18 September, 2024


Saffron Army & RW’s Political Calculations

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

The essence of President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s Independence Day address to the nation and his policy statement to the parliament could be summarized under four subjects: (a) the country’s economy is in a perilous state, (b) with advice and financial assistance from IMF and friendly nations RW and his cabinet are on the right track to rebuild the economy, (c) everyone must make sacrifices for the sake of the nation and (d) success is certain at the end. But what was left unsaid on both occasions was that people should give time for his economic plan to work and wait with patience without upsetting the prevailing political set up and system. In his calculations therefore, the forthcoming Local Government Elections (LGE) have the potential to create such an upset and hence it should be averted.  But how?

There are two ways to stop LGE. One is to starve the Election Commission of funds and the other is to resort to a more sinister instrument to make LGE a law-and-order issue. 

Financial unaffordability to spend an amount of Rs. 10 billion, an exaggerated figure plucked from the air, was originally put forward by the government as reason to stop the LGE. Once the Election Commissioner came out and said that the expenses could be managed within half that amount and that the money is available, unaffordability argument lost its bite. Yet, when the Commission asked for Rs. 770 million to cover the expenses for the month of February, RW as Minister of Finance, Stabilization and National Policy had instructed the treasury to fund only essential expenses, which excluded election expenditure from that category. In a democracy, elections provide the best opportunity for people to express their approval or disapproval of how a government is performing. RW’s considers that exercise itself as non-essential or unwarranted. His instruction to the treasury implicitly admits that he and his government stand to lose.

Apart from the denial of funds, Peoples’ Action for Free and Fair Elections (PAFFREL) reported earlier that there had been death threats to officials in the Election Commission and a deliberate campaign to malign the Commission itself. But the Commissioner bravely standing firm to conduct the elections as scheduled. It is in this context that RW has resorted to make LGE a law-and-order problem by bringing in the issue of implementing the controversial 13th Amendment. 

This issue was dealt with in a previous piece (see, “Economy, 13th Amendment and System Change”, Colombo Telegraph, 7 Feb. and FT, 10 Feb.) However, it deserves repetition because of certain recent developments. RW knows very well how his immediate predecessor promised the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi in 2020, to implement this amendment and how quickly that promise was reneged on his return to Colombo. This time there seems to be another element that has compelled RW to take up that issue. Apart from satisfying India and showing gratitude to all its economic assistance at this time of need, there is also an international community pressured by the Tamil diaspora that demands a resolution to the Tamil issue. There is a substantial investment potential within the Tamil diaspora that could be harnessed to support RW’s economy rebuilding efforts. Even his predecessor entertained that idea at some stage. The Tamil diaspora organizations with their headquarters in Canada has grown into a power to be reckoned with. Therefore, partly to satisfy India, partly to tap the economic potential of diaspora Tamils and partly to get the TNA on to his side RW promised to implement fully a legislation that is already there in the statute book since 1987. However, there seems to be another sinister motive to bring up this issue in the threatening context of backlash at the LGE, and that motive is to use political Buddhism and its saffron army to do the dirty work for him.            

Political Buddhism or Sinhala Buddhism, and NOT Buddhism as a philosophy and way of life has been a historic destabilizer of peace and tranquility in independent Sri Lanka since 1950s. It has also become the last resort to desperate politicians to win elections. While Buddhism emerged as a blessing to humanity, arrived in this island also as blessing and made the country into a land of peace, prosperity and resplendence, Sinhala or political Buddhism is a 19th century invention pioneered by a leadership headed by Anagarika Dharmapala and Co. with the intention of driving out from the country not only the colonizers but also all ethnic and religious minorities so that Sri Lanka would become the property of Sinhala Buddhists only. It was not that long ago but in 2020 that one Buddhist monk declared publicly that Sri Lanka belongs only to Sinhala Buddhists and that the minorities are long term tenants. As Tissarani Gunasekera put it aptly and bravely, the country has been lost to Sinhala Buddhism (see GroundViews, 7 Feb 2023). 

RW knows very well that Sinhala Buddhists, brain washed by a caste ridden Sangha and power-hungry Sinhala politicians would never allow the 13th Amendment to be implemented fully. As expected, the saffron army came to the street and burnt the 13th Amendment while Sinhala nationalists like Weerasekaras, Wimalawansas have drawn the battle line for a so-called patriotic contest with RW-MR alliance on this issue. To quote Gunasekera again, “So long as Lankan history is defined as an unending struggle to prevent alien races/religions/cultures from taking over this sole home of Sinhalese and sole refuge  of pure Buddhism, the potential for anti-minorities violence (and reactive violence by minorities would remain”. It is this possibility of a convulsion that RW calculates to employ as the last resort to stop the LGE. The 13th Amendment would neither be implemented nor removed, but would remain as a weapon to be used at convenience to realize the ambitions of sanctimonious politicians.       

