3 May, 2024


Maithri Pledges A SLFP Government Soon, As Mahinda Says UNP Destroying Party

President Maithripala Sirisena on Sunday pledged to form a Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) government in the near future, while also underscoring the need to ensure the SLFP will be a ‘clean’ party soon.Maithripala Sirisena @ May day 2016 pic by President Media

Speaking at the SLFP’s May Day rally in Galle, Sirisena said that no one can stop the SLFP from emerging victorious. “From now onwards we will commence a journey to strengthen the party, and we need to build this party to be a clean party, so we can form a government in the near future,” Sirisena said.SLFP May Day 2016

He also called on all political parties, political leaders and trade unions who wish to see the country progress, to join him in this journey.

Sirisena’s comments came amidst allegations from former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, who accused the UNP of conspiring to destroy the SLFP.Mahinda Rajapaksa @ May Day 2016 Pic MR FB

Rajapaksa, speaking at the joint opposition May Day rally in Kirulapona said that he had built the SLFP to be a strong party, but now under its current leadership the SLFP is slowly losing its identity as the UNP is dictating terms to it.

“Everything is decided by the UNP, the SLFP has no say. When I was the leader of the party, no one, not even the UNP could defeat it. But, today they are dictating terms to the SLFP, and the SLFP is losing its identity,” he claimed.

Rajapaksa also criticized the government’s recent tax revision. “Your love life will go for a six, girls and boys, because from the 100 rupee reload, you will only get talk time worth 53 rupees because of the taxes,” he added.Kirulapana May Day 2016

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  • 18

    This is no right. In his speech President never said that he would be go against UNP. He would rather work with UNP than join with Rajaakshe led so called joint opposition.

    These are just statements to create new problems within the consensual govt.
    Yesteday, Pre. Sirisena made very clear to the all TV senders why it is difficult to build up a SLFP govt. Poeple of this country have forced UNP and SLFP to join hand and build up a national govt. He reiterated no any single party is given 113 seats so that a single party govt can be made.
    His speeches added to air during last week are the best and very informative.

    • 4

      Hello Raitythoughts
      What a name
      Do you mean CT is distorting the news???

      • 7

        May be, but we need to alert to but truths. You have your right to check the speeches for your own clarification.

        None of his contents in his speeches include that he as a president would go against UNP.
        He criticises that good being done by govt is not go to the ground level of people. That is why the opposition make it advantage.

        I agree with him with that UNP has no sufficient ties with ground level people yet. That to be improved soon, I have no doubt, young men and women are energetic unlike some SLFP idiots. Meaning not that all support SLFP are idiots.

    • 2

      Hello Raitythoughts
      What a name
      Do you mean CT is distorting the news???
      Thats not right.

    • 5

      May Day Rallies are a total farce. Be they SLFP or UNP. May Day has nothing to do with Workers’ Rights. May Day is manipulated by SLFP & UNP to maintain their stranglehold on people.

      Just take a look at the corrupt monkeys sitting on their stages. Fat cats who have robbed the impoverished people blind.

      These corrupt monkeys arrive at these rallies in taxpayer financed luxurious vehicles with security details. While stupid Sri Lankan workers who elect these thieves take stinking buses and trains back and forth. After standing in queues for hours in the scorching sun or heavy rain. While corrupt fat cats retire to taxpayer financed fancy homes in Colombo 7.

      Look at the backstage video of the defeated God Father arriving at the Coconut Thieves Rally in Colombo. His public financed ultra luxurious Mercedez Limo pulls in backstage. Among run down buildings and shanties. To be received by an organized cheering squad. Only possible in a 3rd World hellhole like SL. Contrast could not be larger.

      Attend a May Day Rally, if you want to waste time and listen to empty, useless rubbish. Uttered by people who have nothing to do with workers’ rights.



      Go on then! Be stupid more often!

      • 2

        People suppose to push for better deals on the May day in relation to their work rights. However, politicians manipulated the entire May day for their own benefits, and the people are not smart enough to think what is May day. President gave a speech as the champion in dealing with imperialism. But doing nothing while the NGOs are imposing the Western interests in the North and East in the name of development projects. It’s funny when a village man thinks he can beat the Western power by ignoring people like me.

