By Kumar David –
Donald Trump is vulgar; even cultivated Republicans see him as a gross Fallstaff like persona. He is a thinly veiled racist but WASP Americans don’t seem to mind. Obama and Mitchel’s worst side to WASPs was not that they were black but blacks who often outshone white intellectuals. Despite all this among Republicans Trump already leads by leagues, long before the Primary Season for November 2024 even kicks off. Unless the courts obstruct him (unlikely because the stooge US Supreme Court eats out of his hand) or the good lord takes mercy on America and strikes him down with a bolt of lightning, you can be certain that he will be the GOP nominee for the presidency.
There is more bad news for the Democrats because Vivek Ramasamy (Ram), Trump’s likely running mate (recently there has been a suggestions that Trump may choose a woman running mate) is a glib populist demagogue who will mop the floor with tongue-tied Kamala Harris, Biden’s vice-president. The 38 year old Ram though is a fake. His views on climate change fly in that face of science of which he knows bugger-all, nor has he an iota of knowledge of global and domestic economics. Conceding all this, a Trump-Ram ticket will nevertheless be an uncomfortable challenge for the Democrats.
The 81-year Biden (Trump is 79) would be wise to bow out and make way for a younger candidate and a new running mate. Michele Obama is only 59, Elizabeth Warren 74 and Robert Kennedy’s grandson Joseph E Kennedy only 42 years old. His grand-uncle JFK was 43 when elected president. With so much available I am surprised that America is still hankering after geriatrics!
But the problem is much bigger. The debt of the US Federal Government currently is $32 trillion or more than 120% of GDP. Tax hikes alone are rarely enough to stimulate the economy and pay down debt. Spending cuts despite their painful effects on employment and welfare are another way. Bailouts and defaults are also a way of easing debt problems but have obvious drawbacks. Governments often issue new debts in form of bonds to ease the pressure. The US experiment with “Quantitative Easing” is a way of buying back bonds. Every tool has its downside, economic (employment, business confidence and inflation) and political. Global economic output, undoubtedly influenced by the spurt in technology, has grown from $40 trillion in in 2000, in then-current dollars, to $85 trillion in 2020 in now-current dollars. Even after making allowance for changes in the nominal dollar values in the two different time periods and for the Asian century which now includes India, this is an impressive increase in global economic growth. Trends in the US economy have an effect on the whole world – East Asia (China included), South Asia including India, Eastern and Western Europe of course, and you name it, everywhere.
Every option that is adopted in the US has serious implications for the rest of the world. It is still the world’s financial and military top-dog and the rest of us cannot remain unscathed when things begin to buckle in the citadel. This is too big a topic for me to tackle this pieces but I will confine myself to two questions which are influenced by changing global circumstances; (i) What kind of a democracy do we desire in Lanka, (ii) what kind of an economic arrangement do we want for Lanka. The minimal answer to the first question is we want the right to change government through elections every say five years; we want liberal democratic values to prevail; we want the state to be answerable to the people; and we want the physical security of the minorities to be guaranteed by the state. That’s the easy question.
As I have pointed out on a previous occasion there are only two realistic options for the next government in Sri Lanka which I broadly identify as the Anura Kumara JVP-NPP option and some consortium gathered around the UNP institutions. This second is likely to be led by Ranil (RW) with a prominent role assigned to Sajith. The cohorts temporarily aligned with Sajith are at root UNP and Sajith sans these UNP and ex-UNP associates is nothing. Both power blocks have skeletons in their cupboard. To this day the JVP has not acknowledged its viciously violent past nor its racist inheritances from Wijeweera and Somawansa. RW is trigger happy and has a reputation for unleashing indiscriminate violence on political opponents, but not on the ruthless scale of JR. Therefore on the side of political democracy there are many amends that both contenders for governmental power need to make.
Planning Commission
Be that as it may the much greater challenge facing the country is my point previous point (ii), the economic challenge. The economic programme must be growth oriented, it must be export oriented, it will have to identify and address the needs of different sectors (agriculture, industry, technology, energy, plantations, cash-crops fisheries etc.), taxes on the well-to-do and on companies will have to increase, and the programme will unavoidably impose some burden on the masses and so on. The story is not new but Lanka needs to adopt a bold new approach. One option is to set up a Planning Commission.
