The full story of the white flag case is released by a group of researchers today.
This is the story of the killing or disappearance of several groups of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) who surrendered to the Sri Lankan army on or about 18 May 2009 at the end of Sri Lanka’s civil war. They were told by the government if they carried a while flag they would be safe crossing the frontline. But when they surrendered it became apparent they had been lured into a trap. Several were executed in cold blood – others have never been seen since.
The LTTE leadership had to make a choice whether to fight to the end or surrender. They decided that the political wing leader, Nadesan, and his deputy, Pulidevan, should negotiate a surrender and take with them the injured and others who wanted to lay down their arms.
In the course of the negotiations for surrender, the two men started sending out messages back and forth to a range of Sri Lankan politicians and diplomats and a journalist.
They sought and received guarantees that they would not be harmed.
(Sunday 17 May 2009 – All times Sri Lankan):
0846: Foreign Secretary Palitha Kohona to Nadesan via a European intermediary: SMS: “Just walk across to the troops, slowly! And comply with instructions carefully. The soldiers are nervous about suicide bombers.”
1529: Another SMS from Palitha Kohona: “white flag, hands up, walk slowly”.
Midday approx: Nadesan calls Rohan Chandra Nehru MP in Colombo. “I will give you an answer around the evening, or anytime, my leader is instructing me, keep your phone free so I can call you”. [Shelling heard in background].
1830: Nadesan calls Nehru. “We are ready to surrender under the leadership instruction”. The rebel leader, Prabhakaran had given Nadesan and the LTTE permission to surrender. Nadesan tells Nehru to speak to Basil Rajapaksa to arrange, “full security and ceasefire for when we come out.” Nadesan reports heavy shelling in their location with many casualties.
1900: Nehru calls Basil Rajapaksa. He tells him that Nadesan said there were 3000 LTTE cadres (including the political wing) and 22,000 civilians who wanted to surrender as soon as possible. Nehru tells him that the LTTE political wing and others want a ceasefire and security guarantees to surrender.
Basil Rajapaksa: “I am happy to hear this, it is anyway too late…I told you to tell them to surrender in those days but I will speak to the President and I will call you back.”
Nehru calls a number of embassies to tell them an agreement has been reached, including Norway, Britain, US. He calls Nadesan’s brother abroad.
1930 approx: Nadesan calls Nehru. Nehru tells him that Basil informed him that the President has accepted their surrender conditions. The conversation is very difficult because of loud shelling. Nadesan says he will prepare everyone to surrender.
Nehru tries to call Basil back but his phone is switched off. He tries the President without success.
1930: Nehru receives a call from Basil Rajapaksa who says, “we are taking the necessary steps and the President has accepted the conditions.”
Nadesan calls Sunday Times journalist Maire Colvin in London (the call patched via South Africa). Nadesan says: “We are putting down our arms…We are looking for a guarantee of security from the Obama administration and the British government. Is there a guarantee of security?”. Nadesan asks Marie Colvin to call UN Special Envoy, Vijay Nambiar who is traveling. The first time Nadesan tells Marie Colvin that it will be difficult to persuade the Sri Lankan government to accept a surrender.
Monday 18 May 2009
0130: Nadesan calls Nehru. He says the army is very close. In the background is shelling and small arms fire and screaming. Nadesan again confirms there are 3000 LTTE and 22,000 civilians who want to surrender.
Nadesan: “Why are they shelling?” He asks if the government has really agreed to the terms of the surrender. Nehru assures him they have. Pulidevan takes the phone and is shouting in panic, “Why haven’t you stopped the shelling; there are people dying and bleeding to death?”
Nehru: “Please don’t shout at me, I am not the one shelling you!”
Pulidevan: “You said they were going to stop the shelling. Are you sure they are going to accept the surrender?’
Nehru: “Yes!”
Pulidevan: “We will call you back.”
0145: Nadesan calls Nehru to see if there’s any news from the government which there is not. Nadesan says he is in direct contact with Washington.
0156: Basil phones Nehru: “We have arranged everything. How do we identify those surrendering?”
Nehru suggests a white flag.
Basil: “Ok. I will mention this to the President.”
Nehru: “Please arrange a ceasefire and they would like me to attend there when they surrender.”
Basil: “Ok we will see.”
0330: Pulidevan calls Tomas Stangland in Oslo to ask for help (at midnight Norwegian time). He also calls Tore Hattrem, the Norwegian Ambassador to Sri Lanka. [Press reports that Pulidevan spoke to Erik Solheim that night are incorrect.] Nadesan calls his brother in London to say he’s surrendering; he says there are 1000 injured rebels stranded with him.
0409: Palitha Kohona is informed by SMS that Pulidevan and Nadesan want to surrender together with approximately 40 LTTE cadres.
0436: Nadesan calls Nehru who relays what Basil said to him at 0156 and instructs Nadesan to hoist a white flag. Nadesan asks if Nehru will be there when he surrenders and he says yes.
Pulidevan calls Tomas Stangland in Oslo again – late night Norway time.
