohamed, Shiva. Buddha, as a God, a Prophet, a Philosopher, based on their beliefs, irrespective of whether true or not, have support or not.

      The greatest philosophy of Jesus, is his Egalitarianism, if one were to sift through what the believers claim.

      Keeping in mind the spirit of Christmas, and the need to have the freedom to believe with or without support, and its embedded human values of giving, sharing, forgiving and taking care of others, let us reach out today to people who were affected during the 30 years of war in Sri Lanka, The Land of Native Veddah Aetyhho, and lend our hands to make their life better, and to all other who are affected by the followers of Satan, Iblis and the Imperialists and Colonialists.

      The birth of Jesus Christ paved the way for the liberation of humankind, based on belief as a result of consistent brainwashing, but with a claimed new teaching of universal love, tolerance and understanding that he gave to the world. As the ringing of church bells and the singing of festive hymns mark this festival, enjoyed in freedom today because of LTTE and BBS terrorism, by the Paras, in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, Amarasiri extends warmest greetings for a Happy Christmas full of Peace and Joy to all Christians and non-Christians alike, irrespective of the brainwashings they were subjected to, of Sri Lanka.

    • 3

      ” …he has made himself unable to hear my voice. If I spoke to him, he would hear only growlings and roarings.

      Oh, Adam’s son, how cleverly you defend yourself against all that
      might do you good..!” ( From. ‘The Magician’s Nephew’. C.S. Lewis )

    • 1

      Dr. Jagath Asoka

      RE: Jesus Christ: From Nazareth To Nicaea

      Who is praying for the Right God, who is praying to the Wrong God?

      Ignorance of Revelation and penalty for the ignorance of revelation.

      Sam Harris simply destroys catholicism


      Hitchens DEMOLISHES the Catholic Church


    • 1

      Jagath Asoka

      RE: Jesus Christ: From Nazareth To Nicaea

      “It would be almost impossible to find a human being who has not wondered, “Does God exist?” When you think of the biblical God, you think of the Trinity; when you think of the Trinity, you think of Jesus Christ: Jesus is the Messiah. “

      Was Jesus Catholic? Is the Pope Catholic?

      Catholic means Universal, started 300 BC.

      Catholic took over Christianity in 325 AD, at Nicea Council.

      Mithras, Sun God Birthday, Christ Birthday, Dec 25th.

      A Catholic sister asked Yusuf Estes-Why he accepted Islam- 2011


  • 1

    Merry X’mas one and all.

  • 0

    Your last statement on Satan is interesting. I guess God Jesus, God Buddha, God Krishna, all taught people to enhance their good within and suppresses the evil. But without any help from these prophets or Gods, our evils thoughts sustained in the last 3000 years… If all these great God figures were 100% successful and then we all would have only saint qualities, …. no evil driven drives within us …. then question is .. will there be INTERNET for us to discuss our thoughts who live 5000 km apart :-(…

    • 0

      There would be more creatures great and small and less destructive bipeds.

      you would be like a praying mantis if you are good to travel faster than internet or you would need a homing pigeon.

      • 0

        Human Love and kindness helped in developing new medicines and, in the end, overall human civilization… but satanic drives played a great role their too..

        • 0

          the 90 year old yogi living on the Himalayas standing on 2 thumbs does not need the medicines (I traveled with 2 other Australians) that you mention.

          Where is this civilisation??

          • 0

            The more civilised humans get the more complicated life becomes. The pirates of yesteryear are the obese nations of the world- US, UK Australia.-religion or no religion you reap what you sow. You must know when to call it a day ie how much wealth you need
            As long as money does not change hands the Inland Revenue office can get stuffed.
            have no money now, but I have … sunshine, wind, birds chirping, my own salad leaves, in the city center not even the sound of baby cry (i plan to have honey bees on my balcony this spring)
            and all the time in the world to do what I like doing plus satisfaction that no freaking millionaire usurer is able to enjoy life more than I do.

  • 4

    Dr. Jagath Asoka

    RE: Jesus Christ: From Nazareth To Nicaea.

    “According to the Nicene Creed, Jesus was the only Son of God, eternally begotten from the Father, God from God…Through him all things were made…..he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary, and was made man.”

    Thanks for pointing out the contradictions and how beliefs make the “corrections”.

    1. “Is Jesus God? How did a man become God?” Because God cannot be a human being any more than a human being can be a rock.”

    SOLUTION: Brainwash, Brainwash and Brainwash! Them you can make believe Anything, yes Anything!

    2. “Jesus was a Jewish apocalypticist, a preacher from Nazareth, who expected a catastrophic end to the world. He was crucified for his crimes against the Roman Empire. Almost after 300 years after his crucifixion, Jesus became equal with the omnipotent and omniscient Creator of the entire universe. “

    SOLUTION:Again, Brainwash, Brainwash and Brainwash! Them you can make believe Anything, yes Anything!

