15 January, 2025


A Comprehensive International Investigation Only Way Forward: APPG Chairman

The Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Tamils (APPG) has reiterated on the significance of an international investigation into the grave human rights violations that occurred during the final phases of the war in Sri Lanka, while pointing out that it has been made quite evident by now that the government of Sri Lanka will not deal with the accountability issues facing the Tamil community in a meaningful manner.

Lee Scott

Lee Scott

APPG Chairman and Ilford North MP Lee Scott had made these remarks during his meetings with the Ambassadors of US, Norway, Germany and the UK in Geneva as he joined the members of the British Tamil Forum at a UNHRC meeting.

The BTF had been seeking to gather support for the international investigation into war crimes and crimes against humanity committed against the Tamil people in Sri Lanka.

MP Lee while pointing out that the previous inquiries put in place by the government have lacked credibility and impartiality since they were too easily influenced by the local politicians and the ministry, had added that now it is all too clear that the GoSL is not going to deal with the issues meaningfully and the only way forward is a comprehensive international investigation.

He had expressed his disappointment over the deferral of the OISL report by six months and had noted that they must now press ahead and ensure the investigation process does not stop by probing into the appalling crimes committed up to 2009 but also those that had been committed in the following years and the individuals responsible are brought to justice.

Lee Scotte War Sri Lanka


Latest comments

  • 8

    MPs from ethnic ghettos still singing for that oh so scrumptious block vote I see :D

    • 20

      Siva Sankaran Sarma,

      It is hilarious that in the haste of responding you forget that you are an imposter masquerading as a Tamil!:D
      You are a pathetic so and so!

      • 5

        Dear Mr. Lee Scott,

        Re your statement “….while pointing out that it has been made quite evident by now that the government of Sri Lanka will not deal with the accountability issues….”

        Did you look into how the preliminary investigations have been proceeding?

        Rome Statute of the ICC state,
        Article 8, War crimes,
        2(b)(xxiii) Utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations; (page 7)

        This is what is known as a Human Shield.

        According to the above, IF the PRESENCE of a civilian (Tamil civilians) is used to protect military forces (LTTE Cadres) then the LTTE commits the war crime of using Human Shields.

        The POE confirms this “Presence” in their report (item 237) quoted below

        “…… they forced thousands of civilians, often under threat of death, to remain in areas under their control during the last stages of the war and enforced this control by killing persons who attempted to leave that area”

        Thus according to the Rome Statute, Article 8, 2(b)(xxiii) The LTTE is GUILTY of the war crime of utilizing a Human Shield.

        Additionally there is ample evidence in the public domain of Amputations of limbs, shooting civilians in the back and suicide bombings of those who managed to reach safety, all of which was targeted at discouraging the civilians leaving LTTE areas.

        That the LTTE located Heavy Guns, Mortar pits, Ammunition dumps, Command centers amongst the civilians is also confirmed by evidence in the public domain (please see aerial photographs taken by Times of London photographers who overflew the No Fire Zones with the UNSG Ban Ki Moon).

        Thus EVERY CONDITION required to be satisfied by the Human Shield Law, of the Rome Statute, in order to find the LTTE guilty, has been satisfied and the LTTE should be found Guilty.

        Let’s see what the POE say (item 237)

        “(With respect to the credible allegations of the LTTE’s refusal to allow civilians to leave the combat zone, the Panel believes that these actions did not, in law, amount to the use of human shields…”

        The experts are EXONERATING the LTTE!!!!

        As far as the UNSG’s POE is concerned the ICC statute does not exist.

        The UNSG’s POE has deliberately subverted International Law and exonerated the Guilty! Why did they do it?

        Let’s look at the repercussions of such a decision.

        If the LTTE was found guilty then those who financed them and procured armaments will automatically be guilty of the same crime and will get prosecuted.

        This means the Separatist big wigs of the BTF, GTF, TGTE etc with whom you are hobnobbing will be in the hot seat. Thus it is to their advantage to have this matter swept under the carpet.

        LTTE financiers were caught trying to bribe US officials.
        Was the UNSG’s POE similarly bribed by the TGTE or BTF or GTF or an organisation/person with lots of wealth?

        The conclusions made by the Panel of Experts, Mr. Darusman, Ms. Yasmin Sooka and Mr. Steven Ratner is contrary to International Law.

        Thus there is a strong possibility of BRIBERY and GRAFT.

        Hence the POE report becomes questionable and unreliable

        Is this a sample of the investigations that you propose?

        Mr Lee Scott some of your bedfellows are corrupt. Keep the wise counsel of Benjamin Franklin in mind, “He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas”.

        Kind Regards,

        • 4

          Good points Off the Cuff, but Lee Scott, MP, won’t care, although perhaps some others will. Lee Scott, an ethnic Jew, is well used to making excuses for the Nazi-admiring Tamil Tigers and their Hitler-loving leader, Prabhakaran. Such an MP seems willing to say or do the most unprincipled things in order get the Tiger-admiring Tamilians in his constituency to campaign for his re-election in the upcoming UK general election.

          Every year since 2010 Lee Scott has been a major speaker at the May event in London mourning the defeated Tamil Tigers. It will be interesting to see if he makes another appearance in May this year, despite his own Conservative Party’s professed opposition to all those who support or make excuses for terrorism. Never once has Scott issued a word of criticism of the Tamil Tigers and their obscene use of their own lower castes as a human shield in the last weeks of the war, nor has he ever condemned the Tigers’ murder of hundreds of Tamil Democrats and Hindu pacifists. Many people must wonder how the British Conservatives can tolerate such a duplicitous character as one of their MPs!

          • 3

            Dear Candidly,

            Thank you. My intention in writing this is to make the foreigners who read CT aware of what is going on.

            I invited some of the Rabid Propagandist to comment on my address to Lee Scott but none have ventured to do so.

            That tells a story by itself.

            Thank you for the feedback and info you gave.

            Kind Regards,

      • 2

        Burning Issue,

        Is there no truth in what he says?

        • 6


          Do you now accept that Sarma is an imposter?

          The Tamils will seek all avenues possible to seek justice; this so because justice is not available to them in SL. If the Sinhalese were in the same situation, they will do exactly the same!

          • 6

            Burning Issue,

            That inference is not logical. There are many Tamils who do not like what other Tamils are doing. Take Heretic for an example. He is not afraid to admit the Truth and I respect him.

            Just because Siva Sankaran Sarma is critical of a lopsided and partisan view of a UK politician, it is unfair to label him an imposter.

            The observation he made is valid.

            Quote from HRW “In Canada, the Tamil community forms a powerful voting bloc, and many members of Parliament from ridings (electoral districts) in the Toronto area are dependent on Tamil votes. Some Canadian Tamils suggest that as a result, many members of parliament are reluctant to address LTTE intimidation. One Toronto activist told Human Rights Watch, “Vocally denouncing or acknowledging LTTE activity would be politically costly. The lack of political will is [also] due to the fact that LTTE extortion is seen as a Tamil problem, and not a Canadian one. unquote (HRW report http://www.hrw.org/reports/2006/ltte0306/7.htm#_Toc127961783)
            A previous Canadian govt delayed proscribing the LTTE because they wanted the vote of the very large Tamil population there. There was an instance where the govt machinery slowed down to allow the LTTE front organisations to withdraw funds that were about to be frozen from their bank accounts.

            Kind Regards,

            • 8


              Yeah right he was honest by describing his own kith and kin as ghettos! On the other hand I have no time for your incorrigible nonsense. No one in the world is good enough to criticise the Sinhala! You need to take a long hike and sort yourself out. May be Sive Sankaran Sarma would make a good company for you.

              • 3

                I presume you’re throwing a hissy fit because you live in one of those ethnic ghettos, BI? Perhaps Ilford itself? :D

                Oh and describing “kith and kin” as ghettos? You seem a bit confused – you should look up the definition of a ghetto, then have a look around your own neighbourhood, and you’ll see my point :D

                • 5

                  Siva Sankaran Sarma,

                  I see your points clearly all the time :D For your information I live in the constituency of the Speaker MP John Bercow! I know exactly what you meant by Ghetto in this context :D. You should always remember that you are an imposter; sometimes, naturally, you forget revealing your ugly nature :D

                  I, as a Tamil, have been extremely critical of the LTTE but defend the Tamil rights. At no time on these forms you, even for one movement, defend the rights of the Tamils. You do not have the backbone to accept that you are an imposter :D

                  • 3

                    Perhaps you can explain to the rest of us who haven’t had the privilege of going to ESL classes how “kith and kin” can be “described as ghettos” :D

                    Once you learn the actual definition of a ghetto though you can go back and read my post again – then google a few names of these champions of We Thamizh like Lee Scott, Siobhain McDonagh and Robert Halfon. Things might finally click together for you – but I won’t hold my breath :D

                    • 4

                      :) you are bitter because there are people who stand up on behalf of the Tamils. We Tamils know that you are not a Tamil :D

                      Ghetto is a word derogatorily used to denote ethnic settlements in the early US States. A word can have a legitimate meaning but can be used unpleasantly. This is what you did. Now you are trying to play games :D

                    • 3

                      Imposter Sarma,

                      Come on I am still waiting show this forum one instence where you defended the Tamil rights. Many Sinhala did but not you; why?

              • 3

                Burning Issue,

                Re “No one in the world is good enough to criticise the Sinhala!”

                That was an irrational reaction. Is it because you could not counter Siva Sankaran Sarma using Logic?

                Criticism is based on Truth. I have no problem with criticism. When you criticize you must be able to handle counter criticism without going into irrational tantrums.

                When Truth is absent it becomes SLANDER.
                Slander is what most of you do.

                Re “Yeah right he was honest by describing his own kith and kin as ghettos!”

                I said that Siva Sankaran Sarma has raised a valid point. That politico’s of the west was pandering to the Tamils to obtain their vote is no secret. I also proved what I said by quoting from HRW.

                I was not discussing how SSS presented it. You too did not raise any objection to his presentation but simply tried to shoot the messenger instead of addressing his point.

                Irrational Tantrums cannot overcome logical arguments BI.

                Kind Regards,

                • 4


                  :) you are the man for irrationality

                  • 3

                    Point them out as I have pointed out where your comments are irrational

                • 4


                  Please do not make me laugh; over the years you have been accused of interlectual dishonesty, prevarication, premitive, and cherry picking and of course a pathological liar by many people; mainly by Sinhala people. Please do not ostensibly hide behind carefully organised phrases.

                  I am busy this weekend and on Monday, I will write with details of many episodes where the british parliamentarians stood up and voiced against injustices around the world. Let’s see whether they were after votes or purely concerned with righteousness.

                  • 1

                    Dear Burning,

                    I can accuse you of many things but I don’t make idle accusations. When I accuse you I provide the reasons to prove what I say.

                    You on the other hand degenerate into rhetoric and idle accusations because you don’t have the facts to debate with.

                    I feel sorry for you.

                    Kind Regards,

                    • 3


                      I have posting a reply which you will see in due course! I am nearly there in my search about your claim that the Kandiyan convention was applicable to the entire nation! Watch this space….

                    • 0

                      Dear Burning Issue,

                      Re “I am nearly there in my search about your claim that the Kandiyan convention was applicable to the entire nation!”

                      The Kandyan Convention applied to the Kandyan Kingdom.

                      However, if you are trying to show that Buddhism was not a State Religion then you are on the wrong track. The whole of Lanka except the Tamil Kingdom was Buddhist, before colonial occupation forcibly changed that.

                      Then we had two Buddhist Kingdoms Kotte and Kandy and the Sovereign who had the custody of the Tooth Relic was considered the Superior. The 400 year old Tamil Kingdom was limited to the Jaffna Peninsular and a small area on the North West of Lanka. The State religion of the rest of Lanka was Buddhism.

                      Kind Regards,

                • 3


                  It is completely disingenuous and contentious for you to generalise that the British MPs voice in support of the Tamils because they are after votes. There are instances when some greedy British MPs asked questions in Parliament in exchange for cash. Such people were caught and unceremoniously disqualified and disgraced. There are MPs who may speak expediently to gain votes. Such MPs will have tough time raising unfounded claims in parliament. Whatever they raise should carry credence and general acceptance of injustices. In the case of Sri Lankan Tamils, there is a genuine case of injustices and evidences pointing to crimes in biblical proportions. This is what is at stake and not a mere vote-seeking affair!

                  I quote below some of the example where the British MPs voiced and in some cased made differences positively:

                  William Wilberforce along with many like-minded people campaigned for over 20 years to ban the infamous Slave trading. They went through many setbacks as they were taking on the extremely lucrative trade at the time. There were hardly any Blacks in the UK at that time and those who lived did not enjoy universal franchise! The campaign for the Abolition of Slave trade began in 1870 and culminated in enacting of The Abolition of the Slave Trade Act in 1807.

                  Mau Mau uprising in Kenya against the British; over the years, many British MPs have been voicing against the atrocities committed against the Kenyans by their then own government. Even today may articles appear on national dailies in support of compensations. How many Kenyans live in the UK?

                  Many British MPs spoke and organised protest campaigns against the then Rhodesian government in support of the Mugabe led freedom struggle. Such activities precipitated the fall of the White rule in Rhodesia and Zimbabwe was born. How many Black Rhodesians were in the UK at that time?

                  Many British MPs spoke against the Mugabe regime and their treatment of the White farmers. How many Zimbabweans whites live in the UK?

                  The Anti-Apartheid Movement was born in Britain and being supported by many British MPs who campaigned relentlessly against the Apartheid system in South Africa. The British MPs were vociferous against the English Cricket Team touring South Africa during Basil D’Oliveira affair. How many Black South Africans live in the UK?

