28 April, 2024


The Politics Of Hitchcock’s The Birds & Islamophobia

By Izeth Hussain

Izeth Hussain

Izeth Hussain

Many works of fiction and film, more particularly those of high quality, are susceptible to varying interpretations, even to the extent that sometimes totally opposed interpretations could have equal plausibility. This applies to Hitchcock’s 1963 film The Birds, which was based on a 1952 story by Daphne du Maurier. I am here offering an interpretation of the film that ties it up with the case argued in my recent article in which I explained the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the Western commitment to Israel as arising out of a Western racist dread of advancing Asiatic hordes, more particularly an Islamophobic dread.

I shall provide here no more than a very brief synopsis of the plot of the film, indicating in outline its main features that are significant for my argument and leaving it to the interested reader to turn to the internet for more details about the plot. A wealthy and glamorous female feels insulted by a lawyer in a San Francisco bird shop where he sought unsuccessfully to buy a pair of love birds as a birthday gift for his kid sister. The female pursues him all the way to the sea side resort where he spends his weekends with his mother and kid sister, and clandestinely places the caged love birds in his house. Another of the main protagonists is a school teacher, the former girl friend of the lawyer. Inexplicably the heroine is attacked by a sea gull, and by stages the entire sea side resort comes under attack. All the inhabitants flee, apparently the last being the lawyer and his family accompanied by the heroine.

The film can be enjoyed as a straightforward horror film, with all the compelling power to be expected of a successful Hitchcock film. Certainly it is a film that once seen can never be forgotten. But it cries out for interpretation, which is a characteristic of films of high quality. If you take Billy Wilder’s Witness for the Prosecution, you have an excellent film that apparently bears comparison with the best of Hitchcock, but it doesn’t cry out for interpretation. Likewise with the other films of Wilder, which put him in a class far above average. But all the same he doesn’t invoke comparison with the cinematic greats, such as for instance Bunuel who was declared by Hitchcock to be the greatest of all film makers – an assessment that I incline to share. I have in mind the distinction between verse and poetry: verse has one line of meaning like prose, whereas a poem – in the best definition I know of it, that of Riffaterre – says one thing and means something else.

So, what does The Birds mean? Obviously birds don’t attack human beings in real life and therefore the core of the film cries out for a symbolic interpretation. What seems to have become established is a Freudian interpretation of the film. The family of the hero consists of himself, his mother, and kid sister, with himself acting as a surrogate father in the absence of a real one. It is an Oedipus situation in which the mother is cast as a possessive female who wants to prevent her son getting together with the heroine. But I haven’t seen details substantiating that interpretation. When the mother meets the heroine for the first time she is uneasy and suspicious, but that is explained soon afterwards: the heroine is a notorious member of the international rich set who has recently received newspaper publicity for jumping naked into a fountain in Rome. That, and not an oedipal fixation, could make the heroine an unsuitable companion for her son. There are many details in the film that cannot be fitted into a Freudian interpretation. What is one to make of the self-sacrifice of the school teacher in trying to save the children? Above all, why do the birds attack? That brilliant and eminent intellectual Slavoj Zizek, if I understood him correctly, held that the attack represented an eruption of female libidinal energy. But why do the birds attack, not just that family, but the entire seaside resort? Something of a collective order, not just of an individual or nuclear family order, is clearly indicated.

