28 April, 2024


Human Rights Commission Tells UN Committee ‘Torture Routine In All Parts Of Sri Lanka’

The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL) has disclosed that torture is routinely used in all parts of Sri Lanka, regardless of the nature of the suspected offence for which the person is arrested.

Dr. Deepika Udagama - Chairperson - HRCSL

Dr. Deepika Udagama – Chairperson – HRCSL

In a 17 page report submitted to the UN Committee Against Torture for the review of the 5th periodic report of Sri Lanka, HRCSL also pointed out that even though the Commission had requested for information from the Attorney-General’s Department on the number of indictments filed and convictions under the Convention Against Torture Act, but to date is yet to receive the requested information.

“The Commission following its appointment in late October 2015 found there have been long delays in dealing with torture complaints, with the sense these cases were not prioritised in the past, and has taken action to expedite investigations. Further, due to weak documentation and archiving systems, hamper its ability to provide greater breakdown of data. The Commission is streamlining its inquiry and investigation processes, including training for staff, mechanisms ensure staff accountability and formulating procedural manuals. To support effective inquiry and investigation the Commission is adopting measures to strengthen its documentation and archiving systems and procedures as well,” HRCSL said in its report.

The commission has also called for the amendment of the definition of torture in Section 12 of the Convention Against Torture Act and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment Act no 22 of 1994 to expand the definition of torture to all acts of torture, including those causing severe suffering, in accordance with article 1 of the Convention Against Torture.

“The Government ratified the Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearances on 25 May 2016. Adoption of enabling legislation, which is required to give effect to the Convention at the national level, is still pending,” the report said.

“The complaints received by the Commission illustrate that torture is routinely used in all parts of the country regardless of the nature of the suspected offence for which the person is arrested. For instance, those arrested on suspicion of robbery, possession of drugs, assault, treasure hunting, dispute with family/spouse, have been subjected to torture. The prevailing culture of impunity where those accused of torture is concerned is also a contributing factor to the routine use of torture as a means of interrogation and investigation,” the Commission said.

According to HRCSL, usually, complainants are from low-income groups. The Commission has received complaints of persons sometimes being arrested with family members, sometimes arrests being made due to mistaken identity, and torture used to elicit information or to punish. “For example, in a case from Weligama in the Southern Province the complainant was beaten, threatened at gunpoint and taken to the police station by three policemen dressed in civilian clothing in front of his family due to mistaken identity, which was revealed when his identity card was checked at the police station. The medico-legal report confirmed his injuries,” the Commission said.

According to the report in 2010 the Commission received 566 complaints against torture, while this number increased to 579 in 2011. In 2012 there were 542 complaints followed by 600 complaints in 2013. In 2014, a total of 489 complaints were lodged in relation to torture, while in 2015 there were 420 complaints. As of August 31, 2016, a total of 208 complaints have been received in relation to torture, with a majority of the complaints being recorded at the Commission’s head office in Colombo.

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  • 9

    Dr. Deepika Udagama – Chairperson – HRCSL

    RE: Human Rights Commission Tells UN Committee ‘Torture Routine In All Parts Of Sri Lanka’


    Expose, Expose and Expose the tortures. They are freeing the torturers.

    Tell the UN Committee the President Sirisena, has become a traitor to the people, and has accepted billions of the stolen loot from the Rajapaksa and his cronies, and furthermore. abused his power to interfere with the independent commissions and the judiciary to free criminals and killers.

    This “President”, Gon Sirisena Gamarala, must be impeached.

    • 0


      This must stop right away.

      I’m sure as a percentage it is much higher in India.

      Srilanka must ban caste completely. Anyone stating or asking caste must be punished. All jobs should be free for all castes.

  • 9

    Bravo! This indeed an independent Commission.


    • 3


      It is very evident that you, not unlike Dayan (as can be seen from his article just a couple of days ago), have suddenly turned humanitarians with much concern for the people!

      Aren’t you guys merely trying hard to distance yourself from your whole-hearted association with support for the most vile regime of MR and Gota not log ago?

      Good luck with your re-invention filled with abundant sanctimonies, hopefully not faked entirely for self-promotion only.

      • 0

        Dayan has one and only strategy. His benefits, his lifestyle, his glory and money. Why do you overestimate a corrupted guy like him? His education as a corrupted lecturer? Or his father´s career? This is our fault

        • 2


          Birds of a feather – really!

