19 February, 2025


Killing Balachandran And Saving Uvindu

Wijeweera family Vs. Prabakaran family

By Uvindu Kurukulasuriya

Uvindu Kurukulasuriya

“There are theories and there are facts. Theories vary… The facts however cannot be denied. Thousands of Tamils, old and young, and even little children, were assaulted, robbed, killed, bereaved, and made refugees. They saw their homes, possessions, vehicles, shops and factories plundered, burnt or destroyed. These people were humiliated, made to live in fear and rendered helpless…” A Cry From the Heart… What happened at the end of July 1983? (From Bishop Lakshman Wickremesinghe’s Final Pastoral Letter).

Channel 4’s “Killing Fields” director Callum Macrae wrote last week; A 12-year-old boy lies on the ground. He is stripped to the waist and has five neat bullet holes in his chest. His name is Balachandran Prabakaran and he is the son of the LTTE leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran.

He has been shot dead. Beside him lie the bodies of five men, believed to be his bodyguards. There are strips of cloth on the ground perhaps indicating that they were tied and blindfolded before they were shot – further evidence suggesting that the Sri Lankan government forces had a systematic policy of executing many surrendering or captured LTTE fighters and leading figures, even if they were children. The problem for the Sri Lankan government is that this murder is not isolated. If it was, they could perhaps dismiss it as the act of rogue soldiers.

The Wijeweera family

One cannot help but think that had Balachandran not been Prabhakaran’s son, there is a possibility of him being still alive. One anonymous commentator wrote last Wednesday in the Daily Mirror, “True enough; a death of a child in an armed combat is synonymous with tragedy. However, the unnecessary emphasis the video lays on Balachandran would give one the wrong impression that he was the only child casualty in the thirty-year-old war, when in reality, there was an endless line of children who ceased to be identified with their names and instead became numbers in war reports and casualty lists”.

Killing Prabhakaran’s son is that a simple issue? Of course there were lots of children who were victimised as the result of the bloody war, but I must say killing Balachandran is not that simple. Apart from a war crime allegation, it is an extraordinary example of the structural violence in Sri Lankan society. As conflict resolution experts say, for more than 50 years diplomats, negotiators and social scientists have studied conflict and developed a sophisticated understanding of it. Let me begin by explaining the theoretical background of a conflict.

Not all conflict is violent. Conflict is normal when there is change. Some people want change, but others disagree. If their disagreement or their conflict is managed peacefully, it can be a positive process. But when conflict is not managed properly, it becomes violent. In violent conflict, people fear for their safety and survival. When we say conflict, we are usually referring to violent conflict (Ross Howard).

Violent physical conflict is easily identified and can be commented on by most. Individuals or groups in conflict try to hurt or kill each other and there will be victims. But there can be other kinds of violence which do greater harm to a society and these are more difficult for people to analyse and explain. There can be hidden violence. This includes; cultural violence and structural violence.

The prabhakaran family

Cultural violence can be the way a group considers another group over a period of years. It can include talk, images or beliefs which glorify physical violence. These include; hate speech, xenophobia, myths and legends of war heroes, religious justification for war and gender discrimination.

Structural violence is harm which is built into the laws and traditional behaviour of a group or society. Harm is permitted or ignored. It can include; institutionalized racism or sexism – laws and practices which allow unequal treatment based on race or sex, colonialism, extreme exploitation, poverty, corruption and nepotism and structural segregation. These kinds of violence are extremely important and need to be identified. Often they are the real cause of direct physical violence. Ending physical violence will not be enough. It will occur again if  cultural and structural violence are ignored. After winning the war Rajapaksas preach  that there is peace. Is there?

Now can you understand  Balachandran’s killing in the context of structural violence?  I hope you do?  As a civilised nation, for the sake of future generations, the need for national reconciliation and the prevention of communal violence again, it is important not to view Tamil politics in isolation, but rather understand how it developed due to its engagement with the obduracy and blindness of the Southern polity.

