17 September, 2024


4 Years On, Largest Rally Since May 2009 On Mullivaikkal Remembrance Day In London -BTF

Thousands of people came together to take part in a rally through London, in remembrance of the hundreds of thousands of Tamil civilians who were killed, maimed and displaced by Sri Lankan forces in Mullivaikkal in May 2009, says the British Tamils Forum.

Issuing a statement BTF says; “The inappropriateness of holding the next Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in a country that stands in such complete opposition to Commonwealth Values. MPs from all three main parties addressed the crowd and were notably united and forthright in declaring their opposition to the decision of the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, to attend the meeting, along with his Foreign Secretary, William Hague.”

We publish below the statement in full;

Thousands of people came together to take part in a rally through London, in remembrance of the hundreds of thousands of Tamil civilians who were killed, maimed and displaced by Sri Lankan forces in Mullivaikkal in May 2009

Leaving Marble Arch at 1pm, the crowd – from toddlers to octogenarians – braved the unseasonably cool May weather to walk to Waterloo Place, near Piccadilly Circus. With the generous co-operation of the Metropolitan Police, busy London thoroughfares such as Park Lane and Piccadilly were closed on a busy shopping day in order to let the procession pass.

At 4pm, Waterloo Place was filled by an estimated 15,000 demonstrators, waving vivid flags and banners. They were then addressed by a number of politicians and activists, who joined the crowd in expressing their still-raw grief at the massive loss of Tamil life that occurred during the Mullivaikkal massacre.

In addition to joining the crowd in their sorrow, two main themes emerged in the speeches:

The still-urgent need for an independent and international investigation into the events of 2009 and the on-going genocide against the Tamil people;

The inappropriateness of holding the next Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in a country that stands in such complete opposition to Commonwealth Values.

MPs from all three main parties addressed the crowd and were notably united and forthright in declaring their opposition to the decision of the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, to attend the meeting, along with his Foreign Secretary, William Hague.

The messages given by these British politicians were reiterated by politicians from Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka, as well as leaders of diaspora Tamil organisations and a Tamil Nadu student activist who played a prominent role in the recent student uprisings there.

Lee Scott MP (Con), leader of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Tamils, reaffirmed his commitment to “stand by the side” of the Tamils until justice was done  and said that he would continue in his attempts to persuade David Cameron to boycott the summit.

Mr Scott was joined by his Conservative colleague Roger Evans (Con, London Assembly Member), who compared the events of 2009 to his personal experience of visiting Srebrenica, following the massacre of Bosnian Muslims that took place there. Mr Evans maintained that justice cannot be restored without an independent, international investigation taking place and the International Criminal Court prosecuting those guilty of committing war crimes. He also conveyed a message from the Mayor of London Boris Johnson, thanking British Tamils for the valuable contribution they have made to the culture and economy of the city.

Simon Hughes MP (Lib Dem, Deputy Party Leader) also reaffirmed his commitment to work for justice for the Tamil people. Regarding the Commonwealth meeting, he confirmed that he and many in his party oppose the idea of the meeting taking place in Colombo, saying “it was the wrong decision” and that the “Commonwealth made a grave mistake”.

Siobhan McDonagh MP (Lab) commended the crowd on their attendance in such large numbers. She advised the audience to go and see their MPs and tell them that “they are ashamed the British Prime Minister is going to Sri Lanka” for the Commonwealth meeting. She went on to chastise the Prime Minister for announcing his intention to attend a full six months before the meeting – calling it an “insult to the Tamils”.

Prominent Tamil figures from Tamil Nadu also played their part in the event, beginning with a video address by Pazha Nedumaran (President, Tamils National Movement, World Tamil Confederation) a long-time advocate of Tamil Eelam. He called on the International Criminal Court to investigate the Sri Lankan President, Mahinda Rajapaksa, who he accused of committing genocide. Mr Nedumaran expressed his fear that – if the Commonwealth meeting were to go ahead as planned – Mr Rajapaksa would perversely end up assuming chairmanship of an organisation that stands for human rights and represents 54 countries, instead of being indicted for war crimes.