                  ARA General Belgrano the Argentinian Warship that was sunk by the British during the Falklands war. A fierce debate erupted in the Parliament over the sinking of the General Belgrano because it was deemed as unethical by those MPs who accused the government because the ship in question was sailing away from the exclusion zone and not posing any threat to the British. 323 sailors died and many British MPs thought that it was an act against human decency. How many Argentinians were living in the UK at that time?

                  Imprisonment of Aung San Suu Kyi by the Burmese government was against international law Many British parliamentarians over the years spoke against it. Many MPs tried to visit Burma to voice against such an imprisonment. Channel 4 covered stories and campaigns in support of the beleaguered Icon. How many Burmese lived in the UK at that time?

                  The British Parliamentarians on many occasions spoke against the Chinese treatment of Tibetans. They welcomed Dalai Lama on many occasions to Britain and highlighted the injustices openly. How many Tibetans live in the UK?

                  Pre 9/11, many British MPs and TV channels spoke against the Taliban treatment of Women.

                  British MPs continuously speak against the Saudi Arabia on the religious intolerances and misogynists.

                  I have quoted many examples but feel there are many that I have not included. Finally, I cannot not mention that many British MPs spoke in support of Tamil struggle in Sri Lanka.

                  Please OTC; it is extremely cheap for you to say that the British MPs speak against Sri Lanka because they are after the votes of the Tamils. This is very silly and preposterous that you take such a cue. You cannot compare the Sri Lankan politicians with the British!

                  • 6

                    Many thanks Burning Issue.
                    OTC would reply with twists.

                    • 0

                      Dear Anpu,

                      My comments are always factual and are supported by references. What you are really saying here is that you are unable to counter them.

                      Burning Issue’s logic is Awry.

                      You cannot bring out Ghandi as an example and say all Indian politicians are selfless. What BI does is something like that. We are discussing Lee Scott not any of the others that BI brings as examples.

                      You have to use Lee Scott’s position vis a vis his electorate, North Ealing.

                      I have responded to him. Please Read it and discuss.

                      I am always ready to correct myself, IF you can prove anything that I have written is wrong supported of course by verifiable evidence.

                      You have failed to do so up to now.

                      Kind Regards,

                  • 0

                    Dear Burning Issue,

                    My intervention here was an address to Mr. Lee Scott challenging the “Accountability Issues” he raised by pointing out the corruption evident in the preliminary investigators, the UNSG’s POE, Darusman, Sooka and Ratner.

                    You and all other Tamil Homeland proponents avoided addressing it because you don’t have the GUTS to face facts.

                    You made a personal attack on Siva Sankaran Sarma when he made a valid point about the Tamil Block vote. Instead of countering him with Facts (yours of March 25 at 7:51 pm).

                    I pointed out to you that the point raised by SSS was valid and gave you an HRW observation of a similar situation in Canada (mine of March 27 at 2:22 am).

                    All your responses to my comments of March 27 at 2:22, March 27 at 9:30 pm, March 28 at 1:07 am, March 30 at 2:06 pm have been irrational and devoid of a factual argument.

                    Note: You addressed a comment to me on March 27 at 6:18 pm. My reply to you March 28 at 12:02 am, still remains Unanswered.

                    Pandering to the Tamil Block vote by western politicians is an established fact in the Political Landscape of Western countries with a sizable Lanka Tamil population. I provided a HRW report that makes the same observation.

                    Lee Scott is Jewish. In 2005 he won North Ealing with a margin of 1,653. In 2010 his margin was 5,404.

                    Thus a swing of 827 votes in 2005 or 2703 votes in 2010 would have cost him his seat.

                    In 2010 the White voter turn out was 35,545
                    The Jewish turn out was 4843
                    The Asian turn out was 7288

                    He polled 21,506 votes
                    Labour 16,102
                    Liberal 5966
                    Others 3444

                    As a Jew he would have been assured of the Jewish vote. With the white vote split the Asian vote takes Kingmaker status. Not something an avaricious politician can ignore.

                    The Tamil vote within the Asian group is a BLOCK Vote just like in Northern Lanka. It is available to the politician who gives the Tamils the most. I don’t blame the Tamils for doing so, that is politics.

                    Kind Regards,

                    • 3


                      “The Tamil vote within the Asian group is a BLOCK Vote just like in Northern Lanka. It is available to the politician who gives the Tamils the most. I don’t blame the Tamils for doing so, that is politics.”

                      You have written total nonsense! As with the British, the Tamils too are susceptible to class politics. There are many tamil conservatives, Labourites, and of course Liberal Democrats. You would not believe that there are many UKIP supporters too among the Tamils.

                      The Tamils in Sri Lanka are under siege and this is why they stick together! I have pointed out to you umpteen times that at the 1948 General Elections, the Tamil Congress won only 3 seats; the UNP won one seat and the rest were won by independent candidates. There was not communal or block voting mentality among the Tamils. It was the Sinhala who blindly segregated the Sri Lankan population along the racial lines because of their chronic insecurity.

                      You came running to defend the Imposter Sarma! But he was wrong and so are you. The British MPs represent their constituents; if they have any issue to raise, the MPs will listen. There is a clear case of crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Sri Lankan state against the Tamils. There are ample evidences and testimonies are on record. I have already pointed out to you about the many instances where the British MPs spoke against injustices around the world and against their own government. The Sri Lankan case is no exception. The problem is that, no one can criticise the Sinhala regimes; this is the bottom line for you; then you say that you talk truth! Your insidious and smooth approach will not pull wool over the sane people; your company is the likes of Siva Sankaran Sarma the imposter!

                    • 0

                      Dar Burning Issue,

                      Re “You have written total nonsense! As with the British, the Tamils too are susceptible to class politics. There are many tamil conservatives, Labourites, and of course Liberal Democrats. You would not believe that there are many UKIP supporters too among the Tamils.”

                      I have provided statistics and it shows the narrow margin that Scott has. It also shows the Kingmaker status that the Asians and hence the Tamils enjoy in Scott’s electorate.

                      All you do is write rhetoric sans a factual argument.

                      You say “The Tamils in Sri Lanka are under siege and this is why they stick together!”

                      Is that why they stick together in CANADA?

                      Human Rights Watch says “In Canada, the Tamil community forms a powerful voting bloc, and many members of Parliament from ridings (electoral districts) in the Toronto area are dependent on Tamil votes. Some Canadian Tamils suggest that as a result, many members of parliament are reluctant to address LTTE intimidation. One Toronto activist told Human Rights Watch, “Vocally denouncing or acknowledging LTTE activity would be politically costly. The lack of political will is [also] due to the fact that LTTE extortion is seen as a Tamil problem, and not a Canadian one. unquote (HRW report http://www.hrw.org/reports/2006/ltte0306/7.htm#_Toc127961783)

                      The objective of the Canadian Tamils are the same as the British Tamils. The only difference is the location. One is in Canada and the other in UK, the thinking, the outlook and the objectives are the same.

                      Both of them made massive contributions to the LTTE. Now both of them want REVENGE for the Loss the LTTE suffered. Is is not a Human Rights issue though you use HR as a cover.

                      If you claim it is a HR issue, explain how the War Criminal who sent at least a 100,000 Tamil children to fight a Man’s war (UTHR Jaffna has said “LTTE proudly displayed recruits aged 10 and sometimes even 8”), trained and commissioned them by garlanding children with a cyanide capsule necklace, is living amongst you, without any campaign from any of you to bring her to Justice at the ICC?

                      Your arguments are puerile and disingenuous.

                      Re “You came running to defend the Imposter Sarma! But he was wrong and so are you”

                      I questioned your obvious Slanderous comment. That is your usual practice when you have no facts to contest what someone writes you resort to Slander.

                      Re “There is a clear case of crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Sri Lankan state against the Tamils. There are ample evidences and testimonies are on record”

                      The ONLY thing that is CLEAR is that the LTTE financiers have successfully BOUGHT the UNSG’s Panel of Experts, Mr. Darusman, Ms. Yasmin Sooka and Mr. Steven Ratner as pointed out in my comment of March 26, 2015 at 1:01 pm which remains UNCHALLENGED to date.

                      What I write is factual and that is why you resort to rhetoric and personal attacks without focusing on the Message delivered by my comments.

                      Kind Regards,

                    • 3


                      The article in question is about the All Party Parliamentary Group for Tamils; this is a british based organisation and we were discussing the alleged block voting by the Tamils. I have in detail explained to you that your charge is totally unfounded. You are unable to counter my reasoning and you have now conveniently switched the subject to the Canadian tamils!

                      Yes, there is a sizeable Sri Lankan expats in Canada that includes all sections of the Sri Lankan communities. There is no doubt that the Tamil population is large in numbers. Nevertheless, no sane parliamentarian will risk his/her reputation by embarking on false propaganda. Clerly, there are ample credible evidences exist that shows beyond doubt that the Sri Lankan regime under MR was culpable of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Whether it was a genocide or not I will wait to see what the investigations would divulge. There is a humanitarian need to stand up for the voiceless and that is what the Canadian parliamentarians have been doing. What you need to do is to grow up; sulking is not good!

                    • 0

                      Dear Burning Issue,

                      It was always about the Tamil Block Vote that Mr Scott was pandering to.

                      The HRW report about the Tamil block vote was posted on March 27, 2015 at 2:22 am. to prove the existence of the block vote which you were denying.

                      After that you have posted 12 comments.

                      You said Tamils in SL were under siege and that was the reason for the block vote in SL. I asked you whether Tamils in Canada were under siege as they too were voting en block.

                      When your argument about the “Siege” was checkmated you try to show that Tamils who went to UK are more democratic than those who went to Canada. Which of course is moronic.

                      This is about Lee Scott who had a narrow margin in 2010 and is facing an election in 2015.

                      That’s why he is pandering to the Tamils. His 2005 margin was narrower and he would be a fool to commit political suicide by saying ONE WORD to disillusion the Tamils or not giving an ear to the Tamil cacophony.

                      What I have shown is the COMMON objective of the Separatist Tamils. Which is REVENGE for the war defeat and not any HR issues. You have avoided to meet the challenge to prove it is not REVENGE that is driving you.

                      On the other hand instead of discussing Scott and his electorate you are trying to white wash him by pointing to other people. This is like denying the existence of thieves by pointing to the larger number of law abiding people. You say here are examples of selflessness, Mother Theresa did this she did that, Ghandi did this he did that. Hence all Indians are selfless. That is the type of rationale you present.

                      Re “Nevertheless, no sane parliamentarian will risk his/her reputation by embarking on false propaganda.”

                      We are not discussing a sane one but an avaricious one.

                      “Clerly, there are ample credible evidences exist that shows beyond doubt that the Sri Lankan regime under MR was culpable of war crimes and crimes against humanity.”

                      The ONLY clear evidence that exists is against Ms Adele Balasigham and UNSG’s POE, Darusman, Sooka and Ratner.

                      What have you done about it?

                      Kind Regards,

              • 2

                “”I have no time for your incorrigible nonsense.”” Phoo!! – Racist idiots like you will never accept the truth ” as the truth is always bitter ” – When the truth is out all the racist tamils start wriggling like worms and start writing illogical comments – Why ? because they know in their heart what OTC says is truth – nothing but truth – however how these worms wriggle the truth will prevail

                At least let the poor tamils who are really living in this country live in harmony with everybody –

                • 4


                  What OTC says and truth do not go together! Cherry picking and quoting out of context is the theme that he employed.

                  Yeah you are right; the Tamils are racists because stand up for their rights. Your logic is perfect!

                  • 1

                    Dear Burning Issue,

                    Re “What OTC says and truth do not go together! Cherry picking and quoting out of context is the theme that he employed”

                    It is very easy to say things about your opponent when you become checkmated at every turn.

                    If what you say is true why is it so difficult for you to counter what I write? Are you out of your depth when engaging in factual debate?

                    Is it because I seldom quote from the Mahavamsa and instead rely on what Tamils write?

                    If I call you a Liar, I do so with proof.

                    Unfortunately you can only Slander.

                    Kind Regards,

    • 3

      “”MPs from ethnic ghettos”

      David the foot solider alias Siva Sankaran Sarma, and the other [Edited out] idiot Yasin,

      When there is a bad smell British MP’s know the crusade ghetto.
      Since your new partner is from the [Edited out] ghetto of Lanka you think every one has to be like that.

      British politics has rules- fixed date for elections.

      All British parties practice the same – represent matters of constituents not outside electorate/ward etc that you represent.

      Know this that British dislike nosing that is why their education is different from the continent.

  • 15

    Yes, anyone who pursues the truth is obviously corrupt in some way … lets all be Sri Lankan and kill people with impunity instead.

    • 4


      Re “Yes, anyone who pursues the truth is obviously corrupt”

      UNSG’s Panel of Experts, Mr. Darusman, Ms. Yasmin Sooka and Mr. Steven Ratner are corrupt and are in the pockets of the LTTE Financiers.

      For details see here https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/a-comprehensive-international-investigation-only-way-forward-appg-chairman/comment-page-1/#comment-1802303
      Any comments?

      • 3

        Also well worth reading is the legal opinion of two eminent British QCs, Sir Geoffrey Nice and Rodney Dixon, recently summarized in Sri Lanka’s English Language daily The Island: http://www.island.lk/index.php?page_cat=article-details&page=article-details&code_title=121960

        It’s a devastating critique which basically says that the UN Secretary General’s so-called “panel of exports” relied almost completely on anonymous and unsubstantiated gossip and rumours rather than official UN evidence and data for the “evidence” for their accusations of human rights violations by the Sri Lankan government and armed forces.