          While Tamils in the North suffered due to oil-polluted well water, this guy leveraged that issue to champion a diversion of river water from the mainland to his own irrigation tank so as to set up a plantation – his personal Eldorado of cactus & dates as he would later disclose! Greed sees no bounds!!

  • 12

    Hundreds of complaints of torture in police custody/after arrest have been made to HRCL each year to HRCL since 2010.
    How many torture incidents have NOT been reported – anybody’s guess.

    This matter is more urgent than any other – including the budget.
    The police impunity MUST be checked.
    Else, we degenerate into a Police State – unless this has happened already.
    The minister proposes “first complaints” to police in the absence of an attorney.
    Thus, he strengthens impunity.
    Do we need such a “minister”?

    Will the government take up this report as an Urgent Matter of National Importance in parliament?
    If not, resign?

    • 5

      It will take a long time to unravel the Bad Habits enmeshed in the Police, since Independence!

      I remember once when I was young, and learning to Drive from our Old Driver, I was involved in an Accident. It was my fault.

      The Police pressured me to say that the Driver was driving the car, when the accident happened. Being Young and full of Ideals, I refused.

      Wonder now, about the Fate of the Driver if I had Bowed under Pressure.

  • 6

    Torture ,Torture, Torture , That’s the Mantra of the Tri Party Armed services of SL the Lord Buddha’s Land of Purity ! Eroded into Land of Criminality.
    WHOSE faults are ??
    Definitely to do with the Preachers and the Governments Of past and present consisting of ELECTED MURDERERS,CROOKS , THIEVES , AND DRUG PEDDLERS.
    SRilanka does not need to turn or learn from any one because most of the people in power are CROOKS.
    WE cannot expect any better behaviour from the security services.
    The Law of the Jungle Prevails.

    As the Author says the Torture is used in all parts of the country and complaints are from low income groups.
    I agree the complainants are mainly from the Majority community who are unable to Bribe these Lawless Coolies from the Army ! Police and the Navy.
    The author has missed out on the point that the Torture may be more SEVERE towards the Minority community .
    Wonder what will be the Outcome of these Reports!!!

    • 6


      Practising torture is part of the heritage of this island and in people’s gene. By the way, those who are proud of their heritage conveniently forget this part of the history:

      Read the article below

      by UCP PERERA


    • 0

      @ Analyst, are you blind to the torture chambers in VP held territory discovered during the last stages of the War. When it cmes to torture and inhuman treatment of prisoners, VP and his enforcers were just as efficient or even excelled their southern bretheren. Do not pretend that torture as a routine process of interogation and then disposal ofthe bodies is something unique to the other party.

      • 3

        Thrishu. are you one of them, who do not understand the services ? honestly??

        Are you blind to the torture chambers of VP

        You most certainly so blind and ignorant of the fact that these tri party forces took up these respective services PROMISING TO SERVE THE PEOPLE AND THE COUNTRY.
        They’re not meant to run a Banana Republic services.
        Most brutal thieves are the Local Police services,
        They have no descipline , no education , no religion.
        Kill, Steal and Lie ,, that’s their Mantra from the Top to the Bottom of the so called NOBLE SERVICES.
        They block a Chosen area , while their cohorts Burgle the block of houses , then the wild goose chase for the burglars.
        This is the Pattern of Burglary all over the country.

      • 4


        “Analyst, are you blind to the torture chambers in VP held territory discovered during the last stages of the War. When it cmes to torture and inhuman treatment of prisoners,”

        Does it give others the authority to torture anyone and anywhere?

        “VP and his enforcers were just as efficient or even excelled their southern bretheren.”

        Could you cite the comparative study so that we can make up our own mind as to which side was efficient and excelled in their craft. If you thought both are efficient and excelled in their trade, would you like to subject yourself for a controlled experiment?

        Let us know which of the two uses state of the art technics and inform us the best practices observed during the session.

        • 2

          Thrishu, NV,

          Even if Thrishu is at least half-right in his assumption that VP gang pursued torture at the vigour of SL Regime that now stands exposed, please also remember that one is an elected LEGAL representative Government of the people given due recognition by the internationals and accorded all the rights and privileges arising there of. The other is a mere self-appointed, ILLEGAL band of rebellions, that was/is rightly or wrongly condemned and banned as an illegal terroristic outfit!

          Is Trishu arguing that both should be measured on an equal scale as far as responsibilities go? For instance, just because there are thieves in the country, could one argue that it justifies giving Government officials an equal right to steal?!