Mr D Pandian MLA, Tamil Nadu State secretary of the Communist Party of India, echoed these concerns. In addition to calling for an independent international investigation into the Mullivaikkal Massacre and a boycott of the Commonwealth meeting, Mr Pandian called on the Indian Central Government to stop treating Sri Lanka as a friendly nation, reiterating a resolution that was recently adopted by the Tamil Nadu state assembly with overwhelming cross-party support.

Mr Vaiko (founder, MDMK), in a video address, reiterated his Indian colleagues’ calls for the British government to follow Canada’s example in boycotting the Commonwealth meeting. He also reminded the British government of its historical connection with the formation of Sri Lanka, and suggested that – among the Commonwealth nations – the UK bears a special responsibility to safeguard Commonwealth values.

Miss Dhivya, a student leader from Tamil Nadu, also addressed the crowd by video. She recalled her horror at watching the events of 2009 unfold, and related how these events led to the Tamils of Tamil Nadu rallying behind the Tamil people’s struggle for freedom. Condemning several decades of Indian Government assistance in Sri Lanka’s persecution of Eelam Tamils, culminating in 2009, Miss Dhivya called for an Indian boycott of Sri Lanka in the spheres of politics, culture and sports.

Mr S Sritharan MP, from the Tamil National Alliance in Sri Lanka, addressing the crowd via video remarked that, in addition to remembering the past, the anniversary of 18 May 2009 should inspire the Tamil diaspora to lay the foundation for a bright future for the long-suffering Tamils of Eelam. To underscore this point, he recounted the many ways in which Tamils in Eelam are being persecuted to this day, including recent land grabs in Valigamam, planned colonization of Tamil areas by Sinhala families, displaced Tamils being forced to live in forests and the on-going structural genocide by the Sri Lankan state.

The crowd also received support from Dr Vikramabahu Karunaratne, a prominent Sinhalese politician and leader of the NSSP, who declared that the NSSP stands by the Tamils who fight for justice and freedom in their homeland.

The crowd was also addressed by two leaders of diaspora organisations. Father S J Emmanuel, leader of the Global Tamils Forum, recounted the many ways in which the Sri Lankan state is attempting to “eradicate the roots of Tamil existence” – including the flooding of Tamil homelands by Sinhala military personnel, the desecration of Hindu temples and their replacement by Buddhist stupas, and the grabbing of Tamil lands. He called on Tamils to keep pricking the consciences of the UK, USA and India to stop their connivance with the Sri Lankan state. He made a special plea to the British Prime Minister to boycott the Commonwealth meeting, urging him to think beyond the narrow interests of trade and tourism and to act in a manner that entitles Britain to call itself “Great Britain”.

Mr Ravi, the General Secretary of the British Tamils Forum, thanked the crowd for attending and recalled the desperate attempts that the same crowd made – ultimately in vain – in 2009 to prevent the massacre, by demonstrating in Parliament Square for several weeks. He also commended the crowd’s brethren in Tamil Nadu, particularly thanking the students’ campaign for their support in the Tamil struggle. He urged the audience to continue to contribute in every way possible until Tamils win their freedom, reminding the crowd that “each Tamil has a part to play in the freedom struggle”.

The large turnout at the rally, the biggest since 2009, sends a clear message to the international community of the Tamil people’s undying yearning for freedom.

It was also announced that another event would be held in the coming weeks to commemorate the forthcoming 30th anniversary of the Black July massacre of 1983, and to draw attention to continuing acts of genocide by the Sri Lankan state –particularly the uprooting of Tamils from their traditional homelands through land grabs.

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  • 0

    My views are unbiased. I would even consider your opinion on this matter, if your views too were unbiased too. You guys are carrying flags of the LTTE, and would you even drop a tear for those who died, or got permanently disabled during LTTE suicide bombings? Loosing lives is a bad thing, regardless its Singhalese or Tamil.

    I guess your cause is not about Justice but you are doing this thing as an act of revenge!

    • 0

      It is not LTTE flag. It is Eelam flag.

