3 May, 2024


Female Tigers Were Raped: A “The Killing Fields” Contributor Speaks Up


They Weren’t Even Cubs

Benjamin Dix

I got to Sri Lanka two days after the tsunami in 2004 where I worked for the UN. I was evacuated on September 16, ’08. All the UN aid agencies and NGOs were ordered to evacuate from Kilinochchi that morning as the Lankan government said they could no longer offer protection to us. The UN gave in and decided to pull out. There was no pressure actually and I am quite critical of what the UN did at that time. At least 2,50,000 civilians lived in the north. The next 2-3 days, there were civilians protesting in front of our office, pleading with us not to leave. We were told if we left they would lose the only witnesses they had. We were the international witness to the war but we jumped into our cars and left.

In those few weeks before the pullout, the UN had reached an agreement which essentially meant that if any explosives or air attacks took place where we worked, we must evacuate immediately. There were aid organisations from the world over. And at that point the army was closing in—a pincer-like movement from Mullatheevu and Jaffna.

Killing Fields Suspected LTTE men stripped and shot

As the army advanced, we realised we were less and less able to help the people. Tens of thousands of people were heading from all over the north, Vavuniya and Mullatheevu, heading towards Kilinochchi. It was becoming an impossible situation for us humanitarian workers to try and find secure shelter, water and food for these desperate people. At the same time, the A-9 road that led to Kilinochchi was becoming compromised. Checkpoints by the army led to embargoes on kerosene, diesel and food items. Basically, we were being squeezed out.

The LTTE political and civil HQ was at Kilinochchi while the military headquarters was in Mullatheevu. On September 10, my office in Kilinochchi came under heavy air attack, for unbeknownst to us the LTTE had put an intelligence installation in one of the civilian homes. At 6 am, two jets came swooping down and a bomb exploded, killing four civilians. Some of the shrapnel narrowly missed my leg. It was getting plain dangerous.

Six hundred people outside our compound were pleading with us not to go. We just turned our backs and left. Even the LTTE called and asked us not to leave as they saw the UN as shields. But we left and we know civilians and LTTE members were killed after that.

I am not an Indian citizen but I think India has a moral obligation to do something here. I am no one to comment on India’s external relations and internal decisions and I don’t want to take a position on the resolution before the UN human rights council. But I believe the UN let down the Tamils in Sri Lanka, that horrific war crimes took place, that there were large-scale violations of international laws. It’s not just a question for India, we all have an obligation to the people who were trapped in the conflict. Perpetrators of that violence are sitting in government, representing Sri Lanka at the UN and in delegations to other states.

The Rajapakse administration say they need to move on. How will the country heal? There are people in Sri Lanka from all communities, people who have left and others who felt compelled to leave and are in Chennai, Zurich and Toronto who now lead completely destroyed lives.

I remember the brutality. Around the same time the civilians were coming out, there were checkpoints where everyone was asked to strip and checked. Female Tigers were raped. Those were the gruesome days and they have been well chronicled by some of my colleagues. There was a lot of abuse of women, as is evident from the images in the Channel 4 documentary, The Killing Fields. A large number of these Tigers were kids, civilians suddenly given a gun and forced to join up by the LTTE. At the end of the war, when the remaining Tigers were taken to the rehabilitation camps, many disappeared, many others were killed in cold blood. My security guard was a skinny, lovely guy who was taken by the Tigers. He was 21 years old. Forced to go to the frontline, he died there.

This may have been a successful counter-insurgency operation but morally, under international law, it was absolutely reprehensible.


(Dix was an aid worker in north Sri Lanka during the war. He also contributed to The Killing Fields. )

—As told to Anuradha Raman

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  • 0

    We heard this before from Gordon Weiss.The same old story.Aren’t there any former UN personal to tell us of such stories of what took place when the US forces invaded Iraq?Surely slaughter of over a million civilians is news.No,their only grief is about the events that was supposed to have taken place in Srilanka.Why only Srilanka?Is that the slaughter of Iraqi civilians was quite in order?These former UN personal who shed crocodile tears,were they deaf and blind when the barbaric Tamil Tiger terror machine was at full steam?If these former UN personal are truly concerned about civilian deaths,then they should first focus their search light towards Iraq,Afghanistan and Libya.At this very moment civilians are slaughtered in Libya by various US backed war lords.Where are the UN mouthpieces?By the way i see that these UN personal who come up with various stories are whites.Hardly any blacks or coloreds.Is it a co incidence?The bottom line is that these former UN employees cannot maintain a luxury type of life style with the meagre pension that they receive.Thus the money they receive from Tamil Tiger terrorists have done the trick.These former UN hoodlums in the caliber of Gordon Weiss,Benjamin Dix are shedding crocodile tears for the simple reason [Edited out].White men in the payoff of the brownies!

