27 April, 2024


The President’s Clarion Call For Fundamental Changes & The Tamil Speaking People

By C.V. Wigneswaran

Justice C.V. Wigneswaran MP

I thank the Chairperson for giving me this opportunity to speak on the Policy Statement made by the President two days ago. Though there is nothing new to be found with regard to the solving of the ethnic question which is paramount to us Tamils, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the President has quite rightly identified the maladies that have stultified progress in the economic field in Sri Lanka and the fundamental changes that need to be brought about in ourselves to grapple with the situation. Let me list them;

1. At page 4 of the English version he has said “I am ready to make unpopular decisions for the sake of the Nation”.

2. At page 5 bottom he has said “Inflation rises during an economic crisis. The price of goods increase. Employment is at risk. Businesses collapse. Taxes increase. It is difficult for all sections of the Society to survive. However if we endure this hardship for another five to six months, we can reach a solution.”

3. At page 6 in the penultimate paragraph he has said “……the future cannot be built on falsehood.”

4. At page 10 he has said ”……I try to cure the malady first, after which we can take further measures. We should prioritize curing the ailment…….”

5. At page 11 he has said “We neglected economic reforms for the sake of narrow political agendas. The burden of loss-making government institutions was borne by the people….Even the most destitute have to bear the cost of maintaining these institutions”

6. At page 12 he has said “It is imperative to stop the practice of directing public investment for political reasons”.

7. At page 13 he has said “We avoided problems and did not seek long term solutions. We are all presently experiencing the result of that behaviour.”

8. At page 13 he further says ”…..we are facing an economic crisis which is more decisive than the past conflict in the North and East.”

9. At page 18 he has said “The traditional politics that we have followed so far is no longer valid. Deceptions made with lies and illusions for political gains are not suitable for the future”.

10. At page 18 he has further said “Change should begin from within ourselves. We all should change and that too should be for the betterment. As politicians we should change for the better.”

11. At page 24 he has said “We all have to change our lifestyles for the sake of the Nation”

12. At page 25 he has said ”It is the duty of this House to make them (children and youth) inherit a free tomorrow and a free Nation”

All these are noble words. Words emanating from a matured mind. When politicisation of the civil service and administrative service took place in this Country there were warnings from concerned persons. But our politicians continued to make the mistake over and over again. The result is the present impasse. When Dr NM Perera as the Minister of Finance under the Sirimavo Government was ready to take unpopular decisions in the economic front  for the sake of the Country he was not allowed. At all stages the Sinhala psyche preferred today’s entertainment for tomorrow’s impasse. The behavioral pattern of the 16th century Portuguese had been inculcated into the hearts of our Sinhala brethren. Kaapanla beepanla suthi karapanla is their motto. Be happy today. What happens tomorrow is no concern today.

If only the Tamil Civil servants or Tamil speaking higher officers from the North and East were allowed to direct affairs from our Departments the motto would have been different. Save today for tomorrow’s entertainment would have been their chorus!

There was a happy blend of our basic characteristics during the time of the British. But with the steady outflow of senior Tamil Public Servants the attitudes among our Public Servants left behind changed for the worse. Our Politicians saw to it that they changed.

His Excellency’s clarion call for fundamental changes in our perception gives us hope.

But as a Tamil Member of Parliament representing the Jaffna District I must say I am disappointed. Despite many promises nothing substantial to ameliorate the conditions of the Tamil speaking people of the North and East have been included in the Policy Statement. The promised release of Tamil Political Prisoners has not taken place. Except for 100 acres the balance 3000 acres of People’s lands have not been returned to the People. 60,000  acres of State land still remain in the hands of the Military. The transferring of Officers posted to the Chief Secretary ship of the Provincial Council nor the Post of Provincial Heath Director have not taken place despite more Senior Officers being there in the Northern Province. The release of lands by the Departments though promised has not seen the publishing of the relevant Gazette Notifications. Army’s presence has not been curtailed.    

The reason seems to be an inbuilt fear and suspicion about the Tamils of the North and East in the minds of not only Politicians and Public Officers but even religious dignitaries like the Venerable Mahanayake Theros. Until and unless such inbuilt suspicions are removed, this Country cannot progress not only economically but socially and politically too.

Many of you my dear Colleagues may have read the open letter I addressed the Venerable Mahanayaka Theros with regard to their recent  statement on the Thirteenth Amendment. May I refer to a few statements here of what I wrote to the Venerable Mahanayake Theros with regard to their statement regarding the Thirteenth Amendment?

It was stated in a joint letter by the Venerable Mahanayaka Theros  that by granting Land and Police powers together with the right to administer archaeological sites and places of religious worship to the Provincial Councils, it would lead to separation.

I inquired from  the most Venerable Mahanayaka Theros if the President grants Land and Police powers whether all nine Provincial Councils would ask for ”separation” as they say? If that be so, I asked, then why not? After all there are 20 cantons in Switzerland. We could have a confederation like in Switzerland allowing every Province to function independently and separately subject to certain rights of the Centre.

