19 February, 2025


2017 Will Be A Crucial Year In The History Of Our Country: Sampanthan

While extending his greetings and best wishes for the New Year to all the citizens of Sri Lanka the Leader of the Opposition said that year 2017 would be a crucial year in the history of Sri Lanka.

R. Sampanthan

R. Sampanthan

Issuing statement today R. Sampanthan said: “2017 will be a crucial year in the history of our country. Our expectation, is that we should find a permanent and lasting solution to the national question. The new Constitution in the New Year, should bring about this achievement.

“While acknowledging diversity in our communities in several aspects, my appeal to all the people in this country is that we should strive hard to not let such diversity become a barrier to building a prosperous and peaceful country for our future generations.

“I call upon all political parties, religious leaders, civil society and the people of this country to join hands in working together to build a prosperous and peaceful country. Let us not miss this golden opportunity in the coming year.

“I wish you all a happy and a prosperous New Year.”

Latest comments

  • 10

    You sir mr R. Sampanthan as leader of the OP had many opportunities to win the trust of all sections, races of this nation, yet you threw it all away with the same old typical politics you are use to. A shame you did not stand with the muslims or sinhaleses when the last year these communities needed the voice of the leaders of the op, just hid in old jaffna town.

    • 26

      Good statement. Sri Lanka needs a Policy framework to institutionalize and channalize diversity, equal opportunities for all communities, Multiculturalism and Meritocracy

      Here is a leader for the whole of Sri Lanka. Sampanthan is not corrupt unlike Ranil and Sira and has not looted the Central Bank.

      It is a shame that Sinhala nationalists have never let minorities leaders lead the country.
      Today Singapore’s deputy Prime Minister is of Ceylon Tamil Descent and will one day be the PM of Singapore but in Racist Lanka not minority person has ever been President or PM.
      This is why SIngapore is a first world country and Sri Lanka a Miracle of Modayas!

      • 11

        You are absolutely right. Sinhala Buddhist Fundamentalist never and ever allow a Tamil or Muslim become the leader of this island. They do not want peace or prosperity of this island. They are not bothered about the ordinary Sinhalese people and never allow ordinary Sinhalese people to know the truth about Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalism. Who are these Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalists? DS Senanayake, SWRD Bandaranaiyake, JRJeyawardena, Mahinda Percy Rajapakse. All of these leaders have connected with Foregin invaders and gave away Buddhism for the benefit of foregin education, foreign culture but they pretend to the ordinary Sinhalese as followers of Lord Buddha or the lovers of island of Srilanka or Sinhalese culture but in fact they live a western cultured life, corrupt the nation and keep the people as much as ignorant about the truth by playing race card.

        • 10

          What can happen in 2007 ?
          1. MS fears that he will be bumped off by military hit man and has started to release all military intelligence criminals.
          2. RW is afraid that there may be a military coup and wants UNHCR inquiry on war crimes committed by military deferred.
          3. MS/RW fear that Mahinda will take over if a political solution is offered to Tamils and are reneging on their promise.
          4. Muslims are fearing that a major violence will be unleashed on them by Sinhala mobs if Mahinda comes back to power.
          5. Mahinda fears that if he upsets the present government and take over rule, India/US may send their army to oust him.
          6. Dinesh G fears that if trade agreement is signed with India not only goods but also Indians will flood the country.
          7. Mahanayake Theros are fearing that if federalism and north-east merger are granted, it will give rise to separation.
          8. Fair minded Sinhalese fear that if justice is not granted to Tamils, Ealam is a reality with international support.

          • 9

            Worst thing for a business or a country is uncertainty and Sri Lanka’s got a whole bunch of it.

            • 10

              Tamils and Sinhalese have been fooled by all governments to keep us fighting while they plunder our motherland and exploit us nothing new…

              Just that the majority is slowly awakening to this reality slowly…

              • 5

                “”2017 Will Be A Crucial Year In The History Of Our Country: Sampanthan””- leader of racist party.
                warring animals nothing is going to happen- keep on swimming in the same cesspit while artificial intelligence and robots take the world.

              • 2

                “”Just that the majority is slowly awakening to this reality slowly…”

                80% live in villages and less than 30% have internet access.- reality

                You never learn- adiyak and bath parcel buys the vote.
                My3 understood the stupid Tamil and Muslim feelings so he never asked for vote.The MP’s know the feelings so they cross over at will.

                just pirates of yore making ends meet.