The country needs a planning commission to coordinate the diverse imperatives of this programme. Here is an edited summary from the website of the Indian Planning Commission
“Since 1947, the Indian economy has been premised on the concept of planning. This has been carried through the Five-Year Plans, developed, executed, and monitored by the Planning Commission. The Prime Minister as the ex-officio Chairman, the commission has a nominated Deputy Chairman, who holds the rank of a Cabinet Minister prior to this the allocation of state resources was based on schematic patterns rather than a transparent and objective mechanism. The Narendra Modi government announced the dissolution of the Planning Commission, and its replacement by a think tank called the National Institution for Transforming India.”
If you distrust Modi and his motives you are in good company, but that’s another matter.
The point is that Sri Lanka needs to take its cue from half-a-century of sound practice in India and set about the business of establishing a Planning Commission to address the several issues raised in this essay. I will say no more on this now and invite comment from readers.
[Several regular readers of my column have inquired why my established weekly routine has been broken. Well, time passes, age marches on and health decays. Nevertheless I will try to keep up a fortnightly offering].
shankar / September 24, 2023
trump will lose and if he selects ramasamy as his running mate that will be a blunder and confirm to american women what they already think about him as a misogynist pussy grabber. His running mate should be a woman and a woman he can get along with.Sarah palin?
Kumar is talking of america as the most important of all in the world that can change the world.He has forgotten that china is the other elephant in the room and a one man show Xi who can do whatever he decidesWhat goes on in his mind is crucial.He has no congress or the senate blocking him. Also there is another elephant the EU.Decision making is difficult because a consensus of 27 countries is needed,but when decisions are made even late than never,they have a big impact.
ramona therese fernando / September 24, 2023
No, Trump won’t take Ram as running mate. Reason: Even WASPS are intelligent about Climate Change. They merely use it as a facade to trump down non-Wasps and Chinese. And Ramasamy doesn’t understand that, and embarrassingly tries to use all kinds of twisted and erroneous rhetoric to impress them.
Sri Lanka ALWAYS had a Planning Commission. Yes, ever since independence, the big-shots sat planning to showcase Lankan brains on the world-stage. Country money for tertiary education was all about that. Country culture and fashion was all about that, with Sri Lanka’s greatest and only innovation being embarrassingly Mrs. World. From education, it went on to commercial and business overseas enterprise. Vast sums of country money were taken out for the Lankan entrepreneurs to showcase their brains on world stage. Finally, the whole lot of the money of the hardworking-suffering-Lankan-Masses was placed on the ultimate of everything-everywhere-all-at-once, viz, the global stock & bonds exchange – both mainstream and alternate. Alas! All was lost of course, at each and every instance.
Mahila / September 25, 2023
Sri Lanka ALWAYS had a ‘PLANNING COMMISSION’. Yes, ever since independence, the big-shots sat planning to showcase Lankan brains on the world-stage. Only country with ‘PLANNING COMMISSION’, IN SOUTH ASIA SINCE 1948 WAS INDIA AND INDIA ALONE!!?? NOT SRILANKA!!??
‘HOG WASH’ – the least, of “CYNIC” PERAMBULATING around PITTSBURG, in an unknown Country yet to be discovered (NOT THE ONE discovered by ‘Amerigo Vespucci’ 1499-1522), contemplating on the MUTABILITY of the HUMAN BRAIN and VICISSITUDE enhanced by and EXTENDED by her FIGMENT of IMAGINATION of a FERTILE, but IMMATURE BRIAN!!!????
Be that as I may, the public servants of the Ceylon Civil Service (CCS) were dutifully carrying out that service devoid of ‘PLANNING COMMISSION’, but the politicians Nullified their (CCS) Intent and impelling cause, by ‘APEY AANDUWA’ – ‘PANCHA MAHA BALAVEGAYA’, SUPER-IMPOSING their POWER, over that of DEDICATED Public Service Administration (CCS) and thereafter NO legitimate PLAANING of the ECONOMY EVR HAPPENED!!?? Instead, the Economic planning was done on the Political Stage and Election Platform since 1956 and the PHENOMENAL RESULT could be seen by one-and-all!!! BANKRUPTCY 03/2022 – at last, though it was long-time COMING!!!???
The majority by their uncouth Avarice, destroyed ‘Golden Egg-laying’ Duck – Sri Lanka!!!???
ramona therese fernando / September 26, 2023
dumbo doesn’t understand sarcasm
SJ / September 26, 2023
You have a valid point about Ramasamy.
