5 October, 2024


A Country To Die In

By Tisaranee Gunasekara

“When the merit-laden Motherland wants (me), why do I need the citizenship of another country?

I will abandon all honours and will return Mother, to (undertake) the endeavour of protecting you.”

An internet poster by Viyathmaga, hailing Gotabaya Rajapaksa candidacy – September 2019

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa addressed the nation on the day Sri Lanka became South Asia’s first in average Covid-19 deaths. 195 people died on that day, according to official figures, driving the total count distressingly close to 7000.

The president expressed no word of regret about these deaths, no word of sympathy for the bereaved families. He had nothing reassuring or compassionate to say to the people beset by pandemic fears and economic uncertainties. Instead he praised himself and groused about those who urged a lockdown on him. He also seemed to trivialise Covid-19 deaths by stating that most victims were over 60, had co-morbidities and were unvaccinated.

The lack of empathy, even common or garden civility, and the victim-blaming should not be surprising, for they are Rajapaksa trademarks. For the Rajapaksas, a tragedy is a Tragedy only if it can be exploited for their political good. Victims of unusable tragedies are are not true victims deserving of compassion but criminals or malcontents responsible for their own plight.

The Vallipunam bombing, which happened fifteen years ago, provided the clearest forewarning of this Rajapaksa characteristic.

In August 2006, the LTTE compelled more than scores of school girls to attend a compulsory training camp. Whether the training was in first aid only or in weapon-usage as well was uncertain. What was indisputable was that the participants were not child soldiers but school girls, thus civilians.

The Lankan air force bombed the camp, killing 61 of these school girls. Subsequent information indicated that the bombing may have resulted from the mistaken belief that Vellupillai Pirapaharan was present in the camp. Whatever the motive, the fact that the victims were school children made the attack morally deplorable, a tragedy and a crime.

The government could have acknowledged its mistake and apologised. Any government that cared an iota for its own people, especially children, would have done so. Instead, the still new Rajapaksa regime went on propaganda offensive, falsely claiming the dead children to be child soldiers.

The Vallipunam bombing was a forerunner of what became standard Rajapaksa practice during the war – never admit to mistakes and never count the human cost of military actions (In this, the Rajapaksas were unconsciously emulating the LTTE). So every Tamil war-dead was turned into a Tiger by definition, even babies. The Sinhala South accepted this false equation, some because they never saw a difference between Tamils and Tigers (thus the Black July) and others because the myth of Humanitarian Offensive with zero-civilian casualties provided welcome blinkers through which they could view the ongoing carnage.

In his first speech as presidential candidate, Gotabaya Rajapaksa said of himself, When given a responsibility, I always tried to fulfil it without being constrained by limits and by going beyond norms” (this translation from the original Sinhala is mine). That self-definition should have alarmed any reasonably intelligent person for Candidate Gotabaya was essentially claiming to be someone able and willing to violate limits and norms, a proud extremist. But most Sinhala-Buddhists were reassured rather than alarmed by that statement. They saw it as a guarantee of peace and prosperity, of a strong government that would keep the majority community safe by subduing the minority communities.

“It is foolish to think that the country can be awakened by the inanity of ignorant minds,” Tagore warned an Indian comrade in 1929 (Rabindranath Tagore – The myriad-minded man – Krishna Dutta and Andrew Robinson). In the aftermath of the Easter Sunday massacre, the Sinhala South wanted safety at any cost. Fear and hate dictated their actions.

The Rajapaksas returned to power promising Sinhala-Buddhists a country to live in. Less than two years later, Sri Lanka has been turned into a country to die in. Since the transformation is mainly Rajapaksa work, asking for life is a crime, even for Sinhala-Buddhists. The only patriotic thing to do is to let die and die uncomplainingly.   

Danse Macabre from Kabul to Colombo

At the 2019 Presidential election, pluralist Sri Lanka, the common homeland of Sinhalese, Tamils, and Muslims, lost. Sinhala-Buddhist Lanka, the sacred preserve of Sinhalese-Buddhists won. This victory was reaffirmed and reinforced in the 2020 parliamentary election.

Now we are living through the tragic consequences of those atavistic choices. When politics and religion waltz, their dance is death.

Afghanistan is famed as the graveyard of empires. But it has also been the graveyard of its own people. The continuing tragedy of Afghanistan can be traced back to the transformation of the Afghan opposition into a religious – rather than a secular – force in the late 1970’s and America’s decision to play godfather to the Mujahideen.

The governments of Nur Mohammad Taraki, Hafizullah Amin and Babrak Karmal were anti-democratic and repressive. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was plain wrong. But the Mujahideen took up arms against the Kabul government long before Soviet tanks crossed the border. Their first casus belli was the progressive social reforms undertaken by the Taraki government. These included making female education compulsory, banning child marriages and outlawing the barbaric practice of buying and selling women and barter marriages. The Mujahideen were particularly opposed to the literacy programmes which brought education to rural areas and to females. The Mujahideen burnt down girls schools and banned women from workplaces long before Taliban did. .

When the Soviet invasion happened, Americans decided to use Jihad and Jihadists against its Cold War enemy. They were overjoyed at finding a force that could battle the Soviet invader to annihilation. The fact that the Mujahideen’s collective mind was stuck forever in the seventh century seemed a trivia, a political irrelevance. The CIA acted as a recruiter for Jihad; the Saudis provided the funding. As Eqbal Ahmed wrote in Terrorism: Theirs and Ours, “In 1985, President Reagan received a group of ferocious-looking turban-wearing men who looked like they came from another century… After receiving them at the White House, Regan spoke to the press, referring to his foreign guests as ‘freedom fighters’. These were the Afghan Mujahideen. They were at the time guns in hand battling the ‘evil empire.’” Less than 20 years later, the Taliban, born of those men in turbans, would take down the Twin Towers and attack Pentagon.

Educating women and girls is touted as the main achievement of 20 years of US/NATO occupation. But these goals could have been achieved at a lesser cost – including to America, the West and rest of the world – had the US never played godfather to the Afghan Mujahideen. Soviet invasion could have been opposed politically and diplomatically, with economic sanctions and other rational means, without aligning with a force that was the very antithesis of everything good in Western liberal values. Similarly, whatever one’s opinion about the US/NATO invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, there’s nothing to celebrate in the Taliban’s victory. The worst defeating the bad is not a good outcome.

Mixing religion and politics creates a deadly brew that addles minds and kills enlightened self-interest. The SLPP election campaigns in 2019 and 2020 inundated the Sinhala South with this brew. Intoxicated with these supremacist promises, the majority community gave a blank cheque to the Rajapaksas in the name of Sinhala-Buddhism, just as the Americans gave a blank cheque to the Mujahideen in the name of anti-Communism.

When the Rajapaksas began to mishandle the response to the pandemic, their mistakes were defended, excused and glossed over. The mishandling was conceptual, organisational and attitudinal. The Rajapaksas equated fighting the pandemic with fighting a human/organisational enemy like the LTTE. Doctors were marginalised and generals put in charge. The victims of the virus were seen as enemy-agents, human carriers, deserving not sympathy but suspicion and hostility. Patients were not diagnosed but ‘apprehended’ and quarantine was turned into incarceration. Consistent attempts were made, including by the army commander, politicians, and media, to depict Muslims as deliberate virus-spreaders. Even in the midst of the pandemic, the Muslims remained the enemy.

Instead of ordering vaccines early, the regime promoted efforts to find a native panacea. Eliyantha White’s Kundalini power water pots were succeeded by Kali and Ritigala concoctions. Scarce resources were wasted researching a concoction made by a construction worker according to a recipe given to him by a goddess in a dream.

No other government could have piled up so many errors with such little cost. The Rajapaksas could because of their mastery in weaponising religion. Their Sinhala-Buddhist supremacist rhetoric constituted a Teflon cover, concealing and protecting their familial agenda. Until the Delta variant plowed a deadly path across the length and breadth of Sri Lanka, the majority community ignored reality and believed in their promises.

Now death’s knock is too loud to miss, too regular to ignore. The Rajapaksa promise of a Sinhala-Buddhist homeland has turned the island into a graveyard for all its people.

To bring back fear and hate

“If those who asked for a lockdown understood Gota’s ‘boxing of the ear’ they won’t ask for a lockdown again,” Mahinda Pathirana, a prominent regime-supporter, was reported exulting on social media. He was right. The presidential speech is a ‘You’ll soon be eating your own demand’ type diatribe against all those who advocated a lockdown, from medical experts and frontline health workers to chief prelates, traders and ordinary people.

By August 20th, 79 towns had gone into self-lockdown. That process marked a watershed moment. It was organised not by the opposition but by traders associations and local people, buyers and sellers, vendors and consumers, acting as citizens, in self-defence. Most of these lockdowns happened not in opposition strongholds, not in minority areas, but in Rajapaksa bastions where Sinhala-Buddhists predominate and the SLPP control local government bodies. The government used the economy to oppose lockdown demands from medical experts and health workers. The local marketplaces responded by locking themselves down one by one.

Other discordant notes are coming from even more unexpected quarters. Ajith Nivard Cabral was a Rajapaksa acolyte of the most slavish variety. But even he seemed to have reached a semi-breaking point. In the recent cabinet reshuffle, several institutions under his already truncated ministry were given to Namal Rajapaksa, leaving him with only one. He had reportedly written to the Rajapaksas suggesting that his last remaining institution too be given to young Namal.

Dissent without and dissent within. Little wonder the president sounded so ill-used.

‘Dictator Inflation’ is a phrase coined by Hungarian economist and psychologist Péter Kréko to describe an old habit of tyrants – trying to create the impression that they are more powerful than they actually are. As the Rajapaksas move to re-impose their authority on a fracturing government and a dissenting electorate, this could be the path they opt for – recreating illusions of omnipotence and omnipresence, powerful enough to protect the faithful and take down dissenters.   