Wijeweera and Prabhakaran

Using terrorism, be it state sponsored or by non-state actors is a grave violation committed against the people. There should be no quarrel about it. As Head of State and Commander in Chief, all past leaders in Sri Lanka have issued orders to kill. As non-state actors Rohana Wijeweera and Vellupillai Prabhakaran have issued similar orders .

Terrorism by non-state Tamil actors was born as a result of terrorism by the State. This is the repercussion. In 1958 a peaceful Tamil demonstration staged at Galle Face was attacked and a blood bath resulted following orders issued by former Prime Minister S.W.R.D Banadarnaike.  It is well known that in June 1958 IGP S. W. O de Silva had told his DIGs at a secret meeting at the Police headquarters how the orders were issued to him by the then Prime Minister.

Terrorism by non-state Tamil actors came into fruition twenty year later. That was with the formation of the LTTE led by Vellupillai Prabhakaran.
However terrorism by non-state Sinhala actors came to the fore not as a counter to terrorism, but to capture political power. This was so when the JVP was formed by Rohana Wijeweera. In 1971 State sponsored terrorism was launched as a response to terrorism by non-state actors.

In other words, terrorism by non-state Tamils actors began after State sponsored terrorism was launched while terrorism by non-state Sinhala groups came into being before State terrorism was launched. Today the leaders of both such “terrorist” groups are not alive. They were victims of State terrorism. They could not achieve their ultimate goals and ultimately fell victim to a counter form of violence. When Rohana Wijeweera was arrested, he was carrying out his fight against the government whilst  terrorizing the whole country. When he was arrested with his family by the army he was living in Nawalapitiya as an estate owner using the alias Attanayake whilst his supporters were still involved in a bitter feud with the government.Unlike Wijeweera, Prabhakaran fought against the government till the last from the battle ground. How Wijeweera was murdered and how Prabakaran too was murdered is still a State secret. It is a mystery yet for the public.

Therein lies the question; What were the futures of these two families? How did the State treat Wijeweera’s wife Chithrangani, son Uvindu and daughters Supun Chaga, Dasun Esha and the other three children? And how did they treat Prabhakaran’s wife Mathiwathini, sons Charles Anthony, Blachandran and daughter Duvaraka? (Charles Anthony was a combatant, so we should leave him out in this argument).

Wijeyweera’s family was not killed. They were well looked after by the government. They are still alive. Chithrangani Wijeweera said that the UNP too has done much for her family.
Talking to The Sunday Leader on June 20, 2004, Wijeweera’s wife said; “The late President Ranasinghe Premadasa did a lot for us. He took us into his care at a time when we needed to be looked after. He promised to come and see us in the Trincomalee navy camp on his way to the opening of a university in Batticaloa in June but he died in May that year,”

However we still do not know what exactly happened to Prabhakaran’s  wife and children except Charles Anthony. British forensic expert Professor Pounder believes he has identified the first of the shots to be fired at the boy: “There is a speckling from propellant tattooing, indicating that the distance of the muzzle of the weapon to this boy’s chest was two to three feet or less. He could have reached out with his hand and touched the gun that killed him.”

It is clear that Wijeyweera’s family and Prabakaran’s family have been treated differently. Why? It is because of structural violence. Prabhakaran was a Tamil.

British forensic expert Professor Pounder believes he has identified the first of the shots to be fired at the boy: “There is a speckling from propellant tattooing, indicating that the distance of the muzzle of the weapon to this boy’s chest was two to three feet or less. He could have reached out with his hand and touched the gun that killed him.”