      • 0

        what ever the flag it is, the cause of the rally is the same. LTTE may had a good cause in the beginning. But they turned out be the ruthless and the most dangerous terrorist organization in the world. Did LTTE ever hesitate to kill innocent people?? Imagine how many innocent civilians died regardless the race, during LTTE bombings? Why dont you talk about these?? why dont dont you show the world, the crimes LTTE did??

        I am not saying, the government forces are perfect either. They may have committed crimes too. Thats the reality of any war. But the Government forces never had the intention of killing innocent tamil civilians. It was just to eradicate the terrorism.

      • 0

        Anpu: there was a second part to Super Man’s question. What is your feeling towards Sinhala people killed / maimed by LTTE actions. Any sympathy towards them?

        And on the flag — when, where and by whom was this adopted as the Ealam flag? Not at the 1976 Vaddukkoddai meeting. Not at the UDI declared by Perumal. Who had a say in declaring this as the Ealam flag?

        • 0

          “Who had a say in declaring this as the Ealam flag?” Copy cat pussy cat I love you,say I do.

          Global Registrar!

      • 0


        “It is not LTTE flag. It is Eelam flag.”

        How so?

        • 0

          Chola flag- point of origin india.

        • 0

          Ancient kingdom chola flag had tigers in it because those days forests in Tamilnadu had plenty of tigers. And Chola kingdom was ruled by saiva vellalas hence i think connection.

          • 0


            Tigers and lions had never been part of native animal kingdom of this island.

            I can understand the stupidity and mindset of these two peoples who are celebrating two animals that never existed here.

            Chola’s were the pirates of Indian ocean and plundered this island for many years and built temples all over Tamilnadu.

            What Chola’s tiger flag has to do with Tamil struggle? Was VP dreaming of a Chola empire in the Indian ocean? If so he should have started it in South India and not in my backyard.

            The flag is an ugly one and it reflects VP’s ugly mind.

            • 0

              Native, your tribe drove these poor animals to extinction and as a remembrance let them thrive in the avatars of men. It is time now for your tribe to lash on them to make the stripes. Hail.. Native!

            • 0

              “Chola’s were the pirates of Indian ocean and plundered this island for many years and built temples all over Tamilnadu” –

              If so everyone of us is the pirates and plundered Gaondwana and Angara land masses as neandarthal and homo sapiens from Africa, is n’t it?

              And though I am not supportive of having ferocious animals in flag, there have been practice of using ferocious animals in flags and as national emblem since ancient days in many parts of the world.

            • 0


              You do not need to prove your stupidity. It is obvious.

            • 0


              Chola’s Tiger flag was their version of

              Jolly Roger

    • 0

      Act of revenge on what?

  • 0

    Flags carried by the demonstrators are National flag of Tamil Eelam and it it is integral part of collective identity of Eelam Tamil Nation.

    • 0

      Yes we can see dead tiger and two old guns in that elam flag, keep the elam in UK , in SL is not allowed take that dead tiger flag, going behind few white MPS cannot change the whole UK , David Cammerron is coming to SL for CHOGM and UK banned LTTE

    • 0

      N. Sugandakumar

      “National flag of Tamil Eelam”

      When did it become so?

      Was there a consensus on the part of Tamils for choosing this ugly terrifying piece of cloth?

      Tamil Eelam was and is a myth. So is your flag.

      Sinhala Eelam was and is a myth. So is Sinhala/Buddhist lion flag.

      The Sinhala/Buddhists lion is holding a sword and the Tamil flag is dotted with guns.

      Both people complement each other perfectly well by their own myth, ego and stupidity leading to perpetual self destruction.

      The stupid Sinhalese and their brethren stupid Tamils cannot site any moral or philosophical reasons for the design and content of their respective flags.

      Can they?

    • 0

      So, it is a demonstrative flag, not an official one.

  • 0


    All LTTE flag bearing demos were banned in Tamil Nadu. True homeland of Tamils.

    • 0

      Ben Hurling

      Sinhalese are beaten up in Tamilnadu, the true homeland of Sinhalese.