One tactic would be selective repression, picking on vulnerable targets and targets of opportunity. This could include Tamils and Muslims as well as social-media activists of all ethnicities and religions. The process has already begun. This month saw a failed attempt to abduct R Sivaraja, the editor of Thamilan newspaper and the arrest of journalist Keerthi Ratnayake of Lanka e news over a story he had written. Najith Indika, a young doctor working with Covid-19 patients in Awissawella was visited by the CID over a social media post he had written about people dying like flies. The CCD is reported to have paid a call on social media activist Tushara Hettiarachchi as well.

These repressive practices are likely to increase during the lockdown period. Ananda Palitha, a UNP trade union leader was arrested on Saturday over a statement he made about a possible fuel shortage. Other arrests are likely to follow since the lockdown renders protests against such repressive measures difficult if not impossible.

Another, more dangerous tactic would be to recreate an enemy. The regime needs to divert Sinhala-Buddhist attention from pandemic fears and growing economic misery. The likeliest candidate would be Muslims, though an attempt to resurrect the ‘Undead Tiger’ cannot be ruled out. A powerful and protective government that can stand between a deadly enemy and the threatened Sinhalese – it is a narrative that had served the Rajapaksas well in the past. But will it work again? Will the Sinhala-Buddhists allow the Rajapaksas to promise them life and deliver death one more time?

Latest comments

  • 19

    Still some greedy people want the entire island as one nation. What a tragedy!

    At the very least now, split the island equitably into 3 mono ethnic nations and relocate people. Let’s together end this tyranny of the “one nation”. It failed and fails every time. It is a country to die, not a country to live.

    The island was rarely a one nation in history. Why now? Makes no sense. Learn to accept equity and fairness people or continue to suffer.

    • 9

      Thisaranee, you have lost the plot! Wake up!
      Afghanistan ruined by US for 40 years is a country to die in!
      However, as US quits Afghanistan Covid-19 has dissappeared.
      No US, No fake PCR tests and No Covid-19 .
      Covid-19 is part of the new US ‘Over the Horizon” war strategy – remote regime change through information and technology manipulation.
      Covid-19 is a PCR technology hoax to destabilize countries and attack their economies with lockdowns.
      US DeepState and War machine with its haybid, cyber wars are using Covid-19 infodemic to destroy economies in Asia – to make AMerica Great Again. But this too will back fire like the Easter attacks in Lanka in 2019 meant to set up a US military base to fight the US-Saudi-Israeli ISIS project. US is moving out of Afghanistan and into Indian Ocean region to attack China, having failed to turn Myanmar into another Syria or Libya. Now everyone knows the Covid-19 project is part of hybrid cyber-techno warfare as the empire smashes into smithereens.!

      • 9

        In Afghanistan where more people have died due to American war crimes than anywhere in Asia due to Covid, Covid 19 has disappeared.?!!!
        No US , No fake PCR tests, No Covid-1-19.
        US soldiers are not wearing masks in Afghanistan! The mask has fallen off!
        Covid-19 is part of US information war to de-stabilize the global economy and capture assets through digital technology

      • 10

        Dinuk, may be TG lost the plot whereas you lost your marbles. Read your comment. Tangential, circumstantial ranting and rambling.

      • 7

        ‘Now everyone knows the Covid-19 project is part of hybrid cyber-techno warfare as the empire smashes into smithereens.!’
        You have been watching too many science-fiction movies mate.

    • 12

      Srilanken leadership has become to jokers hand.
      Amidst rocketing death numbers, they have allowed KANDY perahara to move on the streets last night… with Elephants become uncontrollable levels going beyond to the levels of Rajaakshe mentality.
      Not anyone with some sanity would ever respect the kind of insane acts of a leader. But Gota s SLAVEs make their USUAL comments… that the bugger has been doing a great job with VACCINATION. To my sadeness. not a single person within Rajapkshes circles have not yet claimed any deaths. This shhould at least today be comprehensible to SRILANKEN slaves…. These Rajapakshes grabed the power to get exonerated from their CRIME investigations only, no matter even deaths would be passing 30 000 soon. They are mlechcha by every means even if it is not interpreted by PINGUTHTHARYA COMMUNITY adequately.

    • 3

      The RAJAPAKSES are still consider the innocent Muslim men, women and children as enemies and they have given strict rules to the racist Govt workers in the the govt sectors, the health sector (especially) and the military to make every MUSLIM a POSITIVE CASE, through the PCR (the Dumb machine which science will not detect any virus or disease, but only does magnifying of the genetic materials found in the Human, plants or animal’s cells or part of its samples when obtained for testing) The Muslim’s samples may be run at 60-65 round cycle level to get the FALSE POSITIVE to BEGIN THE PERSECUTION of the SINHALA BUDDHIST GOVT., run by the GOVIGAMA RULING ELITE MAFIA gangsters “Rajapakse Criminals”.There is a latest audio clip which is shared by the Muslims especially in the BERUWALA area with voice recording of a Lady Doctor called Dr. RUSHDA. She begins her advice and WARNING to the Muslim community saying that ” ALL MUSLIMS even if they are tested or not tested by PCR, ARE COVID POSITIVE” (The Dumb Science of the majority of Sri Lankan Medical professionals, Professors, and Specialists connected to the govt.,)…….and they should provide full information about the members of the families and Dr. Rushda is a member of the Govt Task force formed with military to track and trace everyone and BE VACCINATED against their will

      • 1

        There is a nice youtube video done by Sudaththa, as the last interview with Mangala Samaraweera… on “Talk with Sudaththa” Title: Mey Vidihata giyoth Rata Iwarai”
        At 20:58 In the video timeline, Sudaththa posed a question as why Mangala cannot try to become the Executive President. Managala made a mistake by revealing his future plan that will be deadly to the Rajapakse criminals. This must have seen by the present crooked Rajapakses and MAYBE, Mangala would have been killed in the hospital in the process on this point in becoming a powerful figure, like the Executive President to correct the wrongs of the system, in the near future and this would have alarmed the Rajapakse crooks. The present ruling cabal surely will not take Mangala’s aspiration easily. They know Mangala’s will power and the fearlessness when it come to meeting a challenge. It was also suspected that Kadirgamar was also being destroyed by the same reason as he was ambitious in becoming the PM. Muslim Congress leader Ashraff also had a dream of becoming a vice president in a US style democracy being implemented in Sri Lanka and he was also got killed…. Fishy, but can be true…..

    • 8


      Mangala’s passing away this morning has not been reported in CT.
      It was Mangala who lift the ban on CT in Sri Lanka immediately after UNP won the elections in 2015.

      Although it is a sad occasion people should celebrate his life and time on this earth.

    • 3

      “The island was rarely a one nation in history.”
      Who told you? May be someone who does not know the history of Sinhale.
      Sinhale is the country where Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo evolved and live in harmony for thousands of years. This country became multi-ethnic only after Sinhala Buddhists saved Muslim refugees from Hindusthan and Arab traders from persecution by Portuguese and allowed them to settle down in interior parts of the country and Sinhalayo accommodated millions of Dravidians brought to Sinhale by colonial rulers.
      If you have a problem living with Native Sinhalayo in their country please pack your bag and leave allowing peace loving people from Tamil and Muslim communities to live with Sinhalayo.
      No more room for separatists.

    • 3

      Yes Veddah , Sinhalese and Eelam Tamil. The rest are all recent migrants from India or from eleswhere and have no ancient history of a homeland or ruling or owning land in the island. Have the right to live as free and equal citizens but no right to a homeland. Espeicall a homelands based on religion and a fake Arab origin

      • 3


        “Have the right to live as free and equal citizens but no right to a homeland. “

        When and where did you get the “IDEA” of homeland?
        Homeland is a relatively new concept.

        • 3

          Homeland is a not a new concept but had always been there. Ancient. England, Deutchland, Espaniola, Russian, Nippon, Korea tp name a few. Nations were formed on the basis of a homeland. Some for only one ethnic group or race and others an amalgam of many ethnic homelands. However, a so called Islamic homeland for immigrant South Indian Dravidian Tamil converts to Islam, now for political and econimic advantage, claiming an exclusive Arab origin and heritatge, that they hardly have and arrived in the island, a few centuries ago, esepcially to the east as refugees, is a very new concept, that is now being enoucouraged by Islamic extremists within the island and outside the island, as well as the Sinhalese establishment to deliberately muddy the waters and deny the island’s Tamils justice and to steal as much as possible of their ancient homeland .

          • 2

            People like Gatam are it constant advocates. Strange that this so called Islamic homeland is only to be exclusively in the Tamil parts of the island where only 28% of the island’s Muslims live, speaking the same language,sharing the same heritage and ethnicity as the Tamils. Nothing in the Sinhalese areas where 72% of them live with many Muslim majority towns and villages. The reason is the Sinhalese will never allow any sort of Islamic or other homelands in their lands. This is why they illegally used their majority power, soon after independence to make the Indian origin estate Tamils stateless. The Muslim’s are also aware of the repurcussions if they claim any part of the Sinhalese south as part tof the Islamic homeland. However they feel Tamils are now weak, therefore they will get away with this, especially with the encouragement of the Sinhalese establishment and certain Islamic nations. Islam is a religion ans not an ethnicity and a so called nation or homeland based solely on religion has never worked. See what happened to Pakistan. Largely Pashtun Islamic extremist Taliban ruling Afghanistan will also not work or be chaotic, as the Tazjic, Uzbeks , Hazaras and other ethnic minorities do not want the or like them.