        The article further contains a link to the full review by Nice and Dixon published in July 2014 and concludes: “Through this Review they [Nice and Dixon} note the incompleteness of the Report that, unhappily, purports to be what it cannot be.”

  • 12

    APPG Chairman has echoed the sentiments of persons who believe in justice and fair play.
    Britain is a country where democracy is practised in full, and voters are not swayed by racial rhetoric.
    In Britain, the armed forces and police “Protect and Serve” – this is their motto.
    Many soldiers have been charged with human rights violations during the Afghanistan war.
    In Sri Lanka, today it is reported that around 41,000 army deserters are at large & an amnesty is proposed for them, as many are engaged in crime & some are even bloggers on social media.
    Deferral of the OISL Report amounts to an injustice.

    • 7

      Now, LTTE is Rump is active, they talk about fair play.

      Those days they talked about Tamil eelam and political solution.

    • 3


      Re “Britain is a country where democracy is practised in full, and voters are not swayed by racial rhetoric”

      Perhaps then they would be swayed by the following

      UNSG’s Panel of Experts, Mr. Darusman, Ms. Yasmin Sooka and Mr. Steven Ratner are corrupt and are in the pockets of the LTTE Financiers.

      For details see here https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/a-comprehensive-international-investigation-only-way-forward-appg-chairman/comment-page-1/#comment-1802303
      Any comments?

      • 4

        Off the Cuff,
        You are making a serious accusation about the members of the panel.
        Would you care to convey your thoughts to the UN Secretary General?

        • 2

          Dear Justice,

          Yes I am aware that I made VERY SERIOUS charges against the UNSG’s POE. It was not done lightly but after a lot of thought.

          The evidence I presented was an analysis of ONE item (item 237) of their own report and compared it with the relevant International Law.

          Since you have read my argument and being a person of intellect, you have also realized that the POE has committed a grave crime. That’s why you have not attempted to contest it or point out any mistakes in the argument I presented.

          Presently I am publicizing my findings. Judging from the reaction I am getting, I seem to be on the right track.

          Kind Regards,

  • 17

    A Comprehensive International Investigation Only Way Forward: APPG Chairman,

    That is the only way to ensure justice for long suffering Tamils, and the large number of innocent victims massacred willfully by the Sri Lankan regimes and the armed forces during the war.

    Mr Lee Scott,

    Stand your ground and press ahead, Tamils worldwide will ever be thankful to you for bringing to light the genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka.

    • 3


      Re “Comprehensive International Investigation Only Way Forward”

      UNSG’s Panel of Experts, Mr. Darusman, Ms. Yasmin Sooka and Mr. Steven Ratner are corrupt and are in the pockets of the LTTE Financiers.

      For details see here https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/a-comprehensive-international-investigation-only-way-forward-appg-chairman/comment-page-1/#comment-1802303
      Any comments?

      • 10

        Off the Nut,

        You were born in a plantation colony and fled for economic reasons to another rich colony (where you admitted you did have CBSFA issues) and are trying to advice the UK.

        Westminster, does not have Tamil block vote but we could tell the brigadiers son in English/German or his wife in Spanish what to look for.

        Get stuffed like Jeffery Archer stupid Quack.

  • 12

    So called new Government of SriLanka which In a coalition with many WarCriminals who taken active part in Genocide of Tamils in SriLsnka, now begging West to give them more time as they want to have a Domestic investigation. Everyone including the Sinhalese know that there is a genicide in progress. Mr Lee Scott knows the value of human rights but we can’t expect the same from Srilankans who are on a mission to destroy the Tamil Nation from SriLanka. Only UN or ICC investigation is the solution for the 6 decades of war between Sinhalese & Tamils. Well done Mr Scott. Keep up the good work.

    • 3

      Vaz Thurai,

      Re “Only UN or ICC investigation is the solution”

      UNSG’s Panel of Experts, Mr. Darusman, Ms. Yasmin Sooka and Mr. Steven Ratner are corrupt and are in the pockets of the LTTE Financiers.

      For details see here https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/a-comprehensive-international-investigation-only-way-forward-appg-chairman/comment-page-1/#comment-1802303
      Any comments?

      • 10

        He he he anyone who have exposed the massacre of Tamils or genocide inquiry are living with pay checks from LTTE….wonderful ….

        So so the ex-UN chief of staff who bent down to hide the massacare was also on pay list of SL government…????

        The commonwealth secretary who has ignored all protests and hold the conference at the killing land also on pay list ???

        Time to time some western politicians and press support Murderpaksa & Co are also in the pay list of SL state???

        What happened the people who have surrendered to the Dogabaya `s military is one of the question..

        Sadaam Hussain has killed 1000 s of people but he was hanged for just one proved conviction …..

        Next stop ICC at The Hague …Murderpaksa & Co are panicked………..

        • 8


          “He he he anyone who have exposed the massacre of Tamils or genocide inquiry are living with pay checks from LTTE….wonderful …. “

          Any Tamil who criticized LTTE was branded as traitor and were being paid by the state.

          What is the difference?

          • 4

            Good point to counter Cholan’s rhetoric.
            However Cholan avoids the Serious issues.

          • 6

            Of course there are enough traitors……..otherwise …SL forces would have to fight for another 40 years…

            Where are these traitors now ??

            Why can’t they find a solution with Sinhala brothers? he he he

            • 7


              How about those who were at the heart of LTTE operations within and outside the country who now work for the state intelligence agencies, government and joined the ruling parties and some of them have served as ministers and run around boys to MR?

              You know their names.

        • 3

          Dear Cholan,

          I don’t know about the others but UNSG’s Panel of Experts, Mr. Darusman, Ms. Yasmin Sooka and Mr. Steven Ratner are corrupt and are in the pockets of the LTTE Financiers.

          They have implicated themselves.

          I note that you did not challenge ANYTHING that I have written about the Darusman Trio.

          Obviously my argument has pummeled you into silence.

          Ha ha haa.

          Kind Regards,

          • 7

            So the person or the body recommended these 3 people also on LTTE pay checks…….people like you can write anything as you like without evidence….

            By the way according to Murderpaksa & Co LTTE is completely decimated so they are paying from the heaven ?????? he he he

            In SL any government can sell any stories to the majority and they are ready to swallow and dance for free liquor…he he he

            You can also go to The Hague prison with these murderers and offer your service and console by providing a pay check to guards if they accept …

            • 3

              Dear Cholan,

              Re “So the person or the body recommended these 3 people also on LTTE pay checks…….people like you can write anything as you like without evidence….”

              I have very clearly identified the UNSG’s POE as being Corrupt.

              Here is an extract from my comment to Lee Scott (March 26, 2015 at 1:01 pm)

              The conclusions made by the Panel of Experts, Mr. Darusman, Ms. Yasmin Sooka and Mr. Steven Ratner is contrary to International Law. Thus there is a strong possibility of BRIBERY and GRAFT
              End extract

              I have pointed to the evidence which is in the Public Domain. It is now out of reach of the bribe givers and they cannot modify it despite their Financial Power.

              You are AFRAID to even discuss it because you cannot counter it.

              Hence you are running around like a headless chicken, blabbering irrelevancies like an idiot.

              How sad is that?

              Kind Regards,

              • 8

                …like an idiot????

                who ?

                unnecessary bringing caste at this forum …what is caste related to this discussion?

                .or showing someones comments? and escape…..

                • 2

                  Dear Cholan,

                  Re “unnecessary bringing caste at this forum …what is caste related to this discussion?”

                  Yes it is absolutely necessary, whenever a Tamil says that they were DISCRIMINATED or PERSECUTED by the Sinhalese. That alleged discrimination / persecution is a cover for the inhuman slavery you practiced out of sight of the world, behind the Cadjan Curtain in the North.

                  Quote “The alleged oppression of the Tamils by the Sinhalese is mostly a defensive garb, to conceal the inner conflicts caused by the caste system among the Tamils”. unquote Bryan Pfaffenberger in ‘Caste in Tamil Culture’.

                  The Tamil High Cast GROSSLY ABUSED THE HUMAN RIGHTS of the 70% Tamil polity.

                  If you beat your wife and children at home you are the abuser not the victim.

                  Kind Regards,

                  • 5

                    Can you tell today how many Tamils are in high government posts…in military..navy ..army ..air force ..and police ????

                    In SL Diplomatic service there are more muslims than Tamils …same in Customs…..

                    so in your thinking this is not discrimination …..

                    When English was medium at schools only Tamils were in majority in all faculties …this is all after very tough examination in those days….

                    Suddenly Tamils became fools ??????

                    No it is not this is because of the racist policies practiced by every SL Sinhala governments

                    • 0

                      Dear Cholan,

                      Re “Can you tell today how many Tamils are in high government posts…in military..navy ..army ..air force ..and police ????”

                      Do your own homework and present your argument.

                      Re “In SL Diplomatic service there are more muslims than Tamils …same in Customs….”

                      The Muslims stayed here and the Tamils left looking for money. What’s your problem?

                      Re “When English was medium at schools only Tamils were in majority in all faculties …this is all after very tough examination in those days…”

                      Now the media is Tamil, English and Sinhala and the Tamils are getting competition and failing to keep up.

                      Re “Suddenly Tamils became fools ??????”

                      Please see previous answer.

                      Re “No it is not this is because of the racist policies practiced by every SL Sinhala governments”

                      What racist policies?

                      Policy on University Admission UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION http://www.ugc.ac.lk/downloads/admissions/local_students/Admission%20to%20Undergraduate%20Courses%20of%20the%20Universities%20in%20Sri%20Lanka%202012_2013.pdf

             Admission to all courses other than the courses stated in above will be made on a dual criteria, namely:

                      All Island Merit
                      Merit on District basis

                      Under All Island Merit criteria:
                      (i) Up to 40% of the available places will be filled in order of Z – Scores ranked on an all island basis, as per Section 3.2.1 of the above.

                      Under District Merit Criteria:
                      (i) Up to 55% of the available places in each course of study will be allocated to the 25 administrative districts in proportion to the total population, that is, on the ratio of the population of the district concerned to the total population of the country.

                      (ii) A special allocation up to 5% of the available places in each course of study will be allocated to the under-mentioned 16 educationally disadvantaged districts in proportion to the population, that is, on the ratio of the population of each such district to the total population of the 16 districts;

                      1. Nuwara Eliya
                      2. Hambantota
                      3. Jaffna
                      4. Kilinochchi
                      5. Mannar
                      6. Mullaitivu
                      7. Vavuniya
                      8. Trincomalee
                      9. Batticaloa
                      10. Ampara
                      11. Puttalam
                      12. Anuradhapura
                      13. Polonnaruwa
                      14. Badulla
                      15. Monaragala
                      16. Ratnapura

                      The number of places allocated on the district merit quota given in (i) and (ii) above will be filled in order of Z – Scores ranked on the district basis, as per Section 3.2.1 of the above

                      You will note that students from the following minority districts have preferential entry to the Universities with LOWER MARKS than student from other districts. Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mannar, Mullaitivu, Vavuniya, Trincomalee, Batticaloa, Ampara and Puttalam.

                      But propagandists still unashamedly use these like a Beggar’s wound that never heals.

                      Kind Regards,

  • 10

    We are not going to let these killings go unpunished. People have to pay for the genocide inflicted on the Tamils over a course of years since 1948. If we let this go unpunished, future generations of Tamils have to suffer the same fate. It is because we supinely condoned past events in the hope of a few crumbs that colossal calamities were heaped on the Tamils. There continue to be violations of human rights taking place even now. The army of occupation still denies the right of Tamils to live in peace in their ancestral homes. There is fear prevailing in the NorthEast. We must end this situation. The continued maintenance of this situation makes every person associated with it a war criminal.

    • 9

      Ponkoh Sivakumaran

      “We are not going to let these killings go unpunished.”

      Truth is more important than punishment.

      Hanging them high does not help the victims nor their kith and kin if you really want justice done to them.

      Truth is a portent weapon.

      • 8

        Israel is still hunting for Nazi butchers who are hiding and living with fake names and identity …all over the world —already there are many captured Nazi animals are rotting in Israel prisons…..

        These Murderpaksa & Co., must rot in The Hague prison ..like Slobodan Milosevic and his monkeys till their last breath…

        If you like you can give these butchers a BIG pardon and hug them …no problem

      • 8

        “Truth is a portent weapon.”
        truth is authority!

        Truth without morals creates the banana republics.

    • 4

      Dear Ponkoh Sivakumaran,

      Re People have to pay for the genocide inflicted on the Tamils over a course of years since 1948.”

      Separatist Tamil propaganda is efficient but it is not the whole truth. The west have been exposed to this incessant propaganda that presents the Tamil as an underdog and as a homogenous entity. It is not homogenous it has at least three major divisions.

      Jaffna based Ruling class 30%
      Jaffna based Servile class 60%
      Plantation based Indian Tamil under class 10%

      These three entities do not mix. The Ruling Class used the 70% servile class as Chattel and Slaves who were not considered Human (even in the 1980’s).

      The “Tamil” Voice the world hears is the Voice of the Elite 30%, while the voiceless 70% were subjugate for Centuries by the Elite Tamils themselves until the low cast Prabahkaran came on the scene.

      Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan was against enfranchisement of women and the underclass. Thus he lobbied the Donoughmore Commission to prevent enfranchisement of 85% of the Tamil Population (15% women of the ruling class and the 70% under class).