  • 16

    Sirisena got the better of Rajapaksa in the May Day crowd puller
    So much for Rajapakse with his Leftist allies

    • 10

      Even the UNP got the better of him

      (surprised to see the Ambalangoda Lion also having somewhat of a crowd)

    • 11

      Alone the speeches he held during last 3 days, President has revealed almost as to why the nation should turn to the good side of SLFP. All the speeches sounded credible. That will turn the mind sets of people sooner than later. People in general are no that fools thought appear to be.

    • 0

      I hope you are not judging by the CT photos from this post. MR also got huge crowd. He always could pull people to his gatherings. Voting is a different issue in last two elections.

  • 1


    H.E. Maithripala Sirisena,
    SLFP Party Leader.

    Excellency Sir,

    This is the “HEART” of the TRUE SLFP voters/supporters. It is time up that President Maithripala Sirisena should realize and recognize this peoples political power. HE. Maithripala Sirisena, please do not be misguided by the group of so-called SLFPers who are hanging around you and misguiding you ONLY for the benefits of portfolios and PERKS they can receive from you. Some of the biggest and corrupted SLFP politicians who have the worst track record of being involved in corruption and amazing large amounts of wealth, hoodwinking MR during the last regime have found their way to become your close associates and your political saviours. They will pretend to be with you as long as it helps then cover-up their corruption and misdeeds of amazing vast amounts of wealth as always highlighted by many “Anti-Corruption Movements, reported to the FCID and subjected to be probed by institutions of the State that are empowered to do so. Some of them may be around MR too. For them, the ENMITY between Maithri and Mahinda is the best political climate to thrive and mislead the poor SLFP voters to gain entry into elected political positions in the Democratic institutions of Parliament, Provincial Councils, Pradesiya Sabahs etc., and to find positions for their kith and kin and “henchaiyaas” in government statutory boards, ministries and the diplomatic services.
    The SLFP needs YOU H.E and MR to make the SLFP the STRONGEST POLITICAL entity in Sri Lanka. I am a Muslim and we believe “FORGIVENESS IS GODLY”. In Buddhism “VYRAYA” is denounced. Other religions also preach similarities. So why NOT move towards forgiving each other, forget “VENGENCE” and join hands and make both these forces to become the SLFP that was the “POOR MAN’S” political platform and power initiated by the late SWRD Bandaranaike and nourished by the late Sirimavo R.D. Bandaranaike, which has served the poor man and the middle-class immensely, while being in power, supported by left movements in alliances. Nothing is permanent in this world. Do not forget that the late Madam Sirimavo R.D. Bandaranaike was de-franchised by the UNP and was expelled from parliament and banned from public office for seven years and made a political outcast to be rejected by the people who had once worshipped her during the 1977 – 1980 era. Madam Sirimavo R.D. Bandaranaike carrying the SLFP fighting against her own children’s opposition found her way back to power. During those dark years of the 1980, having NOT deserted the leader of the SLFP then, when almost all so-called stalwarts dumped her in the political dustbin, I was one among the very few SLFP Stalwarts since 1969 who visited her constantly at Rosmead Place and stood by her. Later I was appointed as the SLFP district organizer for Trincomalee District. My other Muslim colleague was Dr. Maharoof, the then SLFP district organizer for Harispattuwa and Vice President of the SLFP who encouraged Madam Sirimavo Bandaranaike to continue her political engagements. In 1994 the SLFP along with its allies came back to power and she, though had to be the Prime Minister, gave the opportunity to Madam Chandrika.It was again a conspiracy by JR Jayawardene who wanted the SLFP to get into turmoil, when in reality, it was the leader of the Party that won the elections who should have been invited and appointed the PM then. It was again “FORGIVENESS” and “UNITY” that gave us victory. SLFP Stalwarts like us, may NOT be seen hanging around our leaders, but we are the “BRICKS” that have built the “FOUNDATION OF THE PARTY” through thick and thin. The UNP would be naturing you to split the SLFP, but please do not fall prey to this trap.
    H.E. Maithripala Sirisena, Sir, please in the name of keeping the SLFP united and strong, please both you and H.E. Mahinda Rajapaksa should join hands to form a strong SLFP government.
    Noor Nizam – Peace and Political Activist, Political Communication Researcher, SLFP Stalwart since 1969 and Convener “The Muslim Voice”.

    • 8

      “This is the “HEART” of the TRUE SLFP voters/supporters.”

      Who the bloody hell cares?

      To hell with the SLFP, UNP, Mahinda, Sirisens, Ranil. It’s not about building a party or a personality. It’s about building a country where all citizens, including the politicians, have the same rights; nothing more nothing less.