          • 4

            You can live in your lala lands, but I can assure you one thing. Eelam is NOT a reality. The threat of eelam is an empty one for an intelligent Sinhalese, only the UNP and marxist idiots take it seriously

            • 5

              sachoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo the stupid II

              ” Eelam is NOT a reality. “

              Its up to the Hindians to decide.

              Pakistan, its all weather friend China, mighty USA and the West couldn’t stop the division of Pakistan into Pakistan and Bangladesh.

              Why don’t you just go find Nuisance’s padikkama, leaving the strategic analysis of this region to expert.

              • 3

                I cant help if you have never seen a map. Between Bangladesh and Pakistan there is a huge land mass called India while it is not the same in Sri Lanka. And why should the Hindians create an eelam? we just make the Hindians happy and that is it.

                The ones who block Eelam is not the Hindians but the Tamils living in SL, because Tamils are a greedy lot they will not leave rest of the island which we are extremely sure of.

                • 3

                  sachoooooooooooooo the stupid II

                  Probably you have never seen the map of Sri Lanka.

                  Why don’t you just go find Nuisance’s padikkama, leaving the strategic analysis of this region to expert.

                  I meant strategic analyst not Dayan.

              • 5

                You are quite right which these Sinhala racists are unable to understand. The writing is on the wall : “Either grant Tamils their share of power and territory or else face the consequences”. At present India is against creation of Ealam and however much Tamils try they will not be allowed to achieve it. Prabaharan learnt it in the hard way. That is why TNA has categorically told that they are willing to accept a just solution within a united Srilanka. Prabaharan played his cards wrong due to his selfishness and foolishness and paid the supreme penalty. When he was alive Srilanka government made a propaganda that they are willing to settle Tamil problem and Prabaharan is not agreeing and if LTTE is eliminated they could solve the problem. This is the reason India and US supported the war effort to eliminate LTTE. But after that Sinhala people showed their true colours. Mahinda was given five years to solve Tamil problem and as he did not, he was deposed from power. The present government promised India and US that they will solve the problem and came to power. Now in the face of racist attack by Sinhalese, they are faltering, reneging their promise. However if the present government fails to solve it within a reasonable time or if Mahinda comes back to power on the back of Sinhala racism, then they may intervene. Not only Pakistan but also Indonesia, Yugoslavia and Sudan could not withstand pressure from international community to cave in for independence of the affected people. If at a future date India decides that enough is enough, it will step in to implement the 13th amendment. At that stage whatever Sinhala racists do, it will be of no use. When IPKF landed in Srilanka in 1987, Tamils welcomed them with garlands, and it will happen this time also. For Sinhala racists, there will be no Prabaharan to spoil the party as what happened before. India may prefer to annex northern and eastern provinces to it rather than granting a separate state. Tamils must wait patiently for Srilnka to falter and achieve victory.

                • 5

                  Politicians have always lied.
                  We talk of feeling the truth not thinking the truth – in politics.
                  The truth and facts do not matter in politics.
                  Its the case of ½ the facts in heated debate with zero facts.
                  It undermines neighbours, communities and basic decency.
                  This way Sinhalese have a feeling that the less than 10% would achieve more than 50% trade that the Muslims hold. Then go for power like the Chinese.

                  There is always a Tamil at the helm to defend the actions of the Sinhalese- CJ, Governor CB its the fate of stupid tamils believing in facts when Sinhalese like Sach effortlessly make it up for fun.

                • 1

                  Dr GS

                  You have forgotten to add that all Tamils(Tamil speaking people) who are presently occupying the Sinhala areas will be relocated into Tamil North.


            • 3

              The threat of eelam is an empty one for an “intelligent” Sinhalese

              sach – that’s where your problem lies.

              • 2

                With a murderous marauder holding power for 30 years did not give the bargaining chip and you still believe it is possible even without it? LOL

          • 2

            Dr GS, it’s good to see that the Tamils are not afraid.

            • 4


              “Dr GS, it’s good to see that the Tamils are not afraid.”

              Is there any reason Tamils are expected to be afraid of?

              Are you saying that you know something that the rest of the country do not know?

            • 6

              They are not afraid because God is on their side. Injustice to Tamils will not last long and justice will always win at the end. Days of Sinhala hegemony over Tamils are over. Come to UK and see for yourself as to how Sinhala racists are being treated.

              • 2

                Just look how the Prabhakaran was defeated even after having support from India their god father and Norway the continuos supporter? Until 2006 LTTE had a free run in west. Britain was always soft on LTTE…But still LTTE was defeated militarily and Prabhakaran was found as a dead body…

                Sri Lankan army victory is a miracle on one hand. The reason we were JUST.