If the Venerable Theros thought that the Provinces other than the Northern and Eastern Provinces would not want to act independently but that only the North and East would want to “separate” as they say, then it would mean that they infer that because the North and East are Tamil speaking areas they would want to act independently. In other words the Venerable Theros believe the Tamils are not satisfied being under the yoke of the Sinhalese governed Central Government and therefore the North and East would want to “separate” as they say and therefore they must be forcibly kept under the boot of the Sinhalese without giving any freedom to the Tamil speaking people of the North and East to govern themselves. 

Was it not such thinking, I asked, that has brought economic instability to the Country? How long is this Country going to prepare for war against the Tamils and spend colossal amount of foreign exchange to keep the military in readiness? And what are the Sinhalese scared about at the worst? That the Tamils of the North and East would separate and form their own Thamileelam? How does it affect the Sinhalese? The Sinhalese never occupied the North and East in great numbers. The Buddhist remains in the North and East are those from during the time of the Demala Baudhayo. (Tamil Buddhists) (vide Demala Baudhayo by Professor Sunil Ariyaratne in Sinhala language). In any event there was no Sinhala language born during the time of the Demala Baudhayos. The Sinhala language came into being only in the 6th and 7th Centuries AD. Only those who spoke the Sinhala Language could be identified as Sinhalese. The Mahawamsa never referred to a people called the Sinhalese nor to a language called Sinhala! 

I asked the Venerable Sirs as to whether they are worried about separation because they were aware that the Sinhalese had no legitimate rights whatsoever to control the Tamils? In other words I pointed out they were wanting force and violence to be used on the Tamils to keep them subjugated. I asked whether that was what Buddhism had taught their Reverends? 

I asked them whether Ahimsa was not part of Dhamma. The term Ahimsa is an important spiritual doctrine shared by Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. It literally meant ‘non-injury’ and ‘non-killing’. It implied the total avoidance of harming of any kind of living creatures not only by deeds, but also by words and in thought. I asked their Reverends how they could as Bhikkus of the highest calibre and sensitivity preach something which harms a section of our People?

After all the Tamils of the North and East are asking for something which the International Law gives them the right to claim and enjoy. Article 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states as follows; All peoples have the right of self determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.

Granting Land and Police powers to the North and East under our Unitary Constitution would not lead to separation under any circumstances. It would only curtail and to some extent control the nefarious activities carried out by the Centre and its Agents in the North and East. I asked their Venerable Sirs whether they want to perpetuate the wrongs done by the Centre in the North and East by requesting the Centre not to grant Land and Police powers to the North and East which they are by Law entitled?

In conclusion let me say here and now that the 13th Amendment can never lead to separation of any sort since it is decentralization which is set out in the Thirteenth Amendment and not power sharing of any nature. The Thirteenth Amendment coming under the Unitary Constitution gives no right whatsoever to the Provinces to think freely and independently.

Finally let me hope that the much maligned and hated Thirteenth Amendment would be implemented in full at least for the moment until an opportunity dawns on the powers that be in Sri Lanka to grant voluntarily or involuntarily the right of self-determination to the Tamil speaking people of the North and East. Thank you.

*Justice C.V.Wigneswaran M.P’s speech made in Parliament on 10th February 2023

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  • 4

    “That the Tamils of the North and East would separate and form their own Thamileelam? How does it affect the Sinhalese?”

    In Sinhala eyes, they have been fighting for and protecting the island since before the establishment of even the Jaffna Kingdom. The North and East seceding would simply mean the loss of this millenia old conflict. The Sinhalese consider themselves an amalgam of the pre-Sinhala, pre-Dravidian Yaksha, Naga and Deva tribes. Sure, the numerically superior Tamils eventually absorbed the North but this was only after battle-upon-battle with the island’s – numerically inferior – majority.

    This is how Eelam affects the Sinhalese.

    • 11

      Oh so you mean to state the story if half lion half human Prince Vijaya and his 500 rowdy babies are really a myth and most of Mahavamsa is bullshit and fairy tale? What Chingkallams and you consider to be is irrelevant but the real and actual origins of the present-day Chingkallams. I also feel that I am directly descended and a reincarnation of Queen Cleopatra and have very grandiose delusions of myself, however, have to sadly accept the reality that I am not. The reality is that the Chingkallams are largely descended from South Indian Thamizh Dravidian immigrants and also from local semi-Thamizh Elu-speaking Dravidian tribes, largely Yakka, and some Naga. The Naga and Yakka are not pre-Dravidian but are an ancient Dravidian spillover from South India, who spoke Proto and Semi-Thamizh dialects. The Naga around 3000 years ago adopted proper Thamizh as their language. Half the present-day Chingkallams now strangely baying for native Thamizh blood, are predominantly or purely descended from largely low-caste South Indian immigrant imports, who were imported into the island by the Portuguese and Dutch colonials to do menial service tasks or to work as slave labour in the huge Southern spice estates.