          • 3


            “Homeland is a not a new concept but had always been there. Ancient. England,”

            The word first came into use in 1600, according to available evidence. If you want to convince us otherwise please provide evidence.

            • 4

              The word may have come into use in western concept in the 1600, mainly as one homeland for one ethnic group, however this conept has been there from ancient times. The land of the Tamil people was called Tamilakam from ancient times meaning the Tamil homeland, which then encompassed, what is modern Tamil Nadu, Kerala, the island of Sri Lanka and most of Southern Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Even other ancient people speak of their homeland. If it is otherwise you prove it and stop wasting my time , trying to be smart.

              • 4

                The concept of homeland is where once national, racial, ethnic or cultural identity was born has been there from ancient times. It usually has ethnic conotations, like ones motherland, mother country or father land , depending on the culture of the people or the nationality. Russians call Russia as mother Russia meaning the Russian homeland or nation. This an ancient word. Similarly Iran or Aryana meaning the land of the Aryan nation. Germanic people call their lands as Fatherland meaning the land of our forefathers. The Ancient Greek patris, fatherland, led to patrios, of our fathers and thence to the Latin patriota and Old French patriote, meaning compatriot; from these the English word patriotism is derived. The related Ancient Roman word Patria led to similar forms in modern Romance languages.

        • 3

          Is home with land a new concept?

          • 2

            Veddahs are a nomadic hunter gatherer group, therefore the concept of a home with land is new to them.

            • 1

              All Veddas I see in Youtube are very much sure of what home and surrounding land is.

              Waving by hands and pointing by fingers at the expanse of the surrounding land scape, they all say it is their home.

              Being the first migrants to this Island and are able to survive and protect their existence despite against all odds of marauding and massacring Lion-conceiveds to disease spreading Europeans, do not underestimate Veddas.

              • 1

                But this Veddah states that there is no such thing as a homeland . May be only no homeland for Tamils but for everyone else. Even for recently migrated fake Arab, Dravidian Islamic converts from Tamil Nadu who came to the eastern Sri Lanka as refugees, a few centuries ago and were given refuge and Tamil Hindu Mukkuva women to marry as they were Tamils. Now want to steal the homeland of the very people who gave them refuge, as they were fellow Tamils on the basis of Islam and a fake Arab origin. If the local Tamils had converted to Isam and now claim for a homeland it is another story but these people are outsiders from South India, came begging for refuge as fellow Tamils and now after a few generations, state the actual indigenous Tamils and Tamilized Veddah, who gave them refuge do not belong but the land is theirs. No wonder the people are vary of these Islamic refugees , as once established in their adopted land, they want to take over the land from the original population.

  • 27

    Ms Gunasekara,
    All is now ruined as of today. All these aer due to lack of proper knowledge. A man who was publicly known as an alleged high criminal, became the leader of the nation. Unlike the days of PISSU siirsena, Nandasena s became even strong with the 20A.
    People have to sacrifice their lives for the political surivival of Rajapakshes.
    I don t think those voters 6.9mio would at least today, realize what was behind the return of Rajapkshes

    • 1

      Mr. eLM……
      And we will elect him again on 2024.
      You can kiss my …….

      • 0

        Ms SCP,
        what else can we expect from you the kind of curseful creatures. ?
        Please go ahead with your kind of slave mindedeness. Btw, you the kind of ones that practise the oldest should have more chances these days right ?

    • 6

      ‘…………..an alleged High Criminal became the leader of the nation’ yes! elected by criminal minded people.? Subsequently supported by the Criminally Minded MP,S the trio-Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims with ‘WEAPON 20’.

  • 24

    Will the Sinhala-Buddhists allow the Rajapaksas to promise them life and deliver death one more time? Yes they will not only the Chingkalla Puthams but most Chingkalla Protestants and Catholics too. It is not only the Rajapakses but any other racist Chingkalla politician who promisses the same thing, as seen from the time of independence. Opress and marginalize the Thamizh more Chingalla votes, now ever the Thullukans, who were their former partners in the anti Thamizh genoicidal Baila dance. The reason Chinghallams are obsesssed and brainwashed with the Mahavamsa fairy tale. that states the land only belongs to them and Lord Buddha promissed this land, Just like the Jewish god promissed ancient Palestine to the Jews. Lord Buddah or Yahweh never promissed any set of people any land or island, as their excluvive homeland and the island from ancient times has also been the homeland of the Eezham Thamizh, who have an older history than the Chingkallams and had lived, owned and ruled 1/3 of the island and still are tjhe majority in most of their historic homeland.

    • 22

      Chingkallams also believe that they are pure Aryans, descened from a lion mating with a princess, somewhere in North India and the progney ( something biologically impossible) of this unusual mating commited incest and produced a Rowdy Baby prince named Vijaya, who with other 700 Rowdies, were all banished from some LA LA land somewhere in modern Bangladesh and they landed in the island, where after fornicating withe local Dravidian Yakshinins , they married 700 Thamizh Pandian naughty girls and their offspring were the original Chingkallams. The Vijaya story is a myth and if some North Indian immigrants arrived and took Thamizh wives, the so called original Chingkallams from inception itself were half Thamizh. What about all the Dravidin Thamizh and semi Thamizh Elu speaking Naga and Yakka who had lived in the island ? Many of whom converted to Buddhism and corrupted their Thamizh with Pali and created the modern Chingkalla identity and language. These people would have made up the vast majority of the ancient Chingkallams , not the half North Indian half Thamizh rowdie baby immigrants from India. They would have been a very small minority who would have soon got assimilated.

      • 20

        Other than this original migration from North India, all later migration from ancient to recent times is largely from then Thamizh South India( Kerala and Thamizh Nadu) andmost of the modern Chingkallams are descened from them. No wonder they share a 70% DNA with Indian Thamizh, yet they believe they are Aryan and the Thullukans believe they are Arab. The power of fairy tales told to young gullible minds as truth lasts foreever. Promissed lands, Aryan/Arab myth. Even when they become aults and can analize they still believe in these myths and create havoc.

        • 4

          Pandi Kutti,
          “…all later migration from ancient to recent times is largely from then Thamizh South India( Kerala and Thamizh Nadu) andmost of the modern Chingkallams are descened from them.

          No question that Dravidians came to Sinhale. They came either as invaders, colonizers or coolies to work for colonial rulers.

    • 7

      Pandi Kutti,
      “The reason Chinghallams are obsesssed and brainwashed with the Mahavamsa fairy tale.”

      Are you saying Ven. Mahanama, a Dravidian from Hindusthan spent his time to write a fairly-tale for Native Sinhalayo based on records kept by Buddhist monks in Sinhale?

      If it is fairy-tale why:
      • Sir Alexander Johnston, Chief Justice of the British Ceylon, sent the manuscript of Mahawansha to Europe for translation and publication?
      • Eugène Burnouf produced a Romanized transliteration and translation into Latin in 1826?
      • Edward Upham published an English translation in 1833?
      • George Turnour, an historian and officer of the Ceylon Civil Service did another translation in 1837 correcting some errors in the previous translation?
      • German scholar Wilhelm Geiger translated Mahawansha from Pali to German in 1912 and Mabel Haynes Bode translated that to English?
      • Bishop R. S. Copleston wrote: It is one of the peculiar distinctions of the Island, that from early times it has possessed historians. The Sinhalese stand alone, or almost alone, among the Indian peoples as having had an interest in history. Their Chronicles are the oldest, I believe, …” (Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch) JCBRAS XII, No.43, 1892, pp161-172)?

      • 7

        Still trying ot quote outdated theories and conclusions that were made by White Supremacist European colonials with a White Aryan supremacist complex, who jumped on to anything that supported Aryan supremacy. Even if it was fiction. Mahavamsa has now been proved to have lots of fiction and lies mixed with facts and constantly gives an anti Thamizh slant. to make out the island’s Thamizh who did not covert to Buddhism or converted and reconverted back and retained their ancient Thamizh identity, instaed of evolving as Chingkallams as outsiders who do not belong. Especially after Buddhism died out in its original Indian homeland, including the Thamizh country in South India, that was one of the centres of world Buddhism then. Funny it as oer Mahavamsa the Pandian Thamizh were good but the Chola Thamizh were outsiders and barbaric enemy invaders, as the former were the allies of the Chingkallams and the so called Chingkalla royalty was a branch of the Pandians, however the later were the enemies of the Pandians and the allies of the Eezham Thamizh. By trying to prove the Thamizh were outsiders and do not belong , the Mahavamsa only proved the opposite it proved that the island’s Thamizh were here from very ancient times and large parts of the island was occupied by them and were ruled by them.

        • 7

          Mahavams is the story of the Chingkallams and their kingdoms and has nothing to do with the island’s Thamizh of their history and kingdomes, therefore what makes you state Thamizh did not exist. Even as per your Mahavamsa the king who converted to Buddhism was a Thamizh Saivite and so was Duttgemunu’s father Kaavan or Kaakai Vanna Theesan.

          The Mahavamsa only proved the opposite it proved that the island’s Thamizh were here from very ancient times and large parts of the island was occupied by them and were ruled by them. Mahavams is the story of the Chingkallams and their kingdoms and has nothing to do with the island’s Thamizh of their history and kingdomes, therefore what makes you state Thamizh did not exist. Even as per your Mahavamsa the king who converted to Buddhism was a Thamizh Saivite and so was Duttgemunu’s father Kaavan or Kaakai Vanna Theesan. Modern archeological findings as well as DNA clearly proves that the island’s Thamizh have been here as long or even longer than the Chingkallams and the Chingkallams largely evolved from Thamizh or Semi Thamizh speaking indigenous Dravidian tribes, who converted to Buddhism and corrupted their Thamizh with Pali and Sanskrit, that largely arrived with Buddhism and also other Indian immigrants again largely from the Thamizh country in South India.