0500: Nadesan calls Nehru back to say they are taking heavy casualties.
0511: Nadesan calls Nehru again hoping for news. Shelling and gunfire is still audible.
0528: Nehru calls the US Embassy who tell him the Americans are working on the surrender and are deeply concerned.
0530: Marie Colvin wakes up Vijay Nambiar. He tells Colvin that he’s received assurances from the Sri Lankan President that the surrendering Tigers will be safe and there’s therefore no need for him to go to oversee the surrender. She questions him on the wisdom of this decision.
0551: The UK Embassy’s second secretary calls Nehru who explains the situation. The diplomat says, “We have urged the government to accept the surrender and there is huge international attention on the conflict. It is vital that the civilians get out so we would encourage them to raise the white flag.”
0545: Marie Colvin calls Nehru. She agrees to call Nambiar again.
0556: SMS from Palitha Kohona to European intermediary: “Thanks.” in reply to 0409 SMS.
0602: Nadesan calls Nehru for news. There is none. He says the casualties are very heavy. Nehru gives Nadesan the telephone number of Basil Rajapaksa to call directly. They can speak to each other in English.
0609: Pulidevan calls his European intermediary to say he’s about to set off for the bridge. He keeps the line open for a couple of minutes and then the satellite connection cuts off. This was most probably his last call though he also reportedly spoke to his sister in law in Canada around this time.
0610: Nehru speaks to President Mahinda Rajapaksa who says he has consulted the defence secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa and all the plans are in place for the surrender which the government is willing to accept. Nehru offers to go and supervise the surrender but the President says, “No our army is very generous and disciplined. There is no need for you to go to a war zone. You don’t need to put your life at risk”. Mahinda Rajapaksa tells Nadesan to call his brother Gotabaya on his direct number. Nehru is reluctant. The President says: “Ok, speak to Basil”. Mahinda is clear he has given the order to his brother Gotabaya to accept the surrender and protect their lives.
0620: Basil calls Nehru and says he has spoke to Nadesan and told him everything will be ok and his surrender will be accepted. “Waive a white flag and hold it very high” he tells him. Basil gives instructions on the route to take. He says the 3000 LTTE are to come separately from the civilians.
0620-30 approx: Nehru calls Nadesan and hears gunfire in the background. He tells them to keep the line open but it drops off.
Nadesan: “We are ready. I’m going to walk out and hoist the white flag.”
Nehru: “Hoist it high, brother – they need to see it I will see you in the evening.”
0646: Kohona has been informed that Pulidevan and Nadesan are on their way to the bridge and replies by SMS: “That is very good news. Now let us rebuild the country and the shattered lives of all our people.”
0656-0700: Basil phones Nehru from his mobile phone. He tells Nehru to ask Nadesan why some LTTE are firing at the army. The implication is Nadesan and group are caught in crossfire. Basil orders Nehru to keep his mouth shut and not to talk to anyone about what has happened, especially internationals. Nehru gives Basil Nadesan’s satelite phone number and suggests he calls him directly.
0800: Johnston Fernando MP tells Nehru that Nadesan and the others are all dead. The source is a friend who is a commando in the security forces. Fernando calls his friend on speaker phone who says the LTTE leaders surrendered, accepted tea and were then beaten. Nadesan’s wife begged them to stop as they had surrendered however they were all shot by the commandos.
To read more about the story click here.
sutharshan / May 18, 2014
There is no question that it was a cruel, inhuman and degrading act. But I like to draw a parallel comparison between the white flag incident and the killing of Late Sri sabaratnam, leader of TELO. He was brutally killed by the LTTE when he tried to surrender to the LTTE. we did not want to highlight this incident as an inhuman act like white flag incident though both have common similarities.
Rohan / May 18, 2014
One is treated as a terrorist mob, and the other is hailed as the liberating force.
truth / May 18, 2014
Government has a responsibility to protect it citizens and maintain law and order and justice. Cruelty is celebrated every year and the victims are not even allowed to cry or to search for their missing relatives or ask questions about them. Surely the Government must be having a list of people whom they took into custody, and the where about of these people. Five years is not enough to look into the fate of the missing ones?
lal / May 18, 2014
Also has similarities of 600 policemen who surrendered and were killed by LTTE. One good turn deserves another, they say. Killing is what Tamil diaspora wanted and paid LTTE to do. Seems their plan boomeranged on them and they cry foul. Fancy that!
lion / May 19, 2014
You are very correct the reuthless orgernization which didnt care any human values now seeking justice in the name of humanity.
Palmsquirrell / May 21, 2014
So your Sinhalese government and society is worse than LTTE because you not only killed surrendering Tamil fighers but you slaughtered over 40,000 + Tamils just in 2009 and raped thousands. This on top of all the Tamils who died in pogroms and extra judicial killins over the years.