      • 9

        The Chingkalla aristocrats and upper castes both Kandyan and low country are again largely descended from immigrant South Indian aristocrats. Largely from Pandian Thamizh and later from Thamizh-speaking Telugu-origin Madurai Nayakars, basically, who always promoted Thamizh and not Telugu. Thamizh again, as the vast majority of the present-day Tamizh and Telugu and fellow Dravidians, speak closely related sister languages and follow similar cultures, especially the Telugus from Andhra and Rayaseelama. Telangana is a slightly different kettle of fish. therefore when a Telugu adopts Thamizh and Thamizh culture in my opinion he or she is Thamizh and vice versa”. In Chingkalla’s eyes we have been fighting to protect the island for over a millennium”! Another Jataka story told to you by the Hamaduruwa at the Pansala from a tender age and now have been brainwashed to believe this myth

        • 9

          Listen whoever you are. The Chingkallams and the Chingkalla language only came into definite existence from 6-7AD. It started to evolve when there was large-scale conversion to Buddhism by the largely southern Dravidian Yakka and Naga and other immigrants from India and they started to corrupt their Thamizh with the Pali/Prakrit that arrived with Buddhism. All the ancient kings who ruled the island were either Hindu or Buddhist Thamizh Naga, who took Thamizh brides from the Pandian kingdom and were closely related to Pandian Thamizh who were their allies, so were the enemies of the Thamizh Cholas enemies of the Pandians. 90% of the so-called invasions were not invasions from South India but an invitation from one contender to the throne in Anuradhapura to their close Thamizh relatives in South India to intercede on their behalf. Even the Buddhist Sangha invited Rajah Rajah Cholan then called Arun Moli Varman, when he was a prince to take the throne and safeguard Buddhism but he refused, stating he is committed to the Chola empire and ascended the throne on the death of his older brother and invaded the entire island and captured it. These Thamizh Hindu and Buddhist Naga kings were the common kings of both people, the Chingkallams and Thamizh until 10 AD when they lost their Thamizh identity and became Chingkalla Buddhists.

          • 9

            By the early 13Th century the Thamizh and Chingkalla people have formed separate kingdoms and chiefdoms in their own homelands and this was until European colonization. The north and east from ancient times had been the homeland of the ancient Thamizh-speaking Dravidian Nagas, who are largely the ancestors of the Eezham Tamil. They largely did not convert to Buddhism to maintain their ancient Thamizh identity Eezham is the ancient Thamizh name for the island and Thamizh Eezham means the Thamizh part of Eezham. Hela is the Prakrit version of Eezham and Sinhala is the Prakrit version of Chingkallam and Lanka is the Prakrit version of the Thamizh word Iangu or Ilanguthal meaning shining or resplendent hence Ilangai

            • 3

              It sounds like the majority of the people of this island are descended from Tamil-speakers who chose to incorporate the ‘Hela’ language of the Yakka, Deva and Naga. Those on the island closer to the North were bilingual – i.e. knew Tamil – sue to proximity with Tamil Nadu. Warfare and Chola migration would have certainly influenced the Tamilization of the North as opposed to the Illanganization that was taking place in the rest of the island. I wish there was a way for the three communities of Lanka’s Moors, Tamils and Sinhalese to exist without the need for ethno-nations. If only Illanganization could continue without constant external interference. But then again Lanka being so close to India/Tamil Nadu will probably mean this ‘Turkey-Cyprus’ state of affairs will continue for a while.

              • 8

                Hela language of the Yakka! Elu is the native proto or semi-Thamizh dialect. With the arrival of Buddhism, the southern Yakka essentially converted to Buddhism. and corrupted their spoken semi-Thamizh Elu dialect with Prakrit and this new dialect was called Hela or old Chingkallam. Elu+ Prakrit = Hela. Elu and old Chingkallam or Hela are very close to their Thamizh mother, compared to modern Chingkallam which has been deliberately Sanskritized in pronunciation and structure. In contrast, in the Naga predominating areas in the north and east, there was far less conversion, to this new religion and the population largely remained Saivit and even the Buddhist minority who later converted to Hinduism retained their ancient Thamizh identity. The Island’s essentially elite Naga had already switched over from their semi or proto-Thamizh native Elu dialect to proper Thamizh centuries before the arrival of the mythical half lion half human prince Vijaya or Buddhism.

                • 7

                  This is why one of the ancient Thamizh names for the island is Eezham. If you look at ancient Thamizh Sangam poetry, you will see lots of Thamizh poets from the island with the title Naga. Naga is another name for Chera, this is why the island was called in Thamizh” CheranTheevu” meaning the land of the Chera or Naga, and Jaffna Nakkar Theevu, Go to South India and see many Naga place names like Naga Pattinam, Nagar Kovil, ancient Thamizh Chera Nadu meaning land of the Naga( Cherar ) tribes. The Cholas conquered the entire island and destroyed Thamizh Buddhism in the north and east and sent immigrants there in the 10Th century, to ensure. strengthen and the survival of the ancient Thamizh Saivite identity in these regions, they did not create it but strengthened and ensured its survival.