    3. “Now, this story is worthy of our attention and rumination, as we celebrate Jesus’s birth. Virgin Birth and Resurrection are inseparable from Christian faith; Virgin Birth and Resurrection are not susceptible to any historical critical analysis any more than the Rebirth in Buddhism or Moksha in Hinduism.”

    SOLUTION:Again, and Again, Brainwash, Brainwash and Brainwash! Them you can make believe Anything, yes Anything!

    4. “Jesus was a Jewish apocalypticist, a preacher from Nazareth, who expected a catastrophic end to the world. He was crucified for his crimes against the Roman Empire. Almost after 300 years after his crucifixion, Jesus became equal with the omnipotent and omniscient Creator of the entire universe.”

    SOLUTION:Again, Again and Again, Brainwash, Brainwash and Brainwash! Them you can make believe Anything, yes Anything!

    Some Tamils and Some Tamil Christian Tamilss are trying make Velupillai Prabarran, the moderns Jesus Christ, ( the Second Coming?) who died for the sins of Tamils, Sinhala Buddhists and All others.

    SOLUTION:Again, Again and Again, Brainwash, Brainwash and Brainwash! Them you can make believe Anything, yes Anything!

    So, unlike science, no need fr reason, supporting data, to accept the Theology or the Theological “Hypothesis”.

    No data Needed. All provided by revelation, as revealed in the Bible, the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Quran, and the other Scriptures.

    All believers have to accept, belief as part of the belief, faith.

    Why wait 14.5 billion years to reveal after the big bang? 4.5 billion years after the Earth was formed? 4 Billion Sayers after the moon was formed?

    Again, Again and Again, Brainwash, Brainwash and Brainwash! Them you can make believe Anything, yes Anything!

    Even the Christmas Celebration (Jesus born in the spring?) was an old pagan celebration of the Pagans celebrating the Winter Solstice, courtesy of a Mars sized object hitting the early hot Earth, 4 billion years ago, and creating the current tilt in the axis, 24 hour axial rotation and the Moon.

    EVOLUTION-Birth of Earth|Origin of Life Starting on earth


    • 3


      I agree with your way of thinking – almost same as mine.
      Brainwashing is now universal – in subtle ways, and has given rise to many cults.
      All of us have to die one day and what each does before death separates humans into the many groups – evil and good.
      All should watch the you tube story.
      The tamils you mention maybe just a few – the rest are not gullible.

  • 5

    Colombotelegraph, this is a very bad article that has many Scriptural verses quoted but taken TOTALLY out of context. If a person does not believe in the Triune Godhead of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, best to just not try to convince others to follow in that same pathway. This is what the Lord Jesus meant when He said, “Do not cast pearls before swine”.

    Let me just refer to the reference of Ps. 137. This is the plaintive cry of the Jews being led captive by the Babylonians who had taken their (The Jews’s) children and killed them because they hindered the march. In John, Ch. 8, V 42 to 44, The Lord was not referring to ALL the Jews. Just those who CONDEMNED Him and His teaching, without FULLY UNDERSTANDING what He was saying and doing. Except for one, all His Disciples were Jews and Paul was also a Jew. In Mark 15: 34, when He cried, “My God, My God…… that was the ONLY time He addressed His Heavenly Father as “God”, because, at the moment of death, all the sins of the world was laid on Jesus’s shoulder and God the Father could not look at the Son. This was too painful for Christ.

    Finally, let me quote from I Cor. Ch. 1, Verse 18 and 19, “For the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who are saved, it is the power of God. For it is written, ‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent”.

    • 3

      Well said. Totally agree that the article quotes bible verses out of context. Has not explained the well founded historical claim of Jesus’ resurrection.

  • 3

    As always such crap !

    • 4

      fundamentalist used to ostrich treatment thriving on western technology, western medicine western language ….

    • 3

      @Afzal, it is always crap like the religion you believe in. I hope you get my drift.

    • 2


      Some recommended information for your enlightenment and evolution.

      Do you still have 48 , or just 46 chromosomes?

      Ken Miller on Human Evolution


      Uploaded on Feb 14, 2007
      Dr. Ken Miller talks about the relationship between Homo sapiens and the other primates. He discusses a recent finding of the Human Genome Project which identifies the exact point of fusion of two primate chromosomes that resulted in human chromosome #2.

  • 4


    Did you ever wonder why, out of all the places ans people God had to choose prophets, he selected from the Middle East, and gave Cannan and Palestine to the Jews, bypassing people in the Nile, Indus Valley and China?

    Save from Sins?


