By Rajan Philips –

Rajan Philips
President Ranil Wickremesinghe interrupted his busy flight schedule between conferences to issue a commemorative message on September 17 to mark the 117th birth anniversary of President JR Jayewardene. I am not aware of any special significance associated with #117, nor can I remember Mr. Wickremesinghe issuing birth anniversary statements in the recent past. What is special this year is that Ranil Wickremesinghe is the incumbent President. The first time in 35 years after President Jayewardene retired from office, someone politically and personally close to him happens to be Sri Lanka’s Executive President. President Jayewardene was not only the founding father of the executive presidency, but also the political godfather and avuncular mentor of Ranil Wickremesinghe. So, the latter’s commemoration of the former is both special and significant. We can appreciate that.

JR Jayewardene and Ranil Wickremesinghe
There is of course the little detail that Ranil Wickremesinghe is not a president elected by the people, but by their representatives in parliament. Mr. Wickremesinghe was not even elected as an MP in the last election. He is a double beneficiary of the National List scheme and the constitutional provision for interim presidents. Some might see the irony in the backdoor path that brought Ranil Wickremesinghe to the high office in contrast to the electoral sweep that brought JRJ to power with a four-fifth majority in the 1977 elections. Others might see the smooth working of JRJ’s 1978 Constitution through the tumults and crises brought upon the country by the infamous Seventh Executive President. Now we have in Ranil Wickremesinghe the Eighth Executive President and the first unelected one from outside the governing party. The titles sound more monarchical than republican.
President Wickremesinghe knows full well the dire circumstances that brought him to power without an election. And he will do anything to deflect any blame that may be aimed at JR Jayewardene for the country’s current situation. So, Mr. Wickremesinghe sweepingly said in his message, as reported in the media, that “if Sri Lanka had been able to sustain the socio-economic reforms initiated by the late President in 1977, the nation would be a developed country today.” That is understandable even though it is easily refutable. Quite apart from the formality of argument, the material evidence over the last four decades will give the lie to Mr. Wickremesinghe’s assertion.
What is laughable is the claim that followed: “neighbouring countries like India, China and Vietnam, which transitioned from closed and socialist economic practices, had studied Jayewardene’s approach and prospered by adapting their policies to the changing times.” This is as laughable as what President Jayewardene once said on a public occasion that the American freedom fighters at the Boston Tea Party must have been drinking tea imported from Sri Lanka for inspiration. Pieter Keuneman characteristically chimed in to remind everyone that there was no tea or coffee in Sri Lanka in 1773. The tea that was the cause of taxation protests in colonial America was imported from China by the East India Company.
JRJ’s Long Legacy
The serious truth of the matter is that President Jayewardene was able to launch his political and economic initiatives on the very morrow of his massive victory in 1977, expand and entrench his power immensely by transubstantiating himself from Prime Minister to President and extending the life of his tyrannical majority in parliament through the subterfuge of a referendum, and hold on to power for twelve long years. Power and longevity that should have been more than enough to permanently “sustain the socio-economic reforms” he initiated. But it didn’t.
It is a bit rich, therefore, for President Wickremesinghe to now suggest that Sri Lanka failed to sustain the reforms initiated by JRJ because of other factors that frustrated JRJ’s initiatives. The fact is that the seeds of unsustainability were in the reforms themselves – both in their content and in their implementation. It is historic comeuppance that Ranil Wickremesinghe should have been called upon to deal with the mess that is the long legacy of JR Jayewardene, even though the immediate trigger for it had arrived in the person of Gotabaya Rajapaksa.
What President Wickremesinghe is referring to as JRJ’s “socioeconomic reforms” are in fact two major initiatives, namely, the liberalization of the economy and the constitutional change that replaced Sri Lanka’s parliamentary system with a presidential system of government. There is a difference between the two which looks more significant in hindsight than it did then. The difference is that there was no surprise about the economic liberalization program that JRJ implemented. The program was also an extension of traditional UNP policies that the country had grown accustomed to, including those who were opposed to them. The economic changes were much anticipated and were widely seen as an antidote to years of autarkic scarcity that preceded the 1977 elections. The election results showed the magnitude of resentment and the massive desire for change.
The constitutional changes centered on the presidential system were a different beast. The economic program did not require a presidential system for its implementation. There was nothing in the country’s objective conditions that warranted a shift from the parliamentary system to the presidential system. It was all JRJ’s idea, idiosyncratic and egotistical. He was its originator, advocate and champion. Initially and for a long time there was no support for it even within the UNP, and the country at large couldn’t have cared a hoot about it. But after the death of Dudley Senanayake in 1973, JRJ was able to bring the party along to supporting his idea. With his leadership of the party consolidated and electoral victory assured, it was not at all difficult for him to weave the constitutional changes including the executive presidency into the UNP Manifesto. It would not have happened if Dudley Senanayake were alive in 1977.
After a landslide victory, the newly anointed cabinet ministers had neither the need nor the inclination to critically assess the pros and cons of the change from parliamentary system to presidential system. In any event, none of the ministers could have demurred or disagreed because their individual letters of resignation as MPs were all in the President’s pockets. What was a massive change was adopted with minimum scrutiny.
The political purpose behind the constitutional changes would seem to have evolved during President Jayewardene’s long tenure. This is evident from the frequency of self-serving and ad hominem amendments to the constitution during JRJ’s tenure. The eventual purpose was to make the UNP the permanent governing party of the country. The whole scheme backfired because presidential ambitions of leading UNP ministers created intense rivalries within the party. These rivalries were exacerbated by the proportional representation and preferential voting schemes that created cast-based voting blocs in the country.
Toxic fusion at the Top
In the end the UNP was in power for 17 years, and 11 of which were under the Jayewardene presidency. Prime Minister Premadasa succeeded JRJ as President overcoming intense internal opposition. The Premadasa presidency ended in 1994 with the assassination of President Premadasa by the LTTE. Since then, the country has not had a single elected UNP President. There is a UNP President now, but he got there, courtesy of Gotabaya Rajapaksa and he is staying there because of the support of the Rajapaksas.
The once mighty UNP was reduced to a single National List MP in the last parliamentary election. The SLFP is a disgrace. The SLPP is vanishing faster than it emerged. The SJB is a rudderless flotsam. The implosion and fragmentation of the mainstream parties cannot be explained in isolation from the devouring behemoth that is the executive presidency. The JVP stands robust because it has been least impacted by the executive presidency. The Tamil and Muslim parties – they are on orbits of their own.