So you guys started the war and carried most of the killing and barbarism but you act like victims and liberators.
sach / May 21, 2014
there is no evidence for 40000 deaths. If civilians got killed it is solely because LTTE shot at fleeing civilians and hid behind women and children
In other words you paid LTTE to kill tamils
Palmsquirrell / May 21, 2014
Spoken like a GOSL shill. There is plenty of evidence presented by international institutions including Channell 4 on GOSL deliberately slaughtering over 40,000 Tamils in the No Fire Zones.
Red Cross provided coordinates to Sinhala GOSL Army on the local of civilians huddled in the No Fire Zones. Upon receiving the coordinates GOSL Army adjusted their artillery trajectory to target these civilians in the NO Fire Zone.
It doesn’t matter how much evidence there is, you Sinahal supremacsits will deny it or downplay it . You want to cover up the genocide of Tamils.
sach / May 22, 2014
The plenty of evidence that you talk about are some unverified videos of LTTE combatants get shot. Even the video of bombing hospital is not believable. The presenter of the video says bombs hitting civilians but the video don’t show that. It might be easy to deceive tamil public like you with such videos but not a neutral observer.
But there are videos, witnesses both civilian and HR orgs to LTTE shooting at fleeing civilians. Also there are videos taken by UAVs. Just because you are blind to them doesn’t negate the fact.
The accusation that people were targeted in No fire zone, is again failed. The LTTE kept into the NFZ and targeted the army from within. SLA perfectly had the right to strike back. The only reason civilians could have died is because of LTTE’s such techniques. Even the indian army officials accept this. They too have experienced the classic way LTTE target IPKF from hospitals and left.
“receiving the coordinates GOSL Army adjusted their artillery trajectory to target these civilians in the NO Fire Zone.”
You have heard the news but your comprehension is also bad. What it said was after informing the SLA that hospitals were too attacked the SLA stopped attacking.
Go on and look for ICRC reports. They have clearly stated SLA sacrificed their own soldiers to save civilians. AS I said before even your two cent worth CM is disagreeing with the term genocide! Tamils are all over SL and they lead a good life. Calling tamils are under genocide is a joke!
Dawn Dale / May 18, 2014
Decisions taken by the Goverments on issues like this always has two sides – cruelty of ordering a killing of a surrendering enemy is not something anyone would want to live with. its so morally wrong. be it the killing of JVP leaders(UNP) or LTTE leaders… but I often wonder whether we as citizens feel some hidden relief they took that decision but at the same time can with moral superiority claim it was so wrong while benefiting from that decision.
Real Peace / May 18, 2014
Dawn Dale
I do not know whether you have inherited genes from Rajapakse brothers – your thinking process is identical to theirs! Please check out!!
What happened in the Vanni during the last phase of the war is one of the most brutal and barbaric military thuggery since the World War 2. Those who have committed these inhumane acts have no option now other than facing the long arm of justice. Rajapakse brothers’ pants must be now really getting wet.
lal / May 19, 2014
Real Peace
What happened in the Vanni was as a result of the barbaric terrorist group backed by racist elements of the Tamil diaspora who wanted to go about killing innocent Sinhala civilians. Both the diaspora and the Tamil terrorists had the opportunity to end the fighting by agreeing to lay down arms. The rest is history. The Rajapakses and the military did the right thing by eliminating that scum. Now, if any civilians were killed then Tamil side are to be blamed and not the Rajapakses or the military. Mind you the LTTE were the sole representatives of Tamils and it was there decision to fire from civilian areas. Hold them accountable. Rajapakses have restored peace. Enjoy the peace!
Palmsquirrell / May 21, 2014
Most of the blame lies with your Sinhala mentality , because it is your genocidal nature that caused the war.
This genocidal mentality is soo entrenched amongst the Sinhala Buddhist that they had no issue slaughtering tens of thousands of Tamil civilians in No Fire zones .
sach / May 21, 2014
Your liberators went inside No fire zone and fired at the army. LTTE wanted to create a humanitarian catastrophe.
What genocide? even your two cents NP CM doesnt agree to that term. Get hold of dictionary
Palmsquirrell / May 21, 2014
See above comment on the deliberate targetting of No Fire Zone.
Genocide because it was deliberate targetting of vast number of Tamils . Also the rape and denial of medical and food aid to Tamils in the war zones.
sach / May 22, 2014
If SLA wanted to commit genocide on tamils, we could have easily done that in south of SL and by not sending food and medicine to tamils in LTTE area. That was for a 30 year period.
SLA is not rich to waste ammo on non military targets.
The fact that tamils crossed defence lines and reached SLA side that too in 300,000 makes your claim invalid. Not only that these people were given food, shelter, and medicine for 2 years. many HR orgs anticipated diseases, epidemics causing death in refugee camps, but they were proven wrong and SL gov could maintain the refugee camps, provide for them and closed the camps without any deaths!
The medical and food access to civilians in the middle of war is fully documented and mainly the tamil administrators who took care of them. SL doctors, and doctors from india were on ground with invitation from SL to take care of the people.
be more humble and thank for the gov which has done a lot to you!
sarojini / May 27, 2014
You are absolutely right . The failiure to use, and understand the English language effectively has made it possible for this problem to reach epidemic proportions . Most of the people who talk of Genocide do not know what it really means . Rwanda was a country that was accused of Genocide where heart rendering photo’s were circulated as proof . Nothing like that ever happened in SL . However , due to ignorance, and inability of using the words correctly has resulted in this confusion.