    • 0

      Max Silva (If that is your name and I don’t doubt it is because you Nazis have protection from we-know-who for your activities) haven’t you and your ilk tired of comparing your masters to Hitler et al in your attempts to make them “less bad.” I have no doubt that the compensation for such services is more than adequate, but are you truly WITHOUT SHAME! One thing you’d better remember: you lot seem to be infinitely worse than Adolf and his legions in the matter of GRATUITOUS cruelty. I don’t know whether it will ever come, but you and your masters deserve something more severe than Nurmberg dished out!

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        I didn’t know that badmouthing Benjamin has gotten you into a frenzy.Borukaraya,there’s no doubt that, right this moment you are massaging Benjamin’s stinking feet!The professional toe lickers!

  • 0

    And I thought this was over now.
    What a Dix head!
    There are no wars without brutality. It was a final war not a counter insurgency operation and I want you to point out one that was fought according to International law since World War 1.
    Your security guard was sent to the frontline by the LTTE not the Sri Lankan Government. That sentence was probably included to show you are balanced? People’s protests were also due to the lack of food and basics since the LTTE was rationing food and using WHO food aid sacks to fortify bunkers. Very silent on these aspects including the INGOs hauling weapons in their vehicles, donating satellite equipment, etc.
    India showed it’s true hand and it’s naked face so, what are you still squeaking about?
    Oh yes, there was absolutely no rape on the part of the LTTE for 30 years. Not a single one died due to LTTE atrocities because they were distributing Bon bons and toys!
    Still ranting? Go to the Arab world. That is where the misery industry is thriving now. You’d even be able to make some money. You creatures have benefitted far too long from colored people’s grief. Your own stuff is on the way.

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    Don’t worry Dix, Sinhala racists always like Max and Chandrani. I think you know it, you live years in blood paradise .

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      When the Tamil tiger terror machine was in full swing the Sihalese were not racists.But after the elimination of the barbaric terror out fit the Sinhalese are racists.The blood thirsty Tamil tiger terrorists were not racists.The terrorists chased the Muslims from the Jaffna peninsula within 24 hrs.But still the Tamil terrorists are no racists.Damn set of phonies.

      • 0

        Who started the whole episode.please go back to history in 1957.the selfish Banda wanted to find a short cut to come to pawer.He started and other continued.still ciontinuing.learned Colvin r de silva predicted one language two nations and two languages.This wS long predictedYou wait and see what happens.

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      Haven’t those two old Sinhala bags Nimalka and Sunila whose “use before”date which has long expired complained that they have been raped?Rape and snatching the gold chain stories are outdated con gimmicks.

  • 0

    Be informed that I do not need to depend on the misery and blood of others to survive. The blood flow in Sri Lanka has come to a halt but there is an entire system out there that will make sure it will continue to flow in some continent or another to ensure profits as well as survival.
    And here you are putting words in my mouth. White People like your little Dix will “you know it, live years in blood paradise”
    Still want to take me on?

    • 0

      You and your blood brother, Max Silva, are truly something to behold! Not even in horror comics do people like you exist. And to think, that you are real flesh and blood creatures with the capacity to add to a modern Hitler’s hordes!

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        What a shame that,that wonderful human being “Velu” departed so early!Borukaraya before you enplane to hell pl give me a call.I have a parcel(brand new human flesh) to be delivered to that wonderful human being “Velu”.

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    Those nasty Tamil Tiger females got what they deserved! In which war have been not been raped?

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    *have women not been raped.

  • 0

    It was the LTTE that was following and making an example of the Hitler’s Hordes. Two words – Mein Kampf.