In his commemorative message, President Wickremesinghe makes no mention of the presidential system. He offers no defence or justification of the executive presidency. He is not interested in defending it or reforming it. He is interested in it only to satisfy his itch to become an elected executive president. But he takes a different position on JRJ’s economic policies. They are his premise and his launching pad to propel Sri Lanka into its flight of prosperity (hopefully, not fancy). That is why he offered his ringing praise of them in his commemoration message.
But the economy that President Jayewardene triumphantly opened up (“Let the Robber Barons come”) in 1977 has produced mixed results. It ended scarcity, boosted exports and created jobs. Decades of investments in land and agriculture finally brought self-sufficiency in rice production. These benefits were mostly in the short term. The fallout in the long term was the rupturing of the social welfare network that had been developed from even before independence and by every government including UNP governments.
Invariably, the open economy opened up new avenues of corruption, even as the government’s mega projects on the Mahaweli and in housing dismantled nearly a century old regulatory framework and processes for government procurement of goods and services. The fundamental flaw of the open economy was that expanding consumption became the main driver of the economy without any corresponding increases in production capacities. Consumption demanded imports and ate up the dwindling foreign reserves.
The crisis escalated to critical proportions under Gotabaya Rajapaksa. We cannot say that Gotabaya and his misdoings were inevitable consequences of the open economy and the presidential system. But we can say that it would have been impossible for someone like Gotabaya Rajapaksa to filter up to the very top in a parliamentary system. More than anything else, the presidential system and the political culture that grew with it enabled the toxic fusion of absolute power and absolute ignorance at the summit of the state.
leelagemalli / September 24, 2023
Looking back on my past in Sri Lanka, the dawn of the 78 UNP government was blessed with incredible development projects as they came to power.
However, with the introduction of the 1978 constitution, I am against attacking JRJ for all the various problems that have arisen in this country since then. Governments in power should have brought appropriate amendments to formulate open economic policies, but they did not do so. Pointing fingers at JRJ for every issue is a curse. JVP people do it again and again but they are not new to Sri Lankan politics. They have been active in politics in Sri Lanka for the past 57 years. Their rebellious behavior did not help the people. Ironically, even today they are in the same mode. I now question what is the great identity of the Janata Vimukti Peramuna led NPP? Gota closes to Ghansara. Lalkanta also imitates it. Isn’t it so? Who do we think we are? JVP is silent about the crimes committed by Sangha criminals.
JRJ government’s Mahaweli and other projects became a reality within a short span of time. The ministers were very capable of doing many things, ushering in a new era. However, Sri Lankans were not able to take proper steps and control the open economic policies, as is the case in India.-
Nathan / September 24, 2023
JR was not that loyal to UNP. At some point of time, disillusioned with his chance to be its leader he threatened to walk away from the Party.
SJ / September 24, 2023
“The ministers were very capable of doing many things, ushering in a new era.”
One of them was truly capable and minted money on the Mahaweli Project.
leelagemalli / September 25, 2023
There were rumours that Mahaweli minister had OWNED apple plantations in Malaysia. There were rumours that LALITH athulathmudali owned a set of ships. All these ended up as huge lies.
There were also blatant lies based on CBK’s palaces in UK. I know where they live in UK and the area through my colleagues. These fabrications were planted by MEDAMULANA dogs for their rise. I dont believe in KARMIC RETRIBUTION, but I believe the punishments of the nature. That man who took lead to the be the author of ” BOOK on CHAURA RAJINA” is now punished by god – his fingers being fully damaged and remain plastered. This book was funded by KAPUTA aka Basil Rajapkshe for their own gains.
They even destroyed her chactor calling her ” Wisky lady”. Even uneducated women on the street started attack her and cornered CBK in the society. However, TRUTHS could not be MURDERED as usual.
Now it is becoming clear RAJAPAKSHES are the most dangerous human beasts that this country ever produced. Not even Prabakarana and Wijeweera committed that much of harm to this nation.
If they wanted to rape their lovely ones for money, they woudl do it even today.
And my friends reveal that CBK’s daughter and son live just normal life in the uk as academics.
Douglas / September 27, 2023
Dear LM: Can you please tell me where the author of “CHAURA RAJINA” is? If you don’t know tell me I can certainly find him.
SJ / September 27, 2023
I am no admirer of CBK’s poitics.
But why some people become self righteous in denouncing selected targets deserves some probing.
leelagemalli / September 28, 2023
Douglas, what do you make of this ? asking me where the author of “Chaura Rajina” is ??????
Tell me will you, where is the Sinhalese man hiding these days? I think he is locked up in the Mulleria Hospital. Raj_UK and I gave him a few questions and since then he hasn’t shown up in CT …… do you have any idea where the boyish man is around ?
soma / September 24, 2023
If you asked me to name the individuals who destroyed Sri Lanka I would say JR Jayawardene, Rohana Wijeweera and Velupillei Prabakaran IN THAT ORDER. Contribution of this disgusting man JR outweighs ten thousand fold that of the other two combined. He is the master architect of this corrup sytem out of which there is no way to get out. His subservient sycophants interpreted crafty,
loathsome, Machiavellian machinations as intelligence.
I didn’t want to read the article.
soma / September 24, 2023
Ranil Wikrsmasinghe is a text book example of inheritance through genes.
Native Vedda / September 24, 2023
“Ranil Wikrsmasinghe is a text book example of inheritance through genes.”
Of course, he and many others do.
How about those 22 million who claim to belong to this island through their “Ancestral Genes”, including Nayakas, Silvas, Ponnas, Wigneshwarans, Mohameds, .. Weerawnsas, Weerasekeras, (potential tinpot) Tilvins, Ganapathipillas, Fonsekas, Kamalas, ….Gotas, and somas, … ?
How should we deal with them?
It is difficult however think about it.
leelagemalli / September 25, 2023
May I ask you what you know about genes ? Gene abberations are the real issues of this nation. Unlike in the past, today’s politicians dont make efforts to be exemplary. The culture was introduced by rascals produced by Hambantota cave.
By the time, COUNTRY was led to ruins in 89 by KESELWATTA RASCAL, I thought this country would never fall back , having learnt from the past. However, WITH THE dawn of MEDAMULANA HUMAN BEASTs, they marched an extra miles with their criminal records.
JRJ was a powerful leader to both SRILANKA and world. However, RW’s has been not the same. He is somewhat patient with his decisions. If not for him, people would not have been starving in this country today. Our people are real stupid by every means would not ever look at the bold facts.