The birds evidently symbolize subconscious insecurity and dread of an alien invading force. A French film critic whom I read long ago held that the film derived its power from the subconscious Western dread of the Chinese, a notion that in my view gains plausibility if the film is seen in the context of its time. The 1952 du Maurier story from which the film derives ends with the destruction of the entirety of British humanity by the birds, which could be taken as a metaphor for the wartime blitz and possible destruction by the atom bomb. For his 1963 film Hitchcock took over from that story only the idea of a destructive alien force. For the chief protagonist of the story, a Devon farmer, he substituted a glamorous American member of what used to be known in the ‘forties and the ‘fifties as the “international rich set”, who were much publicized even in the Sri Lanka newspapers. We can safely assume that Hitchcock, who we must remember had an exceptionally strict upbringing as a Catholic, would have regarded that set as representing the West at its most irresponsible and its most vulnerable. That was shown by the heroine jumping naked into a Rome fountain and later smashing a shop window. By way of contrast to her, the seaside resort is delineated in loving detail as a close-knit community in which people are helpful to each other as a matter of course. The school teacher is not jealously obstructive towards her competitor, the heroine. The intrusion of the latter, an alien force, disrupts that community and allows the eruption of the destructive force symbolized by the birds. But in the course of the struggle against the birds, she learns responsibility and wins her man.

I must add something about why the birds attack. In some plays of Shakespeare, in Macbeth for instance, there is the idea that human order and the natural order are parts of the same continuum, so that disruption of the former leads to chaos in the latter. I don’t think that this idea is peculiar to Shakespeare or the West. I have the impression that people all over the world have the propensity to blame Governments for the destruction wrought by major natural disasters. The Government’s wrong-doing is seen as making everything go topsy-turvy, including the natural order. Perhaps this idea is as old as humanity, and perhaps it gives tremendous force to Hitchcock’s film at a subliminal level.

But why bring in the Chinese? The West, more particularly the Americans, had a dread of the yellow peril, meaning that the West, in effect the civilized world, would be overwhelmed by the Japanese and the Chinese, a dread that began in the late nineteenth century and went on for decades. The 1905 military defeat of Russia by Japan, of a white power by a colored power, was seen as epoch-making and as a possible portent of things to come. China however remained a powerless victim of the Western predators, and Japan was defeated in the Second World War, making the notion of the yellow peril seem preposterous. But the Communists came to power in China in 1949, it was seen that China had stood up, and it was expected that sooner or later it would start marching forward. The Western reaction to that prospect was insanely racist. It was held that Taiwan represented the whole of China or that there were two Chinas, Taiwan and mainland China. Furthermore the two super powers, the US and the Soviet Union, got together against China, an anomaly because it was never the practice for two leading powers to get together against a weak third power. Perhaps the explanation was racism: the two leading white powers were ganging up against an emerging yellow power. Anyway it was in that political context that that French film critic held that Hitchcock’s birds symbolized the Chinese. Very probably many Westerners would have reacted to the film in those terms.

Hitchcock was not of course pointing his finger at the Chinese in his film – we are addressing here the question of what happens at a subliminal level in experiencing works of art. However the color symbolism in the film makes it clear that he is pointing at dark forces that could become invasive. The film which is in color begins with black birds figured on a creamy white background, and the most destructive birds are black in color, which are at one point designated as crows. The viewer could be expected to experience all that as pointing to the potential invasive power of dark Afro-Asiatic hordes, represented at present by the Islamic world. A point of interest – a detail that cannot be fitted into a Freudian interpretation of the film – is that the kid sister takes along with her the caged love birds as the family make their exit from the house. Is there a moral there? Birds could be dark invasive creatures but they could also be gorgeously plumed enchanting creatures if they are caged, tamed, civilized.

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  • 10

    It was bound to happen – and soon. Izeth H has run out of material – and, so to fill up space, he choses a subject in which very few will be interested nor relevant to today’s world by way of adult discussion.
    Still, like many educated of his vintage he is reasonably well informed
    of Hollywood movies, well-known authors and so on. This is, however, no substitute to a discussion in the media in today’s socio-political scene.

    Mercifully, this week he spares his pet hatred of Tamils, India, Tamilnadu and what have you – that has earned him a fair crop of hostile critics. Izeth H’s forte, as far as we are accustomed to, is the politics of the land. We might not agree with him in all what he writes but the fact is the man, representative of those years when the quality of our English language teaching produced men of above average ability, is readable – though often grudgingly so.

    I remember seeing the movie “Birds” in the 1970s and still recall the Australian actor Rod Taylor who played the lead role. Those were the days TV, Video was unknown and when the name Hitchcock in a movie saw many of us rushing to the movie theatres in droves – and, for good reason.


