14 October, 2024


A Cry From The Heart

By Revd. Lakshman Wickremesinghe

30 years ago today the late Bishop of Kurunegala, the Revd. Lakshman Wickremesinghe, one of Sri Lanka’s finest sons, delivered what turned out to be his final Pastoral Address to his diocese. Because of the continuing relevance of issues raised in that insightful Address we reproduce it today.

Late Bishop of Kurunegala, Revd. Lakshman Wickremesinghe

There are theories and there are facts. Theo- ries vary… The facts however cannot be de- nied. Thousands of Tamils, old and young, and even little children, were assaulted, robbed, killed, bereaved, and made refugees. They saw their homes, possessions, vehicles, shops and factories plundered, burnt or destroyed. These people were humiliated, made to live in fear and rendered helpless…

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  • 0

    I like the photos, but it is hard to just cut and past them to the Facebook pages of people who are blocked from access. This is excellent….

    @Wyatt K, just post the link in FB, anyone can access now, because it is https , see; https://www.colombotelegraph.com – CT

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    Why did he say that Chevanayagam was a Tamil Moses? Was he supporting separatism in 1977? Did he oppose caste pollution implemented by the math prof Sundaralingam?

    Since he was not a Buddhist he did nit know that Buddhist folks never discriminated against others. It was the Colombo political families who did it

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      Come on Mister, The Buddhist Sinhala voted for the Sinhala Only. Both the Banda/Chelva and Dudly/Chelva pacts shelved because of Buddhist Sinhala revolt. The Buddhist Sinhala enjoyed the Tamil bashing; more the bashing the more they like it! You have the audacity to write what you have written!

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      “…. Buddhist folks never discriminated against others”

      Yes, just like the BBS saints. Also, those who murdered, raped, plundered and set fire to tamil homes and businesses were all Sinhala Christians and Veddas.

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    Ranil’s uncle and another traitor

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      he is not a traitor but a righteous son of mother lanka,while you are loser who clings to racism cyril!

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    Father Lakshman was not only a devout priest but was also one of the most brilliant intellectuals ever produced in Sri Lanka. He was the first to get a first class in political science. His humility was commensurate his achievements and attainments at such an early age. we miss him. Bensen

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    He was not a sinhala buddhist and that made all the difference. He was quite the aristocrat though and knew very well how to play the caste card when required.His diocese was neatly arranged along caste lines.

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      You crazyoldman-sl: “play the caste card”? “diocese…arranged along caste lines”?

      This is new to me. Please do elaborate. I knew Fr Lak,as I always called him, from about 1957 & was never aware of this side of him.

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