          • 8

            DNA studies also proves this. 35=40% of Chingkalla vocabulary is derived from Thamizh. Its grammer, syntax, lexicon and alphabet is purely derived from Thamizh and not from Sanskrit or Pali. Just look at the Chingkalla culture, dress, dance forms, music , food , festivals and even the Hindu gods worshipped all from South India. Modern Thamizh Nadu and Kerala. Nothing from northern India. The racist British colonials did not analyse anything properly and were looking everthing throut white Eurpean colonial Aryan supremacist glasses and created a lot myths and lies, that are still creating problems. They never had access to modern DNA and archeological technology or even read the Mahavamsa properly. Bunch of European racists who are the cause of all this problems and still will not acknowledge their mistake.
            Just look at the Chingkalla culture, dress, dance forms, music , food , festivals and even the Hindu gods worshipped all from South India. Modern Thamizh Nadu and Kerala. Nothing from northern India. The racist British colonials did not analyse anything properly and were looking everthing throut white Eurpean colonial Aryan supremacist glasses and created a lot myths and lies, that are still creating problems. They never had access to modern DNA and archeological technology or even read the Mahavamsa properly. Bunch of European racists who are the cause of all this problems and still will not acknowledge their mistake.

      • 8

        Eagle Beagle, stop posting outdated rubbish fromn 1892 and then stating that no findings and discoveries were made and this outdated rubbish still stands. A few centuries ago, that stated the world was flat and the earth is the centre of the universe and the sun revolved around the earth. In Europe anyone who disputed this was even killed brutally for heresy. Your Mahavamsa story is the same. New sceintific methods, DNA testing and archeologinal findings have now proven, that the Mahavamsa is full of fairy tales, myths, lies and anti Tamil diatribe, that is mixed with facts of what happened in the Sinhalese parts of the island. Now DNA together with proper history have proved that the Sinhalese are largely descended from Tamil people. Indigenous and Indian immigrants. The so called North Indian element is only minor. Even as per your Mahavamsa the so called original Sinhalese were half Tamil from the very inception and later they assimilated the local Tamil Dravidian tribes and many of the Indian immigrants, again largely Tamil. New archeological evidence and findings are proving that after the Vedda it was the Saivite Dravidian semi Tamil speaking tribes , ow called Naga and Yakka , who were there in the island, long before a people called Sinhalese evolved or Buddhism arrived.

      • 4


        I bet all these people never seen in their life how a lion copulated with a lioness.

        Otherwise, they would have either thrown it in the bin or named it Maha-comics.

        • 7

          KA, I bet all these people never seen Eagle doing the same. (copulating with Lions?? monkey possible as long Eagle doesn’t open his mouth ) .That may be the reason they call it “TRAGICOMIC”.

    • 5

      Pandi Kutti,
      “Eezham Thamizh, who have an older history than the Chingkallams and had lived, owned and ruled 1/3 of the island and still are tjhe majority in most of their historic homeland.”
      Are you disputing what the eminent Tamil historians like S. Arasaratnam and K. Indrapala said that Dravida settlements in Sinhale started in the 12th and 13th centuries?
      Sinhalayo have chronicles like Deepawansha, Mahawansha, Chulawansha, Rajawansha, Seehala Atta Katha that contain historical facts. Do Tamils who were confined to Yapanaya peninsula until colonial rulers took them to other parts of the country have any documents like that?

    • 0

      Pandi Kutti, In the 1st book of bible Gen.15,18 it says “Lord made a covenant with Abram saying, To your descendants I have given this land from the river of Egypt to the great river of Euphrates” People use this to make similar fake counterfeit claims. It is a fact that whenever jews went x3 captivities and after their consequences, were always brought back to Israel.

      • 7

        I know the bible very well as I am a Protestant Christian. You do not have to preach to me. I am not a bible thumping Christian extremistwho literally takes everything written in the bible at face value, especially all that cruelty and sex that comes in the old testament. You have to read through and get the hidden meanings and the context, history and era when all this was written. Many parts of the Bible, especially the old testament was written in Hebrew, then in Aramaic, later the new testament largely writted in Greek and all translated from one language to another and many of the original meanings and context were lost in translations.

        • 8

          Example in many ancient societies are young girl or woman before marriage was called a virgin, irrespective of what was the real status, as they were supposed to be. Even now in Thamizh a young girl or woman is still called Kanni or Kanni pen , which literally means virgin. This was a common way of referring to a young female at that time and you do not take the translation literally. At than time the domestic animals lived next to the house or underneath the main home. Even now if you go to rural India and the middles east or western Asia they still do. This was done for safety and to give heat in Western Asia during cold months, It was not a commonthing for women to give birth there, if the house was crowded or for orivacy from children and males. Please take to message of love compassion and forgiveness that comes from the Bible but do not literally take everything and interpret them. Then extremism starts. Display the Christian love, compassion, humility and forviness that Lord Jesus Christ stated and not be righteous, judgemental and unforgiving of others. Presmume you know the Lord’s Prayer about sins forving and trespass.

          • 9

            It was quite common thing to give birth at the a stable to where the domestic animals were and not a common thing.

            • 9

              Therefore when you speak or explain the peasant or poor person in India or Middle East or another part of the still developing world you do not state and emphasize that he was born in a stable as they will think or reply ” big deal so was I or some or many of my siblings and close relatives were also born in a stable or place where our domestic animals were kept as there was no room in our small hut home or whatever. You need to explain he also had a very humble birth, like some ordinary poor person or peasant, at that time and not been born in a palace or manor home, as he was one of us and came from a poor ordinary background and from the downtrodden. Therefore he was born in a stable, just like many of the poor, humble and down trodden were born at that time. This is where he was chosen to be born. As he came for the eveyone but mainly for the poor and downtrodden. This will make them appreciate the reason why he was born there and the context. Hope you read your bible very well David the GOOOd and see the real meaning of the message that is really there.

            • 0

              Common to give birth in a stable? How about a pig sty?

              • 2

                Is that where you were born? In a Viking pig sty? Sorry for not mentioning this. Please do not be offended.

      • 8

        Are some Christian religious extremist nut case?

        • 5

          Sorry meant that for David whatever and not for PK

          • 0

            Why apologize?
            It nicely fits the latter.

            • 2

              I see, you have now been allowed by the moderator to comment again. It also fits you too. Nutty and spiteful.

        • 3


          “Are some Christian religious extremist nut case?”

          All religious practices are deemed necessary however all religious practices are necessary for nutters its like opium, similar to patriotism/nationalism, ……..only crooks and murderers need them.

  • 31

    I don’t know whether to cry or laugh about the status of our nation. The fact is that seven decades of Buddhist Fundamentalist rule gave us this status of poverty and brutality of the man made disasters. The Buddhist people gave up Lord Buddha’s way and created evils to destroy this island. When the Jaffna library was burnt or people were dragged from home in Colombo in 1958, 1977 or 1983 again and again the country celebrated.
    When the motherland butchered over 50000 innocents in 2009 the Buddhist celebrated it as a victory. Nobody shed a drop of tear when Pirabhaharan’s son was shot dead. When the surrendered youths were murdered Buddhists celebrated.
    In 2019, the hero emerged again from USA to the motherland with a call to save Buddhist who suffered from Easter Bombing. What a wonderful Islamic Terrorism without not a single damage to Buddhists or Muslims? Not surprised?

    • 6

      “Buddhists celebrated”
      Sinhala Buddhists did not celebrate for any of the things that you have mentioned. Sinhalayo did celebrate after the Government and Sri Lanka Armed Forces managed to defeat Tamil separatists who passed Vadukkodei Resolution to create a separate State to Tamils who came from Hindusthan to work for colonial rulers in Yapanaya and declared war against Sinhalayo and massacred Sinhalayo for three decades to grab their land.
      When LTTE suicide bombers killed Sinhalayo, LTTE sympathizers in Yapanaya celebrated.

  • 31

    Some of our leaders owe allegiance to another country, their family members live “the good life” there.
    They have the infamous “dual citizenship”‘
    They do not owe anything to Sri Lanka.
    But they enjoy the perks and privileges.
    Why is this allowed by our constitution?
    This does not happen in other countries.
    The vociferous Buddhist clergy do not question this either.

    • 5

      all these were public secret to the voters, neverthless, they wanted Rajapkshes be back and ruin the nation.
      Psychologists prove it, once raped women and men tend to go after their rapists for known reasons. Likewise, majority of people twisted by SINHALA BUDDHISM cant be without high criminals and their acts.
      Please check the facts for your further note. This is the reality also in other like minded society. SOUTH asia is the place where 30% of IQ bearers in the world. So if you or anyone would expect otherway around… that is like waiting until pigs might fly oneday
      God bless srilanka

  • 5

    195 people died on that day, according to official figures, driving the total count distressingly close to 7000
    Not a single person has died from this imaginary virus.
    Repeating a lie a million times wont make it the truth no matter what joseph goebbels said.

    • 9

      Humble, with your Freemason obsession you sound rather like one of those old LP records when they got stuck in a groove. What’s the problem – did you want to join the Freemasons and they rejected you? Is that the reason for your abiding grouse?
      As for the ‘imaginary virus’ from which ‘no single person has died’, I urge you to spend a day at the National Hospital, breathing in the clean virus free air. No mask, of course. Wouldn’t want to think you’re a hypocrite.
      I have known too many people dead of this imaginary virus of yours to be able to tolerate the crap that you put out. You speak of God but you are pure evil. I generally wish no harm to others but I must say I hope the day will come when you and/or someone close to you has a direct experience of the ‘imaginary virus’.
      Then justice will be done.
      You quote God often so here’s one for you: “Vengeance is mine, says the Lord. I will repay”.
      Be assured, He will.