Raj-UK / September 24, 2023
JR was selfish & autocratic but his contribution, such as, the Victoria dam, benefitted SL. Since then, no President made any contribution but went with the flow until the Rajapakses took ‘development’ to giddy heights. Prabhakaran & Wijeweera were terrorists but the harm caused by the Rajapakses, is much greater. I would say the Rajapakse brothers top the list by miles. In fact, should be investigated for mismanagement, abuse of power, mega corruption, murders, even terrorist related offences which are nothing but treacherous (did they pay LTTE? If they did, masterminding the Easter bombing is no surprise)
soma / September 25, 2023
Damn the Victoria dam. Can the waters in the dam compensate the blood that flawed since Jafna library and 83′?
JR ‘accelerated’ the existing project , With kickbacks into his pocket MR would have done it even faster.
Would you say 83′ would have happened anyway even if anyone else was in power?
Native Vedda / September 25, 2023
“With kickbacks into his pocket MR would have done it even faster.”
True, his brother Basil was there helping Dutta Gamini,
Now you know where Basil honed his skills.
“Would you say 83′ would have happened anyway even if anyone else was in power?”
It would have happened anyway irrespective of whoever was in power.
For example 1956, 1958, 1961, …. happened under different party’s watch.
All partys have racist agenda, obligation to their party supporters, jealousy is another motivating factor in addition to hatred, …. corrupted functionaries, ……….. stupid idea of state, ….
A saffron thug and his brother illegally grabbed 400 acre fertile land from Muslim farmers who legally own the land. The pretext was once upon time there was a Buddhist Vihare in that field which is archaeologically important for Sinhala/Buddhists.
More people are becoming more and more malnourished.
Do the people need Vihares?
Zealot Saffron thugs won’t stop unless police deal with them without fear or favour. People talk about religious zeal of Muslims, Christians, … they tend to ignore political Sinhala/Buddhism. Wait until Hindutva take roots here ….. you would build a Temple for VP the compassionate.
SJ / September 25, 2023
“Would you say 83′ would have happened anyway even if anyone else was in power?”
Anyone else would also imply another milieu.
Anti-Tamil communal violence was triggered within only two months of the UNP getting elected in 1977.
Douglas / September 24, 2023
Soma: Rohana Wijeweera and Velupillai Prbaharan are the CREATIONS of JRJ. If JRJ with his academic background and political background did what was necessary for Sri Lanka to be placed on the map, these two (Wujeweera & Piribaharan) would never have had a chance to come up.
JRJ used both his academic and political background to establish a MEGALOMANIAC empire of and for the “Elitest” and always had the policy of keeping the ORDINARY dependent on that “Elitest” class. This “Scheme” of Governance still continues and the struggle of the “Proletariat” did and takes different “Shapes” (e.g. Aragalaya etc.) even today. Don’t you think that the “Elitest System” must CHANGE because we suffered enough with it?
Native Vedda / September 25, 2023
“Rohana Wijeweera and Velupillai Prbaharan are the CREATIONS of JRJ.”
I beg to differ.
Velupillai Prbaharan was the outcome SiriMaoism.
Rohana Wijeweera believed his caste was stymied by other castes.
If ever there was an “Elitist” rule the country would have developed/progressed bit better. The actual competition was among various feudal chiefs and their clans. Even in 1970s JR was deploying caste based candidate selection process.
Well Rohana and Prabaharan too were fighting from a narrower base.
Both failed, failed miserably.
In the case of JR he was a opportunist par excellent.
People believed him to be a clever man.
Man failed, failed miserably.
Forget SWRD Banda and SiriMao.
Ranil is trying to be too clever.
He is caught in a prisoners dilemma.
Well let us wait and see how fast he is going to crash land.
Hope nimal will be the first one to open a champagne bottle with his sword.
soma / September 25, 2023
Douglas, NV
“Rohana Wijeweera and Velupillai Prbaharan are the CREATIONS of JRJ.”
I agree. 100%.
Even MR was a creation of JR . It was JR who set the example once you occupy the topmost position of power you can do anything – right or wrong takes the backseat. Rajapaksa did one better. JR used the stick and MR used the carrot to align their sycophants.
NV, you are knowledgeable in history. Does JR precede SWRD in Sinhala Only proposition somewhere back in Rajya Sabha days?
Native Vedda / September 25, 2023
“Does JR precede SWRD in Sinhala Only proposition somewhere back in Rajya Sabha days?”
It was JR who first proposed Sinhala only language policies in the mid or late 1930s. I can find the exact year when I get time. Don’t forget like Banda, his ancestors were also Tamils.
SJ / September 25, 2023
So it is all a matter of ancestry.
Persons of a particular ancestry will act similarly– or even identically?
He can be funny without even trying.
Douglas / September 25, 2023
NV: I disagree. Piribahakaran’s “Puberty” was in the year 1983 – the year JRJ staged the well-scripted drama of the “Sinhala” uprising against Tamils – the “1983 July Riots”. It was during this period that JVP along with LSSP & CP were proscribed.
SJ / September 26, 2023
“JRJ staged the well-scripted drama of the “Sinhala” uprising against Tamils”
Douglas, I think that you are giving the man too much credit for that idea.
It was a clumsy excuse by a man unable to reject the violence or claim credit for it.
After sending the army to the North, things got out of control. Many acts of violence by the army were knee-jerk responses to events that needed sensitive handling.
Native Vedda / September 26, 2023
“Piribahakaran’s “Puberty” was in the year 1983 – the year JRJ”
By 1970 VP had already appointed himself as the leader of whatever group he was going to be part of and by 1972 he became leader of LTTE with a few assassinations or eliminations, ……. People in the know say he was at the Veerasingam hall where about 10 or 11 innocent people were killed by police misadventure (please ignore comments by SJ).
Although he didn’t study or learn much from schools that he attended he was shaken by the burning down of the Jaffna Library. In between he was busy gunning down policemen here and there, eliminating traitors, ….. robing Pawn shop, bank, … etc. He was very much active until 1983.
My Elders tell me in 1978 Sri Lankan police put out posters of 56 wanted persons with their head shot which included VP’s details as well. He was commuting between Tamilnadu and Jaffna on a regular basis.
There was an incident in Pandy Bazzar (Chennai) in which VP tried and failed to kill Uma Maheshwaran (PLOTE leader) – Refer to India Today 30 June 1982. He was arrested and remanded for a few days. People who were close to Kuttimani who was killed in Welikada prison say VP betrayed Kuttimani.
According to sources, by 1982 he was in contact with Hindian agencies.
Rest is history.
Douglas / September 26, 2023
NV: You know what “Puberty” means. That is the one who is ready to undertake the “REPRODUCTION” process.
You described how” VP” sets up the groundwork prior to being the “BOSS”. What I meant was the stage “VP” really started doing the “Reproduction” process with the “Environment” created in 1983 and how he “Partnered” with Anton Balasingham and many others of “Academic”; “Influential” and “Investors” to build the “Empire”.