He seems far less competent than KH.
ramona therese fernando / September 26, 2023
SJ…..KH isn’t doing much, is she (guess that’s what the job is about….a great relaxing time till if something happens to the Prez.). She loves to keep saying that she went to public schools as a little girl, and thanks all the gov. services given to her. Truth is she probably went to private tuition classes courtesy the taxes of the hardworking-masses of Tamil Nadu…her uncle being chief minister and all.
SJ / September 27, 2023
Do you have a problem with her part Tamil ancestry?
All I said was that Ramasamy seems worse than her in capability.
Sinhala_Man / September 25, 2023
Dear Professor Kumar David,
Please keep going with your articles. It’s not you age alone that makes it difficult for you to guide and inspire us; so many surprises get sprung upon us that it is difficult for me (let me not speak for others) to keep up with what is happening.
The reference you made in you last article to Vivek Ramasamy, caused me to read up quite a bit about him. Ramona TF may be right in feeling that she will not be made Trump’s running-mate, but it is interesting that a man who actually speaks Tamil has got that far in the USA,
Sinhala_Man / September 25, 2023
I agree that Kamala has not had the impact that we had hoped she would, but let’s hope that Joseph E Kennedy or Michelle Obama (so much younger) get nominated by the Republicans. I’m sure that our speculations must be wide of the mark, but it is good for guys like us who live in Lanka at least read up a few new things about the US.
As for what’s happening here, I intend visiting the NPP headquarters in Pelawatte again in a few days. You speak of the past of the JVP section of the NPP,. See what I have unearthed in the last comments on this article:
I think that you will grant some to the problems that face the NPP now, as it tries to consolidate its traditional support base among the working classes (mainly Sinhala-Buddhist). And the author of that article has now actually come up with a new article:
I’m trying to cope. I’d welcome younger people that me tearing me to shreds in a meaningful way. Unfortunately, they don’t seem to!
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of Bandarawela, writing from Maharagama
nimal fernando / September 25, 2023
“I intend visiting the NPP headquarters”
The bloody Hammer and Sickle flag flies outside the blooming headquaters! ……. Every blooming country/leader that had anything to do with the hammer and sickle has killed and starved to death more people than even Ranil! …… And they have hung on to power for eternity! …….. Cause just like Ranil, they think they are the best for the country: no one else!
Stalin, Mao, Fidel, Mugabe, Pol Bloody Pot, Kim, ……… have their supporters. And Ranil has his …….. cheering them on!
Trump never ruled the USA: Putin did. ……. Putin will rule again and make USA a vassal state of Russia through his remote-controlled robot proxies.
People just write for the sake of writing, talk for the sake of talking …….. read for the sake of reading …….. and we think we have made a change in the world, in Lanka, ……… in ourselves.
Nothing change …… everything remain the same. …….. And tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow …….
Are you mad or is AKD mad? ………. Only Udurawana somewhere up their knows the answer.
failed my English ……. but not my mind.
leelagemalli / September 25, 2023
What does our JOKER commenter from Bandarawella caves, know about US politics? hE JUST focuses abundantly on the surface issues but leaving a comment here.
Trump the clown has ruined that country as no other leaders during his tenure. This is fact.
Eruopeans were vehementaly against him, from the day of his election. How he stood against OBAMA-HEALTH REFORMS should be the biggest blunder in his politics.
Many european leaders did not even talk abou tthe bugger because it was beyond talks, the guy was very unwelcome in europe. People hated him. At the time, the bugger lately caught by imprisonment, there are europeans, that were ready to celebrate it louder than they could.
So the Biden administration didn’t have time to pretend everything that the Trump clown’s administration had deliberately done in many areas. The aftermath of TRUMP adminstration was similar to debris left by a tsunami disaster.
leelagemalli / September 25, 2023
I learned this from one of my neighbors, an EU parliamentarian. He revealed that CLOWN’s administration had completely undermined trans-atlantic relations, so trade relations between Europe and the United States were not working properly under Trump AD..So pointing the finger at VICE PRESIDENT, KAMALA HARIS is not fair because yet today, they have to iron out what TRUMP adminstration destroyed. Looking at the manner, CLOWN#S treated its people in covid-crisis was beyond ethics and morals.- that was the best evidence to corner the bugger forever. However white supremacists are beyond care in terms of them politcal blindness.
