3 May, 2024


Arrest This Thug!

By Malinda Seneviratne –

Malinda Seneviratne

A few years ago, a man called Poddala Jayantha was abducted.  He was found not too long after that.  His abductors had assaulted him and caused him grievous harm.  A journalist and an advocate for media freedom,  Poddala Jayantha was also a man with a poor track record when it comes to accountability, integrity and honesty.  This is evident in ‘the lack of clarity’ in well documented transactions associated with media advocacy organizations.

Poddala Jayantha, however, has never been charged with wrongdoing by those who ought to have. He is a citizen and as such should not have been harmed in any way. Moreover, having been harmed, the authorities ought to have found his abductors and assailants.  This has not happened.

Minister Mervyn Silva has now openly stated that he was responsible for Poddala Jayantha leaving the country.  Now no one knows where Poddala Jayantha is, but it is clear that he could make a case that his life was in danger.

No comment on any comment on Poddala Jayantha including threats on his person and braggadocio regarding attacking him or causing him to flee the country would be complete without mention of who Poddala Jayantha is.

While Jayantha’s shady activities in the media rights circus has been well documented, it was the website www.colombotelegraph.com that first unearthed a wikileaks cable from the US Embassy in Sri Lanka that referred to him and his role in espionage activities. [see ‘Poddala Jayantha has been a key contact for the Embassy:  https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/wikileaks-poaddala-jayantha-has-been-a-key-contact-for-the-embassy-he-was-attacked-and-seeking-assistance/ ]

When this individual claims that he caused a man who was abducted and assaulted to leave the country it is time for the authorities to stop pretending to sleep. It is a confession, nothing less.

It was not a ‘one-off’ thing.  The cable states, ‘Poddala is well-known to the Embassy and has been a key contact for PAS for years (emphasis mine)’.  The cable also mentioned statements made by the then Inspector General of Police (IGP) Jayantha Wickramaratne and the then Army Commander, Lt. Gen Sarath Fonseka.  There had been mention of ‘journalists’ who had been in cahoots with the LTTE and the ITN had referring to these comments had shown footage of media rights demonstrations, zooming in on some faces, including Jayantha’s.  Not surprisingly, Jayantha had told the US Embassy that he feared for his life.  Ironically, the USA was later to support Fonseka in his bid to become President.

Those who double up as spies in their spare time and do very little writing cannot be called journalists.  When such people talk of human rights and media rights, it’s funny.  When you spy for the world’s greatest and most pernicious violator of human rights, who also happens to be the biggest perpetrator of war crimes, crimes against humanity and systematic torture, you are not really making a point.  You stand on political quicksand and end up with sand in face and mouth or worse.  This, and not ‘repression’ or ‘censorship’ is the main reason why people like Jayantha and Sunanda Deshapriya are treated with contempt in media circles in Sri Lanka.  Poddala Jayantha was clearly a cheap-purchase with very little integrity. Those who showcase him in media rights advocacy forum really don’t do themselves any favours.

Nothing of the above warrants any extra judicial actions on Poddala Jayantha though [the following YATV clip contains some comments I made regarding the attack on Poddala Jayantha, although the producers left out a lot of what I said, which included some of the observations made above:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mx-NLb7gVC8].  So let’s return to Mervyn Silva, his threats and braggadocio.

Back to Silva.  Silva’s reference to Jayantha was said in the same breath with which he threatened to personally break the limbs of Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu, Sunila Abeysekera and Nimalka Fernando.

These three individuals, Silva claimed, had conspired against Sri Lanka during the recently concluded sessions of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.  They had in fact stated that they have been subjected to ‘a barrage of attacks and intimidation from various quarters, including state and non-state entities.  The trio have certainly been criticized and not without cause, including ‘lack of clarity’ in financial dealings, intellectual sloth and operating as apologists of one form or the other for terrorists.  They have not used the wide spaces in the media available to them to clear their names.  Criticism is not coterminous with vilification or intimidation, but this is not something they have intimated to their friends in Geneva who shed many a tear on their behalf.  Integrity is not their strong point, clearly.