      • 0

        did you want to join the Freemasons and they rejected you?
        I would never sell my soul to the devil for material wealth and power.

      • 1

        someone close to you has a direct experience of the ‘imaginary virus’
        Actually someone i know (who is a freemason) claimed he fell very ill with covid.
        I knew he was lying to trick me into taking the vaccine. And sure enough i saw him in front of his house walking around though he told me on the phone he was bed ridden and could not get out.
        And yes i wont be surprised if people i know do end up dropping dead in the future, but not from this fake pandemic but the vaccine. I know many who have been jabbed twice already and waiting to get more shots.

      • 4

        You quote God often so here’s one for you: “Vengeance is mine, says the Lord. I will repay”
        Two entries from the real gematria database (i can give many more examples) where god speaks on the covid hoax and the media who keep pushing it:

        1) ‘i am el and i declare the
        vaccines are poison and
        they destroy the soul and
        therefore all covid 19
        vaccines must be
        destroyed in the name of
        god and love amen-‘ 7804 (jewish) 7980 (English) 1330 (Simple)

        2) ‘i am about to start
        killing off members of
        the media’ – 1551 (jewish) 2742 (English) 457 (Simple)

  • 5

    He also seemed to trivialise Covid-19 deaths by stating that most victims…………were unvaccinated
    Isnt that the official line being pushed by freemasons world wide right now?
    So why make it sound like he is not following the masonic script given to him?

  • 10

    Less than 20 years later, the Taliban, born of those men in turbans, would take down the Twin Towers and attack Pentagon
    9/11 was officially blame on a saudi based group called al qaeda and not the afghani taliban.
    In reality it was an international operation that included many freemasons.
    5 israeli men were caught dancing on the street when the twin towers were hit:

    • 7

      Humble’s freemasons surely entertain.

    • 7

      Humble hope you believe in your own parents. Pray that DNA doesn’t reveal freemasons.

  • 33

    Who said there was no equal treatment of people in Sri Lanka? Having killed Tamils and Muslims, now, the Sinhalese are being given equal treatment by being killed by a virus spread through a government that priorities the profit of cronies over the lives of the people. The virus treats everyone equally. The Wheel of Karma always turn. The mills of God always grind. There is no escape. Time will tell us that. It is best to realise that this island belongs to all its citizens and not to the Sinhala-Busshists only. Give up the mindless Mahavamsa bullshit. It is not the paniya, astrology or the milk pots in the river but the vaccines which will enable the overcoming of this pandemic. Let us try to belong to the world outside and respect each other’s lives.

    • 5

      Thousands of Tamils and Muslims have also died from the virus so far.

    • 5

      “It is best to realise that this island belongs to all its citizens and not to the Sinhala-Busshists only. Give up the mindless Mahavamsa bullshit.”

      This island belong to people who developed the country from scratch and not to people who came as invaders and destroyed the work done by Native Sinhalayo or those who came to Sinhale from Hindusthan to help colonial rulers to exploit this country and oppressed Native people.

      Mahawansha is a ‘BULLSHIT’ for Tamils because it has documented the great achievements of Native Sinhalayo. Tamils do not have a single document like Mahawansha to showcase their history in Sinhale although they claim that they were here from “the dawn of time”.

      Can you mention a single significant contribution Tamils made to develop this country?

      • 7

        How come this great fairy tale, so called achievement of the Sinhalese was written in the Pali language and not in the Sinhalese language? Which itself proves that at the time the Sinhalese language was not that great and still had not evolved, into a developed literary language. Even is the great Mahavihara at Anuradhapura, the monks had to be compusorily fluent in Pali, Sanskrit and Tamil and not in Sinhalese, again proving that the so called Sinhalese language at that period, was not a devoloped and was still evolving. ” Can you mention a single significant contribution that the Tamils mand to develope this land” . The very foundation of the Sinhalese people, their language and culture are the Tamil people the Tamil language and cultre. Without the Tamil people, the Tamil language and culture, there will be no Sinhalese, Malayalam, Kannada and Telugu. The city of Anuradhapura wa founded long before a people called Sinhalese or Buddhism arrived by Saivite Tamil Nagas. No north Indian bandit and his 700 hundred bandit friends, could have established a largel city within a century or two. The second ancient capital Polanaruwa or Pula Nari was founded by the Tamil Cholas and all the anncient Hindu and Buddhist monuments there were built by them. Typical South Indian archtecture, that the Sinhalese are falesely portraying as theirs.

        • 6

          The Kandy lake, the Dalada Maligawa( from the Tamil word for Palace Malikai) and the kings audience hall Pathirupuwa( Pathu irrupu in Tamil meaning to sit and look or observe) were built by the Tamil Naicker kings.
          The entire ancient tank/Irrigation system is a carbon copy of the irrigation and tank system found in Tamil Nadu and lots of it was built by Tamil kings. Many of your greatest so called Sinhalese kings like Parakrama Bahu, Sapumal Kumaraya were all Tamils. The king who converted to Buddhism Thevanai Namniya Theesan the son of Mootha Sivan was a Saivite Tamil Naga king. The so called king who saved Buddhism Dutta Kaimunu again is a Tamil Naga. He was the son of Kaavan Theesan or Kakkai Vanna Theesan. Many of your ancient eminnent Buddhist monks from the Mahavihara, who contributed to Buddhism were Tamils eg. Buddhaghosha. If not for the Tamil Buddhist monk Bodhi Dharman there will be no Kaolin/Kungu or Zen Buddhism in China and Japan.

  • 22

    Until we have honest, compassionate, and competent leaders, who put the needs of the people and country over their greed, lust for power, and dishonesty, we will have to live in this predicament.
    It is sad, but we seem to sinking deeper into this quagmire, and there is no hope things will turn around for the better in the near future. Regime after regime, each one worse than the other.
    Sri Lanka voted for a clown, and got a circus.

    • 3

      “Until we have honest, compassionate, and competent leaders, who put the needs of the people and country over their greed, lust for power, and dishonesty,…”

      What you say applies perfectly well to separatist Tamil politicians who promoted LTTE and Muslim politicians who promoted Wahhabi extremists. They never bothered about the country or the people except their political survival. Both these groups promoted terrorism that ruined this country.

  • 19

    “I will abandon all honours and will return Mother, to (undertake) the endeavour of protecting you.”
    Unfortunately it has turned into a case of rape and matricide.

  • 26

    Ms. Tisaranee Gunasekara a sharp and revealing article based on facts, as usual but stimulating us to look within us, too. You have brought up a very sensitive but basic fact that touches our innermost souls.
    We are a religious people and hopefully spiritual too but led blindly most times by religious leaders sponsored by political figures. The 2019 and 2020 elections were played out on this basis.

    Your statement: “Now we are living through the tragic consequences of those atavistic choices. When politics and religion waltz, their dance is death” speaks well about our nation. And our people applauded and goaded them on.
    “Will the Sinhala-Buddhists allow the Rajapaksas to promise them life and deliver death one more time?” My heart tells me “yes they will” but I hope and pray I’m wrong.

    • 3

      “…led blindly most times by religious leaders sponsored by political figures. The 2019 and 2020 elections were played out on this basis.”
      Sinhale is a country where Buddhist monks have played a role in guiding the rulers as well as the people in the country. At the 2019 and 2020 elections, Buddhist monks played a role to oust anti-Sinhala and anti-Buddhist ‘Jadapalana’ Government of Ra Nil and his ‘Royal Gang’. If they failed, Ra Nil could have abolish the ‘Unitary State’ and create a ‘Confederation’ of nine mini-Kingdoms.

  • 14

    That was a very good and enlightening article indeed.
    Reference “A powerful and protective government that can stand between a deadly enemy and the threatened Sinhalese – it is a narrative that had served the Rajapaksa’s well in the past. But will it work again?”
    I believe that they are so good at it and perfected the art/skill so well, even mesmerising, so called professionals, such as Viyath Maga and Pathfinder Foundation, they would be successful, given the gullibility of SL voters! I have no doubt, whatever at least for next couple of decades.
    There used to be a script before the ‘Forward page’ in the ELBS publication “Calculus made easy” by P Abbott which espoused, “What one fool can do another can do it better”
    No doubt, the epithet may well read in Rajapaksa chronicle, “What the fools did at the command of fools before could be improved to fool the foolish many times.”

  • 17

    The government’s abrupt lockdown and the statements made by medical experts don’t match.
    For example;
    a) Dr. Chandima Jeewandara, Head/Dept. of Immunology & Molecular Biology says Sri Lanka is the “first country where the Delta variant has three mutations”.
    b) Prof. Neelika Malavige, Dept. of Immunology & Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medical Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura says “four mutations of Delta variant have been identified in Sri Lanka”.
    I hope these two Doctors are aware of the seriousness of their findings.
    If Sri Lanka is the “first country in the world” where the Delta variant has three/four mutations, then the Health Ministry should immediately alert the DG/WHO about the new mutations, and also advise the government to close airports SO AS NOT TO SPREAD DEADLY DELTA VARIANTS BEYOND OUR BORDERS.
    This is no joke. As Doctors they, and as citizens we, have a responsibility to do our utmost to stop spreading new variants. We must remember that, not only Sri Lankan lives, but all life on earth matters.
    As the above-mentioned findings are really disturbing, a further clarification is necessary to avoid any confusion.
    Anyway, the entire pandemic is a business in Sri Lanka with constantly disputed data, sick obsession to be the first and the best, PCR/Antigen racket and 2 million missing vaccines.

