24 April, 2024


An Open Letter: My Humble Salutations To The Most Venerable Mahanayaka Theros!

By C. V. Wigneswaran

An Open Letter To The;

Most Venerable Thibbatuwawe Sri Siddhartha Sumangala Mahanayaka Thero of the Malwatte Chapter

Most Venerable Dr. Warakagoda Dhammasiddi Sri Gnanarathabidhana Mahanayaka Thero of the Asgiriya Chapter

Most Venerable Dodambahala Sri Chandrasiri Mahanayaka Thero of the Amarapura Chapter

Most Venerable Makulewe Wimalaabhidana Thero of the Ramanna Chapter

My humble salutations to the most Venerable Mahanayaka Theros!

Self Introduction

My early life had been in Kurunegala and Anuradhapura. I used to spend considerable time within the precincts of the Mahabodhi as a child taking all our visitors around the Mahabodhi. I used to also visit Ruwanwelisaya and other Vihares and Dagabos in the company of our visitors. In the 1940s before the so-called Independence, there was so much understanding and camaraderie among the Sinhalese Buddhists and Tamil Hindus. The Old Town in Anuradhapura had a high percentage of Tamil speaking people then.

In fact the Udarata Sinhalese had asked for Federalism from the Donoughmore Commissioners. If only the Tamil Leader at that time instead of being selfish had asked for Federalism instead of 50:50 we would definitely have got a Federal Constitution despite the underhand work done by DS Senanayake and Sir Oliver Goonetilleke, trying to influence the Soulbury Commissioners in England to grant a Unitary Constitution.

I was the recipient of the Mackeen Memorial Prize at Royal College in 1957 for Comparative Religions. From my student days I was interested in Comparative Religions. I have some knowledge of Buddhism and the other religions in Sri Lanka.

C. V. Wigneswaran Worships at Naga Vihara, the Buddhist Shrine | File photo

I was the Assistant Secretary of the Congress of Religions from its inception in 1965.Mr. SNB Wijeyekoon was its Secretary. It had been later incorporated in 1970 as Act No.13 of 1970. We made arrangements for the then Mahanayake Thero of the Malwatte Chapter to visit Jaffna and he in fact visited Jaffna then. Under the political leadership of Hon’ Dudley Senanayake as Prime Minister such arrangements were considered a prelude to the solving of the ethnic problem. But it was not possible to solve the ethnic problem though there was relative peace during the stewardship of Hon’ Dudley Senanayake. I believe I am the only one living among the original Members of the Congress of Religions.

I was a votary of world renowned Philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurthy in the company of Dr. EW Adikaram and Mr. Shanmuganayagam, Advocate. We had seen so much similarities between Buddhist Philosophy and the Philosophy of Krishnaji.It was Krishnaji who told me when we met for the last time at Adyar that I had heard enough of him and it was time for me to share my knowledge with others. It is the confidence given to me by Krishnaji and others which prod me to address this letter to Your Goodselves.  

I mention these facts to let you know that I am not conditioned by parochial factors. My sole concern is a scientific and religious consideration of the ethnic problem in Sri Lanka.

Epistle by Your Venerable Reverends to the President 

Reverend Sirs! 

May I refer Your Goodselves to the epistle you have addressed recently to the President regarding the 13th Amendment? According to the Thinakural (in Tamil) Your Venerable Reverends have stated as follows:

1. By granting Land and Police powers together with the right to administer archaeological sites and places of religious worship to the Provincial Councils, it would lead to separation.

2. The previous Presidents did not administer the Thirteenth Amendment fully, cognizant of the instability that it could lead to. 

3. The President is under an obligation to protect the sovereignty of the Country. Administering the Thirteenth Amendment would enrage the People.

4. The President should avoid pandering to the wishes and conditions that powerful nations might stipulate in order to grant economic benefits when this Country now faces an economic impasse. 

5. The President should desist from implementing the Thirteenth Amendment fully, using his executive powers.

Let me examine the abovesaid statements. 

1. By granting Land and Police powers together with the right to administer archaeological sites and places of religious worship to the Provincial Councils, it would lead to separation.