Native Vedda / September 27, 2023
Native Vedda / September 27, 2023
Please ignore SJ.
Douglas / September 25, 2023
NV: Pl. go to Google and connect with this link:
You will know better who JRJ was and what a “Dirty Politician” he was to become our “First President”. I have more of his Cyril Mathew and his book “Kauda Kotiya” – “Who is Tiger”. Will reveal more of these “Dirty Eletiests” politicians later.
nimal fernando / September 25, 2023
“If you asked me to name the individuals who destroyed Sri Lanka I would say JR Jayawardene, Rohana Wijeweera and Velupillei Prabakaran IN THAT ORDER.”
Mahinda Rajapakse, Mahinda Rajapakse, Mahinda Rajapakse IN THAT ORDER.
soma / September 25, 2023
JR created VP and VP created MR.
Native Vedda / September 25, 2023
“JR created VP and VP created MR.”
Actually, SiriMao created VP.
The smart ass JR helped to create a geopolitical condition which brought Hindian involvement. Hindia selected VP to destabilise Sri Lanka.
MR was home grown.
He promised to liberate land and the country from Demela. In fact part of the country was not ruled by Demelas, but by VP.
VP helped Mahinda to win two elections and a war, in that process many in the south and abroad became rich, MR clan became filthy rich and powerful. However it did not last longer. The all powerful Gota had to flea the country.
Now Namal baby makes political comments every other day, which is largely ignored by people and worse by his own party.
It appears a large gang of crooks, saffronistas, the armed forces, and functionaries run a parallel state/government.
Wake up.
Else like Dutta Gamani said you will have not enough space to stretch your legs.
Nathan / September 24, 2023
I detest ‘the National List scheme’ of Parliamentarians.
We should do away with this good for schemers system.
deepthi silva / September 24, 2023
All these people, SWRD,JR, RW ,Chandrika overestimated themselves as capable leaders with abilities to lead a poor country into a developed nation. In all of them we can see big egos. In actual fact they did not understand the situation, had no superior skills .Like the religious priests they end up preaching and dreaming.
Chaps like MR, Sirisena are simpleton village crooks. They want to make it in what they see as the big city of Colombo and their children to go to posh Colombo schools and act Western, indulging in cars, apartments ,booze and golf/rugby/cricket. Something like cheap South Indian movies.
This Ranil guy is the biggest failure leading the once big UNP to no seats at all in parliament ! That alone should show any human being what a failure his ideas and personality are !
Ranil is mentally sick, he is now preaching on every subject IMF,AI, global affairs, international agreements, history, architecture ,law global warming etc etc.
Other than himself does any one consider Ranil an expert on any subject ? If at all ,he has an amateurs understanding on these things. He has no formal training on these things and has written no books or even papers on these subjects.
No other world leader talks in this all knowing manner. like JR,SWRD , Ranil is a sick product of a sick culture
Nathan / September 24, 2023
Dear deepthi silva,
This time, I gave you a thumbs up.
I’ll state where I differ.
Of SWRD, JR, RW, Chandrika only one comes up as a leader. Yet, fell by the wayside, for love of power!
Native Vedda / September 24, 2023
“Dear deepthi silva,”
I am sorry I have to remind you old codger is not going to like the way you address desperate deepthi.
Native Vedda / September 24, 2023
“Of SWRD, JR, RW, Chandrika only one comes up as a leader. Yet, fell by the wayside, for love of power!”
According to well informed sources, Chandrika was the one who came up with most democratic draft constitution (drafted by GL Peieris, Neelan, Kathirgamar, …) which was torn to pieces, by patriotic lions in the parliament, politically illiterate Sinhala/Buddhists and the UNP lead by Ranil (burnt the draft).
In the meantime nimal fernando’s poster boy VP broke the cease fire by firing his SAM 7 missile at Air force air crafts destroying the planes along with peace process, thanks to all of them.
Please ignore SJ.
leelagemalli / September 25, 2023
Dear NV and all other rational commenters,
People friendly and helpful politics are completely out of their practice in Sri Lanka. That is why real issues have been ignored by any successive government since the CBK administration. However, good governance started thanks to the late Honorable Minister Mangala Samaraweera and Mr. Ranil Wickramasinghe who proved their promises. But as a madman, Sirisena as the executive president did not have the intelligence to do the job properly. He betrayed almost everything by end of 2019. Honourable MP Fonseka, made this very clear to the nation today. He could catch Rajaapkshe by their neck and put them all in jails, if he did so, people would have worshiped by today. And things would have reached out to all good in this country.
They struggle for power thropuigh political games on the dead bodies of the people, in order to exercise their power. Very sorry for the people.
leelagemalli / September 25, 2023
I thought that the radical leftist JVP would break this culture, setting an example, which is what we expect from them at this critical juncture in the country, however, it is very clear that the JVP is using the same tactics to grab votes from stupid Sinhala Buddhist people.
See how they turned a blind eye to the crucial questions of why Lal Kantha, a leader of the JVP-NPP alliance, allowed the thickest dog on earth, GHANASARA to tie his linga in public with a “Pirith chanted string” ?????
Going by the same principles, our eyes cannot believe but the truth implemented by Mahinda Rajapaksa the most abusive man in current day politics in srilanka.
The same principles remain similar to bark of a tree from Sri Lankan politicians. why ? Z-genzers and millenials, over to you, the name of future youth, act against all these power-greedy dogs.
Native Vedda / September 25, 2023
“I thought that the radical leftist JVP would break this culture, setting an example, …. “
JVP was and is the most orthodox, conservative, racist party in this island.
AKD maybe a friendly face of the party who might well want to transform the party and drag it into the 21st century however the ultra-orthodox old guards will never allow it to happen.
Old guards have created a comfort zone, from where they need not to creatively think, do or face the consequence. You ask them a question (I have a few times) they produce a standard text, under their governance their brand of socialism will solve all the problems (it is known as JVP panacea).
Basically the JVP is another Sinhala/Buddhist, good for nothing party.