That is known to any european nations. Some provinces in US had no enough health divices to help out the dying people. It was all because the lack of proper decisions taken by TRUMP. However, as is the case with SINHALA BUDDHIST in our hell, AMERICANS, specially white supremacists are after REPUBLICs regardless of anything. They are so blind and hateful against afro-americans yet today.
Mahila / September 25, 2023
“but it is interesting that a man who actually speaks Tamil has got that far in the USA,”!
What is the reason, that’ Tamil Speaking contender declaring his Presidential Aspiration, a reality, makes it, “INTERESTING”!!!???’
leelagemalli / September 25, 2023
Dear Mahila,
Ramaswamy is proved to have his roots in India, but he was born and raised in the United States. There is no doubt that he will have no chance of becoming the GOP candidate in the final round. Those stupid white supremacists aka republicans in that part of the world come from baby boomers and x generations.
Even if CLOWN Trump destroys their health with the COVID pandemic, they would like to see him re-elected. That is the general trend of that society which is driven by color blindness.
By education, Vivek Ramaswamy is a geneticist and human biologist like me, however, his pro-Republican stance is beyond people’s thinking. Nowhere on Earth, people would support republicans if they were younger generations.
leelagemalli / September 25, 2023
The kind of people who represent Republicans AKA elephants as they call them, says it all.
If you meant Kamala as the one who speaks Tamil, I don’t think either of these candidates know the basics of their parent’s language. However, there are Indians everywhere who are known as powerful countries that rule the world, giving Indians a lot of power to be proud of.
Instead, our people themselves cut their neck by supporting. I hated Premadasa Sr. in the late 80’s and since his first election I hated Mahinda Paraya even more because I foresaw the danger ahead of us. People are speechless today. They dont yet know that they are the ones who brought them back. Our people would never learn from the past. Good riddance to bad rubbish !
Sinhala_Man / September 28, 2023
Mahila, that ought ought to have been obvious to you, surely.
I know that I’m writing here in English, but that is the language of the European coloniser. Let’s not go into that whole business of the clonisation of the whole world (including the continent of America) by white men distract us; we ususally resent it, but it had its good side as well.
We, in Lanka have two native languages. When I hear of a person who is fluent in one of them is genuinely making his mark in the wider (white-dominated world) my heart swells with pride.
Nothing may finally come of it, I know.
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of Banadrawela now seeing with greater clarity after Tuesdays cataract operation at Golden Key Hospital
leelagemalli / September 25, 2023
Dear Rational Thinkers,
Our JVP spokesperson has ignored to our crucial questions regarding JVP’s silence regarding their affinity to SINHALA BUDDHISM and sinhala buddhist monks. As usual “Sinhala_Man” has been paying dodging reactons to the question raised by our NEUTRAL commnter RAJ: Not a single answer being made by this joker to my questions either.
This is the level of transparceny and accoutablitiy that a self-proclaimed former SCHOOL teacher maintains in this regard yet today.
… is this no pathetic ? This man should better take treatments from MULLERIYA sooner than later. Either he should leave from CT or come with constructive arguments regarding the TRUE face of JVP-NPP.
leelagemalli / September 25, 2023
With the known revealiation of Lalkantha to have met SODOMITE Ghanasara in public caused a huge turmoil among the many that are highly ambuguious to whom they elect next. As usual, not any repsonbile ones focus on the matter. JVP stays mum on this as usual.
If JVP-NPP would not be clear abou tthese issues, no doubt, SLPP led groups would get a mandate to their masturbation-dominated politics and push this nation from frying pan to the fire.
I am currently in touch with Z-genzers and Millenials of the country to ascertain who would be their choice for next election, most of them are agreeing to allow RANIL to continue, no matter COUNTRY #S KNOWN barbarians would predict in against him. Sure, the country is filled with sininster forces than the opposite. SO the option is to go with them and do some politics not to starve the nation. First thing is to uplift their economic situations and then to move to go into radical changes.
The truth is there is no leader, other than RANIL, in the country currently to work with all sinister forces equally. AKD would be good at crying on public stage, however his is too deficient to meet the expecations of the people that suffer today. RANIL should pave the way JVPrs someday to do their job, if they are really word-word real.
Sinhala_Man / September 28, 2023
The JVP did not stay mun on Lal Kantha meeting Gnanasara. LK confirmed it to me, a total stranger, knowing that I was committed to openness.
Vijitha Herath who knows my open nature very well told me that he had seen the photograph, and that he know of LKs’ friendship with Gnanasara.