Response – Are the most Venerable Mahanayake Theros saying every Provincial Council would ask for separation if the President grants Land and Police powers together with the right to administer archaeological sites and places of religious worship to the Provincial Councils? If that is so, then why not? After all there are 20 cantons in Switzerland. We could have a confederation like in Switzerland allowing every Province to function independently and separately subject to certain rights of the Centre.

If the Venerable Theros think that the Provinces other than the Northern and Eastern Provinces would not want to act independently but that only the North and East would want to separate then they infer that because the North and East are Tamil speaking areas they would want to separate or act independently. In other words the Venerable Theros believe the Tamils are not satisfied being under the yoke of the Sinhalese governed Central Government and therefore the North and East must be forcibly kept under the boot of the Sinhalese without giving any freedom to the Tamil speaking people of the North and East to govern themselves. 

Was it not such thinking that has brought economic instability to the Country? How long is this Country going to prepare for war against the Tamils and spend colossal amount of foreign exchange to keep the military in readiness? And what are the Sinhalese scared about at the worst? That the Tamils of the North and East would separate and form their own Thamileelam?  How does it affect the Sinhalese? The Sinhalese never occupied the North and East in great numbers. The Buddhist remains in the North and East are those from during the time of the Demala Baudhayo.(Tamil Buddhists) (vide Demala Baudhayo by Professor Sunil Ariyaratne in Sinhala language). In any event there was no Sinhala language born during the time of the Demala Baudhayos. The Sinhala language came into being only in the 6th and 7th Centuries AD. Only those who spoke the Sinhala Language could be identified as Sinhalese. The Mahawansa never referred to a people called the Sinhalese nor to a language called Sinhala! 

Are Your Goodselves worried about separation because Your Venerable Reverends are aware that the Sinhalese have no legitimate rights whatsoever to control the Tamils? You are therefore wanting force and violence to be used on the Tamils to keep them subjugated. Is it not? Is that what Buddhism has taught your Reverends? In Aggañña Sutta, Dūgha-Nikœya it is stated 

The king, the ruler of the world, the dharmic dharma-king [P. dhammiko dhammarœja] relies just on dharma; honours dharma, reveres dharma, esteems dharma; with dharma as his standard, with dharma as his banner, with dharma as his mandate, he sets a dharma watch and bar and ward for folk within his realm […] for warrior and camp follower, for brahman and for householder, for town and country folk, for recluse and for godly man, for beast and bird alike.“

Is not Ahimsa part of Dhamma my revered Venerable Mahanayake Theros? The term Ahimsa is an important spiritual doctrine shared by Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. It literally means ‘non-injury’ and ‘non-killing’. It implies the total avoidance of harming of any kind of living creatures not only by deeds, but also by words and in thought. How could Bhikkus of your calibre and sensitivity preach something which harms a section of our People?

After all the Tamils of the North and East are asking for something which the International Law gives them the right to claim and enjoy. Article 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states as follows – All peoples have the right of self determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and frely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.

Does it not occur to Your Goodselves that not granting to the Provincial Councils Land and Police powers together with the right to administer archaeological sites and places of religious worship in their own areas would keep the Tamils without freedom under the hegemony of the Sinhalese rulers at the Centre? Is that what Buddhist Bhikkus of the highest calibre as the four of you want? To do himsa to the Tamils? 

Granting Land and Police powers to the North and East under our Unitary Constitution would not lead to separation under any circumstances. It would only curtail and to some extent control the nefarious activities carried out by the Centre and its Agents in the North and East. Do Your Goodselves want to perpetuate the wrongs done by the Centre in the North and East by requesting the Centre to not grant Land and Police powers to the North and East which they are by Law entitled?

2. The previous Presidents did not administer the Thirteenth Amendment fully, cognizant of the instability that it could lead to.

