15 December, 2024


A Constitution For A Third Republic? Time To Imagine A Better Republic For Sri Lanka

By Jayadeva Uyangoda

Prof. Jayadeve Uyangoda

The government has taken steps to draft a new constitution for Sri Lanka, which is likely to replace the existing constitution in toto, including its recently passed 20th Amendment. Thus, a Third Republican Constitution is underway for Sri Lanka. To what extent the Third Republican Constitution would be different from the Second is not yet clear. President Rajapaksa and constitutional experts in his team have not yet shared with the people any basic ideas which they might have for a new Republic or a new Constitution. What they wish to include in the new constitution

However, the 20th Amendment and the speeches made by some of government’s front runners during the debate on 20 A give strong clues to the basic orientation of the forthcoming Third Republic for Sri Lanka. The new constitution is very likely to continue the post-democratic thrust of the 20A in its intent as well as content. The new constitution will thus be constructed around the basic framework that the Supreme Court as well as Parliament have already approved.

A minor change that can be expected is about the division of powers between the President and the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is likely to given a little more power to ensure that whoever gets that position in future would not feel slighted. Two other changes are also quite likely. The first is the alteration of the existing system of Proportional Representation, to bring in some elements of the mixed electoral system. The second is the reduction of the powers of provincial councils as laid down by the 13th Amendment. A 13 minus – type change is on the cards.

Thus, in its overall outlook, the Constitution of the Third Republic  is not likely to be fundamentally different from the original 1978 Constitution and its 18th and 20th Amendments. However, there can be subtle new features with far reaching consequences. Clues to these emerging directions of the Third Republic can be discerned from four sources, namely (a) the arguments that have been made against the 19th Amendment in Parliament and elsewhere, (b) legal arguments made during the fundamental rights cases on the removal of the Prime Minster and the Cabinet in October 2018 defending President Sirisena’s actions,  (c) legal arguments made during the fundamental rights cases on the parliamentary elections in April this year, and (b) the overall political project of the class forces that constitute the social and ideological core of President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa’s team.

A New State Vision

A new body of legal-political thought had begun to take shape quietly in Sri Lanka during the past couple of years or so, envisioning a new state model. This is a point missed by even alert political observers. The constitution for the new state model would (a) move decisively away from the hybridity of the 19th Amendment, (b) shed the vestiges of the Westminster-type cabinet-parliamentary government, and (c) establish one, undisputed center of state power in the Executive headed by the President with a direct popular mandate and being the central repository of people’s sovereignty.

This newly emerged political-constitutional thought seems to have been shared by (a) a section of the political class that was seeking political power, (b) an influential community of lawyers and legal scholars, (c) Sinhalese nationalist leaders, and (d) the newly emerged class of wealthy industrialists, traders and professionals.

The project of ‘state capture’ that had evolved during the period 2015-2019 among these constituencies as an oppositionist coalition required a new vision for the state. That vision seems to have been conceptualized in direct opposition to the ‘liberal democratic’ political ideology of the Yahapalanaya coalition and the liberal constitutionalist assumptions that shaped the basic structure of the 19th Amendment.

The governance failures of the Yahapalanaya administration, power struggles within the Yahapalanaya coalition government, and the emergence of two competing power centers within the government in 2018-2019 have also been interpreted as direct outcomes of the specific hybrid governance structure established under the 19th Amendment. One interpretation of the governance crisis highlighted by critics during 2018-2019 is that grafting the Westminster model of Cabinet-parliamentary government to the existing presidential system was the fundamental mistake of the 19thAmendment.

It was against this backdrop that the post-liberal and post-democratic character of the oppositionist vision of the state and the constitution took a clear ideological shape in 2018-2019. The 20th Amendment is an interim product of this political shift. The proposed new Constitution would be the logical outcome of the backlash against the failed and half-hearted liberal-democratic experiment of the Yahapalanaya coalition of 2015-2019.

New Vision and Directions

A few tentative observations one can make on the current directions of Sri Lanka’s political and constitutional change would be as follows:

* A push for greater constitutional entrenchment of executive-presidential authoritarianism originally conceptualized in the 1978 Constitution and later enhanced in the 18th and 20th

* Erasure of the institutional vestiges of the Westminster model of Cabinet-parliamentary government, particularly in relation to the role and function of parliament and the reduction of parliament’s control of public finance.

* Elimination of another residue of Westminster parliamentary democracy, namely institutional checks on the executive.

In this scenario, Sri Lanka’s Third Republican Constitution, which emerges as a direct negationist response to the crisis of the 19th Amendment, is likely to assume a distinct identity, different from the semi-Presidential model established under the Second Republic of 1978. Two new features that the framers of the new Constitution might even consider are:

(a) bringing of the legislative sovereignty of parliament under some form of executive limitation, as in the US, and,

(b) enabling the President to appoint to the cabinet individuals who are not members of the legislature, as in France.

Clues to these possibilities emerged in President Rajapaksa’s Corona crisis management strategy. There was also a very subtle argument developed after March this year that President’s mandate from the people should take primacy over the mandate of the legislature. In that argument, as strange as it may sound though, parliament’s popular mandate is divided among 250 individuals whereas the Presidential mandate is for just one person.

Questions about Constitutional Hybridity

During the parliamentary debate on the 20th Amendment, the government’s line of attack on the 19th Amendment re-articulated a point that President Sirisena and many others occasionally highlighted by words and deeds. It is the refusal by many Sri Lanka’s politicians today to accept that democratic governance, with its built in checks and balances and mechanisms for accountability, is a slow process of governance that requires an ethic of compromise through bargaining and negotiation between different centres of power within the state structure. The unusually hybrid nature of the 19thAmendment and its model of governance could work optimally only if the politicians of the ruling coalition, despite their so-called mandates, had a commitment to that inter-personal and inter-institutional ethic of working through negotiation, bargaining and compromise as well as constitutionally laid down checks and balances.

Indeed, the Hybrid model of the 19th Amendment that combined features of both presidential and cabinet-parliamentary government, had several anomalies and ambiguities. The reason was that the 19th A was a product of a series of political compromises, compromises made to meet the agendas of different stakeholder constituencies within the coalition. Therefore, the proper working of the 19th Amendment required, as in the case of most hybrid constitutional models, either a high degree of democratic accommodation, based on the ethic of compromise, among diverse centres of power within the government, or one autocratic centre of power that substituted autocracy for democratic accommodation.