      “The learned legislator (Ramanathan) led two delegations during the late 1920s demanding the Colonial Office in London that Caste be encoded into the legislative enactments of Ceylon” Dr Jane Russell in “Communal politics under the Donoughmore Constitution, 1931-1947” (Tissara publishers)

      If that happened, you would have enslaved 70% of Lanka’s Tamil population permanently.

      You would have deprived them of an Education, Right of Worship, Right to own Land, Right to even cover their naked upper body with a garment designed to do so, Right to sit on seats in public transport, Right to Drink water from Public wells, Right to wear jewelery, shoes etc, Right to use drums, Right to cremate their dead and the list goes on and on.

      To help you to understand Tamil and Sinhala society I will quote from a Jaffna Tamil.

      When I moved to Hatton, and later to Colombo, I found a very different world. It was a transforming experience for me and my wife to find that our work mates, mostly Sinhalese, would actually sit with us and share a cup of tea, as if that was normal. We found that we could go to night school and study without been threatened, beaten up, or go and borrow books, and do things that would bring swift retribution `back in the North’. Our dwellings would have been torched, and our women would have been raped with impunity.

      You can see the differences in Jaffna society and Sinhala society, even in Hatton, an area where a considerable Indian origin Tamil population lives on misappropriated lands of the Sinhala. Instead of rancour where rancour can be expected you see kindness and acceptance.

      The above is the first hand experiences of a Servile Class Jaffna Tamil and his underclass Indian origin Tamil wife as related by himself. The writer is Mr Sebastian Rasalingam who grew up in the Jaffna peninsula. He moved to Mannar after world-war II. Later he moved to Hatton and married an Indian origin Tamil Lady and finally came to Colombo. Now in his 80s he lives with his offspring in Canada.

      Hence please don’t try to paint “Tamils” as lily white lambs because they are not.

      Kind Regards,

      • 9


        Before you talk about Tamil caste, why don’t you tell us what about your cast system?

        “The connection of caste and job is still stronger in the Central Highlands, and at events such as the Kandy Perahera, an annual festival honoring Hindu gods and the Buddha, the various castes still perform traditional functions. There are four categories such as Raja-Deva caste, Bamunu-Deva caste, Vaishya-Velanda-Situ-Radala Caste, Shudra-Govi Caste. Raja-Deva is the highest caste in Kandyan Kingdom Bandara Deviyo is Royalty of the Kandyan Kingdom came from Kotte Kingdom. Raja-Deva and Bamunu-Deva castes are amalgamated with the all other Warrior Deva (Raksha & Naga) tribes after they lost power and influence during the Nayakkar reign in the Kandyan kingdom. Nowadays largest population is the Shudra-Goyigama caste with many personalities from Deva, Radala and prominent castes converting to Govigama due to the Govigama becoming influential in the colonial era. Govigama in the highlands differ from those of the low country because they preserve occupational divisions within the caste such as herdsmen (Patti), woodcutters (Porowakara) etc.

        List of Kandyan castes
        Ahinkuntaya – Gypsies
        Badahäla (Kumbal) – Potters
        Bathgama – Traditionally cultivators. Called palanquin bearers during the British period
        Berava – Tom-tom beaters
        Dewa Deva – Feudal rulers, merchants, military personnel
        Govigama – Traditional cultivators, farmers and herdsmen
        Hannali – Tailors
        Hunu – Lime burners
        Kinnaraya – Outcastes
        Navandanna – Artisans (many subcategories)
        Pamunu – Tenant farmers
        Panna – (referred to as grass cutters in some colonial era literature.real name Bodhahara caste)
        Pannikki – Barbers
        Patti- Herdsmen
        Porowakara – Wood cutters
        Radala – Aristocracy of the Kandyan Kingdom
        Rajaka – Dhobies, washermen
        Rodiya – Outcastes

        • 7

          Kanday perahara was initially started as a Hindu festival …and following the protests from Siam Monks who were there during perahara some buddhist elements were added later these elements swallowed Hindu festival and became Kandy Perahara like they have copied the April Tamil new year

          • 3

            Cholan, That comment shows what a racist idiot you are.

            • 4

              Truth is always bitter……

              There was no Sinhala New Year celebration before 80 years …and Mullahs carbon copied Tamil Hindu New year …and introduce this to Sinhala buddhists

              Kandy perahara started as a Hindu festival….

              There is nothing racist elements in the above except the truth which you are unable to swallow because of your fabricated Mahavamsa mentality

              • 2

                Why should Truth be bitter?

                One of the Parents of Sinhala are Indians and naturally they professed Indian religions. Why should that be bitter?

                The culture of one of the parents of Sinhala was Indian culture. Why should that be bitter?

                In fact the Sinhala are proud of it.

                This is why I say you are an idiot.

                • 4

                  Your ancestors are todays Malayalies in Kerala which was Tamil sera Kingdom before 5th century..your food..dress..culture ..religious practices all came from Tamil Sera kingdom …Even Malayalam was simply distorted version of Tamil language

                  Only Tamils celebrate April New Year which was copied by your Ayotullahs …

                  Even the Kannaki (Pathini) worship started in Sera (todays Kerala) kingdom during 2nd century

                  What Sinhalese have in their own except all imported..

                  Do you know before 10th century there was no alphabet for Sinhala ?…Do you know there are 1000s of Tamil words in Sinhala? Do you know when Ceylon got independent there were only 3 copies of Sinhala encyclopedia ? Do you know only after introduction of TV your academics hurriedly searched a sinhala word for television?There was a time Radio Ceylon Sinhala service played Tamil movie songs to extend the time otherwise nothing to do he he he

                  Who is idiot ?

                  Come out of fabricated Mahavamsa lies …he he he they came from Orissa but eat Kerala foods …

                  • 1

                    The colourful perehara, specially the “Nuwara Perehera” is a carbon copy of events in Kerala.

        • 4

          Dear Anpu,

          My exposure of what went on in the Tamil North has agitated you immensely. I also note that you have not denied or attempted to counter what I wrote in my comment to Ponkoh Sivakumaran.

          Accusing the Sinhalese of oppression, when for centuries the Ruling Class Tamils were OPPRESSING and subjecting the Tamil majority to the VILEST form of Slavery in the North, cannot be allowed to go on.

          Hence there is an urgent need for the world to know who OPPRESSED who.

          As Bryan Pfaffenberger observes in his book, ‘Caste in Tamil Culture’ Accusing the Sinhala is a RUSE to cover the OPPRESSION that went on in the North amongst the Tamils.

          Quote “The alleged oppression of the Tamils by the Sinhalese is mostly a defensive garb, to conceal the inner conflicts caused by the caste system among the Tamils”. unquote

          Due to this reason, I am letting the world know, who the High cast Tamils really are an unmasking them.

          Every progressive step that the Central Govt took to alleviate the suffering of the ordinary Tamils of the North has been filibustered by the High Cast Tamils.

          In the 1940’s the Govt started building Causeways to connect remote villages of the low casts in the North. This caused angry reactions from the Tamil Parliamentarians of the North.

          Indians are parents of the Sinhalese. Hence we inherited the Hindu cast system. Fortunately Buddhism has diluted it. This did not happen with the predominately Hindu Tamils who built on the “Manu Dharma” and made it more oppressive.

          quote “Brahmans, through temple rituals, invested Vellalars with the right to control agrarian reproduction; by denying Pallars and Pariayars this ritual entitlement, Brahmans condemned the laborers to landlesness, servitude, and low status. So elaborate was this system of ritual entitlement that “every inch of land, every act of public life, and every necessary interaction in economic processes became infused with ritual meanings and moral valuations” (Ludden 1978:6) unquote

          Quote “There had been slavery among the Kandyan Sinhalese but it was of the mildest form, slaves being personal bond-men to the owners” unquote (Dr Jane Russell in Communal Politics)

          Quote “The social status of the non-vellala castes in Jaffna was extremely low, compared to the position of the non-goigama in Buddhist Ceylon”. unquote (Dr Jane Russell in Communal Politics)

          I have no problem discussing Sinhala cast system with you simultaneously with the Tamil one. That way the reader can easily compare and contrast the two.

          Quote “Arunachalam noted in the 1901 Census Report : It is compatible with ‘high caste’ in Ceylon to seek not only to exclude members of the other castes, however worthy, from public offices, but in the rural districts to prevent them from adopting modes of dress, living or locomotion hitherto used by higher castes. Riots have occurred from these causes and they constitute one of the difficulties of administration in Ceylon.

          Even by the mid-20th century the status of the pallas, for example, was hardly any better than a century before. Tambiah quotes from the Manual of the Madura District published in 1868 to describe the position of the pallas in 1951.

          They are a numerous but abject and despised race. Their principal occupation is ploughing the land of the more fortunate Tamils, and though normally free, they are usually slaves in almost every sense of the word.’ The outcastes or parayas had a deplorable social status. Among this group, there was a caste unique to Jaffna, the turumbas or washers men to the parayas. They were not allowed to be seen in the daylight and could only travel by night (Dr Jane Russell in Communal Politics).

          Ragunathan (2004: 22-23) listed a series of 24 customary prohibitions enforced by the upper caste elite on Panchamars during the 1950s. These prohibitions were as follows:

          1. Males should not wear an upper garment.
          2. ‘Verti’ should be tied in such a way that it does not hang below the ankle level.
          3. Men should not wear “Shalvei” on the shoulder.
          4. Females should not wear an upper garment.
          5. Females should not wear the “thaavani” (sari “potta”).
          6. The Panchamar should not travel unnecessarily on roads and in public places. When proceeding on permitted paths, they must announce their coming by dragging a “kaavolei” (dried Palmyrah leaf) behind them.
          7. Panchamar must not wear any jewellery.
          8. The Panchamar cannot tie the “thali” (wedding necklace) at weddings.
          9. The Panchamar must not wear white for higher rituals.
          10. The Panchamar must not wear white for important/special rituals.
          11. They must bury the dead without cremation.
          12. They should not use any musical instruments to rejoice or mourn.
          13. They should not play music at auspicious or inauspicious
          14. They should not use the ponds of the “high” castes.
          15. They must not use umbrellas.
          16. They must not wear footwear.
          17. They must not study.
          18. They must not keep any gods belonging to the “high”
          castes in their temples.
          19. They cannot enter the “high” caste temples.
          20. They must not enter tea-shops.
          21. They must not draw water from public wells.
          22. They cannot either drive or travel in cycles and cars.
          23. They cannot sit while traveling in buses.
          24. Even after permission was granted to study in schools,
          they were not allowed to sit on chairs.

          Panchamar in Jaffna had quite extensive prohibitions imposed on them by the Vellala. Dress code, denial of drinking water and denial of access to public spaces and services.

          The 19th century Tamil Nationalist, Arumuga Navalar, declared that the “parai” (drum beaten by the paraiyar caste), the women and the Panchamar “are all born to get beaten” (Ravikumar 2005).

          That is your legacy!

          From here on I am reproducing the writings of a Tamil who experienced the OPPRESSION of the North.

          Land reforms in the North and East of Sri Lanka
          October 13, 2011,

          The government has at long last realised the importance of land reform in the North, and launched the ‘Bim Saviya’ (In Tamil ‘Bhumi Sayttal’). This is of prime importance for the North with its caste system enforced by custom and violence. Once a war has been fought, the land claimed by the terrorist becomes crown land. All land deeds within the ‘Eelam’ map should be deemed null and void, and they should be distributed to the displaced people, who suffered under the LTTE. A sizable part should remain state land for future development. When the internally displaced persons (IDPs) are resettled, the old caste structures of the villages should be erased by uncompromising land reform. The diaspora landlords who funded terror cannot have any claims.

          Caste and land

          In the 16th century, Sankilli captured the North and drove out the residents (mostly Sinhalese) to the Vanni. The Sinhalese moved to the Vanni and became Tamils, with names like Samarasinham, Balasingham, Veerasingham, etc. They formed a new caste called the ‘Koviyas’. As the feeble Sinhalese caste system is an inverted pyramid (with most people in the ‘Goviya’ caste), these newly minted ‘Tamils’ also ended with an inverted caste system. This is how the Jaffna caste system became different from that of South India.

          However, the Colonial invaders needed labour for the planned tobacco plantations. The peninsula was very sparsely populated and so came the Malabars to Sri Lanka. Some of them worked closely with the Colonials, learnt their language, changed their religion and became the upper caste land owners of Jaffna. Even when they converted to Christianity, their caste system stayed. In fact, the caste system invaded the church; caste becoming a basic qualification for ordination. Another caste mechanism was the ‘Thesavalam’ law, a characteristic of the Malabar region. In practice, this law ensures that no one can sell a piece of land unless all the neighbours agree. So, an uppity low-caste man could not buy a piece of land unless he pays the landowner and all his neighbours. Even then, he could be beaten and chased off and he will lose his money. The Malabars close to the Colonials got the land from the Colonial administration. The others, the ‘Koviars’ etc., became virtual slaves, who worked for them. Thus, the initial inverted caste pyramid developed a sub-pyramid with a land-owning upper caste and a series of lower castes. Segregated caste villages developed to reflect this.

          Although the 20th century eroded some of the strictures of the caste system, land ownership remained in the hands of a small percentage of people. Many of them moved to Colombo by the latter part of the 19th century.