Response – Have not the previous Presidents by their shortsightedness created circumstances which brought civil war within this Country. Was it not the foolish utterance by President JR Jayewardene “if the Tamils want war let them have war; if they want peace let them have peace” which gave impetus to the  thirty years’ war in Sri Lanka?  If the Thirteenth Amendment was fully administered by the successive Presidents there was a possibility of bringing about a settlement to the ethnic problem though Thirteenth Amendment is not at all a permanent solution to our problem. Only a confederation would solve our ethnic problem permanently. Thus the non-administering of the Thirteenth Amendment caused immense instability. Why not try the full administration of the Thirteenth Amendment to see if it leads to anything worse than the Thirty Years’ War even though the full adminstration of the Thirteenth Amendment is no permanent cure for our political problems. We could in fact find out what the people of the North and East want by conducting a Referendum under the auspices of the United Nations.  

3. The President is under an obligation to protect the sovereignty of the Country. Administering the Thirteenth Amendment would enrage the People.

Response – What sovereignty are your Venerable Reverends speaking of? The Tamils of the North and East are historically and in fact a Nation by themselves. They have a defined homeland, distinct language, culture and collective consciousness. They no doubt lost their sovereignty just as the Sinhalese to the Portugese colonial conquest, followed by the Dutch and then the British. The British failed to recognise the Tamil Nation when they handed over the reigns of Government to those in power during the time of so called Independence.But that did not negate the existence of the Nationhood of the North Eastern Tamils. The Tamils continued their historical democratic struggle to share sovereignty for thirty years from the time of so called Independence. But the 1972 Constitution failed to recognise the Nationhood of the Tamils of the North and East. The elected Members of Parliament showed their disapproval in Parliament and outside it. So did the 1978 Constitution. Again the Tamil Representatives showed their regret for not recognising a historical and existential fact in the new Constitution.

Thereafter when democratic means failed during the first thirty years after so called Independence, there was a militant struggle for another thirty years. There was during the said period of violence a de facto Tamil State in the North and East for nearly thirty years which was tacitly recognised during the Internationally backed Peace Process in 2002. The Tamils at the next Election at that time fully endorsed the Earned Tamil Sovereignty.

A Nation is different from a Country or State. Several Nations could live side by side in a Country. A Nation’s sovereignty exists independent of the country’s sovereignty. A Nation consists of people of common origin, language and history. The Country could have several such Nations living side by side. The sovereignty of a Nation cannot be taken away by the Country claiming sovereignty to itself.

If the people are educated on all these matters there is nothing that our people need to get enraged about. If we hold a Referendum for the people of the North and East by the UN then there would be nothing that could enrage our People. They would have to accept the decision of the People. 

4. The President should avoid pandering to the wishes and conditions that powerful nations might stipulate in order to grant economic benefits when this Country faces an economic impasse.

Response – The economic impasse of this Country is definitely largely due to the conduct of the war at tremendous expense. Of course lots of middlemen made millions on commissions and cuts. But the Country went down economically due to the politicization of the Public Service. Was it not pandering to the wishes and conditions laid down by China when it readily gave money to Sri Lanka to boost the egos of certain Politicians which has brought us to this level of indebtedness? After all powerful Nations are trying to point out to this Country where they went wrong. Why cannot spiritual personalities like Your Goodselves who are Mahanayake Theros understand what those powerful Countries are saying? Why are you not examining their statements objectively? I do not have to remind you of the Kalama Sutta. 

It says “It is proper for you, Kalamas, to doubt, to be uncertain; uncertainty has arisen in you about what is doubtful. Come Kalamas! Do not go upon what has been acquired by repeated hearing; nor upon tradition; nor upon rumor; nor upon what is in a scripture; nor upon surmise; nor upon an axiom; nor upon specious reasoning; nor upon a bias towards a notion that has been pondered over; nor upon another’s seeming ability; nor upon the consideration ‘This monk is our teacher.’

Kalamas! when you yourselves know: ‘These things are bad; these things are blamable; these things are censured by the wise; undertaken and observed these things lead to harm and ill,’ abandon them!”

Let not Your Reverends lead the people of this Country down wrong and precipitous paths by Your Reverends’ impulsive statements!

5. The President should desist from implementing the Thirteenth Amendment fully, using his executive powers.

Response – The President using his executive powers under our Unitary Constitution to fully implement the Thirteenth Amendment is not going to solve the Tamils’ basic problem of Sinhala hegemony over them. The President knows at least the full implementation of the Thirteenth Amendment would show this Country in a better light to the rest of the world at a time when this Country is going round the World with a begging bowl.