Closely linked though they are to LTTE groups, none of them can be called thugs.  They state their positions and refuse to response to critique, but don’t go around with clenched fists and knuckledusters.   If anyone threatens them (or anyone else) with physical harm, it is a serious matter.  When the man who threatens has a track record of strong-arm tactics, it is even more serious.  When this individual claims that he caused a man who was abducted and assaulted to leave the country it is time for the authorities to stop pretending to sleep.  It is a confession, nothing less.

While many would find most of Silva’s antics funny, this is no laughing matter.  The country’s detractors would market these threats as confirmation of the lies agreed upon by the likes of Saravanamuttu.  That’s something that the country cannot afford.  Silva is a political risk for the President and it will be he (the President) who has to pay for the incomprehensible levels of indulgence.  Silva’s antics must be arrested immediately by the President, for his own good and the larger good of the nation in these trying times.

Silva, more importantly, has now virtually confessed to involvement in the abduction of Poddala Jayantha.  Thuggery cannot be condoned, ever, and least of all in the name of the nation.  It is not ‘nationalism’ as Silva purports it to be, just as much as Gulags set up in the name of Marx is not Marxism or the Crusades in the name of Jesus is not ‘Christianity’.  Indeed, nationalism is, among other things, about law and order, the freedom of expression and the greater worth of debate (over fisticuffs).

Mervyn Silva has implicated himself.  Inextricably.  The President must take action, in the name of the nation.  The nation demands it.

Related stories;

WikiLeaks: Mervin Silava Is A Drug Kingpin Patron Chief

WikiLeaks: Nugegoda mob attack was directed by Presidential Secretariat

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  • 0

    Someone please tell the author that being in contact with the US embassy does not mean that he was spying or engaged in espionage. Diplomatic missions around the world often meet with journalist and opposition PMs to get an alternate view.

    • 0

      I agree. It is widely rumored that he is on the pay of the authorities for writing what he writes. Probably, he may be spying on others for his pay masters.

    • 0

      Absolutely right Shereen and not that that Malinda Seneviratne doesn’t know the difference; he does. But this is his strategy. He uses a title and a few paragraphs to make it seem he is writing about a timely subject but in between does his usual to attack and accuse people who are against the government. Note that there was no mention of the still active army officers and Basil Rajapaksa who provided information to the US embassy. If it is such treachery to even be communicating with the US embassy, why does he not mention the Rajapaksas who have taken the “Pledge of Allegiance” (when obtaining citizenship) to the US and not Sri Lanka. Now, you should be able to see what “ASriLankan” is talking about.

  • 0

    These fellows who are posing as journalists and human rights activists are hoodlums.They have their own private funds.They are not accountable to anybody.This is similar to wayside prostitution.When you behave like hoodlums no wonder you are inviting trouble from similar hoodlums on the other side.These self appointed human rights activists are living on blood money supplied by the Tamil Tiger terrorists.Hence they ask for trouble.The TNA was voted into office by the voters.It is their duty to represent the voters.They are answerable to voters as well as parliament.It would have been quite in order,had the TNA gone to Geneva and raised issues concerning Tamils.But what we have here?Paid mercanaries:Paki,Sunanda,Nimalka,Sunila,Poddala etc.A disgrace to journalism.AS for Mervin Silva’s threats,no point analyzing on wayside prostitutes and it’s customers!

    • 0

      Max Silva:
      What is this reference to “wayside prostitutes?” Have you by any chance been looking in the mirror while composing (?) the drivel you do?

      • 0

        No ethics but go to bed,or even a wooden plank, with the highest bidder.”These so called journalists identifying themselves as human rights activists also fall in to the same category.

    • 0

      This guy Max fu**er is form SL Government paid by MaRa regime to write comments not only in this web but also in all over there’s web articles been published. So this Mother F****r lives on taxpayers money write all baseless so we can call him an asshole.

  • 0

    Who paid your trip to Geneva?

  • 0

    Isn’t the author of this article having the courage to criticise Mervyn Silva and asking for him to be arrested. Why are the commenters upset by that?