The only political party leader who boldly supported the full implementation of the 13th Amendment was AKD of NPP/JVP, because he knew that RW would not be able to do it. Is that going to cost AKD votes in LGE? Certainly not, because only that party has made a commitment to the nation to change the system that keeps not Buddhism as such but Sinhala political Buddhism as the centre of gravity. The rising generation of youth also see system change as panacea for the ills of mother Lanka. The next three weeks or so would be fateful to the destiny of this nation. 

*Dr. Ameer Ali, Murdoch Business School, Murdoch University, W. Australia

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  • 13

    The “Saffron Clothed Brigade” that assembled on the 8th at Polduwa Junction (entrance to Parliament) is not a force to reckon with. In the front line with a microphone was the “Joker” – Medagoda Abeyatissa – the “V8 Major General” who was hiding and unable to be traced for the last few months. Among them were very many such “Brigadiers”, “Majors” and “Pingutharayas” who the people have already made a note of and will not be tolerated anymore. This “Brigade” was once leading the campaign for MR when he said: ” I will give 13A PLUS”. Where were the “Mahanayakas” at that time? So it is all “Fake Road Show” put on by the President and this” Saffron Brigade” is nothing but a billabong.

    My only regret is, even MPs like Sumanthiram got carried away with the empty promises of this President. I would remind them of the trumpeting of the President: ” I will solve the minority problems before the 75th Independence Day”. Did that happen? Just as much as these “Sinhala” politicians deceive the “South”, the “Tamil” politicians deceive the “North”. Isn’t it time to call it an end? Sooner the better.

    • 9

      Thank you Simon for your clear cut comment regarding yellow thugs in this falling nation. I really appreciate your comment this time more than anytime before. That comes in a time where it is mandatorily necessary.

      At least today, stupid dominated nation should be very clear the real danger of Safron thugs that are no diffierent to some cruel businessmen, artists and media fraudsters that brought “Thirisannu” to rule this nation again and again.

      I am not pointing the finger at all monks but whole lot of cheap monks, specially that go after “V8 saranang Gachchami” are real threat to this nation.
      We dont necessarily need JVP to clear our eyes, if people had brains the size of a mustard seed and if OUR AUDITORs did their job in compliance with expectations, how those safron kalakaniyas gathered that much of wealth within a shorter period of time, would reveal everything….. being hidden behind SAFRON CLADs what they have been doing is unique kind of business looking back.
      Alle Gunawansa, Ghansara,Mangalaramaya Gay man, Kotuwe Joker, Medagoda Mudalali are all not different to Jackson Anthony, Malani fonseka, Ravindra Randeniya or the like Artists that repeated the worst job in favour of “MEDAMULANA” family for their power gains tactics. To me their job and the role of campaign financing DRUG traffickers such as NIMAL LANZA is almost the same. is not that so ?


      • 8

        People should now be able to realize as to why MEDAMULANA HIGH CRIMINAL flew to Negombo on very day ? ….. what had he in his mind in that ,mlechcha act ?

        From the day I know this country and nation, people are hurt by saffron company limited. Calling themselves “Sinhala Buddhist monks” but they are only torching crooked politicians and some authorities and providing cheap services. I really dont know why our people are this much of stupid to give a nod to these robes.
        They have become a headache for this nation rather than the little good they have won for the nation.
        Some time before 1948, our Buddhist monks saved this nation or worked hard for freedom, those lofty words in our literature… these are usually just fictions of some groups. I dont kneel down before the sinhala monks today. period. This would then be interpreted as I may be working for western conspiracies against our so called ” pearl of the asia”: Pearl of asia was made to be the drug hub curse to RAJAPAKSA during their terms.

    • 8

      Thanks Simon and well explained!!! NPP may be the last resort and Salvation!!??

  • 14

    nimal fernando

    Why do we need 225 elected MPs and an executive president when all decisions and goals are determined by Saffron thugs and Mahanayakas?

    Our prince of Darkness Weerasekere, Udaya Ganapathipillai, Hopper Sirisena, …..say they do not want foreign investments especially the ones from Tamil Diaspora if those investments are conditional upon implementation of 13 A. Further they say that this is a Sinhala/Buddhist country and it belongs to Sinhala/Buddhists, forgetting that Sinhla and Buddhist history goes back maximum 2500 years.