Seelawathie Jayasinghe / May 27, 2014
I am not sure whether your skirt is tight enough, may I ask you this me being southerner; MAY BE A DIMIWIT for you, but living on the west for the last few decades, feel – why not you guys are ready to call a spade a spade looking at them properly.
I know myself Ruwandians killed uncountable numbers and the very same results were hightlighted by local and I media about the amounts of avalanches went missing through the war end in SL… numbers they recorrrect are 40 to 120 K or more.. anyway, much more to be revealed if anyone would want to recorrect them… but why do you think that Ruwandians were in that case – went on a genocide, but ours not…
Binaramali Siriwardhana / May 27, 2014
It seems you seem to have two different hearts.
When Ruwandians were brutally killed your heart seems to be breaking..
While YOUR country men (the tamils) are brutally murdered, you come with supportive views defending the murderers…
I believe, you should have been heart patient to have got transplanted this kind of two totally varied hearts. That could be a surgical mistake done by them.
sach / May 21, 2014
Then why does even american sponsored ICRC has accepted that SLA tried to save civilian lives and even sacrificed their soldiers to reduce civilian deaths?
sach / May 22, 2014
i suppose squirrel has nothing to say to this.
Native Vedda / May 22, 2014
“i suppose squirrel has nothing to say to this”
Maybe, however stupid has lot to say. Go on say something.
sach / May 24, 2014
“Maybe, however stupid has lot to say.”
the exact reason why you re loitering here
Native Vedda / May 25, 2014
I have my other reasons.
sach / May 21, 2014
there is nothing wrong in killing pulidevan. War was there to kill the tiger top brass. Just because he got scared to face the bullets, doesnt mean he should have been left alive.
That too after he has made thousands to face the same.
Tuan / May 18, 2014
Murdering the prisoners of war should be Punished.
kk / May 20, 2014
Even if they surrender final out come is death sentence from court for killing thousand of innocent people, it is better this way they died they killed the thousands of innocent people same way, they deserve this sort of death
gamini / May 18, 2014
Can any veteran explain why the LTTE buried all their heavy artillery, then abandoned their strong hold Kilinochchi and assembled on a Beach front? Before the LTTE assembled on the beach front, they had their cadre and access to the weapons buried and if there was a confrontation between the Govt. and the LTTE, why was there no fight at Kilinochchi? There was not even a single death due to combat at Kilinochchi. Phew! What a War?
Banda / May 18, 2014
Have you not read how dbs Jeyaraj narrated minute to minute escape of Velu and the the gang from Nanthikadal silver to Mulative jungles in two groups in his dbsjeyaraj.com, and what Tisaranee wrote to transcurrents on how Velu and LTTE would be fighting a guerrilla war from Mulative jungle for years to come just like Talibans were fighting the Americans in Tora Bora in Afghanistan?
How many innocent Tamils, Sinhalese and Muslims Velu and his soft and hard LTTE terrorist gangs must have contributed to kill more brutally and gruesomely than CT trying to portray here and the other two articles since the bugger murdered Duraiappa in cold blood?
I am not bothered how many or how brutal the inventors and backers and the supporters of LTTE human bombs perished, I am only concerned how best we can maintain the peace we have won so hard after getting so many maimed and killed in the 33 years of fighting.
gamini / May 19, 2014
Aney Bando, you are the only one who does not know that DBSJ is MR’s Fiction story writer. Currently KP section of the LTTE who undercut VP are waiting for MR to fix them in Governance to the North for their share of the bargain. Unfortunately for them both KP and MR, Vigi has become a stumbling block and will not be easy to be removed. Let us see how long the drama will be dragged, now already five years have lapsed. The clock is ticking for MR whether you like it or not.
Banda / May 19, 2014
gaminiyo, You didn’t say whether Thisaranee had been a cooley writer as well for MR. Since MR will win the next presidential election hands down, you buggers will have to watch the clock ticking for at least another six years. And by that time you would have no doubt kicked the bucket for the basement would be unbearably cold and damp.
sach / May 21, 2014
arguing with gamini is useless. he is an idiot who thinks he is very important and knowledgable.
gamini / May 21, 2014
Sach. if you are brilliant and knowledgeable, you only have to answer for the readership here, what I have questioned, leaving aside my idiocy.Simple as that. But remember you can not pull wool over the eyes of all. Facts are stubborn you know? The supposed war with the LTTE was a HOAX. MR is in a worse position now with the LTTE serpents under his sarong now.
Native Vedda / May 22, 2014
sach writes
“arguing with gamini is useless. he is an idiot who thinks he is very important and knowledgable.”
I never knew you were useless and idiotic.
How come you never told us until this poor child exposed you?
Oh about sach lets not talk about her, she is a frustrated spinster who feels comfortable sitting on her brain.