                  • 8

                    The Eezham Thamizh are largely descended from the native Thamizh Dravidian or Chera or Naga, In the east, a very high percentage of the native Thamizh is of Veddha descent. DNA has proven Eezham Thamizh share only 17% DNA with Indian Thamizh, whereas modern Chingkallams have between 50-70% DNA with Indian Thamizh, proving who is descended from ancient/medieval and recent South Indian immigrants. The Cholas were the friends of the Native Thamizh, whereas the Thamizh Pandians the friends/allies and close relatives of the Chingkallams. There is no evidence or written history of Chingkallams being displaced from the north and east, fleeing to the south, west and central parts and Thamizh from South India migrating and displacing them. These are lies and fairy tales now being created by Chingkalla racists and extremists, ironically many of them of recent South Indian immigrant origin. However, there is lots of historical evidence of Thamizh living in the south of the island from ancient times.

                    • 8

                      The Sri Lankan Moors are ethnic immigrant Thamizh Muslims from South India, a minority of them started arriving in the early 14Th century, after the fall of the brief Islamic Delhi Sultanate in Madurai. They first migrated to the then Thamizh northwest coast which was part of the Thamizh Jaffna kingdom. Later during the Portuguese era, they fled to the central province and the Thamizh east as refugees. However, the vast majority of them arrived from South India during the early British colonial rule. The term “Moor’ does not denote their race or ethnicity but their religion, as the only Muslims the Portuguese met before their voyages, were the Moors of North Africa, who ruled the Iberian peninsula for around 800 years. Therefore the Portuguese used this term for any Muslim they met. Especially the South Asian varieties.

              • 7


                Does “Illanganization” mean telling Tamils they can live anywhere on the island, then unleashing murder and mayhem on them, including dousing them with petrol and setting them on fire, taking away their property and belongings; sending them as refugees via ships back to the North-East, implicitly recognizing that the N-E is the homeland of the Tamils?

                And after this process has led to a 30-year war, mass deaths, torture, etc., and a massive exodus out of the country, coming back to tell the people to start the process all over again. How enlightening!

                • 0

                  Illanganization means learning from the majority of Lankans (Sinhala, Tamil, Moor) who were able to withstand the 30 year war and conduct business together, intermarry and provide for a nation that was cornered by inept governments and a zealous terrorist organization. There are more Lankans who have been able to do this successfully than not. Lanka is the homeland for people who have significant Tamil blood in them regardless of the their Buddhist, Hindu, Christian or Muslim background. Racial segregation of the island goes against this history.

          • 2

            Again, the vast intermixing of Illangai and South Indian blood to me means that Ilanganization should be the way forward and not ethno-separatism like what the LTTE/TGTE want. In my previous article I had mentioned the value of ethno-districts and that I truly believe will allow for the island’s peoples to eventuallly merge into a singular historical society that encompasses and embraces our multi-ethnic and multi-religous heritage.

          • 3


            “Listen whoever you are. The Chingkallams and the Chingkalla language only came into definite existence from 6-7AD.”

            You are putting Velu to shame. I think you better let the UN and International community know about it and will help you get Eelam soon.

            You can say what ever the none sense you want. Though we had to give citizenship to Indian Tamils, We managed to pack a million Tamils out of the country too. Today 60% of Trincomalee and 78% of Ampara are sinhala areas. large numbers of Batticalo are muslims areas. Mulims and Sinhalese together are a majority in East. We have started the process of sinhalising Vanni. Try and stop. Good luck

            • 6

              Chingkalla areas from when? After the post-independence ethnic cleansing of Thamizh, and state-sponsored colonisation most of it was within the plans 40 years. You yourselves have boasted over a million Thamizh was forced to flee and will try to chase out more but ironically it is not the Thamizh who are now fleeing but hundreds of thousands of Chingkallams who are fleeing. Sow evil and reap evil. Ethnic cleansing and deliberately settling outsiders on ethnically cleansed lands to change demography is a war crime and will not be recognised. Yes, add all the forests, and grazing lands belonging to the Thamizh and Muslim Thamizh in these districts and call them Chingkalla areas. You can scream and shout but all this will not be recognised. Yes we know that you are trying your best to Chingkalise Vanni starting from Manal Aru now deliberately named Weli Oya, a literal Chingkalla translation of Manal Ary and both Weli ( from Thamizh Veli) and Oya from Thamizh Odai or Oyaval are pure Thamizh derived words.

              • 7

                The east is ancient Thamizh Hindu land and Muslims arrived there as refugees, fleeing for their lives claiming to be Thamizh and having no ancient history or claim on the history over the heads of the eastern Thamizh and Thamizh Vedda. The Chingkallams only arrived after independence deliberately settled by the racist Chingkalla state on ethnically cleansed Thamizh lands and most of them within the last 40 years and have no claim over the heads of the Thamizh who have lived there for over 3000 years. If you have a referendum only the Thamzh and Muslim Thamizh as well as the Thamizh who were forcibly chased away from the north and east and now living in refugee camps in India and the west will participate. Not the Chingkallams who arrived there very recently, settled by the Sri Lankan state on ethnically cleansed Thamizh lands. This means you are legalising genocide and ethnic cleansing. This was not allowed in places like Bosnia and should not be allowed here.