    Why and when did this island become Sinhala/Buddhist country?
    What sort of qualification one should possess before one makes an application to become a Sinhala/Buddhist.
    Where should the aspiring candidate make the application?
    What benefit would they receive once they become fully subscribed card carrying member of Sinhala/Buddhist?
    When do they become fully fledged Racist and Fascist?
    I am told there are many pathways available to become a Sinhala/Buddhist, racist or a Fascist.

    In your case you are incapable of ever converting to Sinhala/Buddhism, becoming a racist or fascist for you have brain, you are learned, you are rational, ………………………… so forget it.

    Do you think I should take up Fascism as full time job?

    • 7


      “Do you think I should take up Fascism as full time job?”

      Why, are you supporting Ranil’s Fascism only part time? :))

      Listen to this …. the true motives …… why the yellow-peril came out at this time ….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFFmXR4Td-8

      All societies are constantly evolving (not always for the better: read Carl Sagan’s piece …… https://www.openculture.com/2017/01/carl-sagan-predicts-the-decline-of-america.html) …….. nothing stays static – perhaps, with the exception of Lanka …….. it too is evolving but takes a looooooong time! :))

      I believe, in time, we as a society, will evolve out of blindly following “Lankan Buddhism” ……… like how ancients evolved out of worshipping Pagan Gods with the creeping-in of Enlightenment (it becomes plainly obvious, what one is doing is bloody stupid.) But it won’t happen overnight: it will happen when light/enlightenment reaches all the dark corners of the island.

      • 7


        If you visit Scandinavia you’ll find ……..their churches can’t find congregations …… people have grown out of religions and given up attending church. No one takes up the priesthood: they have to import priests from the still darker corners of the world. The Archbishop of Sweden or Norway is a Lankan or an Indian (I forget now.) …….. If STC wont accommodate Sinhala_Man that’s where he should set sail. Then all the Scandinavians will want to leave! ……… Damned if you do damned if you don’t. :))

        Outgrowing “Lankan Buddhism” is a natural process ……. and nature can’t be forced: it takes its own sweet time.

        I’m lazy to write again …….. if you have time, read my ramblings on this here on the first page ………… https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/a-secular-state-is-best-for-sri-lanka-marxs-core-propositions-on-religion/comment-page-1/#comments

      • 6

        nimal fernando

        “Listen to this …. the true motives …… why the yellow-peril came out at this time …..”

        Thanks for this street interview.
        He is brilliant and I believe he is not a Marxist.
        By the way did he vote along the 6.9?
        When we have people like this man how come we ended up electing a Mahanayake blessed fascist?

        I have also read Carl Sagan’s piece.
        Did he read out of pages from Sanathana Sarathi (timeless charioteer) Hindu Concept of Universe (please note I am dropping names) ?
        When we come to real earth, I have read “The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers
        by Prof Paul Kennedy”. Its a good book taking account of all major great powers, ….

        Whatever it is the point is why should people suffer.
        Don’t tell me it was is their Karma.

  • 8

    Mahinda promised to the whole world soon the war ends he would implement it.if he would have done it He would have been a great leader.and the country would have had the good start and new chapter for young generation. And remorse
    But he betrayed the whole country. Look at where we are now..
    Even this Mr Soffty wouldn’t do it either, he set up the road show now he says his hands are tied. .
    Don’t understand the logic if land and police power given its lead to a separate country.in the North and East we have vast amounts of tri forces so
    How they manipulate VP didn’t asked for 13A,he wanted separate country.
    Free electricity top of the range vechials perks what can we expect.
    India should do how saved the Bangladesh from Pakistan oppression.

  • 6

    Whatever RW’s plans are and whatever the game of the ”Saffron Brigade” is playing, why cannot the parties that want to defeat the conspiracy to avoid LGEs nboldly confront the the Saffron Brigade?
    Is it that their aim is only to weaken RW?
    If so, they offer not much of an alternative.

    • 3

      “why cannot the parties that want to defeat the conspiracy to avoid LGEs and boldly confront the the Saffron Brigade?”
      Sajith’s indecision shows him up as weak leader, while some of his lieutenants are going any way they please.
      Even AKD has shown himself to be more a politician than a statesman. He has sidestepped the issue while Harini A gets the flak for supporting 13A.
      From the way Police officers are worshipping these hypocrites, it is obvious that eradicating them will take a long time. The daham pasalas are more dangerous than the madrasas.