Latest comments

  • 11

    Uvindu your articles are factual and i like them and respect your opinion. But here you have made a mistake, the true story of Balanchadran is not known but Prabakaran’s parents were looked after well by the government. They were housed in comfortable place in a residential area of the Army camp. Io insinuate that as Tamil his family was treated as a 2nd class citizen is quite wrong and as a journalist you should write it irrefutable facts. As a minority citizen of Sri lanka, the state does not differentiate you but certain individuals or politcal do . I feel a correction is called for by you

    • 14

      A weak spin!!
      *Who kills 80years plus old people, looking after them was a different issue then.They even didn’t live in the war zone.
      *besides don’t forget Prabha’s mother’s grave ‘desecrated’The cremation site of the mother of Sri Lankan Tamil Tiger leader Vellupillai Prabhakaran has been desecrated, relatives say.

      They say that the bodies of three shot dogs were left at the site on Tuesday night – a gesture which correspondents say is a major insult to the dead.

      Relatives of Mr Prabhakaran have said that the incident was a “barbaric act”. read;
      *whole world knows what happened to Balachandaran, didn’t you read ex ALA Officers confession given to US as a legal documnet? didn’t watched Channel4? Just google my friend!!
      Uvindu is right!!

    • 6

      Very well argued. Velupillai and his wife were old and were identified in the Detention Camp in Vavuniya and were known to other inmates. Killing or diapearing them after arresting would have too many witnesses. Also they were required for DNA confirmation of their son’s identity. The more the Peraras and the Rukas keep their heads in the sands the longer it will take for peace to return to SL.

  • 0

    In fact what happened to Prabakaran’s daughter and wife?

  • 0

    What happened to Pottu Amman’s wife and children ?

  • 6

    Who ordered to kill Uma, Padmanabha, TELO leader sabarathnam Amirthalingam,Thiruchelvam, Kadiragarmar,Thambimuttu, Yogeswaran, Mahattaya, Kethiswaran Loganatha, Rajini Tiranagama?

    Answer: Prabakaran or Mrs Prabakaran?

  • 5

    Ramzie Sanoon

    “But here you have made a mistake, the true story of Balanchadran is not known but Prabakaran’s parents were looked after well by the government.”

    Yes, Pirabaharan’s parents were kept in the jail untill his fater died.It is the real life time jail. His mother was sent out half dead and completely dead soon at home. This is what you try to say “LOOKED AFTER WELL”

  • 6

    Good analysis. The cultural violence is still going on in North & East sponsored by the state.

  • 6

    I salute for your analysis based on humanity

  • 5

    I’m really thanks,every body understand the problem we can live like Canada. we have 240 country people living in Canada. we dont have any problem , we can go any cities, This is politician make rule for thier co ordination. First one Mr. Bandaranayake. He was studied in London. but, he doest think abot what he did.same as all politician. I dost like conflit we can live together. mostly i love singala peolpe , because I was worked with them. I love the people. Some of them mad mistake we cant punished all of them.

  • 2

    It is a shame that people like Uvindu write against Sri Lanka. I know you hate the present government. It is ok; but don’t betray your motherland.

    • 10

      Excellant Analysis Uvindu, hope those in power read and diarize this. If they do the right thing now they will not have a need to open this to learn what went wrong and where.

  • 2

    We should request the UN to appoint a Kangaroo court to try Rajapakse for murdering innocent Tamil Tiger terrorists.The five bench judges will be Paki,Uvindu,Sunanda,Nimalka and Sunila.The jury should comprise members of channel 4.The verdict should be Hang Rajapakse and request the innocent Tigers to hack to death Sinhala civilians living on the boundries of north and east.

    • 12

      Mr Max looks Rajapaksa apologist, he cannot understand what Uvindu says. Good job Uvindu. Very well written and more importantly, an even better analysis. Sri Lanka needs more objective & analytical writers… Pls Keep it up.

  • 5

    Well thought, well written,well intended and scrupously objective.Journalsm at its best.

    • 4

      I loved reading your submit. I have reached admit it had been the initial content material in your web, We truly liked and where I’d a feeling of knowing, understand what I am talking about? Anyway, maintain the posting as well as Im going to be back again.

      • 4

        Would you like to read how pregnant mothers were hacked to death with swords and knives by the Tamil tiger monsters?