  • 5

    Izeth Hussain

    RE:The Politics Of Hitchcock’s The Birds & Islamophobia

    “But why bring in the Chinese? The West, more particularly the Americans, had a dread of the yellow peril, meaning that the West, in effect the civilized world, would be overwhelmed by the Japanese and the Chinese, a dread that began in the late nineteenth century and went on for decades.”

    Thanks. Quite interesting analogies. All these are Western Imperialism, and its modern version, the use by the Western Imperialists to keep and maintain their Western Imperialism and Hegemony.

    The First World War was a Colonial Western Imperialism War.

    The Second World War was a Colonial Western Imperialism War and a Japanese Imperialism War.

    The Cold War was also an Imperialism War, Western vs. Soviet.

    Now we have the Western Imperialism reflected through Israel and the Despotic Arab States following Wahhabi, Salafi, Iblisic Satanic, and Devilish ideologies.

    This is the price the World is paying for a weaker Russia. Will China fill the Gap in keeping Western Imperialism in Check?

    Have you heard about the Opium Wars?

    • 1

      Izeth Hussain

      RE:The Politics Of Hitchcock’s The Birds & Islamophobia

      Egypt bids farewell to Nobel prize winning chemist

      He was the third Egyptian to win a Nobel prize and the country’s first scientist to do so. He was NOT a Wahhabi, Salafi or any of its clones.

      Cairo — Nobel prize-winning Egyptian-American chemist Ahmed Zewail received a funeral with military honors attended by Egypt’s president and top state officials Sunday in Cairo.

      Zewail, who served as a science and technology advisor to US President Barack Obama, died Tuesday in the United States. He was 70.

      President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, Al-Azhar’s Grand Imam Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Defense Minister Sedki Sobhi and renowned Egyptian-British surgeon Sir Magdi Yacoub were among those who attended the procession.

      Live footage on state television showed the scientist’s coffin shrouded in an Egyptian flag and drawn by horses on a carriage flanked by men in military uniform.

      The coffin was then carried in an ambulance to a second procession from a university he founded at the Zewail City of Science and Technology before his expected burial in the family tomb nearby.

      Zewail, a naturalised US citizen, won the Nobel prize for chemistry in 1999 for his groundbreaking work in the study of chemical reactions in extremely short timescales.

      He was the third Egyptian to win a Nobel prize and the country’s first scientist to do so.

      His work showed that it is possible with rapid laser technique to study in slow motion how atoms in a molecule move during a chemical reaction.

      According to the Nobel Prize website, Zewail’s work led to the birth of the research area called femtochemistry, “which enables us to understand why certain chemical reactions take place but not others.”

      His discoveries offered scientists greater insight into chemical and pharmacological processes with implications across a range of disciplines including human health, electronics and high precision machinery.

      In 2009 Zewail was appointed to Obama’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, and later that year he was named the first US science envoy to the Middle East.

      Until his death Zewail worked at the California Institute of Technology.

      He was a member of several prestigious scientific institutions including the National Academy of Sciences and the US American Academy of Art and Sciences. He was a fellow of London’s Royal Society.


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    [Edited out]

    • 5

      Man, if Izeth start to advocate here of racial unity the 90% of the Islamophobia will vanish from CT. This man single handedly, is being a formidable force in CT of creating Islamophobia. 90% of the Islamophobia material comes from the commentators who feels defenseless and desperate to counter Izeth, when Izeth launch his multi barrel cannons on the innocents, naming them racist and his prime targets. But it is not one or two.Its goes on Tamils, Jaffna people, CT commentators, Sinhalese, BBS, America, Japan, India…. Anybody out there in the open world, even the stones on the mountains or tree in the jungles are racist and his targets. There is no one left loose from his lazy, senile hobby seeking, name seeking writings.