  • 6

    Dear Dr Ameer Ali,

    Despite reports of all sorts of horrendous personal crimes, etc., all seems quiet enough around me. My pension has been paid in full yesterday. 
    The other news also has been acceptable. I make no bones of the fact that it is the NPP and its campaign that I follow carefully. There will be faults in their plans, and here is a justified criticism of plans for energy from wind farms:
    Let’s hope that more experts in various fields come up with such criticisms. But first things first. We need elections. What we will get are Local Government Elections on the 9th of March 2023.
    Anura Kumara Dissanayaka Full Speech | Parliament | 2023-02-10   25 minutes

    NPP Lawyers, Official Statement:  2023-02-10 33 minutes   This happens to be Sunil Watagala, the group leader for Maharagama.   Sorry, I’ve not met him.
    In the seven Southern Provinces the NPP will do well, but many voters are incurious, and don’t know how the NPP is quite different from the JVP of old. Sajith arouses little enthusiasm, but his SJB also looks like doing well.
    Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)

    • 5

      Efforts must be made to promote National Unity. Please see this other recent article:
      This is the Sinhala version:
      The video quality of the above (Sinhala version – < 4 minutes) is poor.
      There appear to be dozens of versions, but I got to know them only because of Dr Jagath Asoka’s article.
      That’s language teaching (Sinhala > 6 minutes)

    • 4

      The news from the Courts is so good that some who like to cry about something may want further re-assurance:
      What has now been said is that nobody can stop the polling.
      As for this Colonel Wijesundera being asked to turn up again on the 23rd of February, that has been because the fellow had not filed the case correctly. The half hour that he was given to amend what he was filing was insufficient for the duffer, so he was asked to turn up in two weeks. However, by then postal polling would have commenced, so the election would already be under way.
      Lawyers are universally unpopular, but some of this stuff is necessary. Watagala spent half an hour to explain all this to laymen, so that part of the obstacles placed by Ranil is over.
      He will now be hoping that there will be a break-down of law and order. So, all that we now have to ensure is that we will all be well behaved guys and gals. Make very sure that if any morons still want to vote for Ranil of the Rajapaksas that no obstacles be placed before them. Naked racism may now be Ranil’s best hope.

      • 7

        Dear S_M: This Colonel Wijesundara is Ranil’s man. He was the former Chairman of the Water Resources Board appointed by Ranil W during his regime. So, this petition is by a “Proxy” of Ranil W.

        His Lawyer who filed the petition is Musthafa – a very senior attorney. Do you believe that he didn’t know what to content in a petition, such as a declaration that Wijesundara is a “Citizen” and a “Registered Voter”, to name the “Respondents” etc?

        If Wijesundara and his Lawyer have an atom of brains, they should withdraw the petition, because already the Court in consideration of the other two petitions, has given the green light to go ahead with the election. Accordingly, those two petitions were withdrawn. This is yet another “Dirty Work” of Ranil W, the “SHAMELESS”.

  • 7

    No one can’t challenge them they declared they are the leaders not RW!
    How the democrazy being hi jacked, to come out of the mess we have to put the house in order, maintain equally, respect the law respect the fellow citizens. They all put the fear among the people, look at the downfall of the pride country..
    They all says Buddhist who exactly kept the promises for the sake of the country.do they really honest, man kind….
    Does anyone obey the law, cut corners giving bribes and pleasures….
    When gota put the nominations he was US patriotic citi head of election Deshapriya said its not his buissnes to check the credentials dont know why Rudrakumar of LTTE didn’t contested. All he needs is his NIC lying some where in the draws.
    These buddisam……….How they rescued young Balachandran given biscuits with love then small hole in his chest…not whole Thamils supported the LTTE though lot of us escaped from both but rest was trapped in..
    These same harmaduroes asked him to be Hitler gave orders to followers vote him
    Owners of the island. Relegion is personal. Politics different aspects I think.Rishi Sunak following Hinduism thats his personal ,
    Jai weya have good night sleep
    Sadu sadu sadu

  • 6

    why are we listening to these buggers.If they want to run the country they can contest and enter parliament.They did try that at one time and only one monk is there today to represent the people.

    ranil should be stronger than SWRD who tore up the banda chelva pact to placate these monks

    as for the so called 10 billion for the local govt elections that is money that will circulate within the country buying essential goods.So that is okay.Elections are a must for permanent solutions.

    • 5

      “If they want to run the country they can contest and enter parliament.”
      Twenty years ago they did and won enough seats to direct government policy. That was because the people were fed up with full time politicians.
      What we forget about the Banda-Chelva pact and Dudley-Chelva pact is that they were deals between a handful of leaders, and were thus vulnerable to undermining by populist mischief.
      But we have not learned much from those failures.
      Much political spadework is necessary before deals are made. Building up of popular opinion in support of the deal, clearing misconceptions etc are essential prerequisites.
      This was an major flaw of the Indo–Sri Lanka accord of 1987.
      It made it possible for a section of the media to undermine the peace tasks facilitated by Norway early this century.
      Politicians think that politics is exclusively their territory, but as De Gaulle said, “Politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians”.