We are asking for a confederal system to get out of the hegemonic hold that the Sinhalese people and their Politicians have over us. Your Reverends are saying don’t give anything to the Tamils. As between the President and Your Goodselves don’t you find yourselves on the side of extremism compared to the President? I thought the Buddha preached the Middle Path! 

Venerable Sirs! Let me tell you the truth of what happened. DS Senanayake influenced the Soulbury Commissioners by sending O. E. Goonetilake to England to meet the Commissioners before they came to Sri Lanka.  Somehow he wanted a Unitary Constitution which would give overall powers to the Centre and therefore to the majority community the Sinhalese. 

Having got a Unitary Constitution and the corresponding hold on the entire Country, the Sinhalese went on to capture the reins of Government throughout the entire Island. No Sinhala Politician is now prepared to lose the grip they got through the Unitary Constitution.

It is the Unitary Constitution that gives the Sinhalese the power to control the Tamil speaking People of the North and East not that the Sinhalese have any claims or rights historically or otherwise over the North and East.

The Tamil speaking People have always occupied the North and East continuously for over 3000 years. If Your Reverends do not accept what I say Your Good Selves could ask His Excellency the President to appoint a panel of Historians consisting of   Sinhalese, Tamil, Muslim, Indian and International Historians to sit together and write our ancient History officially.


I remain 

Yours Truly


Justice C. V. Wigneswaran MP

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Latest comments

  • 26

    The Mahasanga is the scourge of Sri Lanka.
    The sinhala south should give autonomy to the Tamil , Muslim North an East.

    However the constitution should ensure the rights of all SriLankans to operate freely in all areas of the island.

    Will the Tamils Muslims allow the Sinhalese to own property and do business in predominantly Tamil Muslim areas.

    If there is mutual trust and respect amungst all comunities 13A if a feasible solution.

    • 22

      “The Mahasanga is the scourge of Sri Lanka.”
      The Mahasangha and the Mahawamse are the only problems in this beautiful island. All the rest such politics, violence, crimes, corruption are due to them or linked with them. Tamil – Sinhala and Economic Crimes are associated with Buddhist Fundamentalism only after British. It is sad and digrace for the country where Buddhists became sole responsibility to those problems. Buddhism is originated in this country and it is brought to this country as a peaceful relegion which is turned into a terrorist nation. Today this country is begging from many Christian, Muslim and Hindu countries but Buddist nations have become terrorist and peaceless country. Why should the author beg to those who are not bothered about people but only violence.

      • 3

        “My Humble Salutations To The Most Venerable Mahanayaka Theros!”

        Mr C. V. Wigneswaran,

        Instead of writing the above nonsense, ……… people would have more respect for you, if you had written “My eternal damnation to you worthless good for nothing divisive trouble-causing deadbeat parasites who have never done a single honest day’s work in your lives.”

        You know as well as I, it’s much closer to the truth than your salutation.

        As you get older, is the truth harder to blurt out? ….. needs sugar-coated-flattery, eh?

    • 21

      Tamils and Tamil Muslims in the north and east have always welcomed and allowed Sinhalese to own property and do business in the north and east but do not welcome state-sponsored Sinhalese colonization and ethnic cleansing in their areas to using all the resources of the state, armed forces, police and fake concocted history to deliberately change the demography of their areas. Tamils and Tamils Muslims do not do this down south but come there and purchase lands and start businesses with their own funds also do not try to change the Sinhalese character, history and names of the area, which Sinhalese try to do in Tamil areas with the support of the Sri Lankan state

  • 8

    We are all human and equal and have equal protection of the law. Instead of getting frustrated throughout life, why not simply believe we are all Sri Lankan and not feel insecure like the robed ones wanting to be superior to the non clergy. When among British, her crown and sceptre were removed, she went to the grave as sister Elizabeth. On the other side there are only white robes for all. The evil and the wicked will not keep company. Just to this short life on earth is added the whole of eternity, when there are clean hands and pure hearts.