  • 6

    About two weeks back a couple were on their way to their home in Cincinnati on a Delta Airlines flight. They were offloaded in Paris because a flight attendant heard him uttering “Allah”. I surmise that he might have said “Allah” whenever the plane hit turbulence – just like others may say OMG. They were Pakistan origin. This is clearly Islamophobia.

    Izeth, if some perceived weaknesses in the practice of Islam are pointed out, it is wrong to construe this as Islamophobia. There is a case for modernising Islam. Last week in Colombo Telegraph, MA Nuhman discussed “Shariyah & Modernity”.

    I do not for the life of me see the relevance of Hitchcock’s “The Birds”, Macbeth, “Witness for the prosecution” etc. and Islamophobia. What are all those Freudian interpretations in aid of?

    Quote Izeth: “Freudian interpretation of the film – is that the kid sister takes along with her the caged love birds as the family make their exit from the house”.
    The birds were trying to be in natural perched posture. The audience really get the feel of travelling on a bendy road. This was a Hitchcock master stroke. Do not take this away from him with this Freudian thinghy.

    An example of phobia: If Vellahlah is brought in out of context it is a phobia.

    • 2

      Izeth does not know the meaning of phobia, which is excessive reaction of fright when encountering an object or a situation. Every one fears for a snake and to call it phobia is wrong. When you are confronted by a gunman, reacting to it cannot be called phobia. When the reaction is far in excess of the norm such as screaming, sweating, trembling etc, only it should be termed phobia.

      The behaviour of majority of Muslims in the world, not necessarily the terrorists is giving concerns to majority of the non-Muslims as a group of people who are trying to overrun their customs and beliefs. Long before ISIS, Taliban or Al-Quaeda arose, Muslims were talking of Islamic Caliphate encompassing the whole world. This has not gone away and naturally people are worried.

  • 11

    So who are the people who kill innocent civilians.Do not try to white wash Islamists whose actions creating a real phobia.Not only they kill but want to lmpose their tribal habits or Islamic traditions and laws on other societies where they want to srttle down.

    • 2


      “Islamists whose actions creating a real phobia.Not only they kill but want to lmpose their tribal habits or Islamic traditions and laws on other societies where they want to srttle down. “

      The Fight or dispute is between the Devil, Satan, Iblis following Wahhabis, Salafis, ISIS, ISIL, Talibanes, Boko Harama and their clones, Islamists AND the God Following Muslims.

      They want the God following Muslims yo be like them, Wahhabis, Salafis, ISIS, ISIL, Talibanes, Boko Harama and their clones, Islamists (Iblisis).

      So, their Primary target is other Muslims who do not follow their Devil, Satan, Iblis Ideology, such as Shia, Sufi and Ahmedia Muslims. For now, they are attacking other Sunni Muslims, but Abdul Wahhn, the Father of Wahhabism, did attack the Sunni Muslims and told them to convert to Wahhabism, and if not , were killed.

      This War also spills into to non-Muslims. They want to kill them too.

      Their, Devilish, Satanic, Iblisic Ideology is that everybody else who is NOT a Wahhabis, Salafis, ISIS, ISIL, Talibanes, Boko Harama and their clones, Islamists (Iblisis), is fair game for killing, Muslim or not.

      Wahhabi sack of Karbala

      The Wahhabi sack of Karbala occurred in 21 April 1802 (1216 Hijri), under the rule of Abdul-Aziz bin Muhammad the second ruler of the First Saudi State, when 12000 Wahhabis attacked the city of Karbala[1] killing above 5000 of the inhabitants and plundered the tomb of Husayn ibn Ali (grandson of Muhammad and son of Ali bin Abu Talib (the cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad)) which was destroyed.[2]

      According to a Wahhabi chronicler `Uthman b. `Abdullah b. Bishr: “The Muslims” — as the Wahhabis referred to themselves, not feeling the need to distinguish themselves from other Muslims, since they did not believe them to be Muslims —

      scaled the walls, entered the city … and killed the majority of its people in the markets and in their homes. [They] destroyed the dome placed over the grave of al-Husayn [and took] whatever they found inside the dome and its surroundings … the grille surrounding the tomb which was encrusted with emeralds, rubies, and other jewels … different types of property, weapons, clothing, carpets, gold, silver, precious copies of the Qur’an.”