                Sinhalese have lost their homeland because of Tamils false claims.
                Manufacturing claims of persecution,
                Manufacturing history..

                A people who were brought mainly by colonials into the North and East have robbed the right to to have the homeland for the Sinhalese..

                So if there is a god he will surely be with the Sinhalese whose homeland is robbed and being robbed by the Tamils ( Whose homeland is Tamil Nadu)

              • 5

                “”Come to UK and see for yourself as to how Sinhala racists are being treated. “”

                They are around 350,000; some hold senior positions in the NHS- are they being treated badly by newly passed Tamils from UK??

                Sinhalese and Sinhala Journalist have got asylum in the UK from the days of JVP. The Sinhalese run the wholesale distribution of produce while the Tamils as retailers buy from them.- just like your Malaysian counterpart.

                “” Injustice to Tamils will not last long and justice will always win at the end.””

                Does it matter if they leave the truth behind entirely?
                Experts have taken a beating, facts have apparently taken second place to emotion and feeling. And what about truth? It seems like fewer and fewer people, whether voters or politicians, care what’s true anymore.

              • 0

                Dr GS

                “They are not afraid because God is on their side.”

                When did He switch the sides?


          • 1

            you mean: What can happen in “2017” ?

      • 6

        That’s correct. Mr.RS must not request the current parliamentarians a solution. They are all parasitic crooks who wants to suppress the rights of the people introduce laws in order to enjoy privileges and revenues from corruption in order to lead a five star life right throughout, meanwhile introducing their kith and kin just because parents were in the parliament to follow them. Professionally most of them are synthetic, and will not be able to even perform 1% of their claims.

        Mr. RS must form a team with some other party other than UNP & SLFP and draft a new constitution, where more empathy is made on the rights of all the people than the parliamentarians alone and call for a referendum, which people will definitely vote positively. The new constitution should reflect equitable rights and constitutional guarantee of citizens welfare by state.

        RW’s proposals for new constitution could be directed to the garbage as it does not guarantee rights and welfare to the people.

      • 1

        He should practice what he preaches. A tiger in sheep clothing..

        • 2

          Rodney Brother,

          Sampanthan has only hopes. Tell Yahapalananaya to practice what they promised on that basis they got elected. Why blame Sam when MS/RW/MR are taking you for a ride.

    • 4

      How about resettling Jaffna displaed Muslims?

      They are languishing in Vilpattu jungles while Tamils happily live in Jaffna!

      Now asking Muslims’ help!

      • 14


        You should be carrying the balls of the sinhalese but looks like that too had not worked. Incidentally, he is not asking for the Muslims’ held you donkey. He is simply telling the obvious – that all communities should learn to co-exist with shared values.

        • 1

          18 May 2009?

          • 12

            Perhaps another 29 May 1915.

            • 1

              No. I’m sure 18 May 2009.

              May be 19 May 2009.

              • 4

                Fatima Fukushima (aka Lorenzo from Lankaweb)
                You got your knickers /jockstrap in a twist!

                What you got kicked out again at LW?
                Fortunately CT readers are not that gullible or idiots like at LW

                Ask Ranjit

              • 6

                Sealed by Seals- May 2, 2011, shortly after 1:00 am PKT.

                Facts of Muslim presence become polluted by politics of pirates of serendip.

          • 9

            In politics Muslims in general are not trustworthy. This is why there is no peace in the ME, Jinnah proved how cut throats work even with a man of peace like Ghandi. We know the slang of “Flip of the hat” have valid reasons.

            So Fathima’s view is not unique. I see in the picture she is a religious person so she should meditate and contemplate why Muslims are hated around the world. Even in Muslim countries they hate each other that they are killing their own. You got Palestinian refugees in Muslim countries for over fifty years without citizenship or resettlement.

          • 0

            This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

      • 18

        TNA asked the government for help to resettle the Muslims kicked out my LTTE terrorists. TNA gave 2 seats to Muslims in NPC from TNA’s ticket. Why aren’t the Myslims returning ???? Some Myslims have returned. Other Myslims don’t want to leave Wipattu because it’s more fertile than the north.

      • 6

        do they sell ice cream in Vilpattu jungles ?

      • 4

        If they have title to the land they left shouldn’t they challenge the govt to return the land or go through the court to evict anyone that is residing in their land or property.