                • 7

                  You cannot have one rule for the Chingkallams and another for the Thamizh, as per yours as well as other Chingkalla racists arguments, large parts of the central province, especially the Nuwara Eliya district should become part of the Thamizh homeland as Thamizh have been living there for over 200 years. So will large parts of coastal Chilaw/Puttalam be included in the Thamizh homeland, as there are many ancient centuries-old Thamizh villages, that were part of the Jaffna kingdom. The ancient Udappu/Muneswaram temple area is one of the five ancient pre-Buddhist Ishwrams. If Chinkallams who only arrived in the east within the last 60 years more them within the last 40 years, due to ethnic cleansing activities can claim large chunks of the east as theirs, then the Thamizh who were forcibly settled in the central province by the British over 200 years ago cleared the jungles and built prosperous tea estates and earned a lot of foreign exchange should claim large parts of the central province, especially the Nuwara Eliya district as theirs. What is good for the Chingkallams is good for the Thamizh. We should claim the city of Colombi as ours as it is predominantly Thamizh speaking too. Hope you will be happy.

                  • 2

                    We knew you Tamils were aiming for Nuwara Eliya and Central Province, and it would certainly have become part of your plan if a million Indian tamils were not sent back to Your homeland Tamil Nadu. As at presence there are no areas where there have a contiguous majority presence, all their estates are surrounded by Sinhala villages. As AJ Wilson dreamt you also can dream of extending your mythical homeland. As for earning foreign exchange, indian Tamils bloody well better earn this for us and they are living in a foreign country. How can you tamils claim Colombo. Muslims and sinhalese together are a majority. Though Tamil speaking Muslims will never take the side of the Tamils. Good luck tamil man

                • 0

                  Pandi, I have too many Muslim friends to count; Borah, Moor, Malay. And i mean in the hundreds. Not a single one of them consider themselves as Tamils. You have to understand that they identify with their – however minute – Arab ancestry. Even the Malays consider themselves partly Arabized on account of being Muslim. Arabs did settle in South India and Lanka since 7th Century AD. That’s a long time in anyone’s book. Let them have their ethno-district.

                  • 4

                    “You have to understand that they identify with their – however minute – Arab ancestry.—————-Let them have their ethno-district.!?”
                    Am I missing something here!!!
                    If divided into districts based on that notion, miniscule of districts, and unmanageable!!
                    By extension suitable for vegans and ‘Hamuduruwas’ too!!!
                    The similar reasoning of the Indian moor as Arabs and the propagation of Wahhabis’ thoughts, et all, caused the “marooned” state of the Sri Lankan Muslims!!! Neither here nor there, caused by Political SB’s to confuse and convolute FACT that Sri Lankan Muslims, were original South Indian Tamil origin after the fall of Delhi Sultanate of the Madras Presidency!!???
                    None wants them!! Alien to both Sinhalese and Tamils!!?? Now Disowned by villainous both!!??

                  • 2

                    Nice, if they want to identify themselves with the minute amount of Arab in them and not their actual Tamil ancestry and heritage, they are free to do so but then should claim their Arab heritage and Islamic homeland in one of these 21 Arab nations, not in the ancient Tamil east, where they arrived a few centuries ago as refugees claiming to be Tamil. You cannot have your cake and eat it. They have every right to live as Tamil Muslims in the east and practice their ancient Tamil Islamic culture but no right to claim a homeland in the name of Islam and alien Arabic culture and origin over the heads of the native Tamils who gave them refuge. Yes, Arab traders and missionaries did arrive in then Tamil South India ( modern-day Kerala and Tamil Nadu, southern Andhra and Karnataka) and a few settled and intermarried with local Tamil women, however, only a very small percentage of South Indian Muslims have this partial Arab ancestry. The vast majority of them a local Tamil Dravidian converts to Islam.

                    • 2

                      It is the same in northern India very few Muslims there are descended from the Mughals, Iranians, Turks and other Central Asian invaders and rulers but are local converts to Islam. When I visited Malaysia and Indonesia, other than a few hardliners the vast majority practice the local Malay or Indonesian Islamic culture and the traditional Malay or Javanese wedding had lots of aspects of their original Hindu culture. Just look at the Indonesian family surnames, and the Malay/Javanese dances, they all reflect their pre-Islamic Hindu /Buddhist culture. Garuda is the Vehicle of Lord Siva.

              • 0


                The LTTE chased out Muslims from the North in 1990. Those Muslims – about 90000 families – should be given the right of return. Similarly, Sinhalese did not/could not move around the island due to the 30 years’ war. Should not Lankans have the right to live anywhere on the island?

                • 4

                  Please stop exaggerating and lying. There were only around 60000-72000 Muslims in the entire north at that time and not 90000 families. This is a blatant lie low being touted by Islamic extremists and Chingkalla extremists to deliberately settle out-of-area Muslims from the south and even overseas and create new Muslim enclaves and majority areas in strategic coastal areas overlooking Thamizh Nadu and Kerala and a Muslim belt from Mannar to Mullaitheevu to claim for an Islamic homeland for a north too. Actually powerful Muslim politicians one from the north and the other from the east have been illegally appropriating thousands of acres of private Thamizh and, with fake deeds and registering them as theirs, especially the private lands of Thamizh who had fled the country and most probably will never return. Even the Chingkalla court had found that Shaithan from Mannar was deliberately settling thousands of out-of-area Muslims along the Wilpattu corridor, clearing forests, to create Islamic enclaves facing South India, with funds from certain Islamic countries, falsely claiming that these people were returning northern Muslims when they were not.