      People like you, in all your lives, have done nothing but suck up to a personality or a party to get a little more than the other apolitical citizens.

      It’s about time the country and the people became supreme over parties or personalities. Parties should be there to serve the country/citizens not themselves.

    • 2

      Dear Noor Nizam,
      I have read your articles before on Lankaweb. You are a vile dog.


      Posted on January 31st, 2016

      By Noor Nizam.

      SLFP Stalwart, Peace and Political Activist & Political Communication Researcher. January 30th., 2016.
      The Rajapaksa family is Stronger than the Sigiriya Rock. If they have not done wrong and no harm to others, they will come out of this sooner or later. Loyal SLFP stalwarts and party sympathizers will always stand by President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

      President Mahinda Rajapaksa should at least now understand who the “backstabbers” from within the SLFP and those who surrounded him at his peak of power were.

      He should have also known who the political cut-throats of the Muslim and Tamil communities are. President Mahinda Rajapaksa should never, never, never ever tolerate them in the future. In politics these things happen.

      This happened to late Madam Sirimavo Bandaranike, to J.R. Jayawardene, to Kamraj, to Mujibu Rahuman, to Zulfikar Ali Butto and many other leaders who were loved by their people.

      There near kith and kin became victims of their opponents, both political and otherwise.

      Yet they came back or their next of kin came back to power by the grace of God AllMighty as long as they were clean. It is only a matter of time.

  • 1

    H.E. Maithripala Sirisena,
    SLFP Party Leader.

    Excellency Sir,

    This is the “HEART” of the TRUE SLFP voters/supporters. It is time up that President Maithripala Sirisena should realize and recognize this peoples political power. HE. Maithripala Sirisena, please do not be misguided by the group of so-called SLFPers who are hanging around you and misguiding you ONLY for the benefits of portfolios and PERKS they can receive from you. Some of the biggest and corrupted SLFP politicians who have the worst track record of being involved in corruption and amazing large amounts of wealth, hoodwinking MR during the last regime have found their way to become your close associates and your political saviours. They will pretend to be with you as long as it helps then cover-up their corruption and misdeeds of amazing vast amounts of wealth as always highlighted by many “Anti-Corruption Movements, reported to the FCID and subjected to be probed by institutions of the State that are empowered to do so. Some of them may be around MR too. For them, the ENMITY between Maithri and Mahinda is the best political climate to thrive and mislead the poor SLFP voters to gain entry into elected political positions in the Democratic institutions of Parliament, Provincial Councils, Pradesiya Sabahs etc., and to find positions for their kith and kin and “henchaiyaas” in government statutory boards, ministries and the diplomatic services.
    The SLFP needs YOU H.E and MR to make the SLFP the STRONGEST POLITICAL entity in Sri Lanka. I am a Muslim and we believe “FORGIVENESS IS GODLY”. In Buddhism “VYRAYA” is denounced. Other religions also preach similarities. So why NOT move towards forgiving each other, forget “VENGENCE” and join hands and make both these forces to become the SLFP that was the “POOR MAN’S” political platform and power initiated by the late SWRD Bandaranaike and nourished by the late Sirimavo R.D. Bandaranaike, which has served the poor man and the middle-class immensely, while being in power, supported by left movements in alliances. Nothing is permanent in this world. Do not forget that the late Madam Sirimavo R.D. Bandaranaike was de-franchised by the UNP and was expelled from parliament and banned from public office for seven years and made a political outcast to be rejected by the people who had once worshipped her during the 1977 – 1980 era. Madam Sirimavo R.D. Bandaranaike carrying the SLFP fighting against her own children’s opposition found her way back to power. During those dark years of the 1980, having NOT deserted the leader of the SLFP then, when almost all so-called stalwarts dumped her in the political dustbin, I was one among the very few SLFP Stalwarts since 1969 who visited her constantly at Rosmead Place and stood by her. Later I was appointed as the SLFP district organizer for Trincomalee District. My other Muslim colleague was Dr. Maharoof, the then SLFP district organizer for Harispattuwa and Vice President of the SLFP who encouraged Madam Sirimavo Bandaranaike to continue her political engagements. In 1994 the SLFP along with its allies came back to power and she, though had to be the Prime Minister, gave the opportunity to Madam Chandrika.It was again a conspiracy by JR Jayawardene who wanted the SLFP to get into turmoil, when in reality, it was the leader of the Party that won the elections who should have been invited and appointed the PM then. It was again “FORGIVENESS” and “UNITY” that gave us victory. SLFP Stalwarts like us, may NOT be seen hanging around our leaders, but we are the “BRICKS” that have built the “FOUNDATION OF THE PARTY” through thick and thin. The UNP would be naturing you to split the SLFP, but please do not fall prey to this trap.
    H.E. Maithripala Sirisena, Sir, please in the name of keeping the SLFP united and strong, please both you and H.E. Mahinda Rajapaksa should join hands to form a strong SLFP government.
    Noor Nizam – Peace and Political Activist, Political Communication Researcher, SLFP Stalwart since 1969 and Convener “The Muslim Voice”.