        If they don’t have titles then they don’t have a right to resettlement. Paper titles is not a priority as many would have gone missing but they should have ways of proving that the properties belonged to them.

      • 6

        Fathima…………..and rest of the Tamils are languishing in
        refugee camps while their own lands, mostly fertile lands, are
        still in the hands of the army, even after war ended 7 years ago.
        The Muslims are asked to join hands in N/E and call it their home
        land for their own good, as Buddhist fundamentalists are behind them in other areas. They should be thankful to the Tamils as the way the things are going, very soon they will not have a piece of land to call their homeland, unless they change their religion,
        language and culture. Some elite Muslims in Colombo have done this.
        Did not the Muslims and Tamils live in peace and harmony for
        centuries in N/E ?

    • 21

      Sampanthan should be President or Prime Minister. A truly decent human being unlike our lot of corrupt politicians.

      • 6

        Sunil – What you said is absolutely true and he is bilingual too and that makes it more likeable but Tamils are in no mood to hold any positions in the Govt(s) but longing for peace and harmony in the country, from North to South.
        As the way things are moving, Mr. Sampanthan may be in trouble with his own community because the govt.in power may turn tables against the Tamils just before the next election due to pressure from Buddhist fundamentalists, as happened in the past 60 odd years, since independence.

        • 3

          Lanka watch, Buddhist fundamentalism is an artificial creation of many governments to prevent Sri Lanka from attaining its full potential…

    • 12

      He is not from Jaffna but from the east. Secondly who the hell are you Muslim. Your community was had in glove with the Sinhalese to kill murder and ethically cleanse the Tamils, especially in the east, which you now want to steal from the Tamils with Sinhalese help.

      Shame on you and your community that are in reality Dravidian Tamil Muslims from South India but in the name of religion are now trying to claim a fake Arab origin, that only a small minority partly have and Arabize the island. You danced around with the Sinhalese and celebrated with them when they killed murdered and ethnically cleansed Tamils but now want Tamils to side with your backstabbing fake Arab Dravidian community from South India, when your Sinhalese allies turned against you.

      The Arab classified the Sri Lankan Muslims as converted low caste South Asians. Basically low caste Tamil Hindu who converted to Islam. You asked for it Malik now take it

    • 12


      What more do you want Sambanthan to do?

      Do you want him to declare like Moses he will lead the Tamils across the Palk Stait in a mass exodus or lead the Tamil lemmings to jump ship in high seas, sensing impending danger of it sinking?

      What sort if people are the likes of you?


    • 7


      “A shame you did not stand with the muslims or sinhaleses when the last year these communities needed the voice of the leaders of the op, just hid in old jaffna town.”

      Simpy goes to show what kind of an ignorant moron you are. It is the Muslim leaders who spurred Sampanthan’s effort to co-exist with the Muslims but you sold your pants to the Sinhalese and what you got – the blessings of the bodu bala sena – prompting to me sometimes to think that the Muslims deserved it.

    • 7


      “A shame you did not stand with the muslims or sinhaleses when the last year these communities needed the voice of the leaders of the op, just hid in old jaffna town.”

      The Sinhala/Buddhist leaders including Prime Ministers, Opposition Leaders, Presidents, Ministers too had many opportunities refrain from racism and racists attacks.

      You should take time to tell them where they had gone wrong many times over and where they need to focus their attention.

      Stop blaming the victims.

      When will you learn to look beyond your nose?

      It appears you crave for belongingness and love needs. How do you plan to satisfy esteem needs and self-actualization needs if you are determined to keep company with parochially motivated loners.

      I suggest you leave your ghetto once in while and see the world around you.

      You do not seem to realise that you are in a hole, first step stop digging.

    • 6



      Muslim leaders are turncoats and you should address your concerns with them without rubbing with the Tamils.

      It is absolutely shame on you for not understanding your own treacherous politicians.

      Sampathan is man of courage and doing his best despite nutters like you slander him.

    • 4

      “A shame you did not stand with the muslims or sinhaleses when the last year these communities needed”- what do you mean?. You mean the incident of the CM of East abused(by)a Navy officer at a function.

      That was just an incident, what about the three decades? From Badi-ud-din Mohamud to Rauff Hakeem, did they utter any words while the two communities entangled and take on one another?. Your comment goes on to make those two gentlemen saints. Learn to lice together respecting each other, for that try not to drive a wedge between communities is the first step.

      May 2017 bring a lot of happiness and prosperity to this beautiful island and its wonderful people. They will be at the top of the world if they able to sort the national issue out amicably.