President JR Jayewardene recognized this anomaly in the hybrid system he himself created in the original 1978 Constitution. (Lest we forget, the First Republican Constitution of 1972 was also a hybrid one, combining features of Westminster, Republican and Socialist constitutions!). Jayewardene resolved the anomaly he faced by means of autocratic centralization of decision-making into his own hands. The fact that he obtained and kept in his vault undated letters of resignation from all the ruling party MPs, including those of his very powerful Prime Minister and equally assertive Cabinet Ministers, is only a footnote to that story.

Interestingly, one point that became quite clear during the parliamentary debate on the 20th Amendment is that the leaders of the present administration are quite averse to governance anomalies caused by constitutional hybridity. They seem to think that bargaining, negotiation, and accommodation retards efficient, effective, result-oriented, direct, and out-of-the box practices of governance that Sri Lanka is in need of in the current historical moment. These are the kind of traces of the post-democratic constitutional ideology that has slowly matured in Sri Lankan society during the crucial two years of 2018 -2019.

The point then is that the government of President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa has embarked on a very serious state reform project through a new constitution, with an ideology which is still articulated in a somewhat subdued manner. However, its political goals are quite clear, that is, setting up of a strong executive-presidential Republic. To achieve that goal, the government is likely to promulgate a new constitution that will (a) incorporate the 20th Amendment as its core, (b) remove any ambiguities concerning President’s powers as the supreme repository of people’s sovereignty vis a vis the Cabinet and the Parliament, and (c) make the Third Republic of Sri Lanka more presidential than what it has been under the 1978 Constitution.

Options for Democrats

With its secured two-thirds majority in Parliament, as demonstrated during the voting on the 20th Amendment, the government is well set to get its new constitution too passed, after another unexciting parliamentary debate. What can the opposition do to stop the government’s constitutional juggernaut? Nothing immediately. Yet, the public discussion on the new constitution that might spread over a period of at least six months is something that the all opposition groups and democratic forces must make use of, with a long-term political vision in mind.

A constitution-making time is like an election time. It generates a huge public interest in fundamental political issues and makes citizens participants in engaged political conversations. In a time of the retreat of democracy, this is the moment to revive the citizens’ interest in real issues of politics such as the fate of their precious heritage of freedom and democracy. it will also open up space for the opposition to seize the opportunity to set the terms of public debate on the new constitution and its draft. But, the opposition, instead of just reacting to the government’s constitutional proposals, should begin to ask, along with the people of the country, some fundamental questions too that can re-direct the terms of the country’s political conversation and eventually directions of political change as well. Thinking along with the people for a more democratic Third Republic, built on the lessons of the past, is better political option for the opposition and civil society movements.

Indeed, the opposition parties will be faced with an inescapable dilemma again within a few months in challenging the new constitutional draft before the supreme Court as well as in parliament. Courts are unlikely to block a major policy decision by a government, unless there is a massive public outcry. And the government has the parliamentary majority necessary to get its constitutional draft passed into law. In such a situation, what the opposition can do is what Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike and a very weak SLFP did in 1978, namely, to launch a spirited and vigorous defense of democracy and democratic constitutionalism, of course with powerful new ideas and arguments that can ignite the people’s political imagination for a better Republic, a Third Republic.

In today’s context, such an intervention requires bringing to the center of the debate a few important issues that have been missing in the debate on the 20th Amendment.  The following are a few examples of such key issues that can arouse public interest as well as imagination, formulated in the form of questions:

* What kind of a new constitution do the citizens of Sri Lanka, independent of any party agenda, would want to see being promulgated to replace the 1978 Constitution?

* Should the constitution serve the political agenda of the ruling party, or the welfare of the people along with the interests of the political community which the people constitute as a whole?

* How would such a constitution that reflects the interests of the political community be imagined in concrete terms for a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and plural society?

* What are the fundamental constitutional values that should guide and be enshrined in the new constitution as immutable principles of law-making and governance?

* What democratic, socialist and republican principles, as the official name of Sri Lanka enunciates, that be incorporated into the new constitution?

* What type of a Constitution that can command the trust and loyalty of all sections of citizens against the backdrop of the country’s unresolved ethnic conflict and conflict-prone majority-minority relations?

* Why shouldn’t political power given to governments and rulers by people have limits and why constitutions with such limits to power are better than ones without?

Deepening the Debate

Deepening the political conversation on questions such as the above is extremely important for one reason that unfortunately remain unacknowledged in Sri Lanka. That is that some of the most significant political and constitutional ideas that can be legitimately viewed as Sri Lanka’s indigenous body of modern political thought have emerged in the public discussions on the Soulbury, First Republican and Second Republican constitutions.

The concepts such as group rights, welfare democracy, social citizenship, non-discrimination, limits to political power, popular sovereignty, people’s role as king makers, sanctity of voting rights, rejection of the abuse of power, and immutability of citizens’ freedom – all these are ingrained in the society’s modern political consciousness. There is nothing Western or liberal in them. Rather, they are key elements of a popular democratic political theory and philosophy.

Such ideas also point to people’s notions of better constitutional orders and political arrangements for their political community. They have in fact been shaped against the negative experience of governments and rulers who have been repressive, tyrannical, and corrupt. Meanwhile, we must not forget that people also have a tendency to occasionally suspend their capacity for rational political judgement and make bad choices; but they bounce back to sanity and reason as soon as they realize the gravity of their folly.

Sri Lankan society actually has a people’s political discourse on constitutions that has more affinity with democracy than authoritarianism. The relentless social media humour as well as everyday critical conversations about the 20thAmendment as well as the government’s questionable handling of the Covid 19 Pandemic through the military are indications of a new fact in Sri Lanka’s politics: people have begun to move away from the authoritarian project of the government they have brought into power by means of their own free choice only several months ago.

And these are the citizen constituencies that the opposition parties and civil society should address in the coming months with a substantive, principled critique, and spirited rejection, of any attempt to make a hard authoritarian Third Republic in Sri Lanka. That critique needs to be anchored in a vision for a post-authoritarian Third Republic for Sri Lanka, which should be more democratic, more socialist and more Republican than the previous two.

The opposition and democratic forces in Sri Lanka have now got a new opportunity to rebuild the country’s democratic public as well as the Republic. The impending debate on the new Constitution opens an enormous political space for that intervention.

‘Imagining a more democratic Third Republic for Sri Lanka’ can very well be the theme that can even bring to a shared platform Sri Lanka’s divided democratic forces.

Latest comments

  • 18

    Why waste time discussing a new constitution?

    Previous constitutions have been violated by the rulers with impunity: Any new one will have the same fate as Sinhalese rulers since independence have had no integrity to abide by the rule of law.