As far as I can ascertain, most NPP members hate Gnanasara.
We now come to unfounded comments made by “lelagemalli”. On what basis co you call Gnansara a sodomite. I haven’t seen the accusation ever levelled at Gnanasara, although I have seen it levelled at LM’s greatest hero.
Readerw who will actually be voting (unlike LM) are warned not to take this German Citizen too seriously.
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)
leelagemalli / September 28, 2023
Unfounded COMMENTs ??????
Have you ever told us why you’ve been avoiding our critical questions for months? Instead you come up with some explanation about how you went to bed or how your friends got pregnant……why on earth are you deliberately wasting our time?
Tell us why on earth you are protecting Sinhala monks to have close ties with JVP for voters! sinhala monks ruined the politicians and the local politics over the decades.
Tell us, how will JVP-NPP bring dollars to the country after winning the elections? Do you want them to turn the country to ZIMBABWE ?
Tell us how the JVP to engage with the international community where they lack the knowledge and expertise to balance?
Can THE ONLY PANACEA aka Dr Harini W find relief with her miracle lamp? Why do you want to make others more naive than you?
Rajash / September 26, 2023
There was lots of optimism specially among American Indians with the Biden_Kamala ticket. But Kamala Harris is a disaster. She failed to capitalise on failing Biden. She could have easily stepped but decided to sit on the side lines. She is not an orator and her knowledge of worldly affairs seems zilch.
VK on the other hand is shooting his mouth and over aggressive. He has no experience in public office.
Unlike UK , USA has not warmed upto candidates of Indian origin. Even Canadians warm up to Indians/Sri Lankans more than Americans.
Trump is better off with a young female VP ticket. But a female VP may be a distraction for Trump. borrowing his own quotation, he may “grab her by the pussy” when ever left alone :)
nimal fernando / September 26, 2023
Indians have limited value …….. about $11,000 …….. Ha ha ha …….
Although Trump is a consummate liar ….. he brought out the truth, their real feelings, out of many.
In spite of all the pretences ……. the dominant race always uses ……. other minority races for whatever ……… sometimes, when the veneer of pretence gets slightly scraped off, like what happened to the Blacks with Trump …… the real feelings of the majority race, the real truth, gets exposed ……..unwittingly, though ……
Haven’t we seen it in Lanka, uh?
That’s why I’ve said a long time ago, I hate Tamils, Muslims, Burgers, Malays, upcountry-Tamils, Sinhalese, ……… and on some days even myself …….. and I’ve no chest-beating pretence about it.
Done away with all the pretence ……… I’m the happiest man alive!
Now, if you want to find true lovers of humanity …… go to Bandarawela, travel the 153 bus-route, look for Ranil and his neighbours and fashionable campy opponenets of the death-penelty …….visit the occupants of Dalada Maligawa ……. you can find many of ye own ……. sky is the limit …..
Rajash / September 26, 2023
frailing Biden but failing as well
…she could have easily stepped up…
SJ / September 26, 2023
“This second is likely to be led by Ranil (RW) with a prominent role assigned to Sajith.”
A tectonic plate shift in the author’s fortune telling.
Have some planets done something unexpected?
Nathan / September 26, 2023
“If you distrust Modi and his motives you are in good company, but that’s another matter”, – Kumar David.
I take that Kumar David distrusts Modi.
Indians need not fear Modi as long as India marches on the way she does.
SJ / September 26, 2023
“Indians need not fear Modi as long as India marches on the way she does.”
In Kashmir and now Manipur as well?
Champa / September 26, 2023
Republican candidates have nothing to offer. Therefore, they hang onto Ukraine. Contrary to what they preach, if elected, they too will promote war in Ukraine as wars and terrorism are always a lucrative business. Only Ron de Santis is worth listening to. Others are chatterboxes. Even if Donald Trump is acquitted on all counts, he has no chance against Mr. Biden. The world doesn’t want Donald Trump ever again, including Russia.
Champa / September 26, 2023
India and Canada are in the spotlight these days. According to media reports, Indian Foreign Minister Jaishankar has “exposed” ‘terror-haven’ (?) Canada during his meeting with QUAD counterparts. Seriously! Jaishankar may have been born yesterday. Canada is not a terror state, but India is.
For Jaishankar’s information, India created, trained, funded and nurtured the world’s most ferocious terrorist group, LTTE, in the Indian soil, and masterminded all its terrorist activities. LTTE’s theoretician Anton Balasingham freely and openly operated from Britain. (India and CIA was even behind Easter Sunday Attack and 2022 July insurrection in Sri Lanka with am aim to incite racial and religious riots.)