          This intensified when the Jaffna-Colombo railroad opened in 1905. These absentee landlords became parliamentarians and blocked any legislation that modernised the North. Universal franchise and women’s rights were opposed, starting from 1929. The building of causeways and roads that would make depressed caste villages accessible were opposed. Upgrading of village Councils and TCs in the North were opposed by these ‘Tamil leaders’. When they realised that Colombo was going to make caste discrimination illegal, they launched separatist politics. Then the Ponnambalams and the Chelvanayagams could “run their affairs themselves,” in the ‘exclusive Tamil homelands of the Eelam’. The political strategy was to whip up Tamil racism, aided by Sinhala Chauvinism.

          b> Having come from a depressed caste and grown up in the 1930s in the Jaffna peninsula, I know the vicious character of quasi-slavery, which was maintained purely by violence.

          Separatist politics of the land-owner Tamils

          They launched the 30-year separatist war on the basis of the Vaddukkoddai Resolution of 1976, re-iterating the ‘Arasu’ (Sovereignty) clarion call of 1949 launched by Chelvanayagam feigning ‘Federalism’. Of course, there were some Colombo Tamils who read no Tamil and believed in Federalism. For 30 years, the rich Tamils of the West financed terror in Sri Lanka, and held the depressed Tamils (DT) as cannon fodder. The DTs were used as human shields against the Indian Army and later against Government forces. The upper-caste Colombo Tamils, the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) and their diaspora never forgave the Vanni people, because they breached the confining wall built by Prabhakaran and some 300,000 of them ran into the arms of the Government. The angered diaspora refuses to aid the displaced Vanni people. Instead, the diaspora spent millions, buying western politicians, NGOs and TV men to rouse hate against Sri Lanka, ignoring the Vanni people.

          The TNA didn’t ask India to help rebuild the lives of the displaced people. Instead, they run to India demanding devolution; and now, rejecting land reform, or shouting ‘Sinhalisation of the North’. We clearly see what agitates the TNA most. This land-owner class instigated a terrorist war to hold ‘their land’ and keep us as slaves ‘a la Manu-Dharma’. Now we see their true face.

          I call upon the President of Sri Lanka to go beyond the proposed ‘Bhumi Sayttal’ (‘Bim Saviya’) and nationalise all the so-called Eelam land and begin redistribution from a clean slate.

          Sebastian Rasalingam,
          Toronto, Canada

          I hope I have met your arguments. Please let me know if I haven’t. I will try to fill in the blanks if you have any queries.

          Kind Regards,

          • 4


            What is your problem? Are you the saviour the Tamil low caste people? Did they ask your help? When the Brits pointed out the communal divisions among the Indians, Gandhi said, its our problem and we will deal with it! Tamils have been dealing with the caste issues and a lot have been improved.

            For goodness sake, you concentrate on the inadequacies of the Sinhala governance that brought about immense sufferings to many. You get that in order first before you paying attention to the Jaffna caste issues.

            • 3

              Dear Burning Issue,

              Gandhi an Indian was addressing the British about Indians.
              You are addressing a Sri Lankan about Sri Lankans.
              Notice the difference?

              The purported “Ethnic” problem started with greed for Land. It still is about Land. All the other stuff is just camouflage to cloud the real issue.

              Read what Sebastian Rasalingam says which I have quoted in my comment to Anpu of March 27, 2015 at 1:32 am

              And what Thomas Johnpulle says which I quote below.

              “It is widely accepted that there was an independent Jaffna Kingdom in Sri Lanka until 1619 when the Portuguese ended it for good. From the Portuguese, subject to a few complications, it went to the Dutch and thence to the British. Similarly there were two other independent kingdoms in the island, namely the Kotte Kingdom and the Kandy Kingdom.”

              However, when Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) gained Independence in 1948, the recipient of Independence was one country.

              What is strange about this is there was no significant movement to gain separate independence for the Jaffna Kingdom. There were very weak movements to demand it but these quickly died down. Had Tamil intellectuals from Jaffna demanded that the old Jaffna Kingdom be granted independence separately from the rest of the country, Britain would have considered it favourably. Apart from India and Pakistan, there are plenty of other examples.

              On the other hand there were loud demands from Tamil politicians. The infamous 50:50 demand is one example which was outright rejected by the British as it would give Tamils (worded Tamil speaking people) an unfair advantage at the expense of the Sinhalas. It led to protests and the boycott of the first ever election in 1931 in some areas in the north.

              So why wasn’t there a movement to gain independence for the Jaffna Kingdom?

              The answer lies in economics!

              The Jaffna Kingdom was a very small area that didn’t even cover the Northern Province by 1619. Trincomalee was under the Kandy Kingdom as per historical accounts. Given its worth for trade and shipping, the Portuguese and the Dutch tried various appeasement tactics aimed at the Kandy king hoping to use it but to little help. Robert Knox was arrested by the army of the Kandy Kingdom when he landed there. Therefore there is little doubt that Trincomalee was not part of the Jaffna Kingdom. There aren’t any contrary evidence anyway.

              On the western part, it is on recorded history that the present Madhu church was located in the Maddu area at the mercy of the Kandy king. Obviously it was a substantial distance from the boundary of the Jaffna Kingdom. Otherwise Tamil Catholics would not have agreed to it as it would have been unsafe and it would not have survived Dutch hostility.

              These facts leave only a small area apart from the Jaffna peninsula for the Jaffna Kingdom. That too was in most part heavily underdeveloped by the 20th century.

              The above read together with the Dutch record confirming that the Kandyan Kingdom’s Territory reached up to Elephant Pass (http://www.atlasofmutualheritage.nl/en/location/?id=813)on the Eastern Seaboard of the mainland leaves no doubt as to the smallness of the Tamil Kingdom.

              Therefore, the “Original” boundaries are not the current provincial boundaries.

              The narrative of Mr Johnpulle continues.

              ‘Even today apart from a few places, the rest remain hopelessly underdeveloped in Vanni. The total area of the then Jaffna district that included modern day Kilinochchi administrative district was 2,309 square kilometres. The rest of the old Jaffna Kingdom would have been a few more thousand square kilometres of vastly undeveloped area subject to a few townships. No one of the right mind was going to demand Independence for this area as it would be an economic calamity.

              On the other hand, during the Dutch and British periods, Jaffna population grew fast. Rapid migration of Tamils from South India during the Dutch time for its plantation industry is considered a major reason. By 1953, just 5 years after Independence, the Jaffna (mainly Tamil) population was 492,000. This means a population density of 213 persons per square kilometre. This is extremely high as the country’s population density was just 123. In other words, Jaffna district population density in 1953 was 1.7 times higher than the island-wide density!

              According to 1946 population data, it would have been 177 persons per square kilometre for the Jaffna District and 96 persons per square kilometre for the island. (Source- Census of Ceylon) Therefore it didn’t make sense to demand the returning back of the old Jaffna Kingdom to its “owners” as there would be a massive and calamitous resource crunch.

              Also by 1948 Ceylon Tamils comprised 35% of the public service. Had the old Jaffna Kingdom were to gain independence, many of such opportunities would have been lost as it’s area only needed just a fraction of them. This would have been a disaster for the very high population depending on government jobs. Also there was a serious lack of other industries in the area aggravating the situation.

              This led to the demand of “Tamil Homelands” which encompassed an area of 19,000 square kilometres. This is more than three (3) times larger than the Jaffna Kingdom! And it also included areas of very high commercial value such as Trincomalee, Mannar, Batticaloa and Ampara.

              None of these was part of the Jaffna Kingdom when it fell to the Europeans. And hence an undoing of the taking of the Jaffna Kingdom would not have given them enough land which was essential for the economic survival of the people of Jaffna by the mid 1900s.

              This is how the tiny Jaffna Kingdom grew exponentially to “Tamil Homelands”. And this is why the British were not agitated to undo the taking of the Jaffna Kingdom.

              In 1922 the area encompassing the north and the east of the island was termed “Tamil Eelam” by Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam – undoubtedly one of the most educated Ceylonese at that time. The one island, two nations concept gathered momentum over the years in the guise of discrimination (although discrimination did take place to a significant extent). But most miraculously it was the Tamil Eelam demand that was (and is) seen as the solution to discrimination by those who promote it! This is bizarre. There is no logical connection between the “Tamil Homelands” concept and solving Tamil grievances.

              The plan was not to make the demand from the British for the reestablishment of the status quo of the Jaffna Kingdom but to extort a much larger area from subsequent rulers based on a new set of “reasons” that can be applied and manipulated beyond the tiny old Jaffna Kingdom. This is how the tiny Jaffna Kingdom mysteriously grew to “Tamil Homelands”, a landmass more than three (3) times larger.

              Had they demanded independence for the old Jaffna Kingdom instead, it may have been granted. But it would have been in total calamity as it lacked resources for its very large population and had heavily underdeveloped areas. However, the journey towards “Tamil Homelands” was a horrible mishap and it has reached its bloody end without it in sight. It was a wrong decision.

              There is a third way which is about preserving the island nation of Sri Lanka in one unit where people of all races live in harmony and where there is neither a Jaffna Kingdom nor “Tamil Homelands”. We rejected the Jaffna Kingdom in favour of much larger “Tamil Eelam” in early 1900s. A century later, we must reject “Tamil Eelam” in favour of Sri Lanka which is more than three (3) times larger with ample room to roam. There is no other way.

              End quote

              Land is the source of life and sustenance. Eighty percent of Lanka is PUBLIC land. It is the Birthright of ALL of us. No single entity has the right to deprive the others of that Birthright.

              What could be done is to excise unpopulated areas from the NP, EP and NCP to create a Territory governed by the Central Govt. There are such territories in India and the USA. There may be more in other countries.

              This central govt territory can then can be used for development and if that development involves a scheme like Gal Oya then the irrigated Land so opened up should be used to settle the Landless first. Like the million plus landless Kandyan peasantry whose lands are now occupied by the plantations and the million Indian origin Tamils.

              This will leave a NP with a Tamil majority and an EP with a Muslim Majority who will be in control of their own destinies politically and economically. And the Rest of Lanka will not feel Cheated as is the case now.

              Lanka should be a place where humans are equal and not unequal, where your aspirations meet the others aspirations midway. where you do not encroach on the rights of the other, where what you ask is not denied the other.

              Kind Regards,

              • 1


                You are saying
                “Robert Knox was arrested by the army of the Kandy Kingdom when he landed there. Therefore there is little doubt that Trincomalee was not part of the Jaffna Kingdom. There aren’t any contrary evidence anyway. “

                (1) Kandyan Kingdom – it is not Sinhalese kingdom
                “Jaffna had given minimal logistical access to its Trincomalee and Batticaloa seaports to the Kandy kingdom”

  • 10


    “You can see the differences in Jaffna society and Sinhala society,”
    (1)”Today, in place of Anagarika Dharmapala and S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike we have Sinhala-Buddhist Warlords to carry on the tradition”
    (2) Buddhism – peace, loving,…
    Sinhalese Buddhist started killing Tamils from 1958 and it peaked in 2009

  • 4

    Dear Anpu,

    Please see my previous comment.

    Communal Clashes did not occur for over a century prior to 1939, inter Tamil riots erupted repeatedly for over 60 years!!! The riots of 1871, 1923, 1929 and 1931 were ALL Tamil Tamil Riots where Tamils killed other Tamils.

    “entire villages may be burnt down and people killed over trivial incident as a Pallar cutting his hair or wearing a shoe” Bryan Pfaffenberger in his book, ‘Caste in Tamil Culture’

    • 5

      he he he so so 1956..1958..1977…1983 it was the Tamils killed Tamils ….

      .but Indian press printed a headline saying ….SUNDAY SIL..MONDAY KILL

      • 3

        Dear Cholan,

        We are discussing Lanka and not India.

        The Lankan Press said in a Headline and an Editorial, the following.

        In 1939 the Hindu Organ carried a report with the headline “Mr. Ponnambalam’s N’pitiya speech” and beneath it the strap line: “Mr. Bandaranaike’s challenge.” (p. 4 – June 22, 1939)

        Here is the Editorial


        “….. A verbal bombshell dropped unwittingly by a Tamil politician at Nawalapitiya appears to have set the South on fire……. A slander against a community by an individual, though unintended, is inexcusable …… Communal differences, though there existed hardly any during the time of the last generation of leaders, have now been multiplied and intensified, thanks to the hot-heads and irresponsible talkers in the country who care more for the plaudits of the mob than for the welfare of the people. Ceylon today is seething with petty problems which have been created by thoughtless gas-bags, and which threaten to poison the peaceful conditions in the country….. Let us hope that wise statesmanship will prevail among leaders who should realize the imperative need for the welding of the communities into a Ceylonese Community for the political and economic salvation of the country. The writing on the wall is too clear to be ignored.”

        The “Hindu Organ” was an Anglo/Tamil fortnightly Newspaper which was founded on September 1889 by the Siva Paripalana Sabai. They still own it.

        Mr. T. Chellappa-pillai, who was the retired Chief Justice of Travancore and also a renowned mathematician an eminent English, Sanskrit and Tamil Scholar, Edited the English pages while Mr T. Kailasapillai the Nephew of Srila Sri Arumuga Navalar (the famous Tamil Nationalist) was the Manager and the Editor of the Tamil pages. Both editors worked for free. The paper was Owned. Published, Edited and printed by Tamils, in Jaffna.

        BEFORE 1939 Tamil Sinhala Riots did not exist in the 20th century.
        But Tamil Tamil riots occurred in 1871, 1923, 1929 and 1931 where raping, killing and burning occurred for TRIVIAL reasons such as wearing shoes or using drums at ceremonies.

        The first Tamil Sinhala riot occurred in 1939.

        The reason was identified by Mr. T. Chellappa-pillai the Editor of the “Hindu Organ”.

        It happened because “thoughtless gas-bags, hot-heads and irresponsible talkers in the country who care more for the plaudits of the mob than for the welfare of the people”.