      • 7

        “What we forget about the Banda-Chelva pact and Dudley-Chelva pact is that they were deals between a handful of leaders, and were thus vulnerable to undermining by populist mischief.”
In that situation Banda, Chelva and Dudley should have made agreement with each and every voter before they announced their respective pacts. Even if it was done I am sure there are some habitual nitpickers who will find fault with every deal that is successfully negotiated, and/or failed to be honoured.
Gota had contract with 6.9 million voters, yet not only he failed but he was disgracefully forced to leave his office.
“This was an major flaw of the Indo–Sri Lanka accord of 1987.”
VP believed by cooperating with the west particularly USA he could ultimately get his Tamil EELAM recognised by the most powerful country in the world.American played a good game, got VP to reverse Hindian “expansion”, which the Mao’s b***s carriers not only welcome but cheered VP as their boy in LTTE. The people paid a heavy price SJ was massively elated along with the west. No wonder why Indo/Lanka accord was not seen as important as now. By the way VP was paid a good cooly (wages) for his services.

        • 0

          How are you thus morning?
          Still in a daze?
          May be good not to type before the haze clears.
          Take care.
          Remember, I care for your health.

    • 1

      Mr Shankar,
      1)Why do we listen to these buggers?

      Because big people are still like penguins. Therefore, priority should be given to rebuilding this nation. Even the Pingutars (Rajapaksa sect) are not raising their voice on this issue.

      2)Ranil should be stronger than SWRD who tore up the Banda Chelva agreement to appease these monks.

      Ranil or anyone else could do it if the people act properly. However, a large number of people are still not aware of the need of the hour. Social media video comments confirm their current status.

      ONLY OPTION:Investing more money in reconstruction and improving people’s awareness can revive the nation for better elections. No elections should be held until this is done.

      • 1


        elections have to be held.It is the democratic right of the people.However if they do not choose rightly then it is their fault as when 6.9 b voted for gota.If they never learn from past mistakes then they are doomed and as a result the country is doomed.

  • 0

    Saffron Army & RW’s Political Calculations
    All what RW calculation sees Rights are considered wrongs, depending on who is judging public?
    The people did not vote him to take steps don’t want him, and the pohotuwa parliament did give him the power and he says constitutionally accepted then the people have the right to come out on street
    On this basis democratic is by the people for the people from the people.

    There was a way to get funds for independant day becases RW wanted it, same if the election is wanted funds can be arrange alternate way.

  • 8

    During the 108s anti tamil progroms by the sinhalas it is well know that the rogues in saffron robes were leading sinhala mobs involved in murders of tamils. The tamil diaspora should compile records of these sinhala saffron robe rogues to ensure that when the time comes they face justice like what the jews do.

  • 5

    Why need tp tap the tamil diaspora’s wealth and NOT the sinhala diaspora’s wealth. BECAUSE even if smaller than the sinhala diaspora the tamil diaspora ie MUCH MORE wealthy and powerfulv (ex UK pm Theresa May said ina speach to UK ceylonese tamils that they PUNCH ABOVE THEIR WEIGHT). This is the reason why the sinhalas dont want to give freedom to the ceylonese tamils as similar to the ceylonese tamil disapora the tamil homelands will become the next singapore which the sinhala cannot stomach!!!! and FEAR!!!!!

  • 6

    Now that the Local Government Elections are on, all decks can be cleared for action.
    As I have already indicated, my pension has been credited to my account. At local level, I have received an invitation to something like an informal tea party in our sequestered part of the Bandarawela Municipal Council. “sequestered?” – I’ll explain that by and by, only explaining here that the Bandarawela MC has two disjointed sections. There is no way that I can get to the Bandarawela town except by passing through the Haputale Pradeshiya Sabha.
    I like living in a gammaniya, and I have, even before this, explained why this is so. Yet nobody has been shocked.
    Meanwhile, I’m listening to another speech by AKD; it’s live, comments have been disabled, and I have no idea how long it will take.

    He’s addressing the Tripartite Armed Forces; well, possibly all retired (many of them disabled, one can be sure). By now he’s talked also about the dead, injured and disabled Tamils, both civilians and militants. This is truly great. I’ve got other things to do; I’ll have to hear the rest later.