  • 18

    What makes the monks so knowledgeable about matters of state? In my understanding of Buddhism, a Buddhist monk is a person who has given up the material world to seek enlightenment to achieve Nirvana. Therefore, has no worldly possessions & the objective is to provide spiritual guidance to those seeking spirituality. This can be seen in Buddhist monasteries, such as, Amaravathi in UK where the monks lead a simple life & imparting their knowledge on Buddhist philosophy to ley people.
    In UK, the Church is represented in the House of Lords in Parliament but does not get involved in politics. It is only in countries where religious fanatics rule, such as, Iran, that religious leaders call the shots. The current protests & the violent crackdown in Iran indicates their oppressive governance, all in the name of religion. If the influence of the Buddhist monks over matters of state is not controlled, we will soon be having a country with Buddhist ‘Sharia’ law, enforced by thugs in robes.

    • 7

      Raj UK, by marching against Thamizh’s( Hindu Christian and Muslim) rights, meaningful devolution, land and police rights, use of Thamizh language, meaningful education, employment for the island’s Thamizh and then burning a copy of the sec 13A Indo Sri Lankan international agreement now even sanctioned by the UN, these racist Chingkalla Buddhist monks did not burn the agreement but burnt everything decent and humane, the last hope for the country to reconcile live peacefully and prosper, as well as real Buddhism and what Lord Buddha preached and stated hurrah to Chingkalla Buddhist Fascism.

  • 5

    Mr C. V. Wigneswaran,

    You are carrying out Ranil’s contract to the letter! ……… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IddmUkXi4FI

    Diversionary tactics.

    When all you old gents, septuagenarians, octogenarians stop playing games …….. many will be dead …….. and ……. no one will have freedom.

    And the new wouldn’t want to be born.

    • 9

      The country is bankrupt.

      13A at this time ……. is the only trick Ranil could’ve pulled out to survive. A smart move.

      I’m sure, like his camouflaged thugs attacking the peaceful Aragalaya …….. he now has mobs ready to burn down Tamil shops/businesses/homes.

      Right out of Uncle JR’s playbook.

      Stevie Wonder could’ve seen this coming …….. why not you, Native? ……. Ranil, your man, eh?

      • 5

        Dear nimal,
        Almost no Sinhalese wants Provincial Councils. There are those who take the racist line, but with people like us it is not that. Implementing the 13th Amendment will create more corrupt politicians in the “seven Southern Provinces” and they are usually a hindrance here.
        The North and East want them so passionately that I wouldn’t want to oppose the 13th Amendment.
        Justice must be done to the minorities, but not by bringing it in like this. It has to come with the active support of a majority of the Sinhalese. That this is pure mischief on Ranil’s part is clear to us but many of our people just don’t THINK.
        SJ and old codger have made comments here,
        but not NV, Ramona and YOU. How do YOU manage to unearth things like this?

      • 4

        “13A at this time ……. is the only trick Ranil could’ve pulled out to survive. A smart move”
        I suggested that this was the line a few weeks ago.
        Ranil is the bad cop. Mahinda is the good cop, laying low at the moment, but will come riding in on time to worship the Mahanayakas and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat for the Pohottuwa. Suits them both, because Ranil has been a devolution fan for a long time, and MR is anything but.
        Sajit gets left behind in the dust.

        • 2

          Who will bite the dust, old codger?

  • 4

    Always believed Ranil is a man of great integrity: he hasn’t disappointed …….. hasn’t let anyone down ……… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGUxiOD4rAI

    Slowly but surely Mahinda and the Rajapakses’ reputation getting resurrected inch by inch ……. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcm4QXF7fiY

    Native, your newest heroes ……. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-4Rqz8pdr0

  • 18

    The unruly conduct of the Buddhist Monks on the streets of Colombo yesterday, pushing and jostling the Policemen on duty has sent a strong message to the International community. This message is that the problem in Srilanka is not between the Sinhala and Tamil citizens but it is the Saffron clad Buddhist Monks who have wedged themselves to perpetuate the misery of its citizenry………..

    • 1

      They have been the manifestation of problems in relations between the communities. Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Parsis, Christians and Catholics!!If there was smooth relationship between communities these scroungers deem their importance is diminished – because useless!!??
      What do these saffron robed do to propagate the Buddha Dhamma??