  • 0

    Here is a picture of a 15-year-old Afghan child, murdered by US troops, his murderers posing with his body. The nudity of the corpse and the blood on its legs are far more evident of violent rape or sexual assault than any of the SL pictures. But no one has brought charges of rape against these troops.

      • 0

        Ordinarly, a naked body neednt mean rape.

        But when the bodies are found blindfolded and hands tied at the back? You might strip corpses but surely you are not silly enough to blindfold them?

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        How do blindfolds and bound hands indicate rape if nudity doesn’t???

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    y u cer if we raype and killll. we killl all tamil. shri lanka for sinhala only. go beck to nadu. jaya shri.

  • 0

    United Nation is not an Honest Organization, They could have prevented many past Genocides if they were quick & honest, we know how idle they stood in Congo when Tutsies & Hutu tribes were massacring each other, still no inquiry for Shabra & Shattila massacre in Lebanon, Israel bomb kill massacre the poor Palestinian civilians on a daily basis, Goldstone report is torn & put in dustbin.

    UNITED NATION NEEDS TO BE CHANGED. All of us should contribute for a change.

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      Stop your agony Jim.That US resolution is what you asked for!

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        Max somebody in this C.T forum said you are consistent, he is right.

    • 0

      I totally agree with you.If the UN had blasted those stupid Tamil Tigers long ago,it could have saved a lot of grief for all of us.Anyway Jim, i am sure that the US resolution is tasty.You stupid,don’t eat it but suck till we give you another Popsicle in another name. Oh!by the way hows that toe licking business going on?The official toe lickers to the world,the proud Tamil Tigers.

  • 0

    You dumb nuts can only talk about killing fields when the damn LTTE was wiped out of our motherland, why cannot you talk about the gruesome killing fields when the tamil terrorists butchered & massacred innocent sinhalese children and people, Tamil Nadu why dont you want to fight for a separate state in your country, why do you have to poke yourself in our internal affairs, why dont you take all the tamils from SL and house them in tamil nadu

    • 0

      Do you know why they don’t talk about the deeds of Tamil Tiger butchers?You silly,it’s $$$$$$$$$$$.

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    dear benjamin dix female tigers raped by LTTE whhile they on training any may have enjoyed in mulathew and jaffna because some given to NGO satisfaction whats the wrong with army ? us troops,nato they do same on war rape dying one.you must have missed your loved one.

  • 0

    Ofcoure A KILLING FIELDS CONTRIBUTOR WILL speak up on behalf of this Manufactured Controversy… How else would they promote it.. Imean Just Look at the First killing Fields.. It did nit do much as CH4 did not promote it.. but when it had come to the second Docu drama .. It pre released the clips.. sent its CONTRIBUTOR’s out to Talk about the Socalled Gruesome points.. Now if these people were really concerned about Human Rights.. why Wait and Time to Show this Manufactured Controversy… Now some of the Points.. Can you also pls point out to the world where else Air-Strikes and Drone srtikes have not Killed civilians??? and Also ever heard of the ‘battle of haditha’ where the US with its Iraqi Para-military groups leveled the city in response to US troops being Killed… So where was the UN then??? And waht about the Daily Abuses that occur in Indian Occupied J&K and Manipur.. where are the UN… the many Afghan towns and villeges where countless atrocities occur,, I mean we all know you cant condem the US and they will cut your funding along with many other NGO’s.. THE ONLY REASON WE ARE PICKED ON IN LANKA.. WE HAVE A WEAK COUNTER PROPERGANDA UNIT.. BAD DIPLOMATS WHO CANT EXPLAIN OUR CAUSE.. THE LANKAN EXPAT COMMUNITY WHICH HAS FAILED TO EVEN CONTRIBUTE TO THE LANKAN CAUSE… aND I WONDER IF THIS PERSON WATCHED THE LANKAN COUNTER FILM MADE… WAS IT EVEN GIVEN AIR TIME BY CH4??? SO YOU SAY THIS ‘unbeknownst to us the LTTE had put an intelligence installation in one of the civilian homes’ SO WAS IT unbeknownst TO YOU THAT THE LTTE TOOK AN ENTIRE POPULATION BY GUN POINT AS HUAM SHIELDS?? AND CAN YOU ALSO POINT OUT WHY checkpoints where everyone was asked to strip and checked???? aS THIS IS A STANDARD PRACTICSE BY US AND ISREALI FORCES TO HUNT OUT SUICIDE BOMBS.. so you did not see the socalled rapes occuring.. you are reffering to the Clips of CH4….GOSL should put the pictures out of how the ngos sitting with terrorist by the beach and enjoying bbq..