    • 6

      Chamba, being born and brought up in Lanka you still haven’t understood this trait ?? In Lanka the statements given by politicians ,bureaucrats/administration, higher authorities mutates, much much faster than the virus itself. Didn’t you see four different version on curfew/lockdown from Shavendra, Johnston, Rambuk and Dr. Asela. Do you think Doctors are immune. Same with daily infection/death, vaccine procurement, distribution, information on hospital beds / oxygen / access to health care, essential food items and your own existence it self. Didn’t you notice mutation in statements / information related to ship wreck and Easter ??? poor you.

      • 5

        Initially mutation and variants were thought to be as many as zip code ( colombo 1, 2, 3 ) soon they may report according to street names. Today reports say Alpha is now replaced by Delta. The health minister may get replaced by variants. Same with Afghan situation too, there is already resistance against Taliban. It’s just time for rest to join the party. Whether Mujahedeen, Taliban, Al Qaida , ISIS, Hizbullah —- the virus keeps mutating and new variant keeps showing up., at times spreading across borders and no single entity can ever control it. Afghan may soon become center of source and Lanka may become center of variants / infection.

        • 6

          World is getting familiar to VARIANTS , where as we had mutations/variants all our life. 1) We had Rajapaksas variant MR, CR, NR, GR,BR — and we lived with it for more than 20 years. 2) We had variants here in CT Sumane, Lester, Ravi Perera and now replaced by DRS, Dinuk, Champa, Humble — . we have lived with it more than 20 years. 3) In Afghan they had Mujahedeen, Taliban, AQ, ISIS —- and they have lived with it through out history. 4) Same with virus too. WHO boss Tedros now says we may have to live with it.

    • 2

      Be positive.
      Every patient is a case study and thus a potential research paper.
      Every mutation will yield a clutch of research publications regardless of the patient.
      Think if the number of permutations possible.

      • 3

        SJ, I am trying, but considering the number of death it is difficult to be positive, especially when some could have been prevented.

        • 0

          Think of the US, UK and France if it is any consolation. The people are positive.

          • 0

            May be but they don”t have Rajapaksas and 6.9 million retards to elect them.

            • 2

              I guess you missed my variant comment MR, BR, GR, CR , NR ——–

    • 3

      Dear chiv,
      I have no idea who “Champa” is, but have begun to accept her as a woman.
      She has said, “all life on earth matters”. That is noteworthy; she does have a moral compass, despite some of her crazy assertions like there having been a Sinhala-Buddhist civilisation on this island for 48,000 years (i.e. “Balangoda Man” was a Sinhalese). I began to read CT only after 2015 when it became possible access it without needing to use proxy servers. At that time all sorts of insults were being thrown at her but I began to note (and state) that she was sincere and wrote with passion. I have not once agreed with her views that non-Sinhalese should be granted only second-class status on this island, but it was useful to know what Sinhala fears are.

    • 2

      PART TWO
      I did the same when addressing Dr Janapriya, and even had a 90-minute telephone chat with him after his second article appeared. When the comments were coming in for that article we had fixed a chat, but when he saw the vehemence of my objections he asked for a postponement. I think that I must seek another. Where there is honesty and sincerity I think that it is possible to have meaningful discussion, and disagreement.
      The most serious obstacles to communication today are double-speak and cynicism.
      Panini Edirisinhe

      • 4

        Sinhala Man, I fully agree and what you said at the end is what I find as a trait of Champa. There are few, who are tangential and delusional and then, few like Evil outright racist. But double speaking hypocrites bothers me and unfortunately there are plenty. I too have character defects but consciously remind myself of not being one.

  • 8

    I saw another statement about the Delta variants which I found more vague than before. Doctors should stop making off-hand statements causing unnecessary fear among people.
    If the Covid-19 crisis is in the Western Province, the government should have considered closing Western provincial borders, leaving other provinces open. As many prominent Buddhist monks have pointed out, people come first.
    I don’t understand the logic behind allowing only wholesale business in Dambulla Fresh vegetable market. What about small vendors? When fresh fruits and vegetables are in abundance, it is a crime to not let people have them. Politicians may not be aware that green vegetables are necessary to function the immune system. Last year, I remember generous vegetable businessmen distributing free vegetables among the needy. Poorly planned abrupt lockdowns always cause problems for the needy people.
    The suggestion from heartless government politicians to slash salaries of government and private sector employees should be vehemently condemned. They should be aware that in addition to food and medical costs including PCR and Oxygen, working people have to pay monthly house rents, loans, mortgages and utility bills too. Nobody asked the government to beautify cities or build roads and bridges in the pandemic. They can easily utilize billions of construction money for the pandemic related expenses.

    • 4

      How can doctors stop making such irresponsible remarks so long so called ministers of incumbent rule continue adding even more false statements.
      That informaiton related to a drug added by B **** putha Jayasuman awas a big lie. People went after the drug since he said, it should be available where it is necessary, however, people became helpless. Even after making such lies in public, B**** puthas or th elike dont seem to correct their mistakes.
      Champawithyo… these are the acts of your BELOEVED Rajapkashe criminals. To my eyes, these men should be punished by Karama sooner than later.

    • 5


      What made you stop supporting the Clan, cronies, and its b***s carriers? Did you find your ideological position is no longer compatible with Clan’s greed, corruption, injustices, …..?

      Is it that you could no longer burden yourself with guilt associated with massacring hundred of thousands of innocent civilians over the 25 years to 2009?

      Don’t you feel sorry for Gota another inapt president?

    • 4

      We must thank political cartoonists in Sri Lanka for highlighting the unfairness of the government’s suggestion to deduct 50% of government sector salaries. This suggestion came while having a fat Covid Fund amounting to Rs. 1.8 billion, unlimited funds for city beautification and road building, generous fundings to order duty free vehicles to politicians and millions of funds spent to maintain Parliamentary comedy sittings.
      The problem with Sri Lankan politicians is that they have not been educated to care. These cartoons will show the real picture.
      Avantha’s and Priyanthi’s cartoons.
      Jana Rani’s and Avantha’s cartoons.
      Avantha again.
      (There was another good one, but I couldn’t find it.)

  • 8

    Will the Sinhala-Buddhists allow the Rajapaksas to promise them life and deliver death one more time?

    The Catholic church is even more stridently calling for a revelation of the mastermind behind the Easter Sunday bombing, implying what any good detective will ask: “Who stands to benefit from the crime?”

    The Buddhist supremacists will probably be treated to another innocent scapegoat every so often, on the cusp of the entry of a perceived saviour..After all, the dividends are excellent!

  • 6

    Sri Lanka unfortunately is now well and truly a shit hole country. Sad for the educated/smart and progressive Sri Lankans because they are in this mess too (and hope they get out before the currency collapses entirely), but the large majority of Sri Lankans who voted for this sort of government deserve this.

    This country is like that one relative we all try to avoid at family functions – grievously ill, nearly bankrupt and begging you for money/trying to screw over their own family (i.e. our people) for money, gullible, racist and stupid. Sometimes there is no way out for this kind of relative, you just have to realise quickly and save yourself from them.

  • 7

    Cicero’s comment, “It is best to realise that this island belongs to all its citizens and not to the Sinhala-Buddhists only” should be drilled into all of us. Why is it that many leading Sinhala politicians from Christian backgrounds or having had their education in Christian institutes of education eventually convert to Buddhism when they stand for elections and gain popular votes on the Sinhala Buddhist platform?

    Politicians will not change their stance when they are after power. It’s the world view of the citizens that needs to be changed to accept every Sri Lankan on an equal basis. The people, the citizenry must be made to realise that all citizens in the country are equal ; in the eyes of God and man. We all, our parents and many generations have contributed towards enrichment of the nation on various fronts. We have offered our services and used our skills and knowledge towards nation building. We hurt at the destruction caused to society and to the natural environment because it is our country and we love it. Every citizen stands to be respected and the rule of law of the country is common to all.

    • 2

      In Sri Lanka all the citizens are treated as equal but Tamils and Muslims enjoy certain privileges than others.
      Tamils in Yapanaya have been allowed to keep a Malabar customary law called ‘Thesawalamei’ that they brought from Malabar region in Hindusthan which they use to prevent land in Yapanaya pass on to the hands of Native Sinhalayo. They apply ‘Thesawalamei’ to land that belonged to Sinhalayo before colonial rulers grabbed them by force.
      Muslims have been allowed to keep separate marriage laws. Muslim men can marry several women and under-age women but others can’t. Muslim women who work in certain Government Institutions are entitled to special leave that Sinhala and Tamil women are not entitled to.

      “The people, the citizenry must be made to realise that all citizens in the country are equal;…”

    • 2

      “It’s the world view of the citizens that needs to be changed to accept every Sri Lankan on an equal basis.”
      Can you please tell:
      • What is it that the Sinhalayo are enjoying that the other communities are not enjoying because they are not Sinhala?
      • What is it that the minorities do not enjoy because they are the minority which the majority enjoys because they are the majority?
      • What is legally, constitutionally and legislatively given to the majority that is not given to the minorities?
      • What is it that the Sinhala Buddhists are enjoying that the other communities are not enjoying because they are not Sinhala Buddhists?

    • 2

      “We have offered our services and used our skills and knowledge towards nation building.’
      Don’t forget that some who received free education and health services from the Government of Sri Lanka turned against the Government and Native Sinhalayo and ruined the country by resorting to terrorism.

  • 3

    The governments of Nur Mohammad Taraki, Hafizullah Amin and Babrak Karmal were anti-democratic and repressive.
    Taraki’s Government initiated a land reform and introduced women to political life and legislated an end to forced marriage.
    Taraki was a communist, and cannot be good I guess.

