28 April, 2024


BBS – Farce Or Tragedy Or Both?

By Izeth Hussain

Izeth Hussain

There are aspects to the BBS phenomenon, both its performance and the Governmental reactions to it, that are utterly farcical, but of course for the Muslims it is tragedy. There are reasons to believe that unless the BBS is checked by the Government, its unchecked activities will lead to tragedy not just for the Muslims but for the nation as a whole.

The tragedy that the writer has in mind is so serious a loss of sovereignty that Sri Lanka could become a country that is independent only in name, not in substance. There have of course been several countries that have been satellites of the American and Soviet Empires, with not much more than nominal independence. At this point a clarification needs to be made about sovereignty. It is wrong to think of it in terms of a spectrum at the one end of which there is total sovereignty enabling a country to do whatever it wishes in its international relations and at the other end of which is a total satellisation. The US, with power enough to blow up the world several times over, has had to face all sorts of constraints in conducting its foreign relations. The truth is that countries can be more or less sovereign, occupying varying positions in the spectrum. There are several factors that could adversely affect sovereignty, including heavy indebtedness that as in the case of Sri Lanka could make the preservation of sovereignty highly problematic.

The first farcical aspect of the BBS phenomenon was seen in the pretense that it was funded by Norwegian fundamentalist Christian groups and there was no more to it than that. Almost certainly Israel was the main force behind it, for reasons that need not be reiterated in this article. It might have been pardonable to forget that as something that had better be ignored for various (unconvincing) reasons, but there has been a vigorous recrudescence of BBS activity in recent times which has been well documented. In this novel context, the Government cannot avoid investigating the possible Israeli factor without having to face the following question: towards which end of the sovereignty spectrum should Sri Lanka be placed?

Another farcical aspect of the BBS phenomenon is that both the last and the present Governments have been very wary about taking effective counter- action against it. That is farcical because the BBS has nothing like the wide popular appeal that it was presumed to have when it first went on the rampage. The Islamophobic hate campaign has certainly been successful and there is widespread Islamophobia in Sri Lanka, but that does not necessarily spell widespread support for the BBS. The major problem is that the BBS is mainly a movement of Buddhist monks, like that of the Wirathu gang in Myanmar, and the average Sinhalese Buddhist seems to find it impossible to reconcile a hate campaign, a violent hate campaign, with Buddhism. It is a significant fact that Wirathu has been silenced by the Buddhist hierarchy in Myanmar, evidently because his preaching of violent Islamophobic hatred cannot be reconciled with Buddhism.

There are several other reasons why the substantial majority of the Sinhalese will not be supportive of the BBS. The Muslims solidly supported the Sinhalese against the Tamils from the time of the fifty-fifty campaign in pre-Independence days. They were against separatism, and their siding with the Sinhalese in the War entailed very horrible consequences for which they have not been provided redress even now – the facts are too well-known to require detailing here. Pakistan’s emergency provision of the appropriate weapons enabled reverse the tide of war at Elephant Pass in 2000, if not for which the Sri Lankan armed forces would have faced an extremely demoralizing debacle. The Islamic world has been solidly supportive of Sri Lanka at the UNHRC meetings at Geneva. And of course the remittances made by housemaids in the Middle East have been crucial in keeping the Sri Lankan economy afloat. We have to suppose that the Sinhalese people as a whole have a fair degree of political sophistication, having had the collective experience of exercising the franchise since 1931 and thinking about political issues in a democratic milieu. We can presume that they are aware of the facts set out above, and therefore that they are capable of making the following distinction: having gripes against the Muslims and sharing some degree of Islamophobia is one thing, but supporting the outrageously anti-Buddhist BBS is quite another.

What is the actual record of the Sinhalese people’s support for the BBS? The first point to note about the BBS is that it was not an indigenous movement, a spontaneous bursting out of Islamophobic hatred among the Sinhalese masses, but a blatantly foreign-backed one. Furthermore it had the obvious backing of very powerful personages in the Government, who even went to the extent of placing its leaders above the law. But it is an eloquent fact that it failed to ignite Sinhalese mass violence against the Muslims, though the main drive behind the BBS campaign was indisputably blood-lust. To cap it all, at the last General Elections the group representing the BBS got no more than a derisory 27,000 votes, showing conclusively enough that the BBS had no Sinhalese mass support worth speaking about.

We come now to the utterly farcical handling of the BBS hate campaign by the present Government. Karl Marx observed that history repeats itself, the first time as tragedy and the second time as farce. The handling of the BBS under the last Government was certainly tragic. The main reason was that it failed to make a distinction between Islamophobia which could have a significant spread among the Sinhalese and support for the BBS which most Sinhalese saw as a disgrace to Buddhism – a fact established by those derisory 27,000 votes! Another reason was that the last Government inherited a political mind-set according to which controversies arising out of religion had better be left alone. The tragic result of it all was that the Muslim vote became an important factor behind the defeat of President Rajapaksa, and the Government was seen internationally as disgustingly racist and incapable of giving fair and decent treatment to any minority.

History is now repeating itself in the surprising latitude allowed by the present Government to the BBS campaign. It is well-documented that in recent weeks mosques and other Muslim-owned buildings have come under attack with the police looking the other way, just like under the last Government, and the authorities up to now have been refusing to take appropriate counter-action, just like the last Government. But the context has changed, and what was once tragic is now farcical. The Government cannot now pretend that Sinhalese mass support for the BBS is so strong that it would be impolitic to apply the law against it. The explanation for Government inaction seems to be that the Sri Lankan power elite has become utterly hedonistic, putting the pleasure principle above all else so that global loafing takes priority over spending much time over the problems of the people.

The Muslims are now facing tragedy. It was shown under the last Government that they were not entitled as a matter of course to the protection of the law and the present Government is making the same demonstration. To whom are they to turn? The writer, as a Muslim, must record a sense of gratitude to the JVP for its reaction to the depredations of the BBS thugs. The Muslims should now cross ethnic frontiers and turn to the Sri Lankan civil society to make the Government come to its senses. Only the civil society can save this country from its politicians.

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  • 12

    Izeth Hussein,
    Don’t worry, it is only start for Muslims. Tamils faced tragedy for the past few decades. Muslims joined their hands with BBS in destroying Tamils. It is now your chance to go through the same because Buddhist fundamentalists believe you are a threat to them in terms of security, economy and to Buddhism. Tamils asked for a federal solution but Buddhists think that you ask for whole nation otherwise you want Srilanka to be a Muslim Nation. You may think Muslim Nations in Middle East will help you but Buddhists have the help of China and India. One thing I can say, Tamils will not do the same which you Muslims did to the Tamils.

    • 1

      Izeth Hussain, ——————————————————————————————–
      RE: BBS – Farce Or Tragedy Or Both?—————————————————————–

      Thanks for the write up. The real question to ask is whose self-interest are they serving?—————————————————————————————————————–
      The suspect List—————————————————————————————-
      1. Mahinda Rajapaksa and cronies`——————————————————————-
      2. Israelis and their cronies…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
      3. Norwegians and their cronies…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
      4. Rump LLTE and their cronies…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
      5. Sinhala “Buddhist” Racists and their cronies………………………………………………………………………………………………………
      6. Hindu Tamil “casuists” and cronies…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
      7. Sinhala “Buddhist” Businessmen and their Cronies
      8. Satan Following Wahhabi Devils and their cronies
      9. Add yours to the List..—————————————————-

      Then each hypothes should be analyzed based on data,, observations and circumstantial evidence————————————-
      At least we know from Eric Solheim, that the Norwegians Funded BBS during 2014, as Solhein admitted to Amarasiri on Twitter.

      • 0

        Amarasiri – its a shame that you have use dots and dashes in a painstaking manner to format your comments in a bullet point presentation. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1 and 2 missed the target&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& you were doing fine 3 to 7 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ then 8 and 9 missed the target>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it seems you have given up after that. ?????????????????????????????????????????????
        Silly CT Editors they are adamant to carry on with this new format that sucks.

      • 0

        A trial text:
        The problem with people is that they do not have the insight to see things as they are. Buddha called such insight as Yatha Bhutha Gnana Dassana- Seeing things as they are.

        We look at things with preconceived minds, thus filtering out anything that contradicts such preoceptions. We also express hate towards others who do not see things exactly as we do.

        Just as if there were a pool of water in a mountain glen clear, limpid, and unsullied, where a man with good eyes standing on the bank could see shells, gravel, and pebbles, and also shoals of fish swimming about and resting, and it would occur to him, “This pool of water is clear, limpid, and unsullied. Here are these shells, gravel, and pebbles, and also these shoals of fish swimming about and resting;” so too, the monk discerns as it actually is. (The wheel of Dhamma)

    • 2

      Dear Izeth,

      Let us think in a different and in an innovative way to identify power which is working behind these Terrorists (BBS).

      The Sri Lankan Government and its all affiliates are Fascistic. D.S. Senanayake began this ZIONIST backed SINHALA ONLY campaign along with the other scumbags they call themselves as the Sinhala Elite political gangs and thugs way back in the 1900’s. With the many Jewish backed Sinhala `elite figures fakely becoming Buddhists and covering up their true Jewish identity, launched the campaign against all the minorities TO PIT THE MAJORITY AGAINST THE OTHERS to create never ending conflicts to further their Jewish Zionist Agenda in de-population program to kill off the gentile races by infighting among themselves.

      All the racist politicians of the so called “Sinhala” origin were converts from another religion as they publicly claimed. The untold part is that these elites are the INFILTRATED JEWS for a long period of time hid their identity and captured the ELITE tags in the society to keep the Zionist Mass Murder agenda rolling for the future. So, the ELITES of Sri Lanka, the Senanayake’s, Jayawardene’s, Bandaranayake’s, Rajapakses, Sirisena’s, Cyril Maththews, Gamini Dissanayake…. must be Crypto Jews coming from a distant Jewish geneology.

      Because, the system these scumbags in the old guard founded was a PURE RACISTIC and with an unending continuation of the same ZIONIST land grabbing, Mass Murdering, Raping and thieving model that has costed thousands of innocent lives.

      (This Wikipedia info must be further explored to find the connections of the Jewish elements in the Sri Lankan Racist elites who are running the Fascist system which causing death & destruction)

      • 1

        Really, blame your selves you low cast Muslim converts , you created BBS .Sunday Observer apartment to rent Muslims only.
        The Jews married the European settlers.