    • 3

      What do you mean by standing with with the muslims or sinhaleses,

      Did you wanted Sampanthan to be Malik in Aluthgama and be Gnassaro thero the Sinhalese savior at the same time. They are mutually exclusive. Find your memory first.

  • 6

    Sampanthr is an excellent politician for all communities. There are many Singhalese and Muslims politicians to look after their own racial interest only and their main agenda is to suppress Tamils to stay in power and they never worried about our country and now pushed our country behind African countries and we are even seeking advise from them to solve our problems we have created by our own stupidity. But Sumpanther always act neutral and sometime annoyed Tamils because many Tamils think he should work only for Tamil. During British rule the country was flourishing and they never tried to disturb the racial balance in the country and when they gave the power to Singhalese, they disturbed the racial balance by killing all Tamil from few villages and colonised Singhalese and at the end they created LTTE- Gods creation according to Hindu believe. Muslims always take firewood from burning house, it could be a Singhalese or Tamil house or even a communal trouble. Tamils and Muslimes blame Sumpanthr more than Singhalese. Now is the best opportunity to resolve Tamils overdue burning issues before God create another saviour from Tamils or Singhalese. If we are adamant to stay as modias for ever , even God can’t save us from perishing inside the present geopolitical war between sharks. We only can shout savouring country which is imaginary, while all other countries take our land on auction and make us all slaves – still modias go behind people like MR and cry savouring country until die. The real enemy of Singhalese are not Tamils, Mahavansa is your big enemy, fake budist monks are your enemies, corrupt politicians are your enemies – do not search your enemy in North because you will never find your enemy because the real enemy is hiding among you brothers. God save srilanka.

  • 5

    This is a good New Year message and your intentions could be pure but 2017 or the foreseeable future is not going to bring a solution for two reasons.

    The solution is contemplated by politicians and not the general public and a solution is not in the best interest of politicians. Both sides are using and have always used race to garner votes.

    By a miracle if the politicians do come-up with a solution then you will have yellow clad bigots taking to the streets (I don’t mean the real Buddhists).

    So in actual fact with MR trying to claw into the PM’s chair and many SLFP in govt sitting on the fence 2017 is going to be more polarized than 2016.

  • 2

    Another 1983?

    • 10

      No fatwas please.

    • 2

      Guys guys.. Don’t feed trolls.. Look at the name.

  • 1

    Two years ago, in January 2015, Sampanthar had the chance to say “Check” and finish the game. He liked to play more. Here in CT there is an essay by Chandrikathasan, praising TNA’s statement on the support for CC in presidential election, titled as “Boycott Idea Crushed to Shambles”, and there my comment advising TNA to not play any more, but to say “Check” and close the game. Chandrikathasan was talking in that about the promises of solution within 100 days for Tamils. That word got extended involuntarily up to end 2016. The end of 2016 is ending but “the word” is still seeing, never ceasing, unending extensions.

    Now Sampanthar and TNA have come to the dawning of the year 2017. That means it was more than two years ago these promise were given to TNA under the hood but denied in the parade of election campaign, immediately. The hundred days, now, have gone beyond hundred weeks; that is 7 times. Recently Sumanthiran said he wants to extend it for another one more year. That one year is, for victims one life time and for Sampanthar it is beyond extendable dream of seeing a solution in his time.

    The CC Sampanthar supported has peeled off his election time cow skin and now showing off his real SinhaLE. There are rebels within UNP working with Joint comedians on toppling Ranil. National Unity government’s future is in limbo. Now, the time is 2017 dawning the but the hozen still in the dusk of 2015 January. Uncertainties on Tamils question is at all time high, even higher than before January 2015. Yet Tamils have to remember that a path finally ends only by keep going with hope, not falling down in the middle.


  • 1

    End it soon or I will end it for you.

    • 6

      De Silva

      Hear many voices in his head.

      Are you today hearing your own voice in your head, standing in front of the mirror?

      You urged our fellow commentators to go on a journey with you. None responded. It is not the end of the world. You do not have to commit suicide.

      I suggest you live to fight another day.

    • 0

      This the problem De Silva, How many times have you been told not to screw your own sister, poor girl has been raped by you many times not only by you but also by your mate Edwin rodrigo.this has an untold adverse effect on you. Take you medication please.