    • 5


      The news is that AKD is against implementing 13A, even though Dr. Amarasuriya has previously said she is for 13A; if that is the case, simply stating a ‘new constitution’ won’t cut it; a lot of time has passed since the war ended, more so since independence, and if JVP is starting to say a ‘new constitution’ at this late stage, it will be rightly seen as a dilatory tactic and lack of any serious commitment to addressing the issues of Tamils and Muslims.

      Leaders should lead and prepare their bases for real solutions, not surrender to the ill-informed views of their supporters; nor can they kick the can down and shift the burden to another generation.

      • 2

        “Leaders should lead and prepare their bases for real solutions, not surrender to the ill-informed views of their supporters;”
        Yes, pandering to supporters is what brought us to bankruptcy. Leaders should push through what is good for the country. AKD has failed there.

    • 3

      Thanks, Agnos.
      PART ONE of 3
      I sometimes wonder who you are, and who I am. Jeevan Hoole and I were discussing you! He didn’t know who you are. I said that although I don’t either, your handle suggests that you are an agnostic. At least that is better than being overly sure of what we know. In certain matters, one has to be firm, and Jeevan is that in matters like religion, but I’m sure that you must have seen what happened to me by saying that I don’t know some things! Look at my comments at the bottom of the page:

      You’ve not said anything there.
      Jeevan doesn’t sit around when something practical is needed. That’s how he was able to do so much for all 22 million people living on this island, although very few of us will acknowledge it.
      If you look here:
      you will realise how much Jeevan was able to do for Maldivians when he was sent to their country to observe their Presidential Elections in September 2018.
      Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela, Sri Lanka (NIC 483111444V)

    • 3

      PART TWO of 3
      Read more carefully,
      and you will see that even I have done what I could. But we didn’t get any reward; not even a word of thanks! Nasheed has now been helping the Rajapaksas, but himself has fallen out of favour with his electorate. Why? This you will not find out from the media! He’s fallen for a younger woman. A Maldivian friend has told me that!

      Let me defer giving you a “proper response” to your comment. A good deal of what I say is what I myself pick up from the Internet. Of course, it is bolstered by the fact that I really live in Bandarawela, Sri Lanka, etc. These are practical issues, and let’s not get stuck in Epistemology, but that is increasingly what’s happening to me!
      I have spent at least a hundred hours listening to YouTubes of AKD. Basically, I think that he’s sincere.

    • 3

      PART THREE of 3
      Why can’t we take this one step at a time? The Sinhalese will always regard the 13th Amendment as something imposed on them by the Indian Prime Minister, Rajiv Ghandhi. Aren’t we getting trapped by words ourselves? Late stage? In terms of my life expectancy it certainly is “late stage”. Take any other words that we are using, including “Tamils” and “Muslims”, or “issues”, “commitment”, etc.
      Please let’s cast our votes for something better than what we now have, then go into these abstractions.
      I’ve been worrying about this strange name, Sampath Thuyacontha. A retired Air Force guy who has been roped in by the NPP. He starts his short speech at around 49 minutes in the > 2 hours 40 minute speech that you will be taken to by my previous comment. A man of few words! It may be that Dr Ameer Ali and you both are faced with the problem of not knowing Sinhala. The Army guy uses a good deal of English. I will get back to you!

      • 0


        “The Sinhalese will always regard the 13th Amendment as something imposed on them by the Indian Prime Minister, Rajiv Ghandhi. “

        Who cares what they think. The indolanka accord is a bipartisan agreement between india and sri lanka and sri lanka is not a sinhalese country,it is only a sinhala majority country,just like india is not a hindu country,but it is a hindu majoriy country.So the saffron robes here and saffron robes there must take that subtle difference in the way we describe a country into their thick skulls.

        • 1

          Dear shankar,
          Yes, I get your point.
          But if we get the Sinhalese majority to get into one of their crazy moods, and they go on a rampage again, will it help anybody? Really help?
          Oh, the Sinhalese will get wiped out because taking South Asia as a whole they are such a small minority. But before getting wiped out, there’ll be plenty of human misery. Nothing can be done if it’s inevitable. But let’s avoid shedding the blood of (is it going to be thirty million? – Hitler’s holocaust will pale into insignificance) if there is a way out.
          Pay heed to what the foolish Sinhalese say not because you “care” but it may be that such tragedies are avoidable.
          I had a gentle, pious and wholly ineffective school Principal for a short time who tried hard to be extra-nice in referring to a Tamil caretaker and used speak of him as “Dravida-manussayek”. You still hear this sometimes. They think that “Tamil” is a bad word. Years later, I asked my class-mate, Rajan Hoole. He was mildly surprised and said that not only would “Tamil man” be more accurate, but that all Tamils are proud of their Tamil Language (oldest extant, and all that) and heritage.
          Unfortunately, I don’t know Tamil, but my elder daughter does. How? I engineered it. Did it bring rewards? Emphatically not!