  • 17

    The only reason that the rogues in saffron robes dont want the 13th amendment implemented fully is because they relise that if done the tamil areas will prosper and flourish whereas the sinhala areas with the control of the rogues in saffron robes will RETARD further than the current econonic situation which has RETARDED to the status at the time of independence of ceylon.

  • 9

    Why do we need to kajol these primal idiots clad in yellow.
    If they really knew something about true Buddha Dharma, you wouldn’t have to convince them to do the right thing.
    They would know not to be driven by extreme attachment to things of the world.
    The fact that they do not see other races equally worthy of human rights and freedoms, tells you volumes about the mindset of these worthless scum.
    Our Sri Lankan society should detach ourselves from emotional bondage to illusions of nonexistent greatness in the external attributes of characters we strive to hold in high esteem.
    As long as the ways of such people do not coincide with the dharma, we should not deceive ourselves for even a moment, condemn such bastards and banish them.
    At least then, such people will put some effort into doing the right thing.
    This goes to politicians as well
    If you think about it, we seem to be indulging these worthless idiots by giving them unworthy treatment.

  • 5


  • 4

    If the ordinary people protested against this, it would have more meaning. But that the Mahanayakes are doing so yet again is very scary for country unity. Imho, full 13th shouldn’t be implemented, but half of it….half of it meaning half of each of the parts, and not separation of complete entities like saying no to police powers for the Tamils. Instead, it should be half-and-half of Sinhalese and Tamils in the police force. Likewise with land rights.

    • 1

      What you are proposing is “inching gradually and steadily towards ‘50/50’ policy in administration or executive branch’ of Governance, which GGP wanted in Parliament, classified as ‘COMMUNAL’ and Destined and remains in the BIN!!!???
      We have come a full circle over the last 75 years, haven’t we!!???
      it’s similar if not identical to what GGP proposed at independence based on the performance of the Donoughmore Commission!!??
      We continue to go in circles, with no traction and forward movement of Society!!??
      What for the telling!!!???? Its SPLENDID, Positive and Thought Provoking!!
      GGP may well have foreseen events been right too!!!

      • 2

        OC…….army is quite different from the police. Army has access to a vast range of weapons. Police is more localized and people centered…..very necessary for the people in their province.

      • 2

        Provinces is quite different from central government and parliament. There they will remain 12.5%, + 5% for good measure.

    • 3

      “Instead, it should be half-and-half of Sinhalese and Tamils in the police force”
      In a country that can’t get 5% Tamils in the army?
      You are so naive.

      • 1

        OC…….army is quite different from the police. Army has access to a vast range of weapons. Police is more localized and people centered…..very necessary for the people in their province.

  • 8

    Thank you Vigneswaran and well said. The original agreement was for the North East combined provincial council with land and police rights, recognising the ancient historic homeland of the Eelam Tamils and the Tamil speakers and the rest of the country, as another unit the historic homeland of the Sinhalese. However crafty JR deliberately created eight provincial councils which were unnecessary, not needed and a waste of money and resources, to deliberately sabotage the agreement and devolution for the island’s Tamils/Tamil speakers and watered it down by deliberately not granting land and police rights, as they would have greatly allowed the Tamils and Muslim Tamils of the north and east to safeguard their lands from further state-sponsored Sinhalese encroachment and colonization.

    • 9

      The Sinhalese even before independence never wanted to provide any reasonable rights for the island’s Tamil speakers and had plotted and planned to use their majority under a unitary form of government that was given to them by the British in 1833, by creating a new colony called Ceylon by merging the then separate Sinhalese and Tamil parts of the island, to convert the entire island into a Sinhalese Buddhist land, as promised to them by the Mahavamsa, which they could not do until the British arrived and created Ceylon in 1833. The Gullible and foolish Tamil leaders at the time of independence did not care or were taken for a ride by the fake promise of DS Senanayake and other Sinhalese and other Sinhalese leaders that everything will be fine and did not press for a federal form of government, which I am sure the British would have granted.