  • 3

    Very well said Mr. Sampanthan, Best wishes to you. Bensen

  • 3

    Mahinda Ex President: “2017 Will Be Decisive For Sri Lanka”

    leader of the opposition: “2017 Will Be A Crucial Year In The History Of Our Country”

    The choice of words “Decisive” as opposed to “Crucial” and rounding up “In The History Of Our Country” speaks volumes about the persons intellectual capacities.

    However New year Messages are just that. “New Year Messages”

    I wish you all my fellow commentators and friends here in CT; Tamils. Muslims, Sinhalese a all the Best for 2017.

    Another year with racist views and mentality will be another year lost.

    Se Edwin/ de Silva, Vibushana, Fathima et el make a new year resolution and come back to CT with some constructive mind set

  • 1

    Year 2017 that year of resist for the partition of Island of
    Sri lanka by new so-called constitutional shifting different direction by UNP and TNA holy alliances.

    The country cannot be partition by on the basis of Ethnic, Racial and Religion grounds. That is not reconciliation advocated by CBK and MS.

    There is NO mandate for change for Federal Constitution by influence of TNA political ideology of separatism !

    TNA has come to National line politics of democracy by and large to denied that anti-establishment political policies of TNA.

    We welcome that TNA must respect sovereignty and Territorial integrity and Independent of Sri lanka.

    We want from TNA has to follow democracy not separatism .

  • 3

    He is the opposition leader and not the Tamils’.

  • 1

    2017 Will Be A Crucial Year In The History Of Our Country: Sampanthan

    Since 1948, every year was “crucial” and “decisive”. 2017 will be no different.

  • 1

    I think, Mr. Sampanthan knows the reality an how unjust Tamils are.

    I am pretty sure, if hewants to be born, he would be a Sinhala.

    • 4

      If he wants to be born ???

      Lol no he decided he doesn’t want to be born. He is going to remain in the womb until saffron saree wearing trannies come out of their closet. Once they all come out, Sampanthan will be born.

    • 4

      Hi Jim,

      It is more of injustice by the Sinhalese directed towards the Tamils rather than Tamils just being a bad lot. You must be tuned to a different reality channel.
      Are you kidding If any one had a choice I am sure there are lot more places and few other languages. Ask fellow Sinhalese and just kid them that western countries have open visas. They will be gone in a jiffy.
      Meanwhile Jimmy you could start counting the corpses here and say how many of them buried unjust. Don’t forget Nandikadal You should feel happy.

      Sri Lanka the beauty was relatively happy once upon a time and the people wished each other happy New Year.

      • 1

        Tamil Homeland – Tamil Nadu
        Sinhala Homeland – Sri lanka

        And tamils want to declare Sri Lanka as Tamil homeland as well and wiggie declares there is no Sinhala ethnicity as well..

        Who is being unjust here?

        • 4

          Sinhala Homeland (origin) – India
          Tamil Homeland (Origin) – India
          Muslim Homeland (Origin) – India

          Naga, Yakka Homeland – Ilankai island
          Current citizens of Ilankai island – Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims.
          North East Ilankai – Tamils & Muslims Traditional Homeland
          South West Ilankai – Sinhalese Traditional Homeland

          • 1

            So what are the sinhala stone inscriptions found in India?
            Sinhala literature in India?
            Sinhala community living in India?
            Evidences of a Sinhala community who lived in India?
            Anything related to Sinhala in India?
            The evolution of the Sinhala civilisation happened in Sri Lanka within the island.

            Lets take Tamils
            ALL ancient tamil literature is in Tamil Nadu
            The majority of Tamil inscriotions are in TN.
            Every cultural event of Tamils originated and evolved in Tamil Nadu
            Everything Tamil originated and evolvde in Tamil Nadu…

            So only a racist selfish person can claim Sinhala originated in India and prevent the Sinhalese from practicisng their right to homeland in their homeland.

            • 3

              sachoooooooooooooooooooooo the stupid II

              “Lets take Tamils ALL ancient tamil literature is in Tamil Nadu”

              The reason being the Sinhala/Buddhist thugs burnt down the library which had a rare collection of puskola manuscripts.

              Are you related to Cyril Mathew, Dutta Gamani, ….. and the thugs from Kurunegala?

              Visit British Museum for the rest, saved by Hugh Nevill kept there with his other collection.

              I am told it is difficult to break into British Museum if you have other ideas.

    • 5

      This should be the joke of 2017. Even the majority of Sinhalese don’t want to be born again as a Sinhalese.