  • 5


    Punnakku eating Modayas have No Grey Matter… Keep on Voting the CROOKS AND THE MURDERERS.
    We need our country to prosper and compete in the world , at present its a stagnated third world beggars.
    It’s the curse of the country while the CROOKS PROSPER!!

    • 2

      I mean all the Punnakku eating Modayas from all the races , consists of Sinhalek, Tamils, and Muslims votes without true commitment to the future of our country nor to the future generations.
      Blind leading the Blinds.

  • 3

    Sadly that routine process has not been used with respect to the investigation of Thajauddin case, or the FCID invetigations into the fraudulent activities of VIP politician’s sons and associates. Had they applied the routine tests, then thoses cases would have been resolved by now. There is definitely a case to answer … i.e. to the discrimination of the application of ths routine tests between the rich and the poor,

  • 3


    • 3

      Sri Kanka has not signed the Rome Ststute. Therefore ICC doesn’t have jurisdiction over Sri Lanka. Exception : UN Security Council make a referral to ICC. This referral is impossible where China and Rusisia who are permanant members and have ‘veto’ power over any referral to ICC.

      • 2


        “This referral is impossible where China and Rusisia who are permanant members and have ‘veto’ power over any referral to ICC.”

        If I were you I wouldn’t trust Russia and China for they have their own strategic and economic interests.

        Iraq and Libya are good examples. They couldn’t stop the mindless bombing and destruction of these two countries.

  • 3

    Get the helping Hambantota filth behind bars or you are on a loser president and PM?

  • 3

    I thought Sri Lanka torture only Tamils. Isn’t that what the asylum seekers and Tamil diaspora say to the world? What kind of lairs are they!

    • 8


      Tamil diaspora and asylum seekers never lied about torture. Toruring Sinhalese by the state machinery does not mean that Tamils are not tortured. Tamils are more vulnerable to torture because they are Tamils and the military and police are Sinhalese only. I don’t know whether you are aware that large number of Sinhalese also seeked asylum in the past because of tortue.Srilankan military and police are corrupted and politicised and most of the ruling politicians (Sinhalese) are racists.

      • 2

        What do you expect SL to do to terror suspect? Take them to the Hilton for a vacation? Terror suspects should take the CN capsule as ordered by their supreme leader VP. Moronic Tamils want Sri lanka to be Jesus Christ???
        The US water boarding terror suspects is what? Beach front vacation?
        Torture happens in every country. And that will never stop. If Tamils did not resort to terrorism and suicide murdering nothing would have happened. blame your self and the other terror supporters for all this.

        By the way the military and the police will be Sinhala until the country is totally free of Tamil terrorism and unlawful civil disobedience. The way the Tamils are behaving you might not see this in your life time. You can call it “racist” but for me it is for the security of our country.

        • 5

          Tamils want Srilanka to be Lord Buddha, not to be Jesus Christ. Do you know what Srilanka did to Terror suspects who dragged civilians from their home to the middle of street and burnt children,elderly and women in daylight in 1958? Torture? No. Investigation? No Arrest? No, Compensation?No Shipped them.This is what called Ethnic cleansing.
          I thought you have celebrated long time back for totally Totally Tamil Terrorism? Kiribath was served all over the streets for killing 100,000 Tamil Terrorists in 2009. You mean that you want to erase the whole Tamils of the world?
          Srilanka will never be secure until all the Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalists like you remain in this island? You are the real Terrorist! You are the one who massacred thousands of innocent Sinhalese and Tamils for your thirsty of blood.

          • 2

            Anybody who breaks the law will be treated according to the law in any country, not only in SL. Whether in 1958 or 1983 if you disrupt law and order or kill innocent citizens we will see repercussions on the Tamils living in the south. The Tamil leaders (both terrorist leaders and political leaders) should keep this in mind when instigating their followers to break the law or kill citizens. Killing or burning homes of Tamils never happens in SL other than when Tamil leaders inflict unrest. Have you ever heard of any Sinhalese attacking Tamils in the south for no reason?? Can you even mention any occasion since 1983 where Sinhalese mobs attacked Tamils living in the south for no reason. How come the southern Tamils still live in the south? How is Vigneswaran and other politicians live happily in the south? You separatist keep talking about 1958 and 1983 which in fact should be blamed on your Tamil leaders.