      Ask the question, who is supporting the Wahhabis, Salafis, ISIS, ISIL, Talibanes, Boko Harama and their clones, Islamists (Iblisis) in various ways?

      The Great Satan and the Minor Satans.

      Devil (Islam)

      The primary characteristic of the Devil is hubris. His primary activity is to incite humans and jinn to commit evil through deception, which is referred to as “whispering into the hearts”.The Quran mentions that Satans are the assistants of those who disbelieve in God: “We have made the evil ones friends to those without faith.”


    • 1


      “Not only they kill but want to lmpose their tribal habits or Islamic traditions and laws on other societies where they want to srttle down.”

      Do they follow God or do they Follow the Devil, Satan, Iblis?

  • 7

    I read following in the paper, please write your views about this articale

    Today, at a mosque in the former East Provincial Commander Kathankudi Karuna, who was murdered tactical move to cut the head of the Muslim population. But it’s hard, who love humanity can not be accepted. Over the years the LTTE and sought forgiveness. But Karuna, tactical move, as this article will tell why they decided to make such killings. Tiraykkeni massacre (Thiraikkerney massacre) on August 6, 1990 at the Sri Lanka’s Ampara district tiraykkeni the massacre in the Tamil village marking the event. With the help of specialized military personnel suspected of 47 Tamils were massacred by Muslims. Tiraykkeni (Thiraayk-kea’ni) village, 70 km south from the town of Batticaloa, Ampara district located. With the help of special forces entered tiraykkeni kiramattinul 47 Muslims murdered the Tamils had sought shelter in the temple. Many elderly people have vitukalinul fire burned alive. 350 houses were burned by Muslim thugs.
    Saroja, a 13-year-old girl abducted and sexually vanmuraikkullakkappattu was assassinated. The massacre began at seven in the morning until noon nitittiruntatuippatukolaikalai cases of people who fled from the village after 4 years after the city turned Karaithivu housed in refugee camps. Calling for a thorough investigation into the massacre by the Rural Development Association president tiraykkeni d. Mayilaippoti who was assassinated in 1997. In October 2003, the 12th day of the Purification of the Temple worked tiraykkeni periyatampiran public palavarrak human remains discovered in the excavation. As the local people in the killings may tiraykkenip ivveccankal terivittanaritu kollappattavarkalinatay There have been no investigations. The biggest genocide was held on the 9th of September 1990 in Batticaloa. Three children were among those killed. Vijayakumar eight-month-old baby, 3-month-old children, Priya, cut two pieces urkavalpataiyinarum venutas leaders of the Muslim army, was put to the fire, said witnesses to the incident. In this incident, 68 children under the age of 8, were murdered. More than 80 of those killed were women. Mikakkotumai who was reportedly raped and killed.

    Saroja, a 13-year-old girl abducted and sexually vanmuraikkullakkappattu was assassinated. The massacre began at seven in the morning until noon nitittiruntatuippatukolaikalai cases of people who fled from the village after 4 years after the city turned Karaithivu housed in refugee camps. Calling for a thorough investigation into the massacre by the Rural Development Association president tiraykkeni d. Mayilaippoti who was assassinated in 1997. In October 2003, the 12th day of the Purification of the Temple worked tiraykkeni periyatampiran public palavarrak human remains discovered in the excavation. As the local people in the killings may tiraykkenip ivveccankal terivittanaritu kollappattavarkalinatay There have been no investigations. The biggest genocide was held on the 9th of September 1990 in Batticaloa. Three children were among those killed. Vijayakumar eight-month-old baby, 3-month-old children, Priya, cut two pieces urkavalpataiyinarum venutas leaders of the Muslim army, was put to the fire, said witnesses to the incident. In this incident, 68 children under the age of 8, were murdered. More than 80 of those killed were women. Mikakkotumai who was reportedly raped and killed.