    It is very clear from 20A that the rulers (and may be the Sinhalese people too, who form the majority) want a king and his cronies to rule the country from 2020 onward: If possible they want it to be a dynasty.

    Forget about democracy, constitution and rule of law. It is the presidential decree that matters. Listen to his utterances, and more so to his actions.

    If you don’t, white vans may soon appear before dissenters, and dissenters will disappear for ever. Gota’s history will repeat as habits die hard.

    Please don’t talk about democracy any more; It is pure and simple majoritarian dictatorship!

    • 3

      “Previous constitutions have been violated by the rulers with impunity:”

      Separatist Tamil politicians violated the Constitution by declaring Vadukkodei resolution to create a separate State and urging Tamil youths to take arms to achieve that objective. All the Tamil politicians and others who supported separatism should be punished by stripping their civil rights and confiscating their movable and immovable property.

  • 20

    Sinhalese leaders and Sinhalese people have shown their true colors in 2020, that they don’t want true democracy, rule of law and justice for all.

    • 16

      Thiru@ if I may correct u, Not all sinhalese and others but Rajapakshes slaves have done so. We are squeezed by shame. Theh would never see it right. Sadly the truth. 🤔😎🤔😎🤔😎😎😎😎🤔😎😎🤔 lookat the comments being posted yet today by Ms Pasquale, the kind of mercy cows are the majority in my race. These people would never learn to tolerate even if their lovely ones would have been gunned down to the manner Makndure mafhush was shot dead last week by Rajapak biased srilanken police. 1😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

    • 3

      “Sinhalese leaders and Sinhalese people have shown their true colors in 2020”

      Sinhala leaders and Sinhala people showed their true colors long time ago by giving citizenship to Dravidians brought by colonial rulers to work in their plantations and abandoned in Sinhale making them Stateless.
      In return what Sinhalayo got was an attempt to grab a part of their country to create a separate State and barbaric Tamil terrorism that slaughtered Sinhalayo for three decades.

  • 10

    Leave all national decisions to the masters. In India all national decisions are made by Hindis. In Malaysia by Malays. In Sri Lanka by Sinhalese. It is the truth no one can circumvent. Truth hurts. Sorry.

    • 5

      This Sinhalese Aryans country belongs to Sinhalese only. Korea belongs to Koreans, Vietnam belongs to Vietnamese, Thailand belongs to Siamese, the Maldive Islands belongs to Maldivians, Fuji Islands belongs to Fijians, Denmark belongs to Dennis, Holland belongs to Dutch people, Sweden belongs to Swedish people, See the strength of the Sinhalese people out of 225 MPS more than 200 MPS are Sinhalese. This time American sympathy for Tamils, last time John Kerry visited Jaffna. Mike Pompeo not even see a single Tamil. He now knows Sri Lanka belongs to Sinhalese Aryans

      • 15

        Portuguese Perera, I agree that Denmark belongs to Dennis the Menace. Please keep us entertained. You are a good joker.

      • 4

        Not correct Perera. But Sinhalese are the master of Sri Lanka and they decide what constitution SL must have and not have. Similarly Hindis are the master of India and Malays are the master of Malaysia. The caravan does not bother about barking poodles.

      • 6

        Term aryans is taboo yet in Germany after 75 passed since WWII. But ultra stupid kallathonis of ur nature to talk about sinhalarace? Besides who took the rights away from sinhalayas? But our racist sinhalaya not being able to see it right yet today they seem to make it difficult to grasp the little about the rights of the minorities. As for me anyone born to srilanken soil should be treated with equal rights. That is common to any nation, our people criticise almost everyone and everything of any other nations but has the least sure of instinct to see it yet after a 30 year long war.😎🤔😎🤔😎🤔😎😐😎😐😎😎😎😎🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔😎😎😎😎😎😎😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

      • 1

        According to Mahavamsa, the king of Vanga (historic Bengal region) married the daughter of the king of Kalinga (present-day Odisha). The couple had a daughter named Suppadevi, who was prophesied to copulate with the king of beasts. As an adult, Princess Suppadevi left Vanga to seek an independent life. She joined a caravan headed for Magadha, but it was attacked by Sinha (“lion”) in a forest of the Lala (or Lada) region. The Mahavamsa mentions the “Sinha” as an animal, but some modern interpreters state that Sinha was the name of a beastly outlaw man living in the jungle. Lala is variously identified as Rarh (an area in the Vanga-Kalinga region), or as Lata (a part of the present-day Gujarat).[2][3]
        Suppadevi fled during the attack, but encountered Sinha again. Sinha was attracted to her, and she also caressed him, thinking of the prophecy. Sinha kept Suppadevi locked in a cave, and had two children with her: a son named Sinhabahu (or Sihabahu; “lion-armed”) and a daughter named Sinhasivali (or Sihasivali). When the children grew up, Suppadevi escaped with them to Vanga. They met a general who happened to be a cousin of Suppadevi, and later married her.

        • 1

          …Meanwhile, Sinha started ravaging villages in an attempt to find his missing family. The King of Vanga announced a reward for anyone who could kill Sinha. Sinhabahu killed his own father to claim the reward. By the time Sinhabahu returned to the capital, the King of Vanga had died. Sinhabhau was declared the new king by the ministers, but he later handed over the kingship to his mother’s husband, the general. He went back to his birthplace in Lala, and founded the city of Sinhapura.[2][4]

          Sinhabahu married his sister Sinhasivali, and the couple had 32 sons in form of 16 pairs of twins. Vijaya was their eldest son, followed by his twin Sumitta. Vijaya and his followers were expelled from Sinhapura for their violent deeds against the citizens. During their exile, they reached the present-day Sri Lanka,

    • 3

      What an idiotic statement to make regarding India, which is Federal in nature with clearly defined separate boundaries of governance between the Centre and the State! They have had the same constitution since it was drafted by Dr Ambedkar, and it is a country where democratic institutions the Executive, the legislature and the Supreme court perform their roles as envisaged by the constitution. Can you say the same about Sri Lanka?

  • 10

    By 20A we gave GR his running legs.
    By new constitution we will give him flying wings.

    • 17

      But the Nandasena Gotabaya Rajakashes behaves yet today as if he is paralised why ? No press briefiings, with his jackals being kept under his bed. What happeend to that ballige puthas Wimal and Gonthadipila ????