    Joshua Stopping the Sun, and the Adam and Eve fairy tale..

    • 2

      Thanks god we have manage to remove the teeth of this tiger, lol.

  • 3

    If he is the son of god, then because Mary was his mother it means Mary’s egg was combined with a male sperm. Whose sperm was it that gave rise to a great person named Jesus? Or do we keep believing irrational ideas? Jesus was a great man and was a human being. He was executed by the Roman White folks because of fears of an uprising and political fears. That is the events on the ground.

    He spread a message of love but also he was angry at greedy bastards at the Temple of Pharisees. A lot of these brainwashed creationists and born again evangelicals in Sri Lanka who worship wealth and build large churches ala American capitalist churches forget that Jesus did not condemn homosexuals or black people; He railed against greed in the form of Dove Sellers, Cattle buyers and money exchangers. THAT IS GREED symbolized. Yet in Sri Lanka these brainwashed morons isolate themselves, cut themselves off like the Jihadis do and do not interact with others who are not of their ideology. Is that what Jesus did? Consider that he was a hermit and also probably adapted Buddha’s teachings let us ALL respect him.

    But ignore facts, ignore how Catholicism spread(via violence and brutality like how the Wahabis are doing now) to our nations. FACTS ARE FACTS.

    Agnostic and Atheists are all cool. In fact if one is a real Buddhist, one does not have to fear gods or worship gods or even go to a temple to pray to a inanimate statue. Those are facts.

    Please try not to play this subtle and sometimes not so subtle “my god is greater than yours , my god can beat up your god; my god is bigger than yours” rubbish.

    And for the idiots NO ONE said humans were created from slime or monkies. You display your rabid ignorance of the theory of evolution for which there is supportive evidence based on the scientific methods. There are NO facts or evidence to support creationism or that there is a God. If there is a god is it a Woman or Man? Or is it a thing like an IBM super computer?

    A doctor friend of mine summed it up well. “When the surgery goes well people thank God; but if it goes bad they blame the damned doctors!”. RATIONAL?

    Rational thought must take over. Respect people’s beliefs but do not shove it on others and force people to fear a super entity that resides in our head.

    History will show you FACT: Not one Buddhist Emperor or King waged war to convert people forcibly. Christian and Islam did. Hindus were blood thirsty at one time too but they did not force people to convert. Buddhism is a system based on rational facts and self-analysis and introspection. In other words, we are responsible for the consequences of our actions and thoughts and we alone are responsible for it. Now I might say, who knows? maybe even rebirth is irrational and is not a fact just like to say someone is a son of a God when science and fact of human evolution show that you cannot have a baby without a sperm and egg to fuse.

    Also it is ridiculous to claim that Dinosaurs and man existed together. It is also ridiculous to claim that a pair of Penguins walked all the way from the Arctic circle to get on a fictitious Ark in the barren hot middle east.

    DO NOT spread fear and threats. That should NOT be the reason for religious beliefs and faith. It is a system to govern our own behavior and to help us cope with inexplicable events in our lives NOT TO THREATEN others.

    • 2


      “But ignore facts, ignore how Catholicism spread(via violence and brutality like how the Wahabis are doing now) to our nations. FACTS ARE FACTS. “

      Here is support for your statement above.

      Hitchens DEMOLISHES the Catholic Church


      Published on Oct 27, 2014
      The great Christopher Hitchens destroys the Catholic Church in this amazing opening statement of the “Is the Catholic Church a force for good in the world?” debate.

  • 3

    Why don’t you simply put it as Faith like Patriotism is an Emotion?

    “”perhaps we will begin to “Love our neighbors as we love God.” “”

    Love is a word misunderstood by many non Christians who go to church for mass.
    You may have experienced it too.

    Understanding and respecting your neighbor by educating your senses and emotions rather than ideas makes us live with human dignity.

    Chinese do not believe in the existence of God and that is not the reason they are communist. During the time of Gautama there was Tao and Confucius so they questioned and saw it as a philosophy.

    When I went to China for the 1st time 25 years ago they thought I was a Christian when I reserved my judgement. They said there may be a power that has created the universe but the only power we feel and see is the Party Man in every office school hospital and he runs the show. Theirs is a philosophy of 1/2 and 1/2 and keeping things undone unlike Americans who go in for unending excellence.

    In the eastern sea of china there are certain birds, I call the i-erh. They behave themselves in a modest and unassuming manner, as though unpossessed of ability. They fly simultaneously; they roost in a body. In advancing, none strives to be the first; in retreating, none venture to be last. In eating, none would be the first to begin; it is considered proper to take the leavings of others. Therefore, in their own ranks they are at peace, and the outside world is unable to harm them. And thus they escape trouble.