        That Gas Bag is identified as the guy who delivered a hate speech at Nawalapitiya, Mr G.G.Ponnambalam, Founder of the Tamil Congress.

        You are a clueless idiot on Sri Lankan affairs.

        Kind Regards,

        • 7


          “You are a clueless idiot on Sri Lankan affairs.”

          Is there any word to describe a person worse than an IDIOT?

          This is not for people worse than an idiot.

          Northern perspectives on the Tamil homeland By: Professor Bertram Bastiampillai

          “This is the fourth part of the article, “Northern perspectives on the Tamil homeland,” where the author traces the historical roots of the Tamil homeland concept, which was formulated in the 1950s by the Federal Party as a core demand and is now espoused by the LTTE and TNA.

          British in the North
          When the British took over the Island in 1796 from the Dutch, they unified the administration of both the Tamil and the Sinhalese areas, which were governed separately earlier. In 1833, the Island was divided into five provinces. The present northeastern Sri Lanka came into existence in 1873. As a colonial power of the industrial age, British rule over the Island was markedly different from those of the previous colonial powers in many ways, including the degree of centralization, unification and consequent ability to introduce social and economic changes. The province came under the administration of the government agent and the kachcheri. Acquisition of English education became a substitute for industrialization and economic growth.

          The recognition of Tamil linguistic identity of the present Northeastern Province by the British is evident from the Cleghorn minute of 1799, which reads as, “Two different nations from a very ancient period have divided between them the possession of the island. First, the Cinghalese inhabiting the interior of the country, in the southern and western parts, from the river Wallouwe, to that of Chilow, and secondly the Malabars, who possess the northern and eastern districts. These two nations differ entirely in religion, language and manners.”

          This is confirmed by the Arrowsmith map of January 1803, published in London, probably drawn in conformity with the Treaty of Amiens of 1802. Even the British have acknowledged the concept of Tamil homeland when they carved out the present northeastern provinces in 1873.

          In the early years of British rule very little was done, and that too cautiously and reluctantly, to upset the social order in the areas of the Tamils of Ceylon and even elsewhere. At the acme of the British administrative structure was a governor, a proconsul of the British sovereign, but in the provinces and districts there were European civil servants to manage the administration under national supervision. Under such a setup, naturally, the areas of the Tamils too came under the administrative sway of these civil servants.

          Even with the best of intentions, however, the British could not abstain altogether, or for long, from setting in motion a process of modernization. Influenced by the evangelical and humanitarian ideas that were prevailing in Britain, the new masters abolished by stages the old institution of slavery, which had been nurtured and exploited by the Portuguese and the Dutch. This change affected the northern Tamil areas too where there were a number of slaves. The status of the native aristocracy was reduced and made more dependent on the British, but like their predecessors, the Portuguese and the Dutch, the British continued to use this native aristocracy as a means to rule the Island. This feature is clearly evident in the Tamil areas where the native functionaries were allowed to continue in their offices, but under a stricter supervision by their civil servant superiors.

          A significant point to be noted is that even when the British ruled over the whole of Ceylon they recognized the distinctiveness and separateness of the areas in which the Ceylon Tamils mainly lived from those areas of the Sinhalese. These Tamil populated lands were treated as separate administrative provinces from those provinces composed mainly of the Sinhalese people. The British also allowed the continuance of customs, laws and institutions and minor officials peculiar to these Tamil-inhabited areas to remain so long as they were not in diametric opposition to their essential policies or practices. This administrative attitude of the British makes it clearly evident that to them, although the whole Island was under their complete control, the people of the Sinhales areas and the people of the Tamil areas were two distinct elements of the same island’s population. In fact, the recognition of such a distinction by the British authorities grew even clearer when they began to gradually introduce political or constitutional innovations from the late 19th and early 20th centuries onwards.

          However, the British rule and missionary activity in the northern Ceylon led to a Hindu renaissance in the 19th century as it was in the case of India. The pioneer of this movement was Arumuga Navalar, who by sheer coincidence hailed from Nallur, the seat of the Kingdom of Jaffna. Although this movement gave a Tamil and Hinduism an identity lately in the 20th century, Tamils in Jaffna were accommodated in the larger horizon of Tamil Nationalism unlike in the case of southern Sri Lanka. The Hindu renaissance movement of the 19th century triggered off a similar movement in southern Sri Lanka, which gave way to Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism. Both these movements pioneered Sri Lankan nationalism, which unlike in India transformed itself into Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism, a sophisticated form of the Mahavamsa’s Sinhala-Buddhist ideology. The effects of this could be seen in the journey towards self-government and later separation among the Tamils during the post independence era.

          The Recognition of Traditional Homeland in Sri Lankan politics
          In 1929, the Kandyan National Assembly fostered the case for a federal system of government when its membership gave evidence before the special commission (Donoughmore Commission) on the proposed new constitution. According to Kandyan National Assembly, the island was to be carved into the three self-governing areas: the northern and eastern provinces in which the Tamils predominate; the Kandyan provinces and the southern and western provinces inhabited mainly by the Low-Country Sinhalese. Each of these communities would thus be granted a government of its own. For purposes affecting the welfare of the entire island, those three governments would be united in a federal government thus ensuring that no section would be in a position to dominate over the others. The claim of the Kandyans has been highlighted in an article titled ‘The Kandyans urged for three federal states in 1928 and 1948,’ contributed to the Sunday Observer of 5 January 2003 by Lakshman Kiriella.

          The Communist Party of Ceylon too recognized the nationhood of the Tamils of Northeastern Province. Their view was expressed in a rally held in Colombo and their resolution at this rally was later forwarded to the Ceylon National Congress as the Communist Party’s resolutions and memoranda of October – November 1944. It reads as follows: ”As there are distinct, historically evolved nationalities, for instance the Sinhalese and Tamils with their own contiguous territory as their home-land, their own language, economic life, culture and psychological make-up, as well as interspersed minorities living in the territories; the constitution of a free and united Ceylon should be based on the following democratic principles:
          • Recognition of the equality and sovereignty of the peoples of Ceylon;
          • Recognition that the nationalities should have the unqualified right to self-determination, including the right, if ever they so desire, to form their own independent state;
          •Recognition that the free constitution should contain statutory guarantees protecting and advancing the political, social, economic, educational and linguistic rights of interspersed minorities, as their freedom of religious worship, and secondly, statutory abolition of discriminations and privileges based on caste, race or community and making it a penal offence under the constitution to infringe the above.
          •Recognition that those Indians, now in Ceylon, who are prepared to make this country their permanent home and adopt Ceylon citizenship, should have the same rights and privileges as any other community.

          “As, however, the most economically developed areas are in the traditional homelands of the Sinhalese people and as the Tamils and minorities have contributed and will contribute towards such development, as well as to the general development of the whole country, this meeting further declares that the constitution of a free and united Ceylon should provide for two equal chambers, one a Chamber of Representatives, elected on the basis of universal adult franchise according to territorial electorates and the other a Chamber of Nationalities, elected on the basis of universal adult franchise and ensuring the principle of the equality of the nationalities of a united Ceylon.”

          Even members of the Soulbury Commission who drew up a constitution for an independent Sri Lanka recognized in their report (Chapter VII, P 52) that the Ceylon Tamils constituted a compact and closely knit community dwelling chiefly in the northern and eastern provinces. In order to give sufficient representation of the people of the northeast, sections of which was sparsely populated due to forest coverage, it provided for each province to have one member for every 75,000 inhabitants and an additional member for every 1000 square miles.

          The recognition of northern and eastern provinces as the traditional homelands of the Tamils is also seen in the Bandaranaike–Chelvanayakam pact of 26 July 1957, and the Dudley Senanayake–Chelvanayakam pact of 1965. After prolonged negotiations between the Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) and the Indian government, there emerged the Indo–Sri Lanka Accord signed on 29 July 1987 between the governments of India and Sri Lanka. The Accord recognizes the present Northeastern Province as historical habitation of the Tamils and other communities.

          (2) http://www.tamilcanadian.com/page.php?cat=437&id=2321&page=0

          • 8


            Here is an article on electoral caste calculations of Sinhala/Buddhists. By the way Chandrika’s ancestors were Pandara Nayyakkar (record keepers)of South India and J R Jayawardana’s ancestry is traced to Chettiyars.

            Please read this:

            Caste factor in Sri Lanka politics

            by Nalin Fernando

            On Royal-Thomian cricket match morning in March 1996 I got a telephone call from someone very close to President J.R. Jayewardene saying that the Old Man, who was suffering from a bad head cold, was insisting on going to the Big Match that day against medical advice. Did I have any ideas to prevent him from getting out of the house?

            The only way of thwarting him, I suggested, was to tell him that he was not as popular as he had been and there was a possibility of him being booed at when he walked imperiously to the Mustang Tent which was his custom for many years past with a retinue of his “catchers” basking in reflected glory. I was told to convey this view to H.E. since I was always free to tell him the exact score and not sweet-talk him with sunshine stories he was told by his staunch supporters through fear or to gain favour.

            I agreed and I dropped in at Ward Place and we met at his breakfast table, the others present being Mrs. Jayewardene and Will Subasinghe, a first cousin of Mrs. Jayewardene and a regular visitor to “Braemer,” and his eldest grandson, Pradip.

            As usual we indulged in political gossip, especially the forthcoming Southern Provincial Elections later that month. While listening to his learned dictums and off- the-record comments, at the opportune moment I suggested that he abort his intention of going to the R/T Match since he was no longer a popular President of Sri Lanka and there was the danger of someone hooting at him and the derision spreading.

            He vehemently disagreed with my opinion about his popularity but when my views were echoed by the others, who had been briefed about this ploy, he reluctantly agreed to abort his visit.

            Will Subasinghe and Mrs. Jayewardene had left us and only Pradip and I were at the table when he asked me whether I was going to the match. I replied that I had not decided at that moment of time whence he told me that if I do go to somehow meet Old Royalist Ranil Wickremesinghe, who was expected to be at the match and give him an urgent message.

            The message he wanted conveyed to Ranil was that earlier in the morning he had been told by one of his trusted supporters that the UNP vote bank in the south was very poor and that Ranil should do something fast to rectify this situation to achieve positive results in the forthcoming elections

            He said that the popularity of the UNP was always thin in the south and the area needed a lot of careful organization and nurturing as done during his leadership.

            It was not too late, he said, for Ranil to make immediate arrangements to get Governor Gamini Fonseka (in Trincomalee at that time) to campaign for the party by addressing as many party meetings as he could.

            My immediate reaction to his suggestion was to say: “Sir, what’s the point in calling on a jaded old film actor to assist the party at this time?”

            His reply was: “I say, Fonseka may be old and jaded but he is a popular Durawa man who must be made use of to counter Mangala Samaraweera”

            “Sir”, I replied, “caste and caste issues are dead these days.”

            His voice had a tinge of annoyance at what he often called my “punditry” when he said; “Caste issues are dead when it comes to marriage now. But caste is certainly very much alive when it comes to elections, particularly in the south”

            He then gave me a lesson on caste issues in the political affairs of the country and its importance to a leader of any party and election campaign managers adding that most of the younger politicians and party organizers did know anything about caste and caste issues.

            It will be tiresome to write in detail what he said for almost half- hour and I am penning a few points of his thesis which I had noted down in my diary.

            He told me that the support of the Durawa community was essential to win seats from Habaraduwa to Tissamaharama and that was why Ranil should invite Gamini Fonseka, a stalwart of that community, to address public meetings in the south,

            Matara, he said, was a pivotal point, with the Samaraweeras leading the way and coming through almost unchallenged since Independence. Further, the Durawa business community had money and they were always willing to support a candidate from their community.

            In other electorates in the area, including southern seats interior from the coastline, the winning candidates could be from the Goigama community but it was won because the winning candidate would have got most, if not, all the Durawa votes as well as the support of some of the other castes in lesser numbers who always voted en bloc.

            I chipped in with the success of W. Dahanayake in Galle and he challenged me by saying that Dahanayake was able to gather around him the Durawa community which when added to the Goigama votes in the area became a winning combination. Further, Dahanayake had almost 100% of the Muslim votes.

            Colombo South was another seat which had powerful Durawa connections. According to him Bernard Soysa and Edmund Samarawickrema , both Durawa stalwarts, and their nominees, held sway. Their influence spread into the Wellawatte –Galkissa area .

            He spoke about absolute necessity to consider caste, as well as religion and community, in the choice of candidates for certain electorates. For example; Katana; Salagama, Sinhalese: Balapitiya; preferably Salagama, if not Karawe, Buddhist, Sinhalese: Moratuwa; Karawe, Sinhalese, preferably Buddhist but a Christian would be acceptable while Moratuwa and Ambalangoda should be Karawe, Sinhalese and essentially Buddhist.

            He explained that from 1947 to 1956, A.H. Mathew, Cyril’s brother was the second M.P. with a walauwe-bred Molamure in Balangoda, because of a block vote of his Wahumpura caste people pocketed in parts of the electorate. He mentioned the Nawalapitiya seat as having a bloc vote of a particular Sinhala caste which complimented the estate Tamil votes but my notes are undecipherable with the letters REJ in the jumble which I presume stands for R.E. Jayatilleke, who was the M.P. for that seat sometime ago.

            He then told me (something which I, a Wariyapola resident for the last decade or so, did not know) that the winner in Wariyapola, usually a Goigama candidate, has to have the support of the Kammal and the Badahala people who have influential vote banks. He opined that Karawe candidates can never win seats in the NWP and Central Province even if they are “kingfishers”.