I suspect over a period of time if elected with majority Tilvin will become another Tin Pot.
chiv / September 24, 2023
DS , that takes us back to our IN Dependence. Something, few of us seem to agree. The problem is SB Lanka and it’s people, voting for 75 years of family kleptocracy, (Senanayakas, Bandas, JR / RW , Premas and mother of all Rajapaksas) racism, corruption, crimes leading to failure and .bankruptcy. Yet they want more and more. They are so retarded that they do this on borrowed money and call it development, first world prosperity, splendor………
chiv / September 24, 2023
117 years of JR racism , 75 years IN Dependence , (approximately ) every 4 years ( end of term ) Bankrupt Lanka seeking IMF loans , and now RW promising , by 100years , we will be developed first world nation . Try telling this to our Viyathmaga Lankans???
chiv / September 25, 2023
Maulana says he is ready to testify at an independent international investigation. Are our MASTERMINDS , (mentioned by LJ ), willing to do the same ????? He also said because of the position and influence he held ( as Pillayan’s Man Friday, spokes person and coordinating sec of TMVP ) he had access to important information related to, not only Easter plot, but political killings that took place under Rajapaksa watch. Reportedly soon after C 4 broadcast, Lankan killer police visited Maulana’s mother and sister, and two unknown persons questioned his sister’s son about Maulan’s current where about and contact number. See DBS article
(continuation on DM ). Do any right minded person think Maulana should have stayed in SB Lanka’s killing fields ?????
chiv / September 25, 2023
Interesting. While UHRC sessions were underway in Geneva, in parallel , C 4 was screened by Geneva Times. Maulana was available via videolink, to clarify and answer all questions. Will Sally, Pillayan and Gotha do the same ???? Just a conference videolink from where ever they are fooling Lankans???? SB can fool 6.9 million all their life and all Lankans some of the time but not the world. Though there was no such mechanism, JR still told foreign media, SB feels happy killing Tamils, and he as the head, didn’t care, whether Tamils lived or died.
Mallaiyuran / September 26, 2023
“Maulana was available via videolink, to clarify and answer all questions. Will Sally, Pillayan and Gotha do the same ? “ (They both responded, pls Read the news. )
What is in your mind? A kangaroo court outside of UNHRC sitting? May I know Ganier could not go to Switzerland as a sponsored citizen by the Swiss embassy, but how did the double agent Moulana go to Swiss, just because of financial fraud? Why did the Swiss let him in? Is financial fraud a part of Geneva Political Asylum Conventions? Rascal Moulana worked as government-Pillaiyan Double agent in RavanaLE Langkang. He is doing the same in Switzerland. From whom & when did you get the certification of his current whiteness? It is funny and laughable that suddenly few of you are brainwashed, after the government tried to put 4/21 on Pulasthini and failed, and now it wants to put it on another Tamil, Pillaiyan Head? You are a fan of Ex LTTE, another double agent, Dubious Jeyaraj. So, if you want to clean and polish Moulana Family is only EPRLF angels, never was a LTTE like Pillaiyan.
Mallaiyuran / September 26, 2023
What did you read in the Colombo Media makes you believe Pillaiyan is the Managing Director of the Rowdy Royal family? You think Pillaiyan managed everything alone for Royals, but Hezbollah who threatened Evil’s Yahapalanaya with the OIC’s sanction if his role in 4/21 was investigated, is still mother’s nipple sucking infant? Is that not because Moulana would never mention Hezbollah name? Once bitten twice shy. Isn’t it that Evil did not give them any government position because they participated in the term of Lies Agreed Upon, and then threatened him with destroying him. Hezbollah, Rishard Please, didn’t know that they were not threatening the TNA, which is a Hakeem hobby, but they were playing with fire.
Come on the Tamil victims who lent them to fall where Pillaiyan fell into, (easily fall victimized to brainwashing of Appe Aanduwa media propaganda) how much of the destruction of government was masterminded by Pillaiyan after 1948, or please tell me for how many of them, Pillaiyan the rowdy Demulo Modaya, fell himself in as a victim? As a doctor, you seem to have tested Pillaiyan IQ too! Right?
Leader Pirapaharan had trained this buffalo calf, if faced with hopeless circumstances, to bite the capsule. This buffalo calf abandoned his leaders’ training to escape when faced with endless torture and lifetime agony but undertook the job of washing the cowardice Royals.
Mallaiyuran / September 26, 2023
A Tamil father of 5 Children was predetermined to be framed as the operative for the limited operation the Jihadis were lured into, in Vavunativu, by Aanduwa. The purpose of this was not just to misdirect the people’s attention from political issue & poverty to the story of “LTTE” being resurrected, but when the Jihadis finished the assignment, to pose to the Modayas that the Jihadis were more tricker than LTTEyers, so they skillfully eluded police. But they fell on a woman, who had knowingly married a past rebel and was ready to live with the future agonies her married life can bring.
When the police went to her door and knocked on it looking for her husband to be assigned the crime of Vavunativue, she would not be surprised. So, she went to the street to protest that her husband was not released. Police threatened that they would arrest her and separate from Children, too.
She threatened back that if they forced her to go home without releasing her husband, at home she would feed poison to her children, and she too would drink that. This buffalo calf could not make a decision for himself, but that woman bravely took the decision for the six, in the face of the shameless rapist police. She never wanted either her or her kids to languish in the barbarians’ Sinhala Royals’, and Sinhala Buddhist Intellectuals’ prison.
Mallaiyuran / September 26, 2023
The Government court which investigated the White Flag Murderer, New King’s role in 4/21 said, it was not just the cabinet, 225+1 Parliamentarians, Comedy cum fraudulent Cardinal are the only people did know the impending 4/21 chaos, but about 10,000 personnel, including Rapist Army, Rapist Navy, Rapist Police, Rapist Air Force, many in the government ministries, Langkang’s court system etc, etc. all did know about the attack en route.
When some propagandists from Colombo Media program you by brainwashing, why are you doing this “Uru Podorathu” (sitting in front of fire chanting Slokas repeatedly like sages, hopin to happen by meditational effect) as “Pillaiyan, Pillaiyan, Pillaiyan…….”? Pray for this Modaya’s mother, just because of her past sin, that pathetic woman has given a buffalo calf like him, and for revenge of pain she took on her stomach, her child is suffering as an arrow of every Tom, dick and harry, the hunters. Let the expert investigate the masterminds, instead of having misdirected on Pillaiyan, the fool in the gang being punished, according to the Aanduwa’s script. Remember the Old Rowdy King said: “I will use Tamils to destroy Tamils’ . I tell you, when this drama of “Moulana Revelations are over (certainly government is aware of this revelation much ahead, and without any objections agreed to IC investigation, until the IMF grants the rest of tranche), double spy Moulana will become double citizen and return to Langkang, like Hitler King did.
Mallaiyuran / September 26, 2023
Further I tell you, the Tamils requesting Genocide-War Crime investigation may come true one day, because international countries have an obligation and responsibility towards human rights and international humanitarian law, but never on this earth the 4/21 investigation will go out of Langkang borders. The countries which lost their citizens can investigate the places, and the person who killed their citizens and ask for extradition. But cannot bring their law inside the country to investigate 4/21 as one single incident. Most of the dead are Tamils, anyway. Colombo Media for months now has been carrying a boast “The Cardinal, who Brought IC Investigation ”. That is a bigger lie than the Aanduwas’ Zero Casualty story. Cardinal helped the Rowdy Royals cover up the crime. The Aanduwas’ masterminds of UNP-SLFPyers are not that simpleton, as some of you think. Ganier may soon go to prison, 1.) by the unfaithful act of the Swiss embassy, and 2). not paying the millions of rupee penalty for accusing the Rapist Police.