      • 0

        The dream, a 2000 stonghold Adivasi aspiring to hold on to 25332 square miles of territory, the diplomat and ministerial posts will exceed that number with no omnibus. What a peaceful country it could be, I hope to run amok nude, Eureka, Eureka….

        • 0


          Every stupid Tamil and stupid Sinhalese behave as though he/she is the emperor/empress of this island, forgetting the fact he/she has no clothe.

          You are no different to them.

    • 0

      Now people are carrying it, nobody questions it

  • 0

    Thank you…………..
    PTA shall remain in place………Let the Brtish flag be replaced by the LTTE Tiger Head flag.
    Drape Cameron with your flag before dispatching him to Sri lanka to attend the commonwealth Conference.

    I hope all those attended this rally are on camera. When you guys arrive in Sri Lanka we shall provide you with an option.
    What would you prefer… Castro’s guest House ( Where Jayadevan was provided hospitality for bribing LTTE with 50K pound) or Boosa?

    So far 4 MPs vying for your votes… Will you provide them with ” Hora Chade” too?

    S.J.Emmanuel is readying to crucify Jesus Christ on his 2nd coming. good for him.

    • 0

      Dirty sethu,

      When they arrive at your land they will come with IC and UN and their would be a option for you to seal your mouth by stitching it or covering with Band-aid. which is the good option for you?

  • 0

    Celebrating the death of a wild dog.

  • 0

    I applaud the spirit of self-sacrifice shown by these tough demonstrators. They even “braved the unseasonably cool May weather to walk to Waterloo Place, near Piccadilly Circus.”

    With that kind of determination, Eelam is literally just around the corner — well, at the nearest corner shop selling short eats and Nelli crush. You’d have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at these Eelamish heroes.

    It’s a crying shame that they weren’t able to brave the “unseasonably hot weather, shelling and risk of death” to come to the Vanni in May 2009, no? They had their chance blew it. Love the flags and Simon Hughes (MP), fluffing for Eelam.

    • 0


      There have various claim as to number of people gathered at this place. Some claim an outrageous number say 15,000.

      What is your guesstimate?

      • 0

        Hi NV,
        Going by Tamilnut videos, 10-15,000 demonstrator could be right. On the plus side, there was probably less credit card fraud in local petrol sheds and reduced Tamil youth gang activity, as they were all at the demo. Unfortunately the “unseasonably cool May weather” kept me in the garden with a Lion lager.

      • 0


        Do I take it you did not take the trouble to be there. Not to offer solace to the Organisers but to get a feel on how many
        are there, why, why a further sudden surge by the Tamil diaspora and so forth? You may have noticed the nuance in the new flag too.
        Poor Rajapakses. Their headaches are by means ending. What the Dickens are the regime’s Kattadiyas and Hooniyam champs doing?From what I can see the hands and legs of Fr Emmanuel, Suren N,
        Ravi and the lot are very much part of their anatomies still.


        • 0

          Why a signature in the end, it is well known of Sondukkuvan by the freaky writing even if you don’t mention. The word DICKENS you learnt from somebody’s remarks on you isn’t it. Go to school, you idiot.

        • 0


          Well I was too busy avoiding these flag bearing stupid people irrespective of which animal is depicted on their respective flags.

          I will continue to boycott both flags, for me both are the symbols of oppression of my people rather their own people.

          “From what I can see the hands and legs of Fr Emmanuel, Suren N,
          Ravi and the lot are very much part of their anatomies still.”

          Have you had the chance to meet Father, his Sons Suren N and Ravi? What is your take on these people?

  • 0

    Some of these idiots carrying LTTE flags are doing a lot of damage to the call for accountability in Sri Lanka. When is the tamil diaspora going to realise this? The BTF, GTF and others are turning a blind eye to this and only helping the Rajapaksa regime to say that the LTTE rump and not the tamil people are calling for justice. It is time they realised the LTTE is the cause of the pathetic state the tamils are in in Sri Lanka today and kick out all LTTE sympathisers from its campaigns and meetings.