                  • 4

                    There were far more Thamizh who is the original population of the east who were ethnically cleansed and ancient Hindu temples burnt destroyed and many now converted to mosques, by Chingkalla settlers and Muslim home guards who were heavily armed by the Sri Lankan state than northern Muslims, who were caught conniving/spying for the Sri Lankan armed forces and storing arms in their mosques, against whom and were chased out. Everyone has a right to live anywhere provided they do it legally but not illegally planted on ethnically cleansed Thamizh lands by the Sri Lankan state and by Islamic organisations, funded by foreign owners to deliberately change the demography and for anti-Indian activities.

                    • 2

                      “There were far more Thamizh who is the original population of the east who were ethnically cleansed and ancient Hindu temples burnt destroyed and many now converted to mosques, by Chingkalla settlers and Muslim home guards”

                      It is not us sinhalese who are settlers , it is you tamils who have become settlers in our country. Your home is Tamil Nadu.

              • 1


                Chingkalla areas from when.? Settling sinhalese in These lands is coloniation for you tamls, for us moving back to our ancient homelands. This is happening in south africa now too.

                So settling sinhalese in the east is a war crime? You say no body recognises. Listen fellow, it is you tamils who have to have your dream homeland recognized. Sri lanka was , is and always will be the property of sinhalese. We dont have to scream about our homeland , it is you who have to.

                Just as much as you you are calling to investigate the war crimes in the last phase of the war, try and call for an independent investigation to see who owns these lands on which the sinhalese are settled. Your freeking homeland is Tamil Nadu man.

              • 2

                “Chingkalla areas from when? After the post-independence ethnic cleansing of Thamizh, and state-sponsored colonisation most of it was within the plans 40 years. “

                It is colonisation for you but for us it is moving back to our ancient homeland. Tell me a single country that is accusing SRi lanka of colonising Tamil land. There are countries accusing of war crimes during the last phase of the war but never the so called colonisation.

                The grazing lands in East or Vanni do not belong to you. Your land is Tamil nadu. Not only we are trying to sinhalise Vanni, we are well on our way. Not only Weli oya we have a sizeable presence in Vavuniya too. Try and stop. Good luck

                • 3

                  Rantings from a Sinhalese racist/extremist descended from recently settled Tamil immigrants from the Malabar and Coromandel coast, now beating the anti-Tamil Sinhalese Buddhist Fascist drum.

                  • 0

                    Recently immigrant Demalu have settled in Vanni and the east coast and are now claiming bogus homelands.

                    • 3

                      No, they were settled by the Portuguese and Dutch along the western coasts like Negombo, Colombo, and Kalutara and along the southern coastal Galle, Matara, and Hambantota. Read the origins and history of the Sinhalese Karawa, Salagama, and Durawa. Berewa, Hunu, Hali and many other castes. Now making up half the present-day Sinhalese. Many to hide their original South Indian Tamil names like Muthukarupan, etc took on Portuguese names like Perera and now deliberately changing these Portuguese family names to Sinhalese, again to hide their actual origin. Keep on lying but it will not work. Pathetic

            • 1


              Shouldnt Lankanization – i.e. maintaining Sinhala, Moor, and Tamil presence around the island – be the order of the day? When you say Sinhalization, do you mean only Sinhalese can go to these places?

              • 4

                Your question to Ravi,
                “Do you mean only Sinhalese can go to these places?”
                There has been no limitation as such!!?? This is the MYTH created, recent arrivals from the Malabar and Coromandel Coast!!!
                There has been prolific cross business flow in Sri Lanka and Ceylon, well before that communal feelings of mutual harm and killings!!
                Example the Tobacco (‘Surutu’ Kade) Boutiques in Market places of Matara, Galle, Hambantota, Kalutara, Panadura Kuliyapitiya, Kandy, Kurunegala, Narrammala and many more in the southern hinterland of this country!!?? That business was a monopoly of the Northern Tamils, especially those close to Jaffna town and Islands (Kayts)- unmatched Flavour, Aroma, quality etc.
                Then, to complement , Bakers and bakery Owners of this country was monopolised, those from South, especially Matara!!!?? The Bakeries in the North monopolised due to skill, Jaffna, Chunnakam, Point Pedro, KKS, Kodikamam, Kopay, VVT and Chavakacheri in the peninsula and Batticaloa, Trincomalee, Vavuniya, Kilinochchi to name a few!!!
                Come Sinhala/Tamil New year, find them all on Holiday in respective, native places!!Businesses closed for weeks!! Each enjoyed others acumen in respective trade and didn’t show opposition!!!
                Ground reality now is thrusting ‘selected’ hooligan/refracts from South alongwith drug addiction!! Resented by locals!!??

            • 4

              “We managed to pack a million Tamils out of the country too.”

              Yeh Ravi, and still, you managed to pack much more than that to ME on Leasehold & then Mangala had to beg Senator Kerry to have one of them freed back to Langkang, before her head was being chopped off, because she had sex with a Local export, a Sinhala Man, instead of Arabian Muthalalies. You are too good & extremely proud of playing drums on your bowl & begging. Bang the balls, bowls and the bald sing

              China Sharanam Gacchami,

              IMF Sharanam Gacchami,

              Saudi Sharanam Gacchami.