      You guys seem to have no shame. Keep on adding your posts as if we are too stupid as you are… we warned you guys enough, today we are caught by criminals. Nothing moves forward. Not a single international ranking scale put srilanka in a good place.
      Within next 6 months, srilanka will be almost like Somalia and Irak… wait and see:
      You SCP, need to go back to your hideouts as was the case with you few weeks ago. Thank you.

      • 6

        I dont know about others, but as one who BEING OUT OF THE COUNTRY, make every effort to understand THE AVERAGE MIND SET of god punished srilanka, I feel, if we would appoint a DOWN SYNDROME patient to be the leader of a nation – and stay mum until he delivers – is akin today s situation with GOTABAYA being the head of state – we are doomed, similar to anticipate unknown forces to do the job. Such beliefs are common in tribes led societies decades ago. Srilanka was well balanced until GAMARALA went amok….. else, Good governance achieved thousand times more for the benefit of the nation than that of current murderous outfit.
        Gotabaya has been doing nothing- just because he has not the least knowledge about srilanken politics. He has proved that nothing is achieved his leadership for the benefit of the nation even if a year gone since he is holding office.
        Not even MINISTRY of HEALTH is being ruled today as the people expect it to be being squeezed by COVID restrictions/limitations. PCR machines are not that expensive, we have enough science graduates to do perform the tests. Srilanken universities could do the job for the nation – if the rulers had a system.

    • 7

      S.C.Pasqual: You say: “By new constitution, we will give flying wings”. Well said. I have a proposal for you. How about a “Draft” of ONE sentence “Constitution”, like: “WE THE PEOPLE OF SRI LANKA GRANT ALL POWERS OF LEGISLATURE, JUDICIARY AND EXECUTIVE TO THE PRESIDENT AND SOLEMNLY PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO ACCEPT AND COMPLY WITH ALL HIS/HER ORDERS IN WORDS AND WRITINGS”. No waste of time on “Debates”; “Money”; “Media Circuses” and listening to all those “INTELLECTUALS” affiliated to “Governing” and “Opposition” (if there is one such). Most importantly, we can do away with that “COW SHED” of 225 “Inmates” (of both men & women) making “HUGE SAVINGS” to channel for the development of the country. Submitted for your “BOLD” and “BRAVE” consideration.

      • 1

        Mr. Simon,
        My dear……..
        This is not “Yahapalana” government..
        We believe in On Time Elections….
        We believe in True People’s representations….
        We believe in Government Servants working for people.
        The government which took your advice went belly up in few years.

        • 5

          S.C.Pasqual: You know the meaning of “BELIEF”? One “BELIVES” always on what he/she “Does not Know”. In short, “Belief” is ignorance. For your information, I was very critical from the very beginning of “Yahapalanaya” proposal by Late Ven. Sobitha, because of my confirmed understanding that nothing for the welfare of the people and the country could be achieved with “Ranil W”. From the very beginning, I knew (not believed) of “Yahapalanaya” failure. I advised Rev. Sobitha by means available to me, not to embark on that “Project” with Ranil W and a “Back Staber” MY3. My Dear SCP – Don’t “BELIEVE” but “KNOW” – Knowing is ENLIGHTENMENT” and that leads to a contended life.

          • 7

            Dear Simon,
            You please talk to your domestic pets (Dogs and cats) they could get it whtin minutes, but you would never be able to convince Ms SCP. Her brain is washed no reverse could ever be possible. That is why WE PERMANTLEY call them as ” ultra fools born stupid to this island nation”. There the kind of people cant do anything. That is their nature. How many times, I asked Ms SCP to start it with Kindergarten. Let alone today the kind of srilankens should make effort to grasp the little.

      • 0

        Dear Simon

        Are you saying we people of Sri Lank/GOSL (the Majority) should have given the land since 1971 to JVP to rule South, Indian rule in the upcountry, FP rule in in the North and Muslim rule in the East and left the shores??

        Having made the mistake of standing up for our Nation and taking the bullets from all the gun trotting kids (sorry the enlightened medical scholarship retunee from Russia /unelected and elected Northern MP’s who openly sent our children to foreign lands to be trained as mercenaries and have them kill their opponents in a democracy (I know very many personally from that cow shed who come from Jaffna) and now the Muslim bombers and those who brought Indian Foreign boots to the soil yes I agree we should not bother to bring about some order in our Nation for our needs……but still that someones interest?? and that someone being is still a mystery?????

        Ae these the foreign warloards spinning our Nation from foreign lands for their business enterprise?? many speak Tamil who are not from SL and many speak Chinese and who are not from Mainland China too…I know many who for the past 40 years pinching the child and rocking the cradle too??

        • 3

          TV; Your question should not be directed to me. Did I ever or anywhere say, what you are trying to put into my mouth? You would have known my stand on the JVP, had you had an opportunity to read my comment on Dr. Lional Bopage’s recent presentation in CT. So goes with all these “Tribal Political Parties” who have ruined this country bringing misery to the people. In one of the comments, I said without any hesitation that laws must be introduced to “Delist” all such political parties based on “Ethnicity”, “Religion” and henceforth no such parties be given registration. This is my vision and mission and it is no mystery to anyone with a genuine interest in building a country.

          • 1

            Dear Simon

            Thank you for the correction….I think I did not read what you said above (may be did not understand) well.

            Then I was wondering just what you said that I followed your comments in other places and thought you had a diff take on the matter of governance/nationhood etc.

            Is my mistake and apologies sincerely for misrepresenting what you said.

            • 2

              TV: Thanks for understanding. I am of opinion that both of us are on the same track on this subject of “Nationhood/Governance”.

    • 5

      S. C. Passqual

      “By 20A we gave GR his running legs.”

      Not too far with his clanking b***s.
      He might need someone to carry them along with his running (?) legs.
      Please help him.

  • 10

    Old man JR dumped a presidency on a roman÷Dutch legal system and the Westminster parliamentary system. The parts dont fit together. Italy, Holland and Britain all have prime ministers. The presidential system came from the French. Who killed off their kings and nobles in the revolution.. After American got rid of the British, they adopted the French system because Benjamin Franklin the architect of the constitution was living in Paris. Sri Lankan lawyers coming from British legal background dont really have the nous or depth to fix this. American and French constitutional experts have to be haired. Sl is joke .

    • 2

      JRJ came out with the 1978 Constitution after watching what was happening to the country under Democracy imposed on Sinhalayo by Brits that gave freedom to certain groups to play hell and ruin the country. JRJ wanted to give political stability which is a prerequisite to encourage private and foreign entrepreneurs to make investments.
      JRJ could not go ahead with his vision because of interferences from ‘You know Who’. The stability that JRJ expected to create was shattered by a party jealous of a flourishing capitalist economy in their neighborhood. The unfortunate situation in 1983 was an outcome of the game plan to create instability in the country. According to my information, Japanese who were planning to establish industries in Sri Lanka changed their mind due to 1983 riots.