    • 0


      “Some of these idiots carrying LTTE flags are doing a lot of damage to the call for accountability in Sri Lanka.”

      I am bit curious. Was there a time when Tamils didn’t damage themselves?

      Mark the flag bearers and send them to International Criminal Courts, accountability in Sri Lanka will follow.

      • 0

        Native Vedda

        “Mark the flag bearers and send them to International Criminal Courts, accountability in Sri Lanka will follow”.

        Now we are talking.

        • 0

          Ben Hurling

          “Now we are talking.”

          No I have been talking and you have not been listening until recently.

    • 0

      This kind of demo is a true blessning to Rajapassa. He probably supplied LTTE flags free.

      It scares the hell out of average Sri Lankans. International Tiger conspiracy based in London. Plotting to dismember our country. Sri Lankans go into defence mode. With Rajapassa at the helm.

      I wonder whehter BTF and GTF are being paid by Sri Lankan agents to continue doing this kind of rubbish.


  • 0

    Make more noise and ask for Asylum shout jenacide,jencide and fool these lot.We will take over U.K in 20 years and get Sinhala buggers.

    • 0

      Jenna Jameson, do you still remember that * queen?

  • 0

    But If I carry a picture of Osama and shout “Bin Laden Our Leader” I’ll get arrested- why?

  • 0

    damm idiots why on earth are they carrying the tiger flag

  • 0

    Contrasting rallies in Colombo and London. Difference of PTA and no PTA. Democratic rights of people to protest must be upheld. Govt should withdraw PTA and see what happens. The result of years of repression and denial of peoples rights. How long can this type of brutal suppression continue?

  • 0

    A CATHOLIC PRIEST – FATHER EMMNUEL – is crying out loud about Buddhist Stupas near Hindu temples.

    That looks like a Fox crying out loud for something story.

    What does the Father Emmanuel has to say about the Hindu deities inside temples in the South. Should those deities be removed too ?

  • 0

    Native Vedda, this all due to the ajority Sinhala leader’s and people’s indifference towards the minorities. If they let every one to lead his/her life with dignity and self respect, all these wouldn’t happen.Owing to difference in colour, creed, religion, language etc no body has the right to deny some body his/her right to live with dignity and self respect. This the Sinhala leaders and people should understand, if there going to be real and genuine peace and good life for all in Sri Lanka.

  • 0

    If the British Tamils Forum account is correct it should be deeply embarrassing to the leaders of Britain’s 3 main parties that they have misguided MPs in their midst who have no shame about addressing a rally where flags of the fascist-like Tamil Tigers are openly displayed. If it was a rally in London attended by people displaying German Nazi or al-Qaeda flags then photographs and videos of the MPs would be all over the British media and they would be forced to resign or apologize. Instead there’s no mention of this event in the UK’s mainstream media. Perhaps that’s a reflection of the complete lack of sympathy by the British public for the hypocrisy of the BTF and GTF in pretending to mourn for the Tamil civilians they refused to help by demanding that the Tamil Tigers surrender.

  • 0

    Reporter proudly report that, demonstrators brave the extream weather to attent the rally.
    But easily forget how the sri lankan people faced the ruthless terrorist LTTE for 30 years untill 2009.
    These LTTE members will continue this for their benefits and british MP will attend to those meeting just to gain political mileage.

    What ever the LTTE peoplendo in foreign countries, sri lankan people will live peacefully.

  • 0

    Looks like Tamils & Sinhalese will never compromise & re conciliate for ever.

    • 0

      It is bitter fact, better it is realized and paved way for.

  • 0

    The presence of an LTTE banner devalues the case of the demonstrators. To argue that the flag is that of Eelam is merely a smokescreen that convinces no one.

    However, while war crimes remain unrecognised and injustices against Sri Lankan Tamils continue unabated, the notion of an “independent” homeland may be popular amongst some. However, it is doomed to fail.

    • 0

      You are wrong. In four years time, you will see this.

  • 0

    Fifteen Thousand is nearly Ten Percent of the Eelaam citizenry.