    5-year-old and three-month-old baby was in the hand of a woman named Priya jivamalar cut impounding swept away soldiers who raped the woman and then cut and pulled and killed.
    Urkavalpataiyum genocide in the massacre of the Muslim army who fled to the reinterpretations teriyavantatukayankal then searched the young man when the military council and the Bishop of Batticaloa citizens save on home remedies for keeping him hidden. Then he was in front of the Presidential Commission catciyamalittiruntar about this massacre.
    There were many massacres like that in the East.
    Samanthurai slaughter, massacre Siththandi, Pottuvil massacre, Kalmunai slaughter, massacre turainilavanai, Eravur hospital massacre, slaughter koraveli iccaiyatittivu, Eravur massacre, narpittimunai slaughter, massacre MAG, Kokkadichcholai that the massacre of thousands of people were killed from village to village.
    In 1990, along with the STF and the surrounding Samanthurai viramunai Muslims evicted from the village on the Tamil people intersect.
    In recent years they have been living in immigration in viramunai again.
    Viramunai Ganesha Temple in the 1990s, including the vegetarian Tamil civilians who had taken refuge in churches, cut ruthlessly killed Muslims. Women had been raped and killed. Even desperately threw two yank. Viramunai on Tamils in the Tamil village a few massacres carried out in 1990 by the will here.
    20.06.1990 viramunai Ganesha Temple massacre reservists and 69 Tamils and Muslims in viramunai 05.07.1990 10.07.1990 13 Tamils and 15 Tamils viramunai. 16.07.1990 Malwatta urkavalpataiyinarum Muslim soldiers had killed about 30 people in 8 women had been raped. Including 23 children and 32 young people in the Muslim urkavalpataiyinaralum 26.07.1990 viramunai special commandos arrested and disappeared.
    29.07.1990 8 teachers with family after being kidnapped on a bus, all of them were killed while fleeing away viramunaiyai. 01.08.1990 -Chawalakadei arrested 18 people disappeared. 12.08.1990 viramunai refugee camp entered the Muslim group attacked with swords cut. 14 people were killed, including the leader Thambimuttu Sinnathurai paripalanacapai the temple.
    Many were injured. Viramunai 600 houses, Samanthurai, mallikaittivu, valattappitti kanapatipuram, Malwatta 1352 Tamil homes and villages were completely burned by the Muslims. In the period between 15.08.1990 to 20.06.1990 viramunai 1600 alone, more than 232 civilians were killed and houses set ablaze. Muslims from those who lead it cammanturaiyai ayalkiramamana.
    The brunt of the worst areas in the Eastern Province valaic army, Chenkallady Arayampathy, three dispensaries- Periya Nilavanai, etc. Pandiriuppu found. Many of the attacks by the Tamil villages in the Ampara district despoiled.
    Tamils were looted and distorted today kiramankalakap lineage descend palamunai, panamai, minotaikkattu Oluvil, nintavuli, Samanthurai, karavaku, tikavavi, mantottam, celebrating cut Poorani, cemmanikkulam, tankavelayutapuram, etc. utumpankulam found.
    Today Muslim villages were wiped out villages, have become trails for Tamils lived. Under these conditions, subject to the occupation of Muslim and Tamil villages in the Ampara district is gradually attaippallam, -Chawalakadei, tiraykkeni, corikkalmunai, miraccolai mutalanavarraik might say.
    Many Tamils ippurvikak born in villages hit by the violence and were seen to his cuyamilantu recognized refugee status. Many women are subjected to sexual violence by racist groups, Muslim ikkiramap the barbaric massacre.
    In the 1990s tiraykkeni, nintavuli, viramunai Muslim extremist groups such as the Tamil areas arattirkup cry from the carnage. Uyirukkanci tiraykkeni Ganesha temple and sought refuge in Tamil youths, men and women killed, beaten and hacked Nindavur Murugan temple and Muslim communal groups of 85 young people in the 64 Tamils viramunaip tukolaiceytanar Ganesha temple.
    These violent attacks are carried out in religious worships and Tamil, Muslim, would result in acts that disturb uravukkut maintapotilum not intercepted by anyone; During this period, except kantikkappatavillaiivai Tamil and Muslim ethnic conflicts, without a trace of numerous Hindu temples were destroyed.
    Cammanturaik kaliko, the attappallam Meenakshi Temple, Kalmunai karavaku kaliko, the minotaikkattup Ganesha Temple, ottamavatip Ganesha Temple and many Hindu temples by Muslims citaikkappattuk temples, mosques and (karavaku kaliko), the mattiraiccik stores and (Oddamavadi Ganesha Temple), today changed. / “Twenty-five years akivittanainruvarai not investigate No justice for patikkappattavarkal.
    These war crimes, genocide, even now talking about the Tamil party that has forgotten ennattonrukiratu.