    • 2

      There are some hidden messages the Sinhala Only creeps (Including the Presidency) is sending to the general public. Only the sharp thinking person could be able to DECODE these messages.
      1. The GONA PART played by the President not taking any action with regards to the BBS Terrorism is a CODED MESSAGE saying….”I am one of them, and I will not do anything to stop it”.

      2. Maithri was quick to pass a resolution to grab the Muslim owned lands fakely citing that it belongs to the Forest reserve. But, when their PROXY ZIONIST AGENT-BBS went rampaging on the Muslim properties and committing sacrilege on their GOD/ALLAH and their religion, he is behaving like a LKG child being put up on a stage to perform a Nursery Rhyme for the first time.

      3. All the Presidents and Prime Ministers (past & present) coming from a certain special group of families and class are all selected first by the Jewish entity of the US/UK/EU for the job, with the Zionist Agenda in its primary goals and duties. WAR ON ISLAM is a primary goal of almost all the elites and their minions who are operating from the below levels. That’s why they don’t take any action…its their guys who are doing it. One Vision, One Goal, one WAR (Zionist de-population through mindless wars).

      4. Almost all the Sinhala politicians became silent on the continuation of the BBS Terror for they all knows WHO IS DOING IT, WHO IS BACKING IT, WHO IS COVERING UP their violations under the RULES OF THE LAW. The code is that they are all in it.

      • 1

        The secret agenda of the Zionist backed and Zionist protected WAR CRIMINAL filled UNP/SLFP fake “Democratic” parties are to complete the contract they have been hired to….. To hit the Muslims in the most hardest manner…. as per their Mossad/CIA training given to the JHU and its affiliates like BBS, RAVANA Balaya, Mahasona and all their ilks who are funded by the TelAviv/Washington/London evil axis to create a condition of maximum incitement provoking the Sinhalas to become the Mass Murdering lot once again as they did throughout the entire 66 years with Government sponsored Pogroms on the weakest of the population…… The Tamils were massacred left and right with no romorse nor empathy…. the Zionist entities UN,US,EU and almost all the so called white Zionist controlled countries pardoned these War CRiminals from heinous crimes they committed during their 66 years rule and the recently concluded massacre in the Mullivaikal….. The expected outcome from all of these activities is to create a Muslim group springing out as a reprisal of Anti Muslim campaign of the UNP/SLFP funded War On Islam and by which a wider Muslim massacre can be formed in the pretence of quelling it….. then the entire Muslims can be branded terrorists and the massacre could be given a legal status… licence to kill whom they like.

        • 1

          The Zionist backed JHU is one of the deep state arm which is operating the BBS and all other minions running the WAR ON ISLAM on the street level burning and attacking their properties. JHU is the one which has assured Gnanasara to execute the drawn up plans to attack which Muslim shop and which Mosque. Its fully controlled system of game directly taken from the Israeli Mossad books specially remade for the muck headed Buddhist racists who knows nothing about the Criminal Jews who are being chased away from nearly a 100 countries throughout the history of mankind.

          • 1

            Radical Ideas, we can tolerate your radical ideas. But never try to convert them to radical actions.

            • 0

              from 1915, long before the western created ISIS, AL Qaeda and even before the Hitler and the Nazis, Terrorism was performed and executed on unarmed civillians by the Sinhala Only Leaders in Ceylon. It was done in the name of Sinhala Buddhism. For the last 65 years, in Sri Lanka, most death and destruction was caused by the none other than Sinhala Buddhist Prime Ministers, Presudents,and other minions whom they call themselves as ministers. The only religious leaders who caused death and destructions on the humanity that lives in this land were the none other than the Buddhist monk who had the political backing. They caused too many…. including racism. How about this. There are kind hearted monks too but they are powerless to do anything to stop these mayhems.

    • 3

      IH@ you as an octagenarian, should have various kind of life experiences. You were known to us as a good diplomat, but over the few weeks, you to come with articles that we average cant even consider as fine – is beyond my comphresension.
      You together with that mad guy from Baharaine to have spread all hatreds against Tamils in general caused all hurts on this platform.
      Why not you IH try to live up your life in peace ? Is not that what you the like elderly men requires right at this age ?
      What do you expect from your articles ?
      We the peaceloving sinhalese, without being biased to any parties are well aware of the fact BBS lead was made by fromer GOVT to consolidate their powers.
      Today, BBS lead reiterates that he is under life threat.
      He cut his neck by him. He furthers says, he has nowhatso ever respect to current regime but former. Can you imagine ?
      Even my 10 year old grand son was against former men, just because he never respected thuggish culture being promoted in the country by direct mediation of former President and his wild brothers.

    • 0

      Great, China and India is there to help you. Send all those working in Middle-east to China and India. All I can see they encroached our land like cockroaches.

      • 3

        Ralli Ameen,

        Let me quote you “Yes, stoning, beheading or similar punishments should be there to get rid of murderers, rapist and the like from the society. Adultery definitely ruin the family and dilute the respect and honesty of society.”

        Sri Lankans with due respect for religious freedom want the GOSL to lock up Gandasara and throw away the key.

        However, nobody is naive to underestimate the much greater, real threat faced by Sri Lanka. That is violent & medieval Islam. Every nation aspiring to be a modern, tolerant & liberal haven against all odds, must keep an eye on primitive versions of Islam taking hold in society.

        Islam is as represented by YOU and countless millions of your so called fellow “Muslims” is inherently fascist, intolerant & utterly violent. It has no respect for religious pluralism.

        Those are facts. So fanatically, primitively articulated by YOU Ralli Ameen.

        In fact those facts have been manifesting themselves in Afgansitan, Paksitan, Iraq, Egypt and in countless other countries for decades now..

        Threat faced by Sri Lanka by invasion of fundamentalist versions violent Islam is real. It is propelled by racist Muslim only parties. Such as Hekeeem’s and Rishard’s. Therefore they should be tackled too. Just like the BBS.


        • 1

          Ben Hurling, okay tell me how the Islamic fundamentalism affect the majority non-Muslim in Sri Lanka? More than 70% of Muslims wear Shalwar Kameez, some sarees but cover their head with headscarf, around 30% wear full hijab. Lesser than 1% wear nikab (face Cover). Tell me how many Buddhist, Hindus and Christian follow these dress? Muslims pray 5 times, Fast during Ramazan, keep their body clean, men circumcised, have their own cultural practices. Which of these the Buddhist, Christian or Hindus follows? Muslim fundamentalism is within Muslim themselves and they are not bothered about what other religions do. Tell me whether any of what mentioned above affecting your society? What religious pluralism you are talking about? Is it a Buddhist temple should have a prayer room for Muslim, Hindu and Christian idols for them and vice versa? Every country which have minorities of other religions have pluralism. In Sri Lanka Gnanasara trying to destroy it. Muslims took up arms in middle-east to get rid of Western devils. It actually started after creation of rogue state Israel. These scheming Zionist devils are using American blood to weaken Muslim states around it because they know these Christians having been murderers from the period of Crusade and murdering by millions from east to west up to now by poking their heads on other sovereign countries it is just simple for them with right manipulation to make the western countries to carry out their dirty works. So they are the tolerant & liberal haven for you. Don’t copy the western propaganda. Sinhalese too are very violent people from olden days to present. Didn’t they slaughter LTTE and slaughter the innocent civilians after victory. What do you call that? Peaceful act?

  • 6

    Tragedy is having moronic groups that fuel menace like BBS. I feel that getting rid if such groups would be a better solution to curtail the equally bad BBS

  • 7

    Right now, BBS and Gnanasara thero are the guardians of Sinhala-Buddhist-Sri lanka. Let’s all support them to achieve their mission.

    • 7

      Johnny Baby———————- I suspect you are working on a hidden agenda to destroy Sinhalese and Buddhists on this island. Are you LTTE’s secret weapon and part of sleeper cell? Do you enjoy a close relationship with K A Sumanasekere, another member of Pottu Amman’s sleeping cell?

    • 1

      BBS and Gnaney is Zionist contracted agents funded by the CIA/Mossad to hit many goals in one go….No.1 is to destroy Muslims and create a Muslim group and then brand them terrorists to re-start the WAR business…..No.2 is to destroy Buddhism. Gnaney is a street thug and the protectors of this terror outfit are Crypto Jewish Sinhala elites….Senanayakes, Bandaranayakes, Rajapakses, Wijewardenes, Wickremasinghes, Don Carolis, Dharmapalas are all Jewish backed master criminals trained to destroy Budhdhism from within… this is what is being done right at the moment. …. one stone and ten birds killed….

  • 10

    Izeth – I didn’t see any comments from you condemning the radicalised young 22 year old Islamic terrorist killing kids attending a musical concert. and you are taking moral high ground to attack BBS. you are a joke

    • 0

      Yo Rajash,
      These so called attacks the Western Zionist media is showing are False Flag freak shows. They are manufactured in the Zionist Hollywood especially made for muck headed scumbags like you to go nuts. All of the scenes they are showing in the idiot box you call The Television is Mind Control freak shows made with crisis actors potrayed as victims…. the world is a way ahead of the stupid Jews….. always, the Gentiles are pretty much smarter than the diabolical geniuses of dumb Jewish criminals. Those other attacks were all fake shows, hoaxes made for a special dumbing down of the society program made in the Jewish Hollywood. like the fake moon landing…..

  • 9

    ISIS is now in Phillipines. They have been viciously attacking Christians in Southern Phillipines (Mindanao). The threat is so great that the Filipino government has declared martial law in the region. Sri Lanka should definitely remain on guard. Whether BBS is the solution or not, that is up for debate.

    • 1

      Philippine President Duterte has urged the troops to indulge in using rape as a weapon!

      • 4

        Izeth and his fellow travellers will start shouting that this is an American/Zionist/ Christian fundamentalist plan to exterminate Muslims in Mindanao.

        • 0

          Yo Rajash,
          These so called attacks the Western Zionist media is showing are False Flag freak shows. They are manufactured in the Zionist Hollywood especially made for muck headed scumbags like you to go nuts. All of the scenes they are showing in the idiot box you call The Television is Mind Control freak shows made with crisis actors potrayed as victims…. the world is a way ahead of the stupid Jews….. always, the Gentiles are pretty much smarter than the diabolical geniuses of dumb Jewish criminals. Those other attacks were all fake shows, hoaxes made for a special dumbing down of the society program made in the Jewish Hollywood. like the fake moon landing…..