With the direct backing of India, LTTE supporters held numerous protests, even displaying tiger flags, in Canada and elsewhere. I can never remember India calling Canada a terrorist state back by then.
For India, this is a moment of “What goes around, comes around”. Enjoy!
Champa / September 26, 2023
Canada is a haven for all those who flee from their birth country which includes former LTTE cadre, too. Also, Canada is a country that respects freedom of speech, peaceful assembly and diverse opinion. However, it may be news to India that, unlike India, Canada does not tolerate any terrorist activities in her soil. If LTTE supporters enjoyed freedom of speech in Canada, supporters of Khalistan Movement should also have similar rights.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has every right to express his strong opposition to India exercising terrorism in Canadian soil. He is committed to protect all who sought protection in Canada. When many countries deny entry to Muslims from West Asia, it is Mr. Trudeau, (only him) who warmly received and absorbed them into Canadian society. Together, Mr. Trudeau and NDP leader Mr. Jagmeet Singh changed Canada for the better.
Mr. Trudeau is well liked in his country (though not as much as Mr. Putin, but more popular than Mr. Biden). There is no doubt that he will be re-elected in 2025 as Canada never had any leader as down-to-earth as him and also someone who feels the pulse of people despite their origins. I wish him all the very best from the bottom of my heart!
SJ / September 26, 2023
“Mr. Trudeau is well liked in his country”
“Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is losing popularity. A recent poll by Ipsos found that 40 per cent of Canadians want to see opposition leader Pierre Poilievre, a Conservative, as the Prime Minister, while 30 per cent vote for Justin Trudeau.”
(Source Business Today, Updated Sep 22, 2023)
leelagemalli / September 27, 2023
May you guys be blessed with facts.
Sinhala nationalists like CHAMPA would never see it right. Their eyes are blurred forever. These baby boomers would not have much time left….. Millenials and Z-Genzers have no other options than having some more patience. They will make it. God bless our racially ruinned motherland !
Champa / September 27, 2023
Mr. Justin Trudeau has been the Leader of the Liberal Party since 2013 and the Prime Minister of Canada since 2015. Do you know how many leaders the Conservative Party has had since 2015? Five!!! They are still testing a prime ministerial material.
The majority of Millennials and Gen Z support Mr. Jagmeet Singh and his NDP. However, in the past elections, the NDPers voted the Liberal Party to avoid Conservatives coming into power. Mr. Trudeau is little behind his promises to the younger generation. But, people still trust him and the Liberal Party.
SJ / September 27, 2023
I gave some numbers for popularity.
Correct me if I am wrong.
Nathan / September 27, 2023
Canada missed the gentler approach. India is no more weak.
The heat that would be generated should have been considered before going public.
SJ / September 28, 2023
None seemed to have noticed when some months ago the Canadian kid was told off in style in public by the Chinese head of state. No harsh words, but showed him where he belonged.
Had the story been leaked to the media to hit the headlines and then Canada asked India for an explanation in private, that would have been neat.
But the kid is in search of quick fame.
leelagemalli / September 27, 2023
Freedom of speech exists not only in Canada but also in Europe. However, it cannot be done according to the habits of our hell. Even mainstream visual media channels like Derana TV, Hiru TV continue to support your former godfathers, the Rajapaksa dogs. There are no people to destroy those rallies like Rajapakse monuments were destroyed on May 9, 2022. why is that ?when will our people be realized ? If people are resistent enough those rodiyas including Namal, should be welcome with Montov cocktail baskets so that they cannot hold baskets. Our people real grass eaters, they would take another few decades to act as such.
Sinhala_Man / September 28, 2023
I;m tired of responding to you. Please see what I have already said in comments here:
This solution I would suggest: Lal Kantha is likely to contest in Kandy, When elections are held, see what chances are available to vote for the NPP, but now for Lal Kantha.
My vote is with the NPP. The vast majority of NPP supporters and candidates are strongly opposed to Gnanasara and all brands of racism.
leelagemalli / September 28, 2023
SM the NIC hunter, –
you may defend the murderers a day, but you would not succeed defending them forever. Basta.
Although you always ignore my questions, we are now tired of waiting for your replies (not kohedayanne malle pol style) as we thought you would come up with constructive responses to the questions raised by RAJ-UK.