Show some quality for your education, instead of becoming a blind pillar to hold high Aanduwa’s defenses of the criminality leaders. Create a distance between you and Pillaiyan, rather than becoming another victim of Aanduwa mastermind games.
ramona therese fernando / September 25, 2023
Deepthi Silva,
You are so correct in saying, “Ranil is mentally sick, he is now preaching on every subject IMF, AI, global affairs, international agreements, history, architecture ,law global warming etc etc.”
And that so many people on CT put a dislike for it shows that they well into the billionaire or aspiring billionaire import business, excitedly awaiting the next IMF tranche. This IMF tranche will alcoate money for all the spare parts for AI, global warming industries, architecture, and all the other industries Ranil wants to import. Global affairs, International agreements and law will tie them all in. This is minus any actual plan for exports, in the midst of country as one of the poorest in Asia with over 50% in starvation mode. Or if there is a projected take off, it will be in a generation or two when global industry will be very different from now.
In the end, the IMF is about selling technological ideas and merchandise associated with them to keep the Western commercial and financial systems rolling indefinitely, till they create another path forwards. In Sri Lanka, Lankan billionaires will ensure the money stays safe and rolling on international markets.
nimal fernando / September 25, 2023
What is this ………. all the gals ganging up against OC?
leelagemalli / September 25, 2023
not ganging up, but these ignorant girls would do any low work today. Deepthi has proved it several dozens of times. She would never change her spots even if SOCIAL funds in UK allowed her a better life.
And I questioned again, where on earth, MOTHER THERESA of pitterburg hid at the time, JALIYA WICKRAMASOORIYA was appointed as then ambssador to the US ? Jaliya was one of nephews of MEDAMULANA mafia boss. Reporters revealed he would not have been good to sweep the floors in Maradana, however, he was made the ambsassador to the US ?…… how primitive Rajakskhes have fallen to…
Why on earth, the girl, Teresa, failed to be vocal against ? Was she then caught by health problems ? May I raise this million dollar question here ?
Thanks god, we did not have the kind of candidates in Europe AND we should not have to stand them thus. However, I have criticised some staff members of Berlin and Bonn being not qualified enough. CBK s adminstration acted immediately, but Medamulana dogs never respected our requests.
ramona therese fernando / September 25, 2023
You can sit calling people names, but how do you justify Ranil’s superlative plans over a bankrupt nation? A normal country would have first looked after its starving citizens before collecting a few elite to uphold international finances to consolidate Western interests.
As per Rajapaksas and Jaliya W., they had a great chance to do right for the people, but screwed it up for lack of intelligence. Yes, I wholeheartedly supported them at the time, but did not realize the depth of their uselessness.
What’s the difference between them and Ranil? They were with China whilst Ranil is doing the same thing with the West. No, it’s much worse because there is Land Bridge and Separatism with Ranil. Rajapaksas consolidated the country wealth amongst their families and ambassadors, whilst Ranil is attempting to entice businessmen to consolidate the wealth. It still remains in the 1% brackets which you are scrambling to enter.
Native Vedda / September 25, 2023
nimal fernando
“What is this ………. all the gals ganging up against OC?”
Girls, middle aged women, old women, …. love him.
I detect a borderline jealousy.
nimal fernando / September 25, 2023
What is this borderline crap? ……. It’s full-blown, man! …… I’ve been envious of his charm with the ladies from the day I encountered him!
Have I ever hidden it?
old codger / September 25, 2023
“. all the gals ganging up against OC?”
I love it!!
Mallaiyuran / September 26, 2023
That is called Oodal (melodramatic anger)
Valuvar argues, in his book’s 3rd volume, the Kamaththupal (Love and marriage) that part(Oodal) is essential and inseparable from the process of dating.
When making the curry, you add all the savory increments and then add some caustic pepper. The pepper doesn’t spoil the curry, instead enhance enjoyably of the curry.
Jeyawewa to Old in the war with gals!
SJ / September 26, 2023
“caustic pepper”
A new spice in the market?
Mallaiyuran / September 26, 2023
Poor Boy! The mother never cooked in her own kitchen so anything and everything is new for him in the list of a food dictionary.
Raj-UK / September 24, 2023
I grew up in Mrs B’s austerity period. Her closed economy policies took the country backwards. I still remember how Astra margarine, a hydrogenated fatty product, was advertised as ‘healthy’ & having to queue up for hours to buy the weekly meagre rations. JR’s open economy principles raised the living standards but unfortunately, JR did not crack the whip on errant ministers in his govt. & his successors, Premadasa, a gutter mouth yob with a chip on his shoulder, or DB, a simpleton out of his depth, caused the deviation from progress. Of course, the JVP & Prabhakaran helped but it was the self-serving politicians who had taken over that prevented progress. Much hyped CBK & her inner circle benefitted personally but did nothing for the country. However, it was the Rajapakses, Badaranayake cronies till then, who inflicted the most damage from which SL would never recover. Another Bandaranayake crony, Sirisena, in a bid to out do MR in the corruption stakes, did the rest.
Raj-UK / September 24, 2023
I lost faith in RW years ago but, given the devil it’s due, he has somewhat stabilised the economy & in the hour of need, he has done a fair job, whatever the critics say. Right now, though I have not much faith in RW, I don’t see anybody capable of leading SL out of the woods.
leelagemalli / September 25, 2023
I am in full agreement with you Raj. I hat off to few of you guys that give us the opportunity to exchange on the topic meaninngfully.
You and I dont belong to Millenials or Z-genzers, however we act without being biased to any parties in our homeland. we can be proud of ourunbiased thoughts. Manel too shared, that she does nt see anyone else could do the job right at the moment. I have never supported UNP in my entire life. Nor have I supported Rajapakshes.
Besides, Who else do we have as Leaders in the country today ? AKD ?
Can AKD led jokers face the music before the IC ? AKD cant yet win the hearts and minds of baby booming and X generations, let alone, bringing prosper under his leadership.
Why does that JOKER from Maharagama will pay no attention to your questions based on “Lal Kantha ‘s meeting with SODOMITE Ghanasara” ? You can wait ages. I have been waiting ages for my questions regarding SINHALA-BUDDHISM and AKD’s silence.
As usual, he has been dodging our questions instead. There he dares to say, that he is not undertsanding yours or mine. He is only good at harrassing us with LINKS for AKD’s public speeches. Can you imagine ?