Sun / May 19, 2014
trust me, banda´s brain cells at his early 70ties are in decay mode. So i have no doubt, he could even come with all kind of unbelievable stories that we all would unequivocally disgree with. This is banda… his ilk would do behave the same. Those people are not learnt to see beyond.
Native Vedda / May 20, 2014
A few months ago he was an expert on Hydraulic civilisation. Later he became a pundit on Ponnampalam’s racism. Last week he was an Imam writing treatise on Islamic jury prudence. A few days ago he was writing finer points on Bible studies.
His contribution to the study of human nature is based on copy and paste techniques developed by infidels in the west whom he abhor. In addition to his contribution he is a habitual plagiarist.
You ask him a question to clarify his previous comments, he just disappears.
He has brain but in the wrong place. He is sitting on it.
paul / May 18, 2014
White Flag, ‘40,000’, they are minor events when compared to Dresden, Nagasaki. Where is UN/US/Western justice?
sach / May 18, 2014
War was there to kill the tiger top brass. There is nothing criminal in that.
Ramasamy / May 18, 2014
It was all the work of Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, direct descendant of the Yakkas.
Nightscream / May 18, 2014
Why are we even discussing this now? While they could get about weren’t all these scum that were killed considered “invincible freedom fighters”? They did their level best to kill innocent Sri Lankans of ALL ethnicities for nearly thirty years. When they were cornered and militarily defeated what else but to releave them of their miserable, murdering lives? What did they expect-the Nobel peace price and live in retirement in Colombo 7?? Get it to your heads-you scum lost it. No amount of theatrics you put on show in other countries, entertaining your gullible hosts can’t change that fact.
And we WILL NOT allow this to be ever repeated again. So give up that stinking palmyrah toddy, pull your finger from your arse and shut the f**k up!
Rohan r / May 18, 2014
Lets assume for a sec this is true. If so is it fair to let te terrorist leadership surrender when they told the carders to bite cyyanide. I say say it’s sad the terror leadership was killed this way, we should have taken them in to custody hada trail and hung them.
Siva Sankaran Sarma / May 18, 2014
Maybe they were trying to follow the example set by the Tamil diaspora who wanted to send others to their deaths while being safe and sound in corner shops and petrol sheds. Doesn’t look like it quite worked out :D
Siva Sankaran Sarma / May 18, 2014
Why is it that even 5 years on the LTTE remnants have to keep banging on about the same handful of dead terrorists? It was “chenooociittee”, right? Surely you can come up with at least two or three “innocent victims” that we could actually give two hoots about :D
Palmsquirrell / May 21, 2014
5 years on and still Sinhalese carrying out their pogroms against Tamils. Still denying the genocide they perpetrated. Still wishing to cleanse the island of Tamils and make it Sinhala only.
sach / May 21, 2014
what program? The tamils are the biggest gainers from the end of war which was achieved by SLA
Palmsquirrell / May 21, 2014
The gainers are the Sinhala supremacsits who genocided countless Tamils and are not carrying out their final solution of colonizing the North and East with Sinhalese in an attempt to completely subjugate Tamils .
All this Sinhala supremacsit talk of helping Tamils is pure unadulterated BS and lies.
Tamils voted decisively against Mahinda and his Tamil stooge in the NPC elections. That shows how Tamils are not buying your lies. And Western intstitutions aren’t buying your lies either.
sach / May 22, 2014
First just because you used the word genocide everything in this world it doesnt make any sense. No one even the biggest critiques of SL are buying your genocide claim.
If there ever was a genocide it was by LTTE because they hid behind womena nd children. Seriously can you imagine so called freedom fighters hiding behind women?
If you ask sinhalese whether they would like to go and live in Jaffna you will find none. because it is useless to go and live there. The exact reason why your tamils come to live among Sinhalese. There is no sponsored colonization for the simple reason you will not find sinhala ppl willing to go there.
And after all what is wrong in sinhala ppl living in Jaffna. If the tamils in can come and live in any part of SL why cant Sinhalese go and live there? Is not this discrimination and exclusivity that you blame muslims of?
Voting against MR is not big deal, even i voted against him.
I bet you were a LTTE stooge who felt happy every time LTTE killed non tamils and now crying because the LTTE b1tches got slapped big time.
I know you have won the race in propaganda and false information in the west. We will counter it as well!
gamarala / May 18, 2014
As with another post, why is this story being re-cycled and by whom? For goodness’ sake, has this story not been thrashed around enough? Why continue with inconclusive and divisive debate? Let’s move on.
ARTHUR / May 18, 2014
Gamarala says:why this story being re-cycled and by whom?
When the GOSL celeberates this wicked and cruel event year after year and exhibits their savageous propensities to the entire world,why not the real story be repeated and recalled for the benefit of all?
Gamarala,there is no moving on until justice is done to the victims and the greiving.To hell with reconciliation and unity.
aratai / May 18, 2014
Thank God these cowards were killed, but why the civilians?