  • 3

    It is indeed, 2017 is a crucial year for the minorities and the country
    as a whole as the Tamils are full of expectations this time that TNA would have by now found, by discussions, a permanent and ever lasting solution to the national problem, embodied in the new and probably the last constitution as people feel that the burning national questions will be solved with the introduction of this constitution.The Govt.and the majority people must, unlike the previous agreements, honour the new constitution as Tamils have given up most of their legitimate demands and made sacrifices to achieve a peaceful life in the areas they live,predominantly and no one should interfere with their religion
    language and their culture, which are age old and they cherish. Lets have a new beginning with the govt. treating all people equally and
    with respect.

    • 0

      * Given up their legitimate demands?* LOL which demand? eelam? You were beaten black and blue

  • 1

    Has Mr Sambandan agreed to absorb the Indian Tamils in to his Jaffna Tamil Homeland?.

    Or will they have their own mini Indian Eelaam ,as the TNA CM Mr Vigneswaran recommended in his submission to the Batalanada Ranil’s new Constitution Commission in Athu Kotte?.

    • 1

      There will be a confederation of Eelaam consisting of Tamils all over Sri Lanka.

    • 4

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      “Or will they have their own mini Indian Eelaam ,as the TNA CM Mr Vigneswaran recommended in his submission to the Batalanada Ranil’s new Constitution Commission in Athu Kotte?.”

      As far as Hindians are concerned Sri Lanka/Eelam is the Sinhala state of Hindia.

      What is your problem little islander?

  • 2

    Dear Hon Mr. Sambanthan,
    How come you did not join the National Unity Government? In 2017, I expect the UNP or SLFP or JVP or JHU,or JO needs to tell all the Sri Lankans on How to solve the racial problems.

  • 6

    TNA submitted for mini Indian Ealan as a recommendation to new constitution ? Haha good joke. Rajapakse’s recommendation to the constitution was to make Mattala Rajapakse Internstional Paddy Storage into mini Kallathoni Sinhale.

  • 7

    Thank you worthy Leader of the Opposition.

    It is not for me to pronounce on every action of yours; if I did, it only proves that I want my decisions accepted all the time.

    I don’t think that even Amirthalingam was a bad man; if we Sinhalese cannot accept a (in this case, Sinhalese-speaking) Tamil as Leader of the Opposition, have we any moral right to claim that we stand for a United Sri Lanka?

    There have been many exemplary Tamil M.Ps. The only time I wanted some issue (it was not a personal matter) raised in parliament was in 1981; I was told that the man to write to was that gentle giant Sivasithamparam. And sure enough, he did ask the question.

  • 2

    2017 is a crucial Year in the History of our Country says Mr Sambandan..

    Did Mr Sambandan refer to Srilanka or his beloved North East Homeland aka Tamil Eelaam?.

    Srilankan Tamils who took residence in London joined hands with the TNA to install this Yahapalana Regime.

    But they never joined it.

    The reason is obvious.

    If Sambandan was part of Yahapalanya, he couldn’t have asked for a separate North East for TNA Tamils, when more Tamils live in the rest of the country and are doing better than the majority bar the Indian Tamils who work the Tea Plantations.

    Which is a legacy of the British Raj.

    Is this North East Eelaam going to change the lives of those Tamils?.

    British Tamils who backed the UNP London, to install their PM Batalanada Ranil to run Srilanka have already started celebrating their success.

    They in fact have spent 1.5 Million British Pounds to acquire 18 acres of land in Oxford Shire, to build a mausoleum for Mr Pirahaparan, the late LTTE Leader and the father of this soon to be Eelaam.

    Is this part of Mr Samabandan’s history making in 2017?.

    • 3

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      “Srilankan Tamils who took residence in London joined hands with the TNA to install this Yahapalana Regime.”

      Did the residence in London vote in the elections to bring about the change?

      Mausoleum – a stately or impressive building housing a tomb or group of tombs.

      Tomb – a large vault, typically an underground one, for burying the dead.

      Did Gota, Jegath Dias, Svendra Silva, Kamal, together …….. sell the dead body of VP to the mausoleum builders?

      It was said Dutta Gamani built a mausoleum for Elara. If true, you should be building a mausoleum for the psychopath.

      By the way, how was your extended binge drinking over the holiday period? Did you have a good time in the name of Jesus Christ?

    • 2

      Out of the 1.5 million Rajapakse have stolen 1 million. Now only .5 milllion is going to be spent. I hope they can raise the tax to collect the stolen 1 million from the funds allocated to mausoleum and FCID investigate the matter

  • 1

    KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

    “Srilankan Tamils who took residence in London joined hands with the TNA to install this Yahapalana Regime.”