Native Vedda / September 24, 2023
“Of SWRD, JR, RW, Chandrika only one comes up as a leader. Yet, fell by the wayside, for love of power!”
According to well informed sources, Chandrika was the one who came up with most democratic draft constitution (drafted by GL Peieris, Neelan, Kathirgamar, …) which was torn to pieces, by patriotic lions in the parliament, politically illiterate Sinhala/Buddhists and the UNP lead by Ranil (burnt the draft).
In the meantime nimal fernando’s poster boy VP broke the cease fire by firing his SAM 7 missile at Air force air crafts destroying the planes along with peace process, thanks to all of them.
Please ignore SJ.
SJ / September 24, 2023
“politically illiterate Sinhala/Buddhists and the UNP lead by Ranil (burnt the draft).”
The UNP took the initiative in the shredding the draft text.
Setting it ablaze was not by RW. He sat back and watched with what one may call a cynical smile on his face.
The well informed sources could do with a little better information on details.
(Sorry to have spoiled your fun.)
Native Vedda / September 24, 2023
“The well informed sources could do with a little better information on details.
(Sorry to have spoiled your fun.)”
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha …….ha ha
Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho
Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee
Heh heh heh
I am sorry I just received a meme.
SJ / September 24, 2023
Lost for words?
A lot better than the usual.
Mahila / September 25, 2023
“Setting it ablaze was NOT by RW. He SAT BACK AND WATCHED with what one may call a CYNICAL SMILE on his face.”
Agreed with your conclusions, with some exceptions!!
He was enjoying, as Leader of the UN “Party in Perpetuity”, the younger members of his party under his Tutelage and Overnight Guidance, were effecting the ‘Onslaught’ on the Governing Party and its Leader’s ambition to be remembered for all-time the SAVIOUR of the Pearl in the Indian Ocean, with the new Pseudo-Liberal- Federal Constitution!!!???
That ‘smile’, wasn’t CYNICAL’ by any measure of Imagination, but the exposure of the ‘THRILL and PROFOUND EXCITEMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT’ and utter glee in demonstrable ACHIEVEMENT OF GOAL AND OBJECTIVE of his LIFE-LONG AMBITION, being SEEN as NATIONALIST LEADER, Par Excellence and without any EQUAL Claimant!?
To allude any other reason to that smile isn’t worthy of the effort in doing so!!!??? The “offer of 13th A., w/o Police Powers and Truncated Land Powers” – is a Cynical Machiavellian ‘UPPER-CUT-PUNCH’!
Visualise, RW forthcoming Presidential Election, full-of-Hope!!!??? It’s an achievement winning!!?? Question lingers-on nevertheless whether electorate is ready, bestowing the ‘lost TRUST’, which only ‘Time will Tell’ and much time is required!!! 2024, too SHORT!!??
SJ / September 25, 2023
Thank you for the trouble.
I was only correcting an erroneous reporting.
It was not a comment on the politics of RW, which I reject.
I intervened not to justify RW but to point out what really happened.
The CT is abused by some to sneak in falsehoods which several others piously repeat.
If you think that I am an admirer of RW, you are badly mistaken. There are others who are, and may benefit from your comments. So, kindly address your views to them.
ramona therese fernando / September 25, 2023
Deepthi Silva,
You are so correct in saying, “Ranil is mentally sick, he is now preaching on every subject IMF, AI, global affairs, international agreements, history, architecture ,law global warming etc etc.”
And that so many people on CT put a dislike for it shows that they well into the billionaire or aspiring billionaire import business, excitedly awaiting the next IMF tranche. This IMF tranche will alcoate money for all the spare parts for AI, global warming industries, architecture, and all the other industries Ranil wants to import. Global affairs, International agreements and law will tie them all in. This is minus any actual plan for exports, in the midst of country as one of the poorest in Asia with over 50% in starvation mode. Or if there is a projected take off, it will be in a generation or two when global industry will be very different from now.
In the end, the IMF is about selling technological ideas and merchandise associated with them to keep the Western commercial and financial systems rolling indefinitely, till they create another path forwards. In Sri Lanka, Lankan billionaires will ensure the money stays safe and rolling on international markets.
deepthi silva / September 25, 2023
RTF, I have one thing to say to all these odd men who have put their grubby thumbs down against my comment on this Colombo created fraud RW.
Come with your thumbs after the next election, if held in 10 days, 10 months or even 10 years.
Ranil and his UNP will still get less than 1% of our vote.
So why is he there ? For whom is he doing politics.?
Some businessmen say there is stability. There cannot be stability if there is an unelected president. This man and his wife go to Royal funerals in UK and then he and his boys go to Royal Thomian matches at the Oval ( which Royalty does Royal represent and what evangelical idea gave rise to Saint Thomas ? ) .
This so called sickening elite culture in this little third world country must stop. It will stop because finally our elites are represented by a half man caricature called Ranil. They are bankrupt.
Not stability for wheeler dealers, even if Ranil gives one million rupees to every citizen ( and Billions to his special friends like Mahendran, Aloysius, Selvanayagam) he will get less than 1% of the vote.
The people of this country simply hate his sight.
Why is he representing our people at the UN ? Who voted him in ? The Rajapaksa family !
leelagemalli / September 25, 2023
Many people have to agree with Prof. Deepthi regarding her statement made about ” GODE people ” being found among any govt authorities. For some reasons, she has become normal about that.. we are glad positively, Finally, Professor Deepti’s eyes turned to the facts. Bravooooooooo. I thought nothing meaningful would ever come from her about anything. See people change…. bravoooooooooooo. Each time putting my feet at BIA, first thing comes ot my mind, I STARTED criticising the behavoiurs of lanken authorities. There we become helpless before foreign tourists. There is no standards in emmigration controls, most of them not trained to world standards. They treat middle east guest workers looking down upon their uneducated levels.
However, who exported them to ME countries ? Indians with striking poverty have never allowed their poor people be exploited as domestic servants in oil rich but human rights violating middle east. Rajapakshes exported them in high volumes and made it the leading source for foreign exchange to the country.
In the past, srilanka was known to the world with world class edcuated figures being produced by the pearl of asia., However world standards were not given priority in our country during the tyarnical governance of medamulana dogs. They behaved like rape victims were openly raped by them.
leelagemalli / September 25, 2023
This culture was brought about by the sons of Medamulana bitch who shamelessly appointed any “unedcuated or under educated” to the Ministry of Health, Education and Ministry of Foreign Affairs in education, foreign affairs, health or other fields, even if they did not have the necessary qualifications.