  • 6

    Norwegian Solheim fathered BBS …I am not sure whether mum is a Fundamentalist Christan….It was for the sole purpose of toppling the previous regime…….And clear the grounds for the UNP boss Dr Ranil to give TNA the Federal Eelaam, as agreed in the MOU with Sambandan……. But Dr Ranil’s UNP Cabal lost focus and indulged in nefarious activities of robbing the Nation, punishing Buddhist Monks, taking revenge on Political opponents and even publicly allowing the one time LTTE supporters to demand that Buddhism must be removed from the Constitution…..In the meantime Muslims got carried away with so many Minister Gigs in the bag, and thought they also can do as good as the TNA when it comes to sharing Yahapalanaya goodies……..Ministers like Baththudeen went with his mates clearing national Parks, settling Muslims with free houses and a few Sinhalese also to keep the Sira Faction happy….BBS probably realized that they were used by the West to stuff up their own poor fellow inhabitants…. …Now they are trying to establish themselves as a powerful political force…..Majority Muslims live and live well among the great Sinhala majority…..Unlike the TNA Tamils , Muslims are not asking for a separate State…Which is a plus….Muslim Leaders both Religious and Political should open a dialogue to explain to the Sinhala community that they are against UNP Dr dividing the country to give a Federal Eelaam to Jaffna Tamils….. The Muslims have to detach themselves from the UNP cabal ,and show the Nation that they are not opportunists ……And they are genuinely interested in developing Srilanka as a non aligned independent Nation , where the poor ( 50%) get a fair chance to break away from poverty…….

    • 3

      Kiribanda, A Sumarasekara__________________________________—————

      “Norwegian Solheim fathered BBS …I am not sure whether mum is a Fundamentalist Christan….It was for the sole purpose of toppling the previous regime…”————–

      Yes. Eric Solheim confirmed to Amarasiri in a Twitter during 2014.———————-

      The Question is who are people who are being funded by Eric Solheim and the Norwegians, The Christian Fundamentalists and the Israelis?

  • 7

    GNANASARAN for his stupidity incited religions of islam and it’s prophet…belive me within one month Allah send his curse in him and to the country as well…you may think that anyone who incite Islam and Muslims could escape divine punishment..
    No ..at all they will taste punishment in this life or next …No place in this world for any injustice…do not think those who killed thousand of innocent in the world will escape punishment..No at all
    They may think so but internally in the deep of their heart they may be suffering a lot ..
    That is ture ..conscience of heart is more powerful than any thing else ..
    You may be wrong but your conscience is true always ..

    • 2

      Aha.. Allah send his curse to only Buddhists? Aren’t Muslims not affected by the floods? Was the Tsunami also an act of Allah? Were the Muslims spared? Why doesn’t Allah punish the Israelis by floods before he targets a small island nation, in which the majority non-Muslims do not support the BBS? Too much religion clouds one’s brain Lanka No 1.

      • 1

        I accept whether Lankan No 1 is a Muslim or pseudo-Muslim is talking nonsense.

  • 11

    Dear Izeth,
    I agree with you that these attacks are a tragedy for Muslims. However when such attacks were made on Tamils, you looked the other way. You have a bad habit of blaming these on Americans, Zionists and Christian fundamentalists. You are a tireless promoter of hatred between Sinhalese and Tamils in order to deviate the minds of Sinhalese focussing on Muslims. Your attacks on Tamils and India gives a suspicion that you are an agent of Pakistan and Islamic fundamentalists. I agree with you that majority of Sinhalese do not approve of the hate and violence unleashed by these few. But that does not mean that Sinhalese do not have any apprehension about Islamic radicalisation in Srilanka. If you are honest please speak to fair minded Sinhalese about their genuine views about the behaviour of these Islamic extremists. To deny that there is no support for Islamic extremism among a vast section of Muslims in Srilanka is a blatant lie. In Bangladesh the government removed a statue as in-Islamic on the demand of Islamic fanatics who threatened that if not done, they will create trouble. Is this behaviour of those Muslims not different from that of BBS crowd. If BBS demand that certain un-Buddhistic practices by Muslims be banned, can you find fault with them. You should consider yourself lucky that there are Sinhalese groups who condemn these actions, whereas in Muslim countries there are none to raise concerns on Islamic intolerance.

    • 1

      “If BBS demand that certain un-Buddhistic practices by Muslims be banned, can you find fault with them.” What the hell are you trying to drive here. Buddhist follows Buddhist practices, Christian follows Christian practices, Hindu follows Hindu practices so what un-Buddhistic practice you are talking about? Gnanasara himself not following Buddhist practices. Right now his practices are boozing in the night, having sex in the sly, go about delivering hate speech everywhere, destroying Muslims properties He is not following lord Buddha but his Zionist and fundamental Christian masters. According to you I think Muslim must follow his good practices minus booze and sex. Dr mean an educated intellectual on any field, shame on you.

      • 3

        Your are a stupid fellow whose brain is clouded by Islamic fundamentalism. You seem not to know about Buddha’s teachings. Buddha clearly stated not to kill any living beings which includes animals. Speak to the Buddhists and find out what are the Islamic practices which are against Buddhist values and you will be surprised. Certainly Gnanassara is not following lord Buddha who preached peace and love. If any Buddhist becomes a fundamentalist, there will be peace and justice in this world. Unfortunately these Buddhists in Srilanka are following Mahavamsa, which is preaching hatred and violence. In contrast to this, whenever a Muslim becomes a fundamentalist there will be violence and hatred. All these murder of non-Muslims and destruction of their religious places, arise from the teaching of Koran which instigates its followers to kill non believers and destroy their places of worship. If you ask any of these Islamic madmen, they will say that they are not doing anything wrong as they are doing as instructed by Koran. Buddha considered everyone to be equal. He said “One becomes Brahmin or low caste only by their deeds and not by their birth”. You should be ashamed to see Koran say that those who do not believe in the Koran are infidels. Are the Buddhists in Srilanka inferior to Muslims. Enlightened Muslims do not subscribe to this view, but only bigots like you. It is the opinion of majority of Srilankans that Muslims should shun barbaric practices mentioned in Koran and behave like other human beings.

        • 1

          [Edited out] Comments should not exceed 300 words.Please read our Comments Policy for further details.

          • 2

            Unfortunately in the new format dots and dashes and other symbols used to separate paragraph and make a sentence stand out are also counted as words thus depriving the readers the full use of allotted 300 words

        • 1

          Buddha clearly stated not to kill any living beings which includes animals.

          True but he did not forbid others from killing for food. Remember Devadutta tried to convince him to ban eating meat and fish but he refused to do so

          Speak to the Buddhists and find out what are the Islamic practices which are against Buddhist values and you will be surprised.

          Why don’t you enumerate them for our education.

          ..whenever a Muslim becomes a fundamentalist there will be violence and hatred. All these murder of non-Muslims and destruction of their religious places, arise from the teaching of Koran which instigates its followers to kill non believers and destroy their places of worship.

          Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes – from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly. Allah only forbids you from those who fight you because of religion and expel you from your homes and aid in your expulsion – [forbids] that you make allies of them. And whoever makes allies of them, then it is those who are the wrongdoers. Qur’an 60:8~9

          • 3

            Deane you are a typical Islamic fundamentalist who does not accept truth about behaviour of Islamic racists in the past. If you have guts, ask Buddhists what their values are, without asking me to do it. You are only mentioning some parts of the Koran. Do you deny that there is nothing in the Koran which says about killing of non believers and destroying their places of worship. There is recorded history of destruction of Buddhist and Hindu places of worship and killing and driving away of them by Mogul Kings ad their army. Can you site an instant where Buddhist or Hindu Kings or their army had committed such acts. Even now Islamic fanatics are killing unarmed non-Muslims and driving them away and destroying their places of worship. Hindus in eastern province say that some of their temples were destroyed and mosques built over them by Muslims. Are you prepared to investigate it an correct it by building Hindu temples back. Unfortunately the bad example set by these Islamic fanatics are being followed by Buddhist extremists in Srilanka and Myanmar.

            • 1

              Deane you are a typical Islamic fundamentalist who does not accept truth about behaviour of Islamic racists in the past.

              Yes I am a fundamentalist in the true sense of the word. I am a fundamentalist who follows the true precepts of the religion. Islam eschews violence unless in a war scenario. There is ample evidence that individuals cannot take on them to kill innocents for whatever cause. Only the ruler can mete out punishment.
              The Quran says “. There is no compulsion in religion “S.2 V 255.
              ISIS (by the way is the creation of Israel, their leader whose pseudonym is Baghdadi had close relations with Senator McCain and is well known that he is a jew) and Al-Qaeda (that this was a creation of the US is an open secret) have nothing to do with orthodox Islam. The west, the zionists, and the Islamaphobes want the world to know otherswise>

              Deane If you have guts, ask Buddhists what their values are, without asking me to do it.

              The onus is on you to state it because you pronounced this this as a fact. I do not believe that the majority of the right minded Buddhist contribute to your thoughts on this. If you are truthful and knowledgeable kindly then enlighten us. Otherwise you are nothing but a rabble rouser.

              Do you deny that there is nothing in the Koran which says about killing of non-believers and destroying their places of worship?

              Yes there is but what was the context. Is your erudition so bare that you only quote this verse without the following verses ?

            • 1

              There is recorded history of destruction of Buddhist and Hindu places of worship and killing and driving away of them by Mogul Kings ad their army. Can you site an instant where Buddhist or Hindu Kings or their army had committed such acts. Even now Islamic fanatics are killing unarmed non-Muslims and driving them away and destroying their places of worship.

              Like the sacking of Nalanda?

              This is what a number of Indian scholars like R K Mookerji (Education in Ancient India), Sukumar Dutt (Buddhist Monks and Monasteries of India), Buddha Prakash (Aspects of Indian History and Civilization), and S C Vidyabhushana who interpreted the text, viewed that it refers to an actual “scuffle between the Buddhist and Brahmanical mendicants and the latter, being infuriated, propitiated the Sun god for twelve years, performed a fire- sacrifice and threw the living embers and ashes from the sacrificial pit into the Buddhist temples which eventually destroyed the great library at Nalanda called Ratnodadhi’ (History of Indian Logic, page 516 as cited by D R Patil,The Antiquarian Remains in Bihar, page 327). Scholars named above were all polymaths of unimpeachable academic honesty and integrity.

              So are you trying to propagate myths and aggravate racial tensions? We live for a short span of life and so should we all not try to mend bridges and strive for racial harmony instead of fanning the flames of hatred?

              • 0

                Nalanda was attacked several times from what i hear. But it was the muslims who inflicted the worst damage on that buddhist university.

                • 0

                  Please present your facts as I have done. Going on hearsay is only for the rabble-rousers not for an intellectual.