              Come on… let’s go for it

              • 1

                Managed to pack a million out since we had to unfortunately grant citizenship to a bi number of ndian Tamils. Packing to ME is no different to your people in Tamil Nadu being packed to the ME. Infact whole of South Asia for that matter. But they are not permanent migrants.
                About the sinhalese women having sex, this is not uncommon for our women. Your Tamil women are safe for obvious reasons (haha..)
                About bagging the balls, I think our Men have a demand for it. Once again your men are safe for obvious reasons. Bythe way you must be dishwasher or a taxi driver in Toronto. You hedi tamil man.

                • 3

                  Packing to ME is no different to your people in Tamil Nadu being packed to the ME.

                  Nop! Tamil Nadu is abandoning their farming because the imported North Indians are good in putting medical claims on Farming Families but not good in what the up-country Tamils doing Lanakang. Instead, Indian Tamils are packing Parippu and Rice Northeast, where the rapist Army is killing the people & packing Amude for poor bankrupt Sinhala southern farmers, and Yellow Thavani and Benz car parts for bald heads. That is very common in Sinhala Buddhists, I know that.

                  ” you must be dishwasher ……….. in Toronto.

                  Yep! We did “Koopai Addikirathu” in Toronto restaurants when we were chased out of Langkang. That is your Evil Emperor is trying to get all Tamils to invest in Langkang. But we never washed the floor in the New York peepshow sex shops, after every customer. You too, at least come to a New York Sex Shop to know the world rather than saying anything/everything is usual for Sinhala Buddhist Intellectuals.

                  Bald Heads thought it was going to be easy to give haircuts to Chinese for money to pay for Ukraine & Thailand tourists, because Chinese too are Buddhist, but sadly now finding out giving Chinese demickey for the borrowed money and making Chinese bald heads is that not easy.

                  Happy Valantineday Darling! Enjoy

                  • 1

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                • 2

                  PS: As you are aware, I am in a Western Economy & there are no differences in labor grades, in that culture, unlike the Sinhala Buddhists Wildlife Sanctuary, SinhaLE, like yours. I am accustomed to that. When my rights are protected, Dishwashing is nothing me. It is for that reason I came here. Labor & Human dignity protected by civilized laws & act. These countries have abolished slavery voluntarily and they are secular societies. You are a well frog, you are comparing sending women to ME for slavery with Toronto blue color jobs. If at least one Sinhala Buddhist Intellectual had known something better than that, under the merits systems, Tamils would be the rulers in Ceylon still, just like it was in British Administration. Instead, your politician cheating you as they are making Ceylon as Miracle of Asia for 75 years, Tamils would have maintained the status of Langkang as the first Democracy of the East, and first in its richness in the Asia.

                  • 1

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          • 1

            Pandi, the Sinhala language may have definitively started at 6 AD, but the Prakrit spoken for millenia before that were by the ancestors of the Sinhalese who in turn are an amalgam of Lankans and South Indians. Illanganization still seems to be the best way forward. Of course there will be those who wish to remain minorities, but the sooner the Sinhalese, Tamils and Moors learn to Lankanize, the better.

            • 1

              “…the Sinhala language may have definitively started at 6 AD”
              Savi, do not fall for such bullying tatics.
              The language existed since much much earlier, but recorded literature was slower to come. There were Prakrits not a Prakrit.
              By that token, was there Tamil before 4th or 5th Century? How old would Sanskrit be?
              When did English begin? With Chaucer?
              Enlish was not the language of the English Royal Court for vety long. The same holds for many European languages.
              It is daft to force the merging of cultures. Cultural diversity can only enrich the Lankan identity.

            • 3

              Prakrit/Pali only arrived largely with the arrival of Buddhism and large-scale conversion by the southern Dravidian Yakka population to Buddhism, corrupted their local Thamizh or semi-Thamizh dialect with this Pali/Prakrit that arrived with Buddhism and started the evolution of the Chingkalla language. Even now Chingkallam has a 35-40% Thamizh-based vocabulary and a strong Dravidian foundation on which an Indo-Aryan superstructure has been built. Its grammar, syntax, lexicon and alphabet are all purely based on Thamizh and not on Sanskrit, Pali or Prakrit. Please read what renowned Chingkalla anthropologists, historians and linguists sate and not charlatans with an agenda.