Siva Sankran Sarma / May 19, 2014
Which one was the civilian? Pulidevan or [Edited out] nadesan? :D
The Professional / May 18, 2014
Killing of 600 policemen who had surrendered at the request of their top brass and killing of handful of terrorists, who were responsible for killing surrendered policemen and later presumed to have been killed while surrendering, appear to be two sides of the same coin. The only difference is that the guy who killed the policemen is enjoying life in Colombo with the police guarding him.
gamini / May 27, 2014
Just like the guy who killed the Policemen who surrendered is enjoying life in Colombo with the forces guarding him, the Forces personnel who massacred the Tamils who surrendered are holding Diplomatic posts in the very countries that crows Human Rights violations with blanket immunity offered. What an irony? Who is fooling whom?
Upasiri de Silva / May 18, 2014
It is clear that Rajapksa brothers by-pass the then Army Commander in all these conversations. Under the uniform code only the Army Commander can order about those want to surrender, but in this case President ordered his brother Defence Secratary Gotabaya Rajapaksa. To whom Gotabaya gave the orders? There seems a vacuumed in the line of ordering the Army how to accept the LTTE leaders surrendering with white flags. Was this done deliberately? Or purposely to kill the LTTE leaders?
Where was President and Army Commander from 11/12 th of May till 18th May? Who was responsible for giving direct orders to the ground troops?
President Rajapaksa should allow a UN investigation to find the truth.
Ben Hurling / May 19, 2014
Upasiri de Silva,
Is there anything in Sri Lanka you want to do without letting the UN poke their fingers in here?
Fazl Muhammed Nizar on FB / May 18, 2014
I personally believe the SL government soldiers DID rescue quite a lot of civilians and I ALSO BELIEVE THERE WERE WAR CRIMES COMMITTED! While It was indeed an ACT OF COWARDICE by the LTTE leadership for trying to surrender (especially after being so inhumane), I do salute the SL forces for ending the war.
Actions of the SL armed forces is subjective and even with overwhelming evidences of war crimes, the majority population of SL will continue to justify the force’s conduct for years to come. But laws and actions are not about being popular, nor it is the end result that matters (at least to me)… It is all about WHAT IS RIGHT! As a civilized country, we need to have laws and rules of engagement in place. It is sad to note that lawlessness has given rise to a despotic leadership in this country of mine and I foresee NO BRIGHT FUTURE if the masses allow the situation to deteriorate… I hope everyone reading this post understands what I am implying!
What has happened cannot be changed, but for the sake of accountability, I urge the President of Sri Lanka and his Government to face an independent international tribunal ASAP OR,
1/ Own up and acknowledge the crimes and pay substantial compensation to all victims and their families…. be they Tamil, Muslim, Sinhala or even families of government soldiers killed in action.
2/ Prosecute the top hierarchy in the armed forces as well as top leaders such as KP, Daya Master, Karuna and Pillayan among others for crimes against humanity. Should you decide, in the name of re-conciliation and forgiveness, you can pardon (officially) all of them or some of them on a latter date.
3/ Enact new laws to prevent discrimination based on race or religion.
4/ Bring in laws criminalizing hate-speech against all religions and against all communities belonging to different races.
mechanic / May 19, 2014
Fazl demand, “Enact new laws to prevent discrimination based on race or religion.” But no Muslim majority country has such a law in force. Why
Fazl Muhammed Nizar on FB / May 19, 2014
We are talking about Sri Lanka, please. Next time you comment, try being a bit smart and matured. Thank you
mechanic / May 19, 2014
Fazl is a typical of a bigoted Muslim. He thinks being ‘smart and matured’ is not to talk about what Muslim countries do but teach Sri Lanka what to do. Are we to buy such crap? No chance.
Muhammadans want us to do not as they do but as they say.
Palmsquirrell / May 21, 2014
Muslims are world class hypocrites and their religion is racist to the core.
They want to convert everyone to Islam but they do not allow Muslims to convert to other religions.
They do not allow Muslim women to marry non Muslim men but its is perfectly fine for Muslim men to marry non Muslim women.
Non Muslims are not allowed to settle in Muslim countries but Muslims move to non Muslim countries and demand they be allowed to maintain their separate identity and impose their culture on others.
Muslim countries are genociding non Muslims constantly, like: Pakistan,Bangladesh,Syria,Sudan,Iraq etc.. but Muslims in non Muslims countries are always expanding and trying to takeover.
Islam is an intolerant genocidal religion that has exterminated countless cultures from North Africa to India. Islam was also one of the biggest enslavers in the world. Arabs and Muslims are infamous for enslaving Black Africans and they still do to this day.
Palmsquirrell / May 21, 2014
Most Lankan Muslims have Tamil roots yet they identify as Muslim and claim to be a separate race. So if you are going to identify as Muslims then it is perfectly fine for the rest of us to blame Lankan Muslims for the actions of Muslim societies anywhere in the world.