        • 1

          If you ask any of these Islamic madmen, they will say that they are not doing anything wrong as they are doing as instructed by Koran.

          What will the response be from a Hindu or Christian madman?

          Buddha considered everyone to be equal. He said “One becomes Brahmin or low caste only by their deeds and not by their birth”.

          All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety (taqwa) and good action. Prophet Mohamed’s Last Sermon

          You should be ashamed to see Koran say that those who do not believe in the Koran are infidels.

          Please check the definition of an infidel. If you are a Hindu or a Christian then a Muslim is an infidel to you. So what is that Islamaphobic brain of yours trying utter?

          It is the opinion of majority of Srilankans that Muslims should shun barbaric practices mentioned in Koran and behave like other human beings.

          You mean like the Americans or the Europeans? What would you call the desecration and pillage of the Baghdad Museum civilized or barbaric ? Or the aerial killings of hundreds of arabs by the so called civilized western forces, or the Israeli destruction of the homes of the Palestinians in their own country on mere suspicion?

          • 2

            Again you are behaving like an Islamic fanatic. Hindu, Buddhist and Christian religious texts preach peace, kindness and non-violence. Can you show in any one of their teachings which calls their followers to commit violence. Therefore any Christian or Hindu if they follow their religion fully, will not commit such acts. About infidel, yes Christianity says that those who do not believe in it are heathens. But there was no Islam when Christianity was born. As for Hinduism, it is the oldest religion and there were no other religions to call anyone infidels. You seem to be ignorant about this. I have spoken to several Islamic fanatics abroad, who say that anyone who follows Koran is always right and cannot be found fault with. Does anyone from other religions say such things. Regarding Palestinians , what Israel is doing is wrong, but Arabs are not blame free. Both Arabs and Jews are migrants to middle east from north Africa. Jerusalem is the birthplace of Judaism. Muslim claim to Jerusalem is based on a myth that prophet Mohamed ascended to heaven in a chariot from Jerusalem. Can any educated person in the modern world accept this. When Pakistan was created out of Hindu lands you did not object, but when Israel was created in Palestine you are crying foul. Are the Hindus calling for destruction of Pakistan. If Muslims accept Israel and let it be in peace, there will be no problem.

            • 1

              Hindu, Buddhist and Christian religious texts preach peace, kindness and non-violence. Can you show in any one of their teachings which calls their followers to commit violence. Therefore any Christian or Hindu if they follow their religion fully, will not commit such acts. About infidel, yes Christianity says that those who do not believe in it are heathens. But there was no Islam when Christianity was born. As for Hinduism, it is the oldest religion and there were no other religions to call anyone infidels.

              Rig Veda 9.13.9 ”May you (O love divine), the beholder of the path of enlightenment, purifying our mind and destroying the infidels who refuse to offer worship, come and stay in the prime position of the eternal sacrifice.” Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati
              Rig Veda 7.6.3 ”May the fire divine chase away those infidels, who do not perform worship and who are uncivil in speech. They are niggards, unbelievers, say no tribute to fire divine and offer no homage. The fire divine turns those godless people far away who institute no sacred ceremonies.” Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati
              Rig Veda 9.63.5 ‘‘Augmenting the strength of resplendent self, urging the waters and rejuvenating all noble acts and destroying the infidels.” Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati
              Rig Veda 8.70.11 ”May your friend, the cloud, hurl that infidel down from heaven who differs from us in rites and rituals, is inhuman, who does not observe fire sacrificials, and who does not show reverence to Nature’s bounties.” Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati
              Rig Veda 7.97.9 ”O Lord of knowledge, this laudation is for you…destroy the godlessand the malice of our enemy.” Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati

            • 1

              I have spoken to several Islamic fanatics abroad, who say that anyone who follows Koran is always right and cannot be found fault with. Does anyone from other religions say such things?

              This is your problem Dr.G. You take your information from fanatics and Islamaphobes. Why not try to do your independent research, meet scholars of religion and then conclude. You seem to have completely missed the bus when you say Does anyone from other religions say such things? Trying listening to Gnanasara’s speech again!

              • 0

                The only nations on this planet that have the death penalty for apostasy are muslim nations!
                That tells you EVERYTHING about muslims today without the need for endless debates

        • 1

          Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam, so you think you are brainy? At the inception followers of prophet Muhammad were surrounded by all types of mythological idols worshipers. Their leaders do not worship but businessman making lot of money by selling their idol products. They were very powerful. They called Muslim infidels, that is non-believers of their true idol gods. For Muslims those idols worshipers were too infidels that is non-believers of one true god. Infidel mean not a bad word but referring non-believer of one god whom Muslims worship. In that sense a Buddhist can call a Muslim or Christian infidel because they do not believe in Buddha, similarly Hindu can call others infidel because they don’t believe in their many idol gods. Muslim cannot call a Christian or Jew an infidel because they believe in one god although Jesus was a prophet for us. Muslim haters twisted this term against Muslims and Quran. If Muslims believed that Quran says all infidel should be killed, there won’t be a single Christian and Jew in Palestine (before rogue state Israel), Christians in Spain, Hindus in India and any minority religion in any Muslim countries. When the Christian west get into Muslim countries kill innocent civilians, destroy their properties and place of worship, what reaction you expect from Muslims. You stupid Dr don’t follow western propaganda.

          • 2

            Ralli Ameen, you are a stupid Islamic fundamentalist. Every religion has to respect other religions and be tolerant. Unfortunately religious intolerance is worst in Islam, which is evidenced by behaviour of Muslims in Muslim ruled countries. Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world and when it started, there was no other religion to call non adherents as infidels. Islam is in a lowly tenth place with Sikhism below it. Can you name a single Hindu or Buddhist texts which call non believers as infidels. The first people to think about a God was Hindus, which others started to believe subsequently. Arabs worshiped Moon as their god, and their calendar and festivals are lunar related. There is no doubt that what Israel is doing is wrong, but Arabs are also not blameworthy. Jerusalem is the birth place of Judaism and Jews were inhabitants till they were driven out by Romans aided and abetted by Arabs. Islamic claim on Jerusalem is based on a myth that Prophet Mohamed ascended to heaven in a chariot from Jerusalem. Do you expect anyone with an iota of intelligence to accept this in this modern world. Both Jews and Arabs are migrants from North Africa. To say that Jews have no claim to Jerusalem is an outright dishonesty. When Pakistan was created on Hindu land you did not object, but when Israel was created in their own land you are objecting. Fact is that Arabs tried three times to destroy Israel and failed. Still several mad fellows are harbouring this idea. Israel has divine protection and if you leave them alone there will be no problem. You are blaming Christian countries attacking Muslim countries. For your information prior to 2011 September, Muslims were openly campaigning in the streets of London for an Islamic Caliphate of the whole world. Do you expect that this would have been achieved without killing a single non combatant non Muslim. When Nazis tried to bring the whole world under them, there was a reaction to quash it. Similarly what you see is a reaction by Christian countries to quash this Islamic Caliphate movement. History repeats itself and this could be another crusade to defeat Muslims. It is Muslims fighting against themselves in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and Libya and westerners are manipulating it cleverly. Do not act like an idiot listening to lunatic Islamic propaganda.

            • 1

              Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam. You say, “The first people to think about a God was Hindus, which others started to believe subsequently” so tell me which god? Is it Brahma, Saraswati, Lakshmi, Vishnu, Shiva, Durga, three headed God or Goddess, eight arms Kali, Elephant head Pullayar, Lingam (the penis) Monkey, cobra or cow. You idiot should know Hinduism is based on mythology, 70% from Greek mythology. (1). Islam is in second place and going to be in first very soon. (2) Can you refer to me one Hindu text with their religious teaching which was published around 3000 B.C. even in tablet form or Buddhist text during Buddha’s time? (3) If Arab worshiped moon god and followed moon calendar, Buddhist and Hindus too follow moon calendar and so their god should be moon. (4) Before 1948 Jews population in Israel was around 3%. After western bastard created a rogue state Israel, all Zionist migrated to Israel and now they are 75%. (5) During Indian partition those state holding 90% Muslim became independent Pakistan. Indian Nehru bastard did’t give Kashmir so the trouble continuing. According to you 90% Muslim were brought and settled in India. (6) Nazis invaded other countries so they were crushed by the effort of joint forces. Which country Muslims invaded for murderous Christian countries to crush Muslim? (7) Yes, Muslims see this as some kind of crusade even in media which will crushed in the near future. (8) Westerners are not manipulating but directly invaded and destroyed Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and the manipulators are Zionist. Do not act as worst idiot listening to western propaganda and don’t lick Zionist back.

              • 1

                Ralli Ameen, please stop insulting Hinduism. You are saying Gnanassara is insulting Islam and you are doing the same. You should also be arrested. Also do not display your ignorance. At one stage all the civilized people in the world such as Greeks and Chinese held the same mythological beliefs. Therefore it is no surprise that Hinduism which evolved at that time has similarities not only to Greek mythology but also to Chinese mythology. At that time Arabs were uncivilized barbarians roaming as nomads. Whether Hindus worship one god or many is none of your business. Shiva is the original god and is the only one who existed from the time universe was created. If Allah is different from Shiva the original god, then Allah is not the creator. You are talking about worshiping stones, then why are you doing that in Kabba in Mecca where the stone resembles the penis. That is why Hinduism is called “Sanathana Dharma” (eternal faith). Ancient Dravidians worshiped the sun and all their festivals are solar ones. Stop calling others bastards when you who do not know your ancestry and is the biggest one. Indus valley civilization belongs to Dravidians which consists of the present Kashmir, Punjab and Sindh. They do not belong to North Indians or Pakistanis. and these lands should be given back to Dravidians. Mogul invaders are guilty of murder and ethnic cleansing and usurping the lands of the Dravidians. Similarly Mesopotamian civilization belongs to Sumerians, who are dark skinned people, who named their cities as Ur and dammed rivers to irrigate their fields for agriculture. Archaeologists believe that these people also belong to Dravidian ethnic group as only Dravidians name their cities as Ur and had dammed rivers for irrigation. Arabs are guilty of murder and ethnic cleansing of Sumerians and usurping their lands. Give those lands back to descendants of Sumerians. Arabs are also guilty of murder and usurping the lands of Coptics of Egypt You seem to be suffering from Christian and Zionist phobia like other Islamic fanatics and behaving like a fool. You are indeed an idiot when you say that crusade will be crushed in the near future. If people like you do not behave properly, you will be surprised that China and Russia will join the war and crush Islamic fanatics.