    Did the residence in London vote in the elections to bring about the change?

    Mausoleum – a stately or impressive building housing a tomb or group of tombs.

    Tomb – a large vault, typically an underground one, for burying the dead.

    Did Gota, Jegath Dias, Svendra Silva, Kamal, together …….. sell the dead body of VP to the mausoleum builders?

    It was said Dutta Gamani built a mausoleum for Elara. If true, you should be building a mausoleum for the psychopath.

    By the way, how was your extended binge drinking over the holiday period? Did you have a good time in the name of Jesus Christ?

  • 2

    Sach, you are looking at the wrong place for your ancestors, I guess 80/20 real s sharma has poisoned your mind, if you want to see your history, ancestors and culture, I suggest you make a visit to present day Bangladesh or Bihar, everything is there, just for your information, the name of the present Chief Justice of Bangladesh is Surendra Kumar Sinha, does it ring a bell.

    The last dynasty before the Turks came in was the Pala dynasty, and the king was Dampala, and Kalyanatissa. The Sinhalese names, culture, religion, language all started from here.

    The fact of the matter is every community in this island is a kalllathoni, only difference is they landed at different times.

    The only solution is to achieve peace is to live and let live, or we can keep on going south on the journey we started ever since the independence or settle down in some foreign land and comment on CT when we don’t have anything else to do.

  • 3

    Dear K A Sumanasekera,

    Have these Eelamites stolen some of your money to build the mausoleum in Oxfordshire? It is true that all mausoleums are a waste of money, including all that we are spending here, and on maintaining a huge army – to fight our own fellow Sri Lankans.

    You ask a villager about Sardiel, they’ll say that he was a hero. The average Tamil considers Prabhaharan a hero, and that cult status will grow! We, Sinhalese, will also have to understand that APART from being a ruthless terrorist (who killed so many Tamils, as well as Sinhalese), the guy was something more.

    It is true that the details of history that will prevail are those that belonged to the victors, but we can’t be all that sure that History will absolve us of the major portion of the guilt. Individual Tamils have become unremembered dust; may we be forgiven that!

    Sumane, for all that we find you an irritating spokesperson for MaRa, I think that most readers know that you are a pretty sophisticated guy. So, you do not spout the rubbish that “sach” does so often, as here:

    “A people who were brought mainly by colonials into the North and East have robbed the right to to have the homeland for the Sinhalese…”

    However, like your Master, you, too, can be dishonest. This is part of what Sambanthan has said in his New Year wish:

    “While acknowledging diversity in our communities in several aspects, my appeal to all the people in this country is that we should strive hard to not let such diversity become a barrier to building a prosperous and peaceful country for our future generations.”

    I have acknowledged that he has included me in his good wishes. You seem to think it was addressed only to Tamils. Inexcusable, since you know English. There is no room for “diversity in our communities” if applied to the mythical Eelaam.

    Even I am disappointed with “Yahapalanaya”, but for reasons quite different from yours. If you want the present guys out of office, agitate, but do so responsibly, withoug creating yet more problems.

  • 1

    Sinhala Man,

    You haven’t obviously seen the PM’s five new Economic Zones.

    He has already given North and the East to Sambandan to do what ever he wants when the Yahapalana Constitution kicks in.

    That is controlling the Land using his own Police the way he and his Vellala mates wish.

    And confine the great majority of the inhabitant population to just Three Zones, Wayamba, Central and the South which have to accommodate 75 % of the population.

    Tel me whether this is a fair division where the limited resources that Lanka has can be utilized efficiently in an equitable manner when most of the inhabitants in these 3 Zones are poor landless rural Sinhala Buddhists, who are struggling to survive under Yahapalanaya.

    With his ETCA, Batalanda Ranil allowing his mates to import cheap Hindians to cut costs in their the sweat shops and assembly plants, hotels and shopping malls,the poor rural native stock will be pushed in to an even worse plight with regards to jobs and living standards..

    Even my close buddies who drive Prius and Mitsubishi Electrics in Colombo do not realize what Batalanada’s Yahapalana Plans will do to our locals.

    So I am not surprised that you are happy with Sambandan’s good wishes and want to go along with him.

    • 2

      Are you Rajapakse’s astrological adviser? You seems to know more about the constitution which is not finalized yet.

  • 1

    Hey Sampanthan. Without Hillary you fellows are now nothing. Your Eelam dreams are now dashed like all the coconuts you idiots dashed for Hillary!

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