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          J.R. Jayawardena was an intelligent man who became horrid – at least in his actions as a politician. Yet, he patted both my daughters on their heads when, as flower-girls they served him wedding cake when my youngest sister married a very close relative (more important associate) of the Jayawardenes. I had been at the Church Service conducted by Eran Wickremaratne’s father, Rev. Colton.. Eran had been there, he now tells me.
          I wasn’t at the Inter-Continental, then the only 5-Star hotel in the country. This was late 1985, and JRJ was very much President. I was acting in a production of “The Tempest” directed by this man:
          I wouldn’t rate the modern dress production a great success! Burge didn’t understand Sinhala culture. He put the author of this into a white national dress:
          Jude was Trinculo, and Stephano, the other comic character was played by
          My smallish part was Alonso. Burge not knowing Sanskrit, called me Paganini. It was all good humoured; he realised that I was an odd guy who knew of


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          I hope that I will be allowed this digression which is meant to prove that all these unlikely-sounding “Stories from Bandarawela” are true! Burge’s Wikipedia entry seems to have been changed recently (who will want to be associated with Sri Lanka any more?), but references to his stay in Peradeniya are here:
          Burge was studying buffaloes, but he had also been active in the National Youth Theatre, in England, and he had ideas.
          Professional actors are able master their words fast – and then forget even faster. I had done a good deal of Shakespeare acting for Augustine Tambimuttu:

          After that there was little more until Peradeniya, where I may have done too much. By the time this last production came up, I had a huge problem learning my lines, and as Alonso I didn’t have much. Prospero is the main role and it was played by:
          And the author of this (where I must make more comments)
          would have known Gishan because father
          was regular at the chaplaincy, claimed to have carried my mother when she was a baby, and didn’t know what was happening in the Physics Department from whence violence erupted in 1983.

        • 2

          So you see, shankar,
There are so many inter-connections, but I never met JRJ because I had to hurry to the Lionel Wendt to act in the play.
We all make mistakes, we all blunder, but I know that what JRJ started in 1983 was deliberate, even if he didn’t want it to go so far. And then he blamed the JVP for that.
In my view what I have heard AKD say in his speeches amounts to a sufficient apology, all things told.
I know that the JVP did some horrible things from 1978 to 1991 or thereabouts. They are not denied; they are not excused.
However, some things that were blamed on them were done by others. For instance, on 20/10/1989 STC Gurutalawa Headmaster, Bala Gunasegaram and his wife Manohari were shot and killed. I’m almost sure that they were hired thugs, and they were hunted down and killed on the explicit orders of then Defence Minister, Ranjan Wijeratne. I never personally met Wijeratne, but he too adopted brutal methods, perhaps felt them necessary. He got hundreds (or is it thousands?) summarily executed because they were JVPers. But the JVP had nothing to do with this crime.

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    Mr. Ameer, who is weaponizing religion all around to world to divide, distract, and Destabilize countries while trapping them in US Dollar Debt Colonialism?
    The CIA weaponized both Buddhism and Islam to block ‘godless’ Socialist and Communist, de-colonization and National Liberation movements in Asia and Africa 50 years ago. They also use New Churches and Evangelical Christianity and conversions to stir up trouble, so that so-called Human Rights activists can write reams about conversion debates..!
    Have you read ‘Mullahs on the Mainframe’ this is the model they/ CIA use – internet bots like Sonic Sonic –to conceal their masterminding the Easter Sunday 2019 attacks to Stir up Christians and Buddhists against Muslims.
    Now they are using the Dalai Lama to cause intra and inter-Buddhist tension like they used the Shia-Sunnis differences to divide and Rule the Muslim Middle east. Also they used Muslims in China – Uygurs and the Chechen Muslims in Russia to de-stabilize these countries as in India..
    Please read book” Cold War Monks: Buddhism and America’s Secret Strategy in Southeast Asia” including Burma and SL to understand that the Cold War is back and they are upto the same games…

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    Also, Ranil Rajapakse is in power only because he is backed by the US Force — according to Donald Lu!
    The GoSL is a puppet show for the people who today know better, but so too is the opposition.

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      A lot of people have a static view of loyalties.
      The shift to a pro-US and Pro-India line followed the election of GR as President.
      Whether it was RW, SP or SF that was picked as PM and interim President would not have changed much in the foreign policy.
      RW being elected President was a chance event, and the US liked it.
      The puppeteer can manipulate any unprincipled politician as President, but can mess up mass political theatre, as happened with Aragalaya Mark I..