                • 0

                  I am not insulting Hinduism but writing the truth. If Hindus worship one god or many is none of my business, what business you have to talk about Islam. Do you know the origin of Shiva rathri (festival)? That was the festival of union between Shiva and Savithri. They take the idol of Shiva with his erect lingam to other end where Savithri was waiting. Festival culminate to an end ecstatically when idol of Shiva hug the idol Savithri and the lingam was inserted to her yoni (vagina). This was banned during British time. Is Shiva’s Lingam too not a god for you? Everybody knows Hindus worshiping Lingam. This Lingam is everywhere, all temples small or big. So may be wherever you see a stone you dream of Lingam even dreaming of Mecca. No Muslims worship Kaba or the meteorite like black stone. Since this was where Abraham prayed, Muslims too follows. You can verify from prominent Muslims converts what is in Kaba and how Muslims pray. One such person is A.R. Rahman (formerly A.R.Dilip Kumar) famous musician who is close by. There are other prominent people including doctors, scientist whose names I can give you if you can contact them. Mohenjaro and Harappa up to now no archeologist or any scientist doing research on past civilization said those were Dravidian. The cuneiform script found on tablets of this culture still not deciphered and they do not know who those people were in the first place. Pictorial form of writing found in Egypt is easier to decipher but that too only about 60%. One or two Indians, based on mythology wrote that most probably they were Dravidians which was rejected by prominent Archeologist. Anybody can write on Wiki or upload their stories on webpages.

                • 0

                  Speculations on fairy tales and mythology is different from writing based on research with proof. Don’t write what archeologist believed but write what they proved. I can show you many words which sounds like filth and animals in Tamil language. So the Ur you are writing was the name of a Sumerian city in their language and only one city with such name. Since it sound like Tamil Oor don’t come to an idiotic conclusion. Why don’t you do your own research on those civilization by deciphering the cuneiform tablets and write a thesis on that civilization? Old civilization like Greeks, Babylonian, Indian, Chinese civilization mostly based on mythology can still be called 70% barbarians. Middle-age civilization called Islamic civilization excelled in education, science, administration etc. European civilization or renaissance of Europe is the third civilization which we still follows. Most Europeans who studied in universities and other places in Islamic world were responsible for European renaissance. Moguls brought civilization to India in every sphere and later the British. You nut study the true history not heresy and what Hindu fanatics says. One Dr Zakir Naik says originally, that is before the advent of people from west, the inhabitants of India worshiped only one god who did not have a form and who was considered supreme. It was adulterated with mythology brought from west. Then there is no different in the belief of those people and present day Muslims. You are also talking about one god, then why don’t you throw all the idols. You have so much hatred toward Muslims and now dreaming China and Russia will join the crusade to crush Muslims. I know my ancestry very well and I did not call everybody bastard but some commenters in these forum who behaved like bastards.

      • 2

        Rali ameen: Are you writing about your prophet who had multipl wives. It is muslims ran all over the world destroying properties, raping others wives because you needed islam to be spread. IT looks like you wrote how your prophet behaved.

        • 1

          Jim Softy, you are a rotten pig and your thinking and writing is same like a pig. Not from an descent man or intellectual whether Buddhist, Christian or Muslim. What do you expect me to write you western media sucker? If you have brain you can enlighten yourself with so much writings by scholars and intellectuals in the media. Worst rapers and killers are in your society which you can see in the media. I am not writing anything bad of Buddha or Jesus although I can write any amount the truth and fake things because I am not a pig like you.

          • 1

            Aday Ralli Gona. You are calling Jim Softy a pig when you are the only pig with a big stink. I do not care if you insult Hinduism or Christianity, but if you dare say anything about Buddhism, look sharp. This is a Buddhist country, and you Islamic infidels must know your limits. Do not test the patience of Buddhists. There will be several Gnanassars to insult Islam. By the way the most insulted person in the world is Allah, and if Allah has any sense of shame he must commit suicide.

            • 0

              so you expect me write and insult Buddhist. Do you think I am a stinking pig like you to fall to your trap. Possibly a slavish diaspora bastard licking the back of Zionist and Christian fundamentalist, know what you are writing. Allah is not a dead human being or idol to have sense of shame, you rotter be ashamed and commit suicide.

  • 7

    Izeth Hussein and other muslims are targetting BBS for some reason. that is muslims want to hide what they are doing in Sri lanka. BBS says, those so-called rohiongyas to Sri lanka are not myanmarian people and they can not talk the Myanmar language. Those people are ISIS agents that are being introduced to Sinhale. Muslims also are fighting to take over wilpattu and mannar because that will be a good point to introduce ISIS agents to India. On the otyher hand, Muslims ministers – rishad Bathiuddin and Faiser Musthapa are making fake deeds and are acquiring lands. On the other hand, some one elase wrote, last year alone Muslims have brought 200 Muslims clerics to preach Wahabism in Sri lanka. SO, Middle easter nmoney is working hard in Sri lanka. All these muslims writing here are NGOS supporting the islamization of Sinhale. Tamils are complain here. On the other hand, they don’t want muslims in the north because Muslims have desteoyed every where – – Kathankudi – Aluthgama – they settled. So, Tamils don’t want muslims any where near them.

    • 1

      Common denominator is BBS lead s aggression on anyone.
      Not just IH and others, but almost we the born buddhists too would not respect the kind of monks that would do anything and everything to bring Rajaakshes back to power.

      Gotabaya Rajapakshe is the architect of BBS.

      He thought this country and folks would not buy them, had any kind of elements been away from the action.

      Those Rajapakshes are uncultured men from teh beginign on, their thoughts are not the views of the majority, but they abused the average mind sets over the years. Family dynasty made it easier them to even murder someone and stay away as if they were no criminals.
      Even today, like the mice injected with transquill pills, people go after Rajapakashe would never believe them to have abused the state during the high days of MR.
      Even if the men were given provable acts, they would not tend to reverse their thoughts.

      All because, the blatant lies cemented in vulnerable mind sets would not easily loose the adhesions.

      Once upon a time, we had a country we enjoyed the way IC treated us with calling us a real buddhistic society.
      Now thanks to thugs, and their germs sowed in this nation, not many would call srilanka as a prototype for buddhism.

      Buddhas teachings were on non-violence but today those men filled with various aggressions, testesterone mirrors, obviously tarnish the image that we had for centuries. BBS lead and the supporters are no different to Guanthambe prisoners with xyy genetic compositions.

  • 5

    Muslims leaders have no patriotism in their mind. If they had it, they would not have associated them with the colonist and beaten the Sinhalese in 1915. The truth is Sinhalese knows Lankawe Muslim leadership has a habit of working with the rulers- Whether it is white or Sinhalese. Sinhalese are not supporting BBS. There may be Modayas too. But they all are not such Modayas to believe Izeth story of that Muslims leaders are dying to bring up the life of the Sinhalese. Then, how, under Hakeem, 72 Muslims went into the Law College but Sinhala students went only to the roof of Law College? They know that last 15 years, especially under Old Royals, by bribing them, Abdulaziz Al have built a Colony in Lankawe. This is similar to how Chinese paid to Old Royal and got into Lankawe.

    Old Royal took commission by one to let Abdulaziz penetrate and by other hand fed BBS and had communal tension flared up to their victory. Muslim leaders were with the Old Royals, but the Muslims mass had turned away from their leaders and voted for new king. Muslims leaders got mad at Mano Ganesan when Mano Ganesan said in parliament that Dambulla Mosque was attacked and government was planning to take over the land. Basically Azath Salley was the only one those days backing up Mano Ganesan. Izeth writing, as usual, is hiding this fact.
    1).Sinhalese doesn’t believe when Izeth proclaims that Muslim Patriotic leadership is dying to save Lankawe. 2).Majority Sinhalese, like any other community, are not violent, so they will not support BBS. 3). Sinhala Leadership is no longer needs Muslims to spy. 4).When the 19A procedure get maturity, SLFP-UNP division will narrow. 5). That day “Muslim- Sinhala” Government will become only Sinhala government. That is the end of Izeth fraudulent Patriotism.

    • 4

      Mally mate, My elders tell me young Sinhala Buddhist Henry Pedris was shot by the British Colonials on framed charges of attacking Moors. UNP boss Dr Ranil still lick them… How sad……My Elders also tell me that British Colonials used Punjabi soldiers to arrest our Sinhala Buddhists and torture them and execute them….. Dr Ranil now has the ETCA ready…….Right……Wonder whether Dr Ranil will ask Modi to send the Punjabis again to control the BBS?…..

      • 1

        Kiribanda A Sumanasekera———————————————————————–
        ” My elders tell me”…”British Colonials ” …. “Sinhala Buddhist Henry Pedris ” ..”Moors.”…..”Punjabi soldiers ” — are ALL PARAS in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, and is cordially requesting that ALL PARAS GET BACK to their Para Indian Homeland, Bharat, Damba-Diva.——————————————————————————–
        They , The Native Veddah Aethho, are providing modern scientific data from Nature Genetics————————————————————————————————————————————————-
        Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations———————————————————Journal of Human Genetics 59, 28-36 (January 2014) | doi:10.1038/jhg.2013.112————

        —–Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka.———————————————————–

        The Veddah Tribe


        • 2

          Amare, Man you are not a real real Veda. You conveniently picked that ID. You like only destruction. You wanted Old Royals; you wanted New Royals. You like Imran, who before 22 got tired of his third wife by setting her on fire. Because you keep cursing, last one a half years Buddha is is sending sending destruction, lightning, thunderstorm, flood, Landslide, Garbage Fill slide….. like he did it to Yakaka. You are not a Vedda, Not a Sinhalese, Not a Burger, Tamil.Not Sunni, Sufi,Wahhabi Muslim,…. In total,You don’t belong to Lankawe (Probably to the earth).Please man, get out of Lankawe and leave the people live in peace.

          • 0

            Truth hurts.—————————————————————–
            The Sun does not go around the stationary Earth…——————–
            The Earth is is supported bu a bull, an elephant etc sitting on a giant turtle, and it is turtles all the way….———————-
            Please allow us to practice our own versions of Sinhala “Buddhism”, Tamil “Hindu”, and Wahhabi “Isl;am”, Catholic “Christianity” etc. and we will guarantee the faithful going to heaven, and attributing Nirvanna————————————-
            PS. The “low” caste will be eternally reborn as “low “caste, as per the scriptures, until natural selection takes over.