      • 9

        The rest is history. Soon after independence one million Indian-origin estate Tamils who had lived on the island for more than 100 years and then earned most of the foreign exchange, were made stateless, a form of apartheid, with no right to vote or anything. Then came the large-scale colonization of Tamil lands in the east Galoya( Pattipalai Aru) in Tamil Amparai and Kantalai in Trincomalee. In 1956 the Sinhala only of Bandaranaike and the gradual erosion and denial of rights to employment, higher education, land and language rights to the island’s Tamil speakers by each successive Sinhalese government culminating in the July 1983 pogrom, the 30-year-old war and the horrific war crimes and planned genocide by the Rajapakses in May 2009.

      • 9


        DS Senanayake and other Sinhalese and other Sinhalese leaders that everything will be fine and did not press for a federal form of government, which I am sure the British would have granted.

        That is not correct. Even as late as in 1960s, which was after, Indian Pakistani Citizenship act, MMDA, Sinhala Only, 1956 riots and beating up of Tamil MPs in Galle Face Green, 1958 Pogrom, refusal of Ceylon Supreme Court to implement the Privy Council’s direction on Kedeeswan case, 1961 Satyagraha, 1957 Sinhala Siri implementation…. Lord Soulbury said, “I still cannot accept that the Federal system could have done any good for Tamils, Unitary is the best for Tamils and Sinhalese”. I wonder if he too was bribed by many other officials who came to study the Ceylon Sinhala Buddhist cruelties. Two years ago, a UNHRC official came to study about up country Tamils and gave back a report that they have no problems at all. If you have not seen it you should be able to see it in recent UNHRC reports. Man, so nasty report about the poor upcountry Tamils. I was wondering why the UNHRC wasted money on such a study.

      • 8

        Don Stephen negotiated Unitary for the Airports and Trinco harbor. Same as that time Tamil Modaya Ministers who ratified the 1948 constitution for minister posts, Britain too was fooled on that. SJV was first to properly study who the Sinhala Intellectual politicians are. Not Sir Pon Ramanathan ot his brother or GG or even mow Sampanthan Aiyya or Sumanthiran PC.

        You might have read what the South Korean Consultants for investments said to the Sinhala Buddhist Minister about his tardiness and don’t care attitude for the country’s problems. But the ex-UN SG, Ban Ki Moon, just from the same country, and came to do investment consultancy said that he knows that Evil is doing a great job. He was the one willingly shut off all UN offices at that time to ensure that the war would take place without any international witnesses.

    • 1

      Siva sankaran,
      As you know the indo Lanka accord was forced on us by India. Even this very accord clearly stated North East Merger was a temporary one and an election was to happen after one year. India did not or could not hold on to their end of the bargain, so India is not in a position to tell us what to do or not do. But every now and then India makes a statement saying that the 13th amendment has to be implemented. Your biggest gift to us is sending Rajiv Gandhi to haven. If India was not behind the Sri Lankan political leadership, we may never have carried out the war to crush LTTE. During the last few months of the war Sonia Gandhi personally spoke to Srima Dissanayake and said she and her son should support the then government to finish the LTTE. (Payback time from Sonia). It is very unlikely any political leader will devolve complete land and police powers to a Tamil administration. Recently a former Chief Minister of East who is a Muslim said, that under no circumstances will Muslims allow a merger of North and East. For you Tamils, the sinhalese being settled in East (and Vanni) may be colonisation, but for us sinhalese it is moving back to our purana villages.

    • 2

      Dear Siva Sankaran Sharma,
      The name is Wigneswaran, Kindly avoid misspelling.
      Better address him as Justice Wigneswaran.
      Thank you.

      • 4

        Nathan traditionally Tamils use V instead of W in English to spell names like Vigneswaran, and Vignarajah as it is the “V” sound and not the “W ” sound that phonetically comes when you pronounce this name. There is a difference in the sound if you pronounce the alphabet “W ” sound correctly, it is rounded and a sort of slight whistling form/sound comes. However, most South Asians do not pronounce the word W properly and make the more guttural “V ” sound even when they pronounce the letter ” W” . Hence they freely exchange the letters V and W, when they write their names. However, the point is noted as Justice Wigneswaran spells his name with a W instead of the letter V like most Tamils do and should spell it the way he does. With regards to his name, I usually spell it as Wigneswaran but accidentally spelt it as Vigneswaran, the way it is usually spelt in English by most Tamils. I did address him as justice but when posting it got omitted and did not notice. Thanks for pointing this out. Hope you are happy.