  • 2

    Noor Nizam, being a Muslim has no relationship to any party affiliations. Please do not get mixed up with one’s and one political loyalty.

    Islam should be the guiding path for your hereafter and not your political affiliations.

    All politicians and their laws are imperfect and are subject to change according to the time and circumstances. BUT the laws of Islam remain the same forever.

    A party that has been good to you does not necessarily is good for another person.

  • 3

    How can Sira form a Clean Government when he has S B, Rajitha & Son, and several other A grade c**** who weren’t even elected as Ministers and Deputy ministers,

    Sira had to depend on the generosity of Indian Tamil Politician Ganeshan, Badulla UNP Minister and even old ex Terrorist Doughie to send “loyal supporters” from as far as Jaffna .

    Because no sinhalese from the South would come to listen to his and his mate Batalanda’s bullshit.

    My friends tell me the Town is in such a mess that it will take at least a couple of weeks to get rid of discarded Bath Parcels and the Urine smell off the streets..

  • 4

    Noor Nizam, I like to tell you a real story. One person got rounded by 10 people and they are about to hit him. So the person told, ok you can hit me because I am lone, but remember I will only take revenge on the person first touch me. No one touched him after that. I think you will understand the logic. Politics is a very complicated game, there is no straight forward route.

  • 7

    Noor Nizam
    Through which orifice of the body are you commenting hear of your utter RUBBISH AT THE END OF YOUR GIBBERISH WRITE UP.
    How much are you Paid from the Pilfered Money to write this GARBAGE ?

    Please disappear like your Thief Master.
    Atleast we have the Freedom of Speech to Expose your intentions of , Instead of being WHITE VANNED.
    It’s clear to you now to you and your master that Propaganda to the mass Modayas are not working , the next step your master took with threats through. Mouth piece medias , have not worked either, now the Begging to Join company.

    Do you think our vote to Yahapalanaya will be allowed to be HIJACKED BY YOU THIEVES,??

    Think before you write SOB-STORIES.

  • 5

    Former President and former SLFP leader Rajapaksa who made Karuna Amman as the Vice President of SLFP and claimed at May day rally that he made SLFP stronger now blames President Srisena for weakening SLFP after Jan 8th 2015.

    Rajapakse praising SWRD for building up SLFP stronger and he wants to continue with that trend.
    If that is the case, MaRa should tell the people in one of his visits to a Budhist Temple/ Vihare why SWRD was killed ? Also which party the killer belonged to as there was no JVP or LTTE at that time.
    SLFP dominates or UNP dominates is immaterial. It is time the country is put first instead of the interests of the political parties. In other words the so called smart patriots must be made to become real patriots who take care of all the citizens and by not spreading fear using racial and religious superiority or hatered.

    • 3

      During the last few years, Rajaakshe behaves himself as he was not known to SWRD. He made every efforts to create a world that the country belongs to Rajakashes as no other good and humble leaders had been in the country. For that matter only they built an aiport in Hambantota, together with a harbour there… for which nothing has worked sofar… anyways, … these should slowly go to the hearts of the folks … and wake them up asking why ?