    I think when man has lost the ability to speak in epigrams, he writes a paragraph; when he is unable to express himself clearly in paragraphs, he develops an argument; and when he fails to make his meaning clear in an argument, he writes a treatise.

  • 1

    Thanks for a beautiful piece Jagath

  • 2

    Those days, it was the habit that king becoming a God. Many indian Gods are like that. Many Greek gods are like that.

    JEsus was a humanitarian and was said to be a Buddhist monk who worked against the Oppression by Romans. He was killed on the cross according the law that entitled toa Traitor at that time. but, Jesus’s movement was underground and was popular.

    So, some Roman kings used it for their advantage and they established church and Vatican to gain the political advantage.

    • 1

      Oh My Goodness Jim Softy. Where do you get all this information from?

      “Jesus …was said to be a Buddhist Monk….” It looks like something out of the Mahavamsa or a Newer Creation out of Jimbo’s Fertile Imagination.

  • 4

    Sena, why not approach the subject differently. We believe in some thing when the subject is beyond our comprehension. We understand when we know what the subject is all about.

    My observation is that religion remained as a link between the unknown and the known shaping the society with human values. God is the unknown factor. I do understand what the religions are all about and do not wish to hurt the feelings of the believers and would like to live the life of a believer.

    However in terms of science, the god what people profess to believe, I am sure does not exist because everything in the universe is organised and could be regarded as living. There’s no super power or anything as such, no rebirth, etc. Our bodies are just a robot directed by our programmed brains. The programs are written by the genes influenced by the unlimited no of energies of the universe. So when a person die, it is this robot that die and gene has been cleverly passed on to the offspring beforehand. So there is nothing much to boast of for being human beings with super knowledge and abilities. All religious founders had to die because they were human beings or just robots.

    Religions became faith during the past because a vacuum for a direction existed in the society. As intelligent people we should know to use the good teachings and ignore the radical ideas. If we still strive for a object called god, only option available is to regard the entire organised universe as our god, which includes all what we can sense.

    Jagath’s writing is timely.

    • 0

      ” We believe in some thing when the subject is beyond our comprehension.”

      you are the gullible folk- lets have something that we can think not something we can feel.

      Today in the UK there are 52% Christians and 38% non believers and it’s rising.
      Objective people not fashion for the sake of it.

      We have faith in ourselves and our ability though the pews are empty.

      • 1

        you are the gullible folk- lets have something that we can think not something we can feel.

        Nothing mentioned on what I felt. I know for sure and that’s what had been written. UK or USA does not form the basis for intelligence. Even Christianity or any other religion does not teach anyone much about science and commonsense as teaching of science does. For belief to exist there has to be some thing unproven. It is useless quoting any particular faith all the time to measure one’s knowledge. It will be meaningful to measure the issue with all the faiths and consider only the good that is coming out of it. Cheers.

  • 2

    The bottom line is that it is not God who created man, but that Man created God for all time.

    • 1

      The bottom line is the church has become a sort of club where one joins to find a job, obtain business connections etc.
      The rest is they feed the poor and give them a place to sleep when its cold.
      Above all they present themselves as decent kind hearted folk.But help does not come as easy as before.
      NGO’s are doing that better while the church has many branches so it can cater.
      Most churches have been turned to community centers.

      • 4

        ‘Christianity’, is not about community centres, clubs and business contacts, or do-gooders getting together on a sunday or any other.

        ‘The Message’ is the Son of God , Jesus Christ the Saviour, Who died to pay for the sins of all Mankind by shedding His Holy Blood on The Cross. The acceptance or rejection of Him and His free gift of Salvation – forgiveness of our sin and everlasting Life.Consequences follow our choice of acceptance or rejection of Him.

        “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting Life..For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.”

        We who believe in Him, live our lives in gratitude to Him.We love Him because He is our Creator- Saviour and loves us always. What ever generosity we show others, is in response to His Generosity showered on us.We are a free people.Bless you all!

  • 0

    The ancient people initially got scared of nature and started worshiping them. They are called “Pancha bootham” (Five devils or unknown forces)

    They are Land, Water, Fire, Air and sky. The ancient people were marveled at each of them, scared of the vast land, scared of ferocious water, scared of high forceful wind, scared of destructive fire and scared of the infinite sky..So they started worshiping these natural forces requesting not to harm them.

    This is how worshiping started, various religions took off gradually and the rest is history. Believing or not is one’s upbringing, training or individual wish.

    One cannot fully understand the “Pancha Boothams” and so is the complexities of religions. No harm believing in something you want to. It helps live a life. You cannot dissect and see how pancha boothams originated or work.

    Just leave them, they are omnipresent nature.

    We should not waste time looking for God. The God is within ourselves !

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