    Yet the PM let the side down by not sending even an apology.

    PM Cameron not attending is understandable.

    20 RR Jet Engines and 50 RR Siver Shadows will definety pull the GDP up at least a few decimals from the negative territory.

    Even then he too could have sent an apology.

    15,000 votes in the Marginals is no small change.

    • 0

      So, you apologize to our Lankan masses on behalf of Percy for not receiving an apology by the PM of UK.

  • 0

    Could this be the real reason why Father Emmanuel, Siobhan, Simon Hughes etc., are so upset that David Cameron and other CW leaders will be going to SL in November?

    Jayawardhani and Naganathan – From Sheer Hatred To Stark Reality

    “Many young Tamil girls and boys having grown up with the war that plagued the country for over three decades have been idolising the terrorist outfit -the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). Young Jayawardhani was no different….

    She felt grateful to the LTTE for giving her a place to stay and educating her….Having joined the LTTE she had fiercely fought against the government forces and did so with great pride and dedication…She had later met a young man Sidambaranathan Naganathan senior to her in the terrorist organisation and the two of them fell in love…..

    Just like many others who had initially believed in the terrorists, her husband and she gradually saw the LTTE atrocities…..I have seen the way they punished our fellow fighters if they dared to question the motives or actions of the terrorist leaders. I have also on several occasions seen them killing the very cadres who fought for their cause…

    During the latter stages of the war, the government troops had ordered the people in the LTTE controlled areas to go toward the Government …..Yet the LTTE cadres did not allow them to cross and they kept shooting at those who tried…..

    My husband escorted me and my seven days old infant first and took us toward the earth bund to help me get across while he went back to get our other children. However, the LTTE fired at us and the last thing I knew was I felt something hitting my face…..

    Having found that she was still alive the army had transported her onboard a helicopter to Colombo….When I look at my face today in the mirror I am terrified at what I see, yet it is a stark reminder of what the very ones I trusted and believed in had done to me. I now realise that I was just a number, a part of the fighting machine, nothing more to the LTTE.”
    Jayawardhani’s infant was taken to the Lady Ridgeway Hospital where the child was cared for during the time she was unconscious….

    Tamil Diaspora whose children have all this time enjoying the comfort in foreign countries are now voicing their concerns for the Tamil people. Is it that they are doing so for their people or in fact for protecting their own interests to hold onto the privileges offered to them by these countries and prevent them from being sent back? They claim to be fighting for a separate land for the Tamil people, yet would any of them now domiciled in foreign countries ever give up their comforts and return to this country and live in this so called separate state that they say they want? No”


    Perhaps they don’t want David Cameron and other CW leaders to meet these type of people.

    Read the whole article here – no darkened rooms, distorted voices or blanked out faces. We will be approaching Callum Macrae and will be asking him to include this story on Killing fields 4 in order to bring a more balanced view of what happened.


  • 0

    Can anybody tell me why those who against Rajapkshes ( large masses) cant organize this kind of demonstrations in CMBO or anywhere in the country ?
    Why the opposition has failed to do so until now ?

    Lannkens faced all kind of the unprecedented reactions against the rule of law (e.g unconstitutional impeachment process, Baratha murder verdict – Duminda´s pretended health history and several more undoubted crime investigations that every child would see as VERY UNFAIR).

    Why the masses – stay as if they are deaf and blind – not easy to grasph me being out of the country.

    I have no doubt millions would join such demonstrations in SL today against the rulers.

    • 0


      “Why the masses – stay as if they are deaf and blind – not easy to grasph me being out of the country”

      They are simply stupid.

    • 0

      only few people like you have the motivation to do that all other people are happy with the rulers that is why it is not happening there

      • 0

        “people are happy with the rulers that is why it is not happening there”

        Indeed. This has nothing to do with systematic intimidation of journalists, Gota’s use of the military as his own personal hit squad and subversion of the judiciary by Mahinda. We all know how wonderfully well the great sinhala war hero Fonseka was treated after the last election so let us not fool ourselves into thinking a less distinguished sinhala will get better treatment if they oppose the thuggish brothers and actively protest against them.