    • 0

      The reason is he has not condemned Mervyn; he has used the incident to condemn his arch enemy, the poor victim.

    • 0

      He pretend to be a journalist. But does not present any evidence for his allegation that Poddala Jayanatha is an American spy. What is he spied on. Perhaps he spied and revealed on the biggest fraud done in Sri Lanka by the bigwigs of Inland Revenue Department.

    • 0

      People are “upset” by Malinda Seneviratne because he is a stooge of the same regime of which Mervyn is a foot soldier. Each of them, as do you, it seems, do that regime’s bidding and for Seneviratne to condemn Mervyn Silva is close to being the height of hypocrisy!

      Incidentally, when is the current regime going to give you honorary citizenship of this land or some similar honour for “services rendered?”

      • 0

        Thanks Nihal. I still have to go through the normal procedures.

  • 0

    Very good question by Shereen, in answer to Padraig Colman this writer called Malinda who was & independent journalist has become dependent on Rajapaksas recently he was welcomed by Rajapaksa cohorts newspaper called The Nation to become editor.

    He will never write Rajapaksa siblings shady deals but will write about their critics.

    occasionally he will pick some pariah dogs of UPFA, when other good dogs criticize Mervyn Malinda will jump the bandwagon.

    Anyway i feel pity & sorry for our journalist failing Lasantha Wickramathunges fate awaits them.

  • 0

    ship him and Weerawansa to Tamil Nadu.. Let them deal with him..

    • 1


      If you are depending on Tamil Nadu for support Sri Lankan Tamils please forget it. Have you forgotten Year 2009. That was the time they should have supported the Tamil Cause, words are not what is necessary, deeds show who your good friends are. India and the Tamil Nadu did not lift one finger to help the LTTE, in fact India gave all the support to the SL Government to finish off the LTTE and their leaders.
      India and the Tamil Nadu politicians do not trust the LTTE as they can be a problem to the entire unity of India

  • 0

    Hi Malinda

    I think you can remember at Peradeniya. I am Tissainayagam’s batch mate and colleague in political science.

    I read your article and understood the logic behind.

    But you know both Basil and Mervin are from Giruwapattu and duo campaigned in Gampaha and contested there. So it was a joint strategy of Rajapakse’s. To accomplish that Rajapakse’s needed M whose job was to mobilize lumpuns in the district. So he has done yeoman service for Rajapakse’s. I don’t think R has guts to punish M.

  • 0

    No wrong dooers under MR, be they murderers, fraudsters, drug barons will be punished or even questioned. Even who are accused of Murders are set free by the AG’s dept withdrawing the indictments. Even the violaters of the Law in the country as Gotabaya Rajapaksa who got Karuna issued a Pass Port in a ficticious name as Kokila Gunawardene to land in the UK to be deported, is not even questioned.

  • 0

    Malinda is also a pandan holder for Rajapaksa regime, but what he advocate hear is some thing every one should take notice of. Mervyn is not arrested or sacked by Mahinda as he is the PIMP who provide him with woman since 1970 at a very young age when Mahinda was working at Sri Jayawardene Pura Uni as a Libra ray Assistant. Now Mahinda pay for the services Mervyn rendered to him and what ever he says or do Mahinda will not arrest him or sacked him from the Ministry. What is now rappelling is that people like Mervyn will bring the NOOSE around Malinda’s neck very tight as the IC is waiting to see how to catch Mahinda on HR violations and Mervyn support the IC to drag Mahinda to where they need him to punish for his activities. Mervyn may be a Chandiya at home but when he is out he is like a KUKKA.

  • 0

    Mahinda is the biggest crook.

  • 0

    CT, with regard to Krishna’s comment on Mervin pimping for Mahinda and supplying him with women,i posted my own comment on info regarding such other pimps,notably,Paki.I am sure that our readers will be interested to know more about pimps.But i see that my comment has not been posted.Why?Is it that only Mervin pimps and Mahinda uses women?

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  • 0

    It’s a well known “Secret”,that Mervin Silva is a “Billy Boy”,used by this government for various illegal and unlawful activities.We must be in a “Surnangana Lokaya”,to believe that The President or His Siblings does not know the actions of Mervin.