  • 10

    The best example is like a walawa built in 1920. The great grandson inherits the walawa and decides to add two more floor without understanding that the foundation won’t hold. He then hires a local basunnya to build it instead of an architect. Once built the building collapses under its own weight.

  • 7

    When drafting the new constitution, the tail should not be allowed to wag the dog. That is what happened at the time ‘Jadapalana’ Government drafted the new constitution wasting billions of tax payers’ (majority Sinhalayo) money. Sajith and his SJB gang also should be held responsible for that mockery. At that time they were in UNP Government. They just kept their mouths shut in order to stay in power.

  • 4

    These Civil Society guys were totally silent during 2019 November presidential elections on the abolition of the Executive Presidency which took the centre stage during all previous elections?
    Why? Because they wanted their man as the Executive President.
    What a principled position!
    Civil society guys also defended RW in the bond scam fiasco.
    You guys were TOTALLY anti Rajapaksa BEYOND realistic limits.
    Professor, you don’t have to agree with the majority, but some semblance of respect is in order.
    End result ? No one cares to listen to you, though for me you are a respectable man.
    It is a cry wolf situation.


    • 5


      “Professor, you don’t have to agree with the majority, but some semblance of respect is in order.”

      Who are this majority?.
      Please define and quote numbers.

      Why do you think war criminals, racists, fascists, thieves, rapists, murderers, strongmen, saffron thugs, crooks, arsonists, ….. deserve respect. They should be banished or be in prison.

      If war criminals, murderers, crooks, …..deserve respect then start with worshiping Idi Amin, Hitler, Mussolini, Johnson, Nixon, ….. Yahya Khan, Ayub Khan, Saddamn, Siri Mao, Churchill, Udugampola, …… ….. VP, Pottu, ….. IPKF, …. ….. 400,000, Kamal, Shvendra, ……

      • 2

        “Please define and quote numbers”
        75% of the 75% of Sri Lankan population.


  • 10

    The critical considerations that would arise by late next year, would be how the current President exercises his new found powers. If he has obtained some good measure of progress and success, and used the power to the betterment of the country, the govt. can press for the authoritarian measures to continue at the expense of democratic features, and with their majority, pass the Act. With their rhetoric, getting YES at a referendum will be easy.

    • 8

      My view@

      Let s hope that the uneducated introverted man would not go amok, pulling the stupid people from frying pan to the fire. May be new found powers could work if the person is clever, but this man has proved well only at committing high crimes (murder, mass murder, revenge and all untold stories in that line).

      As far my knowledge is concerned, GR would not tolerate anything as a human being. He is always asking for jam on the buttered bread slice.
      Not even mighty god can bring wonders to srilanka today, the situation is akin to a deadly cancer of a person with it is spread virtually everywhere in the body. Not the light at the end of the tunnel is seen in terms of a wayout. Inflation of the country would become similar to that of Uganda. With only CHINESE being their favorite donors on much high interests, the gap will be widened month by month. JIKA AND IMF would be the only way out- if they are ready to come out of the pit fallen in.
      At the time, Greece was fallen, EU countries funded them and set an austerity plan, but if SRILANKA would be in the same situation, in a 6-month time, also being caught by

      • 8

        Yes, on a balance of probabilities, and with Covid taking things further down, SL is in for a crisis. But my view was only with regard to a new constitution, by late next year, the various factors that come into play, will emerge, and one scenario is what I stated.
        The other scenario (obvious and not stated), is that if HE is too aggressive in using the power he now has, or misuses it, then there will be a chance for a swing against the govt. and an opportunity to getting a more balanced constitution for the Third Republic of Sri Lanka, which should be more democratic, more socialist and more Republican than the previous two.

  • 6

    If one ever thinks that a new constitution or the hurriedly rushed through 20th amendment will ever be for the benefit of the deservedly suffering masses they must be dreaming and hallucinating.
    Dreams are free said a great soul.
    The foolish blindfolded sitting on their iota of little intelligence Yakko’s foolishly voted for the power-hungry power demanding rajapuka clan
    Within a few months, they have been blessed with a new version of the coronavirus which is now causing mayhem of a bandu pandu and is moving at an express supersonic speed moving around the countryside.
    The number of victims is hidden by the government along with the deaths but I am told that it has exceeded the 50,000 marks.
    The peasants are in many a throw of all NOes no money to live, no jobs to go to no food to eat to survive and it’d nothing but a chorus of all NOes.
    The said 20th amendment along with the constitution should be dumped into the sewers of this leading colony of the beggars.

    • 5

      The peasants are in many a throw of all NOes no money to live, no jobs to go to no food to eat to survive and it’d nothing but a chorus of all NOes.
      The said 20th amendment along with the constitution should be dumped into the sewers of this leading colony of the beggars.

    • 5

      PART 1


      1) Today, whole lot of srilankens are compelled to see that they are totally decieved by the blatant lies rained on them by Rajapakshes through their highly biased TV channels, destroying almost ethics and morals, respect and dignity and most of all the hopes for a better future. The two biased TV channels yet today act as if they dont care much about ethics and morals. The pictures they display through their channels, mostly, against human morals. Deaths and broad day brutal killings are usually displayed by them, as no moral and ethical codes would hold the up from their „by-force acitivities“: Their fearless and abusive acts are crystalized by Rajapksahes and their hidden men. Collosal loads of funds pour into their pockets and these donators are Rajakashes and their men. Now one would raise the question, how they could earn that much of black money, it is through DRUG TRAFFICKING, AVATGARDE and all unknown illegal businesses run by Basil Rajapkshe et al, who is the god father of srilanken media mafia.
      2) With overwelming hopes, nevertheless not studied the PROFILE well, whole lot of people incl. Srilanken religious leaders and their adherents, not only predominant buddhgama adherents, but also muslims, christians and hindus all together agreed with Gotabaya Rajaapkshe and gave them a considerable mandate

      To be continued.