  • 3

    President RW took most political observers by surprise when he announced that he will implement the 13th Amendment in full with Land and Police powers to boot.When the whole country was facing this economic downturn he brings another dimension to the crisis in the country. That too by the 75 Anniversary of Independence. Initially the Tamil political parties fell for the gundu.

    In the process he has unleashed the Saffron Brigade and the likes of Sarath Weerasekera and the Eastern Province Governor known to be a Viyath Gama enthusiast.That was the master stroke: He knew right along his 13th A. pill would cause a crisis. Is he laying the foundation for the Rajapakse return?
    Or is he telling the Indians that the Defacto rulers of the country will topple him if he goes the full hog?
    RW. has pulled the Rabbit out of the hat eh?
    To call this pinching the baby and rocking the cradle is an understatement.
    When most people in the county are struggling to make ends meet RW HAS BROUGHT THE WORST OUT OF SINHALA AND TAMIL CITIZENRY……………..

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    Dear sensitive thinkers,

    let me take you back to the recent past of our hellish politics. Our people forget everything at once. Unfortunately, that’s their weakness.
    In retrospect, no leader was given that much power in the last two elections, and Mahinda R. got it. People have been misled by their false proaganda on and on.
    This is similar to the stories of Thilin Priyamali which paralyzed the Sri Lankan media for a period of two months. The soil of SRILANKEN is fertile to easily plant untruths. Behind them are politicians and business people. Mlechchastates of people rule this nation like nothing else.
    This is how you give a donkey a better chance of winning a horse race. People don’t know what they’re doing. When would they know if society’s pundits remained deaf and blind?

    Therefore, the need of the hour would be none other than improving people’s consciousness. Whatever the JVP/NPP would chant, there’s no point in voting in elections without empowering and enhancing the knowledge of those same stupid voters. It’s just another waste of time and money.


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      2/ To achieve herd immunity, people around the globe should have been vaccinated against COVID-19, just as our population in our island nation should have been made aware of their universal right to vote and how to exercise it. Underestimation of voting power can only push us from precipice further deeper.

      Without proper mandates CBK and MS_RW governments failed to implement many reforms. This country is more a hell of criminals than rational thinkers.

      Now with both traditional big parties getting marginalized, JVP-JJB are dreaming of something that the grand parties failed. For me it’s no different than Gota’s politics. Gotas politics ended up making him a ULTRA FOOL to entire world. He will have to land in a psychiatric hospital in the days to come… not being able to face the world, if he is a normal human being….


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    Terror was eradicated from the country with the collectivity during MARA term, but people were misled that it was by RAJAPAKSA magic, albeit mistakenly for political survival.

    As our elders believe, not everyone is good at everything. Some geniuses of fascism, some peacemakers. Although the gullible majority believe that the Rajapaksas can do both, this is more delusion than anything else. The Sri Lankan media worked for their own selfish gains for the agenda of the political thugs without even thinking about the people.
    This is due to the wrong media perception of their wrong ability to rule the nation. I have met Sri Lankans who have gone to America and Europe for their own interests such as improve their economic levels (they are economic refugees to that kind of countries). Most of them are not educated. The same goes for the members of the Rajapaksa family who went in search of greener pastures in America. listen to what he has to say today about Basil’s failure..
    . it won’t be long before even school going children call him “ass”. However, the brutal POHOTTUWA organization made him the leader of this party…can you imagine?

  • 5

    Buddha Dharma is all about letting go.
    Why do we have the teachers of Buddha Dharma acting just the opposite.
    If buddhism cannot help us detach ourselves from thanha and help up towards enlightenment, what is the point?
    Something is terribly wrong.
    Buddhism is not for low IQ, rudimentary survivors such as ourselves.
    We seem to be using our primal instincts to navigate life rather than the more advanced human qualities we have acquired through evolution/civilization.
    I think it is time to jettison the fake dharma and move on, like china has done.
    Better we face the world head on and move forward than being rooted to the same old same old for millennia.

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    Ive had a chat with our local JVP guy, who contested this ward in the 2018 Elections, but this time it is his wife who is contesting. They are good enough people but limited in their outlook.
    This applies especially to what they say on economics and social affairs. However, and let me say this categorically, not in matters relating to ethnicity and religion they are more satisfactory than most Sinhalese.
    The most startling news today is this:
    That is the possible cancellation of the LGE poll on the 9th of March.
    We have allowed Language to become a huge problem. This is in English > half an hour.
    This is the NPP press conference today: 36 minutes.
    I’ve just begun listening. Must be about Ranil’s efforts to postpone elections. AKD speaking.


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