            Yes, Kiribath was served. For getting SL out of Tamil terrorism that lasted over 30 years. Yes, that is a good reason to celebrate. If innocent Tamil civilians were killed take it as a collateral damage. If you want to blame someone for that, blame Parayabakaran. No I don’t want to erase Tamils from the world. I want to erase terrorists Tamils and terror supporting Tamils also even Sinhalese who resort to terrorism from this world. You appear to threaten SL that we will never have security. Yes, people like you are the reason why the Army has to stay in the north.

            • 6

              Nuisance the stupid I

              Now it appears that you need two or more spitoons.

            • 4

              Now I understood what you mean be law.You are real blood thirsty terrorist.

        • 4


          You are such an idiot full stop! Who said Sri Lanka only brutalised the Tamils only? We all know what you guys did to the JVP during the 90s! So it is completely credulous that if they can do such things to their own what can they do t the Tamils. Killing and raping the Tamils does not carry same weight; this much is clear!

          You asked the Tamils go back where they came from if they do not toe your line on another forum! Who are you to decide as to where we Tamils come from? What makes you think that you are owner of SL?

          Torture is serious subject and you had to bring in your mendacious attitude to this forum

          • 2

            Yes, I said in another post that “Tamils can go to Tamil Nadu or where ever Tamils are the majority”. Did you try to find out for who I responded and for what reasons I said so?
            In fact I did not decide “…as to where Tamils come from”. It is what that stupid Vedda always keep on talking about. Who cares who came from where and when??? Its the current majority that counts. In fact I asked the Tamils who are not happy with Sri Lanka to decide for them selves where they want to go. If the Tamils want to be the majority of the population Tamil Nadu is the place to be! Am I wrong???
            Come to think of it, yes I can be considered as a “owner” of SL. I say this because the Sinhalese are the majority and they are the ones who will be electing the gov. under our democracy. Is there anything wrong with that? I will assure you that the day the Tamils become more than 50% of the SL population I will handover the “ownership” of SL to you.

            • 2


              The Sri Lankan Tamils are alien to Tamil Nadu just like you are. The Tamils Sri lanka have been violated by your myopic Sinhala Buddhist agenda. They have the democratic right to demand political recognition and autonomy. This is pretty clear to any democrat. For you to even associate teh Tamils with the Tamil Nadu is preposterous and chauvinistic. You do not see this because you do not have the mental capacity to accept the diversity in union. The Tamils language, the Tamil culture and Tamil areas need to be recognised and empowered. This is the crux of the issue; the Tamil Nadu has nothing to do with it; do you get it? I doubt it!

              • 1

                I don’t know who is not getting it. You want autonomy? Come back when your population is more than 50% and get into the democratic political system we have now, but not through terrorism and suicide murdering innocent civilians. You say Tamil Nadu Tamils are different from you Tamils?? Next you will say Jaffna Tamils are different from Batticloa Tamils so you need two elams! You might also say high cast Tamils are different from low cast Tamils so give another 2 elams!
                Sri Lanka will not and should not give autonomy to any ethnic group. I say this because the minority populations are negligible to have such powers. Specially Tamils won’t qualify as they conducted a terror war against the country. I feel Muslims will be entitled to autonomy before the Tamils as their population growth is rapid.
                Tamils need to learn to live as a minority. Sri Lanka has so many Tamils who are doing well. Most of them are better off than Sinhalese. Look at the numbers of professionals, businessmen politicians etc. If Tamils are not given recognition/empowerment as you say, how come you get very successful Tamils in SL. My conclusion is people like you who have no drive to work hard and improve your self keep complaining of fake racism and discrimination etc. and blaming the Sinhalese hoping a free ride. I will guarantee that you are not going succeed that way.

        • 4


          “he way the Tamils are behaving you might not see this in your life time. You can call it “racist” but for me it is for the security of our country.”

          Please give me a break! The Tamils did not start with violence just like that, you go and study the history in terms how the arrogant Sinhala brutalised the Tamil people for democratic objections. How the Tamil MPs were beaten and humiliated by the arrogant police and military while being egged on by the likes of you!

          Here this loud and clearly, you will not have peace until you settle politically with the Tamils. You will have nightmares and nothing but misery until you realise that, the Tamils must be empowered. The sooner you get this in your head the better you sleep at nights!

          • 1

            Have you heard the saying “an eye for an eye”. That is exactly what you say how Tamil terrorism started. I am not blaming you for that, but I want you to be a man and face the consequences rather than whining.

            Are you an escaped LTTE operative? You threaten “you will not have peace until you settle politically with the Tamils. You will have nightmares and nothing but misery until you realize that, the Tamils must be empowered”. Such sayings may make you feel better but for us Sri Lankans, we will have to tighten our security in the north further. So, you also want reconciliation with that???