I wouldn’t blame Malay Muslims for the racism of Saudi Muslims because Malay Muslims indetify as Malays and Saudi Muslims identify as Gulf Arabs. But in Sri Lanka’s case, the Lankan Muslims community denies its racial roots and just claims to be Muslims.
You can’t have the cake and eat it too. Want to identify as Muslims and not as Tamil Muslims or Sinhala Muslims then don’t blame non Muslims when we hold your Muslim community responsible for the actions of Muslims anywhere. Atfer all don’t you lot claim to be part of the Muslim Ummah.
Palmsquirrell / May 21, 2014
If the Sinhalese did even a fraction of what they did to Tamils to Muslims you and all the Muslims would be screaming about atrocities and genocide. As long as it is non Muslim Tamils being genocided you are happy and support the Sinhalese.
1) Islam is a genocidal religion that espouses Arab racism and supremacy. Arabs who converted and married Tamils carried out cultural genocide because destroying one’s ethnic and cultural identity is genocide.
Even though most Muslims are Tamils, Muslim elites in Colombo deny this fact. This is blatant genocide against Tamils
2) How about Muslims disawov the racist ideology known as Islam. In Islam god is an Arab and his messenger is an Arab and his language is Arabic. So when you impose Islam on others by converion or when you keep preaching it 5 times a day from Mosques, all you do is affirm Arab supremacy.
Everywhere Muslims are the majority they kill , ethnically cleanse or convert the non Muslims . Or non Muslims live as 2nd class citizens under Muslim domination. Just look at Pakistan and how minorites are being raped, killed and ethnically cleansed.
3) Hate crime laws are anti freedom and anti liberty because it silences dissent . It should especially not be unlawfull to criticize religion because religion is powerfull, ethnocentric and brainwashes people.
If Hate crime laws were enacted then Islam should be banned because Islam preaches racial and cultural intolerance and supremacy.
sach / May 21, 2014
Lets see what muslims are accused of around the world.
suicide bombs, massacres of non muslims in Sudan, support to terrorism by Pakistan and several other muslim countries, abduction of school children by boko haram, kidnapping and killing sailors by somali pirates, drug netowrks, and the total ignorance and silent approval of islimst elements and their violence, trying to take a moral high ground while remaining silent of muslim atrocities.
Lets compare this with what Sri lankan tamils or even tamils as a whole did.
1. suicide bombs – started it and mastered it. Even hizbulla learnt it from LTTE
2. massacres of non tamils – Kabithigollawa, DOllar farm, Anuradhapura, kathankudy, palliyagodalla,aranthalawa, etc…..
3. support to terrorism by Pakistan and several other muslim countries—tamil nadu’s support for LTTE and approval of their terrorism.
4. abduction of school children by boko haram – LTTE did that which you guys paid for.
5. kidnapping and killing sailors by somali pirates – LTTE kidnapped and killed people using naval routes and even targetted civilian aircrafts.
5. drug netowrks – LTTE was a significant part in drug network. Actually this was one of their major earners.
6. total ignorance and silent approval of islimst elements —Tamils total disregard for human rights of non tamils and approving LTTE terrorism and calling them liberators and celebrating them.
7.trying to take a moral high ground while remaining silent of muslim atrocities. ———after ignoring, celebrating LTTE terrorism, and funding a 30 year war, LTTE supporters like you try to claim a moral high ground.
And you were saying…………
Palmsquirrell / May 22, 2014
Tamil militants dodn’t try to convert non Tamils to identify with Tamil culture.
Tamils aren’t trying to expand their religion and culture to every corner of the world at the cost of other cultures.
Tamil militancy in Ceylon was direct result of decades of Sinhala pogroms and state sanctioned persecution.
Tamil militant attacks were only in Ceylon and India, not globally like Muslims.
How many Muslims dominant countries are there and how many Tamil countries are there.
Unlike Muslims , Tamils don’t preach their god is supreme over everyone elses.
Tamils allowed many in their community to convert to Islam and allowed their women to marry Muslims. While Muslims never allow their women to marry non Muslims and ban the conversion of Muslims to other religions.
Tamils allowed Muslims to live amongst them but Muslims ethnically cleanse Hindus, Buddhists,Christians in many countries.
Tamils weren’t engaged in Slavery like Muslims.
To compare Islamic supremacy to Tamil militancy in Ceylon shows how much bias you have.
sach / May 22, 2014
“Tamil militants dodn’t try to convert non Tamils to identify with Tamil culture.” –
of course they didn’t convert non tamils just chased them away from exclusive tamil lands. Remember ethnic cleansing of Sinhalese (by killing) and Muslims (chasing away). When Muslims were chased away, LTTE even took away the milk packets that families were carrying for little babies. It is a wonder how you can point at Muslims after being silent and approving LTTE barbarism.
“Tamils aren’t trying to expand their religion and culture to every corner of the world at the cost of other cultures”
– Probably because tamils do not have the numerical strength the muslims have. In all the places tamils have gone to they are less like to mix with the people there but stick into their tribe.
“Tamil militancy in Ceylon was direct result of decades of Sinhala pogroms and state sanctioned persecution.”