      • 1

        Yes Captain Edward Henry Pedris’ execution is not acceptable. Governor Chalmers’ punishment transfers is acceptance of Britain that something wrong took place in Ceylon. Apparently there was not enough time was given to him even to prepare the case, while Appe Aanduwa keeps more than 25 years the Tamils youth to file the case. He accepting the dead open face suggests he was innocent. It might be some heavy weights had lodged the complaint by the jealousy of his achievement. So he could not get out of death Penalty. But I did not get details of Punjabi Soldiers getting involved in that.

  • 7

    Gnanasara is a rabid dog so too are his followers one day this rabid dog will bite his followers.

    • 2

      HOw Dare You Call A Buddhist Monk As That…………You Dare Understand That This Is A Sinhalese Buddhist Country Where You Are Living………….May Be You Are From That Mattayas’ Tribe That You Call A Buddhist Monk A Rabbid Dog…………You Should Know How To Live In A Country Where You Have Come To Live………….That Is Where Things Come Out…Hate Speech Is Being Spread………These Thambiyas Does All Sort Of Things To Irritate The Sinhalese Community Which The BBS Are After as A Patriotic Resistance Movement ……A Part Of Their AL TAKIA …..So You See .THere Is High Muslim Extremism Going Around The Country As A Muslim Invansion And That Is Where The Buddhist Monks Are Giving The Answeres including BBS….You Better Guard Your Tounge …Dont Go To Be A Two Legged Dog Like The TWO LEGGED DOGS Like THat Bastard Ministers Faizer Mustaapha….Rishard Badurdeen….Azad Sallie….Hisbullah and The Extremist Set

  • 2

    Recitation in The name of The God of the most Pure and Holy Abraham (Peace be upon him)
    In The name of God most loving .

    While wishing all Muslims a blessed ramadan(Ramadan kareem)

    I want to warn all especially the Muslim Community in Sri Lanka and also kindly request Mr.Izeth to do more investigation on the matter .

    This morning a fake story of an Egyptian Muslim man killing his family has been circulating via Wattsup (The new hate campaign application because its encrypted ).
    This is done coinciding two incidents one is the attacks on innocent Coptic Christians in Egypt and today being the first day of Ramadan .
    This is done by a bunch of fake Religious Cultist NGO , it is time everyone wakes up in This Country ,The Buddhists, The Hindus Ba’hi Faith, The Sindhis ,The Zorastrians , all true and established Churches of Christ (who only sincerely spread love and peace) and especially the Muslims should know who are the real perpetrators . Please be vigilant and do not play into their hands and their hidden paid agents ..

    Hoax Slayer :: http://www.hoax-slayer.com/egypt-murder-miracle.shtml

  • 3

    Mr. IZATH

    As a very senior diplomat you must a JP for whole Island. can you tell me frankly how many affidavits of illegal migrant muslims you have certified so far for obtaining birth certificates in order to apply for national identity cards thereby becoming citizen of lanka. I am asking this question as an islamophobic hate campaigner of this forum as per your own definition.

    • 3

      Delusional moron

    • 5


      Then we have another problem there, probably you and your BBS clans could concentrate as a self-appointed custodian of the nation: how easy it is to buy national IDs and Birth Certs in SL. Those who are selling or getting bribed for approving these fake docs are also Muslims?

      Finally, why do those illegal migrants trouble so much and pay money to become SL citizens? Are they adventurers seeking first hand experience of struggling, suffering, corruption, jealousy, hunger, thuggery, rowdyism, racism etc in an undeveloped land?

      • 2


        One who is in hell doesn’t dream of going to heaven. as such earth’s surface is more than enough for them. This human trafficking of local muslims serve two purposes.one is to widen their community and other one is to provide safe havens for those culprits who are condemned drugs traffickers of one country and others are apologists of one famous terrorist organization of south Asia who are fighting for merger with another muslim country. another lot who were rioters against buddhists and expert in burning down buddhist’s heritages. those expertise badly needed by local muslims for their malicious agendas. as such migrant are not looking for royal life,here. as they know they are imported by local muslims for specific job. that is to make maximum damage to buddhists and their heritages.

  • 7

    Izeth Hussein must look within. Knowing yourself is the highest form of wisdom. Islam has become universally hated because of the bloodshed of the innocent, including the young children at Manchester. It has become radicalised by Wahabism. It is noticeable in Sri Lanka where women are in purdah when they were not just a few years back and men dress like Arabs when they are not Arabs. It causes as much concern as BBS in the minds of other communities. We cannot go on appeasing Muslims in the name of racial tolerance when they are so militant. Izeth Hussein is a exemplar of this tendency. He is full of hatred and venom, especially towards the Tamils. He is unable to recognise the fact that both Sinhalese and Tamils are concerned that the loss of sovereignty of the country is possible through Muslims looking to foreign groups like the Wahabis or even ISIS. This is a danger. No comment is favourable to Hussein except ones that occasionally come from a Muslim. The senile man elicits the worst in others by spewing hatred. He does his community no good. Put your own house in order before preaching to others. Emancipate your women. Give up being Arabs and go back to living in harmony and tolerance with your neighbours.

    • 3

      Whatever between you and Izeth, you both sort it out plz. Women wearing Purdah is not because they want look like Arabs. They are trying to cover themselves as said in their religion. Unfortunately Arabs have been doing it since long, you think SL Muslims follow Arabs. SL Muslims are just late to do it, you have an issue because you have seen them in Sarees or Salwars few years back. Maybe your son or future gens won’t see it an issue ;-)

      Just enjoy all the dramas, and move on. Life is too short to waste time and your health on these lousy happenings around..

      • 5

        You pseudo-Arabic sycophant Hisarathaya. Muslims are having an identity crisis trying to ape Arabs. Islam tells you to dress in a decent manner, not to cover your body in unnecessary clothing. Arabs lived in dessert, and they needed to cover their bodies against sandstorms. That is the reason that even males have long dresses and cover their heads and ears. In cold countries people cover their bodies from head to toe in order to safeguard from frostbite. Do you find these people, when they come to hotter climate wear the same clothing. Koran is suitable only for dessert lifestyle and not for others. Just take Koranic teachings with a pinch of salt and get on with your lives like non-Muslims. You must be ashamed to deny your ancestry, as in genetic studies conducted among your clan, it was found that their core genetic material is south Indian. It is better for a bastard to say that he does not know who his father is, rather than to claim someone else as his father.

        • 6

          Al-faqoo, the stinky airhead..he..he what is your problem this time? Revenge comment? LOL. Boy, this time you sound like not only a dumba$$, a failed abortion too, you know why? When everyone is thinking of flood, victim and how to save their loved ones, you seem to have spent time on doing a research on why Arabs wore such dresses and come back with your revenge attack :-) Even if you try to be twice as smart, you would still be a stupid :-) What’s age group you belong to? Ancestry and religions are for matured people to discuss

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            This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

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              Hey Al-Faqoo, the failed abortion…your comment failed here. Rewrite, rephrase and do whatever, give me some entertainment :-)

              • 0

                Hisarathya, I proved that you are the stinky one and you are the failed abortion using Arabic practices and Koranic teachings. Probably CT did not like it. Look at the picture which shows Muslims are also affected by floods. This disproves your theory that floods is due to Allah’s vengeance about insulting Allah. Go and lean Dhammapada to cleanse your brain.

    • 6

      Izeth Hussain is correct regarding the rise of Islamaphobia, however he is wrong in regards to the root causes. While the Jews do hold tremendous sway over US foreign policy, the gulf Arabs, particularly Saudi Arabia, also hold leverage via their control of petroleum resources. The difference is that the Arabs have failed to use this leverage to improve their own stature. Even with UN sanctions, Saddam Hussein was building luxury palaces for himself. To cover up for their administrative failures, the Sunni Arab leaders are blaming Shias and Jews (Zionists). They are subsidizing militant groups like ISIS, Jubhat Al-Nusra, Free Syrian Army, etc. Given the economic depression in these Arab countries and North Africa, the militant groups attract large numbers of restless young men. These young men have spent more time reading Quran than learning Newtonian physics, so it is relatively easy to brainwash them. The terror attacks reflect the extent of brainwashing. The best way to fight the extremist ideology is to create suitable employment (economic) opportunities in the depressed regions. Wealthy people are not the ones joining ISIS. But for this to happen, the political structures of various Arab nations need to be changed entirely. Whether that can happen without causing a conflict with Islamic values is another question.

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    Which are the countries so far has sent aid for the affected one in the South? I hear two Indian ships and American aid. Did Abdulaziz care about his new colony? No way! Only he will give a check to Rosanna’s father. Even that will be given through Hezbollah! But these guys want everybody to adore Allah for giving unlimited money to Abdulaziz and want all to hate and curse America and India.

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      Hezbollah is a Shia militancy. And Sri Lankan muslims who are now Saudi Wahabbi style Sunnis will therefore not support Hezbollah.

  • 0

    Izeth starts ” ………. unless the BBS is checked by the Government, ……… will lead to tragedy not just for the Muslims………..”. Clearly Izeth’s idea is a nation consisting of Sinhalese and Sinhalese Muslims. He goes on to extoll the virtues of Pakistan’s contribution to defeat of Tamils and the billions remitted by Lankans in MidEast. No mention of the slavish conditions endured. Izeth says that BBS is foreign inspired and locals are not to be blamed. He is bringing up the spectre of “loss of sovereignty”. He says Wirathu of Burma has been silenced by Burmese Buddhist hierarchy…….implying? Just two days back Wirathu was in the news with his usual Rohingya genocide stuff. The world knows that Wirathu is a tool of the shadowy Burmese Junta. (By the way Izeth, remind you again that Rohingyas are humans and it so happens Muslims). Izeth try a bit of honest journalism.

  • 5

    Izeth Hussien Is Giving Under Cover To The Muslim Invasion In This Country……What The BBS Is Telling The Damn Fact……BBS Has Identified This Serious issue In This Country………….There Is A Serious Ongoing Muslim Invasion In This Country………….But With The Corrupted Extremist Ministers Interference Government Is Keeping Blind Eye Which Is Very Very Dangerous To The Security Of The Country…………..Drug Trade Is Been Highly Going On And They Are Destroying The National Heritage Sites …. And Forest Reservations……………..For Which These Muslim Bastard Ministers Will Have To Pay For It One Fine Day And That Day Is Not Too Long

    • 2

      Remember, the average Muslims have nothing to do with those drug mafia, business people or even the politicians. These are just innocent people making their day-to-day living from doing various things. Ultimately, these innocent segment will be the one paying the price not the drug mafia or businessmen or politicians who won’t be touched or enjoy the lives under Govt protection

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        DUMB FATHIMA: It is not the muslims or christians that destroy the world. It is the Mosuqe, church, mullahs, priests, pastors their ideologie and politicians. muslims don’t take drugs or alcohol and they want their women to cover everythig including their eyes. But mulsims sell fashins in fashion house, fashion bugs and those cloths to make other women go naked. that is where it goes wrong. Muslims lie to the nose because that is what your religion wants devotees to do.