  • 2

    While the bat channel Ada Derana ‘celebrates Sri Lanka being qualified for Semi-finals of Covid-19 World Cup’, there is new revelation by doctors that the reason for recent Covid-19 deaths is (not the virus but) the lack of even basic medicine for patients who were admitted to ICUs. This is sheer negligence on the part of the government and the health sector.
    It is noteworthy to mention here that the Ayurveda Hospital has informed that there were no Covid-19 deaths in their hospital.
    In a country like Sri Lanka where the population largely rely on indigious medicine for infectious diseases, it is a crime to allow western doctors to take end-of-life decisions for Covid-19 patients.
    Since the first case of Covid-19 in Sri Lanka last year, our indeginous doctors have offered to take care of Covid-19 infected patients. Despite repeated requests, the government failed to take a simple decision to spare Covid-19 nightmare. If allowed, our indigenous doctors could have saved a lot of lives. I lament over all needless deaths.

  • 7

    Deepest heartfelt sympathies and condolences to the near and dear ones of the great man Mangala. May he rest in peace. Country lost one of it’s greatest sons due to COVID pandemic.

  • 5

    Two well known activist in their own way are no more. Both died today due to Covid related complications. Mangala and Colombo based human rights lawyer and activist Gauri Thavarasa. R I P .

    • 1

      Susil Sirivardena
      passed away on Sunday. I wonder if you knew of him? I knew him well about thirty years ago, but after he moved from Colpetty to Buller’s Lane, I had no telephone number for him.
      I’ve found this; after you’ve read it, I’ll tell you what other very important things you’ve not been told:
      The problem hen people get old. For the past six months I’d been begging a guy who acknowledged that he lived in the opposite house to get me Susil’s contact details (he obviously had an email address too), but the guy – also a very nice man – said he had never been introduced! I told him that they’d have been only two years apart in school.
      I’ll tell you more tomorrow. There was much more to him than has been reported here.

  • 5

    What I find confusing is according to news Mangala was treated in a private hospital where he was unresponsive for past two days . When they tried to put him on vent he passed away. If true, he should have been on vent for oxygen support days ago , not at the end ??? Hope there is error in reporting news. Anyway the current situation is far worse than anticipated.

  • 6

    Another school going (President’s Girls college , Nawala) 12 year old girl , resident of Rajagiriya died in LRH now. Few days ago a 18 year old boy from Isipathana and a 17 year old girl died of Covid. These sacrifices are what Gotha demanded from public , in saving the nation”. TG is absolutely right in saying “a country to die in”.

  • 6

    “He also seemed to trivialise Covid-19 deaths by stating that most victims were over 60,………..”

    Just wondering what would be the case if what is happening in the country happened in the Government ranks from the top.

  • 2

    SSS is there a name of any Sinhala person, place or thing that is not really Tamil? You are an inveterate joker like that idiot Humble. It is people like you and the piglet that keep the fires of hatred burning. No amount of re-writing history will change the fact that the Tamils of lost again and again from 1948 to the present day.
    It is amazing that the Tamils have been eternal Losers with all the advantages they have had. I mean the fact that they are a majority in the North, East and Central provinces, theh have 50m fellow Tamils just 15 miles away, they have held ministerial posts in every Government for 70 years, they are enterprising and hard working and yet they fail every time. Any other race would have made the Sinhalese a minority by now.
    That’s the great problem isn’t it? The Sinhalese are accused of being a majority with the fears of a minority but the Tamils are a minority with the attitude of a majority.

    • 2

      Any language borrows not just words even grammatical structures in the course of development. If it does not it stagnates.
      Tamil owes much to Sanskrit and Prakrits to blossom as a literary language.
      But where is it today. Fools living in the past have obstructed its modernization.
      Sinhala was fortunate to have modernizers like Munidasa Cumaratunga. It has the mechanism to Sinhalize any alien word without hurting the character of the language.
      Sad that it has slowed down since the 1970s, and especially since globalization. Time for Munidasa Cumaratunga Mark 2, perhaps.
      All parochial nationalists of Asia worship Eng;lish.
      what fraction of its current word stock is Anglo Saxon?
      Do not waste time with ill informed bigotry.

      • 3

        If so, why Sanskrit had become dead?

        • 0

          Every language born dies or mutates.
          A language older than Sanskrit existed in Africa (Egyptian).
          Hebrew ‘died’ as a spoken language but was revived.
          There is a village in Karnataka where they speak Sanskrit. (But that does not quite bring Sanskrit to life.)
          Latin died but found life within whole host of languages in Italy and much of Europe.
          Ancient Greek gave way to modern Greek. (To be fair like Tamil. The fraction of Tamils who can understand classical Sangam Tamil will be no more than Greeks who can understand classical Greek.)
          Latin and Sanskrit owe their elitism for their demise. The common people spoke dialects which became languages in course of time. Variuous Prakrits coexisted with Sanskrit and developed into several Indian languages. Like Latin, Sanskrit lives as part of many Indian languages, including Tamil.
          The Tamil we speak is mutating fast after the slow first wave of ‘Aryanization’ (Sanskrit & Prakrits). Purification of Tamil failed, despite a desperate effort in early 20th Century.
          The current wave of English has hit Tamilnadu with the force of a tsunami and more enduringly than any other alien wave.
          Tamils have forgotten words they used only decades ago, especially medical terms.
          The junctural (sandhi) features are fast disappearing. Foreign sounds have penetrated speech, but cannot be written without resorting to absurd acrobatics.
          Is it not de facto ‘death’?

          • 0

            It is you want to call it de facto death.

            Are our life now similar to our ancestors? Are you exactly your farther or mother?

            Then, by definition, Tamil is either already dead or mutated.

            Stop mocking any thing Tamil in the name of giving learned, educated or researched opinion.

            However, I would say a language evolves, or become frozen in time (become dead) and then may well die in certain circumstances.

            What Tamil good is absorbing change of time in its own way, and for some reason that is not good for you or you want to prove your point.

            If purification failed and Tamil survived, why the so called absurd acrobatics be de facto death?

            The de facto death could have been called at the time purification attempt.

            This is unnecessary fear, and as long as younger generations are comfortable and broadly within the grammar (even that can be adjusted and will be by younger generations) of Tamil (that is the reason for acrobatics), then it should be fine.

            I think fair number of people like you are in their comfort zone and want it continue that way for Tamil be not dead.

            However, I have actually looked into this as a person without any direct involvement.

      • 7

        The nasty bigot is you. Always apologising to Sinhalese racists and Islamic extremists. What is wrong with you? Only conclusion I can come to is that you are someone bitter and twisted and has beome a self hating Tamil. Yes Tamil was encriched by Sanskrit but it was not a one way street, Sanskrit was similarly enriched by Tamil. Around 30% of the Sanskrit vocabulary is derived from Dravidian( Old or Proto Tamil) and Munda langauges. During the colonial period when Aryan supremacy reigned, anything common to Tamil and Sanskrit, was automatically deemed by European linguists as originating from Sanskrit, as it was an Indo European root language, therefore deemed to be superior to a Dravidian language. Now people are aware that it was not a one way but a two way street and many of the common words belonging to both languages have a Tamil/Dravidian origin.

        • 7

          Both Tamil and Sanskrit had a symbiotic relationship with each other from ancient times and not only enriched other. All the major languages in South Asia are either derived from Tamil or Sanskrit and both languages have influenced all South Asian languages, be they Indo European or Dravidian. They not only heavily influenced South Asian languages but also languages from other parts of Asia , especially SE Asia. The scripts of Burmese, Thai, Khemer, Lao, and many other SE languages are derived from Tamil Grantha, Brahmi and Pallava scripts and a large number of their vocbulary is also derived from these two languages. All languages borrow words from each other and it is not a bigdeal. There is no language in the world that has not borrowed vocabulary from another language. However a language borrowing the grammar, lexicon and symntax of another language is a big deal, this shows how much this other language or language group had influenced this language. Sanskrit borrowed the grammer, lexicon and syntax of Dravidian/Tamil , showing how much influence Tamil/Dravidian had on Sanskrit. Tamil only borrowed vocabulary and when you speak in high Tamil, you discard all the borrwed words from Sanskrit and many other language words and speak in almost pure Tamil. Tamil is the only Indian language, that has an ancient rich literature independent of Sanskrit traditions. Please read George Hart Professor Emeritus of Tamil studies Berkley University California. He also is very well versed in Sanskrit . Before posting nonsense and pandering to Sinhalese racists.

          • 5

            Tamil only borrowed vocabulary and when you speak in high Tamil, you discard all the borrwed words from Sanskrit and many other language words and speak in almost pure Tamil. Tamil is the only Indian language, that has an ancient rich literature independent of Sanskrit traditions. Please read George Hart Professor Emeritus of Tamil studies Berkley University California. He also is very well versed in Sanskrit . Before posting nonsense and pandering to Sinhalese racists.

          • 4

            The Indo Aryan lan gauge group, which includes Sanskrit, is the only group amongst the Indo European languages, that has the Dravidian retroflexes, due the borrowing of the Dravidian grammer, lexicon and syntax. Even Dravidian languages like Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, that unlike Tamil, had extensively borrowed Sanskrit vocabulary, have not borrowed anything else from Sanskrit. This proves until contact with the much sophisticated Dravidian people and their language, these war like Aryan tribes that were migrating to the Indian subcontienent via Central Asia and the Iranian plateu, were speaking a basic dialect that was not even written and the language was very simple. All their history and stories were recited, like what the ancient Norse did. What happened later was the amalgamation of these two people and cultures that procuced the culture of South Asia and cuurent Hinduism.