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    was it unbeknownst to this contributor to have the LTTE shut down the many suicide bomb factories in the wanni.. and unbeknownst to the contributor the black femal tigers training to carry out suicide bombings in the wanni.. i mean did the contributor walk around the wanni with his eyes shut??? and as he say his lovely minder..sorry body guard…did he prevent you from going to places in the wanni ti inspect these sites.. now in many terrorist controlled hot spots the un have said they can do their jobs as the minders or in your case lovely body guards prevent them from inspecting and doing their job.. so we have to ask the question how did so much of the unbeknownst occurance happend to the UN since 2004.. the heavy weapons which were brought in to prolong the war.. the training of child soldiers, the shooting of LTTE dissidents.. while you and your lovely minder sorry bodyguard were wondering around the wanni???? once again the UN operatives should operate independently.. and not with lovely body guards from the very side they are there to observe… can you imagine if these happend in other parts in the world for instance in the mid east where the un observers wonder around with lovely body guards.. there will be alot of unbeknownst.. this guy should have reported this to the UN.. so much for being impartial

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    my mother used to get paid and when my father asked where she got the money from she said the Sinhalese soldier raped her and paid her money. Then mother used to be beaten with the thumboo kata. Aiyo aniyaya. If I was not a black man then theould think my mother got paid to make me. Everyone in the village said my mother used to stand up and make a lot of money. Then she kneels down more money.

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      if your mother stil live i will pay more than soilders now the war is over.

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    What a Drama the Geneva Conference was? The Americans who pretend to be concerned about Human Rights is running with the hare and hunting with the hound. When hard evidence of torture and killing of captives in custordy, surface in Killing Fields our Pseudo Patriots shout loud that they are doctored. The Americans in order to hide their involvement in the War Drama, having helped the Rajapaksas, talks big about a ‘Resolution Against Sri Lanka’. This enables MR to hype the masses to demonstrate against the US. What is this big Resolution? where the US spoke of Sanctions earlier? To get the LLRC proposals implemented by MR govt. What a JOKE of a Resolution? India who were party to the War Drama, also meekly agrees with the US, as otherwise they get exposed. With the passage of time the US believes, as Louis Arbor, Bruce Fien, Gordon Weiss,Navi Pillai, David Milliband and a host of other’s voices will fade. IF THE US IS REALLY KEEN ON WAR CRIMES IN SRI LANKA, THOSE INTERESTED IN HUMAN RIGHTS SHOULD GET THE US TO QUESTION AND TAKE ACTION AGAINST GOTABAYA RAJAPAKSA AND BASIL RAJAPAKSA, THE BROTHERS OF THE PRESIDENT MR, HOLDING IMPORTANT OFFICE WHO ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS. Why the Americans have not questioned them even once is because it is the Rajapaksas who are the brief carriers of the Americans. I am personally aware that our delegates, the Lawyers to Geneva make ritual visits, before Geneva Meetings, to the US to be briefed what to say. This Resolution has no time frame. Very soon Elections to the North will be held and KP will be the Chief Minister to the North repalcing the TNA by rigging the Elections. Then like Karuna who was given a false Passport as Kokila Gunawardene by Gotabaya Rajapaksa to be deported from the UK is above the Law and is seen demonstrating with the MPs shouting slogans against the US. KP too would join the band wagon very soon and the Human Rights Activists will die a natural death.

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    the president of sri lanka did not win the war which he claims so but he tried to destroy the origin of a race, but also what i should mention is that even though the s.l army killed many people brutally and harassed women and children didnt the LTTE do the same to the sri lankans didnt they kill millions and millions of people by either in a shoot-out or in bomb explosions. i dont mean to support the s.l but didnt the LTTE kill their own people on “trying to win the rights of the tamils”? but all the same everyone involved in the war in sri lanka should be ashamed of themselves on trying to let all these happen, everyone should be blamed for such cruelty. in future maybe s.l wont get any international recognition due to these incidents. its a disgrace to the human race because of killers like them.

  • 0

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