  • 7

    Max Silva is a brain washed Sinhalese.He closed the eyes and read what Uvindu has written.Whatever you guys write he will be singing the same old song for ever for his paymaster.

    Uvindu, I salute to your inpatial jurnalism. Middle judgement.If you read these all comments you will see 98% readers blessed you. Because of people like you we still respect Sinhalese, not the politician, not the police and army.
    God bless and save you and your family from this murderers.

    • 4

      For the guy appearing with the alias,Ceylonese,
      98% readers bless Uvindu because that 98% readers you are referring to are half a dozen or so LTTE stooges appearing on this blog.If 98%readers believe in Uvindu,why waste his time here?He should start his own newspaper,very soon 98%of the so called readers appearing on this blog(half a dozen) will be reading his newspaper and the other newspapers will find themselves out of business.As far as 98% of the population is concerned,yes they will use Uvindu’s newspaper,mind you not to read but to wipe their back sides.A bloody set of clowns like the proverbial bull in a China shop!

      • 7

        Sounds like Silva is jealous of Uvindu. Poor Silva, can I buy you a toddy before you jump off Kelaniya Bridge.

  • 1

    Rohana Wijeweera was arrested by a Major (then) and his team instructed by Ranjan Wijerathna and he later became the Chief of Staff of the Army, and while he was coming through Kandy he has seen DIG Udugmpola in Kandy, and thinking he may get the news and went back to Wijeeweera’s house masacare the Wijeweera family he dispatched Rohan’s wife and children to a safe location, and the news was passed to then President Premadsa. Premadsa is the one who saved the lives of Wijeweera’s family and kept them in a safe house in Trinco. The information is Wijerathna gave the orders to arrest Wijeweera without consulting Premadsa. The person who arrested RW was not aware till he reach the house he is going to arrest RW.The amount of Sinhalese youth killed in 1971/1972 and 1986/1989 exceed 120,000 and it is confirmed that the Christian Church/CIA was also with the killer squad and present Defense Secretary Gotabaya was one of the officer (Major) of the Ranjan Wijerathan’s death squad members, and two weeks after Rajanan got blasted Gotabaya was helped by the Christian Church to go to America in 1991.

    • 1

      Your offer of a shot of toddy is most welcome.But pl bring a few Ealam flags so that i will not run out of toilet paper.

      • 1

        The Sri Lankan rupee will soon be worth less than toilet paper; might as well use those instead.

  • 3

    Kalu Albert has become a spin Doctor for LTTE like Goebbels. He does not refute that Prabakarn family was looked after by the state, but states they are 80 years old. 80 or 100 they were looked after. Prabakaran eldest son and daughter and wife were combatants and died for the cause they believed. The youngest son death no one knows how he died until the Sri Lanka state tells us how his death occurred. Kalu Albert for more information read Soosai’s wife who recently was interviewed and living in Naval base with her children like wijeweera’s wife and kids.She goes on to state the she is happy and looking forward to see her children educated and her family from abroad speaks to her and visits her.With regards to the descreat5ion of the mothers burial site as stated do you believe Tamilnet the mouthpiece of LTTE who are famous spin doctors I for one do not believe them and fit for the gutters. After Parabakran death at the hands of the Army Tamilnet continued to inform the public that he is alive and well for a long time and they expected him to rise from the dead like Jesus.

  • 1

    Nice piece of writing, I absolutely will enjoy fresh news from you.Fine material! I have been hunting for something such as this for a time now. With thanks!

  • 4

    Dear Uvindu,I recently read your article and I admire your courage. I know there are thousands of Sinhala brethren like you but all keeping the silence because of the reprisal.
    I consider my self Tamil despite the fact my mother is sinhalese and I lived most of my young age in jaffna. One thing is for sure that Tamil people will be free of oppression if more people like you come out . This will lead Sinhalese and Tamils will live in harmony in the Serendip.