Mahinda Rajapaksa should be held highly responsible for this mess. he should be hanged in publicly is still valid for this crimes. He unequivocally deserves public execution. If not Mahinda who fits it better to be the highest criminal in that hell.
Mahinda has broken all the standards that have maintained the country for decades. Senior premadasa did the same by appointing illiterate rural villagers as “teachers” in order to live up his complex mindset towards 80ties. However, CBK maintained and introduced some standards. CBK’s foreign affairs caused LTTE rebells and their supporters be cornered in the rich soils and finally got them banned internationally. Whoever, whatever being said and done, that is the ” pure truth” which led then to marginalize them also within the country. It was uneducated Mahinda, but former president CBK with Late honourable minister LKadirgarmar did ground work so that medamulana criminals could reap out the harvest and become popular.
Even credit for war end achievements, Rajapaklshes stole the credit. I think DA Rajapakshe should have been a king of mlechchathwaya to have trained his sons of crime politics.
leelagemalli / September 25, 2023
However, this criminal culture was publicly identified by Mahinda Dog’s Chinthana under the “APE MINIHA PRINCIPLE (no matter anyone would disagree, we should appoint our men to positions)”.
It is reported that since 2005, no qualified persons have been picked ofr any foreign mission because Rajapaksa’s decisions violated all other requirements. We know how MEDAMULANA son of bitch acted against SRILANKEN AIRLINE and how it was bankrupted by his direct mediation. These should be made known to the masses. These are huge crimes that should not be treated with total ignorance.
Jaliya Wickramasuriya – Mahinda Rajapaksa’s nephew, who was appointed “Ambassador” to the Sri Lankan Embassy in the United States and ended the theft, his qualifications proved that he did not have the knowledge of English or any other credentials required to be a diplomat. Has proven to positions. From there this culture started. Shame on the Sri Lankan community in the US for ignoring this incident. Teresa or someone like her today speaks highly of the “grievances of the people”, but the truth is that she and all paid in blind eyes. If they had protested before the American authorities, this could have been nipped in the bud.
Native Vedda / September 25, 2023
desperate deepthi silva
Forget Ranil, Mahinda, Gota, Wimal, …. for a minute
please tell us exactly what do you want?
How do you want it?
deepthi silva / September 26, 2023
I dont want to respond to this Vedda fellow because of his inherent unpleasantness. He tends to take a response as an acknowledgement of equality. I hate it that he in his very inferior way gets into these discussions.
However, for the general reader I like to say unlike the various pundits here I do not know what I want . So the question how I want it does not arise.
I try my best to purge all feelings of bias ( mainly for their own kind) which most on this forum obviously carry. Observing their writings from the standards over here it is obvious they lack scrupulous and objectivity.
Also I want to bring to the attention of the forum all the inferiority and inabilities I Observe in South Asians. Wherever they land in the world they seem to bring down standards, making jokes out of all systems. Even this forum has been diminished by their participation. They use a system in place for their propaganda.
Obvious Pukka sahibs like OC ,trying to define themselves with their English language, whiskey and by commenting suggestively about female participants only underlines my aversion to all things that come from over there.
How do you cure lepers ? I wish I knew
old codger / September 26, 2023
DS the dowdy,
“Obvious Pukka sahibs like OC ,trying to define themselves with their English language, whiskey and by commenting suggestively about female participants “
I have deliberately been ignoring your majesty to see what happens. It’s clear that you can’t live without me.. OK, I’ll be at the bar next weekend. 😉😉
Native Vedda / September 26, 2023
old codger
“OK, I’ll be at the bar next weekend.”
How about tomorrow if people can’t make it next weekend?
There is a problem, remember nimal is your competitor.
He might pop in to see how you are getting on with your friends, partners, companions, ….. Our Reverent Thug Gnanasara might want have fun.
deepthi silva / September 26, 2023
OC you want to make this pub less of a place ?
What have you against the owner ?
Many institutions in the developed world have been brought down by your kind .
old codger / September 27, 2023
I have nothing against the owner, but I suspect you don’t get your free drinks for nothing….
old codger / September 27, 2023
“How do you cure lepers ? I wish I knew”
There is Google. Obviously you’re no doctor.
deepthi silva / September 27, 2023
OC ,come now ,your followers will be disappointed , your language limitations with the language of your choice is showing .
A leper , meaning a person who ought to be shunned by society -like your kind in Canada, Paris and London.
leelagemalli / September 27, 2023
She may be a doctor in her dreams.
This person seems to be chasing u like a small girl. Why is that.
Let s wish her sooner recovery !
ramona therese fernando / September 25, 2023
Yes, these people do not represent the Lankan masses. Can’t believe their selfishness of making money over so many suffering people. They are no better than the politicians thinking that just because they found a way to become rich, the whole country is rich. Very self-centered egotistical people. Far cry from the more intelligent people of Singapore and S. Korea.
old codger / September 27, 2023
“, these people do not represent the Lankan masses”
No more or less than asses in Pittsburgh do, I suppose.
deepthi silva / September 27, 2023
OC, the voting shows exactly the opposite ! Ramona, myself , aragalaya crowd are with the people , and we hate your type and your idol Ranil and his creator MR !
As to the free drinks at the bar , it is a universal fact that you Tamils are sickeningly stingy !
I am sure your buddies Vedda, Leela and crowd have not seen the inside of a pub, leave aside an high end restaurant ! I also sense that although for anglophile effect you talk of pubs , you rather someone else buy you a drink , which only happens rarely .
All your parties are held in your homes, where after drumsticks and ash plantains you condemn the Rajapaksa’s
ramona therese fernando / September 27, 2023
Hey oc…… You also end with the word “suppose” when you lack constructive argument. Typical!
ramona therese fernando / September 27, 2023
…You always end……*
Native Vedda / September 27, 2023
old codger
Now you see how people’s scatter brain works.
One moment people are poor the next moment those rich people are blamed.
What does Grandma want to tell us?
Anyhow, it is your problem you deal with it..
RBH59 / September 25, 2023
The president is giving speeches and preaching and not practicing he cannot serve his own country how can he advise others? He represents without people power. as he cannot make any decision for the health sector as he will lose votes even if people suffer. An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.
Plato / September 25, 2023
So much has been written of the evils of the Executive Presidency by so many political commentators but the concluding line of this essay says it all.
………More than anything else,the Presidential system and the political culture that grew with it enabled the TOXIC fusion of ABSOLUTE POWER and ABSOLUTE IGNORANCE at the summit of the state………..[ summit= pinnacle]
This then has been our most recent tragedy. It fits Gota like a glove!
Pundit / September 26, 2023
I would actually have SWRDB at the top of the list and JRJ and nephew RW a very close second and third.