            He told me that he incarcerated Vijaya Kumaranatunga (Durawa) not solely because of his “Naxalite connections” but because he was a danger to the UNP and himself with his alliance with Chandrika Bandaranaike adding that when he met Vijaya Kumaratunga after he was released and apologized for ordering his incarceration, the latter had replied; “Sir, if I was in your position, I would have done the same.”

            I recall questioning him about Kumaranatunga’s “Naxalite connections” but he artfully dodged my query and did not give me any explanation.

            The “caste” talk was getting embarrassing. I felt it as much as young Pradip, who had quietly slipped away, and I told him that in this country one does not discus caste issues so freely over breakfast or any other time since it was not polite to do so.

            He agreed with me that it was a “no no” subject as a topic of casual conversation. But it is a necessary strategy when it comes to politics and elections. He was rueful that most of the younger politicians were not aware that the caste issue is an important part of politics in this country.

            He said that the UNP had a team of experts on the subject (spin doctors) and “caste” strategy was discussed and studied before the election campaign was launched and among the names I have noted down are Esmond Wickremasinghe and J.L. Fernando of Lake House and Politician/Advertising czar Anandatissa de Alwis, all three of them no longer with us, and a few senior UNP persons who are with us although not actively working for the party these days.

            He said that one does not shout about caste from public platforms during election propaganda meetings and insult other candidates by talking about his or her caste.

            But a good politician can use the caste issue effectively since it is always there, unheard and unseen, to be brought to the surface delicately.

            He then told me how he personally manipulated the incredible defeat of a Rajapaksa nominee in the deep south by tactfully using the caste issue in the great “upset” results of a by-election in 1983.

            George Rajapaksa, M.P. for Mulkirigala, considered one of the blue eyed Rajapaskas of the south, had died and his, daughter, Nirupama was contesting the by-election which was to be a cake-walk for her on the SLFP ticket.

            The UNP had absolutely no chance at this pocket borough of the Rajapaksa clan and it had been so since the inception of elections for that seat.

            He told me that the party hierarchy was not keen on wasting their resources and pressing for victory since it was a foregone conclusion that George Rajapaska’s daughter would sweep the polls but also that George was a well-liked with the UNP hierarchy of that period. (George was an Old Royalist who wore his white flannels with flair as cricket captain and preferred Scotch on the rocks rather than the Old Stuff favoured by the rest of the family politicians.)

            While traveling down south with other party men to address an UNP meeting to support the UNP candidate, Ananda Kularatne, the discussion centered round the fact that a Rajapaksa (Goigama) was being contested by Kularatne, who was from the Wahumpura caste.

            He was warned by the others, however, not to bring up the subject of caste into the campaign since it was very delicate issue and, further, it could rebound on the UNP as being a negative factor. He was silent on this subject until he addressed the single UNP rally in the electorate.

            He told me that he only spoke a few lines at that meeting. All he said was that the Rajapaksas were good people and that the candidate was the daughter of George Rajapaksa who was a powerful and popular figure in that part of the country for a long time. He then added; “However, this time we are giving you one of your own people to vote for.”

            There were no cheers or any outburst of support following what he had told the well attended rally. But he was sure that the UNP would have the support of the Wahumpura bloc vote as well as the other non-Goigama voters.

            The result of that by-election was: Ananda Kularatne …23,109 votes: Nirupama Rajapaksa …19,588 votes

            In the history of the elections for the Mulkirigala seat, this was the only time that a Rajapaksa or a candidate supported by the Rajapaksas ever lost.


            1. I conveyed the message from H.E. to one of Ranil’s staunch supporters, a classmate of his, who was going to the cricket match that day and would meet up with the UNP leader. He told me later that the message was got across to Ranil who had told him that the “south was already stitched up for the UNP” and there was no cause for worry. He was wrong; Chandrika and her alliance won the south handsomely.

            2. In retrospect, I find it strange that neither H.E. nor I had brought up the subject of former President Premadasa’s caste during the lengthy conversation that morning. And now that “caste” is being discussed and written about in the opinion pages of leading English newspapers may I ask the question that I should have asked President Jayewardene that evening; “What is Mr. Premadasa’s caste?”


            • 7

              Thanks NV.

            • 0

              Dear CT Readers,

              There are no Sinhalese indigenous to India.
              It is a fact that cannot be contested.

              The Sinhalese evolved in Lanka through intermarriage of Indian immigrants and Local Indigenous people (including the aboriginal Veddha). This is a fact that cannot be contested. Only a fool will venture to do so.

              The Sinhla heritage is thus part Indian and part indigenous.

              The INDIAN heritage of the Sinhalese came from HIGHLY CAST CONSCIOUS Hindus. Hence only a fool would say that cast does not exist amongst the Sinhalese. Even Sir P Ramanathan, the first elected Lankan, won against a Sinhalese, with the Sinhalese vote, due to cast.

              The Hindu Cast System is based on Manusmrti or the Laws of Manu and is believed to be the word of Brahma (God). Thus the Hindu Cast and Hindu religion are closely knit.

              Brahmans, through temple rituals, invested Vellalars with the right to control agrarian reproduction; by denying Pallars and Pariayars this ritual entitlement, Brahmans condemned the laborers to landlesness, servitude, and low status. So elaborate was this system of ritual entitlement that “every inch of land, every act of public life, and every necessary interaction in economic processes became infused with ritual meanings and moral valuations” unquote (Ludden 1978:6)

              Fortunately, Buddhism has diluted the rigorous Hindu cast system amongst the Sinhalese. Christianity that came with the colonials also looked down on cast. Thus cast amongst the Sinhala (who are nearly 100% Buddhist and Christian) took a much milder form than amongst the Northern Tamils.

              The North that saw several invasions from South India, has a very rigorous and rigid cast system. It was a degrading and inhuman form of SLAVERY. About 60% of the Tamil population in the North lived as Slaves and could not OWN LAND. Once BORN a SLAVE he/she remained a SLAVE for life. There was no way out.

              Thus attempting to hide the Rigorous, Rigid, INHUMAN AND DEGRADING FORM OF SLAVERY practiced in the name of Cast in the Tamil North which OPPRESSES 70% of Lanka’s Tamil population (includes the Up country Tamils) by pointing to the remnants of such system existing amongst the Sinhalese that does not have ANY of the 24 degrading characteristics listed below by Ragunathan (himself a Tamil) is puerile, disingenuous and Idiotic.

              The reason I discuss Cast in my writings is to counter the alleged OPPRESSION that is attributed to the Sinhalese from the time we achieved Independence. I have exposed those who practiced OPPRESSION for Centuries. It is these High Cast Ruling class Tamils that kept the majority Tamil population IGNORANT by denying them the right to an education. Thus the Ruling class led the ignorant Servile class by the nose.

              “The alleged oppression of the Tamils by the Sinhalese is mostly a defensive garb, to conceal the inner conflicts caused by the caste system among the Tamils”. Bryan Pfaffenberger in his book, ‘Caste in Tamil Culture’

              Ragunathan (2004: 22-23) listed a series of 24 customary prohibitions enforced by the upper caste elite on Panchamars (Low Casts) during the 1950s. These prohibitions were as follows:

              1. Males should not wear an upper garment.
              2. ‘Verti’ should not hang below the ankle.
              3. Men should not wear “Shalvei” on the shoulder.

              4. Females should not wear an upper garment.
              5. Females should not wear the “thaavani” (sari “potta”).
              6. The Panchamar should not travel unnecessarily on roads and in public places. When proceeding on permitted paths, they must announce their coming by dragging a “kaavolei” (dried Palmyrah leaf) behind them.

              7. Panchamar must not wear any jewellery.
              8. Panchamar should not tie “thali” (wedding necklace).
              9. Panchamar must not wear white for higher rituals.
              10. Panchamar must not wear white for important/special rituals.
              11. They must bury the dead without cremation.
              12. Use of musical instruments to rejoice or mourn prohibited.
              13. Music at auspicious or inauspicious functions prohibited.
              14. They should not use the ponds of the “high” castes.
              15. They must not use umbrellas.
              16. They must not wear footwear.
              17. They must not study.
              18. Gods of the “high” castes prohibited in their temples.
              19. They cannot enter the “high” caste temples.
              20. They must not enter tea-shops.
              21. They must not draw water from public wells.
              22. They cannot either drive or travel in cycles and cars.
              23. They cannot sit while traveling in buses.
              24. In schools, they were not allowed to sit on chairs.

              Schooling was PROHIBITED to the Panchamar till the colonial govt intervened.

              Even by the mid-20th century the status of the pallas, for example, was hardly any better than a century before. Tambiah quotes from the Manual of the Madura District published in 1868 to describe the position of the pallas in 1951.

              They are a numerous but abject and despised race. Their principal occupation is ploughing the land of the more fortunate Tamils, and though normally free, they are usually slaves in almost every sense of the word.’ The outcastes or parayas had a deplorable social status. Among this group, there was a caste unique to Jaffna, the turumbas or washers men to the parayas. They were not allowed to be seen in the daylight and could only travel by night

              In 1933, the vellala bus-drivers went on strike in protest against attempts by the depressed classes to emancipate themselves to the extent of exercising a prerogative of sitting on the seats in the buses, as opposed to the floor which had previously been their preserve. A few months later in a caste feud between vellala and non-vellala Catholics, a vellala was killed, and the houses of several parayas burnt down, over the issue of a paraya man wearing shoes in church.

              The next day, another feud developed in another village between vellalas and nalavas over the rights of the nalavas to cremate their dead in a vellala cremation place, and a man was shot.

              Quoted from the PhD Thesis of Dr Jane Russell, Communal Politics under the Donoughmore Constitution, 1931 – 1947 (available from Thisara Publications, Lanka).

              Here is first hand evidence of what went on in the Tamil North.

              “When I moved to Haton and later to Colombo, I found a very different world. It was a transforming experience for me and my wife to find that our workmates, mostly Sinhalese would actually sit with us and share a cup of tea.

              We found that we could go to night school and study without being threatened, beaten up, or go and borrow books, and do things that would bring swift retribution ‘back in the North’; our dwellings would have been torched and our women raped with impunity”

              From the writings of Sebastian Rasalingam who is a Low Cast Jaffna Tamil married to an Indian origin Tamil lady from Hatton.

              The above is an extract from a what he wrote on 28 November 2012. on DBS Jayaraj’s blog http://dbsjeyaraj.com/dbsj/archives/12770

              From the above FIRST HAND account of a Tamil, anyone can see the difference in Tamil Society and Sinhala Society and identify where OPPRESSION was ENDEMIC despite the professions of innocence by the perpetrators.

              Kind Regards,

          • 0

            Dear Anpu,

            I can understand the trepidation that you are feeling with the discovery of the Record about Elephant Pass that is held at the Dutch National Archives.

            You have been scoring the Internet to try to find something that can challenge the statement by the Dutch that clearly establishes the Border of the Kandyan Kingdom at Elephant Pass.

            This time it is an article by Professor Bertram Bastiampillai.

            I feel sorry for your predicament.

            Your Professor has not even heard of the existence of a 17 th Century Dutch document in the Dutch National Archives.

            He says “in 1833, the Island was divided into five provinces.”

            His narrative starts in the 19 th Century and relies in history.

            The Dutch record is 17th Century and therefore negates the assumptions made relying in the 19th century.

            It says

            1. During the 17th century the Company was engaged in a war of attrition with the king of Kandy.

            2. There was a narrow tongue of land at Elephant Pass a fort was built to guard the border with the king’s territory.


            To the reader:- The above link also provides a satellite view of Elephant Pass which is the narrow strip of land (an Isthmus) connecting Peninsular Jaffna and the Mainland of Lanka.

            The Web of Lies that the separatist minded Tamil Intelligentsia has spun over the years has been striped bare.

            Re “Is there any word to describe a person worse than an IDIOT? This is not for people worse than an idiot.”

            I think idiot is the lowest level of human intelligence But be careful about what you say as it will boomerang on you.

            If you cannot understand that primary evidence dating back to the 17th century (and due to continuity reaches back in time to the 16th Century) cannot be countered by someone’s INFERENCES he/she arrives at, using 19th century data. I am sorry to say that I agree that the article that you presented is not for you.

            There was no Tamil Kingdom in the East and that is an unshakeable Fact.

            Kind Regards,

            • 8


              19th century,… 17th century, … if you go further, there were no SINHALEASE. Do you get it?
              I know, all this DUTCH to you.

              • 0

                And no Tamils.

                Just look at the massive difference of population.

                You are just Tamil speaking Sinhalese.

                Did you get it now?

  • 4

    1828 the Treaty of Montevideo, fostered by the United Kingdom, gave birth to Uruguay as an independent state.

    The Economist named Uruguay “country of the year” in 2013[10] acknowledging the innovative policy of legalizing production, sale and consumption of cannabis. Same-sex marriage and abortion are also legal, leading Uruguay to be regarded as one of the most liberal nations in the world, and one of the most socially developed, outstanding regionally[11] and performing well globally on personal rights, tolerance and inclusion issues.[12]
    Truly a european democracy : Uruguay won its independence between 1811 and 1828, following a four-way struggle between Spain, Portugal, Argentina and Brazil.
    Just after handing over of Independence to Ceylon (by accident not by default) the Brits being genially asked the Government how it proposes to bridge the budjet?/
    The Ceylon government acted in the same spirit of Mao that caused the Sino-Soviet split- skulduggery!!