      And his Wandibattaya, Mervin THE Vermin dared to fall to that level, ” I could ask for a marriage partner from Bandaranayake family”. There Mr PUnidit Mahinda the mighty stayed as if he never heard it.
      Today, the world has changed, a true and experienced leader of the nation, Maithree explains it aas it had really been. Even if we guys see it today, any polticla develpments are combined with the society and its voices that was there for that moment – meaning SWRD days, there was a hatred based on English since the country is left by the colonial masters and the demand of the sinhalaya was there.. that was the reason why him to have called ” sinhala langauge makes to be the national langague”. In hindsight everyone is clever – even today we it should hav ebeen otherway around.::::
      Like wise, all the media menw painted a world that was in faavour of Rajaakshe only, we thought, there is nothing else but Rajaakshes, today, with much more freedom in many areas as Western world respect as more human rights being givne tothe its folks….. today, under MY3 and RW we see much more freedom given tot he nation…. even any criticisms coming from opposition are regarded… as something we need to change accordingly, like for example, PM swiftly reacts to the statements made and set to air by Media Secretary in terms of JO lately. :::: PM reacted very quickly and did the due… was that the case in the days of Meeharaka led UPFA governed the nation… People see it right .. today s situation is miles away from the previous rule.

  • 1

    to Raritythoughts!
    What a name! (but it is your choice and I respect it!!)
    Mr. or Ms Raritythoughts who made this comment has no idea about minority governments! Sri Lanka is not the only country in the world that had or has a minority government.
    In Canada 6 years ago Prime Minister Harper had a minority government and he did not give any ministerial position to opposition Liberals or NDP or Block Quebecois but ran his minority government very well. His cabinet did not have 90 odd ministers either! Nevertheless, the Canadian economy was extremely well run and CAN$ was greater than the US$ at the time and Canada boasted one of the strongest economies among G8.
    What Prez Sirisena and PM Wickremasinghe are doing is sheer political manipulation to marginalize the Rajapaksas. It will be extremely hard for them to do it but the duo is hell-bent to achieve this.
    What Prez Sirisena should do is to focus his attention on what UNP is dubiously doing to grab power from the SLFP. The village-level SLFPer is well aware of this ‘coup d’etat’ and some UNP ministers like Sujeewa Senasinghe has said the country’s next executive president is Ranil Wickremasinghe! This was expressed as a warning to Prez Sirisena’s SLFP in no uncertain terms by Dilum Amunugama at the May Day rally at Kirillapona.
    In Colombo, Sirisena and his anti-Rajapaksa clique may concoct hilarious speeches and plans but the people in Sri Lanka understand those plans have originated in Siri Kota or with the blessings from Siri Kota; the average villager in Sri Lanka is curious of what happens if Mahinda Rajapksa is no longer in politics. Who will make a voice for them in Parliament? Sambandan is the ‘official’ opposition leader but he tries to ‘join’ the army recently! JVP is a spent force and no appeal to the young masses, not anymore! If the Rajapaksa and his JO is gone the voice of the public opposition will also be gone with it! This is not an exaggeration and not a healthy sign for democracy either!

  • 2

    Sri lanka will move forward and prosper only if Sri Lanka is willing to shun suspicion, racism and adopt a true federal system of peoples power sharing.

    As long as any individual along with his ministers want to rule the entire country from kotte without giving administrate powers to the people by creating federal states and provide their own budget to run their own state,, you can forget Sri Lanka moving even an inch forward.

    If they do not introduce a strong new constitution with power sharing ,as usual the people will get bored and bring the other party in , so that the country can go back another thirty years

  • 2

    Only Sri Lankan people rally around these reprehensible rogue politicians. The only way these inept and utterly corrupt politician could survive is by hoodwinking the voter. May Day rallies are just that – an exercise in mass hoodwinking.

  • 1

    The following heading appeared in CT
    “Sri Lanka Trade Union Alliance Calls For Resignation Of Sirisena Brother “Horā”
    Any progress?

  • 1

    Dear Mr. President!
    This is the question that many of my friends and I ask ourselves!
    Mervyn Silva (Attacked a media institution and journalists; tied a Samurdhi officer to a tree); he is singing hosannas for Ranil and you.
    Sajin Vaas Gunewardena (assaulted Dr. Nonis, swindled billions) is the chief organizer of your Galle May Day rally.
    Nisantha Muthuhettigama (set fire to a Ranil+My3 stage in Vanduramba, Galle during Election time) is now a minister of Ranil+My3 Yahapalana cabinet.
    Kamal Indika (attacked artists of Nava Parapura): was appointed chief SLFP organizer of Hiriyala electorate by Prez Sirisena few days ago.
    Mr. President! are you going to win and have a SLFP government with these notorious political figures? Mr. Prime Minister! are you supporting Mr. President to realize your ambitions in a clandestine manner? At the end of the day, whom should we trust? No wonder why people flock around MR!

  • 0

    People, don’t take what sirisena tells too serious he is a branded liar and rarely utters a truth!

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