            • 4


              “I am not blaming you for that, but I want you to be a man and face the consequences rather than whining.”

              An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind
              – Mohandas Gandhi

              Gandhi didn’t need to hang a spitoon around his neck but you do, infact you need more than one.

            • 2


              “Are you an escaped LTTE operative?”

              You are like broken record! You do not comprehend what people say logically! Is this typical for the down-right chauvinists?

              You will not have peace and nothing but misery if you do not resolve the Tamil Question. This is what I said in effect. Why do you associate this with violence? The Tamils fight and their quest for a resolution is very much political and international. Sri Lanka cannot basically move on until she resolves this burning issue; do you get it. SL have cosponsored the last UN resolution and by which she committed to reconciliation with political solution along with accountability etc. This is what I meant by what I said. You think and act as a juvenile with shallow understanding of the issues at hand; how pathetic!

              • 1

                Good luck for your efforts.

            • 2


              Should you then not extend your “eye for an eye” rhetoric further back and say LTTE was indeed an “eye for eye” just in response to the State terrorism piled upon the Tamils that started with Banda’s 1957 and periodically intensified at every election since then, until LTTE poked them back in their own eye?!

        • 2

          Nuisance is a pest and a dummy.

      • 2

        As Tamils and Sinhalese we must realise our common enemy. Ethnic issue is a biggest problem but uncontrolelled powers are the main reason for the problems in sri lanka. One good thing is that the university students are now realising this.

    • 6


      Where is your padikkam?

      • 7

        I guess Padikkam is blessed by the Sacred Prelates in the name of Lord Buddha for the infant or Adult to get up and go and Murder , Steal , Intoxicate in Drugs and Lie .

        The Damn thing has no meaning for the wearer. Nuisance blessed with one?

        • 5

          What is a Padikkam? I always believed that a Padikkama was the container into which the Monks washed their hands or washed their mouths into, after a meal.

          Where and How does one Wear it?

          • 3


            Please elaborate ! What’s Padikkam??

            • 4

              Hamlet & Analyst

              “What’s Padikkam??”

              spittoon – எச்சிற் படிகம் – පඩික්කම

              • 2

                Stupid vedda,
                Hamlet is asking how does one wear it!
                Poor reading and comprehension but want to solve Tamil problems!
                No wonder these Tamil leaders and “wanna be” leaders like Vedda are a curse for the poor Tamils.

                • 7

                  Nuisance the stupid I

                  Where is your spittoon – எச்சிற் படிகம் – පඩික්කම ?

                  You seem to misplace it very often. Why don’t you tie it to your neck so that whenever you feel like spitting/omitting do it straight into it and avoid it here in this public forum?

                  • 2

                    stupid vedda
                    Be a man and counter my posts if you dare to do so. Stop writing childish trash.

    • 5

      asylum is given based on ‘individual’ merit of the plea. they don’t have to prove ‘entire’ race is discriminated. Nonsense logic of yours as usual

      • 2

        Did you seek asylum anywhere or did you get the license to practice immigration law in the west?
        I suggest to keep your thoughts for yourself rather than publicizing your ignorance!

  • 2

    Police Commission,

    1. What is happening in the recent Daham Sirisena-related violent incident at a night club?

    2. What is happening with regard to the young man who died in Wimal Weerawansa case?

    Why are the civic organizations and main stream media silent?

    While the Human Rights Commission is asserting its independence, the other so-called INDEPENDENT COMMISSIONS seem to be carrying on in the same old rotten way, dancing to the tune of our rotten politicians.


    • 3

      What happened to the so called COUP on the night of the Presidential election in Jan 2015.
      Buried under the carpets of PM ‘ s Temple Trees???
      So many Lies and cover ups , these Lies will never go away.

    • 0


      What exactly happened at the “delegate” meeting you had with the once-Maharajah in front of whom you prostrated in awe of his radiating toe-ring?

      Any chance you can answer that?

  • 0

    … to expand the definition of torture to all acts of torture, including those causing severe suffering,…
    That it would capture the rising of the cost of living?

  • 2

    We need the President to tell the Prime Minister to order torture to stop immediately.

    Then the Prime Minister will listen. Or these tortures must be happenning without informing the President. He needs to be informed.

  • 0

    Congratulations and best wishes!

  • 0

    To add insult to injury we call our country the Sinhala Buddhist Nation.

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