    What happened after the “ugly Rupavahini Episode”staged by this same Thug?and all the other Fiascos by this same Thug including the Barbaric punishment to a Government Servant,by tieing up him to a Tree? Advising the President about this individual is like “Talking Bullshit”!!!!!!!

  • 0

    Malinda Seneviratne is the latest addition to Rajapaksa’s brigade of apologists. He was there in Geneva as a chorus boy singing the praises for the Rajapaksa regime and defending it.

    The Rajapaksa brothers are doing enough damage to themselves by their words and actions and Mervyn Silva’s utterances don’t make much difference to their standing among the people or in the international arena.

    Instead of urging the arrest of Mervin Silva he should be advising the regime he tries to protect to behave within the law. The Rajapaksas give out the orders and thugs like Mervyn Silva and others carry out the dirty deeds for them.

    • 0

      Please wake up and smell the roses. Malinda Seneviratne is,literally, an employee of the Rajapaksa clan. Mahinda stated to the media that the Nation was “their” newspaper when one of its senior journalists was beaten up (subsequently left the country, never to return) At the MR made this admission in an effort to downplay the fact that the government was behind that very serious assault.

      The Nation of which MALINDA SENEVIRATNE IS THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF IS OWNED BY JALIYA WICKREMASOORIYA’S (Sri Lanka Ambassador in Washington)BROTHER. Those two Wickremesooriyas are first cousins of the President. In fact, Carlton, which the Rajapaksas now claim as their ancestral home abode is the ancestral home of the Wickremesooriya family. Ask any of the Wickremesooriyas or Rajapaksas.

      • 0

        You sounds like a village gossiping frustrated middle aged woman.

      • 0


        Woken up and smelt the roses.Well, if you join The Family Business as an employee you have no choice but to sing the family’s anthem, which is exactly what Malinda Seneviratne is doing. Rajapaksa has created many sycophants and this man is his latest addition.

  • 0

    This seems all a set-up. Malinda we think is payed by the govt and under instructions from MR. So after the latest outburst by mervin , govt knows that there is no option but to prosecute him. But to justify this action to mervin articles like this will be published by govt newspapers. Then MR can tell mervin, “see, the whole country is asking me to prosecute you. Just go to jail for a month and come and I will make sure you are well looked after!”

    • 0

      Samanmalee,You could earn quite a lot of money on writing bed time stories.

  • 0

    All LTTE thus are writing defamatory remarks of the president with various Sinhala names. We can easily understand from the way they use the language.These traitors are not worth talking about.They will even sell their mothers for money

  • 0

    All LTTE thugs are writing defamatory remarks of the president with various Sinhala names. We can easily understand from the way they use the language.These traitors are not worth talking about.They will even sell their mothers for money

    • 0

      You are right.They use different names for different purposes and blogs.It is similar to “wayside prostitutes”.You can’t expect decent language and expressions from such characters.

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  • 0

    To quote the author , ” Poddala Jayantha was also a man with a poor track record when it comes to accountability, integrity and honesty.”
    But then every where you look within this Government, its track record on accountability, integrity and honesty is appalling to say the least .Look at it in perspective Malinda .

    • 0

      That is a fact and no one can deny it.

  • 0

    We should not make a big fuss on what Dr Mervin Silva was supposed to have said.Free speech is part and parcel of a healthy democratic society.

  • 0

    The activities of lot of journalists confirm that the journalism is equal to prostitution. Earlier days these prostitutes worked as individuals and now they work in the
    media brothels like Lake House, Rupavahini, ITN and several private
    medias. They fulfill the corrupt regime’s wishes. And they justify the works of thug Mervin like the corrupt regime chief
    who praise the thug whatever the thuggery the swine commit.

  • 0

    ‘Free speech is part and parcel of a healthy democratic society’ so says Mad Max. But in these columns no one can speak of the injustices committed by the MR regime. What Humbugs?

    • 0

      You are exercising your right to free speech here.So whats the problem?

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