              • 3

                Chingkallam meaning red or copper-coloured land was one of the ancient Thamizh names for the island. Others were Eezham. Illankai( shining or resplendent) Cheran Theevu( Island of the Chera/Naga). The people of the island were called in ancient Thamizh either Eezhava, Thiyans(a corruption of Theevans meaning people from the island) or Chingkallavar, Male was called Chingkallavan and a female Chingkallathi from ancient Thamizh Allavan/Allathi. Eezhan Thamizh still uses this ancient term. When the new language evolved it took the Prakrtized versions of the original Thamizh words. Elu/Eezham became Hela and Chingkallam became Sinhalese and has nothing to do with Lions or North Indian immigrants. There was some immigration from north India and these immigrants were absorbed by the ancestors of modern Chingkallams and Eezhan Thamizh but they did not create or trigger the evolution of the modern Chingkallams. It was the arrival of Buddhism and Pali/Prakrit languages, and the large scale conversion by the southern Dravidian Thamizh or semi Thamizh speaking Yakkas that triggered this

      • 4

        The Mahavamsa did get the story of Ellalan right so ive always – cautiously and carefully – seen the chronicles as pseudo-believable. What sources do you use, Pandi? I mean JSTOR and Google are great but any ancient sources? I know – sadly – that the Manimekalai is taken even less seriously than Mahavamsa

        • 7

          Savi could you please refer to Tamils have valid claim for homeland Prof. Pathmanathan. Sri Lanka Daily Mirror 29.03.2017. If you cannot find it here is the link and hope it is allowed.


          • 0

            Thanks for link, Siva!

            What i gather is that the Naga subjugated the Yakka, but then at the same time the Naga and Yakka were ancestors of the Sinhalese as well as Lankan Tamils. I still conclude that the island belongs to all, and the Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims should be free to traverse the land and Illanganization should continue such that a singular historical naiton comes into being that is not affected by South Indian or Vijayan influences. Lanka has for the greater part of its recorded history been ruled by a singular faction. The rise of ethno-kingdoms only laid the foundation for separatism.

            • 1

              You are wasting your time with parochial minds.
              Read someone like RALH Gunawardana to have a balanced view of history.

              • 2

                As usual, ar-e licking a Sinhalese racist. This person may be polite, but he or she is espousing Sinhalese extremism and an Islamic homeland only in the Tamil areas of the island, where only 28% of the island’s South Indian origin immigrant Tamil Muslims live in the name of Islam and an Arab origin that only a very small minority of them partially, deliberately to muddy the waters and deny the native Hindu Thamizh and Hindu Thamizh Vedda of the east, their right to their ancient homeland. These Fake Arab South Indian immigrant origin Muslim Tamils who arrived in the Tamil east as refugees, a few centuries ago, from the time of independence, have been acting like a fifth column and conniving with the Sinhalese to steal the lands of the native Eelam Tamils for their immigrant refugee community. The Sinhalese have no intention of giving them any Islamic state but are deliberately using them as tool to steal the east from the native Tamils. Notice 72% of the island’s Muslims live in the Sinhalese south but she, the rest of the Sinhalese, and all these fake Arab Wahhabi Islamists never demand an Islamic state in Muslim majority areas down south, but only exclusively in Tamil areas, where these Muslims share a common language, ethnicity, and this Arabisation craze took over culture with the other Tamils.

                • 0


                  As a Lankan I believe that the Tamils and Muslims should have their own ethno-districts. I doubt that’s extremism. Of course, I would prefer for Lankanization to take place but there are a lot of people who want to racially segregate the island into separate ‘ethno-nations’.

                  Again, I would be very interested to hear from Muslims re: your constant insistence that they are Tamils.

                  No to racial segregation!

                  • 1

                    Again cunningly trying to support the Arab origin myth for the South Indian origin Sri Lankan Muslims of Moors as they love to call themselves, to deliberately create a wedge and muddy the waters. It is not what I insist but DNA, history, culture, language, family names everything points to a Dravidian Tamil origin with just a partial Arab or another western Asian origin only in a few hundred families. Even these families are of predominant Tamil Dravidian heritage. Their elite and politicians can say what they want but facts are stubborn, however Sinhalese extremists and racists, do not want the real facts to come out, as they want the artificial division between the island’s Tamil Muslims and non-Muslim Tamils to continue and widen, so support the Arabisation and the fake Arab origin theory as it suite their agenda. Divide and rule.

                    • 2

                      At the time of independence, there were far greater divisions between the low country and Kandyan Sinhalese. They were counted as two separate ethnic groups between the island’s Tamil Muslims or Moors and other Tamils. Now it is the opposite due to the efforts of the Sinhalese Sri Lankan state and power-hungry Muslim politicians and elite, who have their own agenda and want their own power base to whip up religious extremism and the minuscule amount of Arab heritage, as a blanket origin for the entire Tamil Muslim population and brainwashing the Muslim masses to believe in this myth.

  • 2

    I am ready to make unpopular decisions for the sake of the Nation”.
    Why not say to make popular decisions for the sake of the Nation.
    His statement to make unpopular decisions This brings unhappiness and the insulating & brings conflict within the parties
    The message crosses like this for any cause.
    By saying the unpopular decision statement the for the sake of the Nation the pride causing recession
    If he said popular decision for the sake of the Nation the statement reflects no negative thinking
    If RW is a person of admired anything he says could be believed will take as truth The words are power you can change the life, inspire nation The mouth can spit venom or can mend a broken soul now the country is is paused

    • 2

      “Why not say to make popular decisions for the sake of the Nation?”
      The Medicine prescribed is bitter and therefore unpopular too!!??
      But necessary to cure the sickness, so toy say, THE MALAISE and continue thereafter a GOOD LIFE FOR GENERATIONS!!!??

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