            • 0

              Retroflexion in Sanskrit in the ʈ series of alveolar consonants with the nasal N (ट ठ ड ढ and ण) does not owe it to Dravidian. This set with equivalents (without the aspirates) exist in European languages.
              There is inadequate justification to claim the ʈ-t, ɖ-d distinction has roots in Dravidian.
              Of the pairs n-N, l-L s-sh only the l-L can be claimed to be of Dravidian origin. The letter for L being a late arrival.
              Tamil lacks the third, despite being endowed with five pairs ல-ள ர-ற ற்-ட் ன-ண ய-ழ. (See மொழிதல் Vol 7 No. 1, 2020, Sri Lanka for an explanation of ய-ழ and ற்-ட் not normally listed in Tamil retroflex pairs).
              The tendency for greater retroflexion than in European languages may of course be attributed to Dravidian and other South Asian influences.
              How come Sanskrit had its grammar text (Paanini) centuries beforeTamil?

              • 2

                The retroflex is not found amongst Indo Eurpean languages other than in the Indo Aryan family group. Not even in the Indo Iranian or Iranian family group of the Indo Eurpean langauges, that is a very close cousin of the Indo Aryan family group. This due influnec that the Dravidian( Old Tamil/proto Tamil) language had on Sanskrit and other Indo Aryan languages. Look how a sentence is formed in Hindi, Sinhalese, Bangali, Punjab, it follows the same word arrangement and syntax as Tamil. I go home English. Main Ghar Jarahahoon, ( I home go) in Hindi. Sinhalese Mama Gedera Yanawa( I home go) Tamil. Naan Veetulku Pookirean( I home go). Almost every sentence follows the same syntax word arrangement, lexicon and grammitical structure, proving the great influence that Dravidian( Tamil) has on Indo Aryan languages and this includes Sanskrit. I am not going to keep on argueing with you just for the sake of your petty absurd nit picking arguments, to make you feel important, as important linguists have come to this conclusion. People who have learnt both Tamil and Sanskrit very well. Yet you keep on argueing. To a person from my community Sanskrit is a sacred language as it is the language of the Vedas but I am ethnically a Tamil and Tamil is also important to me and the truth needs to be told

                • 2

                  My mother is a Brahmin(Iyer) from Tamil Nadu and my father is a Jaffna Vellalar Hindu. They met in London and got married. I have kept my part Brahmin origin so far a secret as did not want to be called casteist. This may be the reason I am partial to SSS posts. I have googled and about Geroge Hart and this is the link I found about Tamil and Sanskrit. However unlike SSS I do agree with you that Sanskrit as well as English has enriched modern spoken Tamil and made it more vibrant.



            • 1

              SSS although I agree with 90% of what you state. SJ is also correct. Both Sanskrit and English also enriched modern Tamil and made it more vibrant and interesting. There is nothing wrong in this, as you stated all languages borrow vocabulary and Sanskrit also did this , despite Aryan supremacists and Sanskrit purists and fanatics denying this obvious fact. SJ is not always incorrect and he also makes good points at times and we should appreciate this. We can either use high Tamil which hardly has any mixture or borrowed words from other languages or the more vibrant modern form. Languages like English do this and have grown.

    • 7

      You can say what you want but actions speak louder and prove what Tamil people really are. They are not xenophobic and are secure in themselves. This is why non Tamils like Telugus, Malayali, Kannada and various North Indians flock to the Tamil country in India in their millions and thrive. The Tamils also allow them to thrive as it benefits both people. No North Indian, other Indian of Sinhalese will ever elect a leader who does not belong to their race. However Tamils do , as they are more liberal, broad minded, secure , appreciate and reward talent. This is why they elected non Tamil MG Ramachandran as their leader. Will Sinhalese ever do this ? The answer is no. They are systamatically using their majority destroy the island’s Tamils and Muslims because they suffre from a complex , xenophobic and have not come out of theri Mahavamsa mentality. The sooner they do the better.

      • 2

        SSS read your post again but this time include the disgusting caste attitudes of every Tamil. Broad minded and liberal my arse.

    • 6

      Whether the Tamil people suffer from a majority complex or whatever Sinhalese racists like you want to call, to justify your racsim , unlike the Sinhalese, they have never commited genocide , marginalized or discriminated other people in their lands. They allow everyone to thrive and blossom in their lands and ultimately become part of them. They do not state we are the majrority and you are a minority, therefore do not deserve anything. Even when Tamil people and homes were being destroyed in Karnataka, they showed a lot of restrain and never attacked or discriminated the much larger Kannada origin population, who were living in Tamil Nadu.

      • 4

        Rohan25 so you want to bring up genocide do you? Who slaughtered Sinhala villagers time and time again to drive them out of the East? Who gave the Muslims 24 hours to leave the Northern province? Who massacred Buddhist monks in Arantalawa? The answer is genocidal racist Tamils like yourself. Ugly lying cowards who even today cannot face the truth.

        • 5

          You are nothing but a pathetic Sinhalese racist with a fake Scandinavion identity. The so called Sinhalese villagers in the east were not villagers but thughs and criminals who were delberatly settled there by the Sri Lankan state and armed forces , to deliberately terrorise the local Tamils and ehnically cleanse them. Sinhalese were chased out of the east. Racist don’t make me laugh If they were chased out how come the Sinhalese population in the east, that was only around 4% at the time of independence has now increased to 23%? Answer me. Tamil population in the east from a majority now redued to 40% ? Muslims in the north were told to leave , as they were colloborating with the Sinhalese Sri Lankan armed forces spying for them and storing large amount of arms in their mosques . The LTTE found out in time and had to take drastic action , as they did not want a repeat of what happened to the eastern Tamils in the east , at the hands of the Muslim home guards who were heavily armed by the Sri Lankan armed forces to happen in the north. Far more Tamils in the east were killed raped and ethnically cleansed by these Muslim homeguards than the Muslims who were told to leave the north but no one talks about this. Tamis are the indigenous popultion of the north and east.

          • 5

            Not Muslims or Sinhalese who are recent arrivals. Who asked them to spy for the Sinhalese armed forces? Why did they need all these arms? Against whom were they fighting ? The total number of Muslims in the north was only 60000 at that time, however, heavly armed and fighting together with a Sri Lankan armed forces , they could have done a lot of damage and killed thousands of Tamils , that they were intending too. The Tamils and the LTTE until then, treated them very well and condidered them as part of the northern Tamils. Stop lying. Displaced northern Muslims have been allowed to return, in contrast the displaced and ethnically cleansed Tamils in the east have never been allowed to return to their homes and villagers in the east.
            Far more Tamils in the east were killed raped and ethnically cleansed by these Muslim homeguards than the Muslims who were told to leave the north but no one talks about this. Tamis are the indigenous popultion of the north and east. Not Muslims or Sinhalese who are recent arrivals. Who asked them to spy for the Sinhalese armed forces? Why did they need all these arms? Against whom were they fighting ?

            • 6

              The LTTE was a guerilla organizaation that owed its existanve to state sponsored Sinhalese racism, marginalization and discrimination against the Tamils. Trying to compare this to the Sri Lankan state and armed forces that have a duty to treat all its citizens equally and with dignity, irrespeictive of race, religion. language spoken and ethnicity. Not just the Sinhalese only. Every Sri Lankan government from the time of independence has failed to do this and have set about deliberately marginalizing , discriminating , commiting structural genocide and war crimes on the Island’s Tamils with intention of destroying them and erasing their language history and heritage from the island. They reduced the population of the island’s Tamils from 26% to 15% within 70 years of independence, by making a million Indian origin estate Tamils stateless in the 1950s. Then deliberately chased out a million indigenous Eelam Tamils out of country, largely to the west. Stole 1/3 of the ancient Tamil homeland by using the rescources of the Sinhalese state and armed forces to ethnically cleanse Tamils and settle outside Sinhalese. Denied Tamils use of their language, higher education, employment and even the to live in peace and diginity.

        • 3


          The Tamil Terrorists Tried their Best to drive the Muslims out of the East by attacking the Muslims even while they were praying inside the Mosques in Kattankudy and Eravur killing hundreds and wounding many more. They also attacked and killed Haj Pilgrims returning after Haj.

          Also, in about 15,000 incidents of Land Grabbing in the East, the Brutal Tamils Grabbed almost 63,000 Acres of land from Muslims in the East.

          But these SHAMELESS LIARS keep Accusing the Muslims of attacking their temples, attacking them and grabbing their lands. DISGUSTING. SIMPLY DISGUSTING.

  • 2

    SSS read your post again but this time include the disgusting caste attitudes of every Tamil. Broad minded and liberal my arse.

    • 5

      Svenson the fake Viking from the north, I do not have to read my post. The so called disdusting caste attitude that you accuse the Sri Lankan Tamils have is far more disgusting and more prevalent amongst the Sinhalese than amongst the Sri Lankan Tamils. Just go and read the marriage colomuns where Sinhalese parents want partners for their childred only from their caste or higher but never lower. Sinhalese will only vote along caste lines and will only elect leaders who belong to the uppers castes and have to be Buddhist. Upper caste Sinhalese Christian leaders had to convert to Buddhism in order to win elections. Tamils will elect or accept a leader who they think is capable , irrespective of caste or religion proving who is caste consious. Lord Buddah preached against caste but when a Low countrly Karawe Catholic was made the governor of the Kandyan Sinhalese heartland the Central Province the Mahanayakes and the Kandyan Sinhalese establishment protested about this appointment, stating, this appointment was an insult and they only wanted an upper caste Kandyan Sinhalese Buddhist or Christian to the governor of Central Province. Tamils are not that petty and caste consious and do not protest about such silly disgusting matters. You are now showing your true racist colours, yet some spiteful self hating Tamils support you, for their own selfish agenda.

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