      • 5

        Part II

        3) Now many of those very same voters, turning back and shamelessly question, „ WE DID NOT REALLY STUDY THE PROFILE OF GOTABAYA RAJAPAKSHE, AND HIS CAPABLITIES WELL“.
        4) A man who lived in the US for a period of 15 long years, as an asylum seeker, at the time, nation was caught by the brutal war at its heights, Gotabaya never ever heard it but continued his life in the states, until his brother aka mafia boss mahinda Rajaakshe became the president oft he country. Then only GOTABAYA was introduced as the reborn patriot oft he nation and be offered the position as secretary of defence….. even today, Saffron clad monks have the audacity to continue saying that RAAJAKSHES liberated the nation from 30 long year civil war …. Even if the educated people believe it was not Rajakshes but tri forces and collectivity succeeded it, besides, CIVIL war was not born in 2005 with the election of MR as the president to this country.
        5) My question ist he very same people in this country, repeated this way of not considering the profile, also in 2015. There a man, who does not have the basic education, but started his SRILANKEN STYLE POLITCS him being a gramasewaka, got elected easily by its people. Those who stood AGAINST him a year ago, shamelessly add that SIRISENA DID IT BETTER THAN GOTABAYA.

        to be continued

  • 6

    if a new once comes at all, do you ever trust Rajapakses ?

  • 4

    Thank you Jayadeva.

    My thoughts on the “new constitution”.

    (1) It is appropriate we make a new constituion with the option for people to choose someone/party who can implement that through policy implementation over few terms (first step is done via 20a). Back and forth/tit for tat third world admins has allowed foreign interference within the elected..Marx/Chinese communism/capitalism/socialism and children running around killing fellow men and women and saying federalism/separatism should be the think of the past.
    (2) This requires credible parties focused on Patriotic theme and backed up by the Military…that we have now – no more race/religious/language parties allowed in the Nation period.
    (3) We need to create a credible opposition not to undermine the ruling but to complement through their contribution for Nation Building productively and du diligently.
    (4) Time to consider English medium education (now it is 2020) and compulsory teaching of Tamil and Sinhala to all that everyone should excel. this will bring the coast of running several version of the education to very manageable levels too. When children enter universities they are well prepared for mastering the subject not get bogged down by language barrier.

  • 10

    “President Rajapaksa and constitutional experts in his team have not yet shared with the people any basic ideas which they might have for a new Republic or a new Constitution.”

    It is not the habit of Rajapakse’s to share with the people with anything. They can share it within the family and none of the 225 Parliamentary Toys knew anything about the new constitution. There must be some deals within the family about future king of this land. Mahinda Rajapakse is now not bothered about this power as PM but his focus is who will be the next President (King). However, all the Rajapakse family members will take an equal share of benefits (profits share) from this land which will be sold to their close international fund supplier. The constitution make sure that Rajapakse kingdom is the supreme power which cannot be changed any means.

  • 2

    (5) Constitution should be designed in a way we can shed the presidential position altogether after 15-20 years once we got ourselves on the road to recovery. We fall back to improved/localised version of the Westminster style to minimise admin coast as well as to make admin more effective.
    (6) Compulsory Military service for all/best and the most powerful coast guard in the world run to run daily affairs….a Ministry specially set up for this activity encompassing all marine activity regards to sea resource management/security/pollution & fisheries has to be separate
    (7) Minimised number of departments run by technocrats..to do that we need to elect qualified people to run as Members of Parliament in the first place….not the thugs who stand on political stage as unelected or rather voted out based on their track record and ask the children to kill their opponents so they can get their seats back in the parliament for their mafia activity as proxies to foreign powers.

    • 3

      (8) National Anthem mixed in all languages as this will complement the National vision/schooling concept.
      (9) We could consider Nations admin in English too and supplemented by Sinhala/Tamil that could minimise necessary expenses—-then again nowadays is all electronic so we could have as much diversity as we want etc. We do not need language/religious privileges and departments as people develop all others will naturally flourish.
      (10) From North to South and East to West a strong security service/secret service net working that has an iron grip on decent/A National security act that will ensure not just the locals but also foreign scums we will be hunted down as required should they ever come into the Nation for any wrong interest/shit stirring etc.
      (11) NGO’s should be banned and if locals wish/new ideas that can contribute to Nation building can done through the respective departments.

      • 3

        (12) All the embassies should be placed together in particular area without any “aid s***” written all over the walls. We are not beggars but equal partners to the rest of the world.
        (13) Separate department to look after all the Sri Lankans who work around the world – we can get some advice from Philliphines on many areas of governance.
        (14) No more 13 discussion and Indian embassy from Jaffna should go. SL will assure India not only China but no one else will ever threaten them as any threat to them is also a threat to us too nor would we ever poison their children as TN did to your children and destroy India.
        (15) Foreign policy “Neutrality” should be written into the constitution.

      • 8

        The semi privatized railways, bus and electricity board is also need. Ths govt can have 51% and 49% can be leased to companies like John keels to run as a profit making operations. The middle and upper management will be the private sector.

  • 4

    bringing of the legislative sovereignty of parliament under some form of executive limitation, as in the US

    This is a completely misleading statement.

    US constitution is one where peoples power is exercised by three completely separate organs of Government. Eventhough our constitution the legislature and executive are together to some extent.
    There are enough checks and balances that no organ is a complete repository of people sovereignty.
    I have listened to one non lawyer professional who explained it very clearly.
    Vertical and horizontal separation of powers of US systems.

  • 5

    Prof. Jayadeve Uyangoda,

    You commenced your article with a series of pessimistic notes, but concluded with positive hopes.

    We should always have faith in the people.

    The 1972 and 1978 constitutions were political party driven and failed.

    The 19 A and 20A were formulated to satisfy some political expediency and not well structured and therefore need not be taken seriously.

    Neither of these amendments could be a basis for a new constitution .

    Prof. Jayadeve Uyangoda, you are one of the foremost intellectuals among the civil society academics and be prepared to give leadership in the interest of the country as a whole.

    Professor, please be in the forefront and exhibit positive energy and be an optimist, a lot could be done and find hope among the hopeless situation.

    If the entire country is mobilized under correct honest and sincere leadership for the good of everyone, there is the possibility of success.

    Positive energy is what we need today!

    • 5

      I agree with you. Corona second wave is a good example to prove that fake patriotism, and self claim victories cannot solve the problems. Both 1972 and 1978 and its 20 amendments are failure because it did not address to solve the problems of the people and security of the people. Sri Lanka is a small island that cannot survive unless you have a peace and unity in this country and a friendly approach to its neighbours and others. If we don’t have peace in this country, there is no way we can save this country from external factors that compete with each other for power. This is what now happening in our country. Sinhalese fight each other for power, Sinhalese fight against Tamils and Sinhalese fight with Muslims. If we did not have 1958, 1977 and 1983 riots (ethnic cleaning), Srilanka would have no external interference, no armed struggle for 30 years and India and China using our land as a war field and our governments are playing cheating games of Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim masses. Even Corona second wave would have not come to our land. Today, still people are fear of death and fear of future.