    Thank you my brother

  • 3

    I,myself adore your post so much, hoping you could write more wonderful ones.

  • 3

    A person produced some good elements there. I think most people will agree along with you.

  • 2

    Woh I love your articles , saved to bookmarks ! Ill make sure to put this in good use! Tweeted for the nice site.

  • 0

    No western Countries or NGO never address of UNP killied over 100,000 thousand of youth during 1988/89-1990.No human rights or war crime into being charge by , USA UK EU and NORWAY back UNP RULING AND POLITICAL CLASS;plan was setup by Intenationl Integallent services( CIA MI16 MOSDACK & RWA of India,) granted go-ahead Government Of UNP and foreign Powers.They never-ever call for WAR CRIME or Human RIGHTS viloation under UNP was in overall power.Different treatment for sinhalaese terrorist and Tamil Terrorist by USA EU & Norway and TNA & UNP.Leader of JVP family and LTTE Family treatment came of different battle ground Wijaweera was in Comfatible resdintial in cool climite in Gampole.Prabrake was with terrorist unite armed with last battle.LTTE was resist with heavy armed.Wijewerra no-resist at all.even he had not sinle wepon as Terrorist.
    LTTE was fully back by UK, FRANCE, NORWAY and USA> LTTE leader nd Party was porxy of WEST.LTTE represtantaive of USA and look for vested and vital intersted whole West Internationl military complex & order.

  • 0

    If the west( Washington) decides Mahinda has to go, he will be gone. It is simple as that. It may not happen tomorow, or in April, but it will happen. Mahinda has to act in such a way that DC is not to decide that he needs to go. War crimes were comitted. Unless the criminals who did it are brought to justice by the SL government, then the government (president, secdef) will be held accountable. What I dont understand is why Mahinda and Gota are taking such risks, are they that foolish like Gadaffi? If they want to dig thier own grave, let them do it.

    • 0

      Dear Washinton Suba it took 27 years to think of war crimes ,human rights ,UNsupport and justice .your diaspora kept trust to win the war through barberic PRBA and funded to LTTE.TAMILS destroyed by TAMILS thats why no country for TAMILS in the world.MR prevented terrorism only .your ealam state should be TAMILNADU with60mn populated tamils.this pain you get because of the lost battle.

    • 0

      You don’t understand why Mahinda and Gota took such risks?Premadasa didn’t take that risk and he got murdered.CBK didn’t take that risk and she lost an eye.Now do you understand?Damned clowns!

  • 0

    Oh to be in England !!!! At this time of the year…..
    Pay plus Bonus…………
    Uvindu merrie hei !!!! Good timing.

    For Uvinduuu…. it just happened Yesterday !!!!!!!!!
    Now it became such an easy game to play !!!!!!
    Fist full of $$$$$ thrown for a dog to play……..
    No respect for what the Mother had to stay…….!!
    Uvindu putha seen running to the bank all the way !!!!!!

    They should not have killed Balachandran BUT S.J.Emmanuel conferred Matyerdom to many a Balachandrans.
    Further Rayappu and Emmanuels by an oversight did not observe when wombs were cut opened and throats were slit of the unborn – How sick they would have got BUT never spoke about it.

  • 0

    Interesting analysis. Well done Uvindu.

  • 0

    Only animals can do it. But
    INDIA needs a similar LTTE like organisation to fight the ethnic cleansing activities of indian higher caste.
    SL has done this in war. But but but more heinous crimes are being executed for generations in india by the higher cast to the lower caste peacefully in the name of hinduism. India should look at its OWN human right violations happening for thousands of years. This is barbarous more barbarous than the war crimes elsewhere in the world. And they are PEACE-CRIMEs by indians. Not a WAR-CRIME. India has no moral to comment for the crimes happening in others land.