—Muslims can also say things like that. The persecution of Tamils in SL were mild when compared with what many other minorities went through. Had Sinhalese went all against tamils you wont find a single tamil in south today. The main reason tamils suffered was LTTE terrorism and their war funded by you.
“Tamil militant attacks were only in Ceylon and India, not globally like Muslims”
. —-Yes because your areas of concern were only these areas. But you did what the islamist groups did. Just because you bombed only people in SL while Muslims did around the world isn’t really a valid argument. Actually the number of suicide bombs by tamil terrorists outnumber all of the bombs planted by islamists world wide.
“How many Muslims dominant countries are there and how many Tamil countries are there”
.- Only reason being Muslims are numerically stronger than you. And how come your argument makes muslims look bad?
“Unlike Muslims , Tamils don’t preach their god is supreme over everyone elses”
. –. But how many tamils go on even here in CT that their language is the best and pure, their way of life and culture is the best and how they are superior to others. Just check CT forum itself. Tamils are the mirror image of muslims when you replaced religion with language.
Just count the number of times tamils here who bash Sinhala language, Sinhala people for their culture, way of living. Some even go to the extent of calling there is nothing called Sinhala and they are actually tamil. Vets talk about Sinhala history. That is exactly the same as muslim preachers bashing other religions.
“Tamils allowed many in their community to convert to Islam and allowed their women to marry Muslims. While Muslims never allow their women to marry non Muslims and ban the conversion of Muslims to other religions”
. ———- At least in SL tamils are like that. We very rarely hear Tamil women marrying non tamils (nowadays). I remember tamils were questioning which language their children would be speaking had they ever heard of such a mix marriage.
“Tamils allowed Muslims to live amongst them but Muslims ethnically cleanse Hindus, Buddhists,Christians in many countries. Tamils weren’t engaged in Slavery like Muslims.”
——-Not a fair argument. There are muslim countries where people of other faiths live. True muslim society is not a good example of how a society should be. I am not saying no. What I am saying is you are hardly the person to comment on that. Even in this thread you were screaming Sinhalese are settling in north and colonization stuff. You don’t like non tamils living in your so called exclusive tamil area.
“To compare Islamic supremacy to Tamil militancy in Ceylon shows how much bias you have”
. —- It is not bias. I am not a fan of Islamic ways. But one cannot ignore the sheer hypocrisy in your comment.
Park / May 19, 2014
When Nelson Mandela became the President of South Africa, he could have been hard on the whites for all the atrocities they committed under apartheid. But what did he do? He appointed the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. He did not want a situation where one group tales revenge on the other for what happened in the past, but both groups were allowed to sort out issues in a humane and a diplomatic way.
What did Rajapakse as President do after the war, he continues to celebrate the killing of people. Even though he is celebrating “winning of peace” (as per his own words), he is in fact telling the masses without openly saying “that we committed atrocities to gain peace”! Every time we celebrate winning peace there will be enough information coming out in the media to show the atrocities we have committed, do we need this non-ending sadness displayed before our eyes?
Mandela is praised as a leader and almost a God not only in Africa by the entire world, how is the would going to remember Rajapakse when he is no more?
I am a father of three sons, when ever I see the picture of Prabaharan’s son ( I am not a supporter of LTTE at all)with bullet wounds, my blood boils. Has Mahinda Rajapakse or Gothabaya Rajapakse replaced the face of Prabaharan’s son in that bullet ridden state with their sons face? How will they feel? How can they close their eyes and sleep at night?
ela kolla / May 19, 2014
so called ruthless never give-up terrorists with cynide capsules around their necks, why did they want to surrender anyway?
they should have been captured, tortured and killed for all the sins they committed
wathie / May 19, 2014
It’s a common knowledge that Pulithevan and Nadesan like LTTE hierarchy advised their subordinates to carry and swallow cyanides and not surrender. How many misguided youth must have been killed themselves with such advice. Yet when their end neared, they tried their best to surrender. Shame! Shame! Good that the cowards are killed.
shankar / May 20, 2014
wathie,i agree with you.These guys are in their fifties and have lived the best part of their lives,and they told the youngsters in their teens to take the capsule and never to surrender.Then when i read the story how many telephone calls to ensure that they safely surrender and in the end they get played out.That is why they say karma is a bitch.
It is a joke for the international community to investigate the killings of pulidevan and nadesan without first investigating adele balasingham who went around giving cyanide capsules to young girls in their teens and these two guys did not even take them in the first place.
Stewart Sloan / May 21, 2014
Great article, lets get the US to demand an international inquiry. Oh, wait. Weren’t they the people that extrajudicially killed Osama bin Laden ‘before’ he had a chance to surrender?
Tamil from the north / June 2, 2014
All the low ranking LTTErs were forced to fight till death or capture eminent, then to commit suicide and these bloody cowards from the top wanted to surrender. Why may I ask. Couldn’t they have also fought to death like the poor children who were force recruited by the LTTE who fought and died? Some of the people don’t care for those poor children who died in vain.