        • 0

          Dimwitty, you always show a medical sample that brain and body don’t always grow along for all. It is called business. Any businessmen would sell what is lucrative to him. If you see Muslim businessmen selling fashion garments among non-Muslims, you also see Muslim businessmen sell Burqha among Muslims – This has nothing to do with Islam. Does any Muslim businessman force those buyers to buy or did we ask any Muslims not to buy from non-Muslims as what BBS does?

          We Muslims don’t force others what to wear and what not to wear. That is your kind of backward people who have objection on what others wear. And Islam rejects and punishes drug addicts and especially the drug dealers. Yes, there are Muslims do it, and they should be punished by the Govt. And it is not only Muslims, largely, Sinhalese do this, then Muslims and then few Tamils as well. Muslims lie to the nose and others lie to the ass? Idiot your dumbness has no limits

          • 0

            Dumb Fathima:

            You say it isnothing to do with Islam. So, it is NGOs and Muslims Fanatics like Izeth Hussein are the wrong ones when wrong unethical shops are burnt down, you thiests come and scold buddhists for doing everything. Why it is wrong destroying the wrong business which is not ethical ? why it is wrong to destroy mosques that do not allow people to slepp in the morning. Why you are accusing BBS for every thing ?

  • 4

    I was starting to think ‘Hey Izeth wrote an article without taking a shot at Tamils’ but alas! He had to throw the anti-tamil jibe in there eventually.
    First of all you Sri Lankan muslims are the ONLY muslims on the planet who deny their ethnicity (which is Tamil). Muslims in Pakistan will proudly call themselves Punjabi or Urdu. Muslims in Bangladesh will proudly say they are Bengali. Muslims in Saudi will proudly say they are Arab. Muslims in Malaysia will proudly say they are Malay. Only Sri Lanka do we have these jokers who deny they are Tamil and identify only as ‘Muslim’
    Some of us Tamils also know what your kind did long before the LTTE came into existence. Many of you were secretly helping Sinhalese rioters when they attacked Tamil Hindus/Christians.
    And if Tamils tried to separate Sri Lanka and ‘muslims dont want separatism’ it is only because muslims want to colonize the whole island. Why bother with separatism when you can take the whole cake eh? As much as i dislike BBS and Sinhala fanatics, they make a valid point when they speak of Saudi Arabia and its backward and oppressive culture infiltrating Sri Lanka. Everybody can clearly see that ugly transformation in Sri Lanka. And it seems these Arabized muslims are attacking the older versions of Sufi based Islam that existed before on the Island. We know about the brutal attack on the Sufi mosque in Beruwala. And there have been reports of wide scale destruction in the east. And the vast majority of Sri Lankan muslims are trying to hide it from everyone else.

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      Ugk,the major ethnic group of Pakistan are Punjabis, Pashtuns, Sindhis, Siddis, Saraikis, Muhajirs, Balochis, Hindkowans, Chitralis, Gujarati, Sindi and many smaller groups with different languages burrowed and indigenous to them. The official language is Urdu which every body speak. In India also same over 8o major ethnic groups but every body speak official language Hindi. In Sri Lanka official language is Sinhala which only Muslims speak and follow. Tamils have by wholesale rejected it. Moors will say they are Sri Lankan first and their ethnicity second. Moors don’t beat the drum saying they are from pure Arab stock but accept they are mixed race and ADAPTED language is Moorish form of Tamil. In the pre-independent talk they tried their best to include Moors as Tamils to get the major share of independent Sri Lanka. Are Moors dumb to fall to their trap. Tamils and Moors is like ground and sky for us. When these Tamil fought for separate Eelam did the government give in? They crushed them in spite of being 95% majority in northern area. Muslims are spread all over Sri Lanka so what separate land they can ask? Will the Government give in or crush them like they crushed LTTE. If you cannot write intelligently stop writing but don’t spread donkey stories. Second largest income to Sri Lanka is from Middle-east not from Israel. At the very first chance everybody try to get a job there but see how donkeys talk of backward and oppressive culture of Saudi Arabia. If you all have forward and liberated culture we should be like Singapore, others will come to work here. How can you do that with crooks?

      • 2

        Stop lying the so called Sri Lankan Moors are not of Moor ( North African)ancestry and hardly have any Arab ancestry too. A distant male Arab ancestor amongst a hundred elite families and selective taking only light/white skinned Tamil Muslim females as wives for their sons ,by many wealthy Muslim families had bred out dark genes in many of these families, however this still does not make you Arab.

        You are largely descended from immigrant Indian Tamil low caste Hindus who converted to Islam. This is why you speak Tamil, followed Tamil customs and had the same Tamil Muslim caste names , that is still used in Tamil Nadu. Even the form of Islam that was practised until you people decided to become Wahhabi/Salafist Arab clones was from your South Indian homeland.

        You are not patriotic but a selfish opportunistic backstabbing bunch who will sell anyone for your own benefit, just like you now deny your actual Tamil ethnicity origin and culture and shameless go on claiming an Arab/Moorish heritage, despite the Arabs clearly stating the Sri Lankan Muslims are not of Arab/Moorish descent but a descended from South Asian converts to Islam. Basically Tamils Hindus , largely from the lower castes who converted to Islam, to escape the Hindu caste system.

      • 2

        It was not patriotism but sheer greed and opportunism that made you converted low caste Tamil immigrants from Tamil Nadu to deny your actual origin and claim to be Arab thinking that it will make you look good and get benefits from the Arabs. You joined the Sinhalese racists and establishment to discriminate kill murder ethnically cleanse and commit war crimes on hundreds of thousands of your own non Muslim fellow Tamils not due to patriotism but for petty benefits received and future benefits, like ethically cleansed Tamil lands, promised by the Sinhalese racists, to you fake Arab converted low caste Dravidian immigrants from Tamil Nadu.
        If you were patriotic and had some morals . you would not have aided and abetted discrimination and genocide , told the truth about your real origin and sided and fought with your fellow Tamils against state sponsored Sinhalese racism but you did not . You people do not know the meaning of being moral upright or patriotic. Just a bunch of backstabbing opportunists, who are still fawning to the Sinhalese and constantly stating, do not touch us , as we were co partners in your anti Tamil genocidal dance. Disgusting

        • 0

          Austroloid crow Siva cawing again. All your comments try to demean Moors but however much you try to make Moors Tamil coverts won’t work because we don’t have that feeling as Tamils for generation or even feeling as Sinhalese. You only cry thinking of your own inferiority complex. Moors are dynamic people engaged in trade for many generation, even in other fields too. Since Moors are Dynamic people you want to get such status by saying they are Tamil. You Australoid labour class were civilized by Moors. You all were Brahmins low caste slaves. Marikkar, Lebbai, Moplas, Rawther and Thulukkar (Turukkiyar) were traders from Arabia, Persia and Turkey. Only idiots will call it Tamil names. People who came in boat (marai kalam) were known as maraikalar and later Marikkar, Lebbai (who venture bravely), Moplas (those settled in Cochin), Rawther (traders came from north). Dravidians did not have proper clothing, these Muslim traders sold 4 yards cloth to wrap around waist which became ‘Ve-sti” and 6 yards to women which became saree. Your women didn’t have jacket so this traders seeing the bare breast women could have got aroused and screwed left and right. Muslim have to pay Maharam (money or worth) to take a woman as wife. So you beggars, even Brahmin sold their woman for good amount. Sakkilis are far better than you Australoid Tamils although they did menial job. I think mixing with sakkilis your Tamil features became little better. Slavish Tamils now talk big because you got education from British colonialist, many by converting. It was because of Moguls and other Muslims whole India became civilized and later by British.

  • 8

    In order to understand the motives of Gnanasara I watched two videos in youtube. What I gathered from that was he is not against Muslims in Sri Lanka. He is against Wahabi extremism, their activities and activities of a small group of Muslims (in some instances with the blessings of politicians in the ‘Yahapalana’ government). He talks about (a) Destruction of archeological sites; (b) Encroaching in to areas designated as ‘Natural Reserves’; (c) Illegal logging (d) Using forged deeds and other documents to claim land and business premises; (e) Hiring people who are on tourist visas to teach in Madrasas; (f) Harassing monks. According to him, he has brought these things to the attention of the responsible people in the Government but they are not taking any action. Simply because Muslim votes made a significant contribution for this government to come to power, they cannot and should not turn a blind eye to certain activities carried out by a section of that community if those activities can be harmful to the society. When people elect politicians to form a government, they give a job to those politicians and pay for that. If the politicians are not doing their job, then the citizens have a right to take action because the country belongs to the citizens not to the politicians. But that action should be peaceful. If Gnanasara is promoting violence, that should be condemned. Therefore I request Mr. Izeth Hussein, who I think can understand Sinhala to watch the two videos and write another article or comment if the allegations raised by Gnanasara have no grounds to take seriously. The links are:

    • 2

      Eagle Eye, SL Citizen, Dr Clean, …………………………………. “What I gathered from that was he is not against Muslims in Sri Lanka. “———————————What I gathered was VP was not against Muslims in Sri Lanka. ——————— Do you think I believed him? ———-MR, the state, Armed Forces, his cronies, Sinhala/Buddhist fascists are/were not against minorities. Do you think I should believe them? ————–Where do you live, a planet near black hole?

  • 1

    Hello Aiyyar UGK….You Have Got It Otherwise….The History Of This Country Up Side Down…………..This Country Is Known As The Island Nation Of Sinhale………….Whether You Agree Or Not This Is Documented In The Kandian Convention We Call UDARATA GIVISUMA……………………And All The People Living In The Island Nation Of Sinhale Is Sinhalese …………………..Sinhalese Buddhists…Sinhalese Roman Catholics ….Sinhalese Christians…….Sinhalese Hindus And Sinhalese Islamists…………….All People Living In This Are Sinhalese People With different Faith …….and Take That For Grant ……….And Please Note That The BBS Is a Patriotic Resistance Movement and When Ever There was Invasions In This Country Buddhist Monks Have Been In The fore Front to Safe Guard This Country………………When You Are Living In This Country You Had Better Know The History And Give Due Respect to Its Sinhalese Buddhist Culture Then Only Country Shall Have Respected Citizens……………Do Not Get IN to The Dirty Bunch Of Extremist Lot Of The Thambiyas Who have Creeped in to this country for trade got the Local Sinhalese women and now Spreading Hatred to Disturb the Good will Of The Fellow Country Men Like This JUNK Izzeth Hussein

  • 0

    The destruction of Buddhism is in the hands of Buddhists. BBS will complete the job under the watchful eye of it’s so called protectors.