EXPOSED !!!YOU ARE NO DIFFERENT TO THAT KOPI KADE DAYAWATHI. Good at gossips CLEARLY nothing beyond that. That is evident.
If other leaders were alive, I wouldn’t agree with RW, however we lack leaders at the moment. That is the reality.
RW manages the debries left behind by DOGs prima to the eyes of masses, though crying babies disagree. CRYING BABIES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THAT FO RTHE LAST 57 YEARS.
Everything in the country was looted by a rascal family and however with the risk of RW as the interior president , he has been able to settle the dust. I dont need your agreeement to understand it. Your kind of idiots coming from baby booming generation are the curse to this country ruined by Rajapakshes. This means not that I am against all in that age group.
Yesterday, I was driving back home from a business trip and I was very happy to hear that Sri Lanka reached one million tourists. It will be 1.5 millions by the end of the year.
Tourism industry, software industry and agriculture could revive the economy which was ruined by dogs over the last 15 years.
If the B***+ PUTHAs (A Rajapkashe bastard sons) led govt got such achievements, they WOLD go with sinhala_people in milk rice eating session all week long causing anxities in naïve people.
leelagemalli / September 28, 2023
CBK and RW never celebrated the way MEDAMULANA B****puthas did. That alone is good enough to realize the greater contrast between two category of leaders.
.That’s how they deceived and destroyed the nation. Now you are talking about RW being called a SODOMITE but never heard anyone having used to slander at GHANASRA???? do you know that over 80% of SL buddhist temples are filled with PAEDOPHILEs and SEX criminals, even if our grass eaters dominated lanka constantly offer them free food ?
Did you ever read the MEDICAL reports leaked out from some paediatric clinics few years ago?
, this was on the rectal bleeding and haemtoms and its etiology of CHILD MONKS.
You are a sinhala_man on PAPER but not knowing sinhala enough to comprehend many things, that make you a REAL CLOWN… ohoma yang…
. So how can you see it beyond ? Can I argue with the blind about the size of LOTUS tower ?
leelagemalli / September 28, 2023
See how dangerous levels you have fallen. MULLERIYAWA IS WAITING FOR YOU ISKOLEMAHAHTHAYA: WE ARE FED UP OF YOUR LUDICRACIES: If you would go there, even MAD men would fall dead NOT being able to digest you.
Bad company and association seem to have brought you down more than ever. Do you ever think PEOPLE at large will welcome JVPr in Sri Lanka as alternative force?
Of course they will oppose it, but if the people vote for them as ruling party, things would get cornered again – period.
leelagemalli / September 28, 2023
(LM and many others are forced to believe that you can’t be a guru at all), btw, I remain a Sri Lankan passport holder regardless of what you advertise to yourself about my identities.Why on earth you want me to be a GERMAN CITIZEN?
Thanks for the link: This I like the way you refer it.
I have read all the COMMENTS regarding meeting of LK and Sodoymite Ghansara with great care, but none of them are consistent with the questions raised by me or Raj…. Are these consistent with a guru who claims to be a scholar?
Wake up and see what others are saying about your COMMENTs. I don’t mind you voting NPP like you did last time, but let others be clear about themselves and their true intentions. That is my kind request to you.
So we think you should see a psychitric doctor soon.
It is not true that you do not use foul language to attack us. Is something true or true that rolls off your tongue?
Who attacked me and the OC as “ashhole, disgusting moron, braunies, stupid LM, and everything your forked tongue allowed”. Are you really in a good mental state? When are your family going to drive away you? Everything you did for that HP reverberates back to you today. See, the truth will prevail… that’s just the truth.
May readers be blessed with brains to unerstand this SELF-PROCLAIMED pundit. !!!
leelagemalli / September 28, 2023
Wake up and see what others are saying about your COMMENTs. I don’t mind you voting NPP like you did last time, but let others be clear about themselves and their true intentions. That is my kind request to you.
So we think you should see a psychitric doctor soon.
It is not true that you do not use foul language to attack us. Is something true or true that rolls off your tongue?
Who attacked me and the OC as “ashhole, disgusting moron, braunies, stupid LM, and everything your forked tongue allowed”. Are you really in a good mental state? When are your family going to drive away you? Everything you did for that HP reverberates back to you today. See, the truth will prevail… that’s just the truth.
May readers be blessed with brains to unerstand this SELF-PROCLAIMED pundit. !!!