  • 5

    Professor Uyangoda has written a thoughtful piece which deserves serious comment.
    All his points are well made. It is unlikely that a democratic constitution would eventuate. The committee under Romesh de Silva does not contain constitutional experts. They are people who practised civil law in our courts. The academics are not specialists in constitutional law. It could not be expected that they would deliver a report that is of much use but constitute a rubber stamp for the establishment of an authoritarian government with an arranged succession. Successive governments had pave the way. The 1972 Constitution of Colvin started the decay truncating the powers of the courts. The second amendment to that Constitiution by JR started the notion of centring power in the President. The 20th Amendment is a continuation and the new constitution would be the culmination of that process.

    • 3

      Constitution making is serious business. Leave it to the masters of SL. Others need not worry.

      • 1


        “Leave it to the masters of SL.”

        You mean Hindians?
        In 2018 Subramanian Swamy invited the chief crook to Delhi Sultanate. He assured that that every help would be given to the crook and his constitutional experts in drafting a new constitution.

        Therefore do you want the Hindians to draft the new Constitution?
        What’s wrong with you stupid people?

  • 2

    Dear Folks

    I very much hope our new constitution focus on our children’s future and this animation gives all the food for thoughts…..we do not want to keep on generating our children as Human Resources for factory working?? a fundamental rethinking in our education system will place us in the right direction…a futuristic Sri Lanka…many Asian and South Asians countries are doing this already…””fundamental rethinking”””


  • 3

    So the State was captured by the Aryan Sinhalese. Westminster Democracy is bad and has to be eradicated. A third republican?? constitution has to be created to fix power struggles between Prime Minister and President. Lets call a spade a spade. This is not going to be a republican constitution. Lets name it for what it is, A constitution for the Dictatorship of Sir Lanka (DOSL) created with input from the Chinese government aimed at fostering the eventual Chinese takeover and colonisation of Sri Lanka. That is the ultimate aim of the Rajapashe project. To lie, cheat and use every single deceitful act imaginable to hand over this country to Chyna. Oh and what about those proud Arya sinhalese idiots? Well they can go jump in the sea after they have been used like Karapincha. What about the 13A you ask. All minorities had better learn to shut up bow their heads down and accept their fate or flee by any means available. You have no place in the new DOSL or the emerging CCOSL.

  • 4

    For 72 years since independence Sri Lanka is still talking about making a constitution: Such is the capability of Sinhalese leaders ruining the country.

    In less time Singapore has become a first world country, such is their leaders’ capability!

    • 2

      Thiru, be careful with comparisons. What have the Tamil leaders (who have been in every Government and Opposition for 72 years) achieved for the Tamil people?

      • 2


        “What have the Tamil leaders (who have been in every Government and Opposition for 72 years) achieved for the Tamil people?”

        One cannot isolate Thamil’s achievement from Sinhala achievement.
        By now you would have known both the Tamils and Sinhalese are born stupid, therefore arrogant, self destructive morons with attitude.

        • 0

          ‘By now you would have known both the Tamils and Sinhalese are born stupid, therefore arrogant, self destructive morons with attitude’
          True. You can say that again. I have met some very arrogant people who were utter morons. There are very few humble people around. By the way, you forgot the Muslims.

      • 2

        There was one from 1948 to 1954. There was none until 1965.
        Then there was one (not elected) from 1965 to 1968. then there was another (not elected) from 1970 to 1977. Then there was Thondaman, not quite the Tamil you have in mind, from 1978 to 1994. There was also C Rajadurai from 1979 to 1989. Then came Douglas Devananda (2000-2001, 2005-2014, and 2020-).
        The Hill Country Tamil MPs have held posts variously under different governments.
        Are any of these but for GG Ponnambalam (1948 to 1954) and Thiruchelvam (1965 to 1968) and perhaps Kmarasooriyar (1970 to 1977) of much significance. The rest were all token appointments or bargains for support.
        Are you serious when you ask about what they achieved? If a person from a party representing the bulk of the Tamil population was appointed your question will make sense.
        The Tamil leaders pledged to achieve things by not accepting cabinet posts. They failed.*
        But the bigger failure was that of successive governments that plunged the country into civil war.
        Proving points is a useless exercise. There is work to do to get the country re-united.

      • 1

        Dear Stanley

        Tamils did not have leaders but they had elected who went about as though they were leaders hence made deals in the process by projecting themselves as one in Colombo with one story and another when they visited their constituents now and then…in between the vaccum was filled by hate writings of the Suthnthiran newspaper that further projected as there were issues to with Sinhalese that they are solving(hence picked on the Indian citizenship issues in Sinhala land)…when in fact what needed was for this folly to deliver what any elected should have been delivering that is an economic path/unity/give and take at such a young age of our Nation just born/post colonial venerable Nation. These bunch of lawyers played us all and sodamised the entire Nation and the children a monstrous child abusers we have tolerated for so long and why???

        By keep saying Tamils leaders and making reference to murders as Tamil leaders is an insult to Tamils/my culture/my people etc. Please we should refrain from such references is critical please.

        • 0

          The concept of why Tamils needed leaders itself is very incorrect way to look at citizens of SL? Even for that matter Muslim/Indian Tamil leadership req?? then we have GOSL with National policies cause need to give leadership to Sinhala needs (as well as others too) for any right reasons got translated into more political scoring by the ghetto named parties??

          I think is flowed because we allowed race/religious/language parties to be formed in the first place??

          This started with the Federal Party formation for an issue that required late Hon SJV to stand as an MP in the upcountry and represent the folks in trouble?? nothing to do with Jaffna…it was his understanding that he somehow needed to spin this into Tamil language issue a precursor was motioned/started by the formation of the FP itself???if not it contributed/compounded the language divide line of thinking in the first place??

          Going back further the colonial rule has already sawn the seeds for this by forming governance with representation from various communities as they seem fit had already got our head into this frame of mind……not suited to the future of the Nation?? it is for us to change cause not compound the mistakes??

          • 0

            May be we inherited this concept of segregated mentality without questioning….we did not stay focus on the job in hand of Nationhood/learning on the job of administrating ourselves/fell back into comfort zones not knowing what to do with self governance responsibilities/too much to take on with very self-centred “achievers” (minority of minority & the minority of Majority) left behind who could not care of “all” except themselves??