  • 1

    I overheard a conversion that a new Buddhist group named the cow protesters civil police have apprehended a Muslim man who have supposedly slaughtered a young calf and is on trial in the village . they are planning to protest Island wide today. I did not see any news item about it ,it could be on one of the notorious Wattsup groups, hope the police will investigate and provide the truth to the public before they use it to create
    Another fake excuse for another aluthgama bloodshed.

    • 2

      I hope that there will be Buddhist religious police to keep a check on Muslims and their barbarism. This is similar to Islamic religious Police in Muslim countries. Cow slaughter is considered a crime by many Buddhists and anyone contravening it should be punished. Therefore there is nothing wrong for the Muslim man to be put on trial by these concerned citizens, when the government is turning a blind eye. If pig slaughter and selling of pork is banned in Muslim countries, what not this. Ultimately Muslims will have to eat piduru and punnakku.

  • 4

    Wahabism: According to Rev. Gnanasara, Wahabism is an extremist and fundamentalist form of Islam. It stipulates that whoever does not submit to the will of Allah, should be killed. Quoting fro holy Quran he says, (2:191-193) “And kill them wherever you find them…,. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing…,. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah and worship is for Allah alone”…ISIS is completely based on Wahabism. In short, Wahabists stress that the entire world should be converted to Islam and there should not be any non-believer left. That is why ISIS is is killing non-Muslims.

    • 0

      buran app————————————————————————–
      “Wahabism: According to Rev. Gnanasara, Wahabism is an extremist and fundamentalist form of Islam.”—————————————-
      “ISIS is completely based on Wahabism. In short, Wahabists stress that the entire world should be converted to Islam and there should not be any non-believer left. That is why ISIS is is killing non-Muslims.”———————————————————————————————–
      Wahhabiles, Salafies and Theitclones such as ISIS are agents and followers of the Devil, Satan Iblis, masquerading as Muslims and calling their Ideology “Islam”. It is the same with BBS, by them calling it “Buddhism”, or even Sinhala “Buddhism”, which is actually Maraism, just like Satanism of the Wahhabies and their clones.——————————————————————————————–Scholar from al-Azhar: Wahhabism is a Satanic Faith, the Horn of the Devil that Muhammad Predicted————————Published on Jun 2, 2013
      Yusri Rushdi al-Sayyid Jabr al-Husni, a Sunni Muslim religious scholar from the world’s oldest and most prestigious Islamic school, the Honorable al-Azhar, has stated that Wahhabis who are also known by other names such as Salafis, Najdis, and Horners, are in fact the Horn of the Devil, a term used by the prophet Muhammad in reference to a satanic faith that shall come out of Najd (Saudi Arabia).——————————————————–

      Where is Najd – HORN of SATAN? ——————————————-
      Published on Dec 5, 2014
      To all the doubters who still think Najd is in Iraq and not in Saudi Arabia. ——————————————————————–

      You noticed in this video that I quoted from scholars, Muslim geographers such as ibn Kurdadhbah, ibn Hawqal and even ibn Taymiyyah to leave you with no doubt that Najd is an area in modern day Saudi Arabia. Here I will once again quote ibn Taymiyyah so your mind will be at rest on this issue.


      • 0

        Amarasiri, Allah created us all. then Who created Satan Iblis? And why? Why cannot Allah control Satan Iblis? Please explain for the sake of the putujjana.

        • 1

          According to ancient religions, Satan will send his messenger to take people on the wrong path, and God will appear and destroy Satan and his followers. If you analyse the behaviour of Muslims in the world, Islam fits into this perfectly as a doctrine making its followers mad creating trouble to others. Therefore Allah is Satan, which the great author Salman Rushdie called Koran as Satanic verses. This war against Islam conducted by Western countries, is according to this divine prediction Very soon Russia and China will join it to finish Islam to deliver a peaceful world.

  • 0

    Where is kettie? Where is backlash? They are the ones who were leading the assault on Islam last month. Now they are conspicuous by their absence. MIA perhaps? Or KIA? Or just retired hurt unable to stand the onslaught led by Edwin. What happened to Darunuwathi? May be in Manchester training others? or looking after vest interests.

    • 0


      Responding to your comments – Some of us have responded stridently only to Izeth Hussain’s needless rabble against Tamils. There is little in this article to protest in that respect. Have neither the time nor inclination for trivia.

      BTW, to say “leading the assault on Islam last month” is inaccurate. I have nothing ideologically against Islam. The issue is with people like Izeth Hussain who has blatantly targeted and attacked the Tamils for long. The Tamils can handle this. No problem there. We can, and have, managed similar dirt in these pages for long – that includes the 7/83 pogrom as well. It is common knowledge Muslims too played a role then in many areas in different ways. We, as a people, have survived greater tribulations over many a millennia.

      Not just some of us but the entire world is against the glaring and hostile actions of Islamist extremists. Manchester last week was just one example. That, you will note, includes Izeth H as well if we are to believe what he writes.


      • 0

        Izeth seems to have distanced himself from his ally Edwin Rodrigo and did nothing to defend him when he was completely cut off by CT. You remember how Edwin defended him to the hilt in exchanges with you and others. Edwin was also accused of inventing the term Tamil Rump, though as far as I know, it was first used by IH. Good to know you are still there. There is a dearth of good enemies these days, which is more tragic than a dearth of good friends. Let us drink to more fights with you guys in the future.

      • 0

        Come off it Kettie boy – your handlers have reined you in. To the reader – Kettie is the fellow who has been exploding in hatred and rage over practically anything I write. For instance my article on a Hitchcock film made him fulminate over the ridiculousness of the idea that I should dare write on films. What led to his making an ass of himself? The explanation is obviously this. My article led to exchanges with Panini Edirisinghe which covered the American myth of the frontier, the Quakers and the Shakers, Aaron Copeland’s music, Martha Graham’s ballet version of Appalachian Spring and so on. Exchanges on that level of sophistication provoked in the ignoramus Kettie hysterical hatred and mad dog rage. He found it unbearable that what he regards a s a Soni swine should be capable of exchanges at that level. Isn’t that, Kettie boy? Shall add more later – IH

        • 0

          The penultimate sentence of my earlier communication should read “Isn’t that it, Kettie boy?” I now add more. He charges that I have been attacking the Tamils. Some weeks after my articles started appearing in the CT, there were seven to ten attacks against them by Tamils every week for several months. After some time I started replying. So the correct position is that the Tamils attacked, I counter-attacked.
          As for my being anti-Tamil, I restate my position yet once more. I had the solid reputation of being very sympathetic to the Tamils, solidly based on my articles. That is why I had an appreciative email from Fr, SJ. Emmanuel. and why Dr. Devanesan Nesiah wrote an article in which he declared that he was in agreement with ninety five percent of what I wrote. Who is this nonentity Kettie compared to them?
          Recently he dared repeat the lie that I had advocated famine as a way of subduing the LTTE. I used to ask interested readers to click on “Izeth Hussain’s reply to K.Arvind – 2006”. I now find that the connected correspondence that used to appear has now disappeared. Has there been some hanky-panky by Kettie and the Zionistas? Anyway the reader can click on “K.Arvind – Girls and Decency 2006” and he will get to a letter by me in the Island in which I argued explicitly against the use of famine as a weapon. .I brought out these details in an article published in the Island and the SL Guardian.
          The Tamil attacks against me in the CT lead to certain questions. Whose interests do they serve? They certainly don’t serve Tamil interests. I charge that Kettie and the likes of him are the servitors of Christian fundamentalists and the Zionists. They are traitors to the Tamils – IH

          • 0

            One more uncontrollable outburst from the clearly deranged Izeth Hussain – the master of abuse and insults. He must have repeated the same comments over a half a dozen times recently that it will be sheer madness to respond to his mumbo jumbo. I ask once more – whereas several readers attack him sharply, why does this Chandiya go into diarrhea mode only when he sees some of our names??? It is clear the long retired Hussain has a great deal of time to waste.
            Good man, we do not have that luxury. We have better things to do and therefore we will allow you to wallow in your own vomit.

            • 0

              Abuse is not argument, Kettie boy. Your entirely ad hominem abuse means that you are wallowing in your own vomit. Keep wallowing. The IH juggernaut keeps moving, inexorably Kettie boy, and there isn’t a dam thing you and the likes of you can do about it. – IH

  • 1

    It is unfortunate that BBS is building Ladders for the MONKEYS like Izeth Naana to climb the trees in the jungle. This old fart has been compiling stinking dossiers regularly using spontaneous actions of BBS.

  • 0

    It is indeed a tragedy that any joker in yellow robes could hold the Sri Lankan people, Muslims, Christians Hindus and others to ransom. This is not a new phenomenon. Buddharakkhita did it to the extent of killing a revered prime Minister in SWRD . Somarama in yellow robes pulled the trigger to kill Bandaranaike. This joker of the BBS is being protected by Gotabhaya and other journalists who came forward to defend his actions, now missing. It is now time that the Sinhala Buddhists woke up. Bensen

    • 0

      Hey Bensen

      “It is now time that the Sinhala Buddhists woke up. Bensen”

      Unfortunately Sinhala Buddhists have been divided into two or three camps by cleverly designed trap of SWRDB , JRJ and bloody spooky REDS.

  • 0

    When a muslim child – bride – wife is killed in most inhumane ways, that is nothing serious. It happens every where. Just forget it. that happens to non-muslims too. some where in the North, four Tamil girls had been sexually assaulted by muslim youth. That is also nothing serious. that kind of things happens every where. ……………. But, if others do something to muslims, then it is Islamophovbia and Jews and west is behind it. BBS and Norway are behind it. It is all others harming these innocent muslims.

    I can not understand these logics.

    • 0

      Jim hardy, how can understand the logic of anything if keep on sucking popsicle of Zionist or Christian fundamentalist directly or indirectly through their propaganda? Now you write of a Muslim youth sexually assaulting in the North and if you write such think you must give the date, place of occurrence and reference to newspaper reports. No Muslim child bride was killed but she was a 18 years old girl. I don’t have to write here but child raping, wife beating and killing occurs always among non-Muslims. Where did you learn to twist and fabricate stories? By sucking the Zionist?

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