  • 7

    4. The President should avoid pandering to the wishes and conditions that powerful nations might stipulate in order to grant economic benefits when this Country faces an economic impasse.

    The correct answer for that para is, Kandy Ayatullahs had spent all the loans received from the other countries on Benzes, Foreign Label bottles, Thailand – Ukraine tourists, and the Jaffna, Rapist Army smuggling puffs. Now they are telling the IMF “Hey begger bugger, you, do you hear us? Would you mind throwing our share in this direction if you do not want us to complain about you to China? “Let them go and sleep with China and howl into the ears of Pres Xi Jinping with a loudspeaker the whole night. Why should the international money be spent on these arrogant elites, instead of the poors in many countries? What a gut to write like that for these senile old souls.

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      Mallaiyuran, I am fully aware of what Lord Soulbury stated and in my opinion like the good old Lord Nasby, for various reasons which I do not know, he was highly and cunningly influenced by then highly westernised Sinhalese politicians and elite and thought that being good pseudo-Englishmen and women, that they portrayed themselves to be, they will do the correct thing by the island’s Tamils and also wanted to save the British interests, the then British owned huge tea estates, the Katunayaka airport and base and Trincomalee harbour and base. The Sinhalese cunningly dangled all this and gave control of these interests to the British for some time and then took it away. Was not aware of the UNHCR report by an official damning the victims. Anyway, the Sinhalese are very good at all these games but not at developing and providing a just and peaceful land. However, still think if the then puffed-up Colombo-based Tamil leadership and elite had insisted and demanded a federal setup, and pressed hard for it the British would have granted it, however, these people did not.

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        In my opinion, they were too self-conceited about their importance, education and intellect, to realize the Sinhalese elite, with their native cunningness, were taking them for a ride. Moreover, many of these so-called Tamil elite families were heavily intermarried into these Sinhalese elite families, one big family and never thought this will also one day come to affect them, thought if anything happened only ordinary middle-class Tamils like you and I the Tamil poor and peasants will be affected. This is why they did not care about the estate Tamils. They were bribed by ministries and were deliberately demanding stupid things like 50/50, to muddy the waters which were not attainable instead of a federal setup to safeguard the Eelam Tamil homeland, heritage, history, culture and language. Which was attainable. Are you aware that Oliver Goonetilleka’s daughter was married to Thirukumar Nadesan’s father’s brother Sathananthan? This is how all these Sinhalese and Colombo-based Tamil elite families and leaders were closely connected to each other. It was only from SJV Chelvanayagam’s leadership that things started to change.

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    1) What is the term used to describe a police force who are unable to communicate with the local community in their native language? Is it referred to as an occupation force? How widespread is this issue across the world?

    2) It is impossible to achieve true equality without the establishment of secularism in the country. No matter how much devolution is pursued.

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    Nathan traditionally Tamils use V instead of W in English to spell names like Vigneswaran, and Vignarajah as it is the “V” sound and not the “W ” sound that phonetically comes when you pronounce this name. There is a difference in the sound if you pronounce the alphabet “W ” sound correctly, it is rounded and a sort of slight whistling form/sound comes. However, most South Asians do not pronounce the word W properly and make the more guttural “V ” sound even when they pronounce the letter ” W” . Hence they freely exchange the letters V and W, when they write their names. However, the point is noted as Justice Wigneswaran spells his name with a W instead of the letter V like most Tamils do and should spell it the way he does. With regards to his name, I usually spell it as Wigneswaran but accidentally spelt it as Vigneswaran, the way it is usually spelt in English by most Tamils. I did address him as justice but when posting it got omitted and did not notice. Thanks for pointing this out. Hope you are happy.

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    CV wrote a long letter but he missed one vital point.
    He failed to say please
    stay away from politics and preach racial and religious harmony in the true Buddhist tradition

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