            It is interesting and very liberating to know we had a very healthy socialist parties who thought for all and was very representative/inclusive in their politics of all who needed that ownership??

            • 0

              Now we learned the lessons of all the above and think this constitution making is very critical for a better tomorrow and hope we all support that without the party politics…can be critical to make improvements to that is given??

  • 1

    Native Vedda

    when will the Sri Lankan government appoint Veddas to the cabinet ?

    • 2


      BTW, have you come across any comprehensive books or thesis on the development of Tamil Militants, their socio economic background, ……

      SJ seems to pretend as if he had mastered the last 60 years of political turmoils, history, rationals, economic history, … and so on. Has he written any books on Thamil Porattum (struggle) or my friend describe it as Thamil Peyattam (Devil Dance)?.

      Is he another Thamil lazy ….m ?

  • 0

    Dutugemunu III, with a single blow wiped out the A -19, but no such luck even in the 2nd blow, with C-19. So scientist Wanniga Aarachchi is floating pots on Gangas with wizardry waters. Old King appointed Old puppet CJ Sripavan as Hindu religious consultant to PM Secretariat. It seems to be these Magics are coming from him. Tamil Papers saying Tamil Hindus are going to do some kind of Yagna, I never heard that name. I tried to spell that in English here, but I couldn’t, so let it go.

    Comedi Thmai!

  • 0

    Hetta Koda, a member of Lemon Puff’s party, attempted to beat up Lemon Puff saying that he was not cooperating for passing the 20A, on American citizenship issue, which is needed for Younger Brother Prince to come back to parliament. Today Hetta Koda resigned his seat for Younger Brother Prince, the American citizen, can take over the seat. MCC is about Land & Roads development, American grant will be spent on these while SOFA is about defense agreement, and America will pay in hard Currency. It is said SOFA was signed in 2007 by King, the then secretary of Defense. There is cartoon on The Island Online, two boxers (Lemon Puff and Gammon Pillai) punching a practice bag. King is watching through the Window. The News piece of that is Lemon and Gammon swore that they will resign if any defense deal signed with America by Royals. King has said that not even in his dream the MCC will be signed and they too know it, but still playing for the back benchers’.
    The play in the Diyawanna Lake Theater, where actors and audiences are paid out of Tax money and elected with hopes, are keep going for a while, almost for an year. MCC and SOFA are only part of a scene in receiving American Secretary Mike Pompeo.

  • 0

    Today King said he rejected MCC unequivocally. Then Mike Pompeo asked if US could help Lankawe on anything else. Unlike China, US does all help though it’s multinationals and NGOs, so no direct loans or no direct FDI on any industries. Further Pompeo pointed out that other US companies, like IBM, Coca-Cola, and Oracle (which are already in) can help Lankawe in developments. King asked to help Lankawe in improving agriculture.
    Sure US has its kind of high tech Agriculture though it need not to struggle like Israel, Japan, Netherland, those developed high tech agriculture to overcome their constraints. So there is lot of common sense to ask US to help in agriculture though Lankawe rejected MCC, under which part of the lands is made into productive like Netherlands, Manage the dry lands & water like Israel, and use automated machines like Japan. One of the corporate giant of America is Dole, which specialize in agricultural products (and produce). They were sold a large a part of Governments Somawathiya Park land by Muttiah Muralitharan, the cricket player, cultivate Banana and export. Then a group of people supporting Government and are anti-American, protested against Dole using that farmland for environmental reason. Dole left planted Banana plants as they were.

  • 0

    While Old Royals were acting for back Benchers in Dole issue, Old Royal Government was using Chinese CCCC to build White Elephant Port & by the harsh terms of the loan Aanduwa became insolvent and China used Chinese laws to forfeiture the port in Lankawe additionally with a five villages stretch of Hangbangtota Wildlife area. Now Secretary Pompeo visit is mainly about an Anti-people Communist Country holding a port, where many trading ships pass and European Submarine Communication Cables are lying underneath. Recently there were talks about Sinhala Rajah Reserve forest being cleared to pave way for a Hotel owned by Royals. This clearing is for much bigger project; it is for the water supply from Gin- Nil Wala Ganga system to the Hangbangtota Industrial zone. It was a replacement for another failed system, Uma Oya, which the project displaced many families in hill country and rendered many acres land dry. Neither Old King arranged NGOs nor did any forest reserve official interfere in all these games. American irrigation experts, harbor building experts, environmentalist were not needed. The reality is, bankrupt Lankawe wants all remittances of Slave girls to pay loans so then want the country reach self-sufficiency in food production, so people wont’ die by hunger during this import ban. So they are seeking American agricultural help! Who is playing for theater in this game? Can Dole come back in Somawathiya jungle?

  • 0

    We can write a lot about what the Constitution in the future can be. But the basic requirement is to ensure that all the institutions created by it should act cohesively to promote the interests of Sri Lanka. However, it does not mean that the system must be solo controlled on the basis that “I know everything. You do exactly as I say.” On the contrary there can be an umpire cum watch dog who does not enter into controversy and he can ensure the existence of a smooth frame work. Above all sanity and decency must prevail and constitutions and laws alone cannot do that.

    • 0

      Dear GS

      I am not sure the elected GOSL said that? However they should take pride they have campaigned succesfully to make their Manifesto pledges heard and voted In to do a job?

      It is in its own merit we should respect specially the way elections were conducted and parties campaigned historically is where all went wrong for us??

      The sanity and decency should be from us who may be of a different persuasion/party politics to our elected who were elected by our own people?? therefore we should await our turn and support the admin until then to deliver what is being agreed with the masses by the current GOSL? then come others turn and be elected in the future then one can expect the same support for the respective policies??

      Where is this doom and gloom part come in please??

    • 1

      Good Sense

      “Above all sanity and decency must prevail and constitutions and laws alone cannot do that.”

      Good point.
      You should pass your good advice to the rulers and functionaries who exceed their remit, power, duties, ……. especially those who zealously carry out their racist agenda such as the Governor of Eastern Province, civilian who has nothing better to do in their life former Governor Bogollagama’s wife, saffron clad thug Ampitiye Sumanarathana and others, ….. .. most are keen on illegal land grab using their excessive powers, involving police, STF, Department of Archaeology, Forestry Department, ………………… .

      How would you limit their power when used for illegal racist purpose. The armed forces and state functionaries oblige immediately if any request comes from Saffron Brigades.

      “cohesively to promote the interests of Sri Lanka.”

      What is Sri Lanka and what is interests of Sri Lanka?

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