  • 3

    Dear Hon.Lee Scott, APPG chaiman,
    It is highly commendable the keenness you have shown for a an International
    inquiry on human rights violations during the final phase of the LTTE war.
    This is an internal issue dealing with an internal terror outfit namely the LTTE
    which has been internationalized by the Northern Sri Lankan Terror group the LTTE. The war on terror was against the terror outfit and NOT AGAINST TAMILS.
    In fact Sri Lankan forces were battling Sinhalese and Tamil terrorists at the same time. Also, it would be extremely appreciated if you were to show the same interest on HR violations committed by US and UK after illegally invading Iraq.
    What about the british atrocities committed on thousand of German soldiers during WW2. Please make an effort to clean the inside of your house before trying to clean the outside. LTTE diaspora is like a cancer now spread in all Western countries and have a firm footing. If these Tamils came to UK or any other place seeking refuge and asylum where or how did they make the money or got the money to establish their businesses now flourishing in Europeen soil like the UK, Scandinavia, Switzerland, Germany etc..
    LTTE continue to garner support from politicos in these countries by supplying
    comforts and trap them under obligation. The war on terror in Sri Lanka ended in May 2009 and still there are LTTE diaspora funded people seeking asylum in these countries. The Tamils living in Sri Lanka are under threat not from the majority Sinhalese but by the LTTE.

    • 7


      “This is an internal issue dealing with an internal terror outfit namely the LTTE which has been internationalized by the Northern Sri Lankan Terror group the LTTE.”

      Are you sure it was an internal issue? Could you let us know the reason as to why Mahinda went to Geneva in the late 1980s. I suppose he went there for his honemoon.

      “The war on terror was against the terror outfit and NOT AGAINST TAMILS.”

      Of course LTTE was a terror outfit, it was met with state sponsored terrorism.


      And you want us to believe you.

      “In fact Sri Lankan forces were battling Sinhalese and Tamil terrorists at the same time.”

      Why the state had to battle both Sinhalese and Tamils in the first place. Aren’t JVP and LTTE the product of history?

      “The Tamils living in Sri Lanka are under threat not from the majority Sinhalese but by the LTTE.”

      Not from Sinhalese.

      However Tamils, Sinhalese and Muslims are threaten by Sinhala/Buddhist racists, bigots and stupid like you. Those people should be protected from bigots like you.

      • 2

        Native Veddah, your reply to my comment will keep you as you have named yourself. as a Veddah you will live in the jungle village forever without
        knowing the truth nor the reason
        The Sinhalese rebels were fighting the state and the Tamil terrorist were fighting against Tamils and the state. The LTTE drove out scores of Tamils considered above them by caste.
        The state had a mandate from the people to protect them and any democratically elected government will go all out to achieve this.
        You are right about the Sinhala Buddhist racism nurtured by the racist MR
        and his cohorts and supported by a handful of blind faithfuls
        I am neither a racist nor an atheist but cannot change your view calling me a bigot

        • 9

          “The Sinhalese rebels were fighting the state and the Tamil terrorist were fighting against Tamils and the state.”

          Did I miss a point here?

          You think Sinhala terrorists were rebels and the Tamil terrorists were simply Tamil terrorists.

          Didn’t the Sinhalese terrorists terrorise innocent Sinhalese? If they didn’t I must have misread the whole damn thing.

          “The LTTE drove out scores of Tamils considered above them by caste.”

          Oh dear me. My Muslim friends tell me that the LTTE drove them off from the North while my Tamil friends tell me they were not allowed to leave the LTTE controlled area. Do I trust my friends or a bigot who does not see the similarities among LTTE and JVP, both were terrorists.

          Even Anura Kumara Disanayake acknowledged the fact that they were wrong in an interview to Sandeshaya (BBC Sinhala service).

          “The state had a mandate from the people to protect them and any democratically elected government will go all out to achieve this.”

          Democracy has had no meaning in this island where majority voted for 8 measures of free rice, directly imported from moon.

          “You are right about the Sinhala Buddhist racism nurtured by the racist MR and his cohorts and supported by a handful of blind faithfuls”

          Sinhala/Buddhist racism didn’t start with MR nor it ended with him. As I see it people like you will carry it through to the next generation and the one after that.

          “I am neither a racist nor an atheist but cannot change your view calling me a bigot”

          Okay then, I will call you a Sinhala/Buddhist chauvinist and here is the proof:

          “Native Veddah, your reply to my comment will keep you as you have named yourself. as a Veddah you will live in the jungle village forever without knowing the truth nor the reason”

          • 0

            Native Vedda,

            “My Muslim friends tell me that the LTTE drove them off from the North while my Tamil friends tell me they were not allowed to leave the LTTE controlled area.”

            Please trust your friends. The case of the Muslims is very clear and well documented.

            For the Tamils the situation was more complex. The LTTE wanted to keep people in the areas they controlled so that, for instance, exit permits were required, only one member of a family was allowed to leave for some days etc. Of course there were different rules enforced during the long war and variation between different areas. The Vellalah had usually more education, money and contacts and leaving Jaffna was easier for us. As you may know many Vellalah supported the other Tamil militant groups (EPRLF, EROS etc) and chose to leave instead of being forced to support the LTTE.

            In 1995 we were all ordered to leave Jaffna by the LTTE. Was that because we needed protection or because the LTTE needed us for protection? I don’t know.

            I know people who were displaced several times first by the security forces and then the LTTE or vice versa. This is the logic in a war.

  • 5

    Dear Hon.Lee Scott, APPG chaiman,
    It is highly commendable the keenness you have shown for a an International
    inquiry on human rights violations during the final phase of the LTTE war.
    This is an internal issue dealing with an internal terror outfit namely the LTTE
    which has been internationalized by the Northern Sri Lankan Terror group the LTTE. The war on terror was against the terror outfit and NOT AGAINST TAMILS.
    In fact Sri Lankan forces were battling Sinhalese and Tamil terrorists at the same time. Also, it would be extremely appreciated if you were to show the same interest on HR violations committed by US and UK after illegally invading Iraq.
    What about the british atrocities committed on thousand of German soldiers during WW2. Please make an effort to clean the inside of your house before trying to clean the outside. LTTE diaspora is like a cancer now spread in all Western countries and have a firm footing. If these Tamils came to UK or any other place seeking refuge and asylum where or how did they make the money or got the money to establish their businesses now flourishing in Europeen soil like the UK, Scandinavia, Switzerland, Germany etc..
    LTTE continue to garner support from politicos in these countries by supplying
    comforts and trap them under obligation. The war on terror in Sri Lanka ended in May 2009 and still there are LTTE diaspora funded people seeking asylum in these countries. The Tamils living in Sri Lanka are under threat not from the majority Sinhalese but by the LTTE.The Biggest and only enemy of the Northern
    Sri Lankan Tamils are the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and themselves who
    are divided on caste basis

    • 1


      “Please make an effort to clean the inside of your house before trying to clean the outside. LTTE diaspora is like a cancer now spread in all Western countries and have a firm footing. If these Tamils came to UK or any other place seeking refuge and asylum where or how did they make the money or got the money to establish their businesses now flourishing in Europeen soil like the UK, Scandinavia, Switzerland, Germany etc..”

      I read today that:

      “The Council of the European Union had decided to place the LTTE under the list of proscribed entities within the European Union..”


      “Samraj currently manages some 200 service stations worldwide that are owned by the LTTE as well as a number of supermarkets in Thailand and England in addition to a stainless steel manufacturing plant in the Ivory Coast, the investigation officers said.”


      If the intelligence officers in SL (and France?) know what Samraj is doing in France how can he continue his activities? He is also accused of funding “youth activities” in Jaffna. Lack of evidence or something else?

  • 2

    dear OTC and others
    please go and work for your family welfare. Dont care about your country. the politician are enjoying people;s money without any hesitation creating divisions among Lankan. The tamil issue is in the united nation hands and according to their benefit they will deal it. you cannot change any way. Do not balk try to bite In a respected way the west will solve the issue soon we hope please be calm. for all solution it is better having a democratucally referendum with or without support of india. then will be ok

  • 4

    LTTE never came from the sky in one day ….it was created due to the massacre of defenseless Tamils since 1948……jokers thought they can keep on hammer Tamils no one will challenge ….

    30 years all these cardboard patriots were hiding under bed with their wives……

    When IPKF occupied SL for 2 years these patriots were hiding …scared to organize a TOKEN protest against a foreign force even Ayotullahs were hiding in temples.


    These cowards are now writing about Tamils here

    • 3


      The IPKF came after a Parippu Drop saved your Sun God from imminent extinction.

      If not for Rajiv Gandhi’s Indian intervention Prabahkaran would have died in 1987, the LTTE totally eradicated and Rajiv Gandhi still amongst the living.

      Gandhi’s foolish intervention cost him his life and the lives of about 2000 Indians and left India with a colossal Bill. While the Tamils continued to suffer under Prabahs Jack boot for a further 22 years.

      Premadasa made a fool of Prabha by getting him to fight the Indians.

      If you want to live in denial to nurse your mutilated ego you are welcome to do so.

      • 5

        The IPKF came after a Parippu Drop”

        That is what you are `Dal`it parripu preek preek preeeek,
        lankan higano
        ipkf was JR’s hoodwinking of 2 school drop outs.

        Premadasa killed Rajive VP regulated it- this is RAW view you can never dictate to the Authority of the land- Greater India Indian ocean- You are chicken and will not fly again on any passport DPL too.

      • 4

        My question is simple ..when this country was invaded by poverty India s military where were your Sinhala patriots?

        Where were your saffron clad Ayatullahs ?

        No guts to protest? No guts to speak against foreign army ?

        In many countries people died when they protested a foreign force ..

        How many Sinhala cardboard patriots died when poverty Indian army was here???

        All these jokers were hiding under bed with hugging their wives it is the LTTE who taught a lesson to the 4th largest army in the world …poverty Indian army lost more personnels in SL than India-Pakitan war or India-China war….

        You cowards unable to even raise your fingers against a foreign army now barking at this forum..tomorrow if Chinese military arrive here to protect their investments all these cowards will touch their feet and beg for mercy….

        Rajiv Feroz Khan died because of his own stupidity……

        • 5


          “when this country was invaded by poverty India s military where were your Sinhala patriots?”

          They were hiding behind their women folks and later behind psychopath VP’s fat bum while stupid VP was hiding behind children, women, old men and child soldiers.

        • 1

          Dear Cholan,

          LTTE taught a lesson to the 4th largest army in the world!

          Wow Great!!!

          That great LTTE, was taught a lesson by the SL army at Nanthikadaal.

          Sun God Prabah showed his cowardice by eating Mud instead of Cyanide!!!

          Ha ha haa keep massaging your wounded ego it might give you an orgasm one day ha ha haa!!!

          • 4

            he he he the world has seen the talent of SL forces over 30 years…..your forces have no brain or muscle to face them only managed to do this using prohibited chemical weapons supplied by poverty India.

            Why Murdeakse & Co afraid about UN inquiry .???.look both President and Vice President of Kenya went to ICC and participated in the inquiry

            It was because of help from 36 countries SL MODAYAS MANAGED TO SILENCE THEM…otherwise your forces will fight for another 30 years..

            YES LTTE taught a very good lesson to poverty India a might military he he he 4th largest army in the world ….

            Without shame you are celebrating a borrowed..fake..artificial victory…

            How come VP was in that photo fully shaved ????? He was living between life and death and went to take shave,,,?

            Why on earth SL government to this day unable to issue his death certificate?

            My question is why you cowarders never protested against the invaded army from poverty India perhaps thought N-E is a separate country ‘? Forget about this why your saffron clad Ayatullahs who have no family or kids couldn’t go against this invading army ….afraid?????

      • 4

        Really why your big nose JR couldn’t ordered his air force to attack the poverty India s air force then?

        Big nose JR with big mouth was so afraid????

        Even the small Eritria sent her air force to attack Ethiopian air force when they entered their air space..

        Shame when this Big Nose JR died …Sinhala government then even refused to declare a national holiday…and TV and Radio programs went as usual PLAYING BAILA SONGS..this is the respect you gave t their Big nose JR who has invented a word “Terroists” for LTTE and “Extremists” for JVP also encouraged Sinhalese to attack Tamils by saying …if they want peace I will give peace ..if they want war I will give war (attacking and kiiling Tamils in South)…which was re broadcast many times on 12 July 1983.

        When Premadasa died it the Sinhalese in the South fired crackers and celebrated his death …

        SL also saw what happened to oxford educated Lalith Atulatmudali who wanted to teach a lesson to Tamils ..

        Don’t you have an ounce of gratitude for your own Sinhala leaders …??? UNGRATEFUL COWARDS

  • 0

    Who the fukis this!
    Get you sht together. Scumbags who knows nothing about the realities!
    We do not hate Tamils it s the LTTE that we wonted to get rid of. I am sure you have visited dockland to salute LTTE Sun Goat VP in Mahavir days and had some custodian perks! and some petty cash!

  • 0

    It is quite amusing to imaging South Indians are Tamils?
    If knows the Clashes Karnataka and Tamilnadu,Tamilnadu and Kerala, Tamilnadu and and Andra Pradesh you would not come up with any arguments with we Tamils!
    All the boats ” the bottom Trollers” belongs to Tamilnadu politicians linking as far as the chief minster. We should release the poor fisherman and smash the boats before handing them over as lesson for poaching.

  • 0

    “for all solution it is better having a democratically referendum with or without support of india. then will be ok”

    Yes yes Sri Lankan Gov. is looking forward to give northern province a referendum for them decide whether to remain under central gov. or to have a separate state — bloody racist these are the final targets you all are aiming – present gov. is trying to make country where everybody will live happily – you idiots still dreaming an Eelam – if this gov continues their strategy wisely after some years tamils living in Sri Lanka will show you all he middel finger

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