  • 0

    It is very pathetic to see these photos. This kid was sitting in a bunker and having some snacks. Finally it shows his dead body was lying on the ground with close gun shots on his chest. We can believe that he was sitting in Sri Lankan army bunker after surrendering at the final stage of the war or he may be under Sri Lankans forces custody. We cannot say that this incidence was fabricated or genuine.
    But I am explaining my view considering that this is a genuine scene.
    Someone can argue that an innocent child is not responsible for what his farther was done. This is correct and also a valuable argument. But the matter here is the revenge. This innocent child may be shot by a soldier who was living in a boundary village that his 12 year old son, daughter and his pregnant wife with his parents were assassinated by LTTE when he was out for duty. If someone is in such a situation, his revenge can be ended with this type of brutal killing or anything beyond it. This is not the matter of the discipline of Sri Lankan armed forces and their humanity. This is not the matter of order of Sri Lanka president or defense secretary or army chief or any other. This type of situation can happen without any higher order. Say one thief jumped into your house and killed your kids, wife and parents and robbed all the valuables belonging to you. (Someone can argue that thief was correct because you have earned everything by corruption). But you are innocent at that time and you are not strong enough to take any action. Then you intend to go for a legal solution only which is acceptable and recommend all over the world. Say you become strong at an instance and go to that thief’s house and kill all his family members including the thief. IS THIS NOT POSSIBLE? YES, THE THEIF’S FAMILY IS NOT RESPOSIBLE FOR WHAT HE WAS DONE. BUT THIS IS THE MATTER OF REVENGE. Someone can take US army as an example that they killed Osama bin Laden only when they jumped to his house from the air without Pakistan government’s notice and his family did not kill. But bin Laden’s family would have been killed by a soldier if his family was killed by Al Qualida terrorists irrespective to the discipline of US forces.
    As a conclusion, if we zoom – in to this isolated situation, then it is pathetic. But if we zoom – out to the entire story and have a look from the air, this is not pathetic as it looks like. Therefore we have to look into the entire story behind this as patriot Sri Lankans. Because the war was not done against one race. It was done against LTTE terrorists.

  • 0

    So only the LTTE killed innocent Sinhalese. No Tamils were killed by the Sinhala army. Here are two notorious massacres carried out by the “brave Sinhala army” in the past.(1)In Udumbankulam, a minor Tamil hamlet in the little known interior of Sri Lanka’s southeastern coast, the fields are densely green where 17 years ago on February 19, 1986 the Sri Lankan military hacked and beat to death 128 farmers on the village’s threshing floor. The area is being gradually retrieved from the clutches of the jungle. A handful of intrepid former residents who returned to the village five months ago are eagerly looking forward to a bumper crop of rice. But Feb 19 remains an indelibly bitter day for them.
    As often is the case, the Sri Lankan government did nothing to investigate the mass murder of Udumbankulam.
    (2) On August 14, 2008 more than 61 schoolgirls were killed and 150 wounded when Sri Lankan Kfir jets bombed a children’s home compound in Mullaitivu district Monday morning where schoolgirls from Mullaithivu district were attending a two-day residential course on first aid. Officials of the Liberation Tigers’ Peace Secretariat, briefing reporters in Kilinochchi, described the attack as “a horrible act of terror” by the Sri Lankan armed forces. They condemned the “deliberate, cold-blooded and inhumane” targeting of the schoolgirls compound by the daylight air raid. Liberation Tigers called upon the UN’s child agency, UNICEF, and international truce monitors to visit the scene of the carnage.

  • 1

    Jesus M Christ ! What a load of response. These guys have nothing better to do ?

  • 1

    What made them kill the 12 year old Balachandran from a distance of 2/3 feet. I am just wondering what might have been the reaction of the small boy when he saw the gun nozzle pointing towards to him. The boy’s life was about to begin & it was ended just because his father was a tiger. Nothing can be more brutal than this. How did the person pulled the trigger 5 times on the small boys body & pumped 5 bullet. Did he saw the eyes of that boy & did he even think once before killing him. Didn’t that boy reminded him of his own child?

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