  • 3

    I happened to watch “The Birds”, “the Witness for the Prosecution” and also Agatha Christie’s “Witness for the Prosecution” which is not relevant here. I do not know why Hitchcock should have chosen the seagulls the most delicate of all birds but the most aero-dynamic. And what is most relevant is: “and the most destructive birds are black in color, which are at one point designated as crows……” (Perhaps the Raven). A point of interest – a detail that cannot be fitted.” I do not see how this is relevant to the Izeth’s theme in this context.Bensen

  • 5

    The feeling of “Islamophobia” comes from the millions and millions of Middle Eastern birds migrating to North, the Europe. It is a powerful double edged sword in fear mongering. And it is unstoppable by any means. Everybody knows that the unstoppable, powerful nature of it is the one brought Donald Trump like candidates to election platform. That is the one split Britain from Europe. This forceful, unstoppable migration making other races to fear another or many other Pakistans being created in their natural living area. On the other edge, the people of the Middle East leaving their land at this juncture of the human history is an indication of the religious extremism being brewed there for centuries is completed. The on lookers’ feeling is that the fermentation is culminated and beer being started to serve. Nevertheless, that fear is not baseless. Genghis Khan, Mahmud of Ghazni, Arabian pirates in the medieval time until European power rose are some historical events of world scale religion based massacres, still fresh in the minds of the world people. Middle east and its religion is the reason for secound world war too. Iran is on other Muslim countries. Saudi Arabia on others. Iraq invaded Iran and Kuwait. Libia did the same damage to Middle East. Turkey in on Syria and Iraq. Pakistan on India. The Isamic countries’ land capturing greed is an endless greed.

    In other other words it is Muslims countries cause Islamophobia by their uncivilised Sharia law on their people and the greed to spread to other notations. Then the Messengers, of cause it is they again, take it out to the world as refugees and terrorists. “Thirudanaai Parththu Thiruntha Vidddaal Thirudai Olikka Vali Illai”(Unless the thief himself/herself have corrected, the theft will not go away). Middle East Muslims have to start stopping the islamophobia in their backyard first.

  • 3

    Huh? I usually don’t cuss, but what the **** did I just read?

  • 3

    Mr. Izeth Hussien:

    For some time, you are relentlessly defending Islam and accusing everybody itself.

    Why muslims, including you are so afraid to admit or at least talk about to say whether they you muslims do something wrong. Why Muslims are pretending that Muslims are not doing anything at all wrong in the name of Quran, Islam, Mohommad or allah ? You guys say, Islam is a peaceful religion. but, you guys don’t talk about Islamic conquests in the past, how you guys slaughtered in Maha Bharath or present behaviour of muslims all over the world ?

    Why do you think, you are talking to dumb people who only read what you write. IS it Like Muslims reading and believing Only the Quran ?

    Even your use of symbols, when include too much interpretation into it, don’t you think, it is just imagination, Heresay and means your phobias and mental dieseases ?

    Or are you simply being dishoneat but not saying it ?

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