  • 0

    A rally that has no sting and totally hijacked by the LTTE types if not why on earth are they carrying the tiger flag that damm falg has no relevance at all and has to be banned like the swastika flag of the Nazis

  • 0

    We will be contacting UKIP to tell them what a hypocrite Simon Hughes is. He is encouraging the drug smugglers and the credit card scammers who support the “Eelamist” and therefore the terrorists LTTE. He had been on stage supporting these riff raff not just today but when the LTTE were committing crimes against the Sinhalese people and therefore against Humanity. Simon Hughes is supporting the fronts of a Terrorist organisation that is manifesting outside Sri Lanka. There are a number of bogus refugees here in England and it will be interesting to see what the man leading the UKIP and the BNP think of this politician and others who are not interested in the well being of the Tamil people but are counting on the financial support of criminals.

    • 0

      “We will be contacting UKIP to tell them what a hypocrite Simon Hughes is”

      Please tell us oh wise one what great deeds will be achieved by contacting a party with no seats in Westminster (ukip) to complain about a lib dem MP?

      “the drug smugglers and the credit card scammers”

      We know Gotabhaya is missing the expertise of such people like the time he send Col Karuna to England on a fake diplomatic passport. This is why the sycophants of the Rajapaksa regime always speak enviously of these antics.

      “committing crimes against the Sinhalese people and therefore against Humanity”

      I assume you wish to overlook the even bigger war crimes committed by the Rajapaksa brothers in 2009 and which continues to the present day? Hopefully the Americans will sort them out in time at the UN

      “BNP think of this politician “

      The average brit is smarter than the average sinhala so these ultra-nationalist organisations like the BNP are not given much support. I am therefore confused why you believe that they are a viable organisation.

      “not interested in the well being of the Tamil people but are counting on the financial support of criminals.”

      We thank you for being different and showing sensitivity towards tamils whilst also labelling them as bogus refugee credit card scam artists. Your intelligence is clear for everyone to admire at length

  • 0

    All the tamil people in this pictures should responsible for WAR CRIME ,they are the one sent BLACK money to buy weapons to LTTE, otherwise LTTE didn’t have factories in north & East to produce any income

    • 0

      “All the tamil people in this pictures should responsible for WAR CRIME”

      As we are busy attributing group blame- are we safe to label the millions of sinhala who voted for Mahinda as complicit in war crimes as shown by killing fields programme? Also do you agree that little children, disabled and old people should be considered as targets for death? Your compassion knows no bounds!

      • 0

        We should bow down to the people who appointed MR to the power to eradicate terrorist at least from one country in the world. Terrorist are not part of human beings, they are animals kill and eat their people for their survive , all the non terrorist tamils are still living happily in SL , terrorist who jump out from SL still waiting for their chance to kill and eat other human beings living in SL

  • 0

    Now the biggest international problem is Great Sri Lank has vanquished The LTTE brutal terrorisms and still the brutal LTTE supporters are trying to create dead LTTE terrorist group bring them live again.
    That is way world terrorist propaganda trying to blame Sri Lanka violate the humanitarian rights of the terrorist and there was a time LTTE brutal terrorist killed Sinhalese and Muslims by villages at that time of bombs has been exploded and killed as many as they can. My problem is where the human rights groups are and other UN/ UNHCR Grate peace keepers are they sleeping when terrorist killing hundreds of thousand civilian’s killed this is not a human right violation ( world big bosses says it is not a human right violation they are freedom fighters ) so according to the west and UN / UNHCR freedom fighters can killed any amount of civilian no preblemo you can kill kill adios amigos.
    This is call world terracing nations are giving any terrorist groups a support. for a example take UK Britain London is the leading supporters for terrorisms because all terrorist head offices are in London saying always we are against the terrorism behind the shadows always supporting the terrorism.
    Any way LTTE can try next life time again separate Tamil EEELLLLAAAMMM.

  • 0

    Oh! let the dogs bark. “Barking dogs do not bite